CHAPTER 1-Luminescene Topics
CHAPTER 1-Luminescene Topics
CHAPTER 1-Luminescene Topics
Chapter-I: Introduction
1.1 Luminescence
Luminescence is the emission of light from any substance and occurs from
electrically excited state. The term “Luminescence” was introduced in to the
literature by Wiedemann (1888). He also offered the first, although not entirely
accurate, defination of luminescence as the excess emission over and above the
thermal emission background [1, 2]. This definition reflected an important
property, but it did not distinguish luminescence from other type of glow that
are also excess emission over and above thermal emission background, among
which are reflected and refracted light. Vavilov (1951-52) suggested
complimenting Wiedemann’s definition by addition the correction of duration
and using the term luminescence for the excess emission over and above the
thermal emission of a body. If this emission has a duration considerably
exceeding period of light oscillations [1-3]. Luminescence is the phenomenon
in which all or part of absorbed energy is re-emitted in the form o
electromagnetic radiation in the visible or near visible region of the spectrum.
The luminescence involves at least two steps, the excitation of the electronic
system of he material and the subsequent emission of photons. An example of
luminescence is the light or glow emitted by a luminous watch dial.
Luminescence contrasts with incandescence which is the production of light by
heated materials [1-5].
When certain material absorbs various kinds of energy, some of the energy
may be emitted as light. This process involves two steps:
1. The incidental energy causes the electron of the atoms of the absorbing
materials to become excited and jump from the inner orbits of the atoms to the
outer orbits.
2. When the electrons fall to their original state, a photon of light is
emitted. The interval between the steps may be short (less than 1/100, 00 of a
sec.) or long (many hours). If the interval is short, the process is called
fluorescence, if the interval is long, the process is called phosphorescence. In
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either case the light produced is almost always of lesser energy and of longer
wavelength than the exciting light [1, 3, 4].
1.1.3. Jablonski Diagram:
Processes which occur between the absorption and emission of light are
usually illustrated by Jablonski diagram. A typically Jablonski diagram is
shown in Figure. 1. The ground, first and second electronic states are depicted
by S0, S1 and S2, respectively. At each electronic energy levels the fluorophores
can exist in a number of vibrational energy level (denoted 0,1,2, etc).
Transitions between states are depicted as vertical lines to illustrate the
instantaneous nature of light absorption. Transitions occur in about 10-15
seconds, a time too short for significant displacement of nuclei. (Frank-Condon
principal) [5]
1.1.1 Phosphorescence:
Phosphorescence is a emission of light from triplet-excited state, in which
the electron in the excited orbital has the same spin orientation as the ground-
state electron. Transition to the ground state are forbidden and the emission rate
are slow (10-3-100S-1), so phosphorescence lifetimes are typically milliseconds
to seconds. Phosphorescence is usually not seen in fluid solutions at room
temperature, but there are many deactivation processes that compete with
emission, such as nonradiative decay and quenching processes. [6]
1.1.2. Fluorescence:
Fluorescence is emission light from singlet-excited states, in which the
electron in the excited orbital is period (of apposite sign) to the second electron
the excited orbital. Return to the ground state is spin-allowed and occurs
rapidly by emission of a photon [4, 7, 8].Fluorescence is usually excited to
some higher vibrational level of either S1 or S2. With a few rare exceptions,
molecules in condensed phase rapidly relax to the lowest vibrational level of
S1. This process, called internal conversion, is nonradiative and take place in
10-12 seconds or less. Return to the ground state occurs to a higher excited
vibrational ground-state level, which then quickly reaches thermal equilibrium.
An interesting consequences of emission to a higher vibrational ground state is
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example, an excited molecule in the 0 vibrational level of the S1 state can move
to the isoenergetic vibrational level of the Tn triplet state; then vibrational
relaxation brings it in to the lowest vibrational level of T1. Intersystem crossing
may be fast enough (10-7–10-9 s) to compete with other pathways of de-
excitation from S1 (fluorescence and internal conversion S0→S1)Crossing
between states of different multiplicity is in principle forbidden, but spin–orbit
coupling (i.e. coupling between the orbital magnetic moment and the spin
magnetic moment) can be large enough to make it possible. The probability of
intersystem crossing depends on the singlet and triplet states involved. If the
transition S0→S1 is of n → π * type for instance, intersystem crossing is often
efficient. It should also be noted that the presence of heavy atoms (i.e. whose
atomic number is large, for example Br, Pb) increases spin–orbit coupling and
thus favors intersystem crossing [11]
Once ISC has occurred, the molecule undergoes the usual IC process
and falls to the lowest vibrational level of the first excited triplet state.
Therefore, ISC can compete with fluorescence and thus it decreases the
quantum efficiency of fluorescence. The population of triplet state has a
significance in producing delayed fluorescence and phosphorescence which is a
radiative decay of triplet state molecule to the ground state, are summarized in
Fig. 1.2. .
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Even for those molecules for which quantum intensity is invariant with
excitation wavelength, excitation spectra provide a powerful tool for measuring
the absorption spectra of molecules, which are at too low a concentration for
detection by absorption spectrometry.
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Of the excited molecules into the higher excited states all will not return
to the ground state by fluorescence or phosphorescence process because these
processes competed by IC and ISC.
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F2 I 0 ε c l Φ 2 (area )
= =
F1 I 0 ε cl Φ 1 (area)
Φ 2 Χ ( optical density ) 2
Φ 1 Χ ( optical density ) 1
1.5. Structural factors on Fluorescence Measurments:
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excited states and this will be reflected in changes in absorption and emission
spectra. The “blue shift,” i.e., hypsochromic shift observed in absorption
spectra in solvents of high dielectric constant have been described [42,37] in
the light of the Franck-Condon principle. The blue shift is associated with
n → π * a transition which refers to the excitation of a nonbonding electron to
an antibonding orbital [43]. However, it was pointed out that n → π *
transitions are usually not observed in fluorescence spectra and when present
are weak [44].
1.6.2. Effect of pH:
The basicity or acidity of a molecule is determined by its electronic structure
and this may undergo detailed changes during excitation from the ground state
by the absorption of light, ie., the basicity or acidity of a compound may
change during excitation. A difference in the basicity or acidity of the ground
and excited states ill be reflected in differences between the absorption and
fluorescence spectra with change in pH. The nature of the changes will depend
on whether the basicity is increased or decreased during ionization. Also, in
order for the expected changes in pK to be observed, it is essential that the
ionization equilibrium be established during the lifetime of the excited state.
Weller [44] discussed the absorption and fluorescence spectral shifts in terms
of the energy changes involved. A simplified energy diagram is presented in
Fig.. This diagram represents the energy terms involved in the dissociation of
an acid (HA) and the corresponding base (B). ΔH represents the enthalpy of the
dissociation reaction in the ground state and ΔH* the same for the excited state.
When ΔH > ΔH* a red shiftoccurs in absorption and fluorescence spectra on
acid dissociation; when ΔH < ΔH* a blue shift occurs on acid dissociation, and
when ΔH = ΔH* there is no shift in either absorption or fluorescence spectra.
CHAPTER – I Introduction
Fig. 1.4. Energy diagram for dissociation of an acid (HA) in the ground
and excited state.
ΔH - ΔH* = ΔEHA - ΔEA (1)
ΔEHA = excitation energy for the 0-0 transition of the acid,
ΔEA = the excitation energy for the 0-0 transition of the base,
assuming that the entropy of the reaction of acid dissociation is the same for the
ground and the excited states it is possible to calculate the difference in pK
between the two states from equation 2.
Δ E HA − Δ E A
pK − pK *
2 . 303 RT
ΔE H A - ΔEA>0 the excited state is more acidic than the ground state, e.g., oxy-
and amino aromatic compounds; when ΔEH A - ΔEA < 0 the excited state is less
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= 1 + k qτ 0 [Q] = 1 + K D [Q]
where τ0 is the lifetime of the fluorescent state in the absence of the quenching agent.
If the quenching is not known to be due to dynamic quenching, KD is replaced by KSV.
For dynamic quenching,
F0 τ 0
F τ
because the quenching agent decreases the lifetime of the excited state.
Dynamic quenching increases with temperature, because temperature increases
diffusion rates. The term kq is the second order rate constant that describes the
quenching process. It is proportional to the effectiveness of the quencher and
the accessibility of the fluorophore to collisions with the quencher. The
quenching rate constant is actually comprised of two terms:
f 0 = f Qk 0
CHAPTER – I Introduction
where [FQ] is the complex concentration, and [F] and [Q] are the
concentrations of free quencher and free fluorophore. Because the total
fluorophore concentration, [F]0 = [F] + [FQ],
[ F 0] − [ F ]
Ks =
[ F ][Q ]
Which is rearrange
[ F ]0 1
Ks = −
[ F ][Q ] [Q ]
If you assume that the all of the decrease in observed fluorescence is due to
complex formation, the equation becomes:
= 1 + K s [Q]
which is identical in form to the Stern-Volmer equation for dynamic
quenching. Static and dynamic quenching can be distinguished by lifetime
measurements because dynamic quenching reduces the apparent fluorescent
CHAPTER – I Introduction
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F0 a
F= + F0 b
1 + K a [Q]
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the emission wavelength(s) of the donor, but does not necessarily have to remit
the energy fluorescently itself (i.e. dark quenching).
Donor Fluorophore
Acceptor Fluorophore
S0 Emission
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The factor k2 describes the D/A transition dipole orientation and can
range in value from 0 (perpendicular) to 4 (collinear/parallel). There has been
much debate about which dipole orientation value to assign for particular
FRET formats. Only in few cases can the crystal structure of the D/A
molecules be determined; there is no other reliable experimental method to
measure absolute or fixed k2 values, which leads to potential uncertainties in
subsequent calculations. [69-70] Fortunately, the accumulated evidence has
shown that the mobility and statistical dynamics of the dye linker lead to a k2
value of approximately 2/3 in almost all biological formats. This also sets an
upper error limit of 35% on any calculated distance.[66] Excellent discussions
of this issue are provided by dos Remedios and Moens[70] as well as
Stryer.[71] The refractive index n of the medium is ascribed a value of 1.4 for
biomolecules in aqueous solution. QD is the quantum yield (QY) of the donor
in the absence of the acceptor and J (λ) is the overlap integral, which represents
the degree of spectral overlap between the donor emission and the acceptor
absorption. The values for J (λ) and R0 increase with higher acceptor extinction
coefficients and greater overlap between the donor emission spectrum and the
acceptor absorption spectrum. Whether FRET will be effective at a particular
distance r can be estimated by the “rule of thumb” R0±50% R0 for the upper
and lower limits of the distance.[69,70] The efficiency of the energy transfer
CHAPTER – I Introduction
can be determined from either steady-state [Eq. (2)] or timeresolved [Eq. (3)]
E = 1− ------------- (2)
τ DA
E = 1− ------------- (3)
F is the relative donor fluorescence intensity in the absence (FD) and
presence (FDA) of the acceptor, and t is the fluorescent lifetime of the donor in
the absence (FD) and presence (FDA) of the acceptor. FRET is very appealing
for bioanalysis because of its intrinsic sensitivity to nanoscale changes in D/A
separation distance (proportional to r6). This property is exploited in FRET
techniques ranging from the assay of interactions of an antigen with an
antibody in vitro to the real-time imaging of protein folding in vivo.[72,73] The
myriad FRET configurations and techniques currently in use are covered in
many reviews.[69,74,75] Herein, we focus primarily on the fluorophore
materials utilized in bioanalytical FRET rather than the process itself. The
materials can be divided into various classes: organic materials, which includes
“traditional” dye fluorophores, dark quenchers, and polymers; inorganic
materials such as metal chelates, and metal and semiconductor nanocrystals;
fluorophores of biological origin such as fluorescent proteins and amino acids;
and biological compounds that exhibit bioluminescence upon enzymatic
catalysis. These materials may function as either FRET donors, FRET
acceptors, or both, depending upon experimental design.
1.10. Surfactant:
Surfactants are characterized by a hydrophilic charged ‘head’ and a
hydrophobic hydrocarbon ‘tail’. The most outstanding property of surfactants is their
tendency to form aggregates, the micelles, at sharply defined critical micelle
concentration (CMC). The micelles formed by ionic amphiphilic molecules in
aqueous solutions are in dynamic association of surfactant molecules that achieve
segregation of their hydrophobic proteins from the solvent via self assembly [76].
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4 Sodium
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3 +
Dodecyl hydrochloride CH3(CH2)11NH3
N-dodecyl-N:N-dimethyl betaine +
C12H25N (CH3)2CH2COO
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CHAPTER – I Introduction
1.14. Application:
The precise location and nature of the interactions between specific
molecular species in living cells is of major interest in many areas of biological
research, but investigations are often hampered by the limited resolution of the
instruments employed to examine these phenomena. Conventional widefield
fluorescence microscopy enables localization of fluorescently labeled
molecules within the optical spatial resolution limits defined by the Rayleigh
criterion, approximately 200 nanometers (0.2 micrometer). However, in order
to understand the physical interactions between protein partners involved in a
typical biomolecular process, the relative proximity of the molecules must be
determined more precisely than diffraction-limited traditional optical imaging
methods permit. The technique of Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer
(more commonly referred to by the acronym FRET), when applied to optical
microscopy, permits determination of the approach between two molecules.
Biosensors designed on the principle of fluorescent resonance energy
transfer (FRET) have been widely applied to visualize signaling cascades in
live cells with high spatiotemporal resolution. The application of FRET
biosensors in studying molecular events in live cells and analysis methods to
explore complex biological information implicated in FRET images
a) Determination of distance between donor and acceptor
The Forster resonance energy transfer can be used as a spectroscopic
ruler in the range of 10-100 Å. The distance between the donor and acceptor
molecules should be constant during the donor lifetime, and greater than about
10 Å in order to avoid the effect of short range interactions. Some precautions
must be taken to ensure correct use of the spectroscopic ruler as:
i) The critical distance R0 should be determined under the same
experimental conditions as those of the investigated system because
R0 involves the quantum yield of the donor and the overlap integral,
which both depend on the nature of the microenvironment.
ii) As regards the orientation factor k2, it is usually taken as 2/3, which
is the isotropic dynamic average, i.e. under the assumptions that both
CHAPTER – I Introduction
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CHAPTER – I Introduction
spectral overlap between the sensor fluorescence and metal ion absorption. The
sensor is demonstrated in the detection of cobalt ions in water [102].
T. Salthammer et al reported the fluorescence quenching of perylene
by CoCI2"6HzO in small unilamellar DPPC vesicles via energy transfer. At the
probe-to-lipid ratio of 1:200 and quencher to lipid ratios of ≥ 12.5:1, donor-
donor energy transfer between clustered perylene molecules was observed as
well as energy transfer from the perylene molecules to cobalt ions both above
and below the main phase transition temperature of the lipid. The fluorescence
quenching of perylene by CoCl2.6H20 in the lipid gel state is shown to be well
described by förster long-range energy transfer when both donor-donor and
donor-acceptor energy transfer are considered. [103]
O. S. Wolfbeis et al described two new fluorescence resonance energy
transfer (FRET) compatible labels, their covalent linkage to oligonucleotides,
and their use as donor and acceptor, respectively, in FRET hybridization
studies. The dyes belong to the cyanine dyes, and water solubility is imparted
by a phosphonate which represents a new solubilizing group in DNA labels.
They were linked to amino-modified synthetic oligonucleotides via
oxysuccinimide (OSI) esters. [104].
A. Periasamy et al, have shown that the FRET is an ideal technique to
estimate the distance between interacting protein molecules in live specimens
using intensity-based microscopy. The spectral overlap of donor and
acceptor— essential for FRET—also generates a contamination of the FRET
signal [105]
S A. Stevenson et al, they are studied micelles comprised of cationic
(CTAB) and anionic (SDS) surfactants through the interactions of solution
phase anionic disodium fluorescein (DSF) and cationic rhodamine 110 (R110)
dyes with perylene sequestered within the micelles. Fluorescence lifetime
measurements monitor energy transfer between the nonpolar optical donor
within the micelle and ionic probes in the surrounding solution. The efficiency
of this process is mediated by the extent to which the ionic dyes interact with
CHAPTER – I Introduction
the micelle palisade layer, and our fluorescence lifetime data allow us to
determine the association constants for acceptor–micelle interactions [106].
Interactions between the cationic polymethine dyes 3,3′-
diethyloxacarbocyanaine iodide (DiOC2), 3,3′-dioctadecyloxacarbocyanine
iodide (DiOC18), and 1,1′-dioctadecyl-3,3,3′,3′-tetramethylindocarbocyanine
perchlorate (DiI) in the nano-scale volume of anionic sodium dodecylsulfate
(SDS) micelles have been studied using optical spectroscopy techniques. The
solubilization of pairs of dye molecules (DiOC18/DiI or DiOC2/DiI) within
SDS micelles was monitored by Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET)
between the dyes in each pair. The influence of the hydrophobicity of the dyes
DiOC2 and DiOC18 on the efficiency of their binding to SDS micelles and,
consequently, on the efficiency of FRET between DiOC18 and DiI or DiOC2
and DiI fluorophors has been analyzed. It has been shown that hydrophobic
interactions in addition to electrostatic interactions are of key importance for
the binding between the positively charged dyes and negatively charged
surfactant micelles [107].
Ququan Wang et al. shows the fluorescence resonance energy transfer
(FRET) model using two-photon excitable small organic molecule DMAHAS,
(trans-4-(N-2-hydroxyethyl-N-ethyl amino)-42-(dimethyl amino) stilbene) as
energy donor has been constructed and tried in an assay for avidin. In the
FRET model, biotin was conjugated to the FRET donor, and avidin was
labeled with a dark quencher DABS-Cl (4-(Dimethylamino) azobenzene-42-
sulfonyl chloride). Binding of DABS-Cl labeled avidin to biotinylated
DMAHAS resulted in the quenching of fluorescence emission of the donor,
based on which a competitive assay for free avidin was established.[108]
White-light emission is achieved from a single layer of diblock
copolymer micelles containing green- and red-light-emitting dyes in the
separate micellar cores and blue-light-emitting polymer around their periphery,
in which fluorescence resonance energy transfer between fluorophores is
inhibited due to micelle isolation, resulting in simultaneous emission of these
three species [109]
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CHAPTER – I Introduction
1.16. References:
1. D. R. Vij, Luminescence of solids, Plenum Press, New York, (1998)
2. E. Widemann and G. C. Schmidt, Ann. Physik, 56 (1895) 18.
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4. C.A. Parker, in Photoluminescence of Solution, Elsevier Publication,
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5. J. B. Coon, R. E. DeWames and C. M. Loyd, Journal of Molecular
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7. R. T. Williams and J. W. Bridjes, J. Clin. Path, 17 (1964) 371.
8. K. K. Rhohatgi-Mukharjee, Fundamental’s of Photochemistry, (1988)
9. J. R. Lakowicz, Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, 3rd Edition
10 S. S. Deshpande, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 41 (3)
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14. K.K. Rohatgi-Mukherjee, Indian J. Chem., 31 A (1952) 500.
15. S.E. Rickert, J.B. Lando and S. Ching, in Non-linear Optical Properties
of Organic and Polymeric Materials, Chap. 11 (ACS Symposium Series
233, American Chemical Society, 1983)
16 A.P. Marchetti and O.R. Kearns, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 89 (4) (1967) 768
17. J. Farguson, J. Chem. Phys., 28 (5) (1958) 765.
18. H. Kuhn, D. Möbius and H. Bücher, in Techniques in Chemistry, Vol. 1,
Part III B, pp. 577ff, Wiley Interscience, New York, 1972)
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