Anti Virus Case Study
Anti Virus Case Study
Anti Virus Case Study
2 Methodology 6
2.1 Validity & Reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Metasploit motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Ethical concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3.1 Data gathering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4 Data gathering tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3 Theoretical Background 10
3.1 How Antivirus software works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.1.1 Static analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.1.2 Cloud detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.1.3 VirusTotal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2 Payloads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2.1 Meterpreter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2.2 Patchupmeterpreter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2.3 Powershell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2.4 Upexec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2.5 Shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2.6 Pingback_* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.3 Payload communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.3.1 Reverse_http / Reverse_https . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.3.2 Reverse_tcp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.3.3 Bind_* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.3.4 Find_port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.3.5 Reverse_shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.3.6 Hidden_ipknock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.3.7 Named_pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.3.8 nonx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.4 Encoders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.4.1 Base64 Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.4.2 Xor Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.4.3 Alphanumeric Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4 Results 17
5 Analysis of results 28
6 Discussion 31
7 Conclusions & Future Work 33
1 Introduction
As computers become more integrated into society, the attack surface and quantity of
attacks also increase. Such that companies invested in developing security products to
decrease the success rates of malware and other cyberattacks. The FBI reported a total
of potential losses, due to cybercrime, to be at $4.1 billion in 2020 [1] which seems to
continuously grow. In 2021 FBI (IC3) reported the total of potential loses in 2021 to
be at $6.9 billion [2] which further increased to $10.2 billion in 2022 [3]. According
to these reports, cybercrime is not diminishing and since there are multiple important
factors influencing the success of cyberattacks it’s meaningful to investigate one aspect of
defense, which is antivirus (AV) software.
It’s often regarded that the antivirus (AV) software is one of the main tools to com-
bat malware and cyberattacks and it has existed within the field of IT for decades [4][5].
Ever since AV software became prevalent for computers to use, AV have been participat-
ing in an everlasting arms race against malware. As malware develops to outsmart and
outwork the dedicated defense, AV, AV software in turn has been forced to advance its
strategies and capabilities to combat malware programs and the attackers tactics.
The development of the security industry, which naturally emerged from the arms
race between malware and AV, has helped curb cyberattacks. However, it has also created
the need for tools that can test the effectiveness of cyber security software. One such tool
is Metasploit [6], an open-source cyber attack framework commonly used in penetration
testing attacks [7]. While Metasploit is primarily intended for legitimate security pur-
poses, it could potentially be misused for nefarious acts. Given its significant use in the
field of cybersecurity, it is reasonable to recognize its’ utilization as well as effectiveness
against modern AV software, which is widely utilized across the globe.
with six bytes of an AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), which does represent a real-
istic scenario where most payloads will be encrypted to decrease the chances of detection
by AV software. To further decrease the chances of exposure, they generated payloads
with the Veil-Evasion module supplied by MSFvenom with the intention to add a layer of
difficulty for the AV software to detect the payload as malicious. The Veil-Evasion mod-
ule used however was later deemed to have had a minimal impact, and was even beaten
by the encoded trial. The results were found from [9] to be quite limited and did not
present the results in its entirety due to the fact that the amount of payloads were small,
and could potentially garner different results had the quantity been larger. It is our belief
that the amount of payloads used can definitely be expanded upon, and the presentation of
results can also be improved. Therefore this paper will in a later section present the results
gathered, which will include but not be limited to the number of AV which detected the
payload, which type of payload used and with which encoding.
However, since these studies were published the tools and methods that are used
around the world have been improved upon or new tools have been created since then.
Programs such as MSFVenom [10] and methods such as code polymorphic have been
invented. These are tools designed to make it harder for AV software to detect and prohibit
malicious payloads from executing on the system. At the time of the latest study the anti-
virus products did not achieve a 100% detection rate. The results of a study such as this
one will not only benefit companies around the globe, which all are in need of antivirus
software, but also private individuals’s evaluation of which antivirus software they will
use for their own computer systems. Mark showed how the payloads were generated via a
command line interface [8] and made use of the VirusTotal to calculate the detection rate
of each malicious sample [8].
1.2 Background
As shown by the continuous, yearly, reports from FBI’s IC3 department [3] the pattern
of increasing cyber crimes continue to rise. As stated in the report both AV and malware
are advancing their techniques and capabilities in an ever-evolving cycle, which motivates
the necessity of evaluating the state of AV software’s capabilities before an actual incident
occurs. This is one of the main features of Metasploit, to probe the defense of AV and
systems, which will be utilized to evaluate the market of AV all at once. Metasploit being
one of multiple de facto standards of the industry when it comes to perform offensive
testing and payload generation. It is not fully open source but does seem to introduce fea-
tures and improvements based on community feedback [11]. AV solutions are designed
to detect, prevent and remove malicious software before it is allowed to execute on a sys-
tem, however as mentioned above, the threat landscape of malware keeps advancing and
improving their capabilities [12]. The question then becomes: When does society, com-
panies, researchers and developers know the state of AV capabilities? It’s theoretically
possible that all Metasploit generated payloads achieve significantly low detection rates
which shows that the current state of modern AV software is not sophisticated enough
to handle the current threats. It is also possible that almost all payloads are detected by
the vast majority of AV solutions, which could show that Metasploit is perhaps not as
efficient as believed amongst the industry and the authors, or that AV solutions have the
upper hand against malware.
Without an evaluation introduced in this study it would not be possible to know
the state of such AV software and their capabilities, the most prominent threats and which
areas of AV needs dire improvement, or if any improvement is required whatsoever.
1.4 Motivation
This research is effectively interesting due to the nature of the study and its results for the
AV industry. Based upon our results the industry of AV will be able to, at a greater effect
than previously, motivate investments into different sections of their AV software. As our
results may indicate a lackluster efficiency against certain payloads a significant amount
of advancements might need to be made in order for AV to enhance its capabilities against
such payloads. It will provide the industry with significant results which provides the
industry with knowledge regarding the state of both malicious tools and their capabilities
as well as which areas which might need further improvement amongst AV software.
Performing a study such as this one also provides the research community with a data
bank of results which can be utilized by future researches in the cyber security field to
measure improvements amongst AV software, improvements of testing capabilities with
penetration testing tools such as Metasploit as well as motivate further research based
upon the results.
1.6 Scope/Limitation
There are substantial limitations regarding this research, for one the study will not be able
to draw any conclusions as to how each AV software differentiates between each other and
their respective algorithms. Each AV uses similar methods of detecting malware, some
are more advanced than others, however their distinct differences between each AV will
not be presentable. It’s also not possible for this research to optimize any of the binaries
generated to decrease detection rates from AV software. A limitation for this paper is that
the authors will assume that all payloads generated by the Metasploit framework will be
deemed as malicious and should be flagged as such since the payloads generated originate
to perform malicious acts against systems.
Another limitation is that due to VirusTotal Terms of Service agreement, any re-
sults which may impact the Antivirus industry in any manner is strictly forbidden. The
policy which would be in conflict with the intended research is the following policy:
"Copy, reproduce, alter, modify, create derivative works, publicly display, republish, up-
load, post, transmit, resell or distribute in any way material, information or functionalities
from the Service – including, without limitation, using the Service in any way for an-
tivirus/URL scanner testing or that could directly or indirectly harm, compete with, or
otherwise hinder the antivirus industry/URL scanner industry." [13] which was argued by
VirusTotal to us would be exploited if the vendors were revealed in the results. For this
reason, the results will be anonymized to solely point out the general market of antivirus
effectiveness. The research questions stated above does however still apply to this limita-
tion as the results will still provide sufficient amounts of data to be able to draw educated
conclusions from. Another limitation is the speed at which payloads are able to be sent
for scanning at VirusTotal’s website, which is limited to four requests per minute, but run-
ning on two different computers at the same time, increasing the number of requests per
minute to 8. However, this comes at the cost of not being able in a timely manner to study
payloads for all available encoders. If all 43 available encoders, within the Metasploit
framework, were tested with the vast amount of payloads a rough estimate of the duration
of the study would take 86 days to solely upload and receive response from VirusTotal.
To abide by the time schedule the authors were forced to limit the amount of encoders,
which were chosen by the type of encoders which still allowed payloads to execute.
There is a last, noteworthy limitation with the available payloads however. To
effectively compare results when using encoders there must be a case for each payload
where no encoder is chosen and another case for the same payload where encoders are
chosen, to be able to determine the difference of using encoders in the results. This means
that there are cases (payloads) where the payload is un-encapsulated as well as encapsu-
lated. Be that as it may, there are payloads from the Metasploit framework which do not
have any compatible encoders that allow the payload to execute, and therefore be detected
by AV software which means such payloads are excluded from this research. If the pay-
load in question is encapsulated with a certain encapsulation method that does not allow
the payload to execute, no AV will detect the payload as malicious and thereby corrupt the
results. This effectively limits the research to only include payloads which do have com-
patible encoders that allow the payload to execute. These payloads will be visible in the
results section of the paper. For x64 versions of Windows, the available encoders for x64
systems are limited by Metasploits available encapsulation methods, which is why such
payloads are only encapsulated with two encapsulation methods, instead of three.
There are mainly 6 modules of encoders which were chosen, to allow for suc-
cessful execution of as many payloads as possible (considering the limitation mentioned
above). The following Metasploit encapsulations were chosen for their respective pay-
• non_alpha
• powershell_base64
• shikata_ga_nai
• x86_xor_dynamic
• x64_xor_dynamic
• zutto_dekiru
Thus, this paper’s scope is clear, to solely focus on the generated, encoded, pay-
load’s detection rates as well as other data produced VirusTotal and if different encapsu-
lations (which still allow for payload execution) effect these results. Another limitation is
that it will not be possible to explain all tested payloads as this would make the paper too
heavy and redundant, which is why a higher level of explanation of each type of payload
will instead be explained for the theoretical background. The scope is similar to that of
[9] as well as [8] but increases the amount of researched payloads and aims to provide are
more recent and broad overview of MSFVenom anti-virus coverage.
2 Methodology
This section will delve into the scientific methodology for the research which has been
conducted as well as the practical methodology. This research will take form as a case
study which is used to research data gathered throughout different scenarios with realis-
tic settings. This case study is set out to fullfill a quantitative aspect as it will produce
measurable results in the form of detection rates across software AV’s with the help of
a developed software and published tools. It was chosen as the most suitable study to
conduct as our research will produce a significant number of different scenarios with the
use of practical means, where each scenario will produce different outcomes. Therefore,
each case’s data that is produced will need to be analyzed and collected with the other
cases to be able to present meaningful results.
The research began with a small-scale literature study with the intent to gather
knowledge regarding previous research and if any had produced useful results for our
own research in the field. Another strong motivation for this course of action was also
to gather reliable information from previous results which can be used as the foundation
for the continued research. The gathered results from the literature research were that our
intended subject of research had a notable knowledge gap as as well as lacking research
in recent time. The literature study was solely based on published papers and reports.
This literature research was the first step in laying the foundation of our own research and
will might be seen to be revisited to further the literature research if there is an inadequate
amount data. The second part of the research will fulfill the quantitative aspect of the
methodology. With the use of a self developed software program which gathers data and
logs from the VirusTotal website with the use of their public API-keys. The data which is
generated will be analyzed and from there our conclusions will be drawn. Based on each
test case there may be different results, positive ones which indicate a successful test and
negative ones which indicates a negative results. Once all results have been gathered and
analyzed from each case’s result, it will be possible to draw truthful conclusions based on
said results. There are however limitations to the quantitative research, as the data will
not reveal any information regarding how each AV works and therefore the study will not
be able to explain in its entirety what separates the performance of each AV. Below, the
technical aspect of our quantitative research will be explained progressively.
The goal of our research is to gain a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of
modern AV’s when faced against a popular attack framework. The main method used
to acquire the results required is to create a substantial, quantitative, amount of cases,
in the form of malicious payloads, which is to be tested against modern AV’s and their
abilities to effectively detect the payloads. The study will accomplish the need for a
large amount of test cases with the use of an autonomous program which utilizes the
popular framework ’Metasploit’ with the tool MSFvenom [10]. To further satisfy the
need of the large amount of test cases the program will combine each payload available
with multiple encapsulation methods, with the aide of MSFvenom. This will create a
large amount of payloads, where many are of the same origin but are encapsulated with
different encapsulation methods.
Once the payloads have been created and encapsulated, these will then be scanned
by multiple commercial AV’s with the use of VirusTotal [14] which will provide test
results regarding the AV’s effectiveness in detecting the malicious payloads. VirusTotal
is a handy tool for the research as it allows for quick scans of payloads across a multitude
of AV softwares. This increases efficiency by a large magnitude, to be able to test each
payload simultaneously with multiple AVs instead of using a single OS installed with
each AV software, is what makes this research reasonable to conduct. Considering the
fact that the assortment consists of multiple files that stem from the same payload, but
with different encapsulations, the need to use a service such as VirusTotal only grows
larger. VirusTotal will also be able to provide all the necessary data from the case results
for this work to be able to present reliable results.
After a payload file is uploaded to the VirusTotal website, VirusTotal will scan
the payload file with a multitude of AVs, then present a number of which of the AVs
detected the payload as malicious, the number of total AV which were used for the scan
as well as the total number of AV that detected the payload but stamped it as harmless.
All of the provided data from VirusTotal will be requested after the complete collection
of payloads has been scanned. This is a preferred methodology to use as the alternative
would be to set up a virtual machine/s (VM), install it/them with multiple AV software
and then test each software independently from each other with each payload. Already
that optional method would harvest a large magnitude of time and effort. There may
however surface validity concerns regarding the quantitative research, as each AV may
categorize the generated payloads differently, and may state that the payload is harmless
or simply state that the payload is a PUP (Probably Unwanted Program) which is a broad
generalization and can be seen as an invalid statement. The final step of requesting the
data from VirusTotal will be the capstone in answering of all research questions. As the
chosen methodology is a case study, each case (payload result) will provide the necessary
data required to grant answers to the research questions, RQ1, RQ2 and RQ3. This is a
preferred approach as the authors are reliant on the methodology brought up by [8] & [9].
There are nonetheless flaws with the studies [8] & [9] as the methodology used is limited
in the amount of payloads chosen in their study, which in turn limits the results presented
and adds a coating of uncertainty with the reliability of their results. This is why this
paper’s methodology will include a vast amount of payloads to increase reliability when
2.2 Metasploit motivation
Metasploit’s purpose of use is both quantitative as it is qualitative. It is a framework which
is regularly updated, used by professionals across the world, easy to use and yields helpful
results for many who desire to test their systems defenses. Using Metasploit simplifies
the creation of malicious files with its vast library of payloads to simulate realistic attacks.
As Metasploit allows users to simulate realistic attacks, it also provides skill development
for those that utilize it to gain experience with realistic scenarios. There are also a large
community in regards to Metasploit, which enables professionals, security experts and
others to share what they have found, exploits, weaknesses or even techniques. By having
a community share it’s knowledge with each other, it advocates for a mutual defense
amongst individuals and businesses whilst simultaneously enhancing the security for all
as new information is spread.
detection rate for different payloads with different encapsulations and the total detection
rate across all payloads.
Once all data has been gathered, it is filtered through another program which filters
the JSON data, which VirusTotal responds with, to a CSV file with the necessary data to
create graphs from. The data filtered for is the payload type, amount of payload types,
encapsulation method and the detection rate.
3 Theoretical Background
This section will delve into the theoretical aspect behind numerous of technical aspects
which are important to understand for the purpose of this research. To lack knowledge
regarding these aspects is to misunderstand the results and the implications that the results
presents. Therefore, the general types of payloads will be presented below, as well as
some of the encoding methods used in this study.
machine which purpose is to scan the system for nefarious files and malware. The reason
why cloud detection consumes less resources than AV directly installed on the local com-
puter is due to the fact that the main powerhouse of the solution is being run on a remote
cloud server [16]. This remote service stores data and keeps track of known malware as
well as dangerous websites, which is shared with the clients. However, the drawback on
such a solution is that if the local computer is attacked or infected with an unknown/lesser
known malware, the system may not detect it. [16]
3.1.3 VirusTotal
VirusTotal founded in 2004 in Dublin, Ireland is a company that allows everyone to upload
files, executable or otherwise, to the companies website and scans said files/urls with over
70 anti malware solutions and blacklists. VirusTotal has since grown to have more than
500 000 members and provides an easy and reliable way for anyone to check their files
for malware. As measured by Liebergen, Caballero, Kotzias and Gates [17], files make
their way into the VirusTotal platform on average 4.4 hours after they first appear in
users devices. This and other aspects of the VirusTotal platform. Their paper called "A
Deep Dive into VirusTotal: Characterizing and Clustering a Massive File Feed" more
specifically, made use of VirusTotals, File Feed feature of where entities get access to
samples as they are submitted to VirusTotal.
VirusTotal shares samples to multi Anti-Virus vendors and security organizations,
thus creating a symbiotic relationship wherein users make use of VirusTotal to scan their
files and Anti malware vendors gather pool of possibly interesting samples from which to
improve their products from.
Other than the main Web User Interface, VirusTotal also provides an Application
Programming Interface (API) [18]. This API is the only interface which will be used to
interact with the VirusTotal services through the course of this thesis.
3.2 Payloads
This paper covers a large magnitude of different payload types and most of them are
explained in short below. A payload can be thought of as the content which is delivered
through packets by network traffic. The payload itself is deemed as having the capacity to
execute malicious code or perform malicious acts on a system. It is important to note that
there are multiple of other payloads, which are not listed, as these may be very similar to
ones explained, and listing them again would take a tremendous amount of effort and time
only to display small differences to other similar payloads. There may also be differential
version of the mentioned payloads, however, it is not within the scope of this paper to
present them all, which is close to an impossible task in itself. Therefore the general idea
of each payload which has been used in this study will be presented and explained in short
3.2.1 Meterpreter
Meterpreter is a Interactive Shell that allows attackers to remotely perform functionally
the actions on the target system as a users that was present physically would. Meterpreter
was developed by the same developers of Metasploit and thereby MSFVenom. Meter-
3.2.2 Patchupmeterpreter
The patchupmeterpreter family of payloads make use of the meterpreter interactive shell
explained above with the difference being that the payload gets "injected" into another
process. This results in the meterpreter instance being "memory-only". A higher level
takeaway that results from this payload being delivered va DLL-Inject is that the payload
never(as a runable executable) is never placed in the disk. This means that Anti-Virus
solutions have a much harder time detecting and removing this payload. Another benefit
for attackers is that the meterpreter instanced that is launched get ran with the injected
processes permissions.
3.2.3 Powershell
Powershell payloads make use of Microsoft’s Powershell. Powershell is as the name
suggests, a more powerful Shell [19]. Powershell combines the standard Windows Com-
mand Line Interface, conically as "CMD" with Powershell cmdlets and bigger integration
with Operating Systems. Cmdlets are collection of functions natively implemented to the
Powershell platform that don’t require native binaries to run [20]. This environment is
commonly used by system administrators to do configure systems through the command
line interface. Powershell also allows the creation of scripts that combined with cmdlets
make the perfect tool to manage every aspect of an operating system, thus making it the
perfect tools for attackers to use [19][21].
3.2.4 Upexec
Upexec is an abbreviation of "Upload and Execute" and is part of a family of malware
known as "Droppers" or "Loaders". The main characteristic of this type of malware is
it mainly focusing on delivering other types of malware/payloads. This type of payload
can be used by malicious actors to bypass security systems, architectural requirements,
check if the target system is vulnerable to a certain exploit before deploying the final
3.2.5 Shell
The shell family of payloads, are a group of payloads that achieve their goal by only
making use of the built in Command Line Interface of the target systems. This can be
very effective at not only avoiding detection, but at avoiding runtime dependencies. The
main reason for this sort of payload being so successful at avoiding detection is because
it only makes usage of existing resources in the system. This type of payload often make
use of a series of Command Line Interface command in a text file, commonly called of
"Scripts" to achieve their goal. Command Line Interfaces by themselves serve very little
purpose, but combined with a group of programs that are distributed to Operating Systems
by default make Command Line Interfaces a useful tools for users and malicious actors
3.2.6 Pingback_*
A pingback payload main objective is to create a covert communication line between
a victim’s machine and the attacker’s machine. By utilizing ICMP (internet-control-
message-protocol) the attacker can gain confirmation of an executed action on the victim’s
machine. By creating a UUID (universally-unique-identifier) for the pingback payload,
the attacker can listen for an ICMP message with the set UUID coming from the victim’s
machine to verify that the execution has occurred on the remote target. This makes it
more difficult for network administrators to catch as the UUID (verification) sent back
to the attacker’s machine is simply a random string of characters, and they payload may
also send at certain time intervals on different ports each iteration. This would increase
persistence from the attackers point of view. [22]
3.3.2 Reverse_tcp
A reverse tcp (transmission-control-protocol) payload often means that the intended event
to occur is that the target system will, with some type of terminal, connect back to the
malicious actor with an interactive and stable connection through a shell with the use of
the tcp. With this connection, the malicious actor can perform a magnitude of desired
actions on the system, such as exfiltrate files, gather data, deploy further payloads etc.
This payload is possible to bypass some firewalls as the connection is established from
the victim behind the firewall and may therefore be regarded as valid traffic meant to be
delivered properly. There is also a paylod which uses UDP (user-datagram-protocol) that
uses a stateless transmission line instead of a controlled once as with TCP, these payloads
are called reverse_udp. [24]
3.3.3 Bind_*
A bind module works by opening up a port on the target machine and then exploit the
system by the malicious actor through initiating a connection to the opened port. This
can be used in a number of different ways, which strategically work in a similar manner
but may utilize different ports / protocols combined with different payloads. Once the
malicious actor has an established connection it is then possible to execute code, install
further payloads or desired software for further nefarious use, control functions on the
victim’s machine itself (logs, security functions etc) to achieve full control of the target.
This type of method with payloads can be combined for multiple outcomes and techniques
as it is more focused on the transfer of data and established connections. [25]
3.3.4 Find_port
A find port payload communication method’s main objective is to either find a specific
port, or a certain range of ports. Ports are often bound to specified and standardized
protocols, such as HTTPS uses the port number 443, and DNS (Domain-name-system)
but there are a multitude of ports which are free to use for variable reasons. This payload
can be utilized to search for vulnerabilities within a system, e.g if some miss managed
ports are open they can potentially be nefariously used as a stepping stone to initiate
further attacks on the system.
3.3.5 Reverse_shell
A reverse shell payload / attack can take many shapes, but the idea behind a reverse shell
is to let the target system connect back to the malicious actor’s system. This is deemed
as a safer alternative as it could allow the traffic to bypass security measures such as
firewalls, IDS (intrusion-detection-system). The malicious actor will listen on a specified
port, and the payload will generate a shell on the victim machine, which then connects
to the malicious actor’s machine, allowing the malicious actor to perform a plethora of
actions, many of which would be deemed as malicious. [26]
3.3.6 Hidden_ipknock
The hidden_ipknock payload explains in it’s name that is has an attribute to try and stay
hidden and avoid to make noise for systems and its administrators to notice. It also uses
the security technique known as "ipknock" which in itself is also particularly a stealthy
method which is meant to, without authorization, open ports externally which are intended
to be closed. By attempting to send certain packets to defined ports in a specific sequence
(knocking), eventually the firewall might open one of the "knocked" ports and therby
accepting a connection. Consequently the attacker which imitated the transfer of the
payload can initiate a shell and execute further actions. The reason this is regarded as
stealthy, and hidden, is due to the fact that the socket is visible as closed on the system,
yet it is open logically. [27]
3.3.7 Named_pipe
The named_pipe payload is meant to be used to establish connections with victim ma-
chines with the attacker machines to allow further actions from the attacker. The named_pipe
payload will either listen for a pipe connection to be made through a port, or attempt to
connect back in reversal to the attackers machine. It can also be used for pivoting maneu-
vers. [28]
3.3.8 nonx
The nonx payload is intended to prevail against DEP (Data Execution Prevention), which
is a module implemented in Windows based operating systems. DEP is derived to prevent
executable code from launching on the systems from unintended locations that could be
vulnerable [29]. The nonx payload is intended to bypass this protective technology and
allow connections from the victim machine to the attacker to grant further access for
the malicious actor to the target system. This can be performed with a reverse method
where the client initiates the connection from the victim system to the actual attacker [24],
or with a bind methodology which connects to a specific port on the attackers machine
3.4 Encoders
Payload encodings in MSFVenom are post-payload generation processes that alter the
payload to make it less likely to be detected by antivirus software, but do not alter the be-
havior or effectiveness of the payload itself. MSFVenom offers a broad range of different
encoders that can be applied to each of the various payloads that it can create [11].
Many of the MSFVenom encodings evade antivirus protections by increasing the
payload complexity and also randomizing the payload to change the static signatures that
can be collected from the payloads [30]. It must be noted, however, that modern antivirus
solutions not only perform static signature analysis, but they also perform behavior and
heuristic analysis meant to defeat the sort of payload encoding and obfuscation mentioned
previously [12]. The caveat for this stipulation is that as encodings and obfuscations adapt
and become more complex, so too must antivirus products adapt to the ever-evolving
tactics if they want to provide good coverage and defense, as mentioned by [31].
MSFVenom comes with 45 different payload encodings. But they can mainly be
split into three different categories of encodings. These being XOR based encodings,
Alphanumeric based encodings and Base64 based encodings. Each of these have their
benefits and drawbacks. This case study is mean to measure their effectiveness at making
payloads evade current anti-virus solutions. As mentioned previously, the research is lim-
ited to utilizing a single encoder that belongs to one of the mentioned categories resulting
in the use of three different categorized encoders for all available payloads. Below, the
encoder’s categories are described.
that the key to decode a file encoded with the technique must be contained in the final
encoded file as well.[33]
The MSFVenom XoR encoders used for this project in accordance with the limita-
tions stated above were x86_shikata_ga_nai, x86_xor_dynamic, x86_xor_dynamic, zutto_dekiru
and x64_xor_dynamic
4 Results
In this section the results of the study will be presented. There will be graphs / tables to
present the data gathered with the information to answer the research questions presented
have achieved the lowest rate of detection rates for their respective payloads, as their
amounts of payloads each has a low degree of detection rate. The worst encapsulation
methods that provided the highest detection rate amongst its respective payloads were
the xor_dynamic, zutto_dekiru and x86_shikata_ga_nai encapsulation methods. These
payloads rank amongst the worst encapsulation methods as they had a high figure of
detection as well as a significant amount of payloads encapsulated. The actual number of
payloads per encapsulation method will be provided below.
Figure 2: Results of payloads encapsulated with non_alpha.
Figure 2 depicts the results achieved with the encapsulation method non_alpha
and its respective payload’s detection rates. There were a total of 91 successfully gen-
erated payloads with the encapsulation method of non_alpha and it showed to have a
majority of its detections around 78-89%. This figure does not provide a particularly con-
fident result of it’s capability to encapsulate data enough to remain undetected by modern
AV software. The payloads with the highest detection rate are the upexec payloads and
the payload which achieved the lowest detection rate with this particular encapsulation
was meterpreter and shell which achieved around a 9-13% detection rate.
Figure 3: Results of payloads encapsulated with powershell_base64.
Figure 3 depicts the results achieved with the encapsulation method powershell_base64
and its respective payload’s detection rates. There were plenty of successfully encapsu-
lated payloads with this encapsulation method, a total of 215 payloads were sent and
scanned by VirusTotal. This encapsulated achieved quite low detection rates for its en-
capsulated payloads, with the majority of payloads resulting in detections rate between
33-36%. The payload type which achieved the highest rate of detection rate were the
powershell payloads and the windows_exec payloads which landed at 33-36% detection
rate. The payload with at least a noteworthy amount of payloads which achieved the
lowest detection rate was still the powershell payload, at 31%.
Figure 4: Results of payloads encapsulated with shikata_ga_nai.
Figure 4 depicts the results achieved with the encapsulation method shikata_ga_nai
and its respective payload’s detection rates. This encapsulation method was able to en-
capsulate a total of 89 payloads which were then scanned by VirusTotal by modern AV
software. The results display a larger variety in detection rates than the previous encapsu-
lation methods. However, the majority of its encapsulated payloads gained a detection rate
of 78-79% but contained payloads that ranged from 5-76%. The payloads which achieved
the highest detection rate were a multitude of payloads, which resulted in upexec, shell,
meterpreter and patchupmeterpreter having the highest detection rates, around 76-79%.
The payload types which resulted in obtaining the lowest detection rates was also a mix of
payload types, which were the shell payload type as well as meterpreter which had a large
range of detection rates. Albeit the amount of such payloads which realized low detection
rates were low, it is noteworthy nonetheless that some of such payloads achieved quite lot
detection rates. A total of 25 payloads achieved detection rates below 20%.
Figure 5: Results of payloads encapsulated with x64_xor_dynamic.
Figure 5 depicts the results achieved with the encapsulation method x64_xor_dynamic
and its respective payload’s detection rates. This particular encapsulation method was able
to encapsulate a total of 43 payloads, and resulted in its majority of respective payloads
having a 73-79% detection rate. The payload types which achieved the highest rate of
detections that were encapsulated with x64_xor_dynamic were quite clearly, vnc_inject,
shell, as well as meterpreter which achieved around a 73-79% detection rate. Since the to-
tal amount of encapsulated payloads sent with this encapsulation method were not many,
and due to the fact that the majority of all payloads sent attained a detection rate of >70%
proves it difficult to determine a payload type which held a strong position of lowest
detection rates.
Figure 6: Results of payloads encapsulated with zutto_dekiru.
Figure 6 depicts the results achieved with the encapsulation method zutto_dekiru
and its respective payload’s detection rates. This encapsulation method did not achieve
as many successful encapsulations of payloads, with a total number of 43. The encapsu-
lation method itself did also not impress with the majority of its encapsulated payloads
achieving a detection rate of 75%. The payload types with the highest rate of detections
were the vnc_inject, windows_exec, meterpreter and vnc_inject which attained a detec-
tion rate of a 72-75% detection rate. The payload types with this encapsulation method
which attained the lowest detection rate were the powershell. Albeit all payloads with this
encapsulation method achieved high detection rates and the powershell payload did not
stand out too much considering there were barely 10 payloads of powershell encapsulated
and scanned.
Figure 7: Results of payloads encapsulated with x86_xor_dynamic.
Figure 7 depicts the results achieved with the encapsulation method x64_xor_dynamic
and its respective payload’s detection rates. This particular encapsulation method was able
to encapsulate a total of 101 payloads. It is however noteworthy that the encapsulation
method successfully sent 25 payloads which had a detection rate or 10% or lower. It
is noteworthy for this graph to view the range of detection rates, as these are changing
results depending on the type of payload sent. Meterpreter and shell payloads achieve
both amongst the highest and lowest detection rates. The payload type which attained
the highest detection rate for the amount of payloads, was without a doubt the upexec,
shell, pathupmeterpreter and meterpreter payload types with a detection rate of 76-79%.
The payload types with the lowest detection rates however were also meterpreter and
Figure 8: Results of payloads without encapsulation.
Figure 8 shows the difference between payload detection rates when no encapsula-
tion method was used. This encapsulation method was used for all respective payloads to
be able to measure each respective encapsulations efficiency compared when there was no
encapsulation of the payload. This encoding option for the payload does not alter the pay-
load in any way. The majority of payloads have the detection rate of 33-36%, which is an
alarming state of the AV industry as the total amount of unencapsulated payloads scanned
were 354. The payload types which attained the highest detection rate whilst lacking
encapsulation were upexec, osx_exec, patchupmneterpreter, vnc_inject and meterpreter
which landed at a 75-80% detection rate. The payloads which achieved the lowest de-
tection rate whilst having a large volume of payloads from VirusTotal were vnc_inject,
upexec, windows_exec and powershell. These payloads have a detection rate around 31-
36% detection rate which is a critical result and will be analyzed further.
Figure 9: Results of Powershell payloads encoded versus not encoded.
Figure 9 shows the difference in payload detection rates between base64 encoded
Powershell payloads compared to the same payload set without encoding. The majority
of the encoded payloads seem to have the same detection rate as non-encoded ones. This
seems to indicate that base64 encoding is not a very effective encoding method to evade
Anti-virus solutions. Another interesting observation that can be taken from Figure 9 is
that the lowest detection rates of 17-18% are from non encoded payloads. Suggesting that
the encoding method in itself is being detected as malicious.
Figure 10: Zoomed in view payloads with lower than 20% detection rate
Figure 10 shows the amount of payloads and their respective encoding methods
with lower than 20% detection. Of the 981 payloads that were uploaded to VirusTotal
only 86 payloads had lower than 20% detection rates. Of those 86 payloads, only 11 have
not been encoded. The payloads with the lowest detection rate were non encoded ones as
they had a zero percentage detection rate. This two payloads as shown in 8 were payloads
of the metsvc type.
5 Analysis of results
This section will delve deeper into what the results can conclude as well as use the results
to answer the research questions presented in the beginning of the paper. The analysis
will begin with examining each respective encapsulation method and its payload’s perfor-
mance against AV software supplied by VirusTotal.
In Figure 1 there is a lot of data to unpack and analyze. The analysis will begin
by looking at each encapsulation method’s performance in regards to their payloads to be
able to draw conclusions regarding RQ1 and RQ3.
• The encapsulation method zutto_dekiru’s performance in its’ encapsulation of pay-
load can be seen as quite poor. It achieved a detection rate of 72-75% detection
rate for all of its’ payloads. This means that the majority of modern AV software
are able to detect the majority of all payload types tested which were encapsulated
with zutto_dekiru and in this scenario AV software is efficient at preventing such
payloads with this encapsulation type to execute.
• The encapsulation method x86_xor_dynamic resulted in a large variaty of detection
rates as can be seen in figure 5. This encoding method however can be deemed
as the most efficient one due to it having 25 payloads sent which resulted in de-
tection rates below 10%, which converts to 24% of the total amount of payloads
had detection rates less than 10%. The x86_xor_dynamic encoding method does,
like many of the other encoding methods, vary in detection rates depending on cer-
tain payloads. Some of the payloads has low detection rates (<10%), such as shell
and meterpreter, whilst such payload types simultaneously also resulted in payloads
having a 78-79% detection rate (Figure 5. However, the majority of payloads en-
coded with x86_xor_dynamic resulted in detection rate between 78-79%. This goes
to show that in most cases, AV software will prohibit the execution of malicious
code if it is encoded with x86_xor_dynamic. There are still a minority of cases
where the payloads have such low detection rates that, proved through this data, the
confidence in the AV softwares abilities to prevent the execution of the payloads
• The encapsulation with a base64 of xor_dynamic did not achieve such low detection
rates as the other encoding methods. The lowest detection rate for this encoding
method were two payloads of the same type, vnc_inject, which resulted in 60%
for one and 63% for the other. The remaining payloads, of which there were 43,
resulted in detection rate >70%. This, similarly to zutto_dekiru, shows that modern
AV software is quite efficient at prohibiting payloads encapsulated with this encoder
from executing on systems.
• The encoding method x86_shikata_ga_nai achieved a very varied results for its’
respective payload types. 25 payloads encapsulated with this encoding attained a
detection rate of less than 20% which is remarkable, even though it’s the minority
of the total amount of payloads sent, this means that 28% of payloads encoded
with x86_shikata_ga_nai has a detection rate of less than 21%. For this encoding
method, the efficiency of modern AV software does inspire confidently that the AV
solutions are fully capable to prohibit execution of malicious payloads.
• The encoding method x86_non_alpha’s payloads resulted in similar results to that
of the results of x86_xor_dynamic encoder. Referring to the figure 2, there is a
distinct result showing that the encapsulation method has by large failed to hide its
malicious payload from AV software’s scanning. There were however a total of 24
payloads which amassed a detection rate of <13%, out of a total of 91 payloads
as shown in figure 2. This concludes that 26.3% of the payloads encodes with
x86_non_alpha’s achieved relatively low detection rates. The remaining majority
of payloads for this encoder did however achieve reasonably high detection rates,
around 78-79%. This also means that in general the encoder will not aide with
bypassing AV software, albeit a minority of cases the encoder will increase its’
capability to bypass detection from AV softwares. This does also not inspire any
confidence in the efficiency of detection by AV softwares with such a high amount
of payloads with low detection rates.
• The encoding method powershell with the base64 did yield interesting results when
compared to the results where no encoding was used (figure 9). According to the
data gathered, the use of the encoder powershell_base64 did not provide any re-
markable results in regards to detection rate when compared to one another. With
the exception that the total amount of payloads sent with the encoder
powershell_base64 is more vast than the amount of payloads without an encoder.
It is nonetheless noteworthy that the detection rate does not change when encoded
with the powershell_base64 method compared to when none of the payloads are
encoded, as seen in figure 9. This shows that the efficiency of AV software is not
satisfactory as one would expect the detection rate to be higher for generic_none
payloads, but also goes to show that the encoding method powershell_base64 would
yield payload results with lower detection rates. However, the lowest detection rate
amassed with a substantial amount of payloads were 338 payloads which had less
than 36%. Considering the total amount of payloads sent with this encoding method
was 354, this equates to 95.4% of the total payloads had a detection rate at 36% and
lower. Even though the remaining payloads did not attain a significantly higher
detection rate, it is still meaningful considering the vast amount of payloads.
• The graph which depicts the results from payloads which lacked any encoding
whatsoever, seen in figure 8 is also important to review to determine the effective-
ness of AV software’s capabilities. There were a total of 354 payloads without any
encoding, where 337 of these payloads attained a detection rate lower than 36%.
Hence, 95.1% of the total amount of payloads which lacked any encoding had a
moderately low detection rate across the board. This is absolutely alarming and
should be a signal to AV vendors to review, test and update their own products to
increase their respective efficiency. Such a low detection rate for the majority of
payloads is one of the key findings from this research, even though a minority of
payloads reside amongst detection rates >70% it is not the focal point of the figure
8. One would hope that payloads without encoding would have its’ majority of
payload results attaining detection rates well above 70%, not the minority which
the actual results.
Encoding Method Lowest Substantial Amount of payloads
Detection Rate
Zutto_dekiru <62% 1
x86_xor_dynamic <10% 25
x64_xor_dyanmic <63% 2
x86_shikata_ga_nai <20% 25
x86_non_alpha <13% 24
Powershell_base64 <36% 338
Generic_none <36% 337
Table 1: Each encoding method’s payload’s attained detection rate & the amount
In light of these aspects mentioned above, there are three main outliers which re-
sulted in the lowest detection rates comprehensively. These encapsulation methods are,
x86_shikata_ga_nai, powershell_base64, x86_xor_dynamic and x86_non_alpha, which
all had compelling amounts of payloads in total as well as a significant amount of pay-
loads which yielded low detection rates for their respective payloads. The worse per-
former amongst these four encoders were the powershell_base64 which had its’ majority
of payloads as well as detection rates amongst 31-36% and very few payloads below that
percentage. The other three, x86_xor_dynamic, x86_shikata_ga_nai and x86_non_alpha
had 24%, 26% and 28% of their payloads yielding detection rates below 30%. This can
also be seen in figure 10, although powershell_base64 is not included as the figure is
limited to the encodings which attained a detection rate below 20%. There is however
a difference between powershell_base64 against x86_xor_dynamic, x86_shikata_ga_nai
and x86_non_alpha, as powershell_base64 encoding method uses different payload types.
This factor might be one of the causes as to why there is a difference, but there may also
be a lot of other different factors in play. This was mentioned previously in the limitations
chapter, as some payloads are not compatible with certain encoding methods.
As shown in Figure 10 the majority of payloads that achieve a lower than 20%
detection rate were encoded payloads. The payloads with the lowest detection rate of 0%
were non encoded ones, but the majority, 87%, were encoded. This leads to the conclusion
that encoded payloads do achieve a lower detection rate. As also evidenced by Figure 10,
the encoders with the lowest detection rate are x86_shikata_ga_nai, x86_xor_dynamic
and x86_nonalpha. The observation that the majority of the lowest detected payloads
being encoded answers RQ2.
For the payload type meterpreter, modern AV provided varying results. Meter-
preter payloads can be seen in the figures 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8 which displays a large range
of different detection rates for the payload type. As it simultaneously results among
the lowest detections rates for multiple encoders, it also results in having amongst the
highest detection rates. Notable, meterpreter payloads encapsulated with shikata_ga_nai,
x86_xor_dynamic and x86_non_alpha does fail to detect a vast amount of these payload
types, where meterpreter has amongst the lowest detection rates for those encoding meth-
6 Discussion
With these results provided previously, as well as the analysis being completed, we be-
lieve that the stated research questions has been answered dutifully. The efficiency of
the antivirus softwares are analyzed and presented with graphs and comparisons between
different results to be able to determine the most proper results. Thus answering the first
research questions RQ1, to find the effectiveness of modern AV softwares and if they
are sufficient in prohibiting malicious payloads from executing. Even though the results
varied, we believe that the analysis of the presented results yielded answers to this mat-
By viewing the graphs which showcases the different encoding methods used,
we were able to single out a few encoding methods which achieved the lowest detection
rates. These were seen in figure 10 which displays payload results attaining less than a
20% detection rate. Compared to payloads which lack any sort of encoding, this figure
proves that there are some encapsulation methods which does lower detection rate. Thus
the second research question, RQ2, was answered.
Encoding has been a major part of the conducted research and as such the last
research, RQ3, question was also answered. By studying the graphs of different encoding
methods and their respective payload results and detection rate, we were able to determine
the encoding methods which had the lowest detection rate amongst the different encod-
ings. There are however factors which might affect the results to make it less reliable,
as mentioned previously. An example of such a factor would be the fact that different
payload types are not supported by all encoding methods, resulting in certain encoding
methods utilizing different sets of payloads. Explained in the limitations chapter, this is
due to certain payloads not being able to be executed if they are forcefully encoded with
an incompatible encoding method. This is something which future research could expand
upon, as well as focus solely on certain systems instead of a broader research such as this
Our findings found that two out of 981 payloads, which lacked any encoding what-
soever, had achieved a 0% detection rate. This is also alarming, even though the percent-
age is low, one would hope that no malicious software would be allowed to execute on
virtually all systems without being detected. Compared to that of [8] the detection rates
has significantly been improved upon. Even though some of the selected payloads by [8]
are not a 100% match against ours, almost no results from their work achieved a highest
detection rate than 37.5%. Their selection of payloads were also significantly smaller
than ours, but it is nonetheless possible to see a direct improvement amongst AV software
in their detecting capabilities since 2008. The study performed in 2019 however does
bring in somewhat similar detection rates [9] but as mentioned previously, the amount
of payloads used are momentously smaller than ours, making this research more com-
prehensive. Their study solely focused on windows platforms with the x86 architecture,
which we also expanded upon for this paper as we include Linux systems as well as x64
Is it possible to deem the current state of AV software to be sufficient enough to
combat the modern payloads of Metasploit? We do not believe the general vendors of
AV software are sufficient enough in their performance as of yet. But as stated in the
introduction, this is the arms race between malware and AV software. As it is not possible
for the results to single out ace performers amongst AV software, the general statistics
depict that currently not enough of the AV armada reach satisfactory levels of detection.
To remedy this, AV vendors in the industry need to continue to invest in their products,
enhance their software’s capabilities to detect malware in code which is not encoded to
be able to determine it’s characteristics as malicious or not. Being able to determine the
behaviour of code is something which is still being developed and improved upon, and
perhaps with the recent advancements in A.I as well as ML (Machine learning), plenty
of AV software may get necessary updates. The ability to detect code which is encoded
with some sort of method had decently high detection rates across the board, which is an
acceptable result as the code is indeed trying even further to remain undetected. However,
as the numerous amounts of payloads which lacked encoding still remained undetected,
this aspect desperately needs improvements for the sake of cyber security.
This is partially one of the most frustrating aspects of our research, namely that
we were not allowed to demonstrate which AV software vendors are on top of their prod-
ucts, and which vendors needs improvements. VirusTotal is its’ own company however
and they have deemed that a study like this could damage their business which is also
why they have stated clear guidelines in their Terms of Service [13]. Nonetheless we
believed such data would benefit the industry, it could showcase quite clearly which as-
pects of each AV vendor’s software was failing and which aspects of their software were
flourishing. Such data would also provide useful information for private individuals who
may not be very insightful in the field of Computer Science or cyber security. Surely, the
theoretical data could have also done damages to some vendors reputation in case their
AV software performed worse than others, as well as elevate other AV software who had
good results.
7 Conclusions & Future Work
When referencing the graph shown in fig10 compared to fig8 it is quite clear to note that
to gain a detection rate below 20%, an encoder is definitely required. However, as can be
seen in fig8 a lot of payloads without any encoding whatsoever still has a decently low
detection rate. This, as previously mentioned, is alarming as to why so many payloads
generate such low detection rates. The reasons for this results are unknown, and only
provides the state of AV’s capabilities when handling pure, malicious, payloads, and those
capabilities from the author’s point of view is failing.
Another noteworthy conclusions to be drawn seems to stem from the encoders
themselves. When comparing fig1 with fig8 the detection rates have plummeted dras-
tically. It seems, to the author’s surprise, that many of the payloads sent with different
encoders are deemed malicious by AV software based on the single fact that they are en-
coded, not based on the content of the payload itself, as shown in fig10. This could be
a potential problem as it could generate false positives. AV software can alarm systems,
managers and such of intrusion of malware when in fact it could have been benign files
who are simply encoded with untrustworthy methods. This is an area which could truly
benefit from future research, more vividly research how payloads without any encoding
differ from payloads, both malicious and benign, attain detection rates.
As VirusTotal keeps track of all uploaded files, one could keep track of how the
detection rates for all of the payloads created for this theses change over time.
This research mostly focused on detection rates of payloads and how they are
affected by encoders. But VirusTotal provides a lot more information on the payloads
then presented. This includes but is not limited to the signatures given to detect mal-
ware, sandbox information, metadata information. This information could be leveraged
to check how encoders might affect shell integrity and operationality. This information
could also be correlated to the payload creation arguments and to the different signatures
reported by AV solutions to check a sorts of signature-to-matter-of-fact-threat fidelity, or
in other words, are AV solutions detecting the payload or only the malicious characteris-
tics. Another interesting field of study could be the uniqueness of the MSFVenom tools.
Most if not all of the payloads created and uploaded to VirusTotal have never been seen
before, as in the hash is unknown to VirusTotal. This might point to the conclusion that
MSFVenom might take into account other runtime varibles when creating payloads. How
could this affect detection rate?
Another aspect that this thesis didn’t delve into is the how detections rates differ
between platforms. Or in other words, are certain operating systems more vulnerable than
others? We believe that our data set could be used to draw some conclusions about that
question or be used to further this research in that area alas we did not have the time to
analyze the data set further.
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