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March 31, 2020

Carla Evans, Ph.D.

National Center for the Improvement
of Educational Assessment


• What is Critical Thinking?............................... 4
• Are Critical Thinking Skills
Generic or Discipline-Specific?...................... 6
• What is the Relationship
Between Critical Thinking and
Other Success Skill Concepts?....................... 6

• How Does Critical Thinking Develop?.......... 8

• What Are Some Instructional
Approaches to Teaching
Critical Thinking?............................................. 8
• What Do We Know About the
Effects of Instruction on the
Development of Critical Thinking
1. Center for Assessment completed this work Skills and Student Achievement?.................. 9
on behalf of PBLWorks (Buck Institute for
Education) in its effort to provide tools and
resources to school and district partners as MEASUREMENT/ASSESSMENT..........................10
they assess student success skill performance
in Gold Standard Project Based Learning. •H
 ow is Critical Thinking
Typically Measured or Assessed?............... 10
• What are the Measurement/
2. I acknowledge the terrific feedback on Assessment Issues Related to
previous drafts from my colleagues at the
Center for Assessment. Any errors and Critical Thinking?........................................... 11
omissions are my own.

3. This work is licensed under the Creative

• What are the Implications of
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License (CC BY). To view a copy of this
Research for Assessment
license, visit http://creativecommons.org/ Design and Use?........................................... 12

4. Evans, C. M. (2020). Measuring student success CONCLUSION......................................................14

skills: A review of the literature on critical
thinking. Dover, NH: National Center for the
Improvement of Educational Assessment. REFERENCES........................................................15

Educational philosophers, from Plato and Socrates to John Dewey, highlighted the importance of critical
thinking and the intrinsic value of instruction that reaches beyond simple factual recall (McPeck, 1981).
Teaching students to think critically is an avowed aim of education because critical thinking cuts across
almost all areas of life (Facione, 1990; Kurfiss, 1988; Paul & Elder, 2007). Critical thinking is vital to “the
personal and civic life of all members of society” because it
allows individuals to evaluate information presented to them
in order to make better judgments (Facione, 1990, p. 32). Teaching students to think
Critical thinking also provides the foundation for inquiry
(Abrami et al., 2008): One cannot investigate claims, evaluate
critically is an avowed aim of
the quality of evidence, or make any other inquiry-based education because critical
endeavor without thinking critically. Edward Glaser, the father
of contemporary research in critical thinking, argued that only
thinking cuts across almost all
citizens with developed critical thinking skills can make areas of life.
intelligent judgments about public issues (Abrami et al., 2015).

The critical thinking literature is rooted in three fields: psychology, philosophy, and education (Lewis &
Smith, 1993; Sternberg, 1986). These disciplines reflect different approaches for defining critical thinking.
The psychological tradition emphasizes mastery of discrete skills and dispositions that generalize across
multiple contexts (Sternberg, 1986); these skills include interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and synthesis.
Explicit instruction in critical thinking increases the potential for transfer across contexts (van Gelder, 2005).
In this way, the psychological tradition tends to focus on what constitutes good critical thinking.

In contrast, the philosophical tradition focuses on the ideal critical thinker, emphasizing the person’s qualities
and characteristics rather than the behaviors or actions the critical thinker can perform (Lewis & Smith,
1993). Exemplified in the work of Paul and Elder (2007), the philosophical approach traditionally has focused
on the use of formal rules of logic applied to content-specific knowledge. This differs from the psychological
approach because, philosophers believe, critical thinking skills and dispositions are inseparable from
content. Philosophers argue, for example, that no critical thinking skills are necessary or sufficient across all
contexts; it depends, rather, on the subject area (Bailin & Siegel, 2003).

Finally, the educational tradition of critical thinking stems from the work of Benjamin Bloom. Educators have
long relied on Bloom’s taxonomy of hierarchical cognitive processing skills for both teaching and assessing
higher-order thinking skills. Factual recall and other knowledge-level cognitive processes sit at the bottom of
the taxonomy, with the three highest levels—analysis, synthesis, and evaluation—generally seen to
constitute critical thinking (Lai, 2011).

Drawing on all three traditions, the purpose of this literature review is to explore the conceptualizations,
definitions, and understandings in the research literature related to critical thinking. Key initial questions
include: What is critical thinking? How is critical thinking related to other success skill concepts? And to what
extent does critical thinking develop over time? This foundational information will then be used to examine
(a) instructional approaches to promote critical thinking, (b) benefits of critical thinking on valued student
outcomes such as student learning, and (c) ways teachers can collect evidence that reveals the benefits of
student critical thinking outcomes using student artifacts and other appropriate measures.

What is Critical Thinking?
There is considerable dispute about how to define critical thinking. This debate relates to the three
traditions noted above and their differing conceptualizations of critical thinking. The dispute also stems
from different understandings of what it means to think critically. Although all scholars agree that critical
thinking pertains to mental processes, they disagree on the extent to which critical thinking includes both
cognitive skills and dispositions (Facione, 1990). Researchers note that the skill involved in thinking critically
is distinct from the disposition to do so (Ennis, 1993). For example, an individual may have the skill to judge
the veracity of received information, but not actually employ this skill. In the literature, the most commonly
cited critical thinking dispositions are open-mindedness,
fair-mindedness, the propensity to seek reason,
The Delphi panel defined
inquisitiveness, the desire to be well-informed, flexibility, and
respect for (and willingness to entertain) others’ viewpoints critical thinking as
(Lai, 2011).
...purposeful, self-regulatory
The American Philosophical Association, in 1990, convened a judgment which results in
panel of 46 experts to correspond about how critical thinking
should be defined and conceptualized; this exchange resulted interpretation, analysis,
in “The Delphi Report” (Facione, 1990). The Delphi panel evaluation, and inference, as
defined critical thinking as
...purposeful, self-regulatory judgment which results in well as explanation...
interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference, as well
as explanation of the evidential, conceptual, methodological, criteriological, or contextual considerations
upon which that judgment is based. . . .The ideal critical thinker is habitually inquisitive, well-informed,
trustful of reason, open-minded, flexible, fair-minded in evaluation, honest in facing personal biases,
prudent in making judgments, willing to reconsider . . . and persistent in seeking results which are as
precise as the subject and the circumstances of inquiry permit (Facione, 1990, p. 3).

As summarized in Table 1, the Delphi panel identified six cognitive skills (and corresponding subskills) and
two dispositions (and corresponding sub-dispositions), which, together, provide a framework for
understanding and assessing critical thinking. The National Research Council (2012) concurred with The
Delphi Report, agreeing that critical thinking entails both cognitive skills and dispositions.

Table 1.
List of Critical Thinking Skills and Dispositions from The Delphi Report

Category Description

• Categorization
• Decoding significance
• Clarifying meaning

• Examining ideas
• Identifying arguments
• Analyzing arguments

• Assessing claims
• Assessing arguments
Cognitive skills
and subskills
• Querying evidence
• Conjecturing alternatives
• Drawing conclusions

• Stating results
• Justifying procedures
• Presenting arguments

• Self-examination
• Self-correction

Approaches to specific issues, questions, or problems:

• Clarity in stating the question or concern
• Orderliness in working with complexity
• Diligence in seeking relevant information
• Reasonableness in selecting and applying criteria
• Care in focusing attention on the concern at hand
• Persistence though difficulties are encountered
• Precision to the degree permitted by the subject and the circumstance

Dispositions and Approaches to life and living in general:

sub-dispositions • Inquisitiveness with regard to a wide range of issues
• Concern to become and remain generally well-informed
• Open-mindedness regarding alternatives and opinions
• Understanding of the opinions of other people
• Fair-mindedness in appraising reasoning
• Honesty in facing one’s own divergent world views
• Flexibility in considering biases, prejudices, stereotypes, egocentric or
sociocentric tendencies
• Prudence in suspending, making or altering judgments
• Willingness to reconsider and revise views where honest reflection suggests
that change is warranted

Note. See Facione (1990, pp. 6-13) for a more complete description of each skill and disposition.

Are Critical Thinking Skills Generic or Discipline-Specific?
Are critical thinking skills general, transferable, and applicable across disciplinary areas, or, rather, does
critical thinking differ according to the content domain and context in which it is taught and applied? This is
an important question, to be sure. If critical thinking is generic, then it arguably could be taught
independently in separate courses, with the sole focus being on the development of critical thinking skills.
But if critical thinking is regarded as particular to a discipline, then it should be taught embedded within
subject-matter content.

There are at least three positions on this question. The generalist position (Siegel, 1991; Pithers & Soden,
2000) contends that many aspects of critical thinking, such as identifying faulty reasoning and informal
fallacies, are generalizable across disciplines. According to Siegel (1991), critical thinking is generalizable in
this regard because errors of reasoning are based on argument design, not content. And while Pithers and
Soden (2000) concede that critical thinking may have subject-specific elements, “it is difficult to conceive of
any broad type of thinking that has no significant application outside a particular discipline” (p. 246). For
example, the basic building blocks of inquiry and research, such as forming and testing hypotheses, seem
sufficiently broad that they need not be learned anew in each discipline, but, rather, can be transferred
across contexts.

The specifist position (McPeck, 1981) argues for the indispensability of content knowledge in the critical
thinking process. McPeck dismisses the generalist’s argument for three reasons: (a) all thinking is thinking
about something; (b) general critical thinking ability is not possible because knowledge of a subject is
necessary for critical thinking; and (c) critical thinking varies greatly from discipline to discipline. Critical
thinking in biology, for example, may well be different from critical thinking in history or art.

The blended position, in short, is a mixture of the two (Ennis, 1993; Facione, 1990; Kurfiss, 1988; Paul & Elder,
2007). While recognizing that critical thinking skills can be distinguished from content knowledge, adherents
of the blended position assert that “one of the best ways to learn critical thinking is within a subject area”
(Facione, 1990, p. 32). Additionally, because what counts as evidence vary from discipline to discipline,
general critical thinking skills are necessary but insufficient for enabling critical thought within a given
discipline (Kurfiss, 1988; Lai, 2011).

What is the Relationship between Critical Thinking and other Success Skill Concepts?
Not every important thinking skill is critical thinking. The Delphi Report authors contend that “critical
thinking is one among a family of closely related forms of higher-order thinking, along with, for example,
problem solving, decision making, and creative thinking” (Facione, 1990, p. 16). Although these concepts are
related and overlap in practice, they nevertheless have
distinguishing characteristics.
Not every important thinking
Problem solving, for example, involves focusing on a problem
skill is critical thinking.
and finding a solution—a narrow focus and scope. Critical
thinking goes beyond problem solving because critical thinking
is not necessarily centered on finding a solution (Simpson & Courtney, 2003). Critical thinking is broader,
focusing on interrogating assumptions, evaluating claims, and critiquing solutions based on evidence.

Many researchers have connected creativity and critical thinking (Lai, 2011). Paul and Elder (2006), for
example, see creativity and critical thinking as two sides of the same coin. Good critical thinking requires the
ability to create intellectual products, which relates to creativity and creative thinking. Good critical thinking
also requires the individual to analyze and evaluate the quality, usefulness, and sufficiency of those
intellectual products, which relates to specific cognitive skills and dispositions. As Paul and Elder argue,

“Critical thinking without creativity reduces to mere skepticism and negativity, and creativity without critical
thought reduces to mere novelty” (p. 35). In practice, the two are inextricably linked and develop in parallel.

In the National Research Council (2012) report, the authors consider critical thinking, along with creative
thinking and content knowledge, to fall in the cognitive competency category. Yet critical thinking is also
related to the other two categories—intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies. The authors of the
report presented a range of intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies that are closely related and
often employed in tandem as students or individuals transfer their learning to new or novel situations.
Table 2 summarizes these competencies.

Table 2.
National Research Council 21st Century Competencies

Cognitive Competencies Intrapersonal Competencies Interpersonal Competencies

Cognitive Processes and Intellectual Openness Teamwork and Collaboration

Strategies Flexibility, adaptability, artistic Communication, collaboration,
Critical thinking, problem and cultural appreciation, etc.
solving, analysis, reasoning/ personal and social
argumentation, interpretation, responsibility
decision making, adaptive
learning, executive function

Work Ethic/ Leadership

Knowledge Conscientiousness
Information literacy, Motivation and self-direction,
information and responsibility, Type 1 self-
communications technology regulation (metacognition,
literacy, oral and written including forethought,
communication, active listening performance, and self-
reflection), and perseverance

Positive Core Self Evaluation

Type 2 self-regulation (self-
monitoring, self-evaluation,
Creativity and innovation
self-reinforcement), physical
and psychological health

Note. Figure adapted from National Research Council, 2012.

Metacognition—“thinking about thinking”—also is involved in the process of critical thinking. Metacognition

can be seen as a supporting condition for critical thinking, in that monitoring the quality of one’s thought
makes it more likely that one will engage in good critical thinking (Lai, 2011). Lai (2011) argues further that
self-regulation provides the link between the two. Self-regulation is the ability to plan, direct, and control
one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors during a learning task. In short, students use self-regulation as
they monitor the quality of their thought (metacognition), which then supports critical thinking.

Critical thinking is related to motivation as well. As Facione (2000) put it, the disposition to think critically
reflects the “consistent internal motivation to engage problems and make decisions” (p. 65). Motivation, like
metacognition, is viewed as a supporting condition for critical thinking in that unmotivated individuals are
unlikely to exhibit good critical thinking (Lai, 2011).

How Does Critical Thinking Develop?
Adults do not always employ critical thinking when it’s called for. Climate change, for example, is a
controversial topic because people are not necessarily swayed by facts, reason, or evidence; many find
personal experience more compelling than logical thought or
empirical evidence. Given this natural tendency, Halpern
(1998) warns that we should not expect dramatic Research suggests there is
improvements in critical thinking as a result of instructional
interventions; improvement, rather, likely will be slow and
no single age when children
incremental. are developmentally ready
People begin developing critical thinking competencies at a to learn more complex ways
very young age, and the efficacy of instructional interventions
of thinking.
for improving critical thinking does not differ by grade level
(Abrami et al., 2015). This finding is surprising from a Piagetian
perspective, which views the cognitive processes of young children as undeveloped compared with those of
older individuals. However, research suggests there is no single age when children are developmentally
ready to learn more complex ways of thinking (Silva, 2008), a finding consistent with both sociocultural and
cognitive learning theory.

The Delphi Report recommends that, “from early childhood, people should be taught . . . to reason, to seek
relevant facts, to consider options, and to understand the views of others” (Facione, 1990, p. 27). However,
little is known about how critical thinking skills and dispositions develop (Lai, 2011); there are no learning
progressions of critical thinking skills and dispositions. Indeed, the Delphi Report cautioned that its
framework for critical thinking should not be interpreted as implying a developmental progression or
hierarchical taxonomy (Facione, 1990). Only one researcher has published a developmental progression of
critical thinking skills and dispositions (Kuhn, 1999)—a perspective arguably at odds with sociocultural and
cognitive perspectives, which do not restrict when students are able to start learning to think deeply.

What Are Some Instructional Approaches to The debate regarding general
Teaching Critical Thinking?
versus content-specific critical
The debate regarding general versus content-specific critical
thinking skills, discussed above, has considerable implications thinking skills, discussed
for how teachers approach the teaching of critical thinking.
above, has considerable
If critical thinking is generic, as argued earlier, then it can be implications for how teachers
taught independently in separate courses, focusing solely on
critical thinking development. If critical thinking is content and approach the teaching of
context dependent, however, then its instruction should be critical thinking.
embedded in the discipline.

Ennis (1989) provided a typology of critical thinking approaches for classifying and describing various
instructional interventions related to teaching critical thinking: general, immersion, and mixed approaches.
These typologies are aligned with the generalist, specifist, and blended perspectives respectively.

Table 3 summarizes the three instructional approaches related to teaching critical thinking and identifies the
extent to which general critical thinking is explicitly or implicitly taught, and the extent to which subject
matter instruction is woven into each approach. In the general approach, generic critical thinking skills and
dispositions are explicitly taught and are the learning objectives, without specific subject matter content. In
contrast, students are immersed in subject matter content knowledge without instruction in generic critical
thinking in the immersion approach. The mixed approach typically involves a separate section of the course
that explicitly teaches general critical thinking skills and the rest of the course embeds critical thinking
instruction within subject-specific norms and evidentiary arguments.

Table 3.
Types of Talk Activated in Collaborative Learning Activities from Less to More Sophisticated

Approach General Critical Thinking Skills Subject Matter Instruction

(Position) (Explicitly or Implicitly Taught) (High or Low)

Explicit Low

Implicit High

Explicit High

What Do We Know About the Effects of

Instruction on the Development of Critical Overall, findings from
Thinking Skills and Student Achievement? hundreds of experimental or
Abrami et al. (2008, 2015) conducted two meta-analyses to
synthesize the empirical research on the effects of instruction quasi-experimental studies
on the development and enhancement of critical thinking show that instruction
skills and dispositions, the latter of which also included effects
on student achievement. Overall, findings from hundreds of improves critical thinking skills
experimental or quasi-experimental studies show that and dispositions,
instruction improves critical thinking skills and dispositions,
corresponding to an average effect size of +.30, or almost one corresponding to an average
third of a standard deviation. This effect size is small to effect size of +.30, or almost
moderate by conventional standards for judging this statistic,
but practically meaningful in the educational research one third of a standard
literature and similar to the impact of formative assessment deviation.
on student achievement (Black & Wiliam, 1998).

This instructional effect, however, is neither uniform nor consistent across studies. For example, the
authors’ 2008 meta-analysis revealed larger effects for K-12 students than for undergraduates (although this
finding was not replicated in their later meta-analysis). Further, the 2008 study found that the type of critical

thinking intervention also explained variability in instructional effects. Mixed-approach interventions—those
combining both subject-matter content and explicit critical thinking instruction—significantly outperformed
all other types of instruction, whereas immersion interventions significantly underperformed all other
approaches. That is, the least effective approach was to immerse students in thought-provoking subject
matter instruction without explicit use of critical thinking principles.

In their 2015 meta-analysis, Abrami et al. found that two general types of instructional interventions are key
to the development of critical thinking skills: (a) using collaborative or cooperative learning methods; and (b)
using real-life problems, situations, and examples. Many of the studies included in this later meta-analysis
contained measures of course-content learning (e.g., chemistry) as well as generic critical thinking skills.
Most of these measures were teacher-made, so their psychometric properties remain unknown. That said,
the average effect size was +.33, with, as in the authors’ earlier meta-analysis, individual effects varying
considerably across studies.

In terms of teacher training, findings across studies suggest that professional development in teaching
critical thinking skills had more of an impact on teacher efficacy than teachers observing other teachers,
receiving detailed curriculum guides, or listing critical thinking objectives as part of course objectives
(Abrami et al., 2008).

These findings show that improving students’ critical thinking skills and dispositions cannot be left simply to
implicit expectations. Rather, teachers must make critical thinking objectives explicit in their lessons and
courses, and critical thinking instruction must be addressed in both preservice and in-service training.
Findings also suggest there are effective strategies for improving critical thinking skills, such as dialogue/
question posing and authentically situated instruction. Teachers can facilitate opportunities for students to
engage in critical thinking activities as they provide real-world opportunities for solving problems with
multiple solutions, provide structure that allows students to respond to open-ended questions and
formulate and articulate solutions to problems, and provide a variety of learning activities that allow
students to choose and engage in solving authentic problems.

How is Critical Thinking Typically Measured or Assessed?
Measuring critical thinking is complex. Critical thinking has elements that are both domain-specific and
generic. Critical thinking also involves cognitive skills and dispositions. Researchers and practitioners have
used two main types of instruments for assessing critical thinking: standardized tests and performance-
based assessments.

Standardized Tests
There are many standardized tests of critical thinking skills, such as the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking
Appraisal test and California Critical Thinking Skills Test. There are also a few for assessing critical thinking
dispositions, such as the California Critical Thinking Dispositions Inventory. And then there are the recent
computer-based assessments of critical thinking, such as Educate Insight’s Reasoning Skills and Thinking
Mindset for Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12 (The California Academic Press, n.d.). The Reasoning Skills
assessment targets the cognitive domain of critical thinking, and the Thinking Mindset the affective domain
(both using multiple-choice questions).

Construct underrepresentation is the inherent weakness of many standardized tests. This is particularly
relevant to critical thinking, as many of the existing measures focus on generic critical thinking skills.
Additionally, a multiple-choice format may not adequately capture the dispositional characteristics of

test-takers. For example, Ku (2009) argues that multiple-choice critical thinking tests only measure
recognition and, therefore, cannot “reveal test-takers’ underlying reasoning for choosing a particular answer
. . . [or] reflect test-takers’ ability to think critically under unprompted situations” (p. 70).

Performance-Based Assessments
High-quality performance-based assessments require Performance assessments are
students to apply (or transfer) their knowledge and skills to well-suited to gather evidence
novel contexts. Performance assessments involve students
producing something (e.g., report, product, experiment or of students’ level of
demonstration), which is then evaluated against specific sophistication in applying
criteria found in a rubric or scoring guide. Such measures are
well-suited to gather evidence of students’ level of critical thinking skills and
sophistication in applying critical thinking skills and dispositions.

Several organizations and researchers have created critical-thinking rubrics to accompany performance-
based assessment or project-based learning (American Association of Colleges and Universities, 2009; Buck
Institute for Education, 2019; Saxton, Belanger, & Becker, 2012; Washington State Career and Technical
Education, n.d.). Reflecting the Delphi Report’s definition of critical thinking, the Critical Thinking Analytic
Rubric (CTAR; Saxton et al., 2012) comprises six dimensions—interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference,
explanation, and disposition—and is scored on a 6-point scale. Acceptable levels of both intra- and inter-
rater reliability have been reported, although no evidence regarding validity can be found.

What are the Measurement/Assessment Issues Related to Critical Thinking?

There are instructional, practical, and technical considerations when selecting (or designing) measures of
21st century competencies (Soland et al., 2013). Instructional considerations pertain to the use of
assessment information. For example, is the measure intended to be used formatively or summatively? Is it
to provide actionable information to teachers, or useful feedback to students? Is the assessment grade,
context, or culturally appropriate? Practical considerations relate to cost and ease of administration,
delivery, and scoring. And technical considerations center on validity, reliability, and fairness.

The desired inferences that educators wish to make from assessment results will influence what evidence
will be collected (NRC, 2011; Wilson et al., 2012). The development of educational and psychological tests
typically proceed as follows: define the targeted construct;
create tasks to elicit desired responses; select item types;
consider the various administration issues; determine the The desired inferences that
values, codes, or scores to be assigned to student responses;
pilot the assessment, using a large and diverse sample of educators wish to make from
students; model and analyze responses, attending to technical assessment results will
issues such as validity, reliability, and test fairness.
influence what evidence will
With respect to defining the construct of critical thinking, the
desire to measure both cognitive skills and dispositions be collected.
requires close attention to test format (Ku, 2009). Multiple-
choice items may adequately measure generic critical thinking
skills, but may not adequately capture the dispositional aspects of critical thinking. Students can select
responses to items that elicit analysis, for example, but that selection does not mean that a student is likely
to apply analysis skills in context.

Additionally, because the debate over domain specificity in critical thinking remains unresolved, assessing
critical thinking is difficult because the type of inferences (or claims) that can be made from assessment
results is unclear (Lai, 2011). For example, if students demonstrate critical thinking skills in a particular
subject area, would they be able to transfer those skills to another topic in the same subject area (near
transfer) or to another subject area altogether (far transfer)? When students do not transfer critical thinking
skills to another subject area, is this because they need additional instruction in critical thinking, additional
instruction in the subject area, or both? Not only are the cognitive aspects of critical thinking confounded
with subject-specific knowledge, but the dispositional aspects of critical thinking are confounded with the
ability to think critically (Lai, 2011). Just because researchers agree that critical thinking comprises both
cognitive skills and dispositions does not mean that it is possible to delineate their separate effects in
practice (Lai, 2011).

What are the Implications of Research for Assessment Design and Use?
Assessment Design
The following implications for assessment design are related
to classroom-based assessments in particular. These While some students may
implications are not limited to critical thinking, as they also
apply to most of the other student success skills.
exhibit critical thinking
without being prompted, most
First, assessment tasks should prompt complex judgments.
While some students may exhibit critical thinking without will rise or sink to what the
being prompted, most will rise or sink to what the task
task requires.
requires. The materials (visual, texts, etc.) used to elicit
students’ critical thinking therefore are crucial and have a
sizable impact on the extent to which critical thinking is elicited in any given assessment experience. In other
words, if the task doesn’t ask students to think critically, they likely will not demonstrate evidence of critical
thinking. The task, embedded in projects or other curriculum activities, must be designed and structured
thoughtfully to elicit students’ critical thinking.

Similarly, assessment tasks should include open-ended and/or ill-structured tasks. Open-ended tasks are
the opposite of standardized assessments, which rely heavily on selected response item types that assess
limited aspects of critical thinking and other 21st century skills (Ku, 2009; Lai & Viering, 2012). Open-ended
tasks allow students to decide what information is relevant, how to use the information, and how to
demonstrate their understanding of the information; open-ended tasks also allow multiple solution
pathways. In contrast, closed tasks typically have one correct solution, and the teacher indicates what
information is relevant and how the information is to be presented. An ill-structured task has “no clearly
defined parameters, no clear solution strategies, and either more than one correct solution, or multiple
ways, of arriving at an acceptable solution” (Lai & Viering, 2012, p. 46). Fischer, Spiker, and Riedel (2009)
found that stimulus material that is conflicting, disordered, and/or uncertain generated more critical
thinking in U.S. Army officers than did consistent and coherent stimulus materials (p. vi). The advantages of
open-ended and/or ill-structured tasks for the purpose of measuring critical thinking is that such tasks allow
for multiple, defensible solutions and, further, require students to apply (or transfer) their learning to novel

Assessment tasks should be authentic. As Care et al (2018) state: “the premise for good assessment is that
it captures valid indicators of the target construct…to stimulate the behaviors from which these indicators
can be captured, the assessment design must mirror the real-life demands of a situation that would provoke

those behaviors” (p. 20). Authentic, real-life contexts do not guarantee the validity of the assessment
information for any particular use, but authenticity does contribute to validity. Similarly, authenticity is an
important consideration for student motivation and engagement—both of which also relate to validity.

Finally, assessment tasks should make student thinking visible to teachers. To provide formative feedback
regarding the quality of students’ critical thinking, teachers must have assessment tasks that render student
thinking visible. This can be accomplished in multiple ways, but their commonality is that all approaches
likely will require students to provide written or verbal evidence that support their claims, judgments,
assertions, and so on.

Assessment Use
There are many challenges with assessment use regarding 21st century skills. First and foremost, there are
no clear end of grade-level or grade-span standards that define proficiency for any of the success skills,
including critical thinking. There is at least one research-based, hypothesized learning progression of how
students demonstrate less to more sophisticated forms of critical thinking in the literature (Quinn,
McEachen, Fullan, Gardner, & Drummy, 2020). This learning
progression is analytic and multi-dimensional, with five levels
of student performance, and describes performance in grades It is unclear how students
K-12 (i.e., broken down by neither grade level nor grade span). develop competence in the
Empirically validated learning progressions do not yet exist for domain of critical thinking,
student success skills. Consequently, it is unclear how
and there are no expected
students develop competence in the domain of critical
thinking, and there are no expected levels of critical thinking at levels of critical thinking at
certain markers in time. It also is unclear what exactly (if
certain markers in time.
anything) becomes more complex over time related to critical
thinking skills. Is it the case that critical thinking skills, such as
analysis, become more sophisticated over time? Or is it that the assessment tasks and disciplinary content
to which students are applying these skills become more complex (or novel) over time? Or is it a
combination of both?

An additional challenge with assessment use relates to the creation of rubrics to score and grade student
performance in any particular student success skill. Rubrics imply scoring and grading, and grading can have
negative effects on student learning (Shepard, 2019). This is because grading can elicit comparisons among
students, which can adversely affect student motivation. More, specifically, grading 21st century skills is
fraught with potential unintended consequences, as the measures are not sufficiently accurate at the
individual student level and distort the meaning of grades as indicators of academic achievement.
Additionally, there is a long and deep research base related to assessment for learning and how students
learn more from written formative feedback than from grades (Black & Wiliam, 1998).

For these reasons, we suggest not using the language of a rubric, but instead creating research-based
continua to describe student performance from less to more sophisticated. The Delphi Report (Facione,
1990) provides one normative framework for creating critical thinking draft continua. The six cognitive skills
and two groupings of dispositions that constitute the Delphi definition of critical thinking could be used for
structuring either subject-specific analytic continua or generic critical thinking continua having subject-
specific annotations. This approach aims to balance the domain-specific and generic nature of critical
thinking. These continua would be pilot tested on student work in local contexts to evaluate the extent to
which they accurately reflect how students across socio-cultural contexts and conditions demonstrate
competence in the domain.

Additionally, the purpose of the continua would be to provide useful, formative information that teachers
could use to guide instruction and provide feedback to students on the quality of their critical thinking. The
student work analysis could provide a way to evaluate the extent to which the continua provide valuable
and useful feedback to students, parents, and teachers for instructional purposes. Annotated student work
samples from across disciplines and types of assessment tasks would be especially useful in helping
teachers recognize markers for the essential elements of critical thinking in student work products and

Because the so-called deeper learning competencies (cognitive, interpersonal, and intrapersonal) are
intertwined, assessments intended to elicit evidence of a student critical thinking skill will also elicit evidence
of student’s ability to, say, communicate (verbal/written expression) and keep themselves on task (self-
directed learning). The interrelations among student success skills may necessitate a more holistic and
complex understanding of student competence within and across content areas. This has implications for
the use of assessment information for any student success
skill, including critical thinking.
Students should be given
Finally, students should be given multiple opportunities to multiple opportunities to
demonstrate critical thinking in various subjects throughout
the year. The research evidence suggests that while critical demonstrate critical thinking
thinking is instructionally sensitive, it does not necessarily in various subjects throughout
change over the short term. Consequently, it would be
prudent to collect a body of evidence over the course of the the year.
year (or even better over the course of a student’s high school
experience) to support any kind of generalizable claim about students’ critical thinking. The literature
remains unclear, however, regarding how much growth in students’ critical thinking we should expect to see
from one year to the next and, further, if there are particular patterns or stages of critical thinking
development that a continua could incorporate.

The purpose of this paper was to conceptualize and describe critical thinking from the educational,
philosophical, and psychological literature; synthesize research findings; and discuss implications for
assessment design and use. Overall, findings suggest critical thinking involves both cognitive skills and
dispositions. These two aspects are captured in a consensus definition reached by a panel of leading critical
thinking scholars and researchers. The resulting Delphi Report defines critical thinking as “purposeful,
self-regulatory judgment which results in interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference, as well as
explanation of the evidential, conceptual, methodological, criteriological, or contextual considerations upon
which that judgment is based” (Facione, 1999, p. 3).

Debate continues about the extent to which critical thinking is generic or domain-specific and, further, how
critical thinking develops. That said, research suggests that even young children demonstrate aspects of
critical thinking. Empirical research also shows that critical thinking can be taught and that there are specific
instructional approaches and strategies that promote more critical thinking. These instructional approaches
include explicit teaching of subject matter content within a course that also teaches critical thinking skills.
Instructional strategies that promote critical thinking include providing (a) opportunities for students to
solve problems with multiple solutions, (b) structure that allows students to respond to open-ended
questions and formulate solutions to problems, and (c) a variety of learning activities that allow students to
choose and engage in solving authentic problems.

Assessing 21st century skills such as critical thinking is challenging. Educators must attend to how the
assessment design prompts, or elicits, student’s critical thinking. Assessments must be thoughtfully
designed and structured to prompt complex judgments; include open-ended, ill-structured tasks that allow
for multiple, defensible solutions; engage students in authentic, real-world scenarios; and make student
reasoning visible to teachers. At potential odds with instructional goals is creating critical thinking rubrics to
score and grade students. Given the lack of empirical evidence related to how students should develop
competence in the domain of critical thinking by the end of some period of time (end of grade, grade span,
or 12th grade), we recommend that draft critical thinking continua be created to describe student
performance from less to more sophisticated, using shared markers of critical thinking skills. We recommend
these draft continua be tested and evaluated against student work to ascertain the accuracy of their
descriptions of student performance and usefulness for teaching and learning purposes in K-12 classrooms.

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