JETDE Template

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Please do not include headers, page numbers, and footers.

Page size A4 with 1.5 inches margin. Orientation should

be portrait.

Template for JETDE Submission (Font Size 14, Bold, Align Center)

your initial submission First Author’s Full Name (font size 12, align center) Write here only the main institutions of the
authors, their city, and their country. Give
must be anonymized, First Author’s Affiliation, Country only the names of the authors, no
which means without Email: university grades, titles, etc. Give the email
address of each author.
authors' names and
affiliations. The information Second Author’s Full Name
should be included on the
cover page. Second Author’s Affiliation, Country

The abstract Abstract: This document provides a template for the Journal of Educational Technology
should be less
than 200
Development and Exchange paper submission. The abstract of your paper should appear here.
words. The abstract itself should be a single paragraph and is typed in block format, that is, without
paragraph indentation. Type all numbers–except those that begin a sentence–as Arabic
numerals. The total length of the abstract should not exceed 200 words. In addition, include at
most 5 keywords of your paper immediately after the abstract. (Font size 12, italic)
should be no Keywords: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, keyword 4, keyword 5
more than 5.

1. Introduction (Capitalize the first letter, font size 12, bold for the first level headings)
This document provides descriptions of the fonts, spacing, and related information for the
EITT proceedings paper submission format. Authors are strongly encouraged to prepare their
paper manuscripts in English using this template. (Font size 12 for text)

2. Formatting Your Paper

Authors should produce the manuscripts with Microsoft™ Word. We only accept
submissions as Word files. Other formats such as PDF files, printed versions (hard copy), and
compressed file formats such as zip will not be accepted. Submit the manuscript, including
tables, figures, appendices, etc., as a single file. No page numbers, no headers, and/or footnotes
are allowed in the manuscripts.

Standard A4-sized (21 × 29.7 cm [8.27 × 11.7 in.]) paper should be used. All contents,
including text, figures, and tables, should be surrounded by 2.54 cm (1 inch) margins on all four

3. Paper Title
The title of the paper should appear on the top edge of the first page of the documents. Type
the title in uppercase and lowercase letters, centered between the left and right margins, and in
Times 14-point, boldface type. Capitalize the first letter of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives,
and adverbs; do not capitalize articles, coordinate conjunctions, or prepositions, unless the title
begins with such a word. Insert two blank single-spaced lines after the title.

4. Author Name(s) and Affiliation(s)

The name(s) of the author(s) and the author affiliation(s) are included after the paper title.
They are typed using upper case and lowercase letters in Times 12-point, centered between the
side margins, in single-spaced lines. For each of the authors, type the author’s name (in first
name, [middle initial], last name format), followed by the author’s institution and country in the
next single-spaced line, and then the author's email address in another single-spaced line.

In case there are two or more authors and they are from different institutions, type the second
author’s name and affiliations below the first author, and separate the two authors’ information
by one single-spaced line.

In case two or more authors are at the same institution, type the authors’ names on one line if
space permits. The institutional affiliation appears on the next line, just as it would for one
author. The email address of these authors should be in the format {author1,

5. Abstract and Keywords

Type the label Abstract: in Times 12-point, boldface type, flush left, two single-spaced lines
after the author(s) information. Begin the abstract next to the abstract label and type it as a single
paragraph in block format (i.e., without paragraph indentation), using Times 12-point italic type.
The abstract should not exceed 200 words. On the next line beneath the last line of the abstract,
type Keywords: and include at most 5 keywords for your paper. Separate each keyword with a
comma. Insert a blank single-spaced line after the keywords and before you begin the main text.

6. Main Text and Quotations

Type the main text in 12-point Times, single-spaced. Indent the first line of every paragraph
at 0.63 cm (0.25 in). Type the remaining lines of the paragraphs to a uniform left-hand margin.
Insert a blank single-spaced line after each paragraph. Use italics sparingly for emphasis. Do not
use field functions. Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the space bar. Use the
equation editor or MathType for equations. If you use Word 2007, do not create the equations
with the default equation editor but use the Microsoft equation editor or MathType instead.
Manuscripts with mathematical content can also be submitted in LaTeX.

Quotation marks and quotations are formatted according to the length of the quote. Quotes
with fewer than 40 words are quoted directly in the sentence. The quote “should be incorporated
into the text and enclosed in double quotation marks” (author name, year, and page #). For
quotations of 40 or more words, the followings apply:

Display quotations of 40 or more words in a single-spaced block with no quotation

marks. Indent 0.63 cm (0.25 in) from the left margin without the usual opening paragraph
indent. If the quotation is more than one paragraph, indent the first line of the second
paragraph and/or the first line of additional paragraphs 1.26 cm (0.5 in.) from the left
margin. Include a citation after the closing punctuation. (American Psychological
Association, 2001, p. 292)

After the quotation block, type in the rest of the paragraph (in any) as usual main text. You
can refer to Section 5.13 of the APA publication manual.
Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.
Please use no more than 3 levels of heading
7. First Level Headings and apply consistently.
The first level headings, for example, "1. Introduction", should be Times 12-point boldface,
and flush left. Capitalize the first letter of important words (similar to those in the paper title).
Use a period (".") after the heading number.

7.1. Second Level Headings

The second level headings should be in Times 12-point, boldface, italic, and flush left. Use a
period (".") after each heading number, such as "7.1.".

7.1.1. Third level headings and higher. The third level headings or above, as in this paragraph,
use Times 12-point, boldface, initially capitalized, flush left and followed by a period and then
the paragraph text on the same line. Use a period (".") after each heading number, such as

Use the "Text after third level headings" style for the first paragraph (which is the same as th
e main text style), while the second and additional paragraphs should follow the style of the main
text. Apply the third level headings format to headings for the fourth level and higher.

8. Figures and Tables

You can include figures and tables in the manuscript. In particular, figures must be in a
format supported by Microsoft™ Word. Popular formats such as .gif and .jpg are suggested.
Tables can be in any format available in the word processor. Use the table function, not
spreadsheets, to make tables. Figure and table captions should be 12-point Times, non-boldface,
and centered. Capitalize the first word of each figure caption and table title. Figures and tables
must be numbered separately. Figure and table captions must be italic. Put figure and table
captions above the figures and the tables. Figure 1 and Table 1 are included below as
Figures should be included in the text body near the
first reference to it (not at the end of the paper).
Figure 1 Number all figures with Arabic numerals in the
Example of Figure order in which they are first mentioned in the text.
Do not add suffix letters to the numbers of the

figure. The figure itself should have a legend, which
explains the symbols used in the figure and is
placed within the figure. Add a caption under the
figure, following the figure number in plain text and
sentence-style capitalization. This serves as an

le of
explanation and a figure title. After the descriptive
phrase adds information that may be needed to
clarify the figure.

Table 1 Tables should be included in the text body near the
first reference to it (not at the end of the paper). All
Example of Table tables are to be numbered using Arabic numerals.
Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive
numerical order. For each table, please supply a
table caption (title) explaining the components of
the table. Identify any previously published material
by giving the original source in the form of a
reference at the end of the table caption. Footnotes
to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-
case letters (or asterisks for significance values and
other statistical data) and included beneath the table
Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4 Item5
Test1 .001 .004 .341 .01
Test2 4.5 3.4 12 21
Test3 28 30 41 65

9. Reference Citations
Within the body of the paper, indicate the cited text with a pointer and include the
corresponding citations in References. The Reference section appears after the last section. Use
the first level heading to type the label References (in Times 12-point, boldface type, flush left),
without any heading number. Type all references below the Reference label, in alphabetical
order. Follow the APA Reference Style (American Psychological Association, 7th ed) for
citation entries. Note: APA 7 now stipulates a work with three or more authors is cited with only
the first author’s name followed by “et al.” in every citation even the first (unless doing so
creates ambiguity between different sources).

Beers, S. R., & De Bellis, M. D. (2002). Neuropsychological function in children with
maltreatment-related posttraumatic stress disorder. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 159,
483–486. doi:
Bradley-Johnson, S. (1994). Psychoeducational assessment of students who are visually
impaired or blind: Infancy through high school (2nd ed.). Austin, TX: Pro-ed.
Scott, T. (2018, November 12). Why Computers Can't Count Sometimes [Video file]. Retrieved
This is an optional section in which you may record
appreciation to individuals or organizations for
Acknowledgments (optional) assisting or supporting the research work. Format as
for body text. Acknowledgments of people, grants,
funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section
(so-headed) before the reference list. The names of
funding organizations should be written in full.

The list of references should only include works that are

cited in the text and that have been published or
accepted for publication. Personal communications and
unpublished works should only be mentioned in the
text. Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the
last names of the first author of each work. Journal
names and book titles should be italicized. You are
required to include the DOI in the references. Please
always include DOIs as full DOI links in your reference
list (e.g., “”).

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