ACAS Question Bank 3 Units

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Question Bank

Advanced Computational Analysis of Structures

UNIT I: Loading and Design Principles:
1. What are the objectives of structural design.
2. Explain in details various types of structural actions.
3. What do you understand by design process. Explain in detail difference between functional
design and structural design.
4. What do you understand by gravity loading. Calculate the self-weight in kN/m for the
concrete beam of size 300 mm x 300 mm and length 5 m. Assume suitable data.
5. How live load reduction policies are applied in general philosophies while application to
6. What are different types of loadings to be considered while designing and analysing a
structure. Explain any one in detail.
7. Enlist different types of dynamic loads while designing and analysing a structure. Explain
any one in detail.
8. Discuss Equivalent static method with reference to suitable codal provisions.
9. Explain various design philosophies adopted for design & analysis of structure.
10. Compare and contrast 1. Working stress method 2. Limit State method . Plastic design
11. Explain the importance of wind loading and earthquake loading in design and analysis of
12. What are different types of loads responsible for dynamic analysis? Explain any one in

UNIT II: Structural Systems of High Rise Buildings:

1. What are the aspects to be considered while deciding the structural form for the respective
2. What do you understand by braced form structure? Elaborate the same with suitable
3. What do you understand by rigid frame structure? Explain the utility of the the same with
reference to high rise structures.
4. What do you understand by in-filled frame structure? Explain interactive behaviour of
infill in the frame to resist horizontal deformation.
5. Explain shear wall structure and mechanism to analyse combined shear wall and frame
6. What are the key aspects while adopting a structural form in different types of projects
such as residential or commercial?
7. Explain the concept of coupled shear wall with mechanism to resist horizontal force with
suitable diagram.
8. Explain the concept of frame tube structure with suitable example.
9. How outrigger braced structure resists horizontal forces acting on the building.
10. Explain in details factors affecting the foundation selection for high rise structures.
11. Explain the concept of raft or mat foundation with reference to tall structures. What are
the situations wherein these type of foundations are provided.
12. Justify the necessity where pile foundations are recommended in high rise structure.
13. What do you understand by barrettes foundation? What are the situations where these
type of foundations are provided.
14. Explain the concept of pile raft foundation. Also state the advantages of adopting the
same in high rise buildings.
15. How compensated pile raft foundation is different form pile foundation. Explain in detail.

UNIT III: Shear walls:

1. Explain the utility of shear wall with reference to high rise structures.
2. Describe the behaviour of shear wall structure with reference to proportionate and non-
proportionate structures.
3. Explain the typical methodology adopted for analysis of proportionate shear wall.
4. What do you understand by non-proportionate structure? Explain in detail non
proportionate shear wall.
5. What do you understand by non-proportionate twisting structure? Justify the relevance of
the same with non-proportionate twisting shear wall.
6. What do you understand by proportionate non-twisting structure? Justify the relevance of
the same with proportionate non-twisting shear wall. ‘
7. Explain the typical methodology adopted for analysis of proportionate twisting shear wall.

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