Module 3 - The Physical Layer: Contd. 1
Module 3 - The Physical Layer: Contd. 1
Module 3 - The Physical Layer: Contd. 1
This module will allow you understand the role of the physical layer that defines the
means of transmitting raw bits over a physical data link connecting network nodes. Understand
bitstream that may be grouped into code words or symbols and converted to a physical signal
that is transmitted over a transmission medium. Comprehend the physical layer which provides
an electrical, mechanical, and procedural interface to the transmission medium. The shapes and
properties of the electrical connectors, the frequencies to broadcast on, the line code to use and
similar low-level parameters, are specified by the physical layer.
1. identify Multiplexing;
2. elucidate Transmission Media;
I. Pre – Assessment:
Direction. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong. Write your answers
on a separate sheet of paper.
_______1. Multiplexing is not practical to have a separate line for each other device we want to
_______4. Demultiplexer uses a series of filters to decompose the signal into its component
_______5. Channels must be separated by strips of unused BWs (called Guard Bands) to
prevent signals from overlapping.
_______6. Carrier frequencies must not interfere with the original signals.
_______7. A prism is used to bend a beam of light based on the angle of incidence and
frequency and acts like a multiplexer.
It is not practical to have a separate line for each other device we want to communicate
The technique used to share a link by more than one device is called multiplexing
Multiplexing needs that the BW of the link should be greater than the total individual BW
of the devices connected.
In a multiplexed system one link may contain more than one channel
5 Module 3 | The Physical Layer Contd.
• These BW ranges are channels through which the various signal travel
• Channels must be separated by strips of unused BWs (called Guard Bands) to prevent
signals from overlapping
Assume that a voice channel occupies a bandwidth of 4 KHz. We need to combine three voice
channels into a link with a bandwidth of 12 KHz, from 20 to 32 KHz. Show the configuration
using the frequency domain without the use of guard bands.
Five channels, each with a 100-KHz bandwidth, are to be multiplexed together. What is the
minimum bandwidth of the link if there is a need for a guard band of 10 KHz between the
channels to prevent interference?
For five channels, we need at least four guard bands. This means that the required bandwidth is
at least
5 x 100 + 4 x 10
= 540 KHz
as shown in Figure
Four data channels (digital), each transmitting at 1 Mbps, use a satellite channel of 1 MHz.
Design an appropriate action using FDM
• The satellite channel is analog. We divide it into four channels, each channel having a
250-KHz bandwidth.
7 Module 3 | The Physical Layer Contd.
• Each digital channel of 1 Mbps is modulated such that each 4 bits are modulated to 1
Another prism may be used to reverse the process and acts like a demultiplexer
then the duration of a unit on a connection will be 3 times that of a time slot
Four 1-Kbps connections are multiplexed together. A unit is 1 bit. Find (1) the duration of 1 bit
before multiplexing, (2) the transmission rate of the link, (3) the duration of a time slot, and (4)
the duration of a frame?
9 Module 3 | The Physical Layer Contd.
2. The rate of the link is 4 times the rate of connection, i.e. 4 Kbps.
3. The duration of each time slot is 1/4th of the bit duration before multiplexing i.e. 1/4s or
Four channels are multiplexed using TDM. If each channel sends 100 bytes and we multiplex 1
byte per channel, show the frame traveling on the link, the size of the frame, the duration of a
frame, the frame rate, and the bit rate for
A multiplexer combines four 100-Kbps channels using a time slot of 2 bits. Show the output with
four arbitrary inputs.
What is the frame rate? What is the frame duration? What is the bit rate? What is the bit
10 Module 3 | The Physical Layer Contd.
• To avoid this one or more synchronization bits may be added called Framing bits
We have four sources, each creating 250 characters per second. If the interleaved unit is a
character and 1 synchronizing bit is added to each frame, find
Bit Padding
11 Module 3 | The Physical Layer Contd.
If one or more devices are faster than other devices than faster devices are given more
time slots than others
e.g. we can accommodate a device 5 times faster than others by giving time slots as 5:1
When speeds are not integer multiples of each other then bit padding is used
In bit padding the multiplexer adds extra bits to device‟s source stream to force the
speed relationships as integer multiples
Two channels, one with a bit rate of 100 Kbps and another with a bit rate of 200 Kbps, are to be
multiplexed. How this can be achieved? What is the frame rate? What is the frame duration?
What is the Solution the link?
We can allocate one slot to the first channel and two slots to the second channel. Each frame
carries 3 bits. The frame rate is 100,000 frames per second because it carries 1 bit from the first
channel. The frame duration is 1/100,000 s, or 10 ms.
DS hierarchy
Telephone companies implement TDM through hierarchy of digital signals called Digital Signal
o T Lines are digital lines designed for transmission of digital data, audio or video
• The frame used on a T-1 line is usually 193 bits divided into 24 slots of 8 bits each plus 1 extra
bit for synchronization (24*8 + 1)
• If a T-1 line carries 8000 frames then data rate = 193*8000 = 1.544 Kbps
• Europeans use E Lines in place T Lines. Both are conceptually same only capacity differs
13 Module 3 | The Physical Layer Contd.
Rate Voice
E Line
(Mbps) Channels
E-1 2.048 30
• Inverse multiplexing takes data from high speed line and breaks it into portions that can be
sent across several lower speed lines
• If an organisation wants to send data, audio and video, each requires a different bandwidth
• The organisation can use any of the channel whenever and however it needs them
14 Module 3 | The Physical Layer Contd.
Extend: Identify Frequency Division Multiplexing, Wave Division Multiplexing & Time division
a. __________________________
b. __________________________
c. __________________________
15 Module 3 | The Physical Layer Contd.
Two channels, one with a bit rate of 200 Kbps and another with a bit rate of 300 Kbps, are
to be multiplexed. How this can be achieved? What is the frame rate? What is the frame
duration? What is the Solution the link?
Direction. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong. Write your
answers in a separate sheet of paper.
_______1. Multiplexing is not practical to have a separate line for each other device we
want to communicate.
_______4. Demultiplexer uses a series of filters to decompose the signal into its
component signals.
_______5. Channels must be separated by strips of unused BWs (called Guard Bands)
to prevent signals from overlapping.
_______6. Carrier frequencies must not interfere with the original signals.
_______7. A prism is used to bend a beam of light based on the angle of incidence and
frequency and acts like a multiplexer.
V. Topic Summary:
VI. Reference