Look around and you'll see only one path between the two benches. So that makes things easy. Follow that
path until Hannah arrives at the first platform and sends her coordinates to Sam. Keep walking straight
ahead. When you arrive at the next platform, you can go to the left and to the right. The path to the right is
just leading into the ocean, so that won't get you any further.
Step on the path leading to the left. Go forward two times. Turn to the right and climb up the path. At the
next platform Hannah sees some sort of strange optical effect. Turn to the right and climb up the path until
you reach the next platform. Look around and you'll see some kind of fountain. At the right of the fountain
you'll see three benches in the distance. Walk toward those benches. Turn to the right and zoom in on the
You'll see a mission log lying on the table. Zoom in on the mission log and switch it on. It seems that there
are two entries left. You'll get a serious message from one of the missing scientists, Tomlin. His messages
doesn't sound very good! Zoom out.
Turn around and walk towards the building at the right of the fountain. Just walk into the elevator shaft to
call the elevator. When you entered the elevator look around and push the up button.
When you arrive upstairs turn around and exit the elevator near the green plant. Turn to the right and you'll
see some sort of control panel. Walk towards the control panel. Don't use it yet! Just remember it's there...
Turn to the left and walk towards the green plant near the elevator. Turn to the right and walk forward. Now
Hannah wonders where all the people have gone. Turn to the right to see another elevator. Don't enter it yet,
just remember it's there also...
Turn back to the left and walk forward to another path leading up. When you are standing in front of that
path, look to the footbridge at your right. Zoom in on the bridge and discover that the first parts of the
bottom of the bridge are missing. Zoom out and turn to the left to climb up the path.
When you arrive at the next level, look around and you'll see lots of bees flying around. You can only go
into one direction. So... go into that direction. Zoom in on the strange pear shaped device.
You'll see a plank with strange signs in the device. Make a note of these signs and number them from top to
bottom number 0 up to and including number 10. Notice that the liquid inside the device is pointing to
number 5. Zoom in on the little shelf at the right of the device. You'll see a blue bottle attached to the device
and an image of a bee. Zoom out.
Turn around and climb down the path to the previous level. When you arrive at the previous level, go one
time forward to the right side of the elevator. Turn to the left and enter the elevator. Look around and push
the up button. Turn around and exit the elevator through the door with the bars. Look around and you'll see
lots of bees again. Look around and you'll see a little well filled with green water. Turn to the right and head
into that direction.
At your right you'll see another suspension bridge and a path leading up to the right. The suspension bridge
will take you all the way to the part of the suspension bridge with the missing parts. You're going to climb
the path leading up to the later on. So ignore them for now. Just keep going straight ahead. Go around the
building and you'll see a strange rock formation. At the left you'll see a pedestal with some kind of urn.
When you push the lid, three tentacles in the rock are moving. Pick up the urn. Turn around and walk to the
next path leading up. Turn to the left and climb up the path until you reach the next level. Hannah will give
some comment to Sam again.
In the distance you'll see another bench with a mission log. Walk to the bench, turn to the right and zoom in
on the mission log. The messages of this log seem to be wiped. Zoom out and turn to the left. Walk to the
next path leading up. Go all the way up.
You get another close encounter with one of the missing scientists, Tomlin. Turn to the right and walk
towards the fountain. Turn to the right and zoom in on the tulips. The first tulip is empty for now. But you
are going to change that.
Zoom out, turn around and walk to the spiral stairs. Climb the stairs until you reach an oblong control panel.
Zoom in on the control panel. All the way down you see the row of tulips.
On the control panel you'll see five circles. Number them from the left to the right as number 1, 2, 3, 4, and
5. In the very last tulip there's a wooden tablet with coordinates. Your goal is to move that tablet to the first
tulip by pushing the correct circles. Push them in the next order: 3, 1, 4, 2 and 5. You'll see the tablet being
thrown from one to another tulip and finally it will land into the first tulip.
Zoom out, turn to the right and climb the stairs all the way up. Turn to the right and zoom in on the wooden
planks which are lying on the floor. You'll find a wooden tablet with the same kind of signs you have seen
on the pear shaped device. The upper signs are crossed out with a red mark. I wonder if these are the old
coordinates this scientist was speaking of. And if the ones which aren't crossed out may be the new
coordinates. Make a note of these coordinates!
Notice that there's one sign on the tablet that isn't on the plank in the pear shaped device. It's the sign marked
(by me!) with the red arrow. According to the other signs on the plank, this one fits in best after the sixth
sign from top on the plank, so it should be number 6. Now re-number the signs on the plank in the pear
shaped device from number 1 up to 11. Now translate the signs on this tablet into real numbers. From the top
to the bottom, you'll find:
Now you may think So what? Well believe me you'll find out... Zoom out, turn around and climb down the
stairs all the way. When you arrive downstairs, you'll have another brief encounter with that scientist
Tomlin. He's telling you that you're doing well.
Walk passed the fountain and zoom in on the tulips again. Now you'll find the wooden tablet that was
hidden in the last tulip! Make a note of these coordinates as well.
Now translate the signs on this tablet as well into real numbers. From the top to the bottom, you'll find:
You'll need these two new coordinates in a few moments to set sail to a new destination. And not only that.
In chapter four you have to calculate new coordinates yourself based on these ones...
Zoom out and walk down the path to the previous level. At that level find and climb down the path down to
the previous level.
At that level, walk forward one time, turn to the left and enter the elevator. Look around and push the down
button. When it stops, exit the elevator. Turn to the left and walk towards the other elevator (the one next to
green plant). Don't enter this elevator now.
In stead of that, turn to the left and walk to the control panel. Push the button to call the gondola. You'll get a
free ride to another part of the structure.
When the gondola has stopped, turn to the right and walk towards the path leading up. Climb up the path.
Zoom in on the rock formation. Doesn't that look familiar? Yep it looks exactly as the rocks where you
picked up the urn. Zoom out and turn to the right.
Climb up the path with the horn shaped rocks. Zoom in on the rocks and you'll see an empty pedestal with a
kind of dial. Beneath the dial you'll see lots of marks. Place the urn on the pedestal. As you have seen
before, you can move the tentacles in the rocks by pushing the lid of the urn. Your goal is to get all the
tentacles sticking out the rocks by moving the dial and pushing the lid.
When all the tentacles are sticking out, an electric force field will be created which you can walk to the other
site of the rocks. Every time you moved the dial into the correct position, you have to push the lid of the urn.
Number the marks on the pedestal from the left to the right as number 1 up to and including 14. This is the
correct order to turn the dial and to push the lid of the urn every time after you moved the dial to the next
Zoom out, turn around and walk one step ahead. Turn to the right and walk toward the tentacles sticking out
of the rocks. You'll be taken to the next part of the structure.
Zoom in on the big stretched vine in front of you. Use the device that's hanging from the vine. This gives
you another free ride. At the end of your ride, look around. You'll see some kind of control panel but you
can't reach it yet. Turn to the right and go down the path.
Walk into the elevator and push the up button. Turn to the left and exit the elevator. Walk to the two big
wheels you'll see in this room. Zoom in on the wheels and you'll see familiar signs. Your goal is to highlight
the correct new coordinates on both wheels which will take you to another part of the structure. Because you
don't have all signs to all coordinates you can use some dots instead of that signs. Just imagine the wheels as
a big clock.
Notice that there's an outer rim, a second rim and an inner rim. Just like an ordinary clock you can divide the
clock into hours (the outer rim), minutes (the second rim) and seconds (the inner rim). The only difference to
an ordinary clock is that one hour hasn't got 60 minutes, but only 12. This clock also hasn't got 60 seconds,
but only 12. You'll need this knowledge further to calculate new coordinates...
A few moments ago you found out the new coordinates to use at this device this time. These were:
7 8 10
9 2 9
The first set of coordinates has to be used at the wheel to the left. The second set is for the wheel to the right.
Zoom out and zoom in on the hand sign between the two wheels. Push on the hand and you'll drift away...
When the island has docked, zoom out and enter the elevator once more. Push the down button. Exit the
elevator. Climb up the path. Turn to the left and zoom in on the vine again. Use the device to be transported
across the ocean.
Important: one person told me that the vine couldn't reach the island at this point. If that's the case, see how
to correct this problem by using the telescope.
Walk to the end of the footboard and enter the building. When you entered the building, save your game and
switch over to Sam by pushing on his image at the bottom of your screen
Zoom in on the device at the floor. It turns out to be a compass. Note the direction the needle is pointing to.
You'll have to find four other of these compasses in the next part of the game. The directions of the needles
are different every time. So you really have to write down each and every direction this time!!! Also make a
drawing of every sign for each direction on the compass and write down which direction (north, north-east,
east etc.) belongs to each sign.
Make a note of every point of the compass
Zoom out and turn to the right. Walk towards the big wheel shape device. Zoom in on the blue pedestal at
the left of the device. It's another mission log. Zoom in and switch it on. You'll get a brief message this time
from Dr. Hovis. Zoom in on the wheel and you'll see the same signs as on the compass.
Your goal is to find the other four compasses. So there are five compasses in total. You already have found
one of them at the beginning of this part of the game. Now we'll just go and find the other four. Make a note
of the direction each and every needle is pointing to and also note the order in which you find them. After
you have found all five compasses, you have to push the directions on this big wheel in the same order as the
directions you found on the five compasses. So leave the wheel alone for now.
Turn around and go forward once. Turn to the right and go forward one more time across the wooden
planks. Turn to the left and head for the next compass on the floor. Turn to the right and zoom in on the
compass. Note the direction the needle is pointing to. Zoom out and step back on the wooden planks.
Go through the tunnel and you'll arrive at some sort of cable-railway. Walk passed the gondola and look at
your left to find another compass on the floor. Zoom in and note the direction the needle is pointing to.
Zoom out, turn to the right and walk forward one more time to find the next compass. Turn to the left, zoom
in on the compass and note the direction the needle is pointing to. Zoom out, go to the right and walk
forward one more time to find the last compass. Zoom in and note the direction the needle is pointing to.
Zoom out and turn to the right. You'll see another mission log. Zoom in on the mission log and switch it on.
You'll get a message from Dr. Francis Bremmer this time.
Zoom out and go all the way back to the big wheel shape device. Zoom in on the device and push the signs
on the device in the same order as the five compasses have been pointing to. When you've done well, the
blue bulb opens and reveals 9 blue balls. Take them! After that also make a note of each word that you'll
hear in the foreign language by pushing each and very sign on the wheel. I think these are the correct words:
north: malum
north-east: dissa
east: ernje
south-east: trila
south: soha
south-west: oram
west: ossa
north-west: arhu
You'll need to know two of these words at the end of the game. By the way, don't e-mail me for typos on
these ones also...
That's why you had to make those notes
Zoom out and head back all the way to the gondola you just have seen. This time enter it. Pull the lever.
When the gondola stops, exit. Turn around and walk towards the tunnel. Enter the tunnel and walk until you
are standing on a crossing. Look around and you'll see a wheel shape device at your left and the same one at
your right. Walk towards the gas collector at the right side. You'll have another close encounter with Dr.
Her message isn't very clear. But she's telling you one very important thing. This is that you've to find a gas
that's two times stronger then the other gasses. She also mentions that the gas collector is unstable and
that when you do something wrong during this gas actions, the collector will be reset. This causes the gasses
go through other hoses... So in that case you have to start all over again!
So a very valuable tip: save your game every time you did things correct. This time you can see if you did
things correct. When you are filling the vessel with the correct gas, it will raise. When you used the wrong
gas, it just won't raise...
You can solve this puzzle in a very simple mathematic way! Zoom in on one of the gas collectors. It doesn't
matter which one you are doing first. And... this mathematic way goes for both gas collectors.
When you look at the collector you'll notice 10 hoses with 10 handles attached to them. Start with the handle
on the 1 o'clock position. Move this handle one time, move the second handle two times, the third handle
three times, the fourth handle four times and so on. When you have moved them all this way (with moving
the tenth handle 10 times), press the center of the device.
Now you'll zoom in on the pressure meter. If all gasses where of equal strength the meter should indicate a
pressure of 55 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10). As you'll see the meter indicates a higher pressure... Any idea
how this is caused??? It's very simple... as Dr. Bremmer told, one of the gasses is two times stronger then the
The outer marks are showing the pressure in 12 units. So if the outer meter points to 5, this means a pressure
of 60. The inner marks are showing the pressure in 1 unit. So if the inner meter points to 3, the total pressure
is 63. So what, you might think... Well, because of this mathematic way you now can simply tell which hose
contains the twice as strong gas. In this example the hose with the correct gas would be 63-55=8. So in that
case I had to turn around to the gas collector and pull handle 8 once.
The outer pointer points to 5, the inner pointer points to 3. So that makes (5x12) + 3 = 63
So in this case the correct hose must be 63 - 55 = 8
Because the hose with the correct gas differs from game to game, I can't give you the exact solution. But the
one I explained before is simply the best and hardly can go wrong! By the way, if the inner pointer stays on
top, you only have to count the pressure of the outer pointer.
When you did this trick with the first collector, you'll see the air vessel getting filled with gas and raise half
way up. If not, you did something wrong...
When the vessel raised, walk to the other gas collector and do the same trick. When you did things correct,
the vessel will go all the way up this time. If not, you did something wrong again...
When the vessel is in top, zoom out, turn around and step forward to the crossing. Turn to the left and go
through the tunnel. When you're standing outside, turn to the left and walk to the parked air vessel.
Enter the vessel. When you are facing the wooden stairs, turn around and go one time forward. Turn to the
left and walk towards the hanging chair. Zoom in on the chair and pick up the cd. Zoom out
Look around and you'll see the same kind of steering device at the opposite site. Walk to that opposite
cockpit. Zoom in on the steering device of the vessel. You'll see a handle at the left and the same kind of
handle at the right. Above these handles you'll see some kind of graduation arc. Also notice the strange signs
on the handles and on the arc. Zoom out.
Turn around and go one step forward. Turn to the left and head into the direction of the wooden stairs. While
you are facing the wooden stairs, turn around. Look down and exit the vessel. Walk towards the crossing to
have another close encounter with Dr. Bremmer. She tells you very urgent to go to the Bosh Tunnels.
Turn to the right. Keep on walking forward until you're standing outside again. Turn to the right and zoom in
on the blue pedestal. Place the cd in the center of the device. You see three blue symbols on the device.
Don't they look familiar? Yep these are the same as you saw on the steering device. The three blue signs
represent the signs of the left steering handle.
When you push one of the blue signs, the cd will spin and two other symbols get highlighted. You can
divide this device in an upper and a lower part. The highlighted symbols at the upper part have to be used
with the graduation arc. The highlighted symbols at the lower part have to be used with the right steering
Push the three blue symbols and note the signs for the graduation arc (the upper highlighted signs) and for
the right steering wheel (the lower highlighted signs) all three times.
The first set of signs
When you pushed all three signs and noted down all signs, zoom out and go back to the airship. Enter the
airship. When you are facing the wooden stairs, turn around and walk forward one time. This time turn to
the right and enter the cockpit. Zoom in on the steering device. Save your game here in case you are doing
something wrong with the steering device.
The left steering wheel is in the correct position now, so leave it alone. Move the pointer of the graduation
arc to the correct position and pull the right steering wheel into the correct position also.
Pull the left steering wheel into the next position (the sign looks like a P). Move the pointer of the
graduation arc to the correct position. Pull the right steering wheel into the correct position.
...and again...
Now you have to make the last combination of signs. So again, don't touch anything else yet!!!
Pull the left steering wheel into the next position (the sign looks like an r). Move the pointer of the
graduation arc to the correct position. Pull the right steering wheel into the correct position.
...and again. Now you may push the big blue button!!!
After you did all three combinations push the big blue button between the steering wheels. If you done well
your vessel will take off to your new destination. When you are landing on a place like this, you've done
things well.
Good job!
If you're vessel stops above the ocean in the middle of nowhere, you did something wrong in the cockpit. In
that case you have to do the trick with the steering device again.
No good job!
If you did everything okay, you'll go to the next part of the game...
When you arrive at your new destination, zoom out and exit the vessel. You can hear Hannah now. The
good news is that she's trapped somewhere.
Turn to the right and climb down the stairs. Walk forward until you see a footbridge leading to the left.
Cross the footbridge to end up in an elevator. Push the handle in the elevator. If you don't do this, it will take
quite some time to finish the game :-)
Exit the elevator and walk the footbridge all the way to the end. By the way, I hope you don't have fear of
heights... In the next room just walk straight ahead to the strange lumped door. You can't open this one. But
at the left of this one is the same kind of door which you can open.
So turn to the left, go one time forward and turn to the right. Zoom in on the door. Zoom in on the gold
colored conduit next to the door. Push the button between the two gold colored conduit. The door now
opens. Enter the door.
Turn to the left and cross the other brickwork bridge. Walk all the way up across the wooden planks. When
you reached the top, turn to the right and walk forward across the mono rail.
You'll see Base 1 in the distance but it seems to be cut off. Turn to the left and walk passed the obelisk
shaped pillar. Turn around and zoom in on the pillar. Push the button to call a funny way of transportation.
Enter the vehicle and pull handle at the right for another free ride.
When the vehicle stops, walk straight ahead into the darkness. Go forward one more time and you'll be
surrounded by eight prayer vases. Notice that each and every vase looks different from one and other.
Also notice that each and every chest the vases are standing on, has different colored plates. When you touch
a vase, you'll hear a strange kind of word. And if you touch a colored plate you'll hear another word.
Because you don't know what to do with this information, write down each and every word you hear.
Let's start with the vases. I started with the green one, which is to the right of the tunnel you came through. I
pushed all other vases at the right of the green one. I made up these words:
vase 1: doss
vase 2: leszz
vase 3: dihmah
vase 4: aahrih
vase 5: anahih
vase 6: drahih
vase 7: reijuh
vase 8: thuldih
green: tundrah
black: thanduh
white: hellhah
yellow: nakrih
purple: rueshsah
red: sahrm
blue: dihmah
orange: llezadjih
By the way, please don't e-mail me about typo's on these ones also...
When you're finished, walk between the vase with the yellow plate and the green plate back into the tunnel.
Enter the vehicle and pull the right handle. This will bring you back to the main entrance.
Exit the vehicle. Go forward two times. Walk along the mono rail into the dark tunnel. Now you're standing
on a square near the water. Turn to the left and enter the temple.
Walk straight ahead two times. Turn to the left and zoom in on another set of eight prayer vases. Zoom out
and turn to the right. Go forward one more time. On the crossing turn to the right and climb up the stairs.
Turn to the left and enter the small room. Walk towards the image of the Chinese priest. Zoom in on the
stone tablet at his feet. It's the same kind of image of a bee Hannah has seen before near that pear shaped
Zoom out and zoom in on the stone tablet at the left of the priest. In the center of the image you'll see the
same kind of sign Hannah has seen on the wooden tablets with the signs for the new coordinates, but which
was missing on the plank in the pear shape device. This one look like a roman III. Make a note of this sign.
Zoom out, turn around and go forward two times. You're standing on top of the stairs. Turn to the left and
climb down the stairs. Turn to the right and go forward once. Turn to the left and you'll see another set of
eight prayer vases.
Turn to the right and go forward twice to exit the room. Turn to the left and you'll see spiral stairs. Climb up
these stairs until you can't go any further. Turn to the right and step on the second floor.
Turn to the right and walk straight ahead. When you are standing in the corridor, go forward one time. Turn
to the right and enter the little dark room. Look around and on the left wall you'll see a mural of a scientist
near some kind of spherical device. You'll also see a triangle. Zoom in on the triangle.
Notice that the triangle is divided by a line. Also notice the sign at the right of that line. Also notice the same
kind of sign at the right of the triangle. Also notice the sign at the base line of the triangle. Zoom out and
turn around. You'll see some kind of control panel with five meters and some sort of pipes behind those
You still don't know what to do with this device, so ignore it for now. Note that the painting above the
device is the same as the one in and next to the triangle. This can't be a coincidence...
Exit the room and turn to the right. Go forward one time. Turn to the right and you'll see another room. This
one has a broken pillar and which is much more important, it also contains another Mission Log. Zoom in on
the Mission Log and listen to the three messages of Angela Davies.
In front of the broken pillar you'll find Angela Davies Mission Log on the floor
Zoom out and go back all the way to the main entrance with the obelisk. In case you've forgotten the way
back, here it comes. Turn to the right, go forward one time, go down the stairs, go forward twice, turn to the
left, climb down the spiral stairs, go forward once, turn to the right, go forward three times, turn to the left,
climb up the stairs, turn to the left, go three times forward, turn to the right and go into the dark tunnel. You
should be there by now...
In the main entrance, turn to the left and go into the direction of the red pillars. Notice the yellow sign on the
wall. That looks familiar! Turn to the right and walk passed the slope pillar. Cross the footbridge at the end
of the floor.
Look at and zoom in on the spherical device. Hey, if I'm right this is the same kind of device you just saw on
the mural in the small dark room. Zoom in one more time and then look around. Start with looking at the
yellow sign on the wall. Then look to your right to discover some kind of pole. When you keep on turning to
the right you'll discover five of these poles.
Look down and pull the handle of the device. Take some time to study the different parts of the device. On
top you'll see a kind of lens with a red line across the glass. You can pull out this lens by moving your handy
cursor over the lens. With this lens you can measure the height of objects. The scale of this instrument has 7
Zoom in on the lower part of the device. With this part of the device you can measure the length of objects.
The scale of this device has 50 marks. By pressing the 0 button you can reset the instrument to... 0. By
pressing the + button, the length of an object will be shown.
We will start with measuring the height of the yellow sign. So aim the device on the yellow sign. Pull up the
lens until the red line is exactly above the yellow sign. You'll see the scale indicates 7. Now zoom in on the
lower part of the device and push the 0 button and the + button. And.... nothing happens! But you already
know that the length of this sign is 10
Zoom out and aim the instrument on the first pole at your right. Pull up the lens until the red line is exact
above the pole. You'll see the scale indicates 4. Zoom in on the lower part of the device. Push the 0 button
and the + button. The meter indicates a length of 45.
Zoom out and aim the instrument on the next pole at your right. Pull up the lens until the red line is exact
above the pole. You'll see the scale indicates 5. Zoom in on the lower parts of the device. Push the 0 button
and the + button. The meter indicates a length of 16.
Zoom out and aim the instrument on the next pole at your right. Pull up the lens until the red line is exact
above the pole. You'll see the scale indicates 7. Zoom in on the lower parts of the device. Push the 0 button
and the + button. The meter indicates a length of 20.
Zoom out and aim the instrument on the next pole at your right. Pull up the lens until the red line is exact
above the pole. You'll see the scale indicates 4. Zoom in on the lower parts of the device. Push the 0 button
and the + button. The meter indicates a length of 25.
Zoom out and aim the instrument on the next pole at your right. Pull up the lens until the red line is exact
above the pole. You'll see the scale indicates 6. Zoom in on the lower parts of the device. Push the 0 button
and the + button. The meter indicates a length of 35.
Every length has to be increased with the length of the yellow sign and has to be divided by 10. So the true
height of each pole is:
pole 1: (4*55)/10 = 22
pole 2: (5*26)/10 = 13
pole 3: (7*30)/10 = 21
pole 4: (4*35)/10 = 14
pole 5: (6*45)/10 = 27
Are you still with me :-) ??? When you're finished, zoom out. Turn around and go all the way back to the
dark room on the second floor with the mural.
In case you've forgotten where this is: go through the dark tunnel at the end of the main entrance. When you
are standing on the square near the water, turn to the left and enter the corridor. In the corridor go forward
three times until the crossing. Turn to the right and climb the stairs. Go forward and climb down the other
stairs. Turn to the right and go forward three times. Turn to the left, go forward one time and climb up the
spiral stairs. When you can't go any further, turn to the right and step on the second floor. Turn to the right
and enter the corridor. Go forward two times. Look to the right and voila... the dark room!
Enter the dark room. Zoom in on the device. You'll see that all the meters are pointing to the green mark.
Number all meters from the left to the right as number 1 up to and including 5. Look at the image below for
the correct numbers...
Your goal is to get all meters pointing to the correct position and by doing that, the poles behind the meters
will raise. The height of these poles must correspond with the height of the poles in the main entrance.
You have to change the meters by dragging them to the correct position. You must do this in the same order
as the poles in the main entrance. And you MUST do this by moving your cursor from the right to the left
with each and every meter!
And to make it even more difficult, you have to count the lines on the meters in order to get them in the
correct position. Are you ready? Here we go...
By the way, save your game before you start fussing around with these meters. A mistake is very easily
At meter number one, move the scale 22 marks from the right to the left.
At meter number two, move the scale 13 marks from the right to the left.
At meter number three, move the scale 21 marks from the right to the left.
At meter number four, move the scale 14 marks from the right to the left.
At meter number five, move the scale 27 marks from the right to the left.
When you've done this correct, a drawer beneath the device will open, revealing an optical lens. If the
drawer won't open you did something wrong with these meters and you have to start over this part. When
you've got the lens, zoom out. Turn around and exit the dark room.
Turn to the left and go forward two times. Climb down the spiral stairs. Go one time forward and then turn
to the left. After one more step forward you'll see another set of prayer vases and after the next step forward
another set. That makes 32 vases in total. That sounds promising...
You can't go any further now. Turn to the right and you'll see a golden statue and a wooden footbridge
leading over the water. Save your game and switch over to Hannah.
Walk forward two times. Turn to the left and you'll see a highlighted image. Zoom in on the image. One
thing is for sure... this image isn't completed yet! Zoom out.
Turn around and you'll see a statue with a ladder next to it. Walk to the statue and climb up the ladder. Turn
to the left and zoom in on the statue. You'll see and empty sight. And you have nothing that fits into the
Zoom out, look down and climb down the ladder. Turn to the left and walk towards the entrance one time.
Turn to the right. Walk straight ahead all the way to the end of the passage.
Important: at this point the game can go different. Sometimes Hannah gets another close encounter with a
native girl over here. This girl gives a metal plate to Hannah. In other games Hannah doesn't have this close
encounter with the native girl at all. In that case, Sam will have that close encounter with her and receives
the metal plate.
When you can't go any further, turn to the right. Walk all the way to the end again. When your way is
blocked by a closed tunnel, turn around. You'll have another close encounter. But this time with two
different characters. When they're finished, walk straight ahead two times.
Climb up the ladder. Turn to the left and walk forward one time. Turn to the right and you'll see some kind
of organ. Zoom in but don't touch anything yet. You don't know what to do with this thing yet. Right?
Okay... zoom out and save your game. Switch over to Sam.
IMPORTANT: my game has a little bug at this part. Instead of loading Sam's last saved game, the game
took me back to the very beginning of Sam's adventure. If this happens to you too, load the last saved game
of Sam yourself. This also happened a few time further in the game. So save your game often...
Walk across the footbridge leading over the water. Save your game. After two steps you'll have a not so very
close encounter with a priest. You hardly can't hear what he's saying. But after playing this part over and
over and over again I made the next sentence out of his wise words:
doss thanduh thuldih hellah drahin tundrah
After these words the priest will disappear through some kind of secret passage... By the way I don't know if
these words differ from game to game. In my game I always got these words.
These words of course remind you of the sounds the prayer vases were making. Turn to the right and walk to
the end of the footbridge. Turn to the right and go forward one time. Turn to the left and zoom in on the
prayer vases.
Number them from the left to the right as number 1 up to and including 8. As you know, you can switch the
plates at the bottom of the vases. Switch the plate of vase number 6 to black (thanduh). As you do so, you'll
see the plate of vase number 3 will be changed into white (hellah). The plate of vase number 8 will be
changed to green (tundrah). Now push the vases in the order 6, 3 and 8.
You'll hear the sentence be repeated. You'll also see the secret passage of the statue be opened. This is the
same secret passage the priest entered.
Zoom out and turn to the left. Walk forward and go through the dark tunnel. Go forward one time. Turn to
the left and go forward, down the secret passage.
Now you'll be taken all the way to the organ where you left Hannah. You are standing next to each other.
But you can't see or touch each other...
After the conversation, turn to the left and walk into the direction of the statue and the highlighted image.
After two steps you'll have another close encounter with one of the female inhabitants. She'll give you a
metal plate. Turn to the left and walk to the statue.
When you are facing the statue, switch over to Hannah. Walk all the way to the statue as well. When you
arrived at the statue, switch over to Sam again.
Look at the statue and climb up the ladder. Zoom in on the statue. Place your lens into the sight. Zoom out
and climb down the ladder. Turn around and zoom in on the highlighted image. Now it's finished. Make a
note of these coordinates.
The finished image with coordinates
Great... you think, coordinates! Well it's not that simple! You're now facing a difficult task. These are old
coordinates!!! You have to make a set of new coordinates out of these old ones now. In chapter number one,
you found old and new coordinates on the two wooden tablets. The first ones were:
The second ones you found on the second tablet. Those were:
Now you have to calculate the new coordinates. I must admit, this took me a whole lot of time to figure it all
out. I'll explain this by giving you my calculation. Here you go...
Compare the old coordinates with the new ones on both wooden tablets you found in chapter one. This
3 4 7
3 6 2 -/-
As I explained in chapter one, you can compare the big wheels for the coordinates with a clock. The only
difference is that this clock has 12 minutes and 12 seconds. So this sum can be translated to:
3 4 7
3 5 14 -/-
-1 -7
7 8 10
7 10 5 -/-
This sum has to be translated to:
7 8 10
7 9 17 -/-
-1 -7
So comparing the first coordinates on both wooden tablets result in the same outcome. Of course this can't
be a coincidence. So to find the new coordinates for the left wheel you have to subtract the old coordinates
with 1 minute and 7 seconds. The same goes for the wheel at the right. Here's my calculation:
6 9 11
6 8 7 -/-
1 4
9 2 9
9 1 5 -/-
1 4
So to find the new coordinates for the wheel at the right you have to add 1 minute and 4 seconds of the old
coordinates of the image above.
The first row of old coordinates on the image above are translated into the numbers 10, 1 and 9. So the new
coordinates for the wheel at the left must be:
10 1 9
1 7 -/-
10 0 2
As we all know, a clock has no zero position. So to make it hard on you (and me) this zero has to be
translated into 12. So the new coordinates for the wheel at the left is:
10 12 2
To find the new coordinates for the wheel at the right you have to add 1 minute and 4 seconds to the old
The second row of old coordinates on the image above are translated into the numbers 3, 12 and 10. So the
new coordinates for the wheel at the right must be:
3 12 10
1 4 +/+
3 13 14
To make it even more hard on you (and me) you know by now that this clock only has 12 minutes and 12
seconds. So what to do with these 13 minutes and 14 seconds!?!? Well, you have to adjust this sum as
follows. You have to translate 14 seconds into 1 minute and 2 seconds. While doing this, the 13 minutes will
change into 14 minutes. So these 14 minutes have to be translated into 2 minutes and 1 hour. Because you
know by now that the hour always stays the same, the outcome of the new coordinates for the wheel at the
right is:
3 2 2
Are you still with me!?!? Just for the record and for your comfort... this one caused a severe headache to me!
Zoom out.
Turn to the left and walk towards the tunnel. Enter the tunnel. Zoom in on the hanging chair and use it to
cross the ocean. Turn to the right and walk down the path. Enter the elevator, turn to the left and push the up
Turn to the left and exit the elevator. Walk towards the two big wheels and zoom in on the hand sign. Push
the upper green highlighted button at the rim. Push the hand sign. Now the island is heading back to the
place Hannah came from.
When the island has docked, zoom out and turn to the right. Enter the elevator and push the down button.
Exit the elevator and climb up the path.
Turn to the left and zoom in on the hanging chair. Use it to cross the ocean. Walk forward to go across the
tentacles in the rocks. Go forward to climb down the path. Go forward and turn to the left. Push the button to
call the gondola.
After your free ride, go forward. Turn to the right and go forward two times. Climb up the path. Now the
door of one of the houses opens. A men appears. The most important thing is that he offers you a pearl in
exchange of one unit of oil. He also tells you that when you've got the oil, you have to take it to the temple.
Turn to the right and walk towards the pear shaped device. Now what the hack could be one unit of oil!?!?
Remember the stone tablet on the wall in the temple. There was a sign on that tablet which looked like a
roman III... Zoom in on the pear shaped device. Push on that sign, it's the ninth sign from top.
Zoom in on the little shelf at the right of the device. Pick up the blue bottle. Zoom out. Now you have to go
back all the way where you left Hannah. So turn to the left and go forward. Climb down the path. Go
forward two times. Turn to the left and head for the device. Push the button to call the gondola.
Turn to the right and walk towards the path leading up. Climb up the path. Cross the tentacles in the rocks
and use the chair to cross the ocean.
Turn to the right and climb down the path. Enter the elevator and push the up button. Exit the elevator and
walk towards the big wheels. Zoom in on the hand sign. Zoom in and push the second green highlighted
button from top. Push the hand sign to sail back with the entire island.
When docked, zoom out and turn to the right. Enter the elevator and push the down button. Exit the elevator
and climb up the path. Turn to the left and use the hanging chair to cross the ocean.
Cross the footbridge. Back in the temple go forward one time. Turn to the left and walk straight ahead until
you can't go any further. Turn to the right. Go forward until you enter the tunnel. Turn to the right and go
forward through the dark tunnel.
Turn to the right and cross the footbridge leading over the water. When you're facing the prayer vases, turn
to the left. Walk forward five times. Turn to the left and climb up the stairs.
Turn to the right and enter the room with the painting. You'll have a very brief and even more disappointing
encounter with the priest. He's sticking up one finger (no, not that one) and disappears... Now what??? I
guess it's obvious that he wanted to make clear that you don't have the required one unit of oil.
So... no pearl this time. But which is much more worse, you have to go all the way back to that pear shaped
device. And not only that, this time you have to bring Hannah along too!
Exit the room and turn to the left. Climb down the stairs and turn to the right. Go forward five times. Turn to
the right and cross the footbridge. At the end turn to the left and enter the dark tunnel. Go forward one time
and turn to the left. Enter the secret passage. Go forward three times and turn to the left. Go forward three
times. Turn to the right and go through the tunnel.
When you are facing the hanging chair, switch over to Hannah.
Turn around and walk forward towards the tunnel. Go through the tunnel. Although you are both standing
near that chair, you still can't see each other. Use the chair to cross the ocean. Now Hannah says: "So now
the chair is working again"!?!? Switch over to Sam.
Also use the chair to cross the ocean. Turn to the right and climb down the path. Enter the elevator and push
the up button. Exit the elevator and walk towards the big wheels.
Turn to the right and climb down the path. Enter the elevator and push the up button. Exit the elevator and
walk towards the big wheels. Zoom in on the hand sign. Push the upper green highlighted button at the rim.
Push the hand sign.
The both of you are setting sail now to the other part. When the island has docked, zoom out and turn to the
right. Enter the elevator. Push the down button. Exit the elevator and climb up the path.
Turn to the left and use the chair to cross the ocean. Walk forward to cross the tentacles. Walk forward one
time to climb down the path. Walk forward one more time. Turn to the left and walk to the device. Push the
button to call the gondola. Now switch over to Sam.
Turn to the right and enter the elevator. Push the down button. Exit the elevator and climb up the path. Turn
to the left and use the chair to cross the ocean. Go forward across the tentacles. Go forward to climb down
the path. Go forward one time.
Turn to the left and push the button to call the gondola. When you reached the opposite site, switch over to
Look to the left a little and walk forward into the direction of the green plant. Turn to the right and go
forward one time. Turn to the right and enter the elevator. Push the up button. Just let Hannah standing here.
Switch over to Sam.
Look to the left and walk towards the green plant. Turn to the right and walk forward two times. Climb up
the path. The front door opens again. There's this man again. Of course you'd like to blow his head off, but...
you don't. Just listen to his excuses. Now he tells you the pearl is in the elevator.
Turn to the right and climb down the path. Look to the right and go one time forward. Look to the left and
zoom in on the elevator shaft. This time the man has told the truth. So pick up the blue pearl.
Zoom out and turn to the left. Walk towards the path leading up. Climb up the path. Turn to the right and
walk to the pear shaped device. Zoom in on the little shelf at the right and place the blue bottle.
Zoom out and zoom in on the pear shaped device. Click on one of the signs inside the device. It doesn't
matter which one you choose. Your pearl will disappear and the blue bottle will be filled with one unit of oil.
So zoom in on the little shelf and pick up the blue bottle. Zoom out. Turn to the left and go forward one
time. You'll have another close encounter with the man.
The main thing is that he's telling you that you'll need the balloon. Guess what... now the both of you have to
go back all the way to the temple!
Turn to the left and climb down the path. Go forward two times and turn to the left. Walk towards the device
and push the button to call the gondola. When it stops, turn to the right and go forward one time. Climb up
the path. Go forward across the tentacles. Use the chair to cross the ocean. Turn to the right and climb down
the path. Enter the elevator and push the up button. Exit the elevator and walk to the big wheels. Now switch
over to Hannah.
Push the down button. Exit the elevator. Turn to the left and go forward one time. Turn to the left and walk
towards the device. Push the button to call the gondola. When it stops, turn to the right and go forward one
time. Climb up the path. Go forward to cross the tentacles. Use the chair to cross the ocean.
Turn to the right and climb down the path. Enter the elevator and push the up button. Exit the elevator and
walk towards the big wheels. Now switch over to Sam.
Zoom in on the hand sign. Push the second green highlighted switch from top. Push the hand sign. When
docked, zoom out, turn to the right and enter the elevator. Push the down button. Exit the elevator and climb
up the path. Use the hanging chair to cross the ocean.
Cross the footbridge. When you enter the temple, go one step forward. Turn to the left and keep on walking
straight ahead until you can't go any further. Turn to the right. Keep on walking straight ahead until you go
through the tunnel. Turn to the right and go forward.
Go through the next tunnel. Turn to the right and cross the footbridge leading over the water. When you're
facing the vases again, turn to the left. Go forward five times. Turn to the left and climb up the stairs.
Turn to the right and enter the room with the painting. You'll have another brief encounter with the priest.
This time he seems to be satisfied, although he doesn't say a single word. He'll give you a cd-rom. Great...
there's only one place you can play cd-roms. And that is on the gas collectors island.
Turn around and exit the room. Turn to the right and climb down the stairs. Turn to the left and go forward
three times. Turn to the right and go forward one time through the dark tunnel. Now you're back in the main
entrance. Go forward to climb down the wooden stairs all the way.
Go across the stone bridge. Go forward to the next stone bridge. You'll have another close encounter with
Dr. Bremmer and Dr. Hovis. Cross the stone bridge.
Go forward. Turn to the right and cross the footbridge. Turn to the left and enter the opened door. Turn
around and zoom in on the conduit at the right of the door. Close the door by pushing the button.
Turn to the right and go forward. Turn to the right and keep on walking across the footbridge until you are
standing in the elevator. Pull the handle. Exit the elevator. Cross the footbridge.
Walk forward two times and climb up the stairs. Turn to the left and enter the air ship. When facing the
wooden steps, turn around and go forward. Turn to the right and zoom in on the steering device.
At the very left you'll see a row of five little blue buttons. These buttons can be pushed to recall previous
coordinates. Push the most left button and then the big blue one between the steering handles to be
transported to the gas collectors island.
The correct blue button at the left
When docked, zoom out and exit the ship. Go forward one time. Turn to the right and walk passed the gas
collectors. Standing outside again, turn around and zoom in on the blue pedestal with the cd-rom reader.
Place the cd-rom at the right spot. Push the three blue symbols and note the signs for the graduation arc (the
upper highlighted signs) and for the right steering wheel (the lower highlighted signs) again.
Return to the air ship. Enter the ship and enter the right cockpit again. Now you have to set up the steering
device again with your new coordinates.
The pointer and steering wheels in correct position...
Now you have to make the next combination of signs. So don't touch anything else yet!!!
...and again...
Now you have to make the next combination of signs. So don't touch anything else yet!!!
...and again. Now you may push the big blue button between the handles!!!
If you did everything okay, you'll go to the next part of the game...
Good job!
If you're vessel stops above the ocean in the middle of nowhere, you did something wrong in the cockpit. In
that case you have to do the trick with the steering device again.
No good job!
When you arrive at your new destination, zoom out and exit the ship. You are facing a closed fence. Switch
over to Hannah.
Hannah is still standing near the big wheels. By pushing the right signs, she'll travel by the floating island to
Matia Island.
As you'll remember I explained the calculation of the new coordinates all the way back in chapter 4. If you
would like to see it once more, be my guest! If not, just use these calculated new coordinates.
Zoom in on the hand sign and push it. When the island has docked, you'll see that the tentacle isn't long
enough to reach the island. Great... does this mean you're stuck on the island or you did something wrong?
No, there is another way!
Notice: In some games the tentacle is always long enough to reach the island. In that case you can skip the
next part about the Morse code and go on with the next chapter. The only thing is that you'll miss a more
difficult and nice puzzle...
Zoom out and turn to the right. Enter the elevator and push the down button. Exit the elevator and climb up
the path. Look at the left and see the hanging tentacle. Darn, no chair to cross the ocean this time.
Turn around and climb down the path. Walk passed the elevator this time. Walk forward towards the
telescope. Believe me, you are not only facing the telescope but also the beginning of one of the toughest
puzzles in Schizm!
When you're finished with the telescope you might think is that all? No... that's just the beginning!
Your goal is to focus the picture by adding or removing lenses. I can't give you the exact lenses which have
to be added. This differs from game to game. Some times I had to add 4 lenses and sometimes I had to add
up to 7 lenses. But... it's very easy. That is, once you know the trick.
Look through the telescope. You'll see a faint picture. At the right side, you'll see a down arrow and an up
arrow. At this time the down arrow will be highlighted.
Zoom out and look at the boxes beneath the telescope. You'll see two boxes each containing seven lenses.
When you start adding and changing lenses at random, you can be busy for days or even for weeks with that
amount of lenses.
When you looked through the telescope, you saw the highlighted down arrow. This is very important. When
you take a lens from one of the boxes and you look through the telescope again, this lens will be added to
the telescope automatic.
The best way to solve this puzzle is to start with the left lens from the left box.
Start with the left lens from the left box. Try the next lenses one by one...
So zoom in on the left box and take the left lens. Zoom out and zoom in on the telescope. If the down arrow
is still highlighted, this is a correct lens. In that case zoom out and take the next lens from the left box and
zoom in on the telescope again.
Every time the up arrow gets highlighted when you added a lens, this means that you placed the wrong lens.
In that case put back that last added lens into the box and try the next one. You can put back a lens by
clicking on the empty slot of the box it came from.
So to summarize: start with the left lens from the left box. Zoom in on the telescope and see if the down
arrow is still highlighted. If yes, take the next left lens and zoom in on the telescope again. Every time the up
arrow gets highlighted, put back the lens where it came from and try the next one. Repeat this until you get a
clear picture trough the telescope.
After a number of lenses you'll get a clear picture. When you've gotten the clear picture, you'll see a small
blinking bulb in the distance. As you watch it, you'll notice that it sometimes shines longer and sometimes
Any scout or army man will recognize this as a Morse code. Note down this code. I can't give you this code
because it changes all the time also. Even when you look through the telescope again, it might be changed!
So you really have to note it down!!! Also count the times the light blinks.
If it all went to quick, you can always look through the telescope again to see the Morse code once more.
But don't be surprised if the code has changed by than...
When finished, zoom out. Turn around and enter the elevator. Push the up button. Exit the elevator and enter
the room with the devices. You'll have another close encounter with this guy in leather jacket.
When he's finished, go forward one time. Turn to the right. Zoom in on the device. Your goal is to send out
a Morse code with this device. First you have to adjust the device to the number of blinks you saw through
the telescope.
In my game the light blinked nine times. So in this case I had to move the big green highlighted knob at the
outer rim of the device at the 9 o'clock position. No need to tell you that you have to move the knob at the
position corresponding with the number of times the light blinked in your game. So if it blinked eleven times
in your game, you have to place it at the 11 o'clock position...
Beneath the circular part you'll see a row of small handles. By moving these handles, you can change the
length of the blink from short to long.
In my game the down position of a little handle caused a long blink and the up position caused a short blink.
But this can also be different in every game... To find out which position causes which blink, pull the left
handle to the down position and just leave all handles in the up position and push the circular button in the
center of the device.
After that, move the handles in the correct position which must correspond with the Morse code you saw
through the telescope. After that, push the center button again. You now should see that Morse code now.
But... nothing happens!!!
Zoom out and turn to the left. Go forward one time. You'll have a close encounter with the native girl. She
explains how to use the device. The only problem is that she apparently hasn't learned the English language
yet. Thank God the English scientist will explain the meaning of the device also.
She tells you to use your signal lamp. She also tells you to use the negative sequence. And not only that, she
also tells you to use the negative sequence of the pattern you saw... Well, that explains a lot!?
Go forward to the blinking device and zoom in again. One thing is for sure, you have to change your Morse
code. But how? What could this mean, a negative sequence and a negative sequence of the lights you saw???
I think it's the best when I explain what this meant to my Morse code. The Morse code I saw through the
telescope was:
The negative of this sequence means that you have to change every "long" to "short" and every "short" to
"long". This results into:
The negative of the sequence of the lights I saw means that you have to use the negative sequence
backwards. This results into:
All set up correct in my game...
So this must be it!!! And yes, it was... So to put it simply, just do the same with the Morse code you saw
through the telescope. Adjust the position of the little handles to that adjusted sequences and push the center
If you adjusted the Morse code in the correct way, you'll see the tentacle reach the island. If not, you did
something wrong with the device and have to try again.
When finished, zoom out. Turn to the right and enter the elevator. Push the down button. Exit the elevator
and climb up the path. Look at the left and voila, the tentacle with the chair. Use the chair to cross the ocean.
You'll have another close encounter with the scientists Tomlin. Walk towards the trolley and enter it. Push
the angular device. This turns out to be the control panel of the trolley.
You'll see a sign on the display, a thick copper colored dial and two buttons. The sign on the display
corresponds with the place the trolley is standing right now. So make a note of the sign in case you have to
go back to this place!
He's still standing in front of the closed fence. Turn to the right. You'll see a closed panel. Between yourself
and the panel you'll see a big dark arch. At the left part of the arch you can see some sort of key.
The key
Turn the key and the panel will open, revealing the coordinates of Matia Island. But you are already standing
there!?!? Turn the key once more. The panel closes and which is much important, you'll get the key.
Turn back to the left to face the closed fence again. Open the fence and go forward. Enter the elevator. In the
center of the elevator you'll find the lever to control the elevator. When you practice the functions of this
lever you'll notice that is can be moved into three positions. With every different position, you'll here a click.
These three positions correspond with the three floor this structure has. On the first floor is nothing but a
closed building. So you won't have to go to that floor at all.
You are standing on the third floor right now. Because you're going to the second floor now, move the
handle down until you hear one click. Then let go the lever. On the second floor walk ahead until you are
facing the rocks. Turn to the right and go forward one time.
Turn to the left and look at the door. Notice that this closed door has the same red sign as the one on the
metal plate you or Hannah received from the native girl back in the temple. Zoom in on the door and notice
some kind of safety lock. Ignore it for now.
Zoom out and turn to the right. Walk forward two times. Turn to the left to see the same kind of door. Make
a note of the red sign above the safety lock. Zoom in on the door and make a note of the combination of the
safety lock.
Push the circular button and enter the door. Turn to the right and walk toward the square device. Zoom in on
the device. Great... building bridges!!!
Your goal is to connect the left and the right part of the device to each other. It's not very hard but a little
annoying. You have to play against the computer. And you have to win this game twice before you can go
further. One annoying part is that you can't save your game. Another annoying part is that if you win the
first game, you'll see a railway bridge raise halfway up. But when you lose the second game, you'll see the
bridge be lowered and you have to start all over again. I can only wish you luck and patience with this one.
Just use you brains or skills.
When you won the game twice, you'll see the bridge be raised all the way up. Zoom out and turn around. Go
forward one time. Turn to the left and enter the door. Turn to the left and walk towards the stairs. Climb up
the stairs.
Turn to the left and go forward two times. Look at the left and you'll see the rails leading through the tunnel.
Look at the right. Now you'll see the raised railway bridge. Look at the sign on the display of the device next
to the rails.
This is the sign Hannah needs to travel to this spot. So make a note of the sign. Save your game and switch
over to Hannah.
Enter the trolley and push the steering device. Don't forget to make a note of the sign on the display. Turn
the thick copper colored dial two signs down to get the correct sign on the display. This sign is the one Sam
just saw near the railway bridge.
Push the right button. When the trolley stops, turn to the left and exit. Now you're standing at the same spot
as Sam. You have to go back to the elevator. So turn to the right and go all the way back until you reach the
elevator. Enter the elevator and push the lever all the way down. Exit the elevator and switch over to Sam.
Go all the way back to the elevator also. Enter the elevator and push the lever all the way down. Exit the
elevator. Turn to the right and walk towards the big gray tubes. Go through the dark tunnel.
You'll end up in a cave. At the opposite side you'll see a imprisoned scientist. You can't near his cell because
the cave is flooded with water.
Turn to the left and zoom in on the hoses. If Hannah left her metal plate on top of the hoses, pick it up.
You'll see four different signs. You can change these signs by moving the display to the left and to the right.
You have no idea which combination you have to make and what for. So ignore it for now. Just remember
it's there. Take back the metal plate and zoom out.
Turn to the left and exit the cave. Go passed the left side of the elevator to follow the big pipes. Go forward
one time and look to the left. You'll see a big wheel and you'll hear water flow through the pipes. Place your
cursor at the left side of the wheel and turn it upwards one time. You'll hear the water stop flowing.
Turn to the left. Hey, the wheel goes back and so does the water! Good thing that you brought Hannah
along... So turn the wheel once more up to stop the water again. Now switch over to Hannah.
Enter the cave with the prison cell. If Hannah received a metal plate from the native girl back in the Bosh
tunnels it's the best if you leave it here. To do so, turn to the left and zoom in on the hoses. Place your metal
plate on top of the hoses and zoom out. Walk to the cell and listen to the story of the imprisoned scientist Dr.
Charles Santos. Turn around and exit the cave. While standing in front of the elevator, switch over to Sam.
Turn around and walk towards the elevator. Enter the elevator and exit through the opposite side. Go
forward two times. You're standing at the right of a drawbridge and in front of a button. Push the button to
see the bridge move. But... it won't go down all the way. One thing is for sure, both parts of the bridge aren't
equal to each other. You need Hannah's help with this one. So switch over to Hannah.
Hannah is still standing near the elevator. Look at your left and at your right. You'll see two big wheels.
When you're facing the elevator, start with the left wheel. You have to turn it one time and then switch over
to Sam.
Push the button to see the bridge lower a bit more and raise again.
When the right part of the bridge is lowered to it's horizontal position (and goes up again), Hannah has to
move the wheel to her right side when facing the elevator. Sam has to push the button every time Hannah
moved the wheel. The two of you have to repeat this also until the bridge stays lowered. So you have to
switch from Hannah to Sam and back several times again.
When the bridge stays lowered, cross it. Go forward two times. Look around and you'll see one central
house surrounded by four other houses. Turn to the right and walk towards the door. Open the door and
you'll see a bright flash of light. You can't enter this house. Turn around and you'll see four of these kind of
Now remember the words of the imprisoned scientists that you should enter each house twice and leave it
once... Okay, here we go. First of all I'll give you the explanation of this puzzle (okay Mario Buteau, you
asked for this :-). After that I'll give you some correct orders of entering the houses.
This central house we'll call house A. Number the four other houses from the left to the right as 1, 2, 3 and 4,
standing with your back turned to house A.
What you have to do: enter each house twice and exit each one once. You cannot enter house A. So by
entering twice in each house, a total of 8, you will necessary have to exit house A four times in order to
accomplish your task. House A functions as a reset. Every time you open its door, you reset the whole thing.
This is acquired by experimentation.
2. To determine the sequence, enter house 1 as many times as it takes and write down the exiting house.
After 8 times entering house 1, you come up with entering that house and exiting that SAME house over and
over again !!!! So, that's it !!! The sequence has ended after having entered the house 8 times. This can't be a
Open the door of house A to reset the whole thing and begin to write down the sequence for house 2 as well.
The same applies: 8 house-sequence and then, you enter and exit house 2 over and over again.
Do this for houses 3 and 4 as well (don't forget to reset after the sequence of house 3 of course by opening
the door of house A). Finally, you come up with this exciting table, where the number at the left is the house
you enter and the number at the right is the house you exit (so for instance 1-3 means that you enter house 1
and exit house 3 and 2-Ameans that you enter house 2 and exit house A).
3. To make sure that the sequence is now correct horizontally, you have to reset the whole thing by
opening the door of house A. If you enter house 1 you will of course exit house 1 similar to the sequence. If
you now enter house 4 (without resetting), you'll exit house 1 !!! This means that the sequence is valid
horizontally as well. When you enter a particular house on one line, you now know that the next time you
will enter a house, the next line will be used.
4. You have to exit house A four times. Notice that this house is accessible through houses 1, 2 and 3 only
and never through house 4. The sequences tell you that you can exit exactly four times from house A on
move one, three, five and eight.
5. So, the moves one, three, five and eight are a must to exit house A four times!!! So these are forced
moves. This implicates that you only have to find the correct combinations for the moves two, four, six and
seven yourself.
6. With the house-sequence in mind you know exactly which house to enter and where you would exit.
So... the only thing you have to keep in mind by choosing the correct order for the moves two, four, six and
seven is that you have to enter each house two times and exit it only once. Based on this, there are several
correct orders. I tried different orders and they all worked perfect. I give you three different orders. So if
you're a good adventurer, you should try them all. And if you are a very good adventurer you should try to
find other combinations yourself of course.
And another one by Shireen Keller from Sacramento, Canada and by Martin Sinot, from Nijmegen,
The Netherlands (the both of sent this one the same day)
enter house number 2 to come out of house A
enter house number 4 to come out of house number 1
turn around and re-enter house number 1 to come out of house A
enter house number 3 to come out of house number 4
enter house number 3 to come out of house A
enter house number 4 to come out of house number 3
Now you'll have another close encounter and you'll get another metal plate. Don't let this disturb you!!!
enter house number 1 to come out of house number 2
enter house number 2 to come out of house A.
Thanks a lot Shireen and Martin!!!
If you figure out another combination for this puzzle, just let me know by sending me an e-
mail ([email protected]) and I'll add it to this page, including your name as a kind of reward !!!
As you can see, you now entered each house twice and left them once. Besides that you have exited house A
four times.
Notice that it's dark now. Turn to the left and walk towards the drawbridge. You'll have another close
encounter. Boy, is she taking her time! The most important thing she tells you is that you have to choose
between The Wanderer and the Good Servant. And why is she looking up in the sky so remarkably?
When she disappears, look up in the same direction as she did. On top of the dam you'll see some kind of
bottles with highlighted caps. Notice that some of these "bottles" are raised. Number these bottle from the
left to the right as number 1 up to and including 12 and make a note of which "bottles" are down and which
are up.
Turn to the right and go forward two times. Turn to the right and walk to the door of the house (A). Open the
door and enter the house. You'll have another close encounter. When you're standing outside again, turn to
the left and walk to the bridge. Cross the bridge and walk towards the cave with the prison cell.
Enter the cave. Turn to the left and zoom in on the hoses. Place your metal plate on top of the hoses.
Number the hoses from top to bottom as 1, 2, 3 and 4. With this plate at the top of the hoses you have to
change the order of the signs so they correspond with the signs you saw on the safety lock at the second
metal door. This is the correct combination:
Get back your metal plate from the top of the hoses and zoom out. Now place the other metal plate on top of
the hoses. Now you have to pull the displays in the same way you just did. So:
Because you just discovered the combination for the safety lock of the first metal door, make a note of the
combination of these signs. Zoom out and exit the cave.
Enter the elevator and pull the lever two clicks to go to the second floor. Exit the elevator and walk straight
ahead until you're standing next to the first metal door. Face the door and zoom in on the safety lock. Turn
the dials to the same combination as you just discovered at the hoses. You must be curious what's behind
this door!
Push the circular button to open the door. Enter the tunnel. Turn to the left and go forward. Zoom in on the
device. Great... building bridges again!!! The only difference with the other railroad bridge puzzle is that
now the computer begins first. No need to tell you again how to solve this one... Good luck once more!
When you solved the puzzle twice again, turn around and go forward one time. Turn to the right and go
through the tunnel. Turn to the left and walk all the way to the rails. Turn to the right and push the button to
call the trolley. Enter the trolley and push the steering device. Turn the big dial down once to get the next
image on the display. Also make a note of this sign, just in case of...
Remember this sign
Push the right button. You now should go forward through the tunnel. Exit the trolley. Go forward one time.
Turn to the left and walk towards the house. At the right side of the house you'll see a big pipe with eight
buttons. Wait a minute! Aren't these the "bottles" you saw on top of the dam near the houses you had to
enter twice and leave once!?
You don't know what to do right now, so ignore them for now. Turn around and walk towards the opposite
house passed the path. Notice the same kind of pipe and buttons. Turn around and go forward one time. Turn
to the right.
You'll now see a path leading to the left and one leading to the right. It makes no difference which one you
choose. I presume you take the path to the left. Go forward one time and turn to the right. You'll see a
platform. Go forward to step on the platform.
Turn to the left and you'll see the same kind of arch construction you saw at the very beginning when you
docked your air ship. Place your key on the left side of the arch. Turn the key and zoom in on the opened
You'll see a new set of combinations for your air ship. Make a note of them. Zoom out
Head back for the trolley. Push the button to call the trolley. Enter the trolley and push the steering device.
Pull up the dial one position to get the correct sign on the display and push the right button.
Exit the trolley and walk all the way back to the elevator. Enter the elevator and go all the way down. Exit
the elevator and walk towards the wheel to shut down the water once more. When you shut down the water,
switch over to Hannah.
Turn around. Enter the cave with the prison cell. Walk to the cell and listen to what the scientist has to tell
you this time. He tells you that there have to be done two actions in the Bosh Tunnels. He's speaking of
OSSA and DISSA. These words sound familiar. Remember you pushed the big wheel with the directions of
the compass!
Turn around and exit the cave. Enter the elevator. Pull up the lever two clicks to go to the second floor. Exit
the elevator and walk all the way to the trolley. Enter the trolley and push the steering device. Turn the dial
two signs up to get the correct image on the display. This should be the image you saw when Hannah
entered the trolley for the very first time. Push the right button.
Exit the trolley and walk towards the hanging chair. Use the chair to cross the ocean. Turn around and climb
down the path. Enter the elevator and push the up button. Exit the elevator and walk to the hand sign. Zoom
in and push the middle green highlighted button. Push the hand sign.
You'll be taken back to the Bosh Tunnels now. When docked, zoom out, turn to the right and enter the
elevator. Push the down button. Exit the elevator and climb up the path. Turn to the left and use the hanging
chair to cross the ocean.
Walk to the end of the footbridge. Inside the temple, go forward one time. Turn to the left and walk straight
ahead until you can't go any further. Turn to the left and climb up the ladder next to the "organ". Turn to the
left and go forward one time. Turn to the right and zoom in on the organ.
Now the buttons on top of the device look familiar. Remember those "bottles" on top of the dam again.
Number these buttons from the left to the right as number 1 up to and including 12. Now pull up number 1,
5, 7, 8, 10 and 12.
After that, push the button with sign for West (OSSA). The machine now starts making dirty noises. After
the machine stops, push the button with the sign for North East (DISSA). Again the machine starts making
these noises. When it's finished, make a note of the highlighted and sticking up buttons at the bottom of the
keyboard. Number the highlighted buttons 1 and the other buttons 0 (zero). You should have the next
The "organ" all set up. The first arrow points to the sign for OSSA and the second one to the sign for DISSA
Zoom out and turn to the right. Go forward one time and climb down the ladder. Turn to the right and go
forward until you can't go any further. Turn to the right and walk towards the tunnel. Enter the tunnel. Cross
the footbridge and use the hanging chair to cross the ocean. Turn to the right and climb down the path. Enter
the elevator and push the up button. Exit the elevator and walk to the hand sign. Zoom in and push the third
highlighted button from top. Push the hand sign.
When docked, zoom out and turn to the right. Enter the elevator and push the down button. Exit the elevator
and climb up the path. Use the hanging chair to cross the ocean.
Enter the trolley and push the steering device. Pull down the dial three positions to get the next sign on the
display and push the right button.
Now you'll be taken to the part of the island with the big oval shaped device. Exit the trolley and go forward
one time. Turn to the left and walk towards the pipes with the strange buttons. Zoom in and number the
buttons from the left to the right as number 1 up to and including 8. Push the buttons in the order:
3, 5, 7 and 8.
Zoom out and turn around. Walk towards the pipes near the opposite house. Zoom in and push the buttons in
the order:
1, 5 and 8.
Zoom out and turn around. Go forward one more time. Go forward across the path at the left one time. Turn
to the right and go one time forward to step on the platform. Turn around and push the button in the middle
of the big pipes. The oval device opens and......closes again. After that you've another close encounter. Step
down the platform and go back to the trolley.
Push the button to call the trolley. Enter the trolley and push the steering device. Move up the dial one sign
and push the right button.
Exit the trolley and walk all the way to the elevator. Enter the elevator and go all the way down. Exit the
elevator and walk towards the cave with the prison cell. Don't enter it yet. In stead of that, switch over to
Sam is still standing near the wheel that shuts off the water. Turn to the left and enter the elevator. Go all the
way up this time. Turn around and open the fence. Enter your air ship and go to the steering device. Zoom in
and enter the new coordinates.
Now you have to make the next combination of signs. So don't touch anything else yet!!!
Pull the left steering wheel into the next position (the sign looks like a P). Move the pointer of the
graduation arc to the correct position. Pull the right steering wheel into the correct position.
...and again...
Now you have to make the last combination of signs. So again, don't touch anything else yet!!!
Pull the left steering wheel into the next position (the sign looks like an r). Move the pointer of the
graduation arc to the correct position. Pull the right steering wheel into the correct position.
...and again. Now you may push the big blue button!!!
After you did all three combinations push the big blue button between the steering wheels. If you done well
your vessel will take off to your new destination. Now the ship heads for the oval shaped device. The device
opens and the ship's hook is picking up something from the device. After that it sets sail to the floating
island and drops whatever it took from the oval shaped device.
Exit the ship when it stopped. Open the fence and enter the elevator. Go all the way down. Exit the elevator
and walk towards the big wheel that shuts off the water. Shut off the water to drain the water from the prison
cell once more. Switch over to Hannah.
Enter the cave and walk to the prison cell. After your meeting with the imprisoned scientist, exit the cave.
Switch over to Sam.
Enter the elevator and pull the lever two clicks to go to the second floor. Walk all the way to the trolley.
Switch over to Hannah.
Enter the elevator and pull the lever two clicks to go to the second floor. Walk all the way to the trolley.
Push the button to call the trolley. Enter the trolley and pull up the dial two times to get the correct image on
the display. Push on the right button. Exit the trolley and switch over to Sam.
And the correct sign again
Push the button to call the trolley. Enter the trolley and pull up the dial two times to get the correct image on
the display. Push on the right button. Exit the trolley and use the hanging to cross the ocean. Turn to the
right and climb down the path. Enter the elevator and push the up button. Exit the elevator and walk towards
the big wheels. Switch over to Hannah.
And again
Use the hanging to cross the ocean. Turn to the right and climb down the path. Enter the elevator and push
the up button. Exit the elevator and walk towards the big wheels until you get another close encounter with
the priest. When he's finished he points to the device next to him.
When the priest has gone, zoom in on that device at your right. It has a golden flower at the center now.
Push the flower for your very last close encounter. Now the three(!?) of you can go home...