Captain Jack 1 - Annual Plan
Captain Jack 1 - Annual Plan
Captain Jack 1 - Annual Plan
6. Unit 1: Captain Understand the concept What do you need to wash Hands Children will understand Realia (soap,
Jack’s game and importance of hands? Wash, soap, water, the importance of water, towel), PB
personal hygiene Can you …? towel personal hygiene worksheets for
To count to six What’s this? Numbers 1-6 They will learn to count each child, CD 1,
To play a matching How many …? to six crayons, Captain
game Listen to me! They will play a Jack puppet,
To draw lines – Stand up/sit down matching game, do a
matching activity Touch/clap/shake/wave/ matching activity
To listen to and join in tickle your … They will listen to and
with an action rhyme join in with an action
7. Unit 1: Captain Review unit vocabulary Can you …? Big/small Children will review unit Unit 1 press out
Jack’s game Review songs from this What’s this? arms, toes, tummy, vocabulary (Danny and
and the previous unit How many …? legs, hands, head They will review songs Katie) for each
Show understanding Listen to me! spider from this and the child, Captain
through sticker activity Stand up/sit down Wash, soap, water, previous unit Jack puppet, CD
Play with Unit 1 press Touch/clap/shake/wave/ towel They will show 1, copies of
out tickle your … one, two, three, four, understanding by emotional
Understand the Look! five, six completing a sticker intelligence
importance of listening Take your pencil. activity worksheets
to others Excellent!/ Good! They will play games (Teacher’s Notes
Yes!/ No! with Unit 1 press outs Photocopiable
They will develop their Resources) for
emotional intelligence each child,
8. Unit 2: The Identify and respond to Do you want to …? Red, yellow, green, Children will recognize Captain Jack
pirate ship clothes vocabulary Can you …? blue, brown, pink and learn clothes puppet, CD 1, PB
Listen to The put on your Is it …? Numbers 1-6 vocabulary worksheet for
jumper song and join in Quiet please! Trousers, jumper, They will listen to and each child,
with it What’s this? coat, hat sing a song clothes
Play a listening game Point to … They will play a listening flashcards
Play Musical bumps Colour … game (trousers,
Play Be a parrot! Count … They will play Musical jumper, coat,
Review colours How many …? bumps hat)
Tidy up! They will be able to play
a game following
9. Unit 2: The Listen and respond to a Do you want to …? Red, yellow, green, Children will listen to Captain Jack
pirate ship story Can you …? blue, brown, pink and demonstrate puppet, PB
Acquire further clothes Is it …? Trousers, jumper, understanding of a story worksheet for
vocabulary What’s this? coat, hat, shorts, t- They will acquire further each child,
Complete a tracing Point to … shirt, shoes, socks clothes vocabulary clothes
activity How many …? Tummy, legs, head They will do a tracing flashcards
Practise and respond to Count … Hot, cold activity (trousers,
the /h/ sound and say a They will say a tongue jumper, coat,
tongue twister twister hat, shorts, t-
Review body vocabulary shirt, shoes,
socks), crayons,
CD 1
10. Unit 2: The Recognise and Is it …? Trousers, jumper, Children will understand Captain Jack
pirate ship understand the concept What’s this? coat, hat, shorts, t- the concept of numbers puppet, CD 1, PB
of numbers Point to … shirt, shoes, socks and count classmates worksheet for
Play the Captain Jack’s How many …? Tummy, legs, head They will play a memory each child,
lost treasure and Count … Hot, cold game clothes
Treasure hunt games Show me … Put on/take off They will understand flashcards
Identify and understand Draw… Boy, girl the concept of hot and (trousers,
the concept of hot and Colour … cold and the clothes jumper, coat,
cold Put on your … when it’s … associated with that hat, shorts, t-
Understand which Take off your … when it’s state shirt, shoes,
clothes are required in … They will listen to and socks), crayons,
different weather sing a new song realia (clothes)
Listen to and join in with
the Put on your jumper
11. Unit 2: The Sing the Put on your Put on your … when it’s … Put on your … Children will sing a song Captain Jack
pirate ship jumper song Take off your … when it’s Take off your … Children will have puppet, CD 1, PB
Give and follow … Trousers, jumper, practice in giving and worksheet for
instructions Open/close your eyes. coat, hat, shorts, t- following instructions each child,
Play Musical clothes! Stand up! /Sit down! shirt, shoes, socks They will listen to and clothes
Listen to and join in with Tidy up! Open/close your join in with a new song flashcards,
the Hot and cold song Listen! eyes. They will respond crayons
Complete a matching Very good! / Well done! appropriately to activity
activity instructions
Review unit vocabulary
12. Unit 2: The Play Guess the flashcard Pirates! Do you want to Put on your … Children will play a Captain Jack
pirate ship Sing the Hot and cold see my treasure? Take off your … guessing game to puppet, CD 1, PB
song Look with your telescopes Trousers, jumper, improve their memory worksheet for
Play Look with your 1, 2, 3! Can you see …? coat, hat, shorts, t- They will sing a song each child,
telescope Put on your … when it’s … shirt, shoes, socks They will do a tracing clothes
Show understanding of Take off your … when it’s Hot, cold activity flashcards,
vocabulary through a … I can … They will show crayons, Unit 2
sticker activity What’s this? understanding of stickers
Complete a tracing Point to … vocabulary through a
activity How many …? sticker activity
Say what you can do They will be able to say
what they can do
13. Unit 3: Save Identify and respond to Do you want to …? I love you! Children will recognise Captain Jack
water! family vocabulary Can you …? Mummy, daddy, and respond to new puppet, family
Listen to and join in with Is it …? baby, brother, sister vocabulary via mime, flashcards
The family song What colour is it? gesture, etc. (mummy, baby
Complete a tracing Pick up …! They will listen to and brother, daddy,
activity Count … sing a song sister), CD 1 and
Play the Jumping Colour … They will do a tracing CD 2, PB
families game Circle … activity worksheet for
They will play a new each child,
game crayons, treasure
14. Unit 3: Save Listen to and respond to Do you want to …? I love you! To blisten to and Captain Jack
water! a story Can you …? Mummy, daddy, respond to a story puppet, treasure
Sing The family song Is it …? baby, brother, sister, To sing a song chest, family
Practise and respond to What colour is it? grandma, grandpa To practice the /g/ flashcards
the /g/ sound and say a Pick up …! Let’s play! sound and say a tongue (mummy, baby
tongue twister Count … Cook twister brother, daddy,
Understand the concept Colour … Tidy up To understand the sister, grandma,
of and Circle … concept of and grandpa), CD 1
Acquire further family Stop that! To have further practice and CD 2,
vocabulary Turn off … in family vocabulary phonics
Play the Who’s missing? Open/Close your eyes! To play a memory game worksheet for
Game Cook. To respond each child,
Show understanding Tidy up. appropriately to activity crayons, Unit 3
through a sticker activity Lay the table. instructions stickers, crayons
Play Captain Jack’s To play new games
phonics/Fan the
15. Unit 3: Save Personalization: helping Do you want to …? I love you! Children should attempt Captain Jack
water! at home Can you …? Mummy, daddy, to show willingness to puppet, treasure
Recognize and Is it …? baby, brother, sister, help at home chest, family
understand the concept Who’s missing? grandma, grandpa, They should recognize flashcards
of numbers Listen! family and understand the (mummy, baby
Emotional intelligence: Help me! Let’s play! concept of numbers brother, daddy,
understand the Tidy up! Cook. They should understand sister, grandma,
importance of good Thank you! Tidy up. the importance of good grandpa), CD 1
behavior Very good! /Well done! Colours behavior and CD 2, PB
Play Musical pirates Stop that! They will play an action worksheet for
Listen to and join in with game each child,
The happy and sad song They should identify crayons
Review: colours colours
Identify and respond to They will listen to and
happy and sad sing a new song
16. Unit 3: Save Sing The happy and sad Do you want to …? I love you! Children will sing a song Captain Jack
water! song Can you …? Mummy, daddy, They should respond puppet,
Complete a colouring Is it …? baby, brother, sister, appropriately to activity Teacher’s Notes
activity following Who’s missing? grandma, grandpa, instructions worksheet for
instructions Where’s …? family They will play a new each child,
Play the Where’s Listen! Let’s play! game crayons, Unit 3
grandma? game Tidy up! Cook. They will show stickers, family
Show understanding of Thank you! Tidy up. understanding of flashcards, CD 1
vocabulary through a Very good! /Well done! vocabulary by and CD 2
sticker activity completing a sticker
17. Unit 3: Save Identify and respond to Where’s …? Cook. Children will be able to Captain Jack
water! housework vocabulary Listen! Tidy up. identify and respond to puppet, family
Do a tracing activity Tidy up! Numbers 1-6 housework vocabulary flashcards, CD 1
Listen to and sing The Thank you! Mummy, daddy, They will do a tracing and CD 2, PB
numbers song Very good! /Well done! baby, brother, sister, activity worksheets,
Play Musical flashcards Lay the table! grandma, grandpa, They will listen to and crayons, pencils
Play How many in the Cook. family sing a song
family? Turn off the water! Happy/sad They will play games
Do a colouring activity Draw … I shout… /I cry … that support the new
Draw a family Colour … Let’s play! vocabulary
Hurray! They will do a colouring
Boo hoo! activity
They will draw a family
18. Unit 4: Let’s Identify and respond to Do you want to …? Let’s play with … Children should Captain Jack
play! toys vocabulary Can you …? Ball, teddy, balloon, recognize and respond puppet, unit 4
Play The pirate dance! Is it …? scooter, car, doll to new vocabulary via flashcards (ball,
Listen to and join in with What colour is it? Numbers 1-6 mime, gesture, etc. teddy, balloon,
The let’s play song What’s missing? They will play various scooter, car,
Play Pirates! Do this! Where’s …? games doll), CD 1 and
Sing The family song Listen! They will sing songs CD 2, PB
Say a chant Trace … They will be able to say worksheets for
Do a tracing activity Colour … a chant each child,
Review numbers 1-6 They will do a tracing crayons, toys
Practise and respond to activity
the /b/ sound They will review
They will practice the
/b/ sound
19. Unit 4: Let’s Listen to and respond to Do you want to …? Let’s play with … Children should Captain Jack
play! a story Can you …? Ball, teddy, balloon, demonstrate an puppet, unit 4
Listen to and join in with Is it …? scooter, car, doll understanding of the flashcards (ball,
The story song What colour is it? Numbers 1-6 story teddy, balloon,
Play Jump! What’s missing? Colours They will sing a song scooter, car,
Complete a circling Where’s …? Noisy/quiet They will be able to doll), CD 1 and
activity Listen! complete a circling CD 2, PB
Play Who’s got the Circle … activity worksheets for
treasure? Colour … Play games to support each child, toys,
Identify and respond to Who’s got the …? understanding crayons
the concepts of noisy Be quiet, please! They should attempt to
and quiet identify how people feel
20. Unit 4: Let’s Practise the /b/ sound Is it …? Let’s play with … Children will have Captain Jack
play! and say a tongue twister What colour is it? Ball, teddy, balloon, further practice in puppet, unit 4
Play Mime a toy!; What’s missing? scooter, car, doll the /b/ sound and will flashcards (ball,
Jumping flashcards!; Where’s …? Numbers 1-6 be able to say a tongue teddy, balloon,
Captain Jack says. Do you want to …? Colours twister scooter, car,
Listen to and join in with How many …? Noisy/quiet They will play various doll), CD 1 and
The noisy and quiet song Count the …! games to practice toy CD 2, PB
Count toys Colour … vocabulary worksheets for
Do a colouring activity Who’s got the …? They will listen to and each child, toys,
Be quiet, please! join in with a song crayons
They will colour toys
21. Unit 4: Let’s Identify and respond to Is he/she/it …? Let’s play with … Children should attempt Captain Jack
play! emotion vocabulary What colour is it? Ball, teddy, balloon, to identify how people puppet, unit 4
Emotional intelligence – What’s missing? scooter, car, doll feel flashcards, CD 1
how to play together Where’s …? Numbers 1-6 They will be able to and CD 2, toys,
Play What a noisy Do you want to …? Colours respond appropriately emotional
scooter! Listen! Noisy/quiet to activity instructions intelligence
Complete a matching Circle … They will play numerous worksheets for
activity Colour … games to practice toy each child
Play Look with your Who’s got the …? vocabulary (Teacher’s
telescope! Be quiet, please! They will sing a song Notes), crayons
Sing The noisy and quiet
22. Unit 4: Let’s Recognise colours Is he/she/it …? Let’s play with … Children will be able to Captain Jack
play! Recognise and What colour is it? Ball, teddy, balloon, recognize colours puppet, unit 4
understand the concept What’s missing? scooter, car, doll They will understand flashcards, CD 1
of numbers Where’s …? Numbers 1-6 the concept of numbers and CD 2, PB
Listen to and join in with Do you want to …? Colours They will listen to and worksheets for
The colours song Listen! Noisy/quiet sing a song each child, toys,
Do a colour by number Circle … They will be able to crayons
activity Colour … respond appropriately
Say a chant Who’s got the …? to activity instructions
Play an action game Be quiet, please!
23. Unit 4: Let’s Listen to and join in with Is he/she/it …? Let’s play with … Children will listen to Captain Jack
play! Pirates’ playtime What colour is it? Ball, teddy, balloon, and understand a story puppet, unit 4
Listen to and act out the What’s missing? scooter, car, doll They will be able to act flashcards, CD 1
story with press outs Where’s …? Numbers 1-6 out the story with press and CD 2, PB
Play Favourite toys; Do you want to …? Colours outs worksheets for
Pirates, look! Pirates, Listen to the story! Noisy/quiet They will play numerous each child, toys,
find! Circle … games to use the crayons, unit 4
Review all vocabulary Colour … language acquired stickers
Complete a sticker Who’s got the …? They will review all
activity Be quiet, please! vocabulary
They will complete a
sticker activity to show
understanding of
24. Unit 5: The Identify and respond to What colour is it? Yummy Children will recognize Captain Jack
melon seed fruit vocabulary What’s in the treasure Fruit, apple, orange, and respond to new puppet, treasure
Play What’s in the chest? pear, lemon vocabulary via mime, chest, Cd 1 and
treasure chest? Let’s …! dirty, clean gesture, etc. CD 2, unit 5
Listen to and join in with Where’s …? yes/no They will play a guessing flashcards
The apples and oranges Pick up! / Point to! orange (colour) game (apple, orange,
song Listen to the song! Numbers 1-6 They will listen to and pear, lemon), PB
Play Flash the flashcards Trace … join in with a song worksheets,
Do a tracing activity Colour … They will play a crayons
Who’s got the …? flashcard game
They will be able to
complete a tracing
25. Unit 5: The Listen to and respond to Here comes the sun … Yummy Children should Captain Jack
melon seed The melon seed story In the ground… Fruit, apple, orange, demonstrate puppet, treasure
Sing The apples and Water the seed… pear, lemon, cherry, understanding of a story chest, CD 1 and
oranges song grows melon They will learn further CD 2, unit 5
Identify and respond to What colour is it? Seed, plant, eating fruit vocabulary flashcards
the concepts of dirty What’s in the treasure dirty, clean They will sing a song (apple, orange,
and clean chest? yes/no They will understand pear, lemon,
Play Is this a pear or a Where’s …? orange (colour) the concepts of clean cherry, melon,
cherry? Pick up! / Point to! Numbers 1-6 and dirty dirty, clean,
Play Let’s go on a Listen to the song! They will play games to seed, plant,
treasure hunt! Circle … acquire unit language eating), PB
Complete a circling Who’s got the …? They will do a circling worksheets,
activity Stand up! / Sit down! activity crayons
26. Unit 5: The Practise and respond to What colour is it? Yummy Children should attempt Captain Jack
melon seed the /m/ sound and say a What’s in the treasure Fruit, apple, orange, to produce the /m/ puppet, treasure
tongue twister chest? pear, lemon, cherry, sound correctly while chest, CD 1 and
Play Lucky dip with the Where’s …? melon saying the tongue CD 2, unit 5
treasure chest Pick up! / Point to! Seed, plant, eating twister flashcards
Listen to and sing the Listen to the song! dirty, clean They will play numerous (apple, orange,
story song Trace … yes/no games to have further pear, lemon,
Play Captain Jack’s Colour … orange (colour) practice with unit cherry, melon,
phonics! Who’s got the …? Numbers 1-6 language dirty, clean,
Listen to and join in with Show me your … They will listen to and seed, plant,
The dirty and clean song join in with a song eating), PB and
Complete a tracing and They should respond Teacher’s Notes
colouring activity appropriately to activity worksheets,
instructions crayons
27. Unit 5: The Understand the life What colour is it? Seed, eating Children will understand Captain Jack
melon seed cycle of a plant What’s in the treasure Fruit, apple, orange, the life cycle of a plant puppet, treasure
Recognise and chest? pear, lemon They will understand chest, CD 1 and
understand the concept Where’s …? dirty, clean the concept of numbers CD 2, unit 5
of numbers Pick up! / Point to! yes/no They will complete a flashcards, PB
Do a sequencing activity Listen to the song! orange (colour) sequencing activity worksheets,
Say how a plant grows Trace … Numbers 1-6 They should attempt to crayons
Play Flash the Colour … describe the life cycle of
flashcards! / Look with Who’s got the …? a plant
your telescope! They will play games
Do a tracing activity They will complete a
tracing activity
28. Unit 5: The Play What’s Captain Jack What colour is it? Yummy Children will play Captain Jack
melon seed hiding? What’s in the treasure Fruit, apple, orange, numerous games to puppet, treasure
Sing The colours song chest? pear, lemon have further practice in chest, Cd 1 and
Recognise and Where’s …? dirty, clean unit vocabulary CD 2, unit 5
understand the concept Close /Open your eyes! yes/no They will understand flashcards
of numbers Listen to the song! orange (colour) the concept of numbers (apple, orange,
Revise colours Trace … Numbers 1-6 They will revise colours pear, lemon), PB
Play I spy with colours; Colour … They will respond worksheets,
Guess the flashcard!; Who’s got the …? appropriately to activity crayons
Count the fruit. instructions
Complete a colouring
29. Unit 5: The Listen and join in with What colour is it? Yummy Children will Captain Jack
melon seed Pirates’ playtime What’s in the treasure Fruit, apple, orange, demonstrate an puppet, treasure
Listen to and act out the chest? pear, lemon understanding of a story chest, Cd 1 and
story with press outs Where’s …? dirty, clean They will act out a story CD 2, unit 5
Emotional intelligence: Pick up! / Point to! yes/no with press outs flashcards
understand how you Listen to the song! orange (colour) They will understand (apple, orange,
feel Trace … Numbers 1-6 the importance of pear, lemon), PB
Complete a sticker Colour … feelings worksheets,
activity Who’s got the …? They will respond crayons, unit 5
appropriately to activity stickers, unit 5
instructions press outs
30. Unit 6: Fun on Identify and respond to Can you …? Pig, hen, cow, horse, Children will recognize Captain Jack
the farm! farm animal vocabulary Is it …? dog, rabbit and respond to new puppet, PB
Listen to and join in with Yes! / No! Colours vocabulary via mime, worksheets, CD 1
The farm animals song What’s this? / Who’s this? Numbers 1-6 gesture, etc. and CD2, unit 6
Play The pirate dance! / What colour is it? They will listen to and flashcards (pig,
Captain Jack’s friends! How many …? join in with a song hen, cow, horse,
Complete a tracing Who’s got …? They will play a number dog, rabbit),
activity Point to … of games to practice crayons
Show me … farm animal vocabulary
Trace… They will be able to
Listen! complete a tracing
Let’s … activity
31. Unit 6: Fun on Listen to and respond to Can you …? Up/down Children will listen to Captain Jack
the farm! a story Is it …? Pig, hen, cow, horse, and respond to a story puppet, PB
Practise and respond to Up/down dog, rabbit They should attempt to worksheets, CD 1
the /d/ sound and say a Quickly! produce the /d/ sound and CD2, unit 6
tongue twister What’s this? / Who’s this? and say a tongue twister flashcards (pig,
Do a circling and a What colour is it? They will understand hen, cow, horse,
colouring activity How many …? the concepts of up/ dog, rabbit),
Identify and respond to Who’s got …? down Teacher’s Notes
the concepts of up and Point to … They will play a worksheets for
down Show me … searching game each child,
Play What’s Captain Jack Trace… They will learn a chant crayons, unit 6
hiding? Listen! They will demonstrate stickers
Say a chant Let’s … understanding by
Complete a sticker completing various
activity activities
Sing a story song They will sing a song
32. Unit 6: Fun on Listen to and join in with Can you …? Up/down Children will learn a new Captain Jack
the farm! The up and down song Is it …? Pig, hen, cow, horse, song puppet, PB
Do a tracing activity Up/down dog, rabbit They will complete a worksheets, CD 1
Play Hands up! Hands Quickly! Eggs, milk, ham tracing activity and CD2, all unit
down! What’s this? / Who’s this? I’m a … They will respond to 6 flashcards,
Identify and respond to What colour is it? I hop, jump, fly … new food vocabulary crayons
new food vocabulary How many …? They will play games to
Understand where food Who’s got …? have further practice in
comes from Point to … unit vocabulary
Play flashcard games Show me … They should be able to
Say where we get food Trace… say where we get food
from Listen! from
Let’s …
33. Unit 6: Fun on Listen to and join in with Is it …? Up/down Children will listen to Captain Jack
the farm! Pirates’ playtime Up/down Pig, hen, cow, horse, and join in with a song puppet, PB
Listen to and act out a Quickly! dog, rabbit They will listen to and worksheets, CD 1
story with the press outs What’s this? / Who’s this? Eggs, milk, ham should be able to act and CD2, all unit
Sing a song What colour is it? I’m a … out a story with press 6 flashcards, unit
Remove the farm animal How many …? I hop, jump, fly … outs 6 press outs,
press out Who’s got …? Numbers 1-6 They will review a song crayons,
Play Point to the Point to … Colours They will play games to Teacher’s Notes
pictures! / Katie! Show me … have further practice in worksheets for
Dance!/ Upside down Trace… unit 6 vocabulary each child
animals! Listen! They will understand
Recognise and Let’s count/sing/dance! the concept of numbers
understand the concept
of numbers
34. Unit 6: Fun on Sing unit 6 songs Up/down Up/down Children will review unit Captain Jack
the farm! Show understanding of Quickly! Pig, hen, cow, horse, 6 songs puppet, PB
vocabulary through a What’s this? / Who’s this? dog, rabbit They will demonstrate worksheets, CD 1
sticker activity What colour is it? Eggs, milk, ham understanding through and CD2, all unit
Emotional intelligence: How many …? I’m a … a sticker activity 6 flashcards,
Understand how to Point to … I hop, jump, fly … They will respond crayons
behave on a farm Show me … Numbers 1-6 appropriately to activity
Review all vocabulary Trace… Colours instructions
Let’s count/sing/dance!
Be careful!
35. Halloween Identify and respond to Do you want to …? Listen! Children should Captain Jack
Halloween vocabulary Is this the …? Abracadabra! recognize and respond puppet, treasure
Listen to and join in with Colour … What’s that sound? to new vocabulary via chest, Teacher’s
a Halloween song Very good! / Well done! Flap! Miaow! Hee! mime, gesture, etc. Notes
Use a press out to Let’s sing/play! Tickle me! Woo! They should respond worksheets for
practice new vocabulary Pumpkin, bat, cat, appropriately to activity each child,
Craftwork: make spider, ghost instructions Teacher’s Notes
Halloween flashcards They should show flashcards
confidence in the face of (pumpkin, bat,
activities which require cat, spider,
concentration ghost), CD 1 and
36. Christmas Identify and respond to Do you want to …? Father Christmas, Children should Captain Jack
Christmas vocabulary Is this the …? snow, recognize and respond puppet, treasure
Listen to and join in with Colour … Christmas tree, bell, to new vocabulary via chest, Teacher’s
a Christmas song Very good! / Well done! present mime, gesture, etc. Notes
Recognise colours Let’s sing/play! They should respond worksheets for
Use a press out to Jingle bells! appropriately to activity each child,
practice new vocabulary Ho, ho! instructions Teacher’s Notes
Make Christmas Put on your … They should show flashcards
flashcards confidence in the face of (Father
activities which require Christmas, snow,
concentration Christmas tree,
bell, present),
crayons, glitter
glue, CD 1 and
CD 3
37. Easter Identify and respond to Do you want to …? Eggs, eyes, beak, Children should Captain Jack
Easter vocabulary Is this the …? chick recognize and respond puppet, treasure
Listen to and join in with Colour … to new vocabulary via chest, Teacher’s
an Easter song Very good! / Well done! mime, gesture, etc. Notes
Do a colouring activity Let’s sing/play! They should respond worksheets for
Jingle bells! appropriately to activity each child,
Ho, ho! instructions Teacher’s Notes
Put on your … They should show worksheets,
confidence in the face of crayons, CD 1
activities which require and CD 3