Investment Module - Non-SLR

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Non-SLR Investment Module

1. Non-SLR Investment Module

 Mutual Funds
 Bonds

2. Mutual Funds
 Mutual Fund Security master
 Mutual Fund Transaction Maintenance
 Weekly Monitoring Process
 Yearly Booking Process
 Close Ended Maturity Posting Batch Job
 Reports

2.1. Mutual Fund Security master

Menu option to be provided to capture MF security Code Master.

Menu Name: CMFSM
Functions: Add/Modify/Cancel/Verify/Inquire/Delete
Criteria Page would have below Fields:
 Func Code
 Security Code
 Security Name
 ISIN Code
On click of Go, Details page will be displayed with below fields
 Security Code (Display Only)
 Security Name (Display Only)
 ISIN (Display Only)
 Bank Pan to be captured here as one time (Csetvar)
 Bank securities Office A/c (bank will maintain separate office a/c for each securities)
 NAV Market NAV to be entered here , user will upload this NAV on daily basis , it
should also have a provision if user wanted to upload multiple times within the same
day , for the first time it can be allowed zero also and can go ahead and then gradually
be uploaded , NAV upto 6 decimals should be supported , means less than or equals
upto .000000 allowed (Display the latest NAV from the NAV Table)
 Term  Short term /Medium Term / Long term /Others in a drop down option out of
which user will select
 Free Text 1
 Free Text 2
 Free Text 3
 Free Text 4
 Free Text 5
 Free Text 6
 On Submit, details will be stored in the Database.
 Modification before and after verification is enabled.
 Inquire function is enabled.
 Cancel for Add and Modify is enabled.
 Logical Delete is enabled
 CSETVAR configurations to be made wherever applicable

2.2. Mutual Fund Transaction Maintenance

Menu Option to be provided for performing Mutual Fund Transactions.

Menu Name: CMFTM
Functions: Add/Modify/Cancel/Verify/Inquire
Criteria Page would have below Fields:
 Func Code
 Transaction type (Buy/Sell)
 Deal Number (Enabled during Inquire)
On click of Go button, Details Page would be invoked with below fields
 Transaction Type (Defaulted from Criteria Page)
 Security Code (Searcher to be provided from Security master)
 Security Name  also to be populated here if security code is selected from searcher
because security code will be like USGPG seeing the code user might not understand
which name it belongs to , in this case being Axis ultra short term fund – Regular Growth
 No of Securities Transacted  Equivalent to no of units
 Trading Price (NAV)
 Total amount Gross /Gross Investment Value  This should be calculated field derived
by NAV * no of units
 Value date  user can change this value date, by default to be populated same as tran
date (No future dated, it can be backdated)
 MF Type  drop down as Open ended / Close ended  if marked as Close ended, then
close ended till what date, then validation should take place that user not to be allowed
to sell/redeem till that Close ended date
 CLOSE Ended Date (Enabled when MF Type is Close ended)
 Free Text 1
 Free Text 2
 Free Text 3
 Free Text 4
 Free Text 5
 Free Text 6

On Submit in Details Page,

When the transaction is BUY following things to happen:
 Accounting entries to be passed as:
Dr Bank securities Office A/c as maintained with securities master above
Cr Mode of settlement of account (bank to define this, RTGS/NEFT/CCILetc )
Cr. Stamp duty account (Office account, bank to confirm)

 System should maintain total balance of securities and avg balance. This needs to be
updated with Buy. – This needs to be maintained in backend
 Amount to be calculated based on rate/NAV given by user.

When the transaction is Sell following things to happen:

 Accounting entries to be passed as:
dr Mode of settlement of account (bank to define this, RTGS/NEFT/CCILetc)
cr Bank securities Office A/c

 System should maintain total balance of securities and avg balance. This needs to be
updated with sell. – This needs to be maintained in backend
 Amount to be calculated based on rate given by user.
 Office account balance can go in negative in case of loss is incurred.
 System should allow the bank to sell the mutual funds at their discretion, for eg if the NAV
price goes above the purchase price of the bank and bank makes call to sell it in profit,
system should allow the bank to do so

 Modification before verification is enabled. Modification after verification is not enabled
 Inquire function is enabled.
 Cancel for Add and Modify is enabled.
 CSETVAR configurations to be made wherever applicable

2.3. Weekly Monitoring Process – Frequency of Upload to be set by Bank as its

An Custom Upload Menu to be provided to upload the security Code wise NAV(rate).These rates will
be used for arriving the position of the holdings at any point of time. The upload can be performed
by Bank at any time based on their needs.


Functions: Upload/Inquire
Criteria Page would have below Fields:
 Func Code
 Security Code (disabled during Upload)
 Rate Code (Disabled during Upload)
 Upload File (Pick File for upload from desktop/application server path)
 Rate (As on Last Date of Upload)

 During Upload User will select function code as Upload and select the file for upload and
click on submit. The file would be uploaded successfully into database. The old data
should be moved to history table.
 During Inquire Mode, when user selects Security code and Rate code, one should be able
to see the Rate which was uploaded.
 CSETVAR configurations to be made wherever applicable
 Upload multiple time within same day also to be allowed also history to be maintained
 History to be maintained with version history

2.4. Yearly Booking Process

A Custom batch job to be configured which when executed will calculate profit/loss with the latest

If Profit, profit to be booked and accounting entries to be passed as below.

o Dr Securities Office account with loss amount.

o Cr. P&L loss office account (same for all banks)

If Loss, profit to be booked and accounting entries to be passed as below.

o Cr. P&L loss office account (same for all banks)

o Dr Securities Office account with loss amount.
 CSETVAR configurations to be made wherever applicable
 A counter party exposure limit should be available which can be set by bank and System
Should restrict if the counter party exposure is Breached, Exposure wise Fund House
details should be maintain.
 No tax handling required.

2.5. Close Ended Maturity Posting Batch Job

For the MF type, which is Close ended a custom Batch Job to be setup to perform a maturity
processing transaction as below on the Close ended Date.

dr Mode of settlement of account (bank to define this, RTGS/NEFT/CCILetc)

cr Bank securities Office A/c

2.6. Reports
2 Reports to be provided as part of Module Delivery, Report formats needs to be finalized post
discussion with Bank
3. Bonds
 Bonds Security master Maintenance
 Bonds Transaction Maintenance
 Monthly Monitoring Process
 Maturity Processing Transaction Batch Job
 Corporate Actions Maintenance
 Reports

3.1 Bonds Security Master Maintenance

Menu option to be provided to capture MF security Code Master.
Menu Name: CBSM
Functions: Add/Modify/Cancel/Verify/Inquire/Delete
Criteria Page would have below Fields:
 Func Code
 Bond Code
 Bond Name
 ISIN Code (Should be unique)
On click of Go, Details page to be displayed with below fields
 Bond Code (Display Only)
 Bond Name (Display Only)
 ISIN (Display Only)
 Coupon  (variable as %)
 YTM yield to maturity (Variable as %)
 Price  This will be uploaded, zero also allowed here
 Bank Bond Office A/c (bank will maintain separate office a/c for each securities)
 Bank Bond Placeholder
 Free Text 1
 Free Text 2
 Free Text 3
 Free Text 4
 Free Text 5
 Free Text 6
 On Submit, details will be stored in the Database.
 Modification before and after verification is enabled.
 Inquire function is enabled.
 Cancel for Add and Modify is enabled.
 Logical Delete is enabled
 CSETVAR configurations to be made wherever applicable
3.2 Bonds Transaction Maintenance

Menu Option to be provided for performing Mutual Fund Transactions.

Menu Name: CBTM
Functions: Add/Modify/Cancel/Verify/Inquire
Criteria Page would have below Fields:
 Func Code
 Transaction type (Buy/Sell)
 Deal Number (Enabled during Inquire) To be entered by user or auto generated if user
needs to enter then the transaction. Invoice number to be captured here
On click of Go button, Details Page would be invoked with below fields
 Transaction Type (Defaulted from Criteria Page)
 ISIN Code (Searcher to be provided from Security master)
 Security code  to be auto populated here
 Security Name  to be auto populated here
 No of Units Transacted
 Trading Price
 Coupon Rate
 YTM 
 Face value
 Investment Value (Calculated field units x rate)
 Fund House
 Value Date
 Maturity Date
 Broker
 Free Text 1
 Free Text 2
 Free Text 3
 Free Text 4
 Free Text 5
 Free Text 6
 Free Text 7
 Free Text 8

On Submit in Details Page,

When the transaction is BUY following things to happen:

 Accounting entries to be passed as:
dr Bank bond Office A/c
cr Mode of settlement of account (bank to define this, RTGS/NEFT/CCILetc )

 System should maintain total balance of bonds and avg balance. This needs to be updated
with Buy.
 Amount to be calculated based on rate given by user.
When the transaction is Sell following things to happen:
 Accounting entries to be passed as:
dr Mode of settlement of account (bank to define this, RTGS/NEFT/CCILetc )
cr Bank bond Office A/c

 System should maintain total balance of securities and avg balance. This needs to be
updated with sell.
 Amount to be calculated based on rate given by user.
Office account balance can go in negative in case of loss is incurred.

 Modification before verification is enabled. Modification after verification is not enabled
 Inquire function is enabled.
 Cancel for Add and Modify is enabled.
 CSETVAR configurations to be made wherever applicable

3.3 Monthly Monitoring Process frequency to be set by bank discretion

A Custom Upload Menu to be provided to upload the Bond security Code wise rate. These rates will
be used for arriving the position of the holdings at any point of time. The upload can be performed
by Bank at any time based on their needs.

Menu Name: CBRTUPL

Functions: Upload/Inquire
Criteria Page would have below Fields:
 Func Code
 Bond Code (disabled during Upload)
 Rate Code (Disabled during Upload)
 Upload File (Pick File for upload from desktop/application server path)
 Rate (As on Last Date of Upload)

 During Upload User will select function code as Upload and select the file for upload and
click on submit. The file would be uploaded successfully into database. The old data
should be moved to history table.
 During Inquire Mode, when user selects Security code and Rate code, one should be able
to see the Rate which was uploaded.
 CSETVAR configurations to be made wherever applicable

3.4 Maturity Processing Transaction Batch Job

On Maturity Date of the Bond, a custom Batch job to be set for posting below transaction
and update the status as sold.
 Accounting entries to be passed as:
dr Mode of settlement of account (bank to define this, RTGS/NEFT/CCILetc )
cr Bank bond Office A/c

3.5 Corporate Actions Maintenance – Menu Logic to be finalized (Please consider 3-

page (Criteria, Detail and Result) menu for the same)
Menu option to be provided to capture MF security Code Master.
Menu Name: CBCAM
Functions: Add/Modify/Cancel/Verify/Inquire
Criteria Page would have below Fields:
 Func Code
 Transaction Type – (Drop down with Dividend/Interest etc)
 ISIN Code
 Transaction Amount
 Free Text 1
 Free Text 2
 Free Text 3
 Free Text 4
When submitting the system will
o dr Bond Office accounts
o cr Interest recd on Bonds office account

 On Submit, details will be stored in the Database.
 Modification is enabled before verification and not allowed after verification.
 Inquire function is enabled.
 Cancel for Add and Modify is enabled.
 CSETVAR configurations to be made wherever applicable

3.6 Report

2 Reports to be provided as part of Module Delivery, Report formats needs to be finalized post
discussion with Bank

4. Opening/Closing Balance updating Batch Job

A custom Batch Job to be configured to calculate the opening and closing balance of the below
Investment portfolios

 Government Securities
 Mutual Funds
 Bonds
This batch job will cumulate the outstanding number of units against the security code for each type
of investments and store in the custom table on daily basis.

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