Raise Organic Hogs Reviewer
Raise Organic Hogs Reviewer
Raise Organic Hogs Reviewer
Terms in Hog Raising The use of artificial insemination techniques is allowed. But shall
not use segregated, separated or modified sperm.
Sow – Female pig that had litter
Breeding techniques that embryo transfer, genetic engineering,
Boar – A mature male pig used for breeding
treatments with reproductive hormones and semen sexing are
Gilt – A young mature female pig not allowed.
Piglet – A baby pig The use of genetically engineered species or breeds is not
Barrow – Castrated male pig
Conversion Period Giving due consideration to the low availability of organic feed,
the following proportion of feed ration could be used:
Swine should be organically reared at least 120 days before
Breeds and Breeding Week 1 50% non-organic feed, 50% organic feed
Breeding goals are such that animal diversity should be Week 2 30% non-organic feed, 70% organic feed
maintained. Indigenous or native breeds should be preserve and Week 3 10% non-organic feed, 90% organic feed
Week 4 onwards 100% organic feed
Manage Waste Disposal Well-placed feet and legs. Medium short feet and short upright
pasterns are preferable
Manure – use as fertilizer
Select the biggest among the litter
Dead animals – burning or deep burying
Having a litter of 8 or more good sized piglets with high
Environmental compliance and municipal ordinance
survivability is a good female breeder
Identifying Good Breeders ( Boars)
Well- developed vulva
No deformities
Vulva slightly pointed downward
Most Vigorous
Loss of appetite
Swelling and reddening of vulva • The sow or gilt will stand still when pressure is applied to her
back ( can accept a man’s weight sitting on her. Thus the right
Erect ears
stage to send her to the boar )
Appearance of mucous discharge from the vulva
• The sow/gilt will not stand still when pressure is applied to her
• 1st stage: Early heat signs general How to induce heat to sows/gilts
Restlessness Gently stroke sow’s vagina with a freshly cut papaya stalk every
morning for 3-5 days
• Vulva turns red and is swollen
Spray the sow’s ( or gilt’s) pen with boar urine every morning for
• White mucus discharge 3-5 days
Bring the sow to the boar, or place the sow in a pen next to the
2nd stage: Service period signs boar. Put the sow with the boar for a short period every day
when the heat is expected
Real Estrus lasts for 40- 60 hours
• Vulva becomes less red and swollen Slimy and mucus discharge
tendency to mount and be mounted by others. Breeding Practices
Always take the sow to the boar. This is less upsetting for him
During the last month of pregnancy, give 0.5 kg extra feed per • High
day but decrease this gradually one week before farrowing transportation
Provide plenty of water to help prevent congested got during
Artificial • Increases • Laborious and
Each boar should be kept in its own pen to avoid fighting. For Insemination number of sows requires
mating, the sow is taken to the boar that can be techniques
• High labor cost
• Eliminates
Different breeding systems and their advantages and • Expensive
injuries during
disadvantages (LABORATORY
and equipment
Natural Breeding – bringing the boar to the mate an in heat
• Reduces sexually
gilt/sow or vice versa and then separating the two after mating.
This practice is termed as hand mating
Artificial Insemination- Introduction of the sperm cell to the
• Less
female reproductive physical contact between the boar and
It is the period the time of fertilization until farrowing Number of heads in pen x 2 = pen area
It ranges from 110 to 118 days with an average of 114 days ( 3 Example: 5 heads x 2 = 10sqm
months, 3weeks and 3 days)
Castrated pigs are easy to handle because they are more docile
Prevents premature mating in mixed sex groups fattening hogs Age Weight Ratio Amount of
( weeks) ( kg) feed
There are 5 main components in an animal feed: protein,
fats/lipid ,Carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. 1 1-5 klg Booster 0.1-0.3 kg