Atmospheric Waves
Atmospheric Waves
Atmospheric Waves
By Martin Miller
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
In order to understand the many and varied approximations and assumptions which are made in designing a nu-
merical model of the earths atmosphere (whether of small-scale features such as individual clouds, or mesoscale,
regional, global weather prediction or climate models), it is necessary to study the various wave motions which can
be present. The identification and appreciation of the mechanisms of these waves will allow us to isolate or elim-
inate certain wave types and to better understand the viability and effectiveness of commonly made approximations
such as assuming hydrostatic balance.
Here we will attempt to identify the basic atmospheric wave motions, to emphasise their most important properties
and their physical characteristics. Basic textbooks such as 'An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology' by Holton
or 'Numerical Prediction and Dynamic Meteorology' by Haltiner and Williams provide a good introduction and
complement this short course well. Whereas these textbooks treat each wave motion separately starting from dif-
ferent simplified equation sets, we will separate waves from a more complete equation set by various approxima-
tions made at later stages thus making it easier to relate the impact of a particular approximation on several wave
types. Nevertheless, to retain all wave types in the initial equation set is unmanageable and we will introduce sub-
sets of equations later.
We will restrict ourselves to neutral (non-amplifying, non-decaying) waves in which energy exchanges are oscil-
While the exact equations have been considerably simplified into a useful form for studies of atmospheric dynam-
ics, these simplified equations cannot be solved analytically except in certain special cases. The main difficulty aris-
es through the non-linear advective terms ( v ⋅ ∇ )v , v ⋅ ∇ etc. Although these terms can considerably modify the
linear solutions and are also physically significant because they represent transfer and feedback between different
scales of motion, the linearized equations (obtained by removing second-order advective terms) are useful for iden-
tifying the origin of distinct types of wave (acoustic, gravity and cyclone) in the equations. It should be understood
that although nonlinearity will modify the acoustic, gravity and long waves it will not introduce any additional
wave types. Since the origin of waves can be identified in the linearized equations and these can be solved analyt-
ically, useful methods for filtering individual modes can be determined.
The following mathematical analysis requires a choice of vertical coordinate. While it is common to use pressure
or a pressure-based vertical coordinate in large-scale modelling, this is not a necessary theoretical restriction and
we can write the equations in (height), (pressure) or σ ( = ⁄ * ), as follows:
-coordinates ( , , , )
-------- –
= – --- ------ (1)
D ρ∂
------- +
= – --- ------ (2)
D ρ∂
--------- +
= – --- ------ (3)
D ρ∂
∂ ∂ D
------ + ------ + ------- = ------ ( ln ρ )
∂ ∂ ∂ D
------ ( ln ) = κ ------ ( ln ) (5)
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
where ------ = ----- + ------ + ------ + ------ and κ = -----
D ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
All source/sink terms are omitted.
-coordinates ( , , , )
-------- –
= – ( 1 + ε ) -------
------- +
D ∂Φ
= – ( 1 + ε ) -------
--------- = – ( 1 + ε ) -------
∂ ∂ω D
------ + ------ + ------- = ------ { ln ( 1 + ε ) }
∂ ∂ ∂ D
D κω
--------- = ------------
1D 1 D Dφ
ε = --- --------- = -----2- ------ ------- (11)
and ω = -------- , Φ = D
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
, and ------ = ----- + ------ + ------ + ω ------
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
Either by transforming (1)(5) or (6)–(11) we can obtain the exact σ -coordinate set:
-------- –
D ∂Φ
= – ( 1 + ε ) ------- –
∂ ∂
------ ( ln
∂ *) (12)
------- +
= – ( 1 + ε ) ------- –
∂ ∂
------ ( ln
∂ *) (13)
--------- = – ( 1 + ε ) ------- (14)
σ ∂σ
∂ ∂σ̇ D
------ + ------ + ------ = – ------ ( ln
∂ ∂ ∂σ D *)
+ ------ { ln ( 1 + ε ) }
σ̇ D
--------- = κ --- + ------ ( ln
σ D
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
where σ̇ = -------- , and ------ = ----- + ------ + ------ + σ̇ ------ .
∂ ∂ ∂σ
All partial derivatives respect their coordinate system.
Note that putting D ⁄ D = 0 in (3), and ε = 0 elsewhere gives the familiar large-scale equation sets, but we
will not make this approximation at present. In principle the following linearized analysis can be done in any co-
ordinate; we will use height but much of this analysis has been done in pressure and sigma coordinates elsewhere
(e.g. Kasahara, 1974; Miller, 1974; Miller and White, 1984).
For simplicity we will suppose that the motion is independent of and neglect the variation of the Coriolis param-
eter with latitude ( β = ∂ ⁄ ∂ = 0 ). Also we will consider small disturbances on an initially motionless atmos-
phere. A non-zero basic flow and restoration of β and non-zero ∂ ⁄ ∂ will be considered later.
In order to trace the effect of individual terms we will use ‘tracer parameters' 1, 2, 3, which have the value
1 but can be set to zero to eliminate the relevant term.
= 0 +δ =δ
+δ =δ
= 0
= 0 +δ =δ
ρ = ρ 0 ( ) + δρ
Θ =
= 0( )+δ
Θ 0 ( ) + δΘ
where δ , δ , δ , δρ, δ , δΘ denote small perturbations on a mean state and ρ 0 ( ), 0 ( ), Θ 0 ( ) define the
basic horizontally stratified atmosphere with --------0- = – ρ 0 . Since we consider small perturbations such that prod-
ucts of perturbations can be negelcted and that δ /p 0 « 1 , δρ /ρ 0 « 1 , δΘ /Θ 0 « 1 we can write (1)–(5) as:
∂ δ
---------- – δ + ------ ------ = 0
∂ ∂ ρ0
--------- + δ = 0 (18)
4 -----------
∂ δ
+ ------ ------ –
∂ ρ0 3
------ – δΘ = 0
∂ δρ
2 ----- ------
∂ ρ0
∂δ ∂δ 1δ
+ ---------- + ----------- – -------------
∂ ∂ 0
- = 0 (20)
----- δΘ + δ = 0 (21)
where ∂
= ------ ( ln θ 0 ) and ------- = – ------ ( ln ρ 0 ) .
0 ∂
The full solution is the appropriate Fourier sum of terms of this form over all wavenumbers. Since we shall be
! !
looking at individual waves we choose to discuss individual wave components rather than the Fourier sum.
Inserting δ = ˆ ( ) exp ( ( + σ ) ) , δ = ˆ ( ) exp ( ( + σ ) ) , and the corresponding expressions for δ ,
δ , δρ , and δΘ into (17)-(21), and noting that the operators ∂ ⁄ ∂ , ∂ ⁄ ∂ can be replaced by and σ , re-
spectively, yields the following set of ordinary differential equations in the unknowns ˆ , ˆ , ˆ , ˆ ⁄ ρ 0, ρ̂ ⁄ ρ 0, Θ̂ :
# σˆ – ˆ + " ˆ
----- = 0
σˆ + ˆ = 0# (23)
4 σˆ +
- –
ρ 0
----- – Θ̂ = 0
σ ----- +
1 ˆ
ˆ – ----------
- = 0 (25)
σΘ̂ + ˆ = 0 (26)
ˆ = – ----------------
- -----
σ – 0
Eliminating ˆ between (25) and (27), and using (26) and the relation:
1 ˆ
ρ̂ 1 ˆ
δΘ̂ = --- ------ – ----- = ----2 ----- – -----
γ 0 ρ0 ρ0 ρ0
where = γ
0 is the Laplacian speed of sound, gives:
ˆ +
2 – 1
ˆ + σ
----- –
2 σ 2 – 2 ρ 0
- ----- = 0
Using Θ̂ = "
ˆ ----
– 3
----- + ( – 4σ
)ˆ = 0 (31)
In general , 1 ⁄ 0 , are functions of so ˆ and ˆ ⁄ ρ 0 are obtained by simultaneous solution of the two first
order equations (29) and (31) and the ˆ , ˆ , Θ̂ , ρ̂ ⁄ ρ 0 fields obtained from (27), (28), (30) and (25), respectively.
related by + ⁄
However, for our present purposes it is sufficient to consider constant (mean) values of , 1 ⁄ 0 and which are
= 1 ⁄ 0 . Then the differential equation for the height variation of ˆ is:
σ 2 + (
3 ) – -------
1 d
+ ( – 4 σ
σ – 2
- – -----22
– 3
– ------1- ˆ = 0
The exact linearized equation for ˆ , obtained by setting
1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 1 in (32), is:
d2 1 d 2 1
% 1
σ 2 – ------- + ( - – ----2 –
– σ ) ---------------- – ------- ˆ = 0 (33)
0d σ –
2 2
d 0
One solution of (33) is σ = 0 , and the corresponding dynamical structure can be determined by setting σ = 0 in
(22)–(26) to give ˆ = ˆ = 0 and ˆ = ( ⁄ ) ( ˆ ⁄ ρ 0 ) . This is geostrophic motion in the -direction and is also
exactly hydrostatic. More detail of this solution will be considered later.
If σ ≠ 0 in (33) then:
1 d 2( –σ ) σ
ˆ – ------- ˆ + ------------------------------
2 2
- +
ˆ = 0
d 0d σ –
Setting ˆ = *( ) exp ( ⁄2 0) leads to the differential equation:
* 2(
–σ ) σ
+ ------------------------------
2 2
- +
– ----------2- * = 0 (35)
d σ – 4 0
In general, if the wave motion is confined between physical boundaries, then (35) must be solved with respect to
boundary conditions—that is * must satisfy the differential equation (35) and the prescribed values of * on
these boundaries. It is reasonable to suppose that only waves of a certain frequency and wavenumber can satisfy
all these constraints. For such waves the permissible values of the (characteristic) function
' ( , σ, , , , 0)
–σ ) σ
= ------------------------------
2 2
- + -----2 – ----------2-
σ – 4 0
are called eigenvalues and the solutions corresponding to these eigenvalues are called eigenfunctions.
For simplicity we shall suppose that the fluid is unbounded (the bounded problem with * = 0 at = ± ⁄ 2
(say) can be attempted as an exercise) and in this case it is readily seen that * ∝ e is a solution to (35) provided
- 2 (
–σ ) σ
= ------------------------------
- + -----2 – ----------2- (36)
σ – 4 0
σ –σ
2 2
+ 2 2
+ - 2 1
+ ----------2- + -
2 2
2 2
+ ----------2-
= 0 (37)
4 0 4 0
and contains two pairs of waves moving in the + and – directions, with:
- + + ----------2- 2
2 2 2 2 1
4 0
2 2
+ ----------2-
2 1 2 2 1
σ g = --- + + 1 – 1 – ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- (38)
4 0 + + + ----------2-
2 2 2 2 2 1
4 0
- + + ----------2- 2
2 2 2 2 1
2 2 4 0
+ ----------2-
2 1 2 2 1
σ a = --- + + 1 + 1 – ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- (39)
2 4 0
2 2
2 1
+ ----------2-
The first pair of roots represent inertial–gravity waves and the second pair represent acoustic waves. This is not
obvious, especially with the degree of complication represented in these two relationships, so it is useful to look at
extreme cases (i.e. short/long waves) to clarify the above classification.
In such dispersion relations a basic unsheared zonal flow ( ) can be included by replacing σ by ( σ + . ), i.e.
Doppler shifted.
3.1 Gravity Waves
average of ⁄
In the troposphere, the inertial frequency is small compared with the Brunt–Väisälä frequency
(a global
∼ 10 ). Moreover their magnitudes together with those of and 0 satisfy the following
2 2 2 2
0 0
- « -------- « ---------------
-«1 (40)
σ g ≅ ------------------------------------------------
2 2 2
- (41)
( + + 1 ⁄ 4 0)
This is the dispersion relation for short internal gravity waves (wavelength ≤ 50 km say). Since the waves are rel-
atively short they are not modified significantly by rotation (no in (41)).
2 2
- -
(41) defines an upper limit to the frequency, i.e. σ g ∼ for » , with a period of about 10 minutes.
2 2 2 2 2 2
Since » , the propagation is primarily in the vertical ( σ ⁄ «σ ⁄ ) , with propagation speeds of approx-
imately 10m/s.
Show that these oscillations are transverse (particle paths parallel to wave fronts). Derive from (41) a relationship
between group velocity and phase velocity and consider its geometric interpretation.
Gravity waves act as a signal to the surrounding fluid of localised changes in potential temperature. Short gravity
waves are dispersive since their phase velocity σ ⁄ is a function of and they radiate energy.
Internal gravity waves are excited by local diabatic or mechanical forcing. A particularly interesting, important,
and ubiquitous type of gravity wave is generated when there is stably stratified flow over orography. These are know
as lee waves, a stationary wave pattern over and downstream of the obstacle. Relative to the mean wind the phase
lines slope upstream; energy must be propagated upward hence the phase velocity must have a downward compo-
nent (this follows from the previous exercise). Since the waves are stationary = 0: 0
( +
2 -
= -------------------------------------------------------
+ 1 ⁄ 4 0)
2 1⁄2
- 1 -
This can be solved for (given , , ) to give the phase slopes. For vertical propagation > 0 , i.e.
< ⁄ , hence favourable lee wave conditions require suitable local combinations of mountain/hill geometry
and large-scale flow.
The importance of vertically propagating gravity waves, especially lee waves, in forecast and climate models has
attracted recent attention and their associated vertical momentum fluxes appear to be a significant factor in the dy-
namics of the large-scale circulation and of the stratosphere in particular.
As we move towards the long wave limit of (38) the influence of rotation (through ) is increasingly felt and these
long inertial gravity waves have frequencies tending towards Their horizontal phase speeds become large, of
relevance in the design of time-integration schemes and in the problem of initialisation. The limiting case of
σ = represents a pure inertial wave with neither buoyancy or pressure forces important.
In a similar manner we can examine (39). The inequalities in (40) are independent of the character of the oscillation
2 2
and considering short waves such that » ⁄ it follows that:
σa ≅ - 2
0) (42)
Also if
»( - 2
0) , then:
σa ≅ 2 2
The structure of these short waves may be found by substituting Eq. (43) back into (22)–(26).
Show that these waves are longitudinal with negligible temperature changes.
The motion transmits pressure perturbations with a speed c, the speed of sound, for all wavelengths—i.e. the mo-
tion is nondispersive.
σ ≅
2 - 2
0) (44)
Since σ ⁄ , σ ⁄ -
are horizontal and vertical phase speeds, respectively, we can deduce that short acoustic waves
propagate with wave fronts almost vertical and vice-versa for long waves.
It is useful to simplify the exact linearized equations since we can then extend the physical principles behind these
approximations to simplify the much more complicated non-linear equations.
In particular, in this section we shall show how sound waves and gravity waves can be filtered, and determine con-
ditions under which the static approximation to the pressure field is valid.
It is not obvious ‘a priori' how an approximation made in one equation feeds through to affect terms in other equa-
tions and hence modify the mathematical and physical solutions. We therefore carry out the necessary elimination
rather carefully and for this purpose we retain the parameters 1, 2, 3, 4 to trace the effects of an approxima-
tion. However, we see from (32) that 2 and 3 occur in the combination ( 2 – 3 ) which vanishes in the exact
equations ( 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 1 ) . Consequently, a spurious term will arise if we neglect 2 but retain 3 , or
vice-versa. We therefore must either retain both 2 and 3 or neglect both. We therefore have to set 3 = 2 in
For reasons already discussed, the acoustic and inertial-gravity solutions to (32) are proportional to
exp 1
- , provided that the oscillations obey the following frequency equation:
+ ----------
2 0
2 1
2 2
[ –
+ σ ( 4 – 1)]
- + --------------------------------------------------------------
+ ----------
2 2 2
4 -----
(1 – 1)
------------------- + ( 3 – 1) = 0 (45)
4 0 σ – 0
necessary for their elimination. Acoustic waves will occur in any elastic medium, and the elastic compressibility
of a fluid is represented by ∂ρ ⁄ ∂ in the continuity equation, so it is reasonable to suppose that the removal of
this term will filter acoustic waves. Moreover, since we want to use these simplified (anelastic) equations in, for
example, a later analysis of gravity waves, we hope that the effect of filtering sound waves will not distort the grav-
ity waves in the anelastic equations
( –σ )
2 2
- =
- 2 1
+ ----------2- (46)
σ – 4 0
(46) has only two roots in σ , contrasting with the corresponding exact frequency equation (36) which has four
roots, representing two inertial-gravity waves and two acoustic waves. Rearranging (46) and noting that
⁄ «1,
- 2
2 2
σ = + ------------------------------------- (47)
2 2 1
+ + ----------2-
4 0
- 2
σ = ------------------------------------- (48)
2 2 1
+ + ----------2-
4 0
which by comparison with the short-wave approximation to the exact equation (41) clearly represents an (undis-
2 2
torted) gravity-wave oscillation. Similarly the long inertial waves represented by σ ∼ are undistorted.
The basic criterion for neglect of ∂ ⁄ ∂ ( δρ ⁄ ρ 0 ) , viz 2 = 0 , is obtained by comparing (46) and (36) and this
criterion can be seen to be that:
σ «
2 2 2
+ - 2 1
+ ----------2-
4 0
That is, that the frequency of inertial-gravity waves must be much smaller than the acoustic frequency, a condition
always well satisfied.
From these considerations we can use the acoustically filtered equations with confidence in any detailed examina-
tion of gravity waves in the atmosphere.
Putting 2 = 3 = 0 in the fully non-linear equations defines a set of equations which do not support acoustic
waves. Although local elastic density changes are absent, variations in density are included through the vertical
density variation ( 0 ) and where multiplied by in the vertical momentum equation.
proximation is valid nor its dynamical feedback on wave structure is obvious.
σ « 2
+ - 2
Referring to (45) it is clear that the criteria for the neglect of the terms involving
4 are:
σ «
The first criterion is always well satisfied by inertial-gravity and geostrophic waves, since these are of low frequen-
cy by comparison with the acoustic oscillations. The second criterion is well satisfied by inertial waves but not by
very short gravity waves, since from (41) we established that is their approximate frequency. We therefore
examine this second criterion a little more carefully. From (41) we see that the frequency of pure gravity waves is
given by:
σ ≅ -------------------------------------------
2 2
+ +1⁄4 0
in which case σ «
only if «
2 - 2 2
+ 1 ⁄ 4 0 . We can therefore only set 4 = 0 for systems with flow
'geometry' satisfying this criterion, i.e. the horizontal wavelength must be much greater than the vertical
2 2
σ = + -------------------------------
+1⁄4 0
Comparing this equation with (41) it is obvious that unless « + 1 ⁄ 4 0 , the gravity wave will be consider-
2 - 2 2
ably distorted if the pressure field is hydrostatic. The inertial wave is, however, unaffected. So in particular, if the
system being analysed has comparable vertical and horizontal wavelength, the hydrostatic assumption should not
20 2 20
be used - for example in convective scale models. If however » , that is ≥ 100 km for disturbances of
depth ∼ 10 km, the hydrostatic approximation will not appreciably distort the gravity waves.
Acoustic frequencies do not appear in (49) and at first sight it would appear that all acoustic oscillations have been
filtered from the equations of motion by making the pressure fields hydrostatic. This is not the case however, since
oscillations characterised by ˆ = 0 everywhere are not represented in (49); since this equation was obtained from
(32) by assuming that ˆ was not identically zero. Vertically propagating acoustic waves ( ˆ ≠ 0 )are, however, fil-
tered by demanding that the pressure field should by hydrostatic.
4.3 The Lamb wave
We now examine the case where ˆ = 0 everywhere. In this case (32) is clearly redundant, and we must refer back
to (29) and (31) to obtain the frequency of possible oscillations. From these equations with ˆ = 0
σ -----22 – ----------------
- ----- = 0
2 ρ
σ – 0
σ –
d ˆ = 0
3 -----
Now ˆ ⁄ ρ 0 = 0 is a trivial solution because with ˆ = 0 , it follows that the fluid must be motionless and hydro-
static ( δ = δ = δ = δρ = δΘ = δ = 0 ) i.e. the initial state.
- = -----22
σ –
with d –
d ˆ = 0
3 -----
Since 2, 3 trace the elastic compressibility this type of motion is a form of acoustic wave, and can be eliminated
by setting ∂δρ ⁄ ∂ = 0 in the continuity equation and δ /ρ = 0 in the vertical momentum equation (19).
To discuss the structure of the oscillation more carefully set 2 = 3 = 1 , in which case:
σ =
2 2
2 2
----- = e 3+ cos ( +σ )
Referring back to the equations of motion in the usual way we obtain for the rest of the variables
ˆ = ˆ = 0
Θ̂ = 0
σ ˆ
ˆ = – -------2- -----
ρ 0
The oscillation is therefore a pressure pulse propagating horizontally at the speed of sound. This type of oscillation
is known as a Lamb wave; it has negligible physical significance and is removed by the anelastic approximation.
The Lamb wave can also be eliminated by appropriate upper- or lower-boundary conditions. For large-scale fore-
cast models these methods of elimination are not usually appropriate. However the longest gravity waves have
comparable phase speeds to the Lamb wave (see Section 7).
It is worth stressing that the presence of the elastic term in the continuity equation is rather concealed in the pres-
sure- and sigma-coordinate forms of the continuity equation, however both (9) and (15) are elastic (even with the
hydrostatic approximation, ε = 0 ).
Although the hydrostatic approximation filters vertically propagating sound waves it is unnecessarily restrictive
and it has been shown that a small approximation to the vertical acceleration can achieve the same effect (Miller,
1974; Miller and White, 1984).
local rate of change of divergence to be zero is a sufficient filter.
∂ ∂δ
∂δ ∂ δ
5 ----- ---------- – --------- + --------
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ρ0
------ = 0
∂ ∂δ
∂ ∂
----- --------- + ---------- = 0
∂∂ δ
----- -------2- ------ –
∂ ∂ ρ0
---------- = 0
σ (
– 2
5σ ) + - 2
------2- = 0 (54)
It can readily be seen that setting 5 = 0 eliminates the inertial–gravity wave solution. Use of the rotational or
geostrophic wind clearly achieves this.
Using the previous filtering approximations and now retaining the variation of Coriolis parameter with latitude
leads to the following equation for the pressure perturbation ( ( δ ⁄ ρ 0 ) ≡ ˜ ):
∂ ∂ ˜ ∂ ˜ 0 ∂ ˜
2 2
- --------2- + β ------- = 0
----- --------2- + --------2- + ------- (55)
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
Putting ˜ proportional to exp [ i ( 4$ -5
+ + – σ ) ] gives the dispersion relation:
4 -
σ = – --------------------------------------------
2 + 2 + 2 -------
6 β
σ =
4 -
– --------------------------------------------
2 + 2 + 2 -------
Thus these waves, known as Rossby waves, must propagate westward relative to the mean zonal flow since:
0 6 β
4 -
– --------------------------------------------
2 + 2 + 2 -------
Clearly Rossby waves are dispersive and long zonal and meridional wavelengths will propagate fastest. However
typical values show that large-scale Rossby waves move quite slowly (10 m s-1). From (56) we can deduce that
short zonal wavelengths have a group velocity opposite in direction to their phase velocity.
Equation (55) is a form of the barotropic vorticity equation which states that the vertical component of absolute
vorticity is conserved following the horizontal motion. A useful physical appreciation of the westward propagation
is shown in Fig. 1 (from Holton).
Figure 1. Perturbation vorticity field and induced velocity field (dashed arrows) for a meridionally displaced
chain of fluid parcels. The heavy wavy line shows the original perturbation position, and the light line shows the
westward displacement of the pattern due to advection by the induced velocity field.
By considering a chain of fluid parcels along a latitude circle and requiring that ζ +
initially, a meridional displacement δ results in:
is conserved then, if ζ = 0
0 = 1 + ζ1 (conservation)
but ζ1 = 0 – 1
= – βδ (definition)
A sinusoidal displacement therefore gives positive (cyclonic) vorticity for southward displacements and negative
(anticyclonic) vorticity for northward displacements. It is then clear from the diagram that this induced flow field
advects the chain of fluid parcels such that the wave pattern propagates westwards.
7 7 7
Any smooth surface, either free or rigid, must be a material boundary. That is, particles adjoining the surface follow
the surface contours. It follows that D ( – ) ⁄ D = 0 at = , where is the surface profile, defines this (kin-
ematic) condition. So = D ⁄ D , a condition with reduces to = 0 on a horizontal, rigid boundary. How-
ever, this kinematic condition alone is not sufficient to determine the shape of a free surface, and an additional
(dynamical) boundary condition must be specified to determine a solution. This extra boundary condition is con-
tinuity of pressure. In practice this condition has to be re-expressed in terms of kinematic quantities by using either
the momentum or Bernoulli equations.
We will consider the simplest example of surface gravity waves and isolate their physical origin. For this purpose
we suppose the fluid to be unstratified ( = 0 ) . Acoustic waves can be eliminated for reasons given earlier, but
this has to be done rather carefully so we retain 2 at present.
ˆ – ------1-
ˆ – 4 σ
σ – 2 2
- – -----22 ˆ = 0
For simplicity we will look at the behaviour of small amplitude waves in a fluid with a free surface
( , ) = cos ( + σ ) above which the pressure is assumed constant (e.g. air–sea interface, model of waves
on inversion). The lower boundary is assumed to be a rigid horizontal surface at = 0 .
With the above comments in mind the (non linear) boundary conditions are:
7 7
(i) = 0 at = 0
(ii) = D ⁄ D at =
pressure continuous at the free surface, which in this example is equivalent to D ⁄ D = 0 at
= .
The linearized forms of these conditions are:
7 7
(i) δ = 0 at = 0
(ii) δ = ∂ ⁄ ∂ at =
(iii) ∂ ( δ ⁄ ρ 0 ) ⁄ ∂ = δ at = which, by using (29) and the condition that + ⁄ = 1⁄ 0,
can be shown to be equivalent to
( 1 – 2)
ˆ – ----------------------
0 σ –
+ ----------------
- ˆ = 0
at 7 = (58)
From (58) we see that if we eliminate acoustic waves by setting 2 = 3 = 0 , we must also set 1 = 0 in the
boundary condition otherwise an oscillation, spurious in the sense that it cannot occur in the exact equations, will
arise through an inconsistent approximation.
Equation (57), with the above boundary conditions, can readily be solved for all wavelengths but it is
instructive to consider long and short waves independently.
7 8, 8
5.1 Long waves
If waves are long to the extent that 0 « 1 and « 1 , then the non-hydrostatic term containing the term 4 in
(57) can be neglected by comparison with ( 1 ⁄ 0 ) ( ˆ ⁄ ) and the solution is seen to be:
9 :+ 1 -------
1 – e
δ = σ --------------------------- sin ( +σ ) (59)
1 ------0-
e – 1
9 :;
where σ =
+ 0
1 – e
– 1 -------
If the height scale is negligible by comparison with the density scale height left( 7 « 0)
--- =
----2- +
+ O -------
and is, therefore, the propagation speed of long surface waves in a liquid or an atmospheric layer which is much
shallower than 7 km. For instance, long waves on the boundary-layer inversion, ≈ 1 km and so ≈ 100 m s-1. 7
If, on the other hand, 7 » 0
(for example in a deep gas) then --- =
----2- +
0 .
It is easy to show that the earths rotation only becomes important for synoptic scales or longer. For the earths at-
mosphere these deep long waves propagate at about 270 m s-1. These long waves are often referred to as “shallow
water” waves and the equation set resulting from (17)–(21) with the relevant approximations (normally with
∂ ⁄ ∂ ≠ 0 ) form the “shallow water equations”. These provide a popular equation set for analytical/dynamical
studies and also for testing and designing numerical integration schemes.
5.2 Short waves
0 » 1 and
» 1 the term involving 4 cannot be neglected whereas rotation can obviously be so. The
solution can be shown to be:
sinh ( )
= – σ ---------------------- exp
sin ( )
7( – )
1 -----------------
2 0
sin ( +σ ) (60)
where σ =
, tanh ( 7 ) . Hence for 7 »1, σ⁄ ≈ < ⁄ , a much slower phase speed than the long waves.
If desired, free-surface waves can be eliminated by imposing rigid upper and lower boundary conditions.
Near the Equator atmospheric waves acquire a rather different character and what were clearly distinct mechanisms
cease to be so. Following Matsuno (1966) we will study equatorial waves using the shallow water equations with
= β , known as the equatorial beta-plane, and including ∂ ⁄ ∂ ≠ 0 , and linearize again about a state of no mo-
tion. Hence:
∂ '
-------- – β
∂ '
' + -------- = 0
∂ ∂
∂ ' ∂ ′
------- + β
' + -------- = 0 (61)
∂ ∂
∂ ′ ∂--------' + ------
∂ '
-------- + - = 0
∂ ∂ ∂
7 7 !
Derive the above equations from (1)–(5).
Assuming wavelike forms for ( ', ', ' ) = ( ˆ , ˆ , ˆ ) exp [ (
-variation explicitly leads to the differential equation:
+ σ ) ] in the east–west direction, but retaining the
β β
2 2
--------2- + --------- – + ------ – --------- y ˆ = 0
d ˆ 2 2
d σ
2 2 2 β 2 2 2
= ------------- λ ; = ------------- µ ; σ = βω
8 2
8 --------2- + ω – µ + ---- – λ ˆ = 0
ˆ 2 2 2
λ ω
2 2 µ
ω – µ + ---- = 2 + 1
( = 0, 1, 2, … ) , (64)
0 exp ( – λ
of the form ˆ = ⁄ 2) (λ) ,
3 2
ω – ( µ + 2 + 1 )ω + µ = 0 (65)
The three distinct roots represent a pair of inertial gravity waves and one Rossby wave. The solutions can conven-
2 2
iently be studied by considering the cases (a) ω ∼ µ and (b) ω « µ ( large), hence:
ω 1, 2 = −
+ µ +2 +1
µ +2 +1
ω 3 = ---------------------------
β(2 + 1)
1, 2 = −
+ 1 + ------------------------
= – ------------------------------------------
(2 + 1)
Obviously 1, 2 are a pair of eastward and westward propagating inertial gravity waves while 3 is a westward
propagating Rossby wave.
For ≥ 1 these three solutions are distinct but for = 0 , (65) can be factorized:
( ω – µ ) ( ω + ωµ – 1 ) = 0
The root ω = µ is unacceptable (show) but the root ω 1 = – µ ⁄ 2 – ( µ ⁄ 2 ) + 1 is an eastward propagating in-
ertial gravity wave and the root omega ω 2 = – µ ⁄ 2 + ( µ ⁄ 2 ) + 1 is called a mixed Rossby gravity wave; this is
because, as µ → 0, ω 2 → 1 (the limiting case of gravity waves (see (66)), while, as µ → ∞, ω 2 → 0 , the limit-
ing case of Rossby waves (see (67)).
One other important special case is when = – 1 . This corresponds to a wave with ˆ identically zero. This has
solutions (see (61)) = – σ ⁄ = ±
, where only the positive root is acceptable (the negative root violates
the equatorial beta-plane assumption. See also (65) with = – 1 ). This fast-moving eastward propagating wave
is the Kelvin wave (see Fig. 2 ). These waves occur commonly in the ocean as waves along coastlines (decaying
exponentially away from the coast).
Figure 2. Velocity and pressure distributions in the horizontal plane for (a) Kelvin waves, and (b) Rossby–gravity
waves (from Matsuno “Quasi-geostrophic motions in the equatorial area”, J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan, 1966).
Data studies of the equatorial stratosphere have identified both very long wavelength Kelvin and mixed Rossby–
gravity waves. Considerable recent interest has been shown in these tropical waves in studies of diabatic forcing in
the tropics and its impact on higher latitudes (Gill, 1980 etc.). Fig. 3 summarises these equatorial wave character-
Figure 3. Non-dimensional frequencies from (65) as a function of wavenumber. The lines indicate the following
types of waves: Eastward propagating inertial–gravity wave (thin solid line); westward propagating inertial–
gravity wave (thin dashed line); Rossby wave (thick solid line); Kelvin wave (thick dashed line). (After Matsuno
Fig. 4 summarises the basic wave types. It is a dispersion diagram of horizontal phase speed plotted against hori-
zontal wavelength (both logarithmic scales) so isopleths of wave period are straight lines of unit slope with inter-
cept log σ . Some points of interest are:
The short vertical wavelength acoustic waves which, while having phase speeds normal to their
wave fronts equal to = γ , have very large horizontal phase speeds (with wave fronts almost
parallel to the ground).
In previous sections we have identified several wave types with a wide range of frequencies. The choice of time
Hence σ MAX is dominated by the vertically propagating acoustic waves and it is desirable to filter out these verti-
cally propagating waves by assuming hydrostatic balance.
Horizontally propagating acoustic waves (Lamb) pose less of a problem since their frequencies are not much higher
than the long gravity waves discussed earlier left ( ( σ a ) ⁄ σ g ∼ γ ⁄ ≥ 1 ). Nevertheless various numerical
techniques have been devised to ease this restriction (see Lecture Note 1.4).
We could make the anelastic approximation ( ∂ρ ⁄ ∂ = 0 in the continuity equation) but retain the non-hydrostat-
ic terms. An equation set based on (17)–(21) with 2 = 3 = 0 then allows us to predict , and ; however
these components must satisfy the continuity equation. Differentiating (20) with respect to time and substituting
from (17), (18) and (19) gives a diagnostic Poisson-type equation for the pressure of the form
∇ ( δ ⁄ ρ 0 ) = ( , , , … ) which must be inverted each time step. This is a relatively expensive procedure
and not justifiable for large-scale models because the hydrostatic approximation is well-satisfied. For much smaller
scale models where ∆ ≥ ∆ the decision is no longer straightforward and generally either the anelastic approxi-
mation is made or sound waves are retained and treated by some sophisticated numerical technique.
Gill, A. E., 1980: Some simple solutions for heat-induced tropical circulation. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 106, 447
- 462.
Haltiner, E. and Williams, R. T., 1980: Numerical Prediction and Dynamic Meteorology. 2nd Edition. Wiley, 477
Holton, J. R., 1972: An introduction to dynamic meteorology. International Geophysical Series, Vol. 16, Academic
Press, 319 pp.
Kasahara, 1974: Various vertical coordinate systems used for numerical weather prediction. Mon. Wea. Rev., 102,
509 - 522.
Matsuno, 1966: Quasi-geostrophic motions in the equatorial area. J. Met. Soc. Japan, 44, 25 - 43.
Miller, M. J. 1974: On the use of pressure as vertical coordinate in modelling convection. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor.
Soc., 100, 155 - 162.
Miller, M. J. and White, A. A. 1984: On the non-hydrostatic equations in pressure and sigma coordinates. Quart.
J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 110, 515 - 535.
These notes rely heavily on unpublished lecture notes written by J. S. A. Green with subsequent modifications by
M. W. Moncrieff. Additional material was gleaned from a number of referenced sources.