Raise Organic Hogs Reviewer

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Terms in Hog Raising  The use of artificial insemination techniques is allowed. But shall
not use segregated, separated or modified sperm.
 Sow – Female pig that had litter
 Breeding techniques that embryo transfer, genetic engineering,
 Boar – A mature male pig used for breeding
treatments with reproductive hormones and semen sexing are
 Gilt – A young mature female pig not allowed.

 Piglet – A baby pig  The use of genetically engineered species or breeds is not
 Barrow – Castrated male pig

 Weaning – Act of separating piglets from the sow

 Farrowing – Act of giving birth on pig

 Heat/Estrus – A time when gilt/pig is receptive to the boar

Animal Nutrition
 Pig – Common name
 The diet shall be offered to the animals in a form allowing them
 Swine – Breeding execute their natural feeding behavior.
 Hog – Fattening  Supplementation of vitamins and minerals is allowed for as long
as these are obtained from natural resources.

Conversion Period  Giving due consideration to the low availability of organic feed,
the following proportion of feed ration could be used:
 Swine should be organically reared at least 120 days before

Breeds and Breeding Week 1 50% non-organic feed, 50% organic feed

 Breeding goals are such that animal diversity should be Week 2 30% non-organic feed, 70% organic feed
maintained. Indigenous or native breeds should be preserve and Week 3 10% non-organic feed, 90% organic feed
Week 4 onwards 100% organic feed

Manage Waste Disposal  Well-placed feet and legs. Medium short feet and short upright
pasterns are preferable
 Manure – use as fertilizer
 Select the biggest among the litter
 Dead animals – burning or deep burying
 Having a litter of 8 or more good sized piglets with high
 Environmental compliance and municipal ordinance
survivability is a good female breeder
Identifying Good Breeders ( Boars)
 Well- developed vulva
 No deformities
 Vulva slightly pointed downward
 Most Vigorous

 Well-developed sex organs

What are the Good Stock Qualities of Piglets
 Equal- sized testicles
 Rounded body
 Well- developed ham, loin and shoulder
 Alert and Lively
 Biggest among the boars
 No deformities
 Boar must be at least 8 months old at first service.
 Bright eyes

 Do not scours or have any disease

Identifying Good Breeders ( Gilts/Sow)
 No rancid smell
 Young female swine should have a minimum of 6 pair of well-
 Short and Shiny hairs
developed and properly spaced function teats

 Long- bodied sows are desirable because of the more space

created for udder development Signs of In- Heat

 Well-developed ham,loin and shoulder  Grunting and mounting of the hogs

 Loss of appetite

 Swelling and reddening of vulva • The sow or gilt will stand still when pressure is applied to her
back ( can accept a man’s weight sitting on her. Thus the right
 Erect ears
stage to send her to the boar )
 Appearance of mucous discharge from the vulva

 Frequent attempt to urinate with little or no discharge at all

3rd stage : Post estrus- period signs

• The sow/gilt will not stand still when pressure is applied to her

 POST HEAT • The swelling of the vulva disappears

Heat stages of hogs

• 1st stage: Early heat signs general How to induce heat to sows/gilts

Restlessness  Gently stroke sow’s vagina with a freshly cut papaya stalk every
morning for 3-5 days
• Vulva turns red and is swollen
 Spray the sow’s ( or gilt’s) pen with boar urine every morning for
• White mucus discharge 3-5 days

 Bring the sow to the boar, or place the sow in a pen next to the
2nd stage: Service period signs boar. Put the sow with the boar for a short period every day
when the heat is expected
Real Estrus lasts for 40- 60 hours

• Vulva becomes less red and swollen Slimy and mucus discharge
tendency to mount and be mounted by others. Breeding Practices

 Always take the sow to the boar. This is less upsetting for him

 Put the sow to the boar together just before feeding

 During her 24 hour pick heat period allow the boar to serve
twice, with an interval of about 12-14 hour intervals between
Natural • Owner actually • Limits the
Breeding sees the boar number of sows
 Do not mate animals during the hot time of day that are serviced
• Less laborious
 If the sow doesn’t conceive, she will return on heat again in • Occurrence of
• Less labor and
about 3 week’s time injuries
equipment cost
 10 days before service, give the sow/gilt 1-2 kg. of feed extra per During mating
• Increases sexually
 Continue this for one week after service transmitted

 During the last month of pregnancy, give 0.5 kg extra feed per • High
day but decrease this gradually one week before farrowing transportation
 Provide plenty of water to help prevent congested got during
Artificial • Increases • Laborious and
 Each boar should be kept in its own pen to avoid fighting. For Insemination number of sows requires
mating, the sow is taken to the boar that can be techniques
• High labor cost
• Eliminates
Different breeding systems and their advantages and • Expensive
injuries during
disadvantages (LABORATORY
and equipment
 Natural Breeding – bringing the boar to the mate an in heat
• Reduces sexually
gilt/sow or vice versa and then separating the two after mating.
This practice is termed as hand mating
 Artificial Insemination- Introduction of the sperm cell to the
• Less
female reproductive physical contact between the boar and

Common farrowing problems  1 sack sieve sand

Dystocia  1 sack ordinary soil

Agalactiae  1 kilogram of salt

Mastitis  80ml IMO

Metritis  80ml LABS

Standard space requirement of pigs in the pig pen

Gestation Period  Average (standard) = 1.8 sqm

 Also known as pregnancy period  Practical = 2sqm/head

 It is the period the time of fertilization until farrowing Number of heads in pen x 2 = pen area

 It ranges from 110 to 118 days with an average of 114 days ( 3 Example: 5 heads x 2 = 10sqm
months, 3weeks and 3 days)

Piglet management at birth

Signs of Pregnancy
 Clean and drying
 Absence of Heat
 Cutting of umbilical cord (optional)
 Increase weight
 Cutting of needle teeth
 Enlargement of abdomen
 Weighing
 Development of mammary glands
 Provide brooders
Bedding Materials for odorless Pig pen
Advantages of Castration
(good for 3 heads) Every 2SQM (1 PIG)
 Reduces the boar odor from the animals
 8 sacks rice hull

 Castrated pigs are easy to handle because they are more docile

 It facilitates collective management or mixing of sexes Feeds Requirement

 Prevents premature mating in mixed sex groups fattening hogs Age Weight Ratio Amount of
( weeks) ( kg) feed
 There are 5 main components in an animal feed: protein,
fats/lipid ,Carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. 1 1-5 klg Booster 0.1-0.3 kg

 Ratio of these main elements varies depending on the age of the

2-6 5-10 klg Pre-starter 0.3- 0.04 kg

Protein = 25% 6-10 10-20 klg Starter 0.5 - 1.25

Lipids/Fats =8%

Carbohydrates =60% 10-16 20-35 klg Grower 1.25- 2.25

Vitamins =2%

Minerals =5% 16 Market 60-100 klg Finisher 1.25- 3,0 kg

Nutrient sources

1. Protein -Animal, Plant sources, Fish meal.

2. Lipids /fats -Copra meal, Fish meal

3. Carbohydrates -Corn / Rice bran

4. Vitamins -FPJ, FFJ, FAA

5. Minerals -salt, CHR, soil

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