3.6 FBIC
The storage tank shall be provided with a 100 mm fire brigade pumping connection to discharge at least
2275 liters /minimum into it. This connection shall not be taken directly into the side of the storage tank, but
arranged to discharge not less than 150 mm above the top edge of the tank such that the water flow can
be seen. The connection shall be fitted with stop valve in a position appro ved by the Project Manager. An
overflow connection discharging to a drain point shall be provided from the storage tank.
The fire brigade connection shall be fitted with four numbers of 63mm instantaneous inlets in a glass fronted
wall box at a suitable position at street level, so located as to make the inlets accessible from the outside
of the building. The size of the wall box shall be adequate to allow hose to be connected to the inlets, even
if the door cannot be opened and the glass has to be broken. Each box shall have fall of 25mm towards
the front at its base and shall be glassed with wired glass with ”FIRE BRIGADE INLET” painted on the inner
face of the glass in 50 mm size block letter. Each such box shall be provided with a steel hammer with chain
for breaking the glass.
In addition to the emergency fire brigade connection to the storage tank, a 100mm common connection
shall be taken from the four 63mm instantaneous inlets direct to hydrant main so that the fire brigade may
pump to the hydrants in the event of the hydrant pumps being out of commission. The connection shall be
fitted with a sluice valve and reflux valve. Location of this valve shall be as per the approval of the Project
On completion of installation works at site the complete system shall be tested for satisfactory performance
in line with specifications as per Tender / requirements of Employer / Consultants. Pumps should test for
Sequential Auto start in case of using the Hydrants / sprinklers system. Also pump shall deliver minimum
required flow & pressure at top most hydrant point. All instruments for testing should be arranged by the
The pumps shall be horizontal centrifugal End suction type; pump designed for continuous operation and
shall have a continuously dropping head characteristic without any zone of instability. The power capacity
characteristic shall be non-over loading type. The head vs. capacity, input power vs. capacity
characteristics, etc., shall match to ensure load sharing and trouble free operation throughout the range.
In case of accidental reverse flow through the pump the driver shall be capable of bringing the pump to
its rated speed in the normal direction from the point of maximum possible reverse speed. The contractor
under this specification shall assume full responsibility in the operation of the pump and the drive as one
unit. The pump shall be capable to discharge 150 percent of rated capacity at a total head of not less
than 65 percent of the total rated head. The total shut off head shall not exceed 120 percent of total rated
head on the pump. An automatic air release valve shall be provided to vent air from the pump discharge
and also to admit to the pump to dissipate the vacuum there, upon stopping of the pump.
This valve shall be located at the highest point in the discharge line between the pump and the discharge
check valve. Pump coupled with motor or engine on a common base plate shall perform smoothly without
any excessive noise or vibration. Also pump shall be provided with re-circulation piping with valves.
Detailed hydraulic calculations shall be performed to determine the capacity of the pump required for the
hydrant system.
The pump casing shall be of cast iron to grade FG 200 to IS 210 and parts like impeller, shaft sleeves,
wearing-ring etc. shall be of non-corrosive metal like bronze/brass/gun metal. The shaft shall be stainless
steel. Provision of mechanical seal shall also be made.
The pump casing shall be designed to withstand 1.5 times the working pressure. Bearing of pump shall be
effectively sealed to prevent loss of lubricant or entry of dust or water.
Fire Hose
Fire hoses shall be Reinforced Rubber Lined (RRL) type as per IS: 636 and IS 8423:1994 Specification for
controlled percolating hose for firefighting of 63 mm dia and 15 mts long. Hoses shall be bounded by G.I
wire to heavy-duty instantaneous gunmetal couplings as per IS 903.
3.13 Piping
All pipes inside the building and where specified, outside the building shall be GI. tubes conforming to IS:
1239 - heavy duty. Fittings for pipes shall be as per IS: 1239, Part II (heavy grade) up to 150mm dia,. Above
200 mm dia. shall be M.S. pipes as per IS: 3589 with minimum 6 mm wall thick & fittings shall be fabricated
from pipes confirming to IS 3589.
Pipes shall be carefully laid to the alignment, levels and gradients shown on the plan and sections and
great care shall be taken to prevent any sand, earth or other matter from entering the pipes during laying.
Pipes shall be kept thoroughly clean during the course of lying. The ends of pipes shall be blocked with
wooden plugs wedged home, at the end of each day's work to prevent dirt and rodents, insects etc.,
entering the pipe.
Pipes up to 50mm dia, GI/DI screwed / Socket welded type jointing shall be adopted, while for pipes above
50mm dia welded or flanged connections shall be used. Flanged joints shall be made with 3 mm thick
insertion rubber washer / Gaskets. All bolt holes in flanges shall be drilled & making hole by using gas cutting
is not acceptable. The drilling of each flange shall be in accordance with relevant Bureau of Indian
Flanged joints shall be used for connections to vessel equipment, flanged valves and also on suitable
straight lengths of pipeline at strategic points to facilitate erection and subsequent maintenance work.
Joints between MS pipes and fittings shall be made with the pipes and fittings having “V” groove and
welded with electrical resistance welding in an approved manner. But welding without “V” groove shall
not be permitted.
All joints in the pipe line with screwed fittings shall be seal welded after testing and the weld plus the
adjoining portion shall be given two coats of zinc rich primer.
Concept Design Report MEP
3.17 Unions
Approved type of dismountable unions shall be provided on pipe lines of 40 mm dia and smaller dia, in
locations similar to those specified for flanges.
Vendor shall Install identification on each system. Place flow directional arrows at each pipe identification
Identify all piping, not less than once every 25 ft, not less than once in each room, at each branch, adjacent
to each access door or panel, at each valve and where exposed piping passes through walls and floors.
Identify piping with marker system. Makers shall be “snap-on” or strap –on” type depending on applicable
pipe size.
All piping in the system shall be tested to hydrostatic pressure of 1.5 times of the working pressure without
drop in pressure for at least 120 minutes. The test should be made in the presence of and to the satisfaction
of the Employers / consultants representatives. Any defects / leakage should be repaired or if necessary
defective works / equipment should be replaced with new work / equipment. Tests should be repeated
until work is done to the satisfaction of concern representatives. After testing all pipes shall be flushed with
portable water to remove foreign materials.
Supports for above ground pipes of 65 mm dia and above shall be fabricated by structural steel of suitable
sections (50x50x 6 mm angle ) with suitable fasteners. The spacing of supports shall be 3mts minimum and
painted two coats of enamel paint of approved colour over a coat of primer.
Suitable type hangers shall support pipes below 50 mm dia with clamps, anchor fasteners and suspended
rods etc.
Fasteners (Anchor bolt, suspended rod, U bolts etc) shall not be less than 10 mm for pipes up to 80mm and
16mm for pipes 100mm & above.
Pipe work and fittings shall be supported by hangers or brackets so as to permit free expansion and
contraction. Risers shall be supported at each floor with Galvanized steel clamps. To permit free movement
of common piping support shall be from a common hanger bar fabricated from Galvanized steel sections.
Pipe hangers shall be provided at the following maximum spacing:
Sr .No. Pipe Dia(mm) Hanger Rod Dia(mm) Spacing between Supports (m)
1 Up to 25 6 2
2 32 to 50 10 2.7
3 80 to 100 12 2.7
4 125 to 150 12 3.6
5 200 to 300 16 5.3
The end of the steel rods shall be threaded and not welded to the threaded bolt.
All pipe work shall be carried out in a proper workman like manner, causing minimum disturbance to the
existing services, buildings, roads and structure. The entire piping work shall be organized in consultation
with other agencies work, so that area can be carried out in one stretch.
The structural supports/Bolts /Nuts / Washers used in the system (wherever required) shall be Galvanized as
per IS 1367 and suitable length & not more than 15mm beyond the Nut.
Pipes and fittings shall be fixed truly vertical, horizontal or in slopes as required in a neat manner. The pipes
shall be supported by structural steel fabricated (like, channel / angle / flat / plate etc) supports with
Concept Design Report MEP
suitable anchor fasteners / suspended thread rods not less than M16 in size.
3.24 Painting
All Hydrant and Sprinkler pipes shall be painted with post office red colour paint as per (IS : 5 ,Shade No
536). All pipes shall first be cleaned thoroughly before application of primer coat. After application of primer
coat two coats of enamel paint shall be applied. Each coat shall be given minimum 24 hours drying time.
No thinners shall be used. Wherever required all pipe headers shall be worded indicating the direction of
the pipe and its purpose such as "TO RISER NO.1" etc.
Painting shall be expertly applied; the paint shall not over run on surfaces not requiring painting such as
walls, surfaces etc. Nuts and bolts shall be painted black, while valves shall be painted blue.
Fire extinguishers shall be installed as per Indian Standard Code of practice for Selection, installation and
maintenance of portable first aid appliances IS: 2190-1971.
The appliances shall be installed in readily accessible locations with the appliance’s brackets fixed
to wall by suitable anchor fasteners.
Concept Design Report MEP
Portable fire extinguishers are provided at locations mentioned below, ABC type fire extinguisher of
capacity 6 kilograms fitted with gun metal cap, high pressure carbon-dioxide cartridge, with suitable
mounting brackets conforming to IS 2171 near main switch board room, transformer, generator room,
pump room and lift machine room.
ABC type fire extinguisher of capacity 6 kilograms fitted with gun metal cap, high pressure carbon-
dioxide cartridge, with suitable mounting brackets conforming to IS 2171 for every 8 Cars also two Fire
sand Buckets for every 8 Cars.
Water Mist type extinguishers of capacity 9 liters fitted with gun metal cap, high pressure carbon-
dioxide gas cartridge, with brackets, conforming to IS 940 located near each staircase landing on
every floor and office areas.
Carbon dioxide type fire extinguishers of capacity 2 / 4.5 kilograms fitted with valve, discharge horn,
conforming to IS 2878, located in electrical panel room, pump room, lift machine room and office
Mechanical foam type fire extinguishers of 9 ltrs. Capacity fitted with all accessories shall be provided
at D.G. Rooms, and Firewater pump house and near oil filled Transformers.
4.25.1 Purpose
These provisions are intended to provide early notification to building occupants of a fire scenario and
inform building occupants to evacuate the area accordingly. The two-way fire department
communication system is provided to facilitate fire department personnel communication between
the fire control room and common lobby areas of the building.
Associated accessories like fault isolation, control/monitor modules, response indicators wherever
required. All detectors shall be wired with Class A one type wires for control panel wiring..
As per fire norms and standards it is required to display signage in view of emergency for smooth
evacuation. Clear indications or directions to be displayed at the escape route and public places.
This signage’s should be in made out of 3mm thick "Opaque" PVC foam board with computer cut,
PVC non-reflective self-adhesive vinyl painted foam board, complete with mirror fasteners.