Smallsignal Characterization of The Forwardflyback Converters With Active Clamp
Smallsignal Characterization of The Forwardflyback Converters With Active Clamp
Smallsignal Characterization of The Forwardflyback Converters With Active Clamp
Abstract - Linear equivalent models of the The for-fly with hybridge rectifier has a single transformer
forward-flyback converters with active clamp are secondary which always conducts half of the output current.
deduced, using the Vorpbrian model of the PWM Transformerratio is then the same for the forward and for the
switch. Control-to-output transfer functions are boost-buck sections.
plotted against frequency, for a 36-72 V to -
5 V - The for-fly with tapped secondary has separate windings for
converter, for different load resistances, thus
allowing the design of the error amplifier as to the two sections, thus allowing for different transformer
ensure circuit stability. Experimental results ratios, but the two sections are connected towards the output
confirm models validity. at the same filter inductance. This leads to dynamic behavior
different from the preceding topology when the converter is
I. INTRODUCTION controlled by a feedback loop.
The trend towards higher power density and higher III.THE LINEARIZED MODEL
efficiency imposed converter topologies which can use the
entire range of quasi-linearity of the transformer core: push- To deduce the small-signalbehavior of the converters, the
pull, bridge, half-bridge and active-clamp forward. In these method of the PWM model [31] will be used, rather than the
converters, in steady state, the transformer magnetizing state-space average method [30]. The PWM model is
current has the average value zero for any value of the load versatile and may be applied to the complex, non-standard
current. In the active-clamp flyback and forward-flyback topologies, as the converters with active clamp are.
converters, the average value of the magnetizing current is The for-fly converter with hybridge rectifier (Fig. 1.a) may
proportional to the load current. The magnetizing current be considered as being the association of two dc-dc converters
may even not change the polarity - at medium and heavy connected at the same output (Fig. 1.c) :
loads. Transformer core is used less well than in push-pull or - a forward converter with the duty factor D , and
active-clamp forward converters, but these topologies still. - a boost converter with the duty factor D ,the transformer
have high efficiency and other advantages. The forward- and a buck converter with the duty factor (1 - D ) . Indeed, the
flyback converter (hereafter called "for-fly") has lower losses operation of the circuit L2-D2-D1 is that of a buck converter
in the secondary than the push-pull converter. where D2 is the freewheeling diode and D , is the control-
This paper aims to deduce small-signal equivalent circuits led switch (called the "active" switch in [31]), because it
for the for-fly converters, in order to make it possible to conducts when energy is stored in inductance L2 . The input
calculate the error amplifier phase correction as to ensure voltage for this one is ideally E D / (n (1 - D)) .
circuit stability when controlled by a feedback loop. The If the clamping circuit is connected across the transformer
circuits were deduced using the versatile model of the PWM primary, as in [33] and others, than the clamping circuit is a
switch [3 11. Experimental verification demonstrated the flyback [27]. For this reason we maintained in this paper the
validity of the models. same name offorward-flybackconverter, though the operation
is slightly different.
II. CIRCUITS OPERATION Consequently, the linear equivalent circuit for duty cycle
variations only is that of Fig.2, with the parameters' values:
Two active-clamp converters are studied: the for-fly with
hybridge (current-doubler)rectifier (Fig.1) and the for-fly with I
tapped transformer secondary (Fig.5). In both converters, Ic1= -
when the main switch Q conducts, energy is transferred from 2
the dc source E to the filter inductor (L1 or L ) . At the same E
VDI= Vapl - ICI rEl (1 - D) = - - I,, rEl (1 - D)
time the magnetizing current increases, hence energy is stored n
in the transformer magnetic field. When Q switches off, RI = D (1 - D)rE1+ r,,
energy stored in the transformer is eliminated: partly through The transformer ratio n = np / ns .
QA in C A ,partly towards the output as in a boost or flyback
rE = 'CA R A =rcA 1 v
converter. Circuit operation is mixed: forward and boost-buck IC= --- - 0
[I1 - WI. rCA RA 1-D RA
At w ’
tf ‘ f
U *
lk 10k
frequency (HZ)
Fig.3. Calculated and measured gain and phase curves of the for-fly converter with hybridge rectifier delivering 15 A and 5 A ,
?/d-7 2v
lk 10k lOOk ’
frequency (Hz)
Fig.4. Gain and phase curves of the for-fly converter with hybridge rectifier delivering l!j A , at 3 different supply voltages.
Fig.5. Forward-flyback converter with secondary tap.
1 measured 1
1I I E=4av I
I a
j 0 -.
~ -10-1
v/d_5A calculated
lk 1Gr
- frequency ( H z )
Fig.7. Gain and phase curves of the for-fly converter with tapped secondary delivering 15 A and 5 A.
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