Icrc and Icc Pdf1
Icrc and Icc Pdf1
Icrc and Icc Pdf1
International Establishment
for Protection and Care under
Humanitarian Law
A. Introduction
The International law and the Humanitarian law, both
aims at peace and security of the mankind. The Humanitarian
law has its genesis in the Geneva Convention, concluded in the
year 1949. The conventions have been ratified by the states has
become customary rules of International law. As a part of jus
cogens the principles and rules are abided by Humanitarian
law. The role of International Committee of the Red Cross
(ICRC) have been endowed with the responsibility to overcome
situations of violence. Over the years the role and responsibility
of ICRC has grown by leaps and bounds to cover situations in
which human sufferings have called for action.
The ICRC which was associated with their visits to
detainees has been attached with great importance to the plight
of persons affected by violence outside prisons. Its effective
execution often catered the need and urgency of humanitarian
problems. The ICRC's activities are to examine and explain to
long-standing needs of the mankind. It aims to ensure help
and protection by accepted rules based on fundamental human
rights of the individuals are respected and not flouted.
Since its inception, ICRC has always helped to prevent
and alleviate suffering." Its mandate initially confined to
international armed conflicts, was soon extended to situations
of internal violence. The international armed contlicts and
A. Introduction
The International law has carved out new dimensionsof
social justice by establishing international forum for grievanc
redressal. The U.N. General Assembly in 1989 requested
International Law Commission to address the question of havins
an international criminal court. The draft statute was prepared
by the Commission. The Rome Conference - UN Diplomatic
1. Article 1.
International Crimina: Court
Jurisdiction-The court has
rdancee with jurisdiction in
with the statute with respect to crimes
such as:
lcrimes against humanity
ii) war crimes
i i ) genocide
crime of aggression.!
court has jurisdiction only with
after the entry into force respect to crimes
of the statute. The states
ich becomes part of the statute are presumed to accept the
sdiction of the court with respect to these crimes.
vl Application of the Law-The court shall apply the
te and
its rules of procedure and evidence, applicable
solutions, treaties and principle of International law. The
olutions, trea
court also takes intoconsideration the general principles of law
derived by court irom national laws and legal principles of the
states who has the jurisdiction to exercise over the crimne.
The courts have to abide by the principles and rules of
law as has been interpreted in its previous decisions. These
rules of law should be consistent with the internationally
recognized "human rights". The laws cannot be applied based
on the distinction founded on grounds such as gender, race,
colour, langage, religion, political opinion, ethnic, social origin
and other status.
The court cannot make a person criminally responsible
under the statute, unless any such act committed is a crime
within the court's jurisdiction." The laws cannot be magnified
to include persons without their fault. In case of ambiguity,
there shall be the interpretation in favour of persons being
nvestigated, prosecuted or convicted. The person guilty of the
ie crime shall be punished according to the provisions
Court-The Court has been
Features of the
and crimes that are
h e issue of resolving disputesrefiects the awareness