Spontaneous Fracture in Thermally Strengthened Glass - A Review & Outlook
Spontaneous Fracture in Thermally Strengthened Glass - A Review & Outlook
Spontaneous Fracture in Thermally Strengthened Glass - A Review & Outlook
28 3,914
1 author:
Stefan Karlsson
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
All content following this page was uploaded by Stefan Karlsson on 12 May 2017.
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Division Built Environment, Glass Section, SE-351 96 Växjö, Sweden
E-mail: [email protected]
Thermal strengthening of glass is common for many different purposes including architecture, automotive, glasses for solar
energy, tableware and occasionally also containers. It is an easy and relatively cheap method to make glasses stronger,
however, with an Achilles heel that it can spontaneously fracture without the slightest applied external force. Though, fracture
due to applied external force is the most common case, spontaneous fracture is rare. The current paper reviews the literature
of spontaneous fracture and NiS inclusions and what kind of mitigation measures that have been done in order to reduce the
frequency of spontaneous fracture. Finally is also an outlook for the alternative mitigation measures and their advantages as
well as disadvantages. A personal perspective is given in discussions and gives an outlook to the most promising alternative
methods to reduce and hopefully eliminate the NiS inclusions. These include multi-functional methods where not only the NiS
inclusion issue is solved.
With sufficient externally applied forces can ther- phase transformation [35, 36] and this becomes a problem
mally strengthened glass fracture due to [18]: as thermally strengthened glass is rapidly quenched
● impacts or bumps, which gives insufficient time for phase transformation.
Recently it has also been suggested that spontaneous
● thermal load,
fracture can be caused by monolithic silicon particles as
● static fatigue (stress-corrosion) [19-21], well [37], the same authors [38] employs Finite Element
especially if the glass surface has been or is being Method (FEM) to calculate thermal stresses inflicted by
scratched by sharp and hard objects creating surface inclusions in glass. It shall be noted that the study do
defects that acts as stress-concentrators, frequently called not consider the volume expansion of NiS inclusions
Griffith flaws as Griffith [22] was a pioneer to mathe- as a result of phase transformation but only the effect
matically describe stress-concentration of elliptical flaws of the thermal expansion coefficient mismatch, it was
in brittle solids (glass fibers). The quality of the glass concluded that particles less than 0.2 mm give a low
edge is important; a smooth and polished edge reduces risk of spontaneous fracture but that the duration of the
the risk for stress concentrations that can make the glass load matters. In the current paper are all the aspects of
fracture upon applied forces. Flat glass that is to be NiS inclusions reviewed – the origin, the properties, the
thermally strengthened must have a processed edge to spontaneous fracture delay and frequency and preventive
avoid the risk of fracture in the strengthening-furnace. measures such as the heat soak test (HST) and other
In order to minimize the risk for breakage, there is also alternatives as well as some personal reflections as an
a responsibility on the supplier that installs thermally outlook how to remedy the problem of NiS inclusions.
strengthened glasses in products. Generally shall the
glass be mounted so that the edges are protected, high
temperature gradients should be avoided, the mounting THEORETICAL
does not cause tension and the glass is not in contact
with hard or sharp materials etc.. Quality assurance of Origin of nickel sulfide
thermally strengthened glass in buildings is made via EN The Nickel source to NiS inclusions is despite
12150 standard and EN 1863 which is the lower degree how long the problem has been known not clear but
of thermally strengthened glass normally called heat- probably it is due to contaminations of raw materials
strengthened glass [23]. The standards stipulate that the such as feeders made of stainless steel or stainless steel
thermally strengthened glasses fulfill the requirements of materials that are used during storage or handling the raw
dimensional tolerances, deformation tolerances, strength, materials [39]. But other sources, such as thermocouple
frangibility, edge treatment and optical distortion etc. alloys, burner, corrosion of refractories [40] and the
Thermally strengthened glass must be marked that they fuel used for heating up the oven, cannot be ruled out.
fulfill the standard. Fire glazing are also in some cases Nickel oxide is also used as a colorant in greyish solar
thermally strengthened and are assured according to protective glazing’s but NSG Pilkington [41] claims
EN 1363-1 and EN 13501-2 where two relevant levels that since it is not introduced in its metallic form it is
are issued E30 or E60 (30 or 60 minutes that the glass not considered to cause NiS-inclusions. Barry och Ford
withstands fire) [24]. discusses the possibility that a Ni source could be NiO
Defects or inclusions in the glass can also signi- [42] and in the literature there are no studies that NiO
ficantly lower the strength of glass in a similar way as is not a source but it is more likely a conception from
Griffith flaws and this can be an effect from the manu- the industry based on experience and statistics of greyish
facturing [25]. There are around fifty different types of colored solar protective glazing’s. The flat glass industry
inclusions that have been identified and most of them has continuously improved its process to reduce the risks
are harmless [26]. The most common cause of fracture and the amounts for contaminations of Nickel. Mitigating
of thermally strengthened glass is due to external measures are for example avoiding contact between raw
influence such as those ascribed above [27]. There are materials and nickel containing alloys (certain stainless
though inclusions that may cause spontaneous fracture steels) and fire the tank furnaces with natural gas instead
of glass without externally applied forces, a phenomenon of oil that may contain up to three ppm NiO [39, 43]. The
that has been known since the 1960s [28] or possibly amount, three ppm, might be seen as insignificant but it
even as early as the 1940s [29]. The pioneering study can cause NiS inclusions in every second millimeter in
of Ballantyne [28] correctly identified NiS inclusions to the float process. Only 1 g of Nickel that has reacted with
be the cause of spontaneous fracture. The Ni–S phase Sulphur and formed NiS can potentially contaminate
diagram that can be found in these references: [30-34] the float process with NiS inclusions for up to 10 days
show several different stoichiometric crystalline entities (corresponding to approximately 6000 tons of glass) [39].
and also most importantly high temperature and low Furthermore, 1 g of NiS can form up to 1000 inclusions
temperature-phase frequently denoted α and β-phase of 0.15 mm in diameter [44]. Despite all mitigating
respectively. The cause of the spontaneous fracture is a measures that, primarily, the flat glass industry has made,
volumetric expansion as the NiS inclusion undergoes a NiS inclusions still occur [39]. The generally accepted
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origin of Nickel is that it comes from some kind of alloy stresses. In thermally strengthened glass, where the glass
and that NiS inclusions are formed in three steps (i) Ni is is rapidly cooled, the NiS inclusions are trapped in the
separated from the other metals in the alloy according to high temperature α-phase as a meta-stable condition.
Ostwald’s step theory which depends on the nobility of According to the thermodynamic rules the NiS inclusions
the metals [39, 45], (ii) Ni bonds to Sulphur and forms will transform with time until the lower energy level is
NiS according to the chemical equilibria reached i.e. the β-phase. The phase transformation is a
complex reaction and may involve several intermediate
4Ni2+ + SO3 → NiS + 3NiO
steps [35] but the speed is based on different sources of
and (iii) it is trapped into the glass while the glass is energy e.g. thermal energy or solar radiation. The phase
cooled [42]. The NiS inclusions are often spherical transformation reactions are described more in detail
but are sometimes elliptical or even cigar shaped [46, in ref [53-56].The properties of a typical float glass
47]. This indicates that the NiS inclusions have been (soda-lime silicate) and the different NiS phases are
molten but not dissolved into the glass melt floating given in Table 1. As is given from Table 1, the NiS phases
around like drops of oil in water [48].The surface of the have higher thermal expansion coefficient so upon rapid
NiS inclusions is often uneven, like a golf ball, which cooling it contracts more than the glass leaving a small
indicates that it has crystallized during the cooling space between the inclusion and the glass. NiS occurs
process. At approximately the 2nd Millennium shift it was naturally in the form of the mineral Millerite which is
reported that the amounts of NiS inclusions had dropped the β-form of NiS [32, 57]. The α and β phase have diffe-
to a twentieth to what is has been previously but still rent crystal structures, NiS-α has a distorted hexagonal
the flat glass manufacturers cannot guarantee that the close packed structure with the cations occupying the
glass is free of NiS inclusions [39]. It is not only the octahedral positions (NiAs crystal structure) [58] and
flat glass industry that have had problems, also studies the NiS-β has a rhombohedral structure [59]. As a result
of container glass compositions have been made [49]. of the phase transformation the NiS inclusions expands
The Sulphur originates most likely from the fining agent 2 - 4 % which may theoretically cause local tensile
Na2SO4, which is used in the float process or possibly stresses of up 615 MPa due to hydrostatic pressure [35],
from the fuel [42]. In the recent years have the flat glass however, it is more likely to be in the range of about 100
industry become more certain that Na2SO4 is the sulphur MPa [60]. The theoretical expansion is about 4 % [35, 36]
source and that Nickel originates from steel and reacts but experimentally have 2.2 % [61] and 4.7 % been shown
according to the chemical equilibria [24]. [62]. More recently it has been showed that a volume
expansion of more 2.5 % is unlikely [63]. The tensile
NiFe3 + Na2SO4 → Na2Oglass + 3FeOglass + NiS
stresses are local and diminish only micrometers from
the NiS inclusions but it can be sufficient tensile stresses
to initially create micro cracks [64], see Figure 2. If this
Properties of nickel sulfide happens in the tensile zone of a thermally toughened
The most inclusions are less than 300 µm in diameter glass can the residual tensile stresses make the micro
[50, 51] since otherwise they would probably have been cracks to propagate through large stress concentrations.
sinking faster than moving forward in the glass melt Eventually will the cracks undermine the glass which
[51]. NiS, similar to other crystalline compounds, exists causes total fracture into fragments according to the
in different phases at different temperatures. The Ni-S characteristic view of thermally strengthened glass. This
phase diagram can be found in these references: [30- may look like a “spontaneous” fracture. The location of
34]. There are two phases of relevance that is frequently the NiS inclusions is of course of importance and this
called α and β, the α-phase is stable above 379°C while was clear already from Ballantyne’s pioneering study
the β-phase is stable below 379°C [18]. The majority of [28]. It shall though be noted that even though the NiS
the non-dissolved NiS inclusions [52] will most likely inclusion creates microcracks in the compressive zone
remain in the α-phase upon rapid cooling. Other glass and without propagating it will still be a weakening of
products that are annealed, most often, do not suffer from the glass [65].
this as the NiS inclusions have in most cases sufficient The first cases of spontaneous fracture due to NiS
time to transform into the β-phase. More importantly inclusions can be traced back to PPG Industries during
annealed glasses do not have significant central tensile the 1940s [29] but did not appear in the literature until
Table 1. Properties of float glass and the α as well as β phase of NiS, values taken from ref [35].
Properties Float (soda-lime-silicate) NiS (α) NiS (β)
Elastic modulus 70 GPa 80 GPa 70 GPa
Poisson’s ratio 0.23 0.27 0.20
Density 2.51 g∙cm-3 5.46 g∙cm-3 5.25 g∙cm-3
Thermal expansion coefficient 88 × 10-7 K-1 163 × 10-7 K-1 145 × 10-7 K-1
the 1960s [28]. Notable work has been performed on cause spontaneous fracture in thermally strengthened
the understanding of NiS over the years [35, 36, 39, glass [42]. Ni7S6 has another phase transformation
42, 43, 46, 56, 66]. The so called “butterly” (or double temperature between the α and β phase, 397°C [53]. It
D) fracture has been suggested to be characteristic for has also a much more rapid phase transformation and
NiS inclusion induced fracture, see Figure 3. However, is therefore not considered a problem [70]. Ni3S2 and
the “butterfly” fracture is not believed to be a certain Ni3S2+Ni are greyish in the colour and have a relatively
signature of spontaneous fracture as i) the glass needs smooth surface in an electron microscope. These forms
to be intact to see it, ii) often mistaken for edge-fracture also have magnetic properties and have not been shown
according to ref [52, 67]. to cause spontaneous fracture in thermally strengthened
Nickel sulphide is a chemical compound with diffe- glass [42]. In principally, according to ref. [70], is only
rent stoichiometric variations. A considerable amount NiSx, where x is between 1 and 1.03, a problem. The
of research has been focused on how the different melting temperatures of NiS is 976°C, Ni3S2 787°C,
properties of these variations behaves in thermally Ni3S4 995°C and NiS2 1022°C [70]. Impurities in the
strengthened glass [39, 42, 49, 66, 68, 69]. The most NiS inclusions changes the properties of the inclusions
common forms of NiS are Ni7S6, NiS, NiS1.03, Ni3S2 and and impurities such as Fe and Cu are common while
Ni3S2+Ni. In an electron microscope the Ni7S6, NiS, and most other metals are oxidized and dissolved in the glass
NiS1.03 are most often (but not necessarily) gold-yellow melt [56]. Fe-impurities in the order of about 1% in the
and have an uneven surface, similar to a golf-ball, see NiS inclusions involves a slower phase transformation
Figure 2. These three forms are non-magnetic and may between the α and the β phase. In practice the NiS
a) b)
Figure 2. Micro cracks around a NiS inclusion in glass (a) and NiS inclusion on fracture surface of glass that was a case of
spontaneous fracture (b); reproduced with permission from J. Barry, originally published in ref [64].
a) b)
Figure 3. ”Butterfly” fracture with NiS inclusion in the middle (a) and NiS inclusion in a fractured glass (b); photos provided by
J. Colvin.
free of NiS inclusions [41]. As of today, with the profile is changed. At large deformations (more than 75 %
continuous improvement of the quality systems of float of the thickness of the glass) is the bending-load changed
glass manufacturers the issue with NiS inclusions’ is rare from giving pure bending profile to be of membrane
[56], however, it can in some batches get an unusually stress profile type [67]. This can significantly affect
significant impact because of a significant amount of the risk of spontaneous fracture [18]. Based upon the
impurities in a raw material batch that have slipped theoretical relation on the diameter of the NiS inclusions
through the tank furnace. Reeves [78] has reviewed the and the tensile stress increase it is enough with only 1.4
development on the perspectives of spontaneous fracture MPa to cause spontaneous fracture. It corresponds to an
in glass throughout the history and what mitigating inclusions of a bit less than 50 μm if the inclusion is
measures previously has been done. located in the central tension zone with approximately
The central tension is a necessity for fully thermally 100 MPa of surface compressive stress [51]. The 1.4 MPa
strengthened glass to be classified as safety glass but also tensile stress increase corresponds to an increase of the
a necessity for NiS inclusions to cause real spontaneous tension level by 2.8 %. Glass in general is very sensitive
fracture. Heat strengthened glass is less prone to to tensile stresses e.g. from bending or thermal shock.
spontaneously fracture but it can of course still happen Thermal shock may give tensile loads up to several tenths
[41, 52], there have been numerous examples over the of MPa [79]. In normal cases thermal strengthened glass
years [30]. Brungs and Sugeng [44] suggests that heat has no problems whatsoever to withstand such loads
strengthened glass is developed as a mitigation measure (unless seriously scratched). Based upon spontaneously
to reduce the amount of NiS inclusions but also persist fractured glass in HST and from buildings, a distribution
that heat strengthened glass can spontaneously fracture of the different sizes of the NiS inclusions are given in
but only if the NiS inclusions have a diameter of more ref [70]. The average value is about 217 µm in diameter
than 0.5 mm. That size of NiS is very rare but more where the range is between 50 to 650 µm. The locations
importantly is it incorrect [50], NiS inclusions in size of of the NiS inclusions are also given in ref [70] and all are
< 100 µm may cause heat-strengthened to spontaneously located in the central tension zone.
fracture. There have been studies focusing on the critical Jacob [18] has studied the fracture mirrors of
size of NiS inclusions that can cause spontaneous fracture, spontaneously fractured glasses and suggested that there
in the first attempt, the results were unreasonable [36]. is a mathematical relation between the fracture stress
In Swain’s pioneering study [35], fracture mechanics and the fracture mirror. The fracture mirror is a term
was used to calculate a minimum size of 50 μm and within fractography and is something that arise as the
this has more recently been confirmed by Gelder [51]. crack propagates, it is generally a measure of the crack
The inclusions have therefore been categorized in two velocity [80]. However, Jacob [18] used KIc the critical
different classes, critical NiS inclusions (> 50 μm) and stress intensity factor instead of KM which is the crack
sub-critical inclusions (< 50 μm). Sub-critical inclusions intensity factor at mirror formation. It should be used
may still cause spontaneous fracture if the glass is in describing the relation between the fracture stress
subjected to additional tensile stress such as thermal and the mirror radius [81]. KM is also called the mirror
shock or bending. External loads, e.g. bending, affects constant and sometimes denoted AM [23, 82, 83]. The
the stress profile during loading i.e. the parabolic stress fracture mechanics description of the relation of the
fracture stress and the mirror radius should therefore be
40 as described in Equation 1 [83] where σf is the fracture
stress, CM is the mirror radius and KM is in the range of
1.9 to 2.1 MPa∙m½ [23]. From Figure 5 it is clear that
30 the fracture stress is independent from the NiS diameter
Fracture stress (MPa)
of 17 760 glass panels in 12 years of time. Then there of exchanging a spontaneously broken glass. Though in
are specified values that are less easy to grasp except for most cases, as have been referred to before, glass sheets
perhaps glass manufacturers given in weight. Barry and fracture because of other reasons than inclusions and as
Ford [42] specify a value of 5 μg NiS per 1.1 tons of glass. a matter of fact many glass fractures can be avoided by
Jacob [29] specifies a value of 1 NiS inclusion per 880 proper design, manufacturing and installation [27].
tons of glass, even though that the study is based upon a As has been described previously in the paper, it
data from a company that strengthen glass and that over is very difficult to control and eliminate Ni in the glass
five years had 1 NiS of 450 tons of glass. Gelderie and melt; the sulfur is even more difficult. The reason to why
Kasper [24] state a frequency of 1 NiS inclusion in 6 to it is difficult is the simple reason that it is almost infinite
12 tons of float glass and 1 NiS inclusion in 1.38 tons of amounts of Ni that is required to create critical inclusions.
alkaline earth silicate glass (fire protection glass). Brungs NiS is difficult to dissolve in the glass melt but it is not
and Sugeng [44] give a frequency of 1 NiS in 8 tons of insoluble, it just requires more time in ordinary soda
glass but if there are contaminations there can be up to lime silicate glass [44, 56]. Different glass compositions
13 NiS inclusions per ton of glass. The frequency values have different properties, Brungs and Sugeng suggest
that are reported in the literature do not all correspond to to adjust the glass composition (add an oxidation
each other. This may depend on varieties in the quality agent) so that the dissolution rate is increased [44]. The
assessment of glass manufacturers and a contaminated glass composition could be standardized for thermally
glass batch can probably give a high impact in the strengthened but so far has the cost been considered to be
statistics [29]. Furthermore, as the glasses may suffer too high. Recently has a study been published where NiS
from delayed spontaneous fracture it is quite difficult to inclusions have experimentally been simulated through
investigate and would naturally come with rather large additions but also additions of ZnSO4 as oxidation agent
error bars. Laminated glass is easier to investigate as which increased the dissolution rate [40]. NiS inclusions
the fractured glass is still intact in its location but non- have also been studied in borosilicate and alumina-
laminated glass is difficult to investigate. In general are silicate glass, the study showed that there is no risk for
NiS inclusions rather rare but if we consider that there spontaneous fractures [68]. Alkaline earth silicate glass
are 1 NiS inclusion per 500 m2 glass sheets of 4 mm (fire protection glass) considerably increased the risk for
thickness, there should be numerous spontaneous frac- spontaneous fracture [24].
tures every year. The probability is higher that it occurs
in a building that uses higher amount of strengthened
glass and modern architecture often involves much glass. Heat Soak Test (HST)
There is a standardized post-strengthening heat
treatment method, a so-called Heat Soak Test (HST),
DISCUSSION that can be used for separating glass sheets with NiS
inclusions [30]. HST was first regulated in the German
The glass industries have over the years been standard DIN 18516 but has in later years been replaced
trying to prevent spontaneous fracture with the main by EN 14179 [85], that has by now already been
purpose to reduce risks but also costs. There are three published in a couple of versions 2005 and last 2016.
general criteria that makes a preventive method useful The EN 14179:2005 version involves a heat treatment of
and efficient; i) cost effective, ii) eliminate costs for 2 hours at 290 ± 10°C, where the phase transformation
replacement of strengthened glass after spontaneous of α to β NiS inclusions are strongly accelerated [86]. It
fracture (often the most costly) and iii) prevent personal was based on research [70] that claim less than 1 out of
injuries of people that happens to be immediately nearby 10 000 spontaneous fracture were likely to occur after
when the glass spontaneously fractures [67]. So far has two hours of HST [87]. It is a reduced heat treatment
none of the suggested methods satisfied the industry with duration compared to DIN 18516 which involved a heat
all three criteria, therefore is the industry still interested treatment of 8 hours but it also took especially care that
in alternative methods. An option is of course to reduce there are glass sheets with coatings (e.g. low-emission
the amount of thermally strengthened glass that is used coatings [88]) [51]. HST with coated glass also involves
and reasonably the less strengthened glass, the less another issue, that the coatings are degraded because of
amount of spontaneous fracture. This is something that the heat treatment [44]. HST is a destructive method that
“Building Envelope Design Guide” [84] have taken a according to statistics remove more than 98.5 % with
mental note of, thermally strengthened glass shall only 95 % confidence of the dangerous NiS inclusions [60,
be used when it is a demand on the strength and it is 70]. The method implies an additional cost of thermally
recommended to use laminated glass where it is probable strengthened glass [29], not only because of the heat
and appropriate. Lamination supports the glass to be treatment but also since it is a destructive method. It
intact in its location and eliminates the risk of personal may occur that as glass sheets spontaneously fracture
injuries. However, there are drawbacks; it increases the in HST furnace also other nearby standing glasses are
weight and the cost, besides it does not replace the cost damaged or even fractured [64]. Another disadvantage
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Spontaneous fracture in thermally strengthened glass – a review and outlook
of the HST is that it reduces the strengthening level due and a shorter holding duration (1.5 h).
to stress relaxation [89, 90], it affects the strength of The HST method is the only method that is stan-
the glass but also the fracture pattern. In the EN 14179 dardized to cope with the spontaneous fracture issue and
standard the HST furnace is required to be calibrated, the industry at least partly uses it. The method is capable
however, the quality of the calibration method has not to handle large scale production. The efficiency is hard
been proved. The draft version of EN 14179 did not to define and prove because of the problems to gather
give any heat nor cooling rate [30] and that has been accurate data but most manufacturers’ can give a cer-
proven to be important as about 80 % of the glasses tificate of 95% reliability. Some may also give a certifi-
already fractures during the heating phase of the HST, cate of 98.5 % reliability [70] but a 100 % guarantee
the rest fractures at 290 ± 10°C [70]. Refs [70, 91] are cannot be given. In practical sense, the 98.5 % means
the basis of the EN 14179 standard, a study where 224 that there is a 1 % risk of one spontaneous fracture on
glass sheets were spontaneously fractured in HST or a building with 10 000 m2 flat glass with an average
in buildings where 212 glass fractures were caused by thickness of 8 mm per year [87]. HST has in general been
NiS inclusions. It was confirmed by crystallographic used more frequently in Europe than in the US. In the US
analysis that all of the NiS inclusions were β-NiS, which has either the HST not been used at all or it has been
indicates that the phase transformation has taken place. used at a lower temperature and shorter holding duration
In the remaining spontaneous fractures it involved which may have caused poorer results, this may have
salt bubbles (2 glass sheets), inclusions of refractories increased the criticism of the HST [26]. Perhaps with
(3 glass sheets) and 7 glass sheets spontaneously the recent EN 147179:2016 standard, where more effort
fractured without a known reason other than possibly has been put on details, a better outcome will be given.
thermal shock or damages from nearby standing spon- However, so far there are no demands in the EN 12150
taneously fractured glass sheets [70]. Kinetic phase standard that thermally strengthened glasses shall go
transformation data is presented in [70] and based upon through HST; therefore the HST is also less frequently
the data could a theoretical NiS phase transformation used.
model be calculated according to Kissinger’s method
[92]. However, the theory and practical industrial test
were not matching, a reason for that was the uneven Alternative preventive methods
heating of the glass as the temperature is measured Over the years there have been several alternative
in the air. A lot of detailed information has now been methods suggested instead of the HST method [67,
updated to the new standard EN 14179:2016 which 89, 97] e.g. laser imaging, ultrasonic or controlled
were induced by different proposals to enhance the HST mechanical loading. Another problem where a solution
method [30, 51, 93-96]. Gelder [51] has already prior to is needed is controlling glasses already mounted in e.g.
the 2005 version suggested to perform an extra thermal buildings. When a glass spontaneously fracture occur
shock test in order to separate further glass sheets, in in a building or e.g. shower door the glass is normally
particularly those with sub-critical NiS inclusions. The replaced but a proactive interested partner may also
other proposals involved reduced heating rate (rejected wish to prevent it from happening in the future [98]. An
by other researchers [62]) and also reduce the holding expensive option is to remove all the glasses and perform
temperature of the HST. The lower holding tempera- the HST unless it has already been done. Other methods
ture (240 ± 20°C) is based upon that there is risk that are also costly because of expensive equipment and the
higher temperatures may involve a re-transformation of time effort of qualified staff. A survey of the alternative
Ni1-xS stabile β-phase since that particularly stoichio- methods, for production and for mounted glasses, is
metric form has a low phase transformation temperature given below followed by a discussion.
(282°C) [32, 94]. Jacob and others [30, 96] discussed Ultrasonic [67], linear or non-linear [99], is a me-
the HST methods both advantages and disadvantages, thod that is based on sound waves and corresponding
they suggest a two-step method where first a treatment echoes to get information of the material. The results
at 240 ± 20°C is performed (similar to [94]) followed should be analyzed by qualified staff and the results are
by a treatment at 290 °C (in accordance with [70]). often difficult to interpret. Perhaps with more research
A lower holding temperature has been confirmed to effort algorithms can be employed, especially if put into
improve the HST method [95] and has been adopted in the production line. For scanning glass sheets that have
EN 14179:2016. A two-step heating method in order to been put into buildings it is time consuming and is so
reduce the stress relaxation that is induced by the HST far not confident enough as the NiS inclusions are very
was also proposed [95]. It involves a heating treatment small, every inclusion has to be judged if it is critical
up to 180 - 200°C and holding for 30 - 60 min in order to motivating replacement or not [67]. Ultrasonic has more
increase the nucleation rate followed by a heating up to potential to be used in production than on buildings
260° ± 10°C in 1 h. As it is rather complex with a two-step and it is also a method that perhaps can integrate the
method an alternative approach is also suggested [95], a monitoring of the strengthening level as well [100-102].
slower heating (1°C∙min-1) from 170°C to 260 ± 10°C Laser imaging [67] uses the light scattering pheno-
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Karlsson S.
menon that is created as light interacts with particles or but not today for those working with computer aided
inclusions. The method involves sending laser through engineering (CAE). Image analysis is a powerful tool
the glass and detection of the scattering on the other that in the recent years have become a comprehensive
side. Laser is employed because it is concentrated research topic and can be used for a wide range of
monochromatic light which makes it easier to detect applications on glass e.g. homogeneity [106], wearing
the light scattering. The ability to model the light [107] and forming [108]. The demand for image analysis
scattering effect of different particles size is crucial for is of course to have a sufficient resolution for the defect
the possibility to interpret the result. If employed on to be identified and a suitable algorithm.
glass sheets in a building it is similar to ultrasonic, time Another method combines the photo method with
consuming and qualified staff is required. The method the laser imaging method, it is described in detailed in
is slightly better than ultrasonic because it is possible ref [98]. In contrast to the laser imaging method, which
to make a better estimation of the size of the inclusion. is based on transmission, the combined method is based
Laser imaging is similar to the scattered light method upon reflection. When light is transported into a glass it is
that is employed to analyze stresses in strengthened glass refracted due to the different refractive index compared
[103, 104]. Scattered light method has also been tested to air. At a certain angle the light can be introduced into
for identifying NiS inclusions in glass [105], out of 1135 the glass so that it is totally internally reflected inside the
tested glass sheets could 17 defects larger than 60 µm be glass, however, light is absorbed in the glass and will
found. However, for determining if it is NiS inclusions eventually be too weak to be detected. Ref [98] describes
another method has to be employed. Through Energy the equipment that is mounted to the glass with vacuum
Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) could it be determined and that light is totally internally reflected in the glass.
that only 1 of these 17 defects was NiS, most others were The inclusions are then scattering the light so that they
bubbles. Without determining the defects it would though are easily detected. It is though not possible to determine
be possible to sort out these as low-strength glasses and if the inclusions are critical NiS inclusions but by using
use them in places where neither spontaneous fracture an angled camera it would be possible to determine the
nor the lower strength is an issue, similar to the study of depth of the inclusions.
Molnar and Bojtár [25]. The method is most suited to be The alternative methods are summarized in Table 2,
used in production facilities where strengthening level comparing advantages and disadvantages. Non-destruc-
and defects can be determined with the same equipment. tive methods (e.g. laser and ultrasonic) have been more
Photo method is a result of collaboration between frequently suggested but often is the equipment relatively
University of Queensland and the company Resolve expensive. Even if these can be automatically processed
Engineering P/L. The method is described more in detail in the production each individual glass sheet has to be
in refs [64, 97]. The method is divided into three steps tested, it would significantly reduce the production rate
where the first step is to photograph the glass in a certain unless there are new innovations. Also unless more effort
angle (high resolution photo). As a result of inclusions is devoted to the research there is no guarantee that it fully
a characteristic pair of dots can be seen. In the second separates the glass sheets with NiS inclusions. The results
step the photo is scanned with use of microfiche, a type from the ultrasonic and laser methods must be interpreted
of microfilm. The dot pairs must be identified and the by qualified staff unless an algorithm is developed for
distance between the dots can be used to determine the the purpose and it remains to be demonstrated if it is
location of the inclusions. The identified inclusions that possible. The error might still be significant since the
are located in the central tension zone are investigated by NiS inclusions are very small. Controlled mechanical
a third step with magnifying glass or a light microscope. loading also has its drawbacks, the calibration quality
The NiS inclusions can be sorted by the characteristic is of outmost importance otherwise can the mechanical
color and the surface structure, however not necessarily load give rise to a considerable amount of fractured
[47]. The method is time consuming and dependent glass than is necessary. Fluorescence of NiS particles
on qualified staff that photograph and examine the in glass has previously not been studied and could be
photos. Specialized equipment also makes it relatively an alternative to be demonstrated. Nanoparticles of NiS
expensive. In total were 4194 glasses tested in a building have been shown to emit light at 550 nm when excited at
and 53 594 inclusions were identified where of 291 were 350 and 400 nm [109]. Excitation at 400 nm inside glass
NiS inclusions in the central tension zone. Those tests could be possible while at 350 nm the absorption in the
were performed in 1995 and with todays modernized glass is probably too high. Raman spectroscopy has been
digital camera system it most certainly could be more suggested by Bishop et al [110] but it is perhaps difficult
efficient. It shall though be noted that a 35 µm pixel to apply on a larger scale. Similar to CT scan, that has
size is required to determine an inclusion of 70 µm size. limitations of the size of the area to be investigated as well
To investigate 3 m2 with that kind of resolution would as resolution, most industrial CT scan instruments are in
require 3 GB with data [64]. The test that were done in the range of 100 µm in resolution but there are instruments
1995 would have required 5 TB of data to be collected, with resolutions of 10 µm available. As it is today, none
stored and processed, it is a considerable amount of data of the alternative methods are suitable for large scale
196 Ceramics – Silikáty 61 (3) 188-201 (2017)
Spontaneous fracture in thermally strengthened glass – a review and outlook
production but there are those which have significant silicon particles also give spontaneous fractures [37]
advantages compared to disadvantages. Non-destructive could be solved with strength separation methods as
methods that are also able to classify other defects that well, however, more research that demonstrates this fact
significantly lower the strength of the glass [25] and at is required. The option raised by Brungs and Sugeng [44]
the same time separate glasses with NiS inclusions are and continued by Wasylak et al [40] altering the glass
alternatives that are worth investigating, it both has an composition in order to dissolve NiS faster in the glass
academic and industrial interest. The other alternative, melt is interesting. By altering the glass composition
measuring the stress profile and the strengthening level, it is tentatively possible to simultaneously increase the
that some of the alternative methods give, is not as damage resistance [111-113] which ultimately leads to a
appealing as strength classification. The possibility that stronger float glass [114, 115] which can lead to thinner
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problem for the glass industry, mainly flat glass industry. mentation of Strengthened Glass. Experimental Mecha-
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of research devoted to NiS inclusions and spontaneous
8. Schaeffer H.A. (1983). Thermal and Chemical Strengthe-
fracture has not a unified and generally accepted method ning of Glass-Review and Outlook, in: NATO advanced
been reached. The heat soak (HST) method has received research workshop entitled strength of glass; Strength of
the most impact and has become a standard but there are Inorganic Glasses. Algarve, Portugal.
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alternative methods require development before they BF00544488
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Acknowledgement Zhabin S.N. (2016): Resistive method for measuring the
disintegration speed of Prince Rupert’s drops. European
Funding provided through the initiative Smart Journal of Physics, 37(5), 055707. doi:10.1088/0143-
Housing Småland, with funding from the region’s 0807/37/5/055707.
public and private sectors and from Vinnova program 14. Chaudhri M.M. (2009): The role of residual stress in a
VINNVÄXT (2013-02312), is greatly acknowledged. Prince Rupert’s drop of soda-lime glass undergoing a self-
J. Colvin at John Colvin Glass Consultant J. Barry sustained and stable destruction/fracture wave. Physica
Status Solidi (a), 206(7), 1410-1413. doi:10.1002/pssa.
at Queensland University of Technology are greatly
acknowledged for providing photos.
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Process of Tempered Soda-Lime-Silica Glass. Experi-
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