A Dictionary of Canon Law by Trudel, P 1919
A Dictionary of Canon Law by Trudel, P 1919
A Dictionary of Canon Law by Trudel, P 1919
Sti. Ludovici, die 14. Oct. 1919
F. G. Holweck,
Censor Librorum
Sti. Ludovici, die 20. Oct. 1919
^Joannes J. Glennon,
by Sti. Ludovici
Copyright, 1919
Jose Gum
ph mer
All Rights Reserved
Printed in U. S. A.
fessed religious (647, 2). All who have been sick for
a month may receive Holy Communion twice a week
after taking medicine or liquid food (858, 2).
324. Mass pro Populo. The Bishop must say Mass for
the people on all Sundays and holy-days, even on the
holy-days that have been suppressed (339, 1). A
pastor must say Mass for his people the same as the
Bishop; a quasi-pastor, a Vicar and a Prefect Apos
tolic must say Mass for the people at least on Christ
mas, Epiphany, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Corpus
375. Oils, Holy. The holy oils are blessed by the Bishop
on Holy Thursday. They must be renewed every
year. A small quantity of olive oil may be added to
(463, 2). He must care for the poor gratis (463, 4).
He is the pastor of all souls in his territory not
exempted by the Pope or the Bishop (464).
Mandate 306
Manifestation of Con Name 345
science 307 Negligence 346
Marriage 308 Non-Catholics 347
Consent 309 Notary 348
Contract, Form of 310 Novitiate 349
Effects of 311 begins 350
Mixed 312 compensation for 351
of Conscience 313 confessor of 352
Preparation for 314 disposal of property
Second 315 during 353
Time and Place of 316 dowry 354
Validated by Sanatio in end of 355
Radice 317 essentials 356
Validation of 318 house of 357
with non-baptized 319 interruption of 358
Mary 320 investiture, profession . 359
Masons 321 life in 360
Mass, Celebration of 322 master of 361
Hearing of 323 privileges of 362
pro Populo 324 retreats in 363
Master of Novices 325 testimonials for 364
Spiritual 326 Nullity of marriage 365
Medicine 327 of religious profession. . 366
Meditation 328 Nun 367
Metropolitan 329 Nuptial Blessing 368
Midwives 330
Military Service 331
Minister 332 Oath 369
Missions 333 Obedience of Clergy 370
Mixed Religion 334 Ocean 371
Modernism 335 Offences 372
Monition 336 Office, Divine 373
Monk 337 Office, Ecclesiastical 374
Month 338 Oils, Holy 375
Oratory 376 Lenten Sermons 416
Orders 377 Missions 417
Ordinary 378 on Sundays 418
Ordination 379 Precedence 419
qualifications for 380 rules of 420
requisites for 381 Precepts 421
Organ 382 Prefects Apostolic 422
Orientals 383 Prelate Nullius 423
Orphanages 384 Prescription 424
Priest 425
Primary Unions 426
Pallium 385 Primates 427
Palls 386 Privileges 428
Parents 387 of Bishops 429
Parishes 388 of Cardinals 430
Pastors, appointments of. 389 of Clerics 431
consultors 390 of Religious 432
jurisdiction of 391 Processions, Sacred 433
obligations of 392 Procurator 434
punishment of 393 Profession of Faith 435
religious 394 Religious 436
rights of 395
Patriarch 396 Religious,
of Consequences' 437
Patronage, right of 397 Prohibition of Books .... 438
Pauline Privilege 398 Promulgation of Law . . . 439
Payment to ex-religious . . 399 Propaganda, Sacred Con
Penalties 400 gregation of 440
corrective 401 Property 441
punitive 402 Protector, Cardinal 442
remedial 403 Protestants 443
Penance, Sacrament of ... 404 Province, Ecclesiastical . . . 444
Penitentiary, The Sacred. 405 Religious 445
Pensions 406 Provocation 446
Personal Laws 407 Proxy 447
Persons 408 Puberty 448
Philosophy 409 Publication 449
Places, Sacred 410 of Banns 450
Pontiff, Roman 411 Publishers 451
Postulants 412 Pyx 452
Power 413
Preaching 414 Quasi-domicile 453
authorization for 415 Quasi-pastors 454
Rape 455 Visitation of 491
Reason, Use of 456 Removal of Pastors, rea
Recall 457 sons for . . . . . 492
Reception of Novices 458 Renewal of Vows 493
of Sodalists 459 Renunciation of Goods . . . 494
Reconciliation 460 Reports of Bishops 495
Records 461 of Religious Superiors . . 496
Recourse to Holy See.... 462 Reprimand, Judicial 497
Rectors of Churches 463 Rescripts 498
Rectors of Colleges 464 Reservation 499
Reduction of Clerics to Residence, Law of 500
lay state 465 Resignation of Office 501
Relationship, spiritual . . . 466 Respect due to Ordinary. . 502
Relics 467 Retreat 503
Religious and Ecclesiasti Revalidation of Marriage. 504
cal Dignities 468 Revenues of Benefice 505
Religious, Confessors of . . 469 Revocation 506
debts of 470 Rights 507
foundation of societies Ring 508
of 471 Rite 509
funerals of 472 Roman Curia 510
Goods, administration of 473 Rosaries 51 1
ing sale and borrow- Rota 512
Goods, . 474 Rubrics 513
Last Sacraments to .... 475
Letters of 476 Sacramentals 514
Mendicants 477 Sacraments 515
Obligations of 478 Sacred Congregation of
Privileges of 479 the 516
Procurator 480 Sacrifice of the Mass 517
Pastors 481 Saints 518
Sacred Congregation of. 482 Salary, Forfeiture of 519
State 483 Saloon 520
Superiors 484 Sanatio in Radice 521
Superiors, accounts to Schools, Catholic 522
be rendered by 485 ^Scripture, Sacred 523
Superiors, age of 486 'Seal of Confession 524
duties of 487 Second Marriages 5j25
election of 488 Secretariate of Briefs 526
term of 489 of State 527
Suppression of societies Secularization 528
of ... 490 Seminary 529
Separation 530 Titles of Ordination 569
Shows 531 Titular Bishops 570
Signatura Apostolica 532 Tonsure 571
Simony 533 Transaction 572
Sisters 534 Transition 573
Societies, Condemned 535 Trials 574
Societies of Religious Men
or Women 536 Unbaptized 575
Sodalities 537 Unction, Extreme 576
Solicitation 538 Union, Pious 577
Sponsors 539 University 573
Sterility 540 Use of Reason 579
Stipends 541 Utensils, Sacred 580
Stole-Fees 542
Studies, House of 543 Vacancy 531
Priestly 544 Vacation 582
Subdelegation 545 Vagrants 533
Suicide 546 Validation of Marriage... 584
Superior, Regular 547 Validity of Sacraments... 585
Superiors, Major 548 Venerable 586
Minor 549 Viaticum 537
Superiors of Colleges .... 550 Vicar Apostolic 588
Supplied Jurisdiction .... 551 Vicar General 589
Suppression 552 Violation of Cemetery 590
Suspension 553 Violence 591
Suspicion of Heresy 554 Visit ad Limina 592
Synod 555 Visitation of Diocese .... 593
of Religious 594
Tabernacle 556 Vocations 595
Taxes 557 Voice, Active and Passive. 596
Teaching Authority of the Voluntary Jurisdiction . . 597
Church 558 Vow 598
Territorial Laws 559 Vows of Religious 599
Territory 560
Testimonials 561 Week 600
Theatres 562 Witness 601
Theologians at Councils . . 563 Womb 602
Third Orders Secular 564 Women 603
Throne 565 Worship, Divine 604
Time 566 Writing 605
Titles, Academic 567
of Churches . . 568 Year 606
Trudel, P.
A dictionary of canon law.