Norwegian Vocabulary List v2

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Norwegian Phrase Translation Explanation

Å ta for gitt To take for granted Not appreciating something because it's assumed to always be available.
Balsam for sjelen Balm for the soul Something very soothing or comforting, providing emotional or spiritual relief.
Toppen av lykke The pinnacle of happiness The highest level of happiness or joy one can experience.
Oppskrytt Overrated Something given more praise or importance than it actually deserves.
Sist, men ikke minst Last but not least Used to emphasize that the last item is equally important as the previous ones.
Å ha høy grad av noe To have a high degree of something To possess a significant amount or level of something.
Å være klar over To be aware of To have knowledge or realization of something.
Går an å Can be done Indicates that something is possible or feasible.
Jo...desto The more...the more Used to express that increasing one thing leads to an increase in another.
Sjenerøsitet Generosity The quality of being kind and generous.
Raushet Generosity/Benevolence The quality of being generous, especially more than usual or expected.
Å havne på første plass To end up in first place To achieve the top position in a competition or ranking.
Et kriterium A criterion A principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided.
Sosial omsorg Social care Services and support provided to help people with physical or social needs.
Folkeslag Ethnic groups/Peoples Different groups of people distinguished by cultural or national characteristics.
Kommentarfeltene The comment sections Areas on websites where users can leave comments and engage in discussions.
Skravlig Chatty Someone who talks a lot, often about trivial matters.
Bedehus-by Prayer house town A small town with a focus on religious activities, often with many prayer houses.
Slående Striking Very noticeable or impressive.
Å benytte seg av To make use of To take advantage of or use something effectively.
Ordninger Arrangements Plans or preparations for something to be done; systems put in place.
Omgivelser Surroundings/Environment The physical or social setting around someone or something.
Godt av å... Beneficial to... Something that is good or advantageous for someone.
Få lønna å strekke til Make the salary last Managing finances so that the salary covers all necessary expenses.
Forutsetning Prerequisite/Condition Something that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen.
I ny og ne Now and then Occasionally or sometimes.
Svever over Hover over To remain in an uncertain or unresolved state.
Å anstrenge seg selv To exert oneself To make a strenuous effort.
Å yte sitt beste To do one's best To perform to the best of one's ability.
En utholdenhet An endurance The ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort.
Veivisere Guides People or things that show the way.
Å ta beslutninger To make decisions The process of making choices or reaching conclusions.
Framgangsrik Successful Achieving desired aims or results.
Allvitende All-knowing Knowing everything.
Til enhver tid At all times Always; continuously.
Å ordne opp To sort things out To resolve or fix problems.
Stikk motsatt av The exact opposite of Completely different from something.
Frie tøyler Free reins Freedom to act without restrictions.
Oppkalt etter Named after Given the name of someone or something else.
Stiller for høye krav Set too high demands Expecting too much or setting unrealistic standards.
Å stille opp To show up To participate or be present.
En oppvekst A childhood The period of growing up or being raised.
Skyss Transport A ride or means of transportation.
Oppturer og nedturer Ups and downs Periods of success and failure.
Rett og slett Simply Plainly; without complication.
En tankegang A mindset A particular way of thinking.
Å hevde seg To assert oneself To confidently state one's opinions or defend one's rights.
Å utpekke seg To stand out To be noticeable or distinctive.
Å kringkaste To broadcast To transmit information or programs to the public.
Overbelastet Overloaded Having too much to deal with.
Å ta til tårene To burst into tears To start crying suddenly.
Kviser Pimples Small raised spots on the skin, often related to acne.
Allminnelig Common Ordinary or usual.
Avhengighetsskapende Addictive Causing someone to become dependent on something.
En holdningsendring A change in attitude A shift in the way someone thinks or feels about something.

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