RG Audit Considerations Related To Cryptocurrency July 2018

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Audit Considerations

Related to Cryptocurrency
Assets and Transactions
Audit Considerations
Related to Cryptocurrency
Assets and Transactions
This paper was prepared by the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada)
as non-authoritative guidance.

CPA Canada and the authors do not accept any responsibility or liability that might occur directly
or indirectly as a consequence of the use, application or reliance on this material.

© 2018 Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada

All rights reserved. This publication is protected by copyright. Written permission is required to reproduce, store
in a retrieval system or transmit in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,
or otherwise).
For information regarding permission, please contact [email protected].

Table of Contents

Executive Summary 1

Introduction 3

Scope 5

Client Acceptance and Continuance Considerations 6

Integrity of the Client Including Its Business Purpose
in Entering into Cryptocurrency Transactions 7

Client’s Level of Understanding of Cryptocurrency

Risks and Relevant Aspects of Internal Control 8

Competence and Capabilities of Those Involved

in Performing the Engagement 8

The Entity’s Information System

for Cryptocurrency Transactions 9
Example of a Cryptocurrency Purchase 10

Cryptocurrency Wallets 11

Examples of Matters to Consider When Identifying

and Assessing Risks of Material Misstatement in
Cryptocurrency Transactions and Balances 14

Conclusion 25

Appendix A — Where to Find More Information 26

Appendix B — Glossary of Terms 27


Executive Summary

An entity’s financial statements may include material cryptocurrency items.

This paper is intended to be useful to auditors who have little or no experience
with cryptocurrencies and may not fully appreciate the challenges presented
when auditing these items. Highlights of matters described in this paper are
set out below.

•  lient Acceptance and Continuance Considerations

Matters to consider include, for example:
—— integrity of the client, including the business purpose for which
the entity is entering into cryptocurrency transactions (e.g., that
transactions do not involve money laundering or other illegal acts)
—— management’s level of understanding of cryptocurrency risks and
internal control over cryptocurrency transactions and balances
—— whether the audit engagement partner is satisfied that those involved
in the engagement (including members of the engagement team
and any auditor’s external experts) collectively have the appropriate
competence and capabilities in information technology (IT) and
cryptocurrencies to perform the engagement in accordance with
professional standards.

• Obtaining an Understanding of the Entity’s Information System for

Cryptocurrency Transactions
Matters such as cryptography and blockchains are complex. Reference
sources are provided to enable readers to obtain information on these
topics. A simplified example of a process to purchase cryptocurrency is
provided. There is also a brief description of various types of cryptocur-
rency wallets. These contain the entity’s private and public cryptographic
keys used in selling cryptocurrency and are used to monitor the entity’s
cryptocurrency balance.
2 Audit Considerations Related to Cryptocurrency Assets and Transactions

• Examples of Matters to Consider in Identifying and Assessing Risks of

Material Misstatement in Cryptocurrency Transactions and Balances
Nine examples are provided of conditions or events that may result in
a material misstatement. The material briefly describes matters related
to the condition or event, notes the related assertions, and provides
examples of internal control considerations. The nine conditions or
events are as follows:
1. The entity chooses to use a cryptocurrency exchange that does not
have effective controls over the transactions it enters into on behalf
of the entity or over the balances of cryptocurrency maintained in the
entity’s accounts.
2. The entity has a cryptocurrency wallet that has not been accounted for.
3. The entity loses a private key and therefore can no longer access the
related cryptocurrency.
4. An unauthorized party obtains access to the entity’s private key and
steals the entity’s cryptocurrency.
5. The entity misrepresents ownership of a private key and therefore of
the related cryptocurrency.
6. The entity sends cryptocurrency to an incorrect address and the
cryptocurrency cannot be recovered.
7. The entity enters into and records a cryptocurrency transaction with
a related party that cannot be identified because of the anonymity of
parties to blockchain transactions.
8. There are significant delays in processing cryptocurrency transactions
at the end of a period.
9. Events or conditions make it difficult to determine the value at which
a cryptocurrency should be recorded for financial reporting purposes.


Holdings of cryptocurrencies allow individuals and businesses to transact

directly with each other without an intermediary such as a bank or other
financial institution. These cryptocurrency transactions rely on blockchain
technology. For an introduction to blockchain technology and the related audit
implications, refer to the CPA Canada publication, Blockchain Technology and
Its Potential Impact on the Audit & Assurance Profession.

The rapid rise and volatility of cryptocurrencies have led to increased global
interest and scrutiny by organizations, investors, regulators, governments and
others. During 2017, the market capitalization of cryptocurrencies increased by
US$547 billion or 3,038%.1 The most popular and widely used cryptocurrency
is Bitcoin; however, there are over 1,600 cryptocurrencies in circulation.2 Each
of these cryptocurrencies has its own unique features and characteristics which
makes understanding, accounting and auditing them particularly challenging.

It is becoming common for financial statements to show cryptocurrency bal-

ances and to reflect the results of cryptocurrency transactions. However, many
auditors may have little or no experience with cryptocurrencies and therefore
may not fully appreciate the challenges that auditing these items may present.
This non-authoritative publication is intended to provide auditors with examples
of matters to consider when:
• deciding whether to accept or continue an audit engagement when
an entity has engaged in material cryptocurrency transactions
• identifying and assessing risks of material misstatement in financial
statements related to cryptocurrency transactions and balances.

1 https://coinmarketcap.com/charts.
2 https://coinmarketcap.com as at June 19, 2018.
4 Audit Considerations Related to Cryptocurrency Assets and Transactions

We encourage auditors to continue to monitor developments in this space and

we invite readers to contact us with any feedback or insights that could help
us develop future publications on this topic.

Taryn Abate, CPA, CA, CPA (IL)

Director, Audit & Assurance
Research, Guidance and Support
CPA Canada
277 Wellington Street West
Toronto ON M5V 3H2
Email: [email protected]


This publication focuses only on engagements to audit financial statements

that show material cryptocurrency balances. It does not discuss other types
of engagements, such as review of financial statements containing material
cryptocurrency items. However, matters discussed in this publication may be
adapted as necessary by practitioners performing other types of engagements.

This publication does not discuss procedures that might be performed in

response to assessed risks (i.e., tests of controls and substantive procedures).
Some auditing firms are exploring the nature, timing and extent of such
procedures. Practice will likely evolve as more experience is gained.

This publication also does not discuss matters such as auditing:

• liabilities resulting from agreements to pay amounts owing using
a cryptocurrency
• financial statements of a cryptocurrency exchange
• financial statements of entities that:
—— validate cryptocurrency transactions on a blockchain
(i.e., cryptocurrency miners)
—— issue Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) or Initial Token Offerings (ITOs)
• investments in ICOs and ITOs
• controls related to the infrastructure supporting a blockchain, such as
the hardware and software used in operating a node
• aspects of income tax expense and liability that may be affected by a
lack of clarity in how tax laws and regulations apply to cryptocurrency
transactions and balances
• controls implemented by a service organization (perhaps a cryptocurrency
exchange) and complementary controls designed and implemented by
the entity. For example, any entity’s cryptocurrency wallet(s) may be
hosted by a cryptocurrency exchange or other type of entity providing
this service, resulting in that organization being significantly involved in
cryptocurrency transactions and custody of an entity’s cryptocurrency.

Client Acceptance and

Continuance Considerations

Canadian Standard on Quality Control 1 (CSQC 1)

requires a firm to establish policies and proce- Auditing
dures for the acceptance and continuance of cryptocurrency
client relationships and specific engagements. transactions can
be complex:
These policies and procedures are designed to
Have you considered
provide the firm with reasonable assurance that
all relevant matters
it will only undertake or continue relationships
before accepting
and engagements where the firm:
or continuing an
1. Is competent to perform the engagement
and has the capabilities, including time and
resources, to do so;
2. Can comply with relevant ethical require-
ments; and
3. Has considered the integrity of the client, and does not have information
that would lead it to conclude that the client lacks integrity.

An entity’s use of cryptocurrency is likely to be relevant to the auditor in

deciding whether to accept or continue an engagement to audit an entity’s
financial statements. An auditor may encounter circumstances where, for
example, the entity has:
• entered into material cryptocurrency transactions for the first time
• significantly changed the nature or increased the extent of its cryptocur-
rency activities from previous years. For example, an investment entity
that previously focused primarily on traditional investment vehicles may
decide that a significant part of its investment portfolio will now include
Client Acceptance and Continuance Considerations 7

Examples of matters to consider regarding client acceptance or continuance

are set out below.

Integrity of the Client Including Its Business Purpose

in Entering into Cryptocurrency Transactions
An example of a matter for the auditor to consider regarding client integrity
is whether there are indications the client might be involved in money laun-
dering or other criminal activities. There are legitimate business reasons
to use cryptocurrencies. However, cryptocurrencies have also been used
to launder the proceeds of criminal activities and to finance terrorism and
other illegal acts. These types of activity are enabled by the anonymity of
participants in blockchain transactions. Also, exchanges where cryptocurren-
cies are traded for fiat currencies remain largely unregulated (e.g., some are
not subject to regulations that apply to banks such as know-your-customer
(KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) rules and requirements to keep a
record of unusual transactions).

The auditor’s engagement acceptance or continuance procedures would

therefore likely include inquiries and related procedures to obtain an under-
standing of the entity’s business purpose in entering into cryptocurrency
transactions for the first time or significantly changing the nature or extent
of its cryptocurrency activities. A key consideration is whether the entity’s sig-
nificant cryptocurrency transactions are in the normal course of its business.
If the auditor identifies significant cryptocurrency transactions that are outside
the normal course of business, the auditor is required to:
• evaluate whether it gives rise to significant risks3
• inquire of management about the nature of these transactions and
whether related parties could be involved,4 and
• whether the business rationale (or the lack thereof) suggests that
they may have been entered into to engage in fraudulent financial
reporting or to conceal misappropriation of assets.5

The auditor is also required to remain alert to the possibility of instances

of non-compliance or suspected non-compliance with laws and regulations,
including money laundering or other illegal activities.6

3 Paragraph 27 of CAS 315, Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement through Under-
standing the Entity and Its Environment.
4 Paragraph 16 of CAS 550, Related Parties.
5 Paragraph 33(c) of CAS 240, The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in an Audit of Financial
6 Paragraph 16 of CAS 250, Consideration of Laws and Regulations in an Audit of Financial Statements.
8 Audit Considerations Related to Cryptocurrency Assets and Transactions

Client’s Level of Understanding of Cryptocurrency

Risks and Relevant Aspects of Internal Control
To establish whether the preconditions for an audit engagement are present,
the auditor obtains the agreement of management that it acknowledges and
understands its responsibility for certain matters, including:
• the preparation of the financial statements in accordance with the
applicable financial reporting framework, including, where relevant,
their fair presentation
• internal controls necessary to enable the preparation of financial state-
ments free from material misstatement whether due to fraud or error.7

Ideally, the client would have an understanding of matters related to

cryptocurrency, including its financial reporting implications. The client also
would have designed and implemented controls related to its cryptocurrency
transactions and balances. However, an auditor may encounter circumstances
where the prospective client has not even implemented a process to track its
cryptocurrency transactions. In these circumstances, it may be very difficult
or not practicable to audit the entity’s financial statements.

Competence and Capabilities of Those Involved

in Performing the Engagement8
Cryptocurrency transactions and management of cryptocurrency assets often
involve the use of highly complex cryptography and information technology
(IT). In some cases, it may not be practicable to audit cryptocurrency-related
assets and transactions without relying on the effective operation of relevant
controls. In addition, matters such as the valuation of cryptocurrency items
for financial reporting purposes may require the use of valuation experts.
Therefore, when deciding whether to accept or continue an engagement
to audit financial statements that include material cryptocurrency items
and transactions, the engagement partner has to determine whether those
involved in performing the engagement (including both members of the
engagement team and any auditor’s external experts) possess appropriate
competency and capabilities.

7 Paragraph 6 of CAS 210, Agreeing the Terms of Audit Engagements.

8 Paragraph 31 of CSQC 1, Quality Control for Firms that perform Audits and Review of Financial Statements,
and Other Assurance Engagements.

The Entity’s Information

System for Cryptocurrency

Canadian Auditing Standards (CASs) require the auditor to obtain an under-

standing of the entity’s information system9. This includes, for example, the
entity’s procedures, within both IT and manual systems, by which transactions
are initiated, recorded, processed, corrected as necessary, transferred to the
general ledger and reported in its financial statements.

Major cryptocurrencies use transparent public blockchains. All transactions

are permanently recorded on the blockchain. Anyone can read or aggre-
gate recorded transactions. These transactions can be tracked, for example,
by using a transaction identification number or an address. It is sometimes
claimed that blockchain technology eliminates the need for trust among trans-
action participants. Even if this is true to some degree, nevertheless, there
are challenges and risks to using blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.

Some aspects of the entity’s procedures regarding cryptocurrency transactions

will differ significantly from those for fiat currencies. For example, cryptocur-
rency transactions involve the use of cryptography, cryptocurrency wallets
and a blockchain. It is possible (although rare) that a cryptocurrency organiza-
tion may use a cryptographic system other than a blockchain (e.g., Ripple).

To help obtain an understanding of these complex matters, readers may

refer to sources such as the following:
• OSC — Ontarians and Cryptocurrencies — A First Look
• Bank of Canada — Briefing on Digital Currencies
• US Congressional Research Service — Bitcoin Q&As

9 Paragraph 18 of CAS 315.

10 Audit Considerations Related to Cryptocurrency Assets and Transactions

• UWCISA Bitcoin Process Flow — Accountants Guide

• Nasdaq article — Cryptocurrency-and-your-small-business-what-you-

Example of a Cryptocurrency Purchase

Exhibit 1 shows a simplified example of how cryptocurrency might be
purchased and the transaction recorded. This exhibit and the subsequent
discussion of cryptocurrency wallets are aimed at readers not already
familiar with cryptocurrency transactions. The Exhibit is generic; individual
entities may follow a process different from what is illustrated.

A process similar to that shown below might be followed when selling

cryptocurrency. For example, the cryptocurrency might be exchanged
for another cryptocurrency or a fiat currency.

Other transactions might involve, for example, using cryptocurrency

for the sale or purchase of goods or services.



• Management determines the type of cryptocurrency to be purchased.

• A cryptocurrency wallet is downloaded from a service provider.
A password or passphrase and other security measures considered
appropriate are used to secure the wallet against unauthorized
access. (See information on types of wallets in the next section of
the paper.)
• The wallet software is used to generate the entity’s cryptographic
private key. A public key is generated using the private key, and
the entity’s address (single-use identifier) for each cryptocurrency
purchase transaction is generated from the entity’s public key.
• Management establishes an account with a cryptocurrency exchange
or broker.
• The desired amount of cryptocurrency is purchased using the entity’s
cryptocurrency hot wallet (see next section).
• The transaction is authenticated and then irreversibly recorded on
a blockchain. Transactions may be viewed using a blockchain or
block explorer (when available).
Audit Considerations Related to Cryptocurrency Assets and Transactions 11

• To protect the entity’s private key from unauthorized access through

the Internet, the entity may use one or more methods of cold storage
(i.e., cold wallets) to store the private key and related information
(e.g., addresses to which the private key is linked).
• Backup copies of the entity’s cryptographic keys, particularly the private
key, as well as passwords or passphrases needed to access a wallet,
are made and safely stored.
• The cryptocurrency transaction is recorded in the company’s financial
reporting system then, if applicable, translated into the entity’s
functional currency at an appropriate exchange rate.
• In preparing the entity’s financial statements, any adjustments needed
are made to the recorded amount of the cryptocurrency asset and
related transactions to comply with the applicable financial reporting
framework (e.g., IFRS® Standards). For additional guidance on the
accounting implications of cryptocurrencies, see CPA Canada’s paper,
An Introduction to Accounting for Cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrency Wallets
Cryptocurrency transactions involve the use of a software program known
as a cryptocurrency wallet. A wallet is used, for example, to:
• store the entity’s private and public encryption keys used for
cryptocurrency transactions
• interact with one or more blockchains to send and receive cryptocurrency
• show the entity’s balance in each cryptocurrency that results from the
various transactions.

If the entity loses a private key and it cannot be recovered, the entity will
no longer be able to access the cryptocurrency linked to that key. There-
fore, in effect, the cryptocurrency is lost. Also, if an entity’s private key is
obtained by an outside party, it can be used to undertake unauthorized
cryptocurrency transactions which cannot be reversed. The entity’s wallet
would show transactions not authorized by the entity. The stolen crypto-
currency may never be recovered.
12 Audit Considerations Related to Cryptocurrency Assets and Transactions

Types of Cryptocurrency Wallets

Hot Wallet
A “hot wallet” is located in a device connected to the Internet (whether
hosted or entity-controlled). A hot wallet is required to send cryptocurrency
to another address (e.g., spend cryptocurrency) and to obtain an up-to-date
snapshot of all the entity’s recent cryptocurrency transactions and balances.

Cold Wallet
A “cold wallet” (or “cold-storage wallet”) is not connected to the Internet.
The following are examples of cold wallets:

• Hardware Wallet
A “hardware wallet” is located on a USB or other device. The entity’s
private and public keys are generated in the device when it is offline by
using a random number generator. When the wallet is not connected to
the Internet, the entity’s private key is, of course, not accessible by out-
side parties via the Internet. However, a private key is still susceptible to
loss or theft by other means. For example, the device containing the cold
wallet may be lost or damaged. Also, a cold wallet temporarily becomes
a hot wallet (and therefore less secure) whenever the device contain-
ing the cold wallet is connected to the Internet. The private key that was
generated offline is now being used online in the process of sending cryp-
tocurrency to another address and is therefore temporarily exposed, for
example, to viruses or malware. However, some hardware wallets have
a process that generates a digital signature offline in the device so the
private key never appears on the computer or other device used to
execute the sale transaction.

• Paper Wallet
A “paper wallet” is a paper record of the entity’s private key and related
information. When the entity’s computer or other devices and printer are
offline, software is used to generate a set of private and public keys and
related addresses for its cold wallet. The public and private keys for the
wallet are printed out on paper. The desired amount of cryptocurrency is
sent from the entity’s hot wallet to its paper wallet address. The amount
transferred to the paper wallet can be written down. Cryptocurrency can
subsequently be sent from the paper wallet. This may be done by enter-
ing into the entity’s hot wallet the address to which cryptocurrency is to
be sent, then scanning or typing the paper wallet private key into the hot
wallet. This private key will then be used to generate the digital signature
Audit Considerations Related to Cryptocurrency Assets and Transactions 13

for the transaction. For the short period of time it takes to send the crypto-
currency, the paper wallet’s private key is no longer “cold” and therefore is
exposed, for example, to viruses and malware.

Exchange-Hosted Wallet
An “exchange-hosted wallet” is hosted by a cryptocurrency exchange on its
server. The wallet is linked to the entity’s account with the exchange. That
account contains information identifying the entity. Access to the account and
wallet requires a password. The exchange knows the entity’s private key stored
in the wallet, but the entity itself does not know its private key. The exchange
undertakes the cryptocurrency transactions on behalf of the entity (based on
the entity’s instructions or what has otherwise been agreed).

Examples of Matters to
Consider When Identifying
and Assessing Risks of
Material Misstatement
in Cryptocurrency
Transactions and Balances

For the purpose of identifying and assessing risks of material misstatement,

the CASs require10 the auditor to:
• Identify risks throughout the process of obtaining an understanding of
the entity and its environment, including relevant controls that relate to
the risks, and by considering the classes of transactions, account balances,
and disclosures (including the quantitative or qualitative aspects of such
disclosures) in the financial statements;
• Assess the identified risks, and evaluate whether they relate more perva-
sively to the financial statements as a whole and potentially affect many
• Relate the identified risks to what can go wrong at the assertion level, taking
account of relevant controls that the auditor intends to test; and
• Consider the likelihood of misstatement, including the possibility of multiple
misstatements, and whether the potential misstatement is of a magnitude
that could result in a material misstatement.

10 Paragraph 26 of CAS 315.

Audit Considerations Related to Cryptocurrency Assets and Transactions 15

A risk of material misstatement of a cryptocurrency balance or transaction may

be identified when:
• a condition exists or an event occurs that is relevant to one or more of the
assertions related to the entity’s cryptocurrency balances and transactions
• the entity has not implemented internal control to provide reasonable assur-
ance the results of these events and conditions are recorded in the entity’s
accounts and reflected in its financial statements as required by the appli-
cable financial reporting framework.

Set out below are nine examples of events or conditions an auditor would likely
consider as part of performing procedures to identify and assess risks of mate-
rial misstatement in cryptocurrency transactions and balances whether due to
fraud or error. The information provided for each example includes:
• a brief description of the condition or event
• related assertions
• examples of aspects of internal control that could help prevent or detect
and correct a material misstatement. These examples are not a complete
list of internal control considerations.

This list is not intended to be exhaustive; other conditions and events may
give rise to a risk of material misstatement in cryptocurrency transactions
or balances.

Exhibit 2 summarizes these conditions or events and the assertions that may
be affected.



Examples of Assertions
Examples of Condition or Events
to Which a Possible
“What Can Go Wrong”
Misstatement May Relate11


1. The entity chooses to use a cryptocurrency

exchange that does not have effective controls
over the transactions it enters into on behalf      
of the entity or over the balances of cryptocur-
rency maintained in the entity’s accounts.

2. The entity has a cryptocurrency wallet that has

not been accounted for.

3. The entity loses a private key and therefore can

no longer access the related cryptocurrency.

11 Paragraph A129 of CAS 315.

16 Audit Considerations Related to Cryptocurrency Assets and Transactions

Examples of Assertions
Examples of Condition or Events
to Which a Possible
“What Can Go Wrong”
Misstatement May Relate11


4. An unauthorized party obtains access to the

entity’s private key and steals the entity’s  

5. The entity misrepresents ownership of a

private key and therefore of the related   

6. The entity sends cryptocurrency to an incor-

rect address and the cryptocurrency cannot 
be recovered.

7. The entity enters into and records a crypto-

currency transaction with a related party that
 
cannot be identified because of the anonymity
of parties to blockchain transactions.

8. There are significant delays in processing cryp-

tocurrency transactions at the end of a period.

9. Events or conditions make it difficult to

determine the value at which a cryptocur-

rency should be recorded for financial
reporting purposes.

A: Accuracy, valuation and allocation CO: Cut-off
C: Completeness O: Occurrence
E: Existence R: Rights (ownership)

Note: Assertions related to presentation are not discussed therein. Also, auditors may use asser-
tions other than those referred to in the paper.

What follows this is a description of example conditions or events that

may result in a risk of material misstatement. This is not a complete list.

11 Paragraph A129 of CAS 315.

Audit Considerations Related to Cryptocurrency Assets and Transactions 17

Do you have the appropriate experience needed to audit

material cryptocurrency balances and transactions?

If you are auditing an entity with material cryptocurrency balance(s) or

transactions, have you assessed all of the risks of material misstatements
and related assertions?

Are you comfortable that you will be able to obtain sufficient appropriate
audit evidence through designing and performing appropriate responses
to those risks?

1. The entity chooses to use a cryptocurrency exchange that does not

have effective controls over the transactions it enters into on behalf
of the entity or over the balances of cryptocurrency maintained in the
entity’s accounts.

Related Assertions: there is a possibility that any of the assertions may

be affected.

It is common for an entity to use an online exchange to enter into

cryptocurrency transactions. Also, in some cases, the entity may use
a cryptocurrency wallet hosted by the exchange.

Attributes of the exchange selected may have important implications for

all of the assertions related to cryptocurrency noted above. Considerations
in selecting an online exchange may include the following:
• who owns and operates the exchange, and its reputation (e.g., some
exchanges have allegedly been associated with “pump and dump”
schemes (i.e., pump up the price of an security through false stories
then dump/sell to the new investors) to artificially affect cryptocur-
rency prices).
• the country in which the exchange is located. This may determine,
for example, the laws and other regulations to which the exchange is
subject and could include money laundering regulations that require
the exchange to follow “know your customer” protocols.
• cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies for which the exchange allows
• exchange’s liquidity and trading volume
• controls the exchange has in effect related, for example, to the
security provided over exchange-hosted wallets.
18 Audit Considerations Related to Cryptocurrency Assets and Transactions

• whether the exchange provides a service auditor’s report on the effec-

tiveness of its controls over cryptocurrency transactions and balances
undertaken on behalf of its clients. Currently, appropriate service audi-
tor’s reports on these controls are rare. However, some cryptocurrency
exchanges and auditors are exploring service auditor engagements.
Therefore, it is possible that more service auditor’s reports will become
available in future years.

Internal Control Considerations

• The entity may assign responsibility for selecting the cryptocurrency
to purchase and the exchange to use to knowledgeable personnel
who are aware of the risks involved and how they might be mitigated.
• Senior management may review and, if appropriate, approve the
choices made.
• The entity may decide to use at least two-factor authentication to
access its account. This would somewhat mitigate the risk of unau-
thorized access to the entity’s exchange-hosted wallet.

2. The entity has a cryptocurrency wallet that has not been accounted for.

Related Assertions: Completeness in both recording the cryptocurrency

assets and related transaction(s)

An audited entity may fail to account for one or more of its cryptocurrency
wallets (and the related cryptocurrency that it owns). The entity’s crypto-
currency assets and related transactions will not have been recorded.

This risk of material misstatement regarding completeness of cryptocur-

rency assets and transactions may be difficult to assess. The public keys
and related addresses in a blockchain do not make transparent the identi-
ties of the parties participating in transactions. Further, the entity may
not have a long history of cryptocurrency transactions. As a result, the
auditor may have difficulty obtaining useful information on which to base
their expectation that significant cryptocurrency transactions may not
have been recorded.

If the existence of a wallet not previously accounted for comes to the

attention of the auditor during the course of the audit, there may be indi-
cations its existence was deliberately hidden. This may be indicative of a
fraud risk, including the risk of management override of controls regarding
cryptocurrency wallets.
Audit Considerations Related to Cryptocurrency Assets and Transactions 19

Internal Control Considerations

The failure to identify a wallet owned by the entity may be inadvertent.
An entity can have many wallets, such that controls regarding authoriza-
tion for wallet creation and subsequent tracking of wallets may not have
been operating effectively. The entity may therefore have lost track of one
or more wallets. Establishing clear lines of responsibilities related to wallet
creation and tracking may mitigate such risk.

3. The entity loses a private key and therefore can no longer access
the related cryptocurrency.

Related Assertions: Rights (ownership) of cryptocurrency assets

If the entity loses a private key, or it is corrupted and it cannot be recov-

ered, the entity will no longer be able to access the cryptocurrency linked
to that key and will thus no longer be able to establish its ownership rights.
The cryptocurrency connected to that private key will, however, continue to
exist on the relevant blockchain. Nevertheless, the cryptocurrency linked to
the private key no longer exists as an asset of the entity.

The loss of a private key gives rise to material misstatement if the effect
of the loss is not properly accounted for. However, this risk of material mis-
statement may arise, for example, if those responsible for control over the
private key are not aware of its loss when the financial statements are being
prepared since they have not attempted to enter into any new cryptocur-
rency transactions. As another example, those at fault for losing the entity’s
private key may have a strong incentive to attempt to conceal the loss or
not report it on a timely basis.

Internal Control Considerations

• Controls to reduce the risk of loss of access to a private key:
For example, policies and procedures may be implemented to require
that the private key (and perhaps related public keys and addresses)
be backed up. Backups might be located on separate electronic
devices. Another approach is to use a paper wallet. Private keys and
passwords or passphrases stored on the backup device or paper wallet
might in turn be backed up to help provide reasonable assurance the
entity will not lose its cryptocurrency. In addition, the location of the
backup device or paper wallet should be made known to several appro-
priate persons (i.e., not just known to one person).
20 Audit Considerations Related to Cryptocurrency Assets and Transactions

• Controls to reduce the risk that the loss of a private key will not be
communicated and the resulting loss not recorded:
Policies and procedures implemented by an entity may include estab-
lishing appropriate segregation of duties (i.e., the responsibility for
monitoring cryptocurrency assets from a financial reporting standpoint
is performed by persons not involved in executing the entity’s crypto-
currency transactions). Policies and procedures may also require that
such monitoring be ongoing (e.g., through reviews of the entity’s
wallets or use of a blockchain (block) explorer when available).

4. An unauthorized party obtains access to the entity’s private key

and steals the entity’s cryptocurrency.

Related Assertions: Rights (ownership) of cryptocurrency assets

and Existence of assets for the entity

Matters relevant to the theft of a private key are similar to those

for the loss of a private key noted in Example 3 above.

Internal Control Considerations

Risks of unauthorized access to a hot wallet may be mitigated by use
of two-factor or multi-factor authentication to obtain access to a wallet.
Encryption of wallet contents may add another level of security. Also, the
use of a hot wallet only when entering into cryptocurrency transactions and
using a cold wallet to store the entity’s private key and related information
may mitigate the risk of unauthorized access to the entity’s private key over
the Internet. Further, an entity may decide to have only a small part of its
cryptocurrency accessible from a hot wallet, with most of it cryptocurrency
stored in a cold wallet.

5. The entity misrepresents ownership of a private key and therefore

of the related cryptocurrency.

Related Assertions: Rights (ownership) of the cryptocurrency, occurrence

(i.e., the event or transaction related to establishing ownership did not
occur) and existence of the resulting balance.

Addressing ownership risk is difficult since ownership of a cryptocurrency

is not readily apparent from a blockchain because of the anonymity of the
transacting parties. The possession of a private key is a clear indication,
at a specific point in time, of the ownership of the cryptocurrency that
can be accessed by use of that key. However, ownership of a private key
Audit Considerations Related to Cryptocurrency Assets and Transactions 21

is not always attributable to one entity. There may be circumstances, for

example, when a private key (and ownership of the related cryptocurrency)
is legitimately shared between parties. It may also be difficult to determine
whether the private key (and therefore the related cryptocurrency)
is owned by the entity or owned personally by one or more individuals.

In addition, an auditor may also encounter circumstances indicating an

audited entity is fraudulently representing that it alone controls a private
key and owns the related cryptocurrency. The auditor is required
to maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit, recognizing
the possibility that a material misstatement due to fraud could exist, not-
withstanding the auditor’s past experience of the honesty and integrity
of the entity’s management and those charged with governance.

Internal Control Considerations

The entity’s information system and related controls over creation of its
wallets may provide documentation about the creation of private keys and
their use in conducting the entity’s cryptocurrency transactions. The entity’s
control environment, including policy statements and codes of conduct,
may also be relevant.

6. The entity sends cryptocurrency to an incorrect address and the

cryptocurrency cannot be recovered.

Related Assertion: Rights (ownership) of cryptocurrency assets

Each blockchain has its own process to verify that cryptocurrency trans-
actions are authentic and not duplicated (i.e., their consensus algorithm).
However, a feature common to all blockchains is that once a transaction
is confirmed on the blockchain, it is irreversible. This feature may result
in an entity losing cryptocurrency if it is sent to an incorrect address.

Personnel of the audited entity may enter an incorrect address when

sending cryptocurrency. The receiving party might voluntarily send
the cryptocurrency back to the audited entity in a new transaction but
might also decide not to do so. In that latter case, the cryptocurrency
would be lost.

A misstatement would occur if the loss of the cryptocurrency is not

appropriately recorded. This may occur, for example, when those
responsible for managing the cryptocurrency have a strong incentive
to attempt to conceal the loss or not report it on a timely basis.
22 Audit Considerations Related to Cryptocurrency Assets and Transactions

Internal Control Considerations

• Controls to prevent use of incorrect addresses:
The entity’s policies and procedures could require both a careful
review of each address before sending and the use of a checksum
to help guard against typographical errors when entering an address.
Also, some blockchains have encoded a checksum in each address.
In addition, the entity may consider first sending a very small amount
of cryptocurrency to the intended recipient. The recipient’s address
can therefore be confirmed before sending the larger amount. Use of
a QR code (as opposed to typing the address or copying and pasting
the address) may also help prevent errors.
• Controls to help reduce the risk that the loss of cryptocurrency is
not communicated and recorded:
Examples of controls are the same as those noted under Example 3

7. The entity enters into and records a cryptocurrency transaction with

a related party that cannot be identified because of the anonymity
of parties to blockchain transactions.

Related Assertions: Accuracy (including valuation and allocation) for assets

and completeness for disclosures

The identities of buyers and sellers of cryptocurrency are sometimes

referred to as being pseudonymous rather than anonymous. Information
such as their names cannot be determined from looking at addresses in
blockchain. However, there are links between blockchain addresses and
the identities of participants’ transactions in, for example, the records of
exchanges and brokers used by those parties. It is therefore possible that
a regulator or other party might be able to obtain identities. However, in
most cases, the names of participants in transactions will not be evident.
Therefore, it may not be clear, whether the audited entity is entering
into cryptocurrency transactions with related parties that management
has not identified. As a result, related parties, transactions with related
parties, and resulting balances may not be recorded and disclosed in
accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.

Internal Control Considerations

It is an overall consideration whether the entity’s control environment
and control activities regarding identifying related parties and authorizing
related-party transactions apply to cryptocurrency transactions. These
may include, for example:
Audit Considerations Related to Cryptocurrency Assets and Transactions 23

• policies and procedures for obtaining an appropriate knowledge

of the parties with whom the entity is entering into cryptocurrency
• assigning responsibilities within the entity for identifying, recording,
summarizing, and disclosing related-party transactions, including
cryptocurrency transactions.

8. There are significant delays in processing cryptocurrency transactions

at the end of a period.

Related Assertions: Cut-off

Cryptocurrency blockchains may vary significantly in the speed with which

they process and confirm transactions. Often transactions are processed in
minutes. However, in some cases, a transaction may be delayed for days.
Such delays may occur, for example, when:
• blockchain miners give a low priority to the entity’s transactions if the
fee the sender agrees to pay to miners is significantly lower than that
for other transactions, and the volume of these higher-fee transactions
is large
• there has been a suspension of transactions by the exchange hosting
the entity’s cryptocurrency wallet.

Internal Control Considerations

The entity may implement procedures to monitor cryptocurrency
transactions in the days before and after financial reporting dates to
determine that transactions are recorded in the appropriate period.

9. Events or conditions make it difficult to determine the value at which

a cryptocurrency should be recorded for financial reporting purposes.

Related Assertions: Accuracy (including valuation and allocation)

Financial reporting frameworks such as IFRS Standards do not currently

contain explicit references to cryptocurrencies. CPA Canada’s paper “An
Introduction to the Accounting for Cryptocurrencies” notes that concerns
have been raised that the application of IAS® 38 Intangible Assets and the
measurement of cryptocurrencies at cost are not reflective of economic
substance and do not provide relevant information to users of financial
statements. In some cases, the fair value of cryptocurrencies may be
accounted for or disclosed in financial statements.

Particular matters to consider regarding valuation of cryptocurrency

include the following:
24 Audit Considerations Related to Cryptocurrency Assets and Transactions

• Many cryptocurrencies are volatile, and markets may remain open

24/7. The time at which a reporting entity values the cryptocurrency
may therefore be important. For example, is the valuation at 11:59 p.m.
(time zone) on the last day of the reporting period or at the close of
business on that day? This may represent a significant accounting
policy. Consistency of application of that policy is required.
• As with stocks or commodities, there are “buy” orders and “sell”
orders, often with a significant gap between the respective prices.
At any given time, it may be difficult, to exchange a significant amount
of cryptocurrency for fiat currency at a price the holder considers fair,
within a reasonable time frame.
• Some cryptocurrencies are thinly traded.
• There may be significant variations in the price at which a
cryptocurrency is concurrently being traded on various exchanges.
• The nature and extent to which cryptocurrency markets are regulated
vary widely among jurisdictions. Often there is little regulation
resulting, among other things, in lack of clarity as to how prices are

If there has been a significant volume of recent trades of a cryptocurrency

on exchanges, the trading prices might provide evidence of fair value. If
there have been few or no recent trades, relevant observable inputs might
include prices for buy or sell offers on a peer-to-peer exchange. However,
there may be significant volumes of transactions for which the prices may
not be readily available until a later date. For example, there are exchanges
in which off-chain transactions are recorded temporarily in a private ledger
until such time as the parties want the transaction to be recorded on a
public blockchain. In addition, the entity might decide to use an economic
model to estimate the fair value of a cryptocurrency.

Internal Control Considerations

The entity could implement policies and procedures related to valuations
of cryptocurrency for financial reporting. These policies might require, for
example, that the method of valuation and assumptions be made by com-
petent personnel, and are reviewed and approved by personnel who are
also not responsible for authorizing cryptocurrency transactions.


This paper is aimed at providing auditors with an initial awareness, at a high

level, of various matters relevant to client acceptance and continuance and
assessing risks of material misstatement related to cryptocurrency items in
financial statements. As noted, a key matter for auditors to consider is whether
the engagement team has the capabilities required to appropriately address
the complex IT processes involved. Auditors may also wish to refer to other
sources to explore in more depth the matters noted in this paper in order
to be appropriately prepared to undertake audits involving material amounts
of cryptocurrencies.

Appendix A — Where to
Find More Information

This appendix provides links to additional resources that may be useful:

1. CPA Canada. Technological Disruption of Capital Markets and Reporting?

An Introduction to Blockchain. www.cpacanada.ca/en/

2. CPA Canada. Blockchain Technology and Its Potential Impact on the Audit
& Assurance Profession. www.cpacanada.ca/en/business-and-accounting-

3. CPA Canada. An Introduction to Accounting for Cryptocurrencies.


Appendix B — Glossary
of Terms

CPA Canada’s publication “Technological Disruption of Capital Markets and
Reporting? An Introduction to Blockchain”, page 8 describes “blockchain”
as a shared or “distributed” digital ledger of transactions over a network of
participating computers. Since blockchain technology embeds peer-to-peer
communications among the participating computers, the need for manage-
ment of the network by a central third party such as a financial institution
is eliminated. Computers participating in a blockchain use an automated pro-
cess to validate the format of the transaction record to be included in
the next “block”. Once this “consensus” is reached, the information is
recorded in a block.

Blockchain (block) Explorer

A blockchain (block) explorer is used to obtain information from a blockchain
in a form easily readable by humans (rather than machines). The information
obtained and the format used vary by explorer. Typically, an entity would use
a blockchain explorer to, for example, check address balances, track histories
of coin transfers, determine whether a transaction has been accepted and
confirmed, and obtain statistics on the performance of the blockchain (e.g.,
time taken to confirm transactions).

Blockchain Miner and Mining

A blockchain miner is an entity that engages in blockchain mining. Mining is
the act of adding new transactions to the blockchain by solving algorithmic
problems with computing resources. The transactions include purchases and
28 Audit Considerations Related to Cryptocurrency Assets and Transactions

sales of cryptocurrency and the creation of new cryptocurrency. Miners may

be awarded cryptocurrency fees for the computational effort they expend in
order to support the network.

The Collins English Dictionary defines a cryptocurrency as “a decentralized
digital medium of exchange which is created, regulated and exchanged using
cryptography and (usually) open-source software”. Descriptions of cryptocur-
rency sometimes emphasize its differences from fiat currency. For example,
pwc. IFRS news: Cracking the cryptocurrency code; or what is a ‘bitcoin’ any-
way? March 2017 states that “cryptocurrency represents a method of exchange
that does not physically exist but rather exists digitally. Cryptocurrencies are
not linked to any physical currency, nor are they backed by any government,
central bank, legal entity, underlying asset or commodity.”

Cryptocurrency Broker
A type of cryptocurrency exchange where cryptocurrencies can be purchased
at a price set by the broker operating the exchange.

Cryptocurrency Exchange
An online platform that provides a digital marketplace for buying and selling
cryptocurrencies and in some cases, for exchanging cryptocurrencies for fiat

Cryptocurrency Wallet
A cryptocurrency wallet is a software program used to:
• store the entity’s private and public encryption keys used for
cryptocurrency transactions
• interact with one or more blockchains to send and receive cryptocurrency
• show the entity’s balance in each cryptocurrency that results from the
various transactions.

Digital Signature
The entity sending the cryptocurrency to the purchasing entity signs the
transaction using a digital signature. The digital signature establishes that the
sender has the private key to which its public key is linked, but without reveal-
ing that private key. The sender’s private key establishes its ownership of the
cryptocurrency being sent (subject to verification by blockchain miners).
T. 416 977.3222 F. 416 977.8585

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