Nu Great Regulations 24 25
Nu Great Regulations 24 25
Nu Great Regulations 24 25
In partnership with the British Council and the GREAT Britain Campaign, Newcastle
University is offering 3 scholarships to students in Indonesia, Pakistan and Turkey applying
for postgraduate taught courses in all subject areas.
1. An applicant can only apply and be considered for a scholarship after they have been offered a place
to study on their chosen eligible full-time Master’s course at the University’s Newcastle city centre
campus for the 2024/25 academic year and have been assessed as international for fees purposes.
Applications cannot be considered in advance of applicants meeting these two criteria.
• MPhil, MRes, MLitt, Doctoral (e.g. PhD, Integrated PhD, DClinPsych) applicants
• Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma applicants
• Online (E-learning) degree programme applicants
• Newcastle University intercalating students or placement, study abroad or exchange students
• Undergraduate degree programme applicants
• Dual Award degree applicants
• Current students, registered at the University, who have already commenced their postgraduate
degree at the time of the award. Awards cannot be made retrospectively
• Students repeating courses
• Study abroad and exchange students
• Universitas Indonesia students studying in the Faculty of Medical Sciences
2. To be considered for awards, applicants must adhere to the British Council’s Terms and conditions
as published on the British Council’s web site and be a passport holder for one of the following
countries: Indonesia, Pakistan or Turkey.
4. Late applications will not be considered. Awards will be based on fully completed applications
received by the closing date.
5. The University awards Scholarships on the basis of academic merit and other information provided on
the Scholarship application form. To be considered for awards applicants must have or expect to
receive the equivalent of an upper second class UK honours degree or above. The applicants chosen
to receive the awards will be assessed according to evidence of academic ability, evidence of
commitment to studies and quality of application and may be contacted for additional information.
7. The value of the scholarships will be £10,000 of the tuition fees and will be credited to the student’s
tuition fee account to reduce the overall cost of tuition fees.
8. Successful applicants cannot be in receipt of a GREAT award AND an award from any of the following
scholarship schemes operated by the University: Vice-Chancellor’s Excellence Scholarships, Vice-
Chancellor’s International Scholarships, Vice-Chancellor’s Global Scholarships, Women in Leadership
Scholarships, full tuition fee MBA scholarships, MBA Business Excellence Scholarships; MBA
Leadership Scholarships; any Elite Sports Scholarships; Medical Sciences International Masters
Excellence Scholarships, scholarships offered by schools and faculties, Alumni Progression
Scholarship, Alumni Progression Discount, International Family Discount. Applicants may apply for
and/or be considered for more than one award but if successful in the GREAT and one of the schemes
listed then they would receive the higher of the awards, with the lower value award reallocated to
another applicant. Students whose tuition fees are fully sponsored will not be eligible to receive a
GREAT award. This list of schemes is not exhaustive and applicants should check the regulations for
all funding opportunities to which they apply to ensure eligibility.
9. Successful applicants must inform the University if they have been awarded any scholarships or
sponsorships. Students breaching this regulation may have their GREAT award suspended and the
University will recover any previous payments.
10. Applicants initially assessed as international for fee purposes but whose fees change to “home” are
not eligible to receive GREAT awards and will have any offer made withdrawn.
11. The University reserves the right to vary all or any scholarship awards and regulations at its sole
12. The University’s decision on all GREAT awards and interpretation of rules and regulations shall be
final; appeals will not be considered.
Further Enquiries:
For any enquiries relating to this scholarship, please contact the International Scholarships Team:
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 191 208 8107/5537