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Th e purpose of the test is to measu

re the sub jec t's attitude to\\ ards his
Attitude Tow ard s Mother Scale. mother . . .... , of

Th e relationship c,f an individual wit
h the mo the r is a core com:crn in soc
acr oss disciplines. In contemporary ial sciences. cutting
times, both the institutinns and the
fam ilia r roles are undergoing many families and also the
In the light, it was pertinent to review
the changing attituJ~s hl\\ arJ s a mo
off spr ing 's, and sons in the particu ther, shown by the
Maternal em plo ym ent has hroul.!ht
n~l Ul man y :iltl.'ration" in
this bac kdr op, a son· s atti tuJ c t~\ traJ itio nal rda tio nsh ips . Against
\ar J n lll\lth,:r i, l1p1..·ratiun;tl thu:-.:
• Wh at do son ' s ·thin!-..· uhnut th1..·ir
nwth1..·r a-; an inJ i, idu;tl ~111J as a fam
her pos iti (111 in the f.tmil). "hy is ily mcmhcr. (i.e .
~he i:m phl) 1..·d ' 111111-1.:mpht) 1..·1..I. hl'r ow
attitu de) n gen der role
• Wh at do son ·s ·f~ d · ~l'¼,ut th1..·ir
mnth,.:r ~1, :m indi, idu ii ~llld in p;•n
(i.e. to,·c. tru ~l. Ji~ cirl inc ) :nH.:hild rclutionship.
• I low is th e ~on·:) ·~h a, iour' ll>\\ar
J, their muth,:r. ( i.l. " . i;i, ing r1.::-. pcl:t,
sha ring hou ~d1f1IJ i,~u c.'~) importam:c,
• \Vh;.it arl.! moth<.'r· s ·arl.!aS of influl..'
ncc · tln ha ,011 . Ci .I.." . pl.."r,nnal. em
orie nted) otio nal , career


• Th e test v.a s developed by Dr. Sad

me asu re an attitude of males toward a Natu anJ Dr. \\'a Jka r. It is ma de wit h an aim to
s their mo tha s.
• It con sist s of 115 questions with a
"strong! y agree" . 5 point ratin gs sca le i.e. "strongly dis
agr ee" to
• It has four dimensions they are - Thi
nk, Feel, Behave and Are as of Inf
luence of Mo the r.

• Norms:

The tes t sho uld be administered to ma

les bet we en the age gro up of 18-22
)ea rs. ,// ,.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----·-·-· · .. _
• Reliability:

The internal consistency of a scale was measured by using split-half method using Spearman
Bro~n's formula and Cronback's Alpha was computed. The reliability coefficient is 0.89
offering very high reliability.

• Validity:

Discussions with experts in psychology and gender studies ensured content validity of the test.
After doing the item analysis of the scale, only 10% of the items were found to be non-
significant. Since, the scale contained a large number of items(l 15), 10% of the items seemed a
small number. Hence, these items has been rephrased and retained because without these items
the Attitude Towards Mother Scale would be incomplete content-wise.


1. Attitude towards mother manual

2. Attitude towards mother booklet
3. Answer sheet
4. Scoring key
5. Wooden screen


Demographic details

1. Name: Atul Bheema Golhar

2. Age: 22
3. Gender: Male
4. Education Qualification: MBA
5. Martial Status: Unmarried
6. Parents Occupation:
• Father: Indian Army
• Mother: Housemaker

7. Parents Education:
• Father: I 0th
• Mother: I 0th
8. Ordinal Position: 2nd born
9. Geographical Position: Rural
tO. Academic Performance: Third Year B Comm. (63%)
11. Socioeconomic Status: Middle Class
·12. Fal ltlt lttucture: Nuclear Family
13. Genogram: "'\S

The subj ect was an 22 year old from Sinhgad

College, Pune.
Wh en aske d the subject about what does he
felt about his mother he replied that she und
ever yon e in the house, even supports in hand erstands
ling problems of the family, and also have maj
han d in mak ing decisions if it is regarding the or
financial wor k his mother and father both
coll ecti vely handle it also consider his brother
and him in giving suggestions.
Wh en aske d him to explain his mother in one
word he replied "understanding person".
Wh en aske d the subject that how he expresse
s his feelings, love and affection to his mother,
repo rted that, he stays open to his mot her as he
they have mutual understandings he may not
his feelings but his mom understands it bette expr ess
r, but he doe sn't feel like helping his mot her
hou seho ld wor ks and surprising her with gifts in
nor taking care of her as he feels his brot her
doin g that role very well. is

Wh en aske d abo ut the consideration of his

mother in major decisions he reported that she
take s ever y decision at home but he manages alm ost
to take decisions for him. When asked the subj
w ill he supp ort his mother in house business ect
if she starts one at home itsel f, subject reported
he will help her in wor k in which more stren that
gth is required.
He also repo rted that his mother is a role mod
el for him as she handles ever ythi ng and ever
and mak es thei r family members feel her pres yon e,
ence. Understanding nature and honesty are
qua litie s of his mother that he wants to incu two
lcate in himself.


• Whi le using this scale, the respondent should

be given the standardized instructions given
in the booklet. It should be ensured that they
have understood the mea ning of the
statem_ents and the words used in this scale.
They should clarify their dou bts befo re filli
up thei r responses. It should be ensured that ng
they should not leave any item in this scale.
• The re is no limit to ans~ er t?e questions and
there is no right and wro ng answer. The
resp ond ents should avoid usmg the neutral resp
onse as far as possible since the item
exp lore the resp ond ent's attitude towards sens
itive issues they sho uld be ass d abo ut
the confidentiality of the procedure. They shou
ld also be ~rged to respon onestly.
The --~'1:ry casual and carefree. After five ....,. . of the commence
started lauataina at the questions, may be he was recalffna the events or experiencea-
mother. He seemed tired as he directly came from his college after attending the e
asked doubts regarding mother and father relationship.
He basica lly was confused about what kind of relationship his parents shared. It has been
observed that he \\as unaware of what relation actually the husband and wife share.

questions as they
Subjec t said the test was good but the questions were very basic. He liked the
to open every closed
were purely describ ing what he thought about his mother and how he wants
more, but said its
door for his mother. I Ie also complained that the number of questions were
necess ary to make any person to describe what he thinks about his mother easily.



115-348 Conservation attitude towards mother

349-58 0 Egalitarian attitude towards mother


441 Egalitarian attitude towards the mother

the help of scoring
The purpos e of the test was to measure the attitude towards the mother. With
having an
key and age norms, the score obtained was 441, indicating that the subject was
egalita rian attitude towards his mother.
and he himse lf
The score obtained was supported by the case history saying that his mother
tands things
hared very good bond, they had mutual understanding, where his mother unders
t6incu lcate ._
s hich is disturb ing him. He also mentioned that he admires his mother and want~
time ti>
w dersta nding nature and honesty in him like his mother. He reported that he n't get
happe ned·
uni his mothe r but whenever he gets time he interacts with his mother w tever
whole day.
while writing the test but the scores obtain
u ed is also su
the subject was smiling remembering the inc
q ~ were trying to ask in the test. Als idents with his
o was asking doubts regarding test.
He also reported that his mother usually
takes all the decisions at home as his
: nd _i~ posted far away from family, so his ~my
eci ons are taken by her only. mo ther takes cha rge, even mo st of the ftriNia1

Th e scores interpret that the subjects bel

ieve in equality for everyone, everyone sho
cha nce to complete his/her dreams and he uld get fair
wo rk. will help and support his mother if she eve
r wills to


Th us it can be concluded that the subject

has an egalitarian attitude towards his mother.

• S Natu & A J Wadkar, Manual of Attitud
e towards the mother-scale, Anand Agency

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