End Term 2023-24 Sol
End Term 2023-24 Sol
End Term 2023-24 Sol
In the following set of questions, there is only one correct answer. Each question
carries one mark. There are no negative marks for incorrect answers.
1. When the production process is on, a company conducts inspections and tests on
finished products to ensure they meet quality standards. What type of costs best
describe the above?
a. Prevention Costs
b. Appraisal Costs
c. External Failure Costs
d. Internal Failure Costs
2. Which of the following statements best describes the nature of assignable variations?
3. Which of the following is not true regarding Process Capability Index (𝑪𝑷 𝒐𝒓 𝑪𝑷𝑲 )?
a. Process Capability Index overestimates the Process Capability when the process
comprises both common and assignable variations.
b. The Process Capability Index requires the production process to be normally
c. The Process Capability Index can be calculated irrespective of whether the process is
centred around the upper and lower specification limits.
d. The higher the value of the Process Capability Index, more capable is the production
process to meet the requirements.
4. A control chart for the mean diameter of ball bearings is constructed. It is found that
98% of the samples have a mean within the control limits. What is the most
appropriate interpretation of the same?
a. It states that 98% of the samples are found to conform to the specifications of the clients.
b. It states that 98% of the samples are found to be under statistical control.
c. It states that 98% of the samples have variations small enough to remain within the
specification limits.
d. It states that 98% of the samples are spread out evenly on both sides of the grand mean.
6. Product liability is considered to be a critical issue pertaining to the cost of poor quality.
Which of the following best describes the issue of product liability?
7. The objective of six sigma process is to ensure that there are no more than 3.4 defects
for every million opportunities to produce some feature of a part. Suppose the client
has specified the upper and lower specification limits (USL and LSL). Which of the
following must be true?
a. The firm needs to adjust the process variation to keep the 3𝜎 limits around the process
mean 𝜇 within LSL and USL.
b. The firm needs to adjust the process variation to keep the 6𝜎 limits around the process
mean 𝜇 within LSL and USL.
c. The firm acknowledges that machines suffer wear and tear in the long run and hence
the process mean shifts either way by a magnitude of 1.5 𝜎.
d. The firm needs to adjust the process variation to keep the LSL and USL within 6𝜎
limits around the process mean 𝜇.
a. Indecisiveness during sampling may result in the consumer drawing another sample.
b. In full inspection, the producer’s risk is higher than the consumer’s risk.
c. In a single sampling plan, we choose a single threshold value of the number of
defectives in sample to either reject or accept a lot.
d. Double sampling plans are preferred when the number of defectives in a sample is of
some intermediate value.
9. In an ideal sampling plan which of the following must be true?
a. If LTPD is greater than AQL, consumer’s risk is triggered the moment the percentage
of defectives exceed AQL.
b. In an ideal sampling plan, if the number of defectives is below AQL, then the producer’s
risk should be zero.
c. The slope of an Operating Characteristics Curve necessarily determines whether the
consumer will be at a higher risk than the producer.
d. Operating Characteristics Curve is necessarily more beneficial when the sample sizes
are closer to the lot sizes.
a. O.E.E. is always smaller than or equal to each of the availability efficiency, operational
(or performance) efficiency, and quality efficiency.
b. O.E.E. remains unaffected if the firm moves from 2 shifts a day to 1 shift a day.
c. The scheduled set-up times for machines reduce Availability Efficiency and thereby
d. O.E.E. becomes lower if the mean time to repair the machines becomes higher.
13. Which of the following is the best associated with Andon systems?
14. A software system is kept in a library to facilitate the users by providing them with call
numbers for every book. Which of the following types of waste is the best reduced by
such an intervention?
a. Waiting
b. Unnecessary Transportation
c. Unnecessary Motion
d. Higher Inventory of Books
15. Which of the following describes the advantages of the 5S intervention the least?
Numerical Problems
Q1: XYZ has decided to keep a Lot Tolerance Percent Defective (LTPD) of 9 percent for
all its components. It purchases a particular component from ABC Spares Pvt. Ltd. XYZ has
an Acceptance Quality Level of 3 percent in its production facility. XYZ has a consumer
risk of 10 percent, while ABC has a production risk of 5 percent. In order to satisfy all the
said objectives, XYZ needs to develop a sampling plan that will include the sample size and
the allowable number of defectives. Use the table below to find the sample size and the
allowable number of defectives in the sample. [5 Marks]
0 44.89 0.052
1 10.946 0.355
2 6.509 0.818
3 4.89 1.366
4 4.057 1.97
5 3.549 2.613
6 3.206 3.286
7 2.957 3.981
8 2.768 4.695
9 2.618 5.426
Here, LTPD/AQL = 3
Thus, 𝑐 = 7
Further, 𝑛. 𝐴𝑄𝐿 = 3.981
Hence, 𝑛 = 133
Q2: Consider the following production process indicated by the diagram below:
A B Demand= 90/hr
150/hr 105/hr
In the production process above, operation A (output rate 150/hour) feeds into operation B
(output rate 105/hour). If operation B is occupied, inventory is stored intermediately. The
demand placed on the system is 90 per hour. Machine A remains dysfunctional for either 2
hours after every 8 hours (i.e., 20% of the time) or 1 hour in after every 3 hours (i.e., 25% of
the time) with respective probabilities of 0.8 and 0.2.
Calculate the maximum lead time demand and the required number of Kanbans of size 5
[5 marks]
Sol: Max Lead Time= 2 hours + time taken to fill 1 kanban
Thus, Max Lead Time= 2 + 150
Max Lead Time Demand = (2 + 150) 90 = 183
No. of Kanbans = 183/5 = 36.6 (=37 approximately)
Q3: A quality inspector on the shop floor measures the time taken for each successive unit
coming out of the production system. He collects 4 different samples of size 7, each consisting
of the time intervals (in seconds) between two successive units being produced by the system.
The following table displays data for the same:
Construct a control chart that will describe 99.5% of the time interval variation. It is known
that the process standard deviation is 5 seconds. Use the following table for reference (in case
required). Also, if required, one can use the following Standard Normal distribution table.
[5 Marks]
Here 𝑛 = 7, 𝑥̿ = 65.57143, 𝜎 = 5
The corresponding value of 𝑧 = 2.81
Thus, 𝑈𝐶𝐿 = 70.876 and 𝐿𝐶𝐿 = 60.266