Housing Transitions Through The Life Course: Aspirations, Needs and Policy
Housing Transitions Through The Life Course: Aspirations, Needs and Policy
Housing Transitions Through The Life Course: Aspirations, Needs and Policy
The rights of Andrew Beer and Debbie Faulkner to be identified as authors of this work have
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published in this publication.
two Housing over the life course: housing histories, careers, pathways
and€transitions 15
nine Conclusion: negotiating the housing market over the next decades 155
References 169
Index 193
List of figures and tables
1.1 Processes contributing to change in 21st-century housing careers 11
2.1 Changed life histories and changing housing careers 19
2.2 The housing career ‘ladder’ 21
2.3 The board game of snakes and ladders 22
2.4 The housing decision framework 32
2.5 The capacity to express choice within housing over time 34
2.6 Housing decision making over time, the variable influence of lifecycle, 35
labour€market, wellbeing, tenure, and lifestyle aspirations
2.7 Housing outcomes through the life course 36
3.1 House building: permanent dwellings completed, by tenure, England 41
3.2 UK dwelling stock, by tenure, 1951–2007 41
3.3 UK house price change, 1992–2010 46
3.4 US occupied housing units, by tenure, 1900–2008 49
3.5 Sub-prime mortgages as a percentage of all US mortgages, 1998–2008 52
4.1 Reasons for leaving the family home by age 64
4.2 Age at which entered home purchase, all respondents 70
4.3 Percentage of the population to have entered home purchase, by cohort, 71
at€age 30, 34 and 44
5.1 Mid-life households and the use of money from refinanced loans 86
6.1 Ownership of property other than the principal dwelling 103
7.1 Conceptualising disability and its impact on housing careers 114
7.2 Indicative housing career for a person with mobility impairment 116
acquired€through injury
7.3 Indicative housing career for a person with mobility impairment 117
7.4 Indicative housing career for a person with a developmental disability 118
7.5 Indicative housing career for a person with a psychiatric disability 119
7.6 Indicative housing career for a person with a sensory impairment 119
7.7 Housing affordability for tenants aged less than 65 years, by presence 122
of a disability
7.8 Housing affordability for home purchasers aged less than 65 years, 123
by presence of a disability
7.9 Number of times moved, by presence of a disability, all households, 124
8.1 Decade of arrival in Australia of persons born overseas 149
8.2 Household type, by selected birthplace groups 150
8.3 Decade of arrival in Australia of immigrants from mainly 151
English-speaking countries, by tenure
List of figures and tables
3.1 UK dwelling stock by tenure 45
5.1 Census and projected age-specific homeownership rates, Australia 87
5.2 Selected economic and housing characteristics of selected household 89
types,€Australia, 2005–06
6.1 Community and flexible care programmes: services provided, and clients 109
aged€65 years and over receiving programmes, 2007–08
8.1 UK households, by tenure 145
8.2 Tenure by ethnicity of household reference person (HRP), England 146
Notes about the authors
Chris Paris was Professor of Housing Studies at the University of Ulster from
1992 to 2008. He has held visiting professorships at the RMIT and Hong
Kong Universities and visiting fellowships in many other universities including
Cambridge and Oxford in the UK, and the ANU, La Trobe, Flinders and QUT
in Australia. His current research includes multiple home ownership in affluent
societies and the housing needs of older people.
The support, assistance and encouragement of many people made possible the
writing of this book. Many of our colleagues at Flinders University – Michael
Kroehn, Emma Baker, Selina Tually, Louise O’Loughlin, Kate Deller-Evans and
Cecile Cutler – helped us undertake the research presented in this publication
and turn it into a finished monograph. Thanks also are due to other colleagues
including Michelle Gabriel, Maryann Wulff, Gabriel Gwyther, Joe Flood, John
Minnery, Robin Zakharov and Lise Saugeres. Much of the research that underpins
this book was made possible through the the financial assistance of the Australian
Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) Ltd and the Australian Research
Council’s Linkage Program (LP 0776660). Several staff within AHURI made
important contributions to this research with thanks going to Ian Winter,Andrew
Hollows, Sonia Whitely, Simone Finch and Grania Sheehan.AHURI provided the
financial resources necessary to undertake the large scale survey analysed in this
monograph. Acknowledgement is also due to Flinders University for facilitating
the study leave that made the writing of this manuscript possible.
Finally we need to thank all the people who gave freely of their time to
participate in the Housing 21 Survey.
Housing and housing markets across the developed world have been in a state of
considerable flux since 2005 when the ideas for this book first began to take shape.
In many parts of the developed world it was a time of economic growth, financial
stability, booming housing markets and policy reformation, but that environment
has both changed and become more fragmented over the past five years. These
external shocks have inevitably influenced the development of this book.
In common with much contemporary social science, Housing Transitions has
its origins in research undertaken for the public sector, albeit a public sector
attracted to, and intrigued by, the long-running academic literature on ‘housing
careers’. Through discussions with the Australian Housing and Urban Research
Institute (AHURI), Australian government housing bodies began to ask, ‘how
are housing careers changing in the 21st century, and what are the implications
for the forms of government assistance that will be needed now and into the
future?’ In particular, government bodies in Australia were concerned about
three questions of policy relevance. First, over the coming decades what will
be the impact of the ageing of the ‘baby boom’ cohort in terms of housing and
the demand for housing assistance? Second, is the apparent decline in entry into
homeownership amongst 25- to 34-year-olds robust, and what are the implications
of this for the demand for housing assistance in the long term? Third, what forms
of government housing assistance will be necessary and appropriate in the 21st
century given changes in household structure, labour markets and philosophical
shifts in attitudes to government intervention?
One of the public sector drivers for establishing research into 21st century housing
careers was recognition that the ageing baby boomer cohort had the potential to
challenge the future stability of the housing system. There was a perception that
the decisions this generation took upon leaving paid work, and potentially seeking
new housing in retirement, carried risks for society, governments and individuals.
Older people make substantial use of public assistance, including in the housing
sector, and the rapid escalation in the population aged over 60 could lead to an
exponential growth in demand for housing support. Moreover, the ‘leading edge’
of the baby boom those – aged 55 to 60 – was seen to be a significant indicator of
trends and developments likely to take place over the next two to three decades.
The second major challenge exercising the minds of public sector policy
makers was the apparent decline in the number of younger Australians entering
homeownership. Australia has been a nation of homeowners since 1945,
recording one of the earliest increases in the owner occupation rate amongst the
developed economies. The owner occupation rate has, however, been relatively
static since 1966, moving in a narrow band of around two-thirds of households
in homeownership. Australia’s rate of homeownership has been surpassed by
a number of other nations including Ireland, Spain and the United Kingdom
(UK) (Badcock and Beer, 2000). More importantly, the economist Judy Yates
has documented that since the mid 1990s (Yates, 1996) younger generations
have become less likely to enter homeownership than either their parents’ or
grandparents’ generation. More recent work by Flood and Baker (2010) has
confirmed this trend and highlighted the ongoing difficulties younger Australians
face in seeking to enter home purchase. Australian governments have been
concerned about this trend because homeownership has been an important
pillar of the nation’s welfare state, with Castles (1998) arguing that promotion of
homeownership, rather than the development of a more comprehensive welfare
state, was the ‘Really Big Tradeoff ’ implicit within Australian social democracy.
High rates of homeownership amongst the aged have reduced the cost of income
security to Australian governments (Yates and Bradbury, 2010) and enabled a
range of other social policy innovations. It is important to acknowledge that
similar systems of asset-based welfare apply in many European and Asian nations
(Doling and Ronald, 2010).
Ongoing change in the philosophies of assistance connected with housing was
a third major imperative for research into housing careers in the 21st century.
Australia has a 60-year history of substantial direct government intervention in
the housing market, most notably in the form of public sector provision for low
income households (Neutze, 1978). But over recent decades housing assistance
has become much more tightly targeted to the very poor within society, partly
as a result of a broader shift to neoliberal philosophies of government (Beer and
Paris, 2005; Larner, 2005; Dodson, 2007). Other shifts within society have also
driven change in the interactions between individuals and housing assistance,
namely change in household composition (with the increased presence of
households who do not conform to conventional ‘family’ models), the ageing of
the population and shifts in the labour market. In addition, high levels of migration
have also called into question conventional forms of policy action. Finally, it is
important to acknowledge that the ‘mainstreaming’ of services to particularly
disadvantaged groups, such as persons with a disability and family members with
care responsibilities, has created new challenges for government housing providers
and policy makers. Fresh solutions are needed for these evolving dilemmas.
The origins of this work lie in research undertaken in Australia, but the themes,
issues and concerns are common across the developed world, and especially for
English-speaking nations. The ageing of the baby boom generation has affected
many nations, as has the rise in homeownership rates and shifts in government
philosophies. It is important to acknowledge that under Epsing-Anderson’s (1990)
schema of ‘welfare capitalism’Australia is grouped with the United States (US) and
New Zealand as a ‘neoliberal’ nation, but it has much in common with the UK
and some other European nations. Importantly, the rising tide of global affluence
in developed economies has had comparable impacts on housing markets across
nations and has fundamentally reshaped attitudes to, and expectations of, housing.
There are, therefore, strong commonalities across nations in their attitudes to the
use and consumption of housing across the life course. It is, however, important
to acknowledge the differences. In Australia, for instance, the small but significant
Housing transitions through the life course
Housing transitions through the life course
noted that mobility and other studies within this research tradition have tended
to place a greater emphasis on the processes of change, while largely ignoring the
periods of stability between housing shifts. For Clark et al (2003) it is important
to think of housing over the life course as a sequence, with periods of stability
interspersed by often significant change.
Understanding how the sequence of housing plays out in the life course
of individuals and households presents significant technical and conceptual
challenges. Technically, it is difficult to find aggregate measures or indicators of
significant housing careers. Kendig (1979) presented an idealised housing career
for young households in Australia, while Farmer and Barrell (1981) sketched out
a comparable scenario for public housing tenants in Scotland. From their analysis
of housing markets in the US Clarke et al (2003) identified a limited number
of frequently observed housing sequences, though noted there is considerable
variation in housing trajectories across the population. To a degree, time acts
independently of other processes and adds to the complexity evident in housing
over the life course. It does so with respect to the period in which events may
take place, the variable duration or timing of changes, and with respect to the
maturation of the household.These are critical factors as each shapes the housing
transitions of individuals and those of the population as a whole. Events that
happen at a specific time or period may affect a whole cohort of households, as
evidenced by the rise in the number of foreclosures in the US associated with the
sub-prime crisis.This event will have a generational impact that will permanently
mark the housing careers of those affected. By contrast, the maturation of the
household is largely independent of external processes and reflects an internal
demography that potentially includes the arrival and departure of children, the
ageing of the residents, and the eventual dissolution of the household.
Conceptually, it is important to avoid a monochromatic view of housing
market processes and recognise that an individual’s experience of housing over
a life course will be affected by location (Clarke, et al, 2003), but also by race,
socioeconomic status, wealth and position within the labour market. For many
households in advanced economies, occupying or consuming housing is an end
in itself (Allon, 2008): the quality, quantity and nature of housing occupied is seen
to make a statement about the individual’s position within society and provide a
source of psychological security or comfort (Clapham, 2005a). In any discussion
of housing there is, perhaps inevitably, a tension between housing’s role in meeting
a basic human need and its status as a ‘want’ – a commodity embedded with
social, personal and economic meanings that can serve to encourage increased
consumption regardless of real needs. Our understanding of housing over the
life course has to acknowledge that housing performs different roles for different
groups within society and may serve different roles over the life course of
individuals and households. Housing is central to both human ‘wants’ and ‘needs’
and for many middle class and affluent households the sequence of homes they
occupy reflects their social, economic and other aspirations. For many poorer
households, housing is an essential need. For these individuals, movement through
Housing markets and policy in the€21st€century
Housing transitions through the life course
Housing markets and policy in the€21st€century
Housing transitions through the life course
Housing markets and policy in the€21st€century
Australians have an average life expectancy some 15 years less than that of non-
Indigenous Australians and while their housing is not the sole cause of this gap,
it is an important part of the suite of social conditions leading to disadvantage.
Similar observations about impermanent housing could be made for ‘travellers’
in Ireland (Helleiner, 2000), low-income tenants in the US and marginalised
immigrant groups in Europe.
The role governments play now, and into the future, raises significant questions
for our understanding of housing over the life course. In all advanced economies
the public sector plays an important role in regulating housing markets, creating an
economic framework that guides investment in housing, and, in many instances,
intervening directly to meet the housing needs of some groups within society.
Governments, and government policies, are a pivotal influence – and often the
central focus – of lifetime housing outcomes. Over the last two decades, there
have been substantial shifts by governments in how they seek to achieve their
social and economic objectives in housing and related fields.A key trend has been
the rise of approaches to the development and delivery of government policies
and services that are perceived to be derived from neoliberal philosophies of
government (Dodson, 2007; O’Neil and Argent, 2007). Importantly, policies that
are identifiable as neoliberal are not standardised across nations, or indeed regions
within nations, but instead reflect a tendency towards a market orientation. Jessop
(1990; 1997; 2002) has identified a number of tendencies within contemporary
approaches to government that capture much of what is understood to be the
significant developments in how governments engage with the economy and
From the perspective of housing policy and lifetime housing outcomes one of
the key governmental transformations over the past 30 to 40 years has been the
subordination of social policy to economic policy (Jessop, 2002). This trend was
especially evident as neoliberalism first emerged (Peck and Tickell, 2002) and
involved promoting policies predicated on the notion that the primary problems in
housing were economic, in particular market and policy failure, with government
intervention said to distort market signals to individuals and to businesses. As
neoliberalism evolved it became increasingly clear how untenable aspects of this
approach were and that not all social problems could be solved by ‘fast tracking’
economic growth or participation in the labour market. Governments in advanced
economies adopted neoliberalist housing policies in varying degrees: with the
UK government promoting the sale of social (council) housing from the late
1970s through to the late 1990s; the New Zealand government de-regulating
their financial markets and selling off public housing; and the Netherlands – a
nation with a strong tradition of social policy support – changing the relationship
between the state and social housing providers in the 1990s (Dieleman, 1994).
In many ways, the shifts in government philosophies of assistance directly
impinged upon the lifetime housing careers of individuals and households,
especially those on low incomes or otherwise vulnerable. In a number of nations,
such as Australia, New Zealand and the US, government-provided housing support
Housing transitions through the life course
Housing markets and policy in the€21st€century
Housing transitions through the life course
disappear. Some individuals will remain long term in social housing, but they will
be the tenants of non-government housing providers, such as registered social
landlords in the UK and non-government organisations in Australia. Second, the
emphasis placed within Third Way philosophies on educational attainment and
engagement within the labour market will reinforce the determinant role played
by position within the labour market in shaping lifetime housing outcomes.
Upwardly mobile households from low socioeconomic status backgrounds
will have access to more and better quality housing, but those in poorly paid
positions will have constrained opportunities and limited prospect of government
intervention to improve their circumstances.The emphasis given by the Third Way
(Powell, 2000) to the opportunity to participate in society, rather than equality
of outcome, effectively rules out many of the redistributive programs previously
enacted.Third, the focus on personal responsibility as part of an implicit contract
between the citizen and society empowers a managerialist approach to housing
that can fundamentally transform housing outcomes for those in social housing.
Key features include a greater use within the social housing sector of punitive
measures, such as eviction and the regulation of behaviour, as well as the application
of tenant incentive schemes (Jacobs, 2008).
Contemporary public policies affecting the lifetime housing outcomes of
individuals and households display a number of characteristics that are consistent
with both the neoliberal interpretations of government action and the Third
Way perspective. What we can conclude definitively, however, is that while the
nature of government involvement has changed in appearance, the magnitude
of that influence has not. As Jessop (1997) observed, the state has retained its
influence through its ability to set the context for social and economic change.
It is increasingly strategic in the nature and direction of its involvements, with
priority given to those areas of social and economic policy privileged by the
Third Way perspective: social inclusion, labour market engagement, educational
attainment, and discipline in public finance. At the same time there has been a
shift in the preferred model of intervention away from direct intervention to
one in which governments enunciate the regulatory and policy frameworks for
others. In short, the public sector increasingly seeks to ‘steer’ not ‘row’, or it sets
out to direct rather than implement. How the Third Way has intersected with the
outcomes of the global financial crisis evident from 2007 will be considered in
Chapter Three, but it is important to acknowledge that the depth and nature of
government intervention owes much to this institutional framework and to the
philosophical convergence among national leaders it has helped create.
Importantly, housing per se is not central to the Third Way agendas of
government, except in the case of particular groups who are perceived to be
socially excluded because of their housing, or lack of housing. A characteristic
of Third Way governments is a preoccupation with – often narrowly defined –
homelessness (Commonwealth of Australia, 2008a) and the accommodation of
groups whose needs cannot be met through the combination of the labour and
housing markets. This includes persons with a long-term disability. The lifetime
Housing markets and policy in the€21st€century
Housing transitions through the life course
Housing markets and policy in the€21st€century
Housing transitions through the life course
Large-scale surveys or data sets are one of the ways researchers have traditionally
sought to understand the relationship between the life course and housing.While
not consistent with a social constructionist perspective, the attraction of quantified
outcomes cannot be denied.Throughout this book we will make use of the results
of our own large-scale survey, The Housing 21 Survey, to shed light on the key
issues and conceptual challenges confronting our understanding of housing over
the life course. The Housing 21 Survey is very much a product of Australian
conditions and circumstances, but we would argue that there are substantial
similarities between housing conditions in Australia and those evident in the UK,
the US, New Zealand, Canada, France, Germany, and other developed economies.
In a global economy ruled by free markets and consumption, differences between
nations are often a matter of degrees not substance.
The Housing 21 Survey was developed through 2006 and sought to investigate
the relative importance of the potential drivers of lifetime housing. The survey
was undertaken using a computer-aided telephone interviewing (CATI) method
with 2,600 interviews undertaken across all Australian states and territories. Data
collection commenced in October 2007 and ended in January 2008 and there
was a 38 per cent response rate. The full details of the methods employed are
provided in Beer and Faulkner (2009).
Change in the way individuals and households live in, use and consume housing
over the course of their lives has been, and remains, a dynamic field of housing
research.While Kemeny (1992) and others (Clapham, 2005a; O’Neil, 2008) have
decried the failure of housing studies to engage with contemporary sociological
theory, researchers from across the globe have quietly amassed a significant body
of work that sheds light on the changing relationship between households and the
dwellings in which they live over their life course (see, for example, Abramson,
2008; Gram-Hanssen and Bech-Danielsen, 2008; Mandic, 2008).This chapter sets
out to review this body of published work and begins with a discussion of the role
of risk within contemporary society before moving on to examine debates around
housing careers, housing histories, housing biographies and housing pathways.
The chapter concludes that there is a need to recast our thinking around this
issue and that in the 21st century it is now more appropriate to consider the way
individuals move through the housing stock as a set of transitions that embraces
both permanent and temporary relocation and the simultaneous occupancy of
multiple dwellings. There is also a need to consider the adverse, as well as the
positive, outcomes that result from participation in the housing market, explicitly
recognising that for many individuals their experience of housing over their life
course is not an upward ‘ladder’ of increasing opportunity and consumption.
Housing transitions through the life course
weakening of some social institutions and traditional roles, and new forms of paid
work, including the contracting out of work previously performed by employees.
There are links also with contemporary debates around neoliberalism (Peck,
2001; Larner, 2005).
There are many dimensions to ‘risk society’ theory but only a few will be
considered here. The concept of individualisation is important because it
suggests that both life course and housing careers will come to encompass a
greater range of outcomes as the differences between individuals become more
pronounced. Importantly, as Beck (2000) noted, the rise of a risk society gives
individuals the opportunity to ‘script their own lives’. For some individuals a
post-industrial society offers greater choice with respect to lifestyle and living
arrangements, as well as enhanced opportunities to accumulate wealth. Others are
left exposed within a relatively insecure labour market, where social institutions
and government- and community-provided supports are less comprehensive than
in the past. Social theorists such as Beck and Giddens have also introduced the
concept of ‘manufactured uncertainty’: that is, recognition that the critical risks
faced in the contemporary world are those generated through human action, rather
than as a consequence of the natural environment. Importantly, the ‘risk society’
identified by Beck and others should not be seen as a temporary phenomenon
in place until the certainties of the past have been regained. Indeed:
…the specificity of the risk regime is that it firmly rules out, beyond
a transition period, any eventual recovery of the old certainties of
standardised work, standard life histories, and an old-style welfare
state, national economic and labour policies. Rather, the concept of a
risk regime refers to a key principle of the second modernity, whose
‘logic’ leads to new forms and images of economy and work, society
and politics. (Beck, 2000, p 70)
The impact of a risk society on contemporary housing is evident in many ways.
Increasingly, household formation, and the housing consumption decisions of
existing households, is shaped by a greater level of uncertainty. Previously young
men and women could anticipate finding work, leaving the family home, marrying
in their early 20s and raising children in the security of long-term employment
(Neutze and Kendig, 1991; Badcock and Beer, 2000). By contrast, young adults
in developed economies today tend to delay entry into the labour force as they
complete higher education. In addition, there has been a rescripting of relationships
with many now partnering later in life and/or establishing a second, third or fourth
long-term relationship over their life course. In addition, in the contemporary
era long-term relationships may or may not involve marriage; and entry into
homeownership may be delayed – or cancelled altogether – because of an insecure
relationship, the high cost of housing, or as a consequence of part-time, casual or
contract employment. As a number of authors have noted (Williams 1984; Paris
1992), across a range of advanced economies the period from the late 1940s to the
mid 1970s was marked by a strong and causal relationship between the growth of
Housing over the life course: housing histories, careers, pathways and transitions
• greater mobility within the housing stock with people shifting tenure and
location more frequently than in the past;
• entry into homeownership occurring later in life;
• an increasing prevalence of owning a second home during the later adult years,
either as an investment property, a holiday home or both;
• an increasing impact associated with inheritance, and especially housing
inheritance, as current generations inherit from those born in the 1920s, 1930s
and 1940s;
• a reduced propensity to enter aged care housing in the later years of life and a
greater likelihood of ageing in place;
• greater diversity in housing outcomes as a consequence of the widening of the
income distribution, as a result of social change and as an outcome of greater
diversity in the ethnic and cultural constitution of many developed economies.
Economic change and the restructuring of labour markets have had a profound
impact on the life course of both individuals and households. Work and labour
markets influence the ability of households to purchase different kinds of housing
services; affect investors’ propensities to buy/let/sell housing in relation to other
investment opportunities and shape differences between households’ capacities.
Key issues have included the shift away from ‘Fordist’ large-scale production
with big factories and long production runs, to ‘Post-Fordist’ production units,
Housing transitions through the life course
Housing over the life course: housing histories, careers, pathways and transitions
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Post-industrial society
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
1987).This body of research noted that there is a strong correlation between stage
in the life cycle and the type of housing an individual occupies. Households, it
was argued, progress through the housing market in response to their changing
demographics, economic and social circumstances. Households were seen to ascend
simultaneously three discrete but related ladders: an employment career; a life
stage progression (implicitly raising children); and a housing career. The pattern
of housing consumption was also seen to reflect local housing market conditions
as the specific circumstances in any place – such as the cost of housing, the type
of stock available and tenure structure – influenced outcomes. Importantly, this
Housing transitions through the life course
body of work recognised that housing careers or housing histories reflected the
balance of constraints and opportunities that directed households into particular
situations within the housing system.
Housing careers
Conventionally, the concept of a housing career has been used to explain the
strong correlation between the type of dwelling a household occupied and its
stage in the life cycle. Through the 1980s the concept of a housing career was
associated with the owner occupied sector (Thorns, 1981; Forrest and Kemeny,
1983; Kendig, 1984; 1990a; Myers, 1999) and for many writers ‘homeownership
was the peak, the apogee of the housing career’ (Clark et al, 2003). Socially and
economically aspiring households were considered to possess a housing career that
paralleled their career within the work place (Saunders, 1990). A series of moves
into progressively more expensive housing generally accompanied occupational
success. Dwellings were seen to be exchanged either to improve the level of
housing amenity enjoyed by the household, increase opportunities for capital
gains through housing, or as a consequence of the movement to a new housing
market as a result of a job transfer. Thorns (1981) considered the latter to be a
significant influence within the housing market in Christchurch, New Zealand,
while Forrest and Kemeny (1983) outlined a typical housing career for owner
occupants in Britain in their discussion of the relationship between furnished
private rental housing and homeownership. They argued that owner occupants
became investors in that section of the rental market as their economic position
changed and as they took advantage of the housing circumstances around
them. In many respects this conventional view of a ‘housing career’ implies an
upward and ordered trajectory of increasing opportunity, comfort and wealth.
Kendig et al (1987) represented this graphically as a ladder (Figure 2.2), with
individual households pursuing upward movement through the housing market,
while the arrows to the sides respectively indicate both pathways ‘forward’ and
the mechanisms for slipping ‘backward’. The figure implies a start point and a
destination and also suggests a hierarchy of tenures, as well as a household structure
amenable to repaying a mortgage.
Throughout the 1980s research on housing careers was often explicitly linked
to the wider debate on domestic property classes (Saunders, 1978, 1979, 1981,
1984) and this connection is illustrated by the work of Farmer and Barrell (1981).
Their work focused on the opportunities hypothetically available to middle class
British households seeking to maximise their returns from housing. Farmer and
Barrell (1981) examined the conditions in Britain’s housing and financial markets
between 1965 and 1979. They concluded that owner occupants would have
received the greatest possible gains from their participation in the housing market
if they followed a deliberate career involving the sale and repurchase of a dwelling
every three years, at high rates of borrowing.They estimated that households that
moved frequently and purchased dwellings at low capitalisation rates received
Housing over the life course: housing histories, careers, pathways and transitions
Second-time buyer
Two incomes
High wages Unemployment
Savings First-time buyer Divorce
Subsidy Personal problems
Public tenant
Private tenant
First job
a return of 15.7 per cent on their initial outlay. Non-movers and persons who
moved infrequently received slightly lower returns of 11.7 per cent and 14.7 per
cent. Significantly, Farmer and Barrell showed that, in theory at least, the choice
of housing career affected the financial returns arising out of homeownership.
Households that adopted a conservative strategy accumulated capital through
the establishment of equity in their home. Households who moved frequently
accrued benefits through a rise in the capital value of their dwellings.
Badcock and Beer (2000) presented their understanding of housing careers
as a set of processes akin to a game of ‘snakes and ladders’ (Figure 2.3). They
argued that ‘it is no longer good enough to presume that homeownership is an
escalator for everyone, or to assign homeowners to a class position and leave it
at that’ (p 9), noting that ‘not everyone enjoys the fruits of capital accumulation’
(p 10). Badcock and Beer’s (2000) understanding of, and imagery for, the way
individuals interact with the housing market was a reflection of its time, with a
greater appreciation of households falling out of homeownership (AHURI, 1998)
and the busts as well as the booms of the housing market. In many ways ‘snakes
and ladders’ constitutes an intuitively attractive metaphor for the housing market
because it does not imply one pathway or direction, and captures some of the
complexities many people face as they seek to balance their housing aspirations
with other dimensions of life. However, it is a flawed representation because it
Housing transitions through the life course
implies a single start point and destination – ‘home’ – and because it suggests that
all participants eventually achieve a single goal.
Housing histories
Housing over the life course: housing histories, careers, pathways and transitions
market and the individual household’s ability to achieve its aspirations. It presents
an interpretation of personal experiences which suggests that housing outcomes
are a product of the relatively unconstrained preferences of individuals. Each
household is seen to be linked causally with a dwelling because that structure has
matched their housing and lifestyle requirements.Third, demographic factors alone
have been related to the accommodation of the household. Housing and stage
in the life cycle have been related in a purposive manner without reference to
other influences, such as the values or aspirations of household members, broader
social development and position in the workforce.
Forrest (1987) discussed the definition of housing histories and their relationship
to the specific processes shaping housing markets. He distinguished the term
housing history from the alternative notions of housing career and housing pathways
(Payne and Payne, 1977). Forrest (1987) argued that there are sets of housing
experiences shared by persons on the basis of class, gender, race and locality.
Groups of households, he argued, will experience particular outcomes with respect
to their housing on the basis of where they live, what they are able to earn and
the accommodation subsidies available to them. In this conceptualisation, actors
and influences external to the housing market will, in large measure, determine
outcomes, with the household’s position within the labour market exerting the
single greatest influence. Other factors, such as location, ethnicity and gender,
may serve as additional determinants of housing opportunities.
The concept of housing histories recognises that structural influences have a
substantial impact on the types of dwellings households occupy and the nature
of their occupancy. Payne and Payne (1977) argued from their study of tenure
change in Aberdeen, Scotland, that a household’s accommodation is a function
of the householder’s ability to gain access to housing first, and stage in the life
cycle a distant second. In their study, the household’s economic resources dictated
the type of housing they occupied and the researchers noted that there was little
movement between public tenancy and owner occupancy amongst their subjects.
Life cycle characteristics altered merely the household’s position within this tenure
framework. Couples who could not afford to purchase a home languished in
private rental as public housing was usually denied childless families.The majority
of households renting from the council in Aberdeen were only able to move
into public housing after the birth of the first, or more commonly the second,
child. Similar limiting influences operated within the private sector. Households
did not enter owner occupation after the birth of the first child because of the
substantial costs associated with raising a family. In short, owner occupation in
Aberdeen was a ‘closed shop’ in which economic resources were the key to access
and household characteristics played a peripheral role. A compatible argument
can be developed with respect to other processes operating in housing markets.
Forrest (1987) noted that a homeowner in the English Midlands was in a very
different position from an outright owner in London.The substantial discrepancy
in dwelling prices between the two areas meant that a house in the Midlands could
not be substituted for a comparable dwelling in London.The spatial characteristics
Housing transitions through the life course
and structure of the British housing market was the limiting influence and one
which dictated the ongoing opportunities available to individual households.
The importance of constraints within the housing market cannot be denied.
Forrest (1987) recognised that while many housing histories contained a strong
career element, ‘others are chaotic and characterised by constraints and coping
strategies’ (p 1624). Kendig (1984) found similar evidence with fully 43 per cent
of movers in Adelaide, South Australia in 1975-76 changing their residence for
reasons that had little to do with dissatisfaction with their previous dwelling
(p 274). Moves compatible with the concept of ‘a housing career’ did occur,
especially among young people. Other influences, however, also precipitated
moves between dwellings and localities. Housing careers per se were lost amidst
the multitude of social processes shaping the housing market and the trajectory
of individuals through that market. Clearly, the notion of a housing career does
not provide an adequate explanation of movement through, or outcomes within,
the housing market and it is important to incorporate structural factors in our
understanding of the determinants of lifetime housing outcomes.
‘Housing careers’ and ‘housing histories’ as conventionally understood, are
diametrically opposed in some key respects but similar in the focus they place
on movement through the housing market, and a link with the life course. The
concept of a housing career emphasises free choice within the market and implies
an upward trajectory. Households within this paradigm are seen to move to better
their situation with respect to tenure or the quality and quantity of housing
consumed. Housing histories, by contrast, relate households to the social and/or
economic constraints on their housing, especially their position within the labour
market. Clearly, both perspectives must be considered and have something to offer
our understanding of lifetime housing outcomes. Individuals act according to their
free will and attempt to satisfy their personal needs and wants.They act, however,
within a range of limiting constraints, which may proscribe the outcomes available
to them. Clark et al (2003) acknowledged this interplay between constraints
and opportunities and applied a life course perspective to their research into
what they characterised as the ‘complex process of how households bring their
housing consumption into balance with their housing needs’ (see also Deurloo
et al, 1994). Their research focused on the sequence of housing states occupied
by individuals and households over time, as defined by tenure and the quality
of dwellings occupied. Importantly, Clark et al (2003) drew a conceptual link
between housing circumstance, progress through the housing market (which they
labelled housing career), and family status.
The idea of an irregular or spasmodic sequence lies at the heart of Clark et al’s
(2003) research, as they noted that:
…the emphasis on sequences and on housing states in this paper serves
to rebalance the focus in much of the literature, which pays greater
attention tothe analysis of only one move or one change [original
emphasis] in the housing career. We know that a complete housing
Housing over the life course: housing histories, careers, pathways and transitions
career can be made up of 5-9 moves with often relatively long stable
periods in between these moves. The more limited ‘short window’
studies of mobility itself probably overemphasise the event of moving
and give relatively little attention to the periods of stability. (p 144)
Clark et al (2003) hypothesised that housing careers were likely to be affected by
the life stage of individuals and households, with higher rates of movement or other
change in early adulthood and greater stability later in life.They also expected to be
able to identify pronounced regional differences, with the composition and price
of dwellings in different parts of the US influencing the number and direction of
moves through the housing stock.They also noted that previous researchers such
as Kendig (1981) and Harts and Hingstman (1986) observed substantial variation
in housing careers within a population with respect to both the number of moves
through the housing market and the final housing occupied by a household.
Clark et al (2003) used data from the US Panel Study of Income Dynamics
for the period 1968 to 1993 to examine patterns in the sequencing of housing
over life course across continental US. In total this analysis provided them with
some 8,663 housing careers to analyse against a matrix of tenure (renting versus
owning) and price (high cost or low cost).They found that many of the observed
housing careers were, in fact, remarkably simple, with one or fewer changes in
state over the 26 years of observations. The authors found that some 26 ‘typical’
housing sequences accounted for the vast majority of housing careers, and just
11 sequences accounted for 75 per cent of the total.They were also struck by the
fact that 63 per cent of all housing careers over this period ended with owner
occupation and that:
The many sequences with a dominantly stable situation in the housing
market exceed our expectations.The emphasis on the whole housing
career...brings forward these long periods of stability in the housing
market for many households. (Clark et al, 2003, p 153)
Interestingly, 77 per cent of housing careers showed an ascending pattern with
respect to tenure and the price/quality of the housing, but that almost one quarter
of two or more stage careers had a descending trajectory and this was consistent
with the authors’ earlier work (Clark et al, 2000) on overcrowding. Overall, Clark
et al (2003) concluded that income level and the growth of incomes were the
major drivers of tenure and housing quality over the long term and that ‘these
variables play a determining role in the development of the housing careers
of households over longer stretches of their life course’ (p 155). Geography or
location was seen to play a role, but it was a more limited impact and one which
added nuance to the larger national trends.
Clark et al’s (2003) contribution to this literature is important because it
emphasises the interplay between structural processes and household dynamics,
especially the career trajectories and incomes of household members. At a
substantive level, their work provides concrete evidence of the reality of housing
careers and the capacity to identify meaningful patterns or sequences amidst
Housing transitions through the life course
Housing pathways
More recently Clapham (2002; 2004) has argued that research needs to focus on
housing pathways that explicitly link the objective analysis of movements through
the housing market with the subjective examination of individual experience.
Clapham explicitly links this paradigm to both social constructionism (see Jacobs
et al, 2004) and Giddens’ (1984) theory of structuration. Clapham’s (2002; 2004)
housing pathways need to be interpreted with reference to these other, very
substantial, bodies of scholarship.
In common with some other commentators (Kemeny, 1992), Clapham (2002;
2004) argues that much housing research is both atheoretical and overly focused
on government policy. He considers this to be a major failing on two levels: first,
governments do not directly influence housing outcomes for the vast majority
of the population within advanced economies, and research is inadvertently
skewing our understanding of housing market processes and outcomes. Second,
Housing over the life course: housing histories, careers, pathways and transitions
Housing transitions through the life course
Housing over the life course: housing histories, careers, pathways and transitions
in their surveys had explicit and deliberate housing strategies that were integrated
with lifetime goals.
Identity is an important part of the subjective inquiry that distinguishes the
pathways framework from other perspectives. Clapham recognises both ontological
identity – self-identity – and categorical identity,‘the labels which are ascribed to
us by ourselves, and by society’ (Clapham, 2002, p 65). Housing clearly affects both
ontological and categorical identity: we are a ‘homeowner’, a ‘home purchaser’,
or a ‘tenant’; and, the housing we occupy may shape how we perceive our place
in the world. Importantly, Clapham (2002) recognises that ‘disability’ is one of the
categories around which discourse and conflict is constructed, with competing
views presented by various parties. He notes that:
…the discourses associated with physical and mental disability have
been actively contested by professions, government agencies and
interest groups in what has been called the politics of identity. It is
here that the power games outlined earlier are played in which the
actors attempt to mobilise their resources to ensure their discourse
is the one adopted in public policy and in general discourse. (p 65)
Clapham (2002) therefore urges researchers to investigate the politics of identity
associated with particular housing pathways followed by identifiable groups.
Clapham’s (2002; 2004) ideas on housing pathways are original and stimulating.
The challenge is to translate this framework into concrete research and he suggests
researchers need
…to employ ethnographic or biographic methods to understand the
meaning of individuals and households and the conscious aspects of
behaviour. However, the unconscious aspects need to be explored
bearing in mind the constraints and opportunities, which structure
them and are reproduced by them. (2002, p 66)
The focus of research, he suggests, must be on the factors that are associated with
a change in the pathway, with the life plan either being redrafted or edited for
external reasons. He also suggests that it is important to generalise from individual
pathways to the broader population by focusing on the meanings households
attach to their housing; recognising how individuals create their own life plan in
association with their lifestyle decisions; and, by recognising the dynamic nature
of pathways and how they change over time.
Intuitively, the housing pathways approach is attractive, but we need to recognise
that attempts to put into effect social constructionist and/or structuration
perspectives are confronted by very real challenges associated with the
transferability of the results and the emphasis given to the debates or discourses
around housing. Somerville (2002), for example, commends the pathways
framework but challenges the need to ground it within a postmodern social
constructionist perspective, arguing instead it should be framed within more
substantial social theory. Jacobs (2002) points out the impossibility of measuring
Housing transitions through the life course
‘unconscious meanings and actions’ (p 75) while King (2002) critiques Clapham
for linking housing pathways to social constructionism, a theoretical position, he
argues that is now disappearing from other areas of sociological research. King
(2002) suggests that a ‘postmodern analytical framework’ is an oxymoron and
echoes Somerville’s (2002) contention that structuration theory simultaneously
explains everything and nothing.
It is important to ask whether the housing pathways approach adds valuable
insights beyond the more conventional discussion of housing careers, whether it
can be disentangled from a social constructionist approach, and whether it can be
put into operation in a way that results in generalisable outcomes rather than a
series of insights into the values and meanings held by a select group of individuals.
In large measure we should accept that the housing pathways perspective does
add to our understanding of housing processes: its focus on people’s perception of
their housing circumstances, its concern with the ‘fit’ between housing outcomes
and life plan, and the role of housing in shaping identity is important. It could,
for example, be argued that shifts in tenure patterns amongst some groups could
be attributed to shifts in their sense – and construction – of identity. Second, it is
important to question whether it is possible to fuse a housing pathways perspective
with a housing careers perspective.That is, can we successfully integrate the analysis
of the subjective meaning of housing when examining more objective measures
of movement through the housing stock?
Housing transitions
The concepts of housing careers, housing histories and housing pathways all
add to our understanding of the changing relationship between individual
households and housing outcomes over the life course. Determinant factors in
this relationship include age, household income, region or locality, the personal
and social ‘meanings’ attached to housing, the presence or absence of children
in the household, and the impact of policy frameworks that may influence
access to resources such as social housing, subsidised private rental housing or
homeownership. The work of Clapham (2005a) on the subjective dimension of
housing through the life course has added greater depth to our comprehension of
how individuals interact with the housing market. At the same time, there is now
a greater appreciation of diversity in housing outcomes, with some individuals
and groups following trajectories that differ greatly from assumed social ‘norms’.
It is no longer possible to identify a ‘typical’ housing career as lifetime housing
outcomes are differentiated by gender, ethnicity, region, nation and social class.
This more nuanced understanding of housing outcomes matches increasing
complexity within society and the life course of individuals.
The terms housing career, housing pathways and housing history all carry
intellectual baggage that impedes the further development of our understanding of
the relationship between households and their lifetime housing outcomes. In the
past, a small number of researchers (May, 1999; Rugg and Ford, 2004) have used
Housing over the life course: housing histories, careers, pathways and transitions
the term ‘housing biographies’ to reflect the life histories of individuals and their
housing. While attractive at some levels, this term implies a subjective, anecdotal
perspective on housing over the life course that does not reflect the broader-scale
patterns evident in analyses across populations. We consider the term housing
transitions better reflects the complex and fluid relationship between individuals
in developed economies and their housing in the 21st century. It places a focus
on ongoing change – potential or real – in housing circumstances and leaves
open the possibility of identifying common housing ‘sequences’ that may shift
over time in response to social, economic and cultural developments. It is to be
expected that in all nations there will be a limited number of common housing
sequences with differences between nations reflecting both cultural values and
the impact of government policy settings. Importantly, it leaves scope for both
the subjective and objective analysis of change in housing circumstances while
having scope to incorporate both structural processes and individual decision
making.The term housing transitions does not imply a particular direction or set
of dynamics over the life course – a critique levelled at the concept of housing
careers – but neither does it privilege the subjective dimensions of housing over
quantitative assessment.
A housing transitions framework emphasises the tendency of individuals to make
decisions about their housing throughout their life course that are affected by
Housing transitions through the life course
Arr pf b ess
ival or is a
of D f illn
Relatio ch so port
ns h il od sup
n r
Death o
of tf of c
ap n
l ut
tn er
Sense of identity a
Locational p
ng h
Un e
c om
Source: Designed by authors of book
the life course and at that point in history. Early in the life course, for example,
demographic factors such as marriage and the birth of a child can be an important
influence on decisions taken about housing, but position in the labour market,
and the type and quality of housing aspired to will be important also. In mid life,
demographic factors may have relatively little influence on housing decisions, but
tenure may exert a greater influence through the prior accumulation of housing
wealth that effectively opens up a greater range of housing options.
The housing transitions perspective acknowledges that many individuals in
developed economies are relatively unconstrained by financial impediments
and that demographic processes no longer exert the sway they once held. Some
individuals and households have far greater capacity to enact their preferences
than others and it is not assumed that all start from an equal basis. At the same
time, not all housing outcomes are the product of conscious choice, as some
individuals have no or few options in their housing.We should not overemphasise
the ability of individuals to choose, because while on the one hand a very small
minority is confronted by no choice – even the homeless select between a range
of options (Beer et al, 2006a) – an equally small minority enjoy unfettered choice.
Decisions are therefore made within architecture of often quite rigid constraints.
However, even those on very low incomes who lack the resources or capacity
Housing over the life course: housing histories, careers, pathways and transitions
Housing transitions through the life course
Housing over the life course: housing histories, careers, pathways and transitions
Figure 2.6: Housing decision making over time, the variable influence of
life cycle, labour market, well-being, tenure, and lifestyle aspirations
Strong locational preferences
High personal wellbeing
Indifference to location Re-partnered
$ High personal wellbeing Established career
Birth of first child Re-entered home ownership
Full-time employment Desire to live close
Aspire to home ownership to services
Significant health risks
Stable, couple household
Seeks security of tenure
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Source: Adapted from Williams (2003, p 166)
Housing transitions through the life course
Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4
Source: Devised by authors of book
those who enter the housing market with a greater stock of enablers within the
housing market are seen to fare better.
Terminology is always critical in social analysis because the terms we use and
the language that we apply to the discussion of those concepts carries implicit
meaning and shapes further debate.The term housing career is commonly used in
academic work but has been critiqued for its implied uni-directional perspective
and the Anglo-Celtic nature of the concept. Some authors have used the term
housing histories, housing biographies or even housing trajectories in order to
better capture the multi-directional nature of change in housing over the life
course and provide adequate recognition of the impact of structural processes
in shaping housing outcomes. The term, however, implies a focus on individuals
and their outcomes that denies system-wide trends or tendencies. Clapham’s
(2005a) work on housing pathways has been a useful contribution to this set
of debates by emphasising the meanings attached to housing by individuals and
how those meanings can change over the life course, even in the absence of
formal movement through the housing stock. He highlights the fact that different
individuals or groups will attach widely variable meanings to the same housing
stock. Most importantly, however, Clapham (2005a) drew our attention to the fact
Housing over the life course: housing histories, careers, pathways and transitions
that certain aspects of housing are frequently part of the ‘life plan’ of individuals
and households and that these consumption aspirations increasingly determine
housing decisions and lifetime housing outcomes.
This chapter has argued that the term housing transitions better reflects the
movement of individuals and households through the housing market over time
and across the life course. We believe the term is more helpful than the more
commonly used ‘housing careers’ because it implies change but does not suggest a
single source or destination. It is also free of the social constructionist connotations
embedded within Clapham’s (2002; 2004) account of housing pathways. The
term is entirely consistent with the findings of other research, including work
by Seelig et al (2005) on the housing consumption patterns of income support
recipients.That research found considerable mobility within the housing market,
but this activity was marked by an ongoing directionless ‘churn’ rather than
purposive steps up a housing career ladder. A housing transitions perspective also
accords with the conclusions of Minnery and Zacharov (2006, p 56) that housing
careers or pathways are changing, but not from a relatively simple past to a more
complex present and future: instead, housing pathways in the past (as exemplified
by a group of 55- to 64-year-olds) demonstrated considerable complexity, in
addition to uncertainty and chance. This complexity is likely to remain. From
a policy perspective it is worth noting that the transitions framework carries
no implications as to long-term housing outcomes – positive or negative – and
therefore challenges both the delivery of housing interventions that are sustained
in the long term, as well as a reliance on short-term measures that explicitly
assume a transition to a ‘better’ housing state.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s the American philosopher and political economist
Francis Fukuyama triggered considerable debate with his argument that with the
advent of Western liberal democracy humanity had reached the ‘end of history’
as further sociocultural evolution appeared unlikely. Fukuyama’s (1992) work
has been critiqued heavily, but his ideas highlight the ways in which policies and
social practices appear to have converged across nations. Similarly, there are strong
international parallels in many aspects of housing policy and the operation of
housing markets. The globalisation of financial markets has contributed to the
apparent integration of housing markets around the globe, but other contributing
factors have included broader shifts in global economic prosperity – at least for the
developed world – and deliberate strategies of policy transfer across international
borders. It is important to acknowledge that cross-national research plays a valuable
role within the social sciences and can lead to robust, transferable conclusions
that can be applied in a variety of contexts, and not just those discussed in any
one work or research study (Przeworksi and Teune 1970). In many respects the
countries discussed in this chapter constitute a ‘most similar systems’ approach
where attention is focused on the differences between otherwise very similar
systems. There are strong convergences among the nations discussed here, as
each is predominantly English speaking and occupies a ‘liberal’ position within
Epsing-Anderson’s (1990) categorisation of welfare regimes.
This chapter sets out to consider the evolution of housing policy in three
nations: the UK, the US and Australia. It does so in order to understand the
geographical and historical settings for lifetime movements through the housing
market.These insights then shed light on the transferability of the understandings
we develop between nations and the balance between universal and nationally
specific processes in shaping housing transitions. It is important to acknowledge
that we need to comprehend the evolution and articulation of housing policies
over a relatively long time frame, as past housing policies often have a greater
influence on lifetime housing than current government frameworks.
Housing transitions through the life course
The UK
Housing provision in the UK changed enormously during the 20th century in
terms of quality, the balance of tenures and dwelling types (Lund, 2006; Mullins
and Murie, 2006). There was never a settled structure of provision, with regular
predictable patterns of access to housing and a single set of routine transitions
during life courses. Some trends were sustained over very long periods, especially
the rise of homeownership from around 10 per cent of households in 1900 to
nearly 70 per cent of households in 2000. Other developments were more variable.
Public rental housing, conceived as a secure lifetime form of accommodation,
expanded considerably from the end of World War I (WWI) through to the 1970s,
when it accommodated around one third of UK households. It was initially a
prized form of housing for better-off ‘respectable’ working families, and grew
through the construction of suburban council housing estates from the early 1920s.
It also grew through the replacement of inner city slums, starting in the 1930s,
and more extensively after 1955 through large-scale redevelopment with mainly
high-rise Council housing. Subsequently, the council sector has fallen considerably
and other ‘registered social landlords’ (RSLs), predominantly housing associations
(HAs), provide an increasing proportion of subsidised rental housing, but in 2010
this only accommodates about one sixth of UK households.
New housing construction after 1945 was initially dominated by council housing but
private sector house building picked up during the 1950s and the peak years of new
construction during the late 1960s included high levels of both public and private new
house building (see Figure 3.1 for England)1. Slum clearance, delayed by the need
to build up overall supply, surged from the mid 1950s and the inner rings of large
UK cities were transformed by the clearance of slums and subsequent construction
of public housing, mainly high-rise flat blocks. Much private building was outside
the metropolitan areas, in expanding suburban areas and non-metropolitan areas,
and in the first wave of new towns around London (Hall et al, 1973).
Cross-party consensus over the aims of housing policy dissolved during the
1970s, and there was a shift towards different policy priorities and mechanisms.
The changes marked the culmination of developments that had already begun
plus some key economic and other changes. The period since the late 1970s in
the UK has been one of government withdrawal from direct housing provision,
deregulation of many elements of housing markets and finance, and the promotion
of homeownership almost at all costs. As a result of the combined effect of
slum clearance and new building to higher standards there had been a massive
improvement in overall housing conditions by the 1970s. Overall supply had
grown considerably and there had been major shifts in tenure. Figure 3.2 shows
how private renting had contracted dramatically by the early 1970s, whereas both
council renting and homeownership expanded.
Housing transitions and housing policy: international context and policy transfer
Source: Department for Communities and Local Government (2009)
During the 1970s there were three main pathways into housing in the early
years after household formation (which was still typically marked by marriage):
queuing for council accommodation, while living with parents or renting privately;
saving to purchase a home, again while living with parents or renting privately;
or, for those with low eligibility for council housing and low incomes, especially
Percentage of all dwellings
1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Source: Department for Communities and Local Government (2009)
Housing transitions through the life course
As in the other countries examined in this book, the 1970s marked the end
of the long post-war boom and movement from ‘Fordism’ to ‘post-Fordism’ in
the UK. In common with the other countries examined here, many changes in
housing provision were driven by changes in civil society rather than being a
direct outcome of public policy initiatives and programmes.
Some aspects of economic restructuring and labour market transformation
were strongly encouraged by governments, especially running down the coal
mining industry. But most change was driven by wider processes of globalisation
with the relocation of production away from older industrial societies to newly
industrialising economies, especially China, India and Brazil since the early
1990s. As manufacturing contracted, growing service sector activity resulted in
transformations in labour markets, including much greater female participation
in labour markets. Capital and finance markets were transformed from national
into international and then global circuits of capital. Globalisation also reshaped
the capacities of governments to direct economies and the Thatcher and Major
Conservative governments chose to withdraw from direct regulation of economic
Other sociodemographic changes, only indirectly related to economic
restructuring and globalisation, have profoundly influenced the numbers and
nature of households.These trends are reviewed in an ESRC report (Stewart and
Vaitilingam, 2004), which uses a variety of data sources2 to chart what the Chief
Executive of the ESRC described as ‘dramatic changes in our society in just the
past few decades’ (Diamond, 2004, p 5). Such changes have been accompanied
by growing diversity of living arrangements that cannot sensibly be captured by
one ‘life course’ or ‘household life cycle’ model.
Falling birth rates and growing longevity in the UK have followed a similar
pattern to many other affluent countries; in 2008 for the first time there were more
people over 65 years old than under the age of 16. Average household size has
been falling since the 1960s and much additional housing demand is generated by
household formation rather than population growth.There have been significant
falls in marriage rates, growing cohabitation, increased proportions of children
born outside marriage and increased ‘blending’ of families.
Housing transitions and housing policy: international context and policy transfer
Ferri (2004, p 22) suggested that there has been ‘an increasing prolongation
of youth and dependency’ and striking changes in the advancement of women,
especially in terms of educational achievement and workforce participation. More
30-year-olds remain single and ‘delays in partnering have led to delays in starting
a family’ (Ferri, 2004, p 21). Better-educated women have tended increasingly
to have their (fewer) babies later in life whereas the growing proportion of sole
mothers with poor levels of educational attainment still tend to have their babies
before 20 years of age. The number of lone mothers increased from one in eight
among those born in 1958 to nearly one in five of those born in 1970. However,
‘the most rapidly growing family type is the stepfamily, created when a new
partnership is formed by a mother and/or father who already had dependent
children’ (Ferri, 2004, p 22). Ferri also emphasised the novelty of growing ‘social’ as
opposed to ‘biological’ parenting ‘as more and more men raise other men’s children,
while, in many cases, their own children grow up elsewhere’ (Ferri, 2004, p 24).
The age group now coming up to retirement appears to be in a relatively
fortunate position compared with many 30-year-olds.They ‘will receive the most
generous state pensions of any generation and will also have gone through their
working lives in a period of high growth in real wages and real asset prices, both
in housing and the stock market’ (Banks et al, 2004, p 28). Life expectancy has
grown much faster since the 1960s than in the preceding 120 years and most
older people ‘report good health, little difficulty with functioning or carrying out
activities of daily living and high rates of social participation and engagement’
(Banks et al, 2004, p 28).A growing proportion own their homes outright: in 2001
around 60 per cent of households aged over 65 in England, Wales and Northern
Ireland and 50 per cent in Scotland (Paris, 2008a). Outright homeownership,
which insulates owners against most possible housing market shocks, has been
growing among all age groups, thus indicating the likelihood of higher levels in
future. Not all older households are affluent, of course, and within the UK there
has been widespread polarisation of wealth and income (Dorling et al, 2007).
The election of the first Thatcher government in June 1979 symbolically marked
the decisive shift away from the previous period of housing policy and provision,
especially regarding the role of council housing (Mullins and Murie, 2006).
Although some council houses had been sold to tenants before 1979, this had
been a matter of local discretion and many local councils had chosen not to sell
their housing. The Housing Act 1980 compelled recalcitrant local authorities
to sell council houses to sitting tenants so tenants were given a ‘right-to-buy’
their homes. Successive Conservative governments during the 1980s introduced
measures designed to change other settings and operations of housing policy and
provision in the UK.The broad parameters did not change substantially after the
prime ministerial transition from Thatcher to Major in November 1990, nor
Housing transitions through the life course
were there any significant changes for some years after the election of Blair’s ‘new’
Labour government in 1997.
The growth of HAs through the 1980s, together with mass sales of council
housing under the ‘right-to-buy’, led to changes in the nature of subsidised rental
housing. The construction of council housing fell rapidly from the early 1980s,
virtually ceasing altogether in the mid 1990s and HAs became the only provider
of new subsidised rental housing.The term ‘social housing’ was introduced during
the 1980s to refer to both council housing and HA accommodation and it has
subsequently become widely used, though government has created the category of
‘registered social landlords’ to include all non-government providers of subsidised
rental housing (which could even include some private companies). As much of
the better council stock was sold, the remainder was stigmatised as a ‘residual’
tenure, characterised by unpopular dwelling forms, often systems-built high-rise
flats, and occupied by an impoverished clientele.
The decline of the council sector was accelerated by changes in housing
finance with a switch away from construction subsidies to rental assistance in
the form of ‘Housing Benefit’ (HB). Housing associations continued to grow,
despite reductions in grants, through using private finance to expand their
production. Stock transfers from councils to HAs, increasingly stimulated by
central government funding incentives, resulted in a further shift away from council
provision towards ever-larger HAs, (Mullins and Pawson, 2009).The allocation of
subsidised rental housing focused increasingly on ‘need’ following homelessness
legislation in 1977 and subsequent developments in central government priorities
and local allocations systems. By the early years of the 21st century, most social
housing – as it had become universally described – housed workless households
and minority ethnic groups.
Conservative governments also sought to revive private renting. The Housing
Act 1988 ‘modernised’ landlord-tenant relations by abolishing much of the
security of tenure and rent regulation that had been set in place during WWI.
There was a modest revival of private renting in the early 1990s, partly stimulated
by non-housing policy factors, especially the Business Expansion Scheme (BES)
(Kemp, 2009). Further expansion was driven by new lending practices of financial
institutions in the late 1990s that stimulated the growth of ‘buy-to-let’ (BTL)
mortgages. The number of BTL mortgages increased from around 44,000 in
1999 to 330,000 in 2006, thus increasing from 4 per cent of all mortgages to
29 per cent during the same period. This growth was associated with a surge of
flat development in inner cities across the UK, a disconnection between house
prices and household formation, and was a major driver of speculative house
and land price inflation in the increasingly volatile deregulated housing finance
sector (Sprigings, 2008).
Homeownership continued to grow across the UK throughout the 1990s (see
Table 3.1). Although growth in the proportion of owner-occupiers slowed after
2001, the total number of homeowners had increased by nearly two million
households by 2007. The relatively static proportion of owner-occupiers reflects
Housing transitions and housing policy: international context and policy transfer
The period 2006–07 was the high watermark of the tide of rampant deregulated
pro-market policies that had been running since the end of the 1970s. The
nationalisation of the failing Northern Rock bank in August 2007 became a
symbolic marker of the end of an era in housing policy and provision, just as the
Housing transitions through the life course
election of the Thatcher government in 1979 symbolised the end of the post-
war housing consensus and the start of a new era (Malpass and Rowlands, 2009).
Northern Rock had been an old-fashioned building society, managed prudently,
carefully gathering together the savings of working people and judiciously
allocating home purchase mortgages within local communities. It became a bank
after the deregulatory urges and purges of the 1980s and 1990s and switched
investments into the US sub-prime market. It was one of the first UK institutions
to be caught in the great housing collapse of 2007–10.This was not unexpected.
Many commentators had warned of growing volatility, increasing risks of sub-
prime lending, of the disconnection between house prices and incomes, and of
an impending ‘correction’, possibly of an unprecedented magnitude.
UK house prices have been falling since mid 2007, most dramatically in
Northern Ireland, which had boomed remarkably from 2004 to 2007 (see Figure
3.3). At the time of writing, there is no objective evidence of any cessation in the
decline, despite the bravura of some estate agents. Dwelling completions had also
fallen from a peak of 219,000 in 2006–07 to 214,000 in 2007–08 across the UK
but in Northern Ireland completions in 2007–08 were down by a third. Dwelling
starts have declined much more dramatically: from a peak of 235,000 in 2005–06
to about 204,000 in 2007–08, the lowest since 2002 (DCLG 2009). In England,
commencements in the last six months of 2008 (around 38,000) were the lowest
ever recorded for the period 1990 to 2008.
The situation at the start of the second decade of the 21st century is one
of great uncertainty both in terms of overall housing markets and the future
1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010
Source: Northern Ireland Housing Executive (2009)
Housing transitions and housing policy: international context and policy transfer
The US
Housing policy in the US, in general, has focused on homeownership and assistance
to low-income and very low-income households. Though it is readily apparent
that some policies supporting homeownership were enacted for different purposes,
such as stimulating macroeconomic activity, providing support for politically
influential industry sectors, and promoting ideologically based regulatory schemes,
homeownership rates have increased, with a majority of households living the
‘American dream’ of owning their home. In this section we will briefly describe
some of these policies, their impact on homeownership, and the series of market
and legislative events that sparked the sub-prime lending crisis that spiralled into
a near global financial meltdown.
Housing transitions through the life course
Perhaps the most unique feature of US ‘housing’ policy is the tax deductibility
of mortgage interest. In general, US homeowners may deduct the amount of
interest they pay on their mortgages from their taxable income. This policy was
not put in place to spur homeownership, but rather it was a holdover from nascent
income tax calculations. The US did not have a tax on personal income until
1913.3 The income tax did not apply until personal income exceeded US$4,000,
affecting about 1 per cent of the population. Over time, the deductibility of
mortgage interest payments became increasingly important in housing policy, at
least according to realtors and homebuilders.4 In theory, the mortgage interest
deduction allows one to purchase a more expensive home than could be afforded
otherwise. However, in practice, only about half of US homeowners deduct their
mortgage interest because of the size of ‘standard’ deductions and the structure
of US marginal tax rates. Nevertheless, the several attempts to take this provision
out of US tax law have been dashed on the rocks of well-funded lobbying and
an almost visceral negative reaction from voters.
A much larger influence on homeownership in the US came through the
creation of mortgage insurance programmes (guarantees) administered by the
Federal Housing Administration (FHA) in 1934 and the establishment of the
Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) in 1937. Fannie Mae, which
is now the legal name of FNMA, is a government-supported enterprise (GSE)
providing mortgage lenders with an opportunity to sell mortgages held, thereby
replenishing the bank’s capital and promoting new mortgage lending (Carliner,
1998).While the stated policy goal was to promote the availability and affordability
of mortgage lending for expanded homeownership, these policies helped boost
economic activity through residential construction and consumer purchases
related to homeownership (furnishings and the like). Fannie Mae became the
first effective secondary market for residential mortgages in the US. It was also
during this time that the US federal government settled on its major approach
to low-income housing through the Housing Act of 1937, which provided loans
to locally operated public housing authorities for the construction of rental units
reserved for low-income households (Carliner, 1998).
Concerned about the reintegration of soldiers returning home from WWII,
the US Veterans Administration (VA) offered loan guarantees to underwriters
of qualifying mortgages, resulting in lower deposit requirements and interest
rates. Even though the guarantees were limited to 50 per cent of the loan value,
this greatly reduced the risk profile of the loan. Since its inception, the VA
programme has guaranteed over 18 million loans (US Department of Veterans
Affairs 2009). Rising personal income in the aftermath of WWII, combined with
federal mortgage guarantees by the FHA and VA, sparked an unprecedented rise
in homeownership rates in the US. In 1940 some 43.6 per cent of all residential
dwelling units were owner-occupied but 20 years later, that figure had risen to
61.9 per cent (see Figure 3.4) and has risen only modestly since then.
Housing transitions and housing policy: international context and policy transfer
% Owners occupied
% Renter occupied
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Source: US Bureau of the Census historic housing data – ownership; US Bureau of the Census
homeownership rates for the US and Regions: 1965 to present
The civil rights era of the 1960s brought important changes in housing policy
including anti-discrimination laws focused on race and religion (Fair Housing
Act of 1968)5 and the creation of the forerunner of the ‘Section 8’ housing
program. The Section 8 programme, which was formally named the Housing
and Community Development Act of 1974, expanded low-income housing
assistance to include payments (vouchers) towards rent in privately owned
dwellings. It allowed low-income households to move into middle-income
neighbourhoods sparking controversy about the impacts on neighbourhood
property values and school ratings. For all of the angst felt by residents in middle-
income neighbourhoods that became host to Section 8 households, research has
shown that when Section 8 units are not highly concentrated and are located in
middle-income areas, nearby residential property values rise (Galster et al, 1999).6
By 1968 Fannie Mae had a virtual monopoly on the secondary mortgage market
as it had a direct line of credit with the US Treasury; it was exempt from state
and local income taxes, and not subject to regulatory oversight by the Securities
and Exchange Commission. However, this success came at a price to the federal
government in the form of large liabilities posted to government balance sheets.
The Johnson Administration, needing borrowing power to finance the Vietnam
War, decided to ‘privatise’ Fannie Mae to get these liabilities off its books (Pickert,
2008). Shortly thereafter, two other GSEs were created to provide competition
for Fannie Mae, the Federal National Mortgage Association (Freddie Mac) and
the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae). Ginnie Mae
and Fannie Mae back FHA and VA loans, effectively reducing the interest rates
Housing transitions through the life course
needed to fund these mortgages by pledging the full faith and credit of the US
government in the case of default.7 Freddie Mac served a similar function for
‘conventional’ mortgages, holding about 90 per cent of the secondary market
by 2003 (US Department of Housing and Urban Development – HUD, 2009).
Since the late 1970s, federal legislation supporting homeownership could be
characterised as circumstantial – directly addressing specific homeownership
challenges given a particular set of market conditions. Combined with a series of
changes in financial services regulations, the stage was set to move the US housing
market down a path that nearly led to global financial disaster in 2007 and 2008.
Housing transitions and housing policy: international context and policy transfer
The credit score provided a new, sophisticated modelling tool for predicting the
likelihood that a borrower would pay back a loan. This tool allowed lenders to
move away from traditional, very conservative rules-of-thumb in lending standards
and this opened the door of homeownership to a much broader segment of the
population. By the early 1990s, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were using FICO
scores in both manual and automated mortgage underwriting (HUD, 2010).
Almost immediately, consumer advocates and some legislators became
concerned that sub-prime lending could harm lower-income borrowers more
than help them achieve the American dream of homeownership. Sub-prime
mortgages often had multiple features that increased risk to both borrower and
lender.Among the features shown to be especially risk enhancing were adjustable
rates (payments increase later in the note to unaffordable levels), prepayment
penalties (making it impractical to refinance), balloon terms (unaffordable lump
sum payments after a few years), negative amortisation, and the Alt-A class of
loans that require borrowers to provide little or no documentation of income or
savings, which contributed to mortgage fraud (Ashcraft and Schuermann, 2008;
Daglish, 2009; Mayer et al, 2009; HUD, 2010). In the US, mortgage transactions are
regulated by the Truth in Lending Act and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures
Act. Both required disclosure of information to borrowers, but neither guaranteed
that homebuyers actually understood the terms and conditions of financially and
legally sophisticated mortgage contracts. In response to these concerns, President
Clinton signed the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act (HOEPA) that
prohibited many of these riskier features in ‘high cost’ loans.9 However, very few
mortgages met the high-cost loan criteria and the Act was effectively useless in
regulating the sub-prime lending market (HUD, 2010).
A series of rules put in place by the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) in 1996
and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) in 2004 exempting
banking and savings institutions from state regulations (HUD, 2010) contributed
to the regulatory failure surrounding the sub-prime crisis. Effectively, a bank
holding company could buy a mortgage bank and these banking affiliates were
not regulated by either the OTS or OCC.Therefore, at a time when the financing
of mortgages was becoming more complex, regulatory oversight was effectively
being diluted.
The final regulatory issue involved the credit rating agencies. Depository
institutions were required to invest only in mortgage-backed securities with
high credit ratings. However, there was no regulatory oversight of credit agency
practices and standards. Demand for asset-backed securities (ABS) rose dramatically
throughout the 1990s and 2000s. In 1985, the ABS market, which includes
mortgage-backed securities, was about US$1.2 billion. By 1991 that figure had
risen to US$50.6 billion and to US$1.9 trillion by 2005 (HUD, 2010). Demand
for the mortgage-backed segment of these securities also exploded, which led to
Housing transitions through the life course
demand for mortgages not from homebuyers, but from investors seeking returns
in perceived safe investments.This translated into additional mortgage lending that
reached down to homebuyers with weaker credit. According to Inside Mortgage
Finance (HUD, 2010), the issue of non-traditional loans rose from 7 per cent of
all mortgages in 2004 to 29 per cent in 2006. Some writers have suggested that
credit agencies faced moral hazards (Khasawneh, 2008; Dorn 2009; Tarr, 2009).
Credit agencies’ biggest customers were demanding ratings for mortgage-backed
securities perceived to be highly profitable, and if they downgraded their ratings,
these customers could take their business elsewhere.Without regulatory oversight,
there were few influential voices calling into question the ratings being given to
MBS products.
As demand for US-based mortgage-backed securities turned global, the
secondary mortgage market sought loans in areas with rapid price escalation,
exacerbating a real estate bubble that was being fuelled in part by sub-prime
lending. Innovations in packaging asset-based securities led investors to believe
that they were shielding themselves from risk (DiMartino, et al 2007), with the
perverse result that many financial institutions shed other risk-hedging strategies
and instruments in favour of MBS products (Nadauld and Sherlund, 2009). The
share of the sub-prime lending market rose from a little over 2 per cent in the
late 1990s/early 2000s, to more than 13 per cent by 2005 (see Figure 3.5). The
inevitable bursting of the real estate/financial bubble exposed lending institutions
across the globe to losses reaching several trillion dollars. As of January 2010,
homeownership rates in the US had fallen back to year 2000 levels.
% 8
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Source: HUD (2010, p 6)
Housing transitions and housing policy: international context and policy transfer
Housing has long occupied an important place in the Australian psyche, with
many suggesting that it represents the ‘Great Australian Dream’, although
Kemeny (1983) characterised it as the Great Australian Nightmare. For many
Australians the primary role of homeownership within Australia’s housing
system is unquestioned; however, its pre-eminent position was a feature of the
second half of the 20th century, but not the first. It is true that homeownership
was far more widespread in Australia in the 19th century than in the UK, the
source of most migrants to the Australian colonies (Beer, 1992). Urban housing in
the UK was dominated by widespread tenancy, particularly among working-class
households, with fewer than 20 per cent owning their home. Owner-occupancy
rates were also comparatively low in Australia up to the 1840s (Troy, 1991), but
rose to somewhere between 40 and 50 per cent of houses in Australia’s cities
from the 1850s onwards (Williams, 1984). Rates of homeownership varied
substantially by location, and the number of homeowners tended also to shift
in line with national prosperity. Working-class households were more likely to
own their home in Australia than in Britain, but owner-occupation was still
largely the preserve of the middle classes.
By 1911, owner-occupation accounted for one half of the housing stock
nationally. However, only 36 per cent of housing in the cities was owner-
occupied, compared with 57 per cent in country areas (Jackson and Bridge,
1988).The older and larger cities of Sydney and Melbourne had lower rates
of ownership compared with cities such as Adelaide and Brisbane, where the
industrial base was limited. Importantly, homeowners in Australia in the first
Housing transitions through the life course
decades of the 20th century were literally that: outright owners. At the 1911
Census just 4 per cent of dwellings were being purchased via a mortgage, and
this reflected the shortage of a well-developed housing finance sector. By 1947
owner-occupation had expanded to 53 per cent of households but the
number of households purchasing their home remained at just 8 per cent.
Owner-occupation grew rapidly after 1945 and its expansion was made
possible by its transformation from a tenure dominated by homeownership to
one predominantly of home purchase. The proportion of Australian households
buying their homes rose to 36 per cent by 1976. While the housing policies of
governments were important, many of the most significant government actions
were directed at improving the performance of the economy as a whole rather
than at specific housing interventions. The growth of Australia’s population
and ongoing economic prosperity from the late 1940s to the mid 1970s set
the preconditions for the growth in homeownership as the majority tenure
in Australia. The number of households in Australia grew from 1.9 million in
1947 to 2.4 million in 1954, with most of this growth among families. There
were 0.5 million more births in the 1940s than in the previous decade, and the
‘baby boom’ continued throughout the 1950s.
State and Commonwealth government policies triggered the growth of owner-
occupation in Australia through a range of policies that directly promoted that
tenure. The most important initiatives were the War Service Loans Scheme, the
Commonwealth State Housing Agreements, and changes to the retail banking
sector. The provision of adequate and affordable housing was a priority of the
Curtin and Chifley Labor governments, which held power from 1942-49.They
introduced the first Commonwealth State Housing Agreement (CSHA), which
was signed in 1945. Under this Agreement, the Commonwealth assumed
responsibility for the provision of funds with which the states were to develop
a public housing sector (Kemeny 1983). In addition, funds were made available
for home mortgages through the Commonwealth and state savings banks.
The public sector directly dominated the provision of housing in the decade
after WWII.The Commonwealth government provided finance for the private
housing industry through the War Service Homes Division, which arranged loans
for men and women who served in the Australian Armed Forces. Between 1945
and 1956 the War Service Homes Division provided 113,000 loans, accounting
for 10 per cent of new dwelling completions (Hill, 1959). Almost 120,000
government rental dwellings were built in Australia between 1946 and 1956
(Hill, 1959) as the original CSHA envisaged the development of a strong public
rental sector to serve as an alternative to privately financed housing. State
government finances, however, could not sustain the sector and from 1956 the
re-negotiated CSHA emphasised the promotion of owner-occupation with
state authorities encouraged to sell their stock, while other funds were directed
Housing transitions and housing policy: international context and policy transfer
Housing transitions through the life course
By the beginning of the 21st century Australia’s housing market had both changed
and remained constant in its structure and functioning. It remained constant in
that many of its headline features appeared set in concrete: approximately two
thirds of households were in owner-occupation, some 20 per cent of households
were private tenants and the public housing sector represented five per cent of
the total. However, these broad-scale features masked substantial change: the rate
of outright homeownership was rising as the percentage of home purchasers fell;
the position of the private rental sector had shifted as it no longer represented
a tenure of transition, but instead a long-term option for many low-income
households (Wulff and Maher, 1998); and – paralleling the UK experience – the
public housing sector had been reshaped into a tenure of last resort for those on
the margins of society.
With the beginning of the new century Australia’s residential property markets
boomed. The triggers for house price growth included the general inflationary
impact of the introduction of a Goods and Services Tax (GST), the introduction
of a First Home Owners Grant (FHOG), ongoing economic growth, higher
rates of immigration and changes to the taxation treatment of capital gains that
reinforced the attractiveness of residential property as an investment vehicle.
Growth in the demand for housing was not matched by supply, with inadequate
land holdings, planning regulations, skill shortages, infrastructure pricing regimes
and inappropriate standards all held accountable for the consequent increase in
house prices (Beer et al, 2007). By 2006 the Demographia International Housing
Affordability Survey reported that Australia had some of the least affordable
housing in the developed world, with the ratio of house prices to average earnings
in some cities exceeding nine to one (Demographia, 2006). The Australian
government was sufficiently concerned to instruct the Productivity Commission
(2004) to investigate housing affordability, but decided – against the Commission’s
findings – that it was simply a matter of property market cycles and that current
house price pressures would resolve themselves.
Movements in the housing market after the year 2000 affected both housing
finance, as well as the position of individuals and households. Rapidly escalating
house prices generated a housing affordability crisis that affected up to 1.1 million
households (Yates et al, 2007). And while mortgage holders felt this impact, the
greatest consequences were for low-income tenants in the private rental market,
many of whom were forced to pay up to 60 per cent of their gross household
income for accommodation. By 2006, 26 per cent of low-income tenants in
Australia were in housing stress, as were 7 per cent of low-income home purchasers.
Many households were effectively excluded from access to home purchase because
of the high cost of homes and their inability to save a deposit because of high rents.
Regulatory reform in the 1990s opened the way for the emergence of non-bank
lenders within the mortgage market. Beginning with a relatively small market
share, the non-bank lenders expanded from 2000 and placed pressure on bank
Housing transitions and housing policy: international context and policy transfer
Housing transitions through the life course
There were market, regulatory, and cultural differences that insulated the
Canadian market from the worst of the US sub-prime lending crisis. These
included different standards of deposit requirements on mortgages, comparatively
low rates of selling mortgages on the secondary market, differing appetites for
risk among financial institutions, a comparatively smaller and simpler financial
industry and differing cultural perspectives on regulation (Wilson Center, 2009).
Canadian lenders continued to require either a 20 per cent deposit on a mortgage
or a mortgage insurance policy covering any deficit between the deposit and the
20 per cent mark.This had been traditional practice for conventional mortgages in
the US until the 1990s, when it became the trend to allow borrowers to take an
immediate second mortgage to make up any deposit shortfall. In common with
Australia, Canada has not had government-supported enterprises boosting the sale
of mortgages, and thus Canadian lenders have tended to hold onto their mortgages
(75 per cent held in Canada compared with less than 50 per cent in the US).This
limited the lender-driven demand for mortgages that pushed aggressive lending
in the US. Moreover, in Canada banking executives are not commonly issued
stock options and other incentives for taking on excessive risk (Wilson Center,
2009). While there are providers of alternative mortgages, including sub-prime
mortgages in Canada, the housing finance market has remained dominated by
the largest banks, holding more than 90 per cent of assets (Wilson Center, 2009),
which is much easier to monitor than the several hundred lenders in the US
market. Like Australia, the sub-prime mortgage market simply did not achieve the
scale evident in the US. At is peak, sub-prime mortgages in Canada represented
less than 7 per cent of the Canadian mortgage market (Globe and Mail, 2009)
and as the default rate on these mortgages started to rise in the US, Canadian
regulators moved to tighten lending standards (MacGee, 2009).
Housing transitions and housing policy: international context and policy transfer
finance system.The US, by contrast, sought more radical deregulation, while the
UK’s housing system was caught between a strongly social housing past, and an
emerging, but not yet fully developed, tradition of mass homeownership.
This examination of housing policy and the history of housing finance in
the UK, the US and Australia provides the context for understanding the lived
experience of housing.The changes described in this chapter have had profound
impacts on the life course of many individuals and households and these effects will
continue to reverberate for decades to come. Most starkly, some who have lost their
homes due to mortgage default since 2007 will never re-enter homeownership,
while others will remain in rental housing for a longer period or face precarious
housing circumstances over the years to come.
Data and figures are drawn from the Department for Communities and Local
Government (DCLG) housing statistics live tables; last accessed 10 March 2009.
The study draws on large-scale datasets including census data, three birth cohort studies of
1958, 1970 and 2000/01, the British Household Panel Survey, the Workplace Employment
Relations Survey, and the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing.
An earlier attempt at taxing income at the national level had been ruled unconstitutional
by the US Supreme Court in 1894. Subsequently, the 16th amendment to the US
Constitution was passed allowing the creation of a federal income tax.
One estimate places the average value of the mortgage interest deduction at less than
US$2,000 per year.
Laws prohibiting housing discrimination based on familial status and disability were
added in 1988.
However, when high densities of Section 8 housing are located in lower-income areas,
the presence of the Section 8 properties brings down nearby property values. Galster et
al (1999) reported that local focus groups place the blame for lower property values on
property managers rather than tenants.
Ginnie Mae also provides backing for mortgages and loans issued under the Rural
Housing Service and the Office of Public and Indian Housing.
Federal depository institutions are banks that accept consumer deposits, which are
insured by the Federal Depository Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
High cost is defined as having an interest rate 8 percentage points above US Treasury
securities of similar duration, or with fees (points, origination fees, etc) exceeding 8 per
cent of the loan value.
The transition from the parental home to independent living is one of the most
significant changes to occur in the housing circumstances of any individual. For
some, the first living arrangements away from the family are a staging point toward
further change, while others move directly from the parental household to housing
that will be prominent over much of their lives.There is evidence that the housing
decisions and circumstances of younger households are changing: as more young
adults stay in the parental home for longer, access to home purchase is delayed,
and relationship formation is postponed – especially when compared with the
generation of their parents or grandparents. This chapter canvases contemporary
trends in first housing transitions and places these movements within the context
of a generation that is increasingly mobile with respect to social values, labour
market attachment and the locations in which they live.
Housing transitions through the life course
The housing transitions of€younger€adults
The age at which young people leave home is mediated by the way in which
these social and economic factors interact.There would also appear to be a strong
regional dimension, as European studies have identified a clear distinction between
Southern and Northern European countries with young people leaving home
at a much later age in Southern Europe (for example in Italy, Spain, Portugal)
(Billari et al, 2001; Iacovou, 2002). Mandic’s analysis of 24 member states of
the EU found that only 17 per cent of men aged 18-34 in Denmark were still
living with their parents compared with 67 per cent of men in Malta and 61
per cent of men in Italy (Mandic, 2008, p 627). Mandic’s analysis is one of the
few studies to examine the enlarged EU and build upon the existing analyses
of home-leaving in Western European countries. His finding generally reflects
those of previous studies in that ‘three distinctive clusters of countries emerged,
indicating specific constellations of how structural factors of leaving home appear
and interact, resulting in diverse, regionally specific incidence of home-leaving’ – a
north-western cluster of countries, a south-western cluster and a north-eastern
cluster (Mandic, 2008, p 632).The patterns identified reflected the age of leaving
home: with home-leaving occurring earliest in the north-western cluster of
countries; living with parents was more widespread in the north-eastern cluster;
and, independent living was considerably delayed in the south-western cluster.
In explaining this variation, Mandic examined structural factors, in particular
welfare regimes, and while his explanatory model was, in his own words, ‘far
from comprehensive’, he argued that countries in north-west Europe, including
the UK, had the best ‘opportunity structures for independent housing’, including
an extant private rental sector, strong support from the family for leaving home
and late parenthood. The north-eastern countries were characterised by early
childbearing and ‘outstandingly unfavourable opportunity structures in terms
of all components of the welfare mix’ (p 632). These unfavourable conditions
included high unemployment, an underdeveloped private rental sector, limited
family support and restricted social welfare. For the southern cluster of countries,
a number of factors restricted home-leaving to the latest ages: restricted social
housing provision, strong family-cultural supports and very late parenthood. In
Italy, for example, where young people leave home at the oldest ages in Europe,
marriage is still the strongest influence on the age of leaving home and even
when people leave home they usually live very close to their parents (Santarelli
and Cottone, 2009).
The timing of leaving home in Britain, the US, Canada and Australia matches
the patterns identified for north-west Europe. In the past relationship formation,
especially marriage, as well as childbearing and employment were the driving
forces for young people setting up a new household. In the 21st century, the
reasons for leaving home are more varied. Research from the Housing 21 Survey
in Australia was able to shed light on the major motivations for leaving home in
the first decade of this century, as well as for earlier generations.While partnership
Housing transitions through the life course
formation remains important for the younger generations, its importance has
declined significantly. Whereas 48 per cent of 65- to 74-year-olds originally left
home to enter marriage, just 22 per cent of 25- to 34-year-olds left home in order
to establish a relationship (Figure 4.1). Similarly, while an additional 26.9 per cent
of 65- to 74-year-olds left for employment reasons, only 13.8 per cent of 25- to
34-year-olds left the family home for this reason. The transition to independent
living amongst the younger cohorts was driven by a diverse array of processes,
including the desire to live independently or with friends (26.2 per cent compared
with 4.9 per cent for those aged 65–74), in response to educational opportunities
(20.1 per cent compared with 4.6 per cent) and as a consequence of personal
circumstances (12.0 compared with 4.4 per cent). In many instances ‘personal
circumstances’ can be interpreted as conflict with parents or other guardians.
Boomerang children
Education Employ- Relation- To live To live Military Personal Travel
ment ship with on own service circum-
formation friends stances
Source: Housing 21 Survey
The housing transitions of€younger€adults
the parental home longer than was the case for previous generations. For example,
data for the UK indicates that in 2008 29 per cent of men and 18 per cent of
women aged 20–34 were residing with their parents, compared with 27 per cent
and 15 per cent respectively in 2001 (Office of National Statistics, 2009, p 17).
Similarly in Australia, 23 per cent of young people aged 20–34 were living with
their parents in 2006 compared with 19 per cent in 1986 (ABS, 2009a, p 24).
Such trends led Côté and Bynner (2008, p 253) to state ‘one of the least contested
issues in contemporary youth studies is that the transition to adulthood is now
taking longer on average than in the past’.
Young (1996) observed that establishing trends on the percentage of young
people still living at home with their parents does not necessarily provide a true
indication of the age at which young people first left home.Analysis of longitudinal
data allows for a more accurate analysis of the timing and synchronicity of
leaving home and may tell a different story (Holdsworth and Morgan, 2005).
For example, in Australia in 2006–07 the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
conducted a survey to examine more specifically trends in living arrangements
of people aged 18 years and over, including experiences of leaving the family
home. The examination showed that for males aged 18-34 years the median
age of first leaving the family home was 20.9 years and for females the median
age was 19.8 years, representing little change over around 50 years (Baxter and
McDonald, 2004; Flatau et al, 2004). The ABS survey also indicated that by the
age of 28 some 94 per cent of people had left the family home, whether they
had returned or not. Moreover, 31 per cent of people aged 20–34 years had left
and then returned, and the probability that a young person would return home
at least once before turning 35 was close to 50 per cent (ABS, 2009a).
The Housing 21 Survey provided a comparable set of insights into the housing
transitions of younger people in the first part of the 21st century. When asked,
persons aged 18–24 were much more likely to report that their household had
changed composition through a child leaving home than those aged 25–34, once
again reinforcing the interpretation that most young Australians leave the parental
home in their early 20s. Some 26 per cent of respondents aged 18–24 indicated
that the composition of their household had changed through a partner, parent
or adult sibling leaving home. By contrast, only 4 per cent indicated one or more
adult offspring had returned to the family home. Importantly, while 41 per cent
of 18- to 24-year-olds still lived in the family home, only 4 per cent of 25- to
34-year-olds still lived with their parents. Most young Australians leave home in
their late teenage years through to their mid 20s (see Figure 4.2). The process
appears more concentrated for the 18–24 cohort because the figure does not –
and cannot – include the moves of persons still resident in their parent’s home.
It is worth noting, however, that the departure of young people from the family
home stretches over 15 years, and that those who left the family home first had
already spent half their life away from the family home by the time the last person
departed. We can, however, conclude that the percentage of offspring remaining
in the family home until well into their adult years is small: just 12 per cent of
Housing transitions through the life course
respondents to the Housing 21 Survey aged 25–34 left the family home at age
24 or older.While some young adults return to the family home, it appears to be
a small-scale and transient phenomenon.
One of the most influential factors contributing to the rise of boomerang
children has been growing rates of participation in post-school education. Over
the last three to four decades growing proportions of young people have remained
within the education system. There has been a marked rise in many nations in
participation in higher education. Education can have one of two completely
contrasting effects: for some young people ongoing participation in education
delays the departure from the family home by postponing the start of their
working careers; for others, it precipitates leaving home earlier simply because
the university or educational institution they attend is distant from the family
home. In the UK, for example, Patiniotis and Holdsworth (2005) estimate that
around 75 per cent of students attending higher education ‘live away’ from home.
The pattern in the US is similar, but conversely very few Australian students
leave the family home in order to obtain a first degree. This phenomenon adds
complexity both to our understanding of the transition away from the family
home and the academic debate around its incidence and character. In discussing
trends in the US, Furlong and Cartmel (2007) stressed that children leaving
home to further their education are only ‘moving away’, not ‘leaving’ the family
home. The overwhelming majority of students return during holidays and over
40 per cent return to the family home upon completion of their college courses.
In Europe, however, students in similar circumstances are treated by researchers
as having left home (Mulder, 2000). In some respects, therefore, independent
or quasi-independent living associated with education can be thought of as an
intermediate step in the transition to adult life.The growing rate of participation
in higher education is one of the ways in which the path to adulthood and adult
housing has become more complex over recent decades.
For many young people in the 21st century moving out does not necessarily
mean moving on – emotionally, intellectually and often physically. Instead of
being a one-off event, moving out of home has become a sequence of limited
moves that are often time limited, linked to specific opportunities and, importantly,
often supported by parental finances. Critically then, it is important to distinguish
between leaving home for the first time (moving out), and leaving home for the
last time (moving on), and the experiences and directional changes that occur
between these two points in the life course.
The housing transitions of€younger€adults
Housing transitions through the life course
The housing transitions of€younger€adults
Housing transitions through the life course
Source: Housing 21 Survey
The housing transitions of€younger€adults
(Figure 4.3). For those aged 25–34, fully 56.7 per cent had entered home purchase
by the age of 30, compared with 56.8 per cent of the 35–44 cohort, 52.6 per cent
of the 45–54 age group, 53.9 per cent of those aged 55–64, 50.8 per cent of the
cohort aged 65–74 and 41.9 per cent of those aged over 75. Similar trends are
evident at the other benchmark ages of 34 and 44 years, and it is worth noting
that the percentage of households to have entered home purchase by age 44 is
broadly comparable between 35- to 44-year-olds and 45- to 55-year-olds, even
though the majority of the former group had not achieved that age at the time the
survey was conducted. Put simply, the Housing 21 data show that more Australians
have been able to enter homeownership at younger ages over recent decades.
The introduction of the First Home Owners Grant by the Australian
Government (FHOG) in 2000 played an important role in encouraging many
young Australians to enter home purchase. Wood et al (2003) showed that the
FHOG ‘brought forward’ home purchase decisions for a significant number of
households. Kupke and Marano (2002) concluded that for those households able
to secure the FHOG, the timing of home purchase was determined by access to
the grant. However, the FHOG alone does not explain the younger ages for entry
to home purchase because of the relatively modest level of assistance provided and
the high rates of entry to home purchase amongst those currently aged 35–44
years.While the overall finding appears to be at odds with earlier analyses (Yates,
1996, 2003; Baxter and McDonald, 2005), it is consistent with the outcomes we
Percentage entered home ownership by age 30
Percentage entered home ownership by age 34
Percentage entered home ownership by age 44
35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+
Age in categories
Source: Housing 21 Survey
Housing transitions through the life course
The housing transitions of€younger€adults
Just weeks after the grant was withdrawn a survey of more than 26,000
borrowers conducted by Fujitsu Consulting has found 45 per cent of
first-home owners who entered the market during the past 18 months
are experiencing ‘mortgage stress’ or ‘severe mortgage stress’.
Younger households not only have to contend with the growing inequity between
house prices and incomes, but their ability to enter the market or maintain their
tenure, is compromised by the burden of a higher education debt. Investigation
of the impact of student debt on first-homebuyers in Britain concluded that
increasing debt levels among students coupled with a new repayment profile and
mortgage lender imposed borrowing restrictions delayed first-homebuyer entry
into the market (Andrew, 2010). A number of authors in Australia have argued
that the Higher Education Contribution Scheme may work to discourage family
formation (Jackson, 2002) and act as an impediment to home purchase (Badcock
and Beer, 2000; Pearse, 2003) by reducing both the capacity to save for a deposit
and by producing a lower mortgage repayment capacity.
Housing transitions through the life course
Labour Dynamics of Australia Survey indicated that in 2004, 94 per cent of 15- to
29-year-olds anticipated they would own their own home, many by the age of
30 (Cassells and Harding, 2007). In common with their counterparts in the UK,
young Australians are concerned about their ability to achieve this goal in life
with 55 per cent reporting that they were somewhat worried or very worried
about their ability to buy a home by the age they planned to do so (Cassells and
Harding, 2007). Indeed in most Anglophone countries the desire to own a home
is greater than the rates of lifetime achievement of this aspiration. In assessing
the confluence between aspiration and achievement for Australian households,
studies by Merlo and McDonald (2002) and Baum and Wulff (2003) found that
expectation of entry into homeownership has a low predictive value. Merlo and
McDonald concluded that considerable caution needs to be taken in the use of
aspirations in projecting future behaviour.
Housing transitions through the life course
the anticipation of childbearing is critical (Mulder and Wagner, 2001; Feijten and
Mulder, 2002). Evidence suggests that delays in both of these processes, marriage
and childbearing, have resulted in the postponement of entry into homeownership
(Baxter and McDonald, 2004; Mulder, 2006a, 2006b), but both marriage and the
arrival of a child clearly increase the likelihood of a change in housing circumstance
(Deurloo et al, 1994; Mulder and Wagner, 2001; Clark and Huang, 2003).
The evidence from the Housing 21 Survey on the impact of the birth of
children on housing transitions is mixed. In establishing the primary reason for
moving from one dwelling to another over the period 1996 to 2006, relatively
few households suggested the arrival of children was their primary reason.Analysis
of the Housing 21 Survey data on the relationship between the first entry of
respondents into homeownership and the birth of the first child (who at the time
of the survey was under 20 years of age) tells a different story.These data strongly
suggest that, in Australia at least, the birth of children or the expected birth of
children remains highly instrumental in the decision to enter homeownership.
Fully 67 per cent of the 610 respondents who had entered homeownership at
some stage in their life, and who also had children, did so prior to the year of birth
of their first child (Beer and Faulkner 2009). In the five years prior to the arrival
of the first child, 36 per cent entered home purchase, while 10 per cent became
homebuyers in the year their first child was born and 13 per cent entered home
purchase in the five years after the arrival of their firstborn. Overall, approximately
60 per cent of households entered homeownership in the five years before or
five years after the arrival of their first child. The year the first child was born
was also the single most common year for entering owner occupation. Clearly,
the arrival of children remains an important driver of first-home purchase even
though relationship breakdown and lower fertility rates have reduced its overall
significance. It should also be acknowledged that there is a growing lag between
relationship formation and the arrival of the first child, such that many households
may enter home purchase in the expectation of children at some stage, even if
it is not the primary driver for residential relocation (Beer and Faulkner, 2009).
The qualitative interviews with families with children (54 households)
undertaken as part of the research into 21st-century Australian housing careers
(Tually, 2008) provides a rich source of evidence on the impact the arrival of
children has on housing needs and preferences. The birth of a child or the
impending birth of a child was for all of the respondents a significant motivator
for change. For many respondents, both those who had formally married and
those in an informal relationship, the transition to parenthood prompted them
to move into homeownership (Tually, 2008, p 51):
…the reason we originally wanted to buy was because we wanted to
start a family and have them in a secure environment and I think you
always want to have a secure home when you’ve got children so that
they can settle somewhere and if you want to get sand pits for them
Housing in mid life: consolidation, opportunity and risk
and things like that, you can do that if it’s your own home.You can’t
always do it if it’s a rental property.
People in rental accommodation were also influenced by the arrival of children.
For the private renters in the group, having a child or children spurred many to
move out of shared housing into a larger private rental property or to move from
one private rental property to a larger, more family-friendly, property.
Regardless of tenure and income, children appear to be a motivating force for
mobility, especially in the desire to provide stable and secure housing. For those
who could afford it, stability meant homeownership, while for renters it meant
seeking a larger house and hopefully a landlord who would provide a measure
of certainty. These sentiments were clearly enunciated by a lone female parent
(Tually, 2008, p 51):
I think when you’re a single person or even…like a couple without
children, it’s much easier to just kind of pack up and move because
you don’t have to think about schools or their friends and stuff like
that. So I’d really just like to have a stable base.
Households with children also voiced a need for more space (both inside and
outside the dwelling) and this appeared to be a significant factor in households
seeking alternative accommodation. From their perspective, housing needed to
cater for both immediate and future needs. Tually (2008, p 52 ) noted that many
interviewees discussed the importance of living in a ‘good area’, near a ‘good
school’ and public transport, as well as other facilities such as parks, sporting clubs
or grounds and childcare facilities. The need for parents to cater for the needs of
their children was voiced by one parent who said:
She governs all my decision making. I suppose I didn’t want to live
in a flat because I wanted her to have enough space and not that we
always use the yard but the older she’s gotten so – and also I suppose
it affected where – our location. So I wanted to live [in]…an area that
had lots of parks around us and was close…to getting to her childcare
and all that sort of thing. (Tually, 2008, p 51).
Establishing a household and consolidating one’s housing in mid life is challenging
for many, as it is the stage in the life course with the greatest commitment of
resources.The combined tasks of raising children and purchasing/renting housing
places pressure on mid- life households. Research in Australia on the costs of
raising children indicates that the lifetime (birth to age 21 years) costs of raising
two children represent around 23 per cent of a household’s income (Percival et al,
2007, p 20). In addition, many of the mid-life population – whether buyers or
renters – have more than 30 per cent of their income committed to housing. For
homebuyers this situation improves in their late 40s and at older ages as the real
cost of their mortgage falls; as a group they begin to achieve outright ownership
and their children begin to forge their own independence. Risks, however, remain
as the proportion of people aged 45–54 achieving outright homeownership has
Housing transitions through the life course
declined over time (Tanton et al, 2008) and the return of children to the family
home after initially leaving for a period (Young, 1987) has added complexity to
established household structures.
Achieving stability in one’s housing situation in mid life is affected by a range
of factors, specifically attachment to the labour force, household income, family
composition and tenure type. Some mid-life households have built considerable
wealth in housing and non-housing assets (Headey et al, 2008). However, as the
cost of housing relative to incomes has increased over time (Yates et al, 2008)
some low- and moderate-income households have been excluded from this
avenue for wealth creation.
Housing in mid life: consolidation, opportunity and risk
Partnership dissolution
Housing transitions through the life course
Housing in mid life: consolidation, opportunity and risk
proportion quickly recognise that it is beyond their reach. Many women consider
that homeownership is a housing option permanently shut off to them. As one
respondent, a separated mother of two commented:
Homeownership…It’s not the be all and end all, I admit that. As long
as you’ve got something to keep you warm at night, a roof over your
head. That’s the most important thing, but as far as meeting those
goals that you set for yourself in life. Having my name on a mortgage
document and eventually having the papers in my hand will mean a
lot. Having the deeds to the house…knowing that my children have
got something at the end of the day. (Tually 2008, p 44).
Housing transitions through the life course
also face hardship if either income earner becomes unemployed (McDonald and
Brownlee, 1992).
A survey of 54 low- to middle-income families in a rapidly expanding outer
area of Melbourne affected by the recession of the late 1980s and early 1990s
highlighted the hardships mid-life families face when retrenchment is common
and unemployment levels are high. McDonald and Brownlee (1992, p 12) reported
about the difficulties of sustaining day-to-day life:
Several families talked about cutting back on food, clothing and basic
necessities. Sixteen families, who were buying a home or renting
privately, were having great difficulty making mortgage or rent
payments.‘It is just very hard to meet the mortgage payments, leaving
us with hardly enough money for other things’, one respondent said.
Six families said that due to unemployment they may have to sell the
family home.
Unemployment is one of the major triggers of mortgage default. Berry et al’s
(2010, p 24) study of mortgage default in Australia found of 87 mortgagors who
had been subject to claims of possession on their property during 2008, over 60
per cent indicated the initial trigger of mortgage delinquency was ‘loss/reduced
income/work’. Overall, mid-life households (couples with children, single-parent
families, blended family households) are over-represented amongst those in
mortgage default (Berry et al, 2010).
Housing in mid life: consolidation, opportunity and risk
For some households mid life represents the apogee of their housing career – in
the traditional sense of a housing career. It is a period in their lives of relatively
high incomes, of potentially more rapid accumulation of wealth and of relatively
few non-economic barriers, such as health or disability, to increasing housing
consumption. At this stage in their life course many households occupy larger
and more expensive housing than at any other period in their lives. Housing also
becomes an important setting for successful careers and the lifestyles that support
them. McDowell (1997) discussed the ways in which proximity to ‘The City’ was
central to success as a high-earning banker in London. Owning a home close to
the centre of London gave access to the social networks, luxury retail outlets and
grooming businesses that are central to the image of success amongst bankers. For
other high-income-earning occupations, homes are simply one of the stepping
stones they pass over during the course of their glittering career, and for some
geographically and economically mobile workers housing may offer prestige value
but little other sense of ‘home’.
For the majority of middle-class households in the developed world there is a
high likelihood that income will peak and expenditures begin to decline in mid
life. By mid life a significant proportion of households, particularly those aged 45
years and over, have considerable wealth. For Australians, much of this wealth is tied
to, or dominated by, housing investment (Headey et al, 2008) and this tendency
has gathered pace over the last decade.While at ages 35–39 the majority of people
in the home ownership market are mortgagors, by the ages of 50–54 and 55–59,
48 per cent and 63 per cent respectively had achieved outright ownership. The
combination of greater prosperity (rising employment and incomes) and reduced
fertility has raised disposable incomes for many sections of the population and
given households greater choice within the housing market. Many have chosen
to exercise their greater power by purchasing more housing and/or housing of
higher quality. In Australia it has been suggested that it is the willingness of mid-
life owner-occupier households, in particular those with high incomes, to borrow
Housing transitions through the life course
and spend more on housing that has been responsible for the growth in house
prices in Australia since 1996 (Ellis et al, 2003; Productivity Commission, 2004).
As children age and equity increases many mid-life households re-evaluate
their housing. Many households consider the option of renovating their current
residence or upgrading to a larger and/or better located home, more suitable to
the evolving needs of the household. For at least the last 20 years, new housing
construction on the fringe of Australia’s cities has been dominated not by the
building of new affordable homes for young households, but instead dominated
by the second-, third-, fourth-, fifth- or sixth-time homebuyers in their late 40s
through to their 60s building their ‘dream’ home. In some instances these are
five or six bedroom homes, with four or more bathrooms and parking for up to
six vehicles. It is little wonder that the average size of new homes constructed
in Australia has been increasing steadily. At the same time, those who do not
build their dream home renovate and extend to a comparable degree (Allon,
2008). Data from the 2005–06 ABS Survey of Income and Housing indicates
that around one quarter of recent homebuyers (built or purchased a home in
the three years prior to the survey) aged 35–54 years were, as the ABS classifies
it, ‘changeover buyers’. Couple families with children accounted for 35 per cent
of changeover buyers (ABS, 2008a, p 321). Families who upgrade are able to use
the considerable equity they have built up in their current dwelling, which acts
as a substantial deposit on a more expensive home.This substantial downpayment
means many are able to make the changeover with a manageable mortgage and
some do so without any borrowings at all (ABS, 2008a).The 2005–06 Survey of
Income and Housing for Australia showed average housing costs were lower for
changeover buyers and such buyers were less likely to have a mortgage than first
homebuyers (ABS, 2007c).
The Housing 21 Survey focused on the housing transitions of respondents for
the period 1996 to 2006. It asked respondents to list all their movements through
the housing market – that is, the relocation from one dwelling to the next – and
asked them to identify the primary reasons for the move. For home owners
aged 35-54 the primary reasons for moving were ‘bought house’, accounting for
at least 25 per cent of responses, followed by ‘moved to better home/location’
(around 20 per cent). Movements through the housing market for ‘employment
or study reasons’ came third. These findings concur with the latest Australian
data on housing mobility available from the ABS. For couple households with
dependent children, 13.4 per cent stated the main reason for their last move was
‘employment reasons’, 20.6 per cent stated it was ‘purchased own dwelling’ while
the most popular choice at 27.7 per cent was because the family ‘wanted a bigger
or better home’ (ABS, 2009c).Trading up in the market has become an important
driver of housing transitions in the late 20th century and early 21st century.
In addition to the trend to moving house, there has been substantial growth
in the renovations and additions market, as middle-aged couples seek to extend
or renovate their properties rather than move. In the late 1970s, when housing
represented 6 per cent of Gross Domestic product (GDP) in Australia, investment
Housing in mid life: consolidation, opportunity and risk
in home renovations represented just over 2 per cent of GDP. Now Australians
are spending as much on alterations and additions to their homes as they do
on new housing, with each accounting for 3 per cent of GDP in 2009 (Lowe,
2010; Stutchbury, 2010). The Housing 21 Survey asked respondents questions
on renovations they had undertaken. For households aged 35–54 years, 26.7 per
cent stated that they had undertaken renovations, and the main reason given
for renovating (73.4 per cent) was that the house was not appropriate to their
needs; they needed more room or an extra bedroom. An additional 11 per cent
stated that they intended to renovate the house when they bought it. Of those
that had not renovated their home at the time of the survey an additional 30.7
per cent indicated they intended to do so. Astoundingly, then, over 57.4 per cent
of home owners aged 35–54 captured in the Housing 21 Survey had renovated
their home or intended to do so.
To undertake renovations many households restructure their loans and this
practice has become an increasing phenomenon over the last two decades.While
it may be expected that households refinance to service their initial or original
loan, increasingly restructuring has taken advantage of the equity built up in the
family home.This equity is put to a range of uses, including renovations, providing
additional cash for consumer goods and/or for other forms of investment, such as
property or shares. Investigations in the Housing 21 Survey into the refinancing of
loans found that 51 per cent of those aged 35–54 years (273 of 535 persons) had
refinanced their loans at some stage with the majority (72.2 per cent) doing so to
receive cash or increase the outstanding balance of the loan. Respondents were
quizzed on the two main uses for the money and the most significant reason was
to undertake ‘additions, improvements or repairs to property’, followed by ‘other
purchases’ (16.8 per cent) and ‘to consolidate debt’ (10.6 per cent) (see Figure 5.1).
Besides investing in the family residence, increasingly Australians, like the
residents of many other nations, are investing in other real estate. In 2008 the ABS
reported that approximately 20 per cent of Australians owned holiday homes and
investment properties (both residential and non-residential) for rent (ABS, 2008a,
p 279). For the population aged 35–54 years in the Housing 21 Survey, 23.7 per
cent of households owned holiday homes or other investment properties. While
for a limited few this ownership arose through inheritance (1.2 per cent), or the
property was a previous home (5.0 per cent), a future home (3.1 per cent), or a
holiday home (7.7 per cent), for the overwhelming majority the reason for owning
property other than the family home was purely for investment (77.7 per cent).
Clearly it appears that for many mid-life households the accumulation of
equity afforded to them by homeownership has resulted in further expenditure
on housing consumption, even if part of their commitment could be viewed as
investment (Reserve Bank of Australia, 2005). In the 21st century, homes have
become much more than just a place of shelter and security. The changing role
and meaning of housing is clearly expressed by households in the middle years
of life, when lifetime earnings peak; not only do these households consolidate
Housing transitions through the life course
Figure 5.1: Mid-life households and the use of money from refinanced
% 20
repairs to property
Consolidate debt
Settle divorce
Other purchases
(car, furniture)
To save money
Don’t know/refused
Use of money from refinanced loan
Source: Housing 21 Survey
the ownership of the family home but they also ‘over-consume’ housing as a
mechanism for investment.
Housing success among mid-life affluent households has a measurable impact on
the housing market in many developed economies and it also generates previously
unseen social and economic processes.Tomaney and Bradley (2007) have shown
that increasingly regions need to be able to offer an attractive housing stock to
affluent workers in the global knowledge economy if they are to enhance their
prospects for economic success.Tomaney and Bradley (2007) tied their analysis of
North East England to Florida’s (2002) ideas on the creative class and emphasised
the way in which an absence of housing attractive to this mid-life group could
serve as an impediment to both investment and the relocation of key staff.
Housing in mid life: consolidation, opportunity and risk
owners in the highest income quintile in 2003–04 averaged just 1 per cent while
for private renters or purchasers in the lowest income quintile average costs were
close to 50 per cent of gross household income.
In many nations and many regions access to home ownership requires two
incomes. The absence of affordable housing affects all age cohorts, including
those in mid life. In Australia, homeownership rates are falling and are projected
to continue to fall for mid-life households (Table 5.1). While Yates et al (2007)
suspected that some in the early phases of mid life may be delaying entry into
homeownership, they agreed that it was unlikely many would purchase housing
for the first time once past 40 years of age. Declines or delays in entering the
homeownership market put increasing demands on the private rental system.
Over the past decade rents have increased and higher-income households have,
according toYates et al (2007), displaced lower-income households from the more
affordable housing stock.
The decline in homeownership rates among mid-life households has significant
implications as the residents of these households age. Australia’s welfare system is
predicated on the assumption that older people will own their homes (Yates and
Bradbury, 2009), and in this respect Australia is typical of a number of nations
reliant upon asset-based welfare systems. In addition, private rental accommodation
is commonly seen as unsuitable tenure for older low-income persons (Faulkner
et al, 2007; Morris, 2007).
Responses to attitudinal questions within the Housing 21 Survey suggest that
the affordability of housing, especially entry into home purchase (via a deposit)
and the ability to meet mortgage repayments is shaping housing aspirations
and expectations. For mid-life households in the rental market interviewed in
the Housing 21 Survey (104 households where interviewees were aged 35–54
years) 40 per cent indicated they had not purchased a home because they could
not afford the mortgage repayments. Another 21 per cent had not entered the
homeownership market because they could not save a deposit. Homeownership
remained a significant aspiration for renters, with 62.7 per cent stating it was
important or very important to own a home some day, while another 11 per cent
considered it somewhat important. Many of those who stated that homeownership
was of little importance or unimportant were disheartened about the prospect of
Housing transitions through the life course
ever buying a home.When asked why they saw owning a home as not important
they replied they couldn’t afford it or their future was too uncertain. Of those
renters who considered homeownership to be worthwhile, however, many (80 per
cent) were concerned about their ability to buy a home. Asked if they expected
to buy a home in the next five years, only 30 per cent remained optimistic.
Whether purchasing or renting, housing stress is considerable for many mid-life
households.Yates and Gabriel’s (2006) analysis of a national Income and Housing
Survey from 2002–03, showed that more than 40 per cent of all households in
housing stress were couples with children and sole-parent families. Similar findings
were recorded in a 2005–06 Survey of Income and Housing, where 33.8 per
cent of sole-parent families were paying more than 30 per cent of their income
in housing costs (Tanton et al, 2008, p 16). This situation, particularly for sole-
parent families, is not expected to improve. Projections produced by Yates et al
(2008) show that in Australia the percentage of lone-parent families in housing
stress will increase rapidly over the next 30 years.
Sole- or lone-parent families have considerable difficulty establishing stable
housing. Such households are compromised by the need to find housing suitable
for children, have considerably less wealth than other similarly aged family types,
are more likely to be living in public or private rental accommodation, and tend
to be reliant on a government pension or allowance. As Table 5.2 highlights,
one-parent families with dependent children differ significantly in all measures of
economic wealth and housing stability, with 40 per cent living as private tenants.
Overwhelmingly this depiction of lone- or sole-parent families is about the
disadvantaged position of women, as 83 per cent of such households are headed
by women (ABS, 2007e).
The Housing 21 Survey allowed an in-depth examination of sole-parent families.
Sole-parent households constituted 5 per cent of Housing 21 Survey households
(97 females; 26 males). Sole-parent families in the survey were financially
disadvantaged relative to other households with a much greater reliance on a
government pension or allowance than couple families (61.3 per cent compared
with 8.2 per cent respectively) and this was particularly the case for women. For
those sole parents within the workforce, women worked many fewer hours than
men, with 36 per cent of female sole parents working less than 24 hours a week
and 62 per cent working under 34 hours per week. By contrast, 34 per cent of
males in this category worked more than 49 hours a week. The difference in
workforce participation results in significant variations in household income for
men and women. Women’s annual household income was concentrated in the
lower income categories while male sole parent’s income was clustered at the top
of the range.Two thirds of female sole-parent households in the Housing 21 Survey
reported an income of less than A$41,599 per annum and 46 per cent were living
on less than A$25,999 per annum. Over 40 per cent of male sole parents enjoyed
household incomes greater than A$62,499 per annum (Beer and Faulkner 2009,
p 71).The gap in household earnings was also reflected in the wealth of male and
female sole-parent households. Fully 15 per cent of female-headed households in
Housing in mid life: consolidation, opportunity and risk
Family/household type
parent Couple
family family
with with
Unit dependent dependent All
Household characteristics measure children children households
Financial assets
(Value of: accounts with financial $000 21.6 123.0 108.5
institutions, shares, trusts, debentures,
bonds, own incorporated business}
Superannuation $000 26.1 100.2 84.5
Non-financial assets
Value of owner-occupied housing $000 141.1 376.2 286.1
Value of other property assets $000 42.2 130.1 90.7
Value of other non-financial assets $000 49.4 339.2 85.6
(contents of building, car etc)
Gross household income
Median income per week $ 724 1,637 1,040
Source of income
Government pensions and allowances % 50.9 6.9 26.1
Wages and salary % 43.6 80.9 59.3
Tenure and landlord type
Owner without mortgage % 12.8 17.0 34.3
Owner with mortgage % 27.0 61.8 35.0
Renter State/Territory Housing % 14.8 2.0 4.7
Private landlord % 40.1 16.3 22.0
Source: ABS (2007d)
the Housing 21 Survey had wealth – exclusive of housing – of less than A$10,000
and 50.6 per cent had assets of less than A$50,000. Male sole-parent households,
by contrast, had much greater wealth, with just 7 per cent holding wealth apart
from housing of less than A$10,000 and three quarters holding assets in excess
of $A50,000 (Beer and Faulkner, 2009, p 71).The Housing 21 Survey allows a
greater exploration of the housing circumstances and aspirations of sole-parent
families than is available elsewhere. Female-headed sole-parent households were
more likely to have children resident in the household and women sole parents
were more likely to live in a house (83.5 per cent) than male sole parents (75.9 per
cent). Both groups were slightly over-represented in semi-detached housing and
flats/units relative to the general survey population. The greater concentration
of female-headed sole-parent households in separate households is an outcome
Housing transitions through the life course
of the distribution of assets following the breakup of a relationship and the need
for housing to accommodate children (Beer and Faulkner, 2009). Sole-parent
households of both genders were over-represented in rental housing and under-
represented in homeownership. Of female-headed sole-parent households who
had moved from home purchase into the private rental market, 67 per cent
indicated that they did so because of a relationship breakdown. Most female sole
parents fell out of homeownership because they could not afford the mortgage,
while just one female sole parent moved to private rental because their ex-partner
received the dwelling. By contrast, just one male sole parent left owner-occupation
because he could not afford home purchase (Beer and Faulkner, 2009).
Among sole-parent households in the rental sector, men placed greater
importance on entering home purchase, with 67 per cent reporting that they
felt it was very important for them to buy a home, compared with 47 per cent
of women sole parents. Male sole parents also had a far higher expectation that
they would be able to buy in the next five years, with 73 per cent in this group,
compared with just 32 per cent of women. Female sole parents were more likely
to be concerned about their capacity to afford to enter into homeownership,
with 40 per cent reporting that homeownership was unimportant to them simply
because they could not afford the mortgage.Women sole parents were more likely
to have applied for public housing than men, and of those who applied just over
one quarter were on the public housing waiting list (Beer and Faulkner, 2009).
While most sole-parent households felt that it was unlikely or very unlikely that
they would move in the 12-month period post interview, data collected on the
number of times respondents had moved home since 1996 suggests sole parents
are mobile. Female-headed sole-parent households were much more mobile than
male sole-parent households; a reflection of the insecurities of the private rental
market, as well as their changing household circumstances.
The Housing 21 data show that male and female sole parents had differing
attitudes to their housing decisions and careers. For example, female sole parents
were less likely to believe that their housing choices had been part of a longer-
term plan (59 per cent for male sole parents and 50 per cent for female sole
parents).Women in the Housing 21 Survey were more likely to report that their
relationship had affected their housing, while men considered their financial
circumstances had been more important. By contrast, male sole parents placed a
greater emphasis on entering homeownership as a lifetime housing goal. These
results suggest that the stronger financial circumstances of most male sole parents
have given them greater capacity within the housing market when compared
with female sole parents and therefore differing aspirations. Women sole parents
in the Housing 21 Survey, while viewing home as an investment, also saw home
purchase as a risk. It is clear that the low incomes of female sole-parent households
have significantly shaped their attitudes to housing as both a desirable and a ‘risky’
investment (Beer and Faulkner, 2009).
Clearly housing affordability is an issue currently touching mid-life households.
It affects both their current housing circumstances but also future housing
Housing in mid life: consolidation, opportunity and risk
Stereotypically, old age has been viewed as a time of reduced income, incapacity,
frailty and dependency.This perspective has directed the development of policies
and planning for an older population and resulted in a focus on the provision of
retirement incomes and the delivery of care. Often, little attention has been directed
to other aspects of life, such as the suitability of housing and the functioning of
the communities in which older people live.This common image of old age is at
odds with contemporary trends, as the citizens of advanced economies live longer
than ever before, enjoy a better quality of health, are wealthier, more active and
more aspirational than previous generations of older people.These trends will only
accelerate over the next two to three decades. Older age in the 21st century will
be very different from older age in the 20th century and there is consequently
a pressing imperative to move away from a view of old age as a period of frailty
and dependency and instead focus on understanding the needs and wants of older
individuals. For many in older age, housing decisions are likely to be governed
by consumption factors and choices rather than ill-health, disability and social
isolation. Overall, the housing market positions and transitions of those in later
life are changing, and this transformation is increasingly important for the whole
of society as the housing demanded by the older population will drive housing
markets, housing policy and welfare support measures.
Housing transitions through the life course
believe this Act was instrumental in establishing the basic foundation and directions
to guide the development of aged housing and aged care in Australia. As noted
by McNelis and Herbert (2003, p 8), the objective and purpose of the Act was
the provision of independent housing for older people, ‘in particular homes at
which aged persons may reside in conditions approaching as nearly as possible
normal domestic life, and, in the case of married people, with proper regard to the
companionship of husband and wife’.The Act sought to achieve these objectives
through the provision of capital subsidies to voluntary/not-for-profit/charitable
organisations. By 1969, however, the subsidies were being used increasingly to fund
residential care – hostels, nursing homes and personal care – at the expense of the
provision of independent housing. Rapid growth occurred in the establishment
of residential facilities such that by the late 1970s Australia had many more
nursing home places in relation to population size than comparable countries
(Hogan, 2003; Fine, 2007).This trend in residential care facilities in Australia was
mirrored in countries such as the US and the UK (Rowles, 1993; Peace, 2003).
An outcome of the availability of residential care places was that, in Australia at
least, some older people found themselves in hostels and nursing homes mainly
because their housing was inappropriate rather than because of their need for
acute care (McIsaac, 1997; Faulkner, 2001).
The growth of residential care homes was supported intellectually by a focus
within gerontological theory on decline, dependency and disengagement among
older persons (Rowles, 1993; Heywood et al, 2002) leading to the general belief
that these residences ‘were the normative final destination for the elderly’ (Rowles,
1993, p 68). Housing developed for older people was customarily thought of as
housing for people with special needs (Hanson, 2001, p 29).These developments
reinforced a negative image of the elderly as ‘vulnerable and needy’ and requiring
relocation to specialist services and housing.These beliefs, however, persisted at a
time when the overwhelming majority of older people in Australia (over 90 per
cent) and throughout the developed world, continued to live in their homes in
the community (Howe, 2003).
In the mid 1980s the demographer Hugo (1986, p 33) examined the social and
economic implications of population ageing in Australia and commented that
‘Today there is considerable debate and concern in Australia about the lack of
intermediate accommodation available to the aged between two extremes: the
detached three-bedroom house in which the aged originally raised their children,
and some form of institution’.
In Australia growing interest in housing for the older population arose out
of a series of reforms that began in the mid 1980s, in particular the House of
Representatives Standing Committee on Expenditure (1982) In a Home or at
Home: Home Care and Accommodation for the Aged. This report calculated the
escalating cost to government of continuing to provide residential care and how
this contrasted with people’s wishes to remain at home in the community. This
report resulted in a rapid move away from residential care to community care
and contributed to growing interest in ageing in place.The term ‘ageing in place’
Housing transitions in later life
arose from humanistic research in the 1970s and 1980s that investigated the deep
attachment that older people have with home – a place of special meaning –
providing people with not only a physical but emotional sense of self identity
(Davison et al, 1993; Dupuis and Thorns, 1996;).
Ageing in place has become the cornerstone of policy for the older population in
Europe, North America, Japan,Australia and other countries with a rapidly ageing
population. It has led to a reorientation of the way housing and social policy for
the older population is conceived (Pastalan, 1997; Bochel et al, 1999).The policy
recognises the desire of older people to remain in familiar environments and is seen
to optimise opportunities for well-being and healthy ageing. Brink (1990, 1998,
2002) also notes that ageing in place policies are also attractive to governments
because they reduce public sector outlays on specialist aged housing. Indeed,
Brink (1990, 1998) argues that such policies are inevitable in an ageing society,
given the potentially high cost of alternative policies (James, 2009). Regardless
of the fiscal drivers for the recasting of policy, housing constitutes an important
part of the complex and interrelated factors that influence well-being. However,
this policy framework was not supported by a substantial evidence base; relatively
little research on the housing of older people existed at the time either in Australia
or internationally (Tinker, 1997). This absence was highlighted by The Mid Term
Review of the Aged Care Reform Strategy Stage Two (DHHLGCS, 1993, pp 133-4).
The review found that ‘surprisingly little primary research has been carried out
into any aspects of aged persons housing over the last decade’. In particular it
highlighted the absence of evaluations of residents by housing type, measures of
resident satisfaction, costs of different housing options and a lack of understanding
of housing transitions. Since that time there have been much greater research
efforts into the housing issues, needs and aspirations of the older population, as
well as policy attention directed toward ageing and housing.
As is the case for many countries, Australia’s population is undergoing
fundamental change with the ageing of the population. Over the coming decades
older people will make up an increasing proportion of Australia’s population such
that by 2056 people aged 65 years and over will represent between 23 and 25
per cent of the country’s population (ABS, 2008b)1. In addition between 2001
and 2026 in Australia, older people will account for between 53 and 57 per cent
of the projected increase in the total number of households (calculated from
ABS, 2004a). Similar increases are expected or are coming to realisation in other
developed nations and even China has a rate of population ageing that matches
that of Australia. Like all age groups the older population are not a homogenous
group: they have different lifetime experiences, characteristics, abilities, needs and
behaviours that result in a diversity of views and expectations about the suitability
of housing and the communities in which they live. The choices people make
regarding their housing are heavily dependent on the options available to them,
including the housing types available and the capacity to take advantage of the
choices on offer. Tenure is one of the most significant factors influencing older
people’s ability to make choices.
Housing transitions through the life course
Housing transitions in later life
of the family home and the purchase price of a smaller home in the same area;
the conservative nature of older persons and the desire to pass on this wealth to
children or grandchildren (Olsberg and Winters, 2005; Bridge et al, 2009). For the
current generation of older persons in Australia another possible reason may be
their attachment to their current homes (Davison et al, 1993; Faulkner, 2001) but
it is more likely to be linked to the asset tests associated with the Aged Pension
and Veterans Affairs Pensions. The value of one’s home (principal dwelling) is
exempt from the assets test associated with income support payments (pension)
but the net returns of the sale of a home are subject to this test and would affect
the eligibility for these payments.
Survey research in 2005 (Olsberg and Winters, 2005) suggested community
attitudes to the use of housing wealth were little different amongst the first wave
of the baby boomers, those aged 50–59, when compared with earlier generations.
In the early to mid 2000s there were indications that equity release products
were being increasingly considered by older people (Sheen, 2002), but the global
financial crisis has seen a reversal in this trend, with a decline in products and
providers and increased wariness amongst consumers (Bridge et al, 2009).
There is a strong probability that the current pattern of high rates of
homeownership among older age groups will decline in Australia, and may well
fall in other nations such as the UK, the US and New Zealand.Yates et al (2008,
p 43) suggest that by 2045 homeownership rates among those aged 65 years and
over will have declined from 82 per cent in 2006 to 72 per cent.This decline will
result in increased pressure on the rental sector and older Australians, for whom
homeownership has served a hedge against rising living costs in retirement.
Rental housing
Housing transitions through the life course
Social housing
Social housing has traditionally been provided in Australia as a long-term alternative
to private ownership and it has been an important avenue of accommodation
for single older people, especially women. It has been able to provide housing
that specifically caters for the needs of older people. Many older persons who
are currently resident in this tenure entered the system as part of a young family
and over time have aged within the public housing system. Data from Australia’s
2005 National Social Housing survey show that 75 per cent of tenants aged 75
years and over had lived in public housing for more than 10 years with nearly
two thirds of the group aged 65–74 years having lived within the public housing
system for more than 10 years (McNelis, 2007a). Many of these tenants had
also lived in the same house for most if not all of this time (59 and 50 per cent
respectively had lived at their current address for more than 10 years), and when
asked where they saw themselves living in five years, the majority believed it
would be within public housing (74 per cent of those aged 65–74 and 62 per
cent of those aged 75 years and over).
Older social housing tenants in Australia view their housing very positively
and surveys indicate tenant satisfaction is high or very high among older people
Housing transitions in later life
(Faulkner and Bennett, 2002; Faulkner et al, 2007; McNelis, 2007a). There are a
range of reasons as to why this tenure is so well regarded, including the affordability
and security the tenure offers, as well as the availability of maintenance and
modification services when needed. The high degree of satisfaction enunciated
by the respondents also reflects, in large measure, their gratitude for secure and
affordable housing. Older tenants acknowledge that their tenure in public housing
has had a positive impact on their well-being.The 2005 National Social Housing
Survey found 65 per cent of 65- to 74-year-olds and 61 per cent of those aged
75 years and older believed public housing had improved their overall quality
of life (McNelis, 2007a). Despite their high levels of satisfaction with this tenure
type and their age, the Australian ideal of homeownership still persists, with over
one third of tenants aged 65–74 and nearly one quarter of those aged 75 and
over indicating in the National Social Housing Survey that they would like to
buy their current home.
Social housing as a long-term option for older low-income residents is under
pressure in Australia. At present, public housing meets well under half the eligible
demand from older persons. Over the last few years state housing authorities in
Australia, as in the UK, Ireland and New Zealand, have been selling publicly
owned assets. In Australia, since 2001 there has been a 20 per cent decline in
publicly owned stock (Atkinson and Jacobs 2008; Department of Families,
Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, 2009) and a reorientation
of policies in relation to access. It is now unlikely that social housing will be able
to maintain its current levels of provision, let alone account for the expected
increase in demand. While there are other social housing options, the reality is
that many older low-income people in the coming years will have to seek other
options, particularly the private rental market.
Housing transitions through the life course
Housing transitions in later life
Housing transitions through the life course
on limited assets shape the housing decisions of older persons in Australia and
other nations.
Housing transitions in later life
A large proportion of the debt increase comes from older and wealthier
people buying bigger houses in better areas, or purchasing investment
properties. That exuberance has had a ripple effect on housing prices
everywhere, including among those who can afford it less. (Hewett,
2007, p 21)
Figure 6.1 provides evidence from the Housing 21 Survey of the extent of
ownership of property other than the principal dwelling. For the population
aged 75 years and over, ownership of a second home was low and indicative of
the traditional reason for owning a home – as a place to live. Many also do not
have, and would not have had through their lives, the disposable income and
opportunity to invest in another property. The proportion increases significantly
(nearly 80 per cent) for the population aged 65–74, but it is for those people
aged 55–64 years that housing has become a consumer item, not just a place of
residence. Nearly 31 per cent owned a property other than their residence.
It is clear from the Housing 21 Survey that the overwhelming reason for baby
boomers to own a property other than the principal dwelling was as an investment.
These data support the notion that financially able baby boomers moved into the
property market in the late 1990s and early part of the 21st century in order to
boost their wealth in preparation for retirement.
% 50
55-64 65-74 75 and over
Age group
Source: Housing 21 Survey
Housing transitions through the life course
Bequests to children or grandchildren are a long-standing tradition in many nations
and have a considerable impact in countries with a history of mass homeownership.
This practice has involved a sense of obligation on the part of parents and ‘rightful’
expectation of inheritance on the part of children.Though there is limited research,
there are a number of indications that a growing percentage of older people are
changing their attitudes and ‘spending the children’s inheritance’. As one person
noted in a qualitative interview for the Housing 21 Survey:
I think the difference there is that now you do it for yourselves, you
don’t do it for the kids, because you know they will grow up and they
will get on and they will manage, and eventually they will leave home,
so who cares?Very much, you spend your kid’s inheritance, and I think
it’s the only way to go, because if you’ve brought the kids up properly,
they won’t need the inheritance. (Minnery and Zacharov, 2006, p 46)
In part, these changes reflect the greater range of lifestyle opportunities and
choices available to older persons – including growth in luxury accommodation
for aged persons, expansion of privately provided services to the older population
and increasing longevity. In a more mobile and affluent society, fewer children and
grandchildren will develop an expectation of inheriting the ‘family home’.These
changes also reflect a market reality: whereas once older persons may have retired
owning a property valued at one or two times average annual wages, rampant
house price inflation has meant that many older outright owners now own an
asset of considerable value. These opportunities for an enhanced quality of life,
as well as constraints – such as increased longevity; lack of adequate financial
planning; increased government expectations of self-financing among the aged;
and user pay policies for health, community and residential care – are causing
older people to question their ability or desire to bequeath assets.
Research involving 6,000 Australians aged 50 years and over in 2004 (Olsberg
and Winters, 2005) showed that when asked ‘Do you expect to use up all of your
assets while you are alive?’, 28 per cent expected to do so.This belief was strongest
amongst those aged 50–59 years, with 35.2 per cent expecting to need to use all
their assets.The findings varied by housing tenure (70 per cent of renters expected
to have no assets left) and income (83 per cent of self-funded retirees expected
to have surplus assets). There is no qualification in the research of what is meant
by ‘assets’ but it appears to have been interpreted by respondents as liquid assets,
not housing.
One emerging pattern is a trend towards parents providing financial assistance to
children and grandchildren while the parents are still alive.The research by Olsberg
and Winters (2005) found that over one third of respondents had provided their
children or other younger family members with financial assistance to purchase
a home. Data from the Housing 21 Survey confirms this trend, identifying over
20 per cent of respondents aged 55 years and over providing assistance to their
children.While those in a better financial position are more able to provide help,
Housing transitions in later life
even those with few assets had assisted their children, as many believed their
children would be unable to enter the housing market without their help. Other
respondents provided financial assistance so that their children could purchase
investment properties.
Housing transitions through the life course
baby boomer generation will be different from those of earlier generations but
exactly what the new residential strategies of the older population will be is yet to
be determined (Bonvalet and Ogg, 2008).Already for those older people seeking
particular lifestyles post retirement, the terms ‘sea change’, ‘tree change’ and even
‘tee change’ have become associated with the movement of those approaching
retirement to seaside locations, rural scenic locations and golf courses.
Like all age groups in society the older population is not homogeneous. They
have different lifetime experiences, characteristics, abilities, expectations, desires,
needs and behaviour. Consequently, there are a wide range of views about housing
as people age, and a wide array of factors that are likely to influence housing
choice. However older people’s aspirations and expectations evolve with society’s
changing expectations, desires and aspirations. Consequently, while they are a
very diverse group, detailed research in South Australia indicates there are some
commonalities in what older people are looking for. Often they are looking for
housing with two to three bedrooms, which is well designed, easy to manage,
adaptable if necessary, affordable and incorporates environmental design features.
This housing would preferably be in small clusters of 10 to 20 houses located
within the communities in which older people are familiar, whether this is an area
they have always lived or a place that is more aesthetically pleasing, such as the
hills or coast. It would be close to public transport, key shops and other services.
The overriding preference of older people is to remain in their own home in the
community with which they are familiar for as long as possible (Beer et al, 2009).
The development of housing specifically to cater for the needs of older people
has a long tradition in the UK, Europe, the US, New Zealand and Australia. In
the UK much of the development has been around the provision of integrated
housing with care and support, so-called sheltered and extra sheltered housing. In
Europe, the US and Australia the focus has been on the development of retirement
villages. In the US retirement villages tend to be provided by the private sector,
whereas in Australia retirement villages have generally been the province of
government and the not-for-profit sector, catering to the needs predominantly
of low-income households. Recently, however, there has been a rapid increase in
private and public for-profit corporations that recognise the potential of catering
to the changing aspirations of the baby boomers and the financial means of this
group. Profit margins within the retirement village industry are best achieved
by targeting wealthy baby boomers and offering luxury retirement village
accommodation. While such developments are affordable to a section of the
baby boom population, the increasing polarisation of wealth among the older
age groups means that many miss out on this style of housing.
Housing transitions in later life
around one third of people aged 85 years and over lives in some form of cared
accommodation (AIHW, 2009, p 89). One of the realities of ageing is the probable
need for people to contend with some form of disability in their advanced ages.
These disabilities restrict activities of daily living and raise questions about the
suitability of their accommodation arrangements.
Population surveys measuring levels of disability within the Australian
population clearly indicate the significance of disability with increasing age
(AIHW, 2003, 2009). In the survey of disability, ageing and carers undertaken in
Australia in 2003 (ABS, 2004b), 51 per cent of the population aged at least 60
reported a disability that lasted or was likely to last for at least six months and
restrict everyday activities. Of people aged 60 years and over, 19 per cent had a
profound or severe core activity limitation, but this was much more prevalent at
the oldest ages, affecting 58 per cent of those aged 85 years and over.
In 2006 the Australian Census included questions on the need for assistance in
day-to-day activities due to a profound or severe disability.The data showed that
the proportion of the population needing assistance increased considerably with
increasing age: just over one fifth of those aged 75–84 needed assistance.The rate
doubled for those aged 85 years and over, to 47.4 per cent. Disability levels were
higher for women than men from the age of 65 years onwards. At age 85 and
over 57.5 per cent of women needed assistance because of a disability compared
with 43.5 per cent of men (Hugo, 2007).
As the overall health status of a population improves there are questions about
trends in the incidence of morbidity and disability, particularly within the older
population.Within some OECD countries, there is evidence to suggest a decline
in disability prevalence among older age groups. Mathers (2007) suggests that
at present there is no clear evidence of this trend in Australia. He notes that
even if age-specific rates were to fall over the next 10–20 years, it is likely that
prevalence and severity rates will increase with the ageing of the population as
a higher proportion of the population will be in the oldest age groups where
disability levels are greatest. Health and disability, therefore, are likely to exert a
considerable influence on housing decisions.
The Housing 21 Survey enquired about the provision of care and assistance
on a regular basis by any member of the household to any person who has a
long-term health condition, is elderly or has a disability. Households where the
respondent was aged 55 years and over were more likely to be providing care on
a regular basis than households where the respondent was aged 18 to 54 years.
For households where the respondent was aged 55 years and over, 17.6 per cent
of households were providing care compared with 11.3 per cent of households
where the respondent was aged less than 55 years of age. For persons aged 55–74
provision of care was evenly split between caring for someone in the household
and caring for someone outside the household. In many instances this would be
caring for elderly parents living elsewhere. By the age of 75 years more people
provided care for someone in the household than for people living elsewhere,
and this responsibility generally fell on women. In addition, and increasingly
Housing transitions through the life course
with age, many older people with a disability (particularly women) lived on their
own and were therefore reliant on the provision of informal care from family or
friends or formal support services. This group was most vulnerable to moving
to residential care.
The availability and provision of informal care is central to the ability of many
people to remain living in the housing of their choice. It also underpins Australia’s
community care system (AIHW, 2009).The availability of informal care, however, is
expected to diminish as the baby boomers age (Percival and Kelly, 2004). Informal
carers are increasingly in the workforce and are themselves ageing and hence may
become less capable of intensive caring responsibilities. In addition, baby boomers
have fewer children to take on care responsibilities and these children are likely
to live at greater distances from their parents than has been the case for previous
generations (Hugo, 2003; Percival and Kelly, 2004).
As the baby boomers move into the older age groups greater numbers of
older people will need to purchase services privately if their needs are going to
be met. Many will need to rely on publicly funded services. There are a number
of programmes currently in Australia (Table 6.1), the largest of which is the
Home and Community Care Program (HACC) that provides ‘a comprehensive
coordinated and integrated range of basic maintenance and support services for
frail aged people, people with disability and their carers’ (Department of Health
and Ageing, 2008). This programme is supported by a similar one operated by
the Department of Veteran Affairs to service veterans, war widows and widowers.
Recognising the need to provide greater levels of care similar to that available
in low-care and high-care residential facilities (previously known as hostels and
nursing homes), more flexible care programmes were introduced by the federal
government in the 1990s. These programmes – the Community Aged Care
Package, Extended Aged Care at Home package and Extended Aged Care at
Home for Dementia package – provide more intensive support and are designed
as a community-based alternative to residential care.
These publicly funded programmes are targeted at those most in need and are
already overstretched. A Report on Government Services by the Productivity
Services (2006) found that the needs of over one third of people aged 65 years
and over who required assistance with at least one everyday activity in 2003 were
not met. In addition, organisations are already finding it difficult to recruit and
retain staff to provide existing services.
While the more intensive packages are highly valued (Table 6.1) they are in
limited supply and this means many older frail people, particularly women, have
no choice but to enter a residential care facility if they require support regardless of
their desire to do so or not. As of 30 June 2008, 150,481 people aged 65 years and
over in Australia were permanent residents in aged care homes and The Australian
Nursing Federation predicts an increase of 56 per cent in such residents by 2020.
Residential care, while a necessary part of the care system, is seen as a last resort
by older people.This point of view and the targeting of community care services
to those in greatest need is leading to a push for the development of supported
Housing transitions in later life
Funding Number
Programme type Services provided organisation of clients
Home and Domestic assistance, Federal government 638,218
Community Care meals, other food services, (60 per cent),
(HACC) transport services, home or state and territory
garden maintenance, activity governments (40 per
programmes (home or centre cent)
based), social support, personal
care, counselling (care recipient
and carer), goods and equipment,
home modifications, respite care,
linen services, nursing (home
and centre based), allied health/
therapy (at home or centre)
Veterans’ Home Care Domestic assistance, home or Department of â•⁄ 77,284
garden maintenance, personal Veteran Affairs
care, respite care
Veterans’ Community Personal care, nursing Department of â•⁄ 32,625
Nursing Veteran Affairs
Community Aged Domestic assistance, Department of â•⁄ 33,411
Care Package (CACP) meals, other food services, Health and Ageing
transport services, home or
garden maintenance, activity
programmes (home or centre
based), social support, personal
care, respite care, linen services
Extended Aged Care Domestic assistance, Department of â•⁄â•⁄ 3,354
at Home (EACH) meals, other food services, Health and Ageing
transport services, home or
garden maintenance, activity
programmes (home or centre
based), social support, personal
care, counselling, respite care,
linen services, nursing (home
and centre based), allied health/
therapy (at home or centre)
Extended Aged Domestic assistance, Department of â•⁄â•⁄ 1,314
Care at Home for meals, other food services, Health and Ageing
Dementia (EACHD) transport services, home or
garden maintenance, activity
programmes (home or centre
based), social support, personal
care, counselling, respite care,
linen services, nursing (home
and centre based), allied health/
therapy (at home or centre)
Source: Adapted from AIHW (2009, p 120)
Housing transitions through the life course
In 2007 the population aged 65 years and over comprised 13 per cent of Australia’s
population (ABS, 2008a).
In Australia the term superannuation is used to refer to private retirement savings. The
same savings – and their consequent income stream – would be referred to as a pension in
the UK. Modest compulsory superannuation was introduced for all persons in Australia’s
paid workforce in 1990.
Prior to 1992 the availability of superannuation to employees was reliant on the employer
having such a scheme. In 1992 the government instituted compulsory superannuation,
the Superannuation Guarantee. Under government legislation employers are required to
contribute superannuation for employees. The level of contribution began at 3 per cent
of an employee’s earnings and this was then incrementally raised to the current 9 per cent.
(Kelly et al, 2002). Research indicates that government spending on pensions into the
Housing transitions in later life
future would be reduced by 2.3 per cent over 30 years if the superannuation guarantee
was raised to 12 per cent (Kelly, 2009).
Personal savings are defined as the estimated sum of the value of cash deposits, shares,
superannuation and net business assets (Kelly, 2009).
Housing transitions through the life course
Source of disability
Source: Housing 21 Survey
Housing and disability: a€21st╂century€phenomenon
career when compared with someone who has had identical mobility impairment
(such as paraplegia) since birth.
The impact of disability on housing transitions varies considerably according
to the severity of the impairment: a person in a wheelchair may have a very
different set of housing needs from a person who relies on a walking frame. In
addition, some disabilities, such as a mobility impairment associated with polio,
worsen over the life course, so that potential and actual housing needs change.To
further complicate the analysis, many persons have more than one condition; they
may, for example, have both a hearing disability and an intellectual disability, or
they could have suffered a stroke and experienced both the loss of mobility and
cognitive function. Importantly, we have to acknowledge that housing transitions
vary considerably for persons with a disability, and that while there are common
elements between and across disability groups, an individual’s housing transitions
will be determined by the nature, scale and source of the disability.
Prior to moving to consider the ways in which disability shapes housing
transitions in the 21st century, it is important to examine how households as a
whole are affected by disability. The household rather than the individual is the
primary unit of analysis in the overwhelming majority of housing research, because
it is the household as a whole that occupies the dwelling; it is the household which
takes decisions to move or relocate; and, it is the household as an entity which
pays for accommodation.There is substantial discussion in the published research
around the impact of disability on the housing careers of family members (Beer
et al, 2006a) and this work has noted that parents with care responsibilities face
higher housing costs and greater transport expenses as a consequence of disability;
that one or more adult members of the household is often unable to engage in
paid work due to their care responsibilities, thereby reducing household income;
and that care givers will often choose housing that meets the needs of the person
with a disability, rather than optimise their own preferences. Lower household
income reduces the level of choice within the housing market and may truncate
housing aspirations. Society, however, relies upon the efforts of unpaid carers to
meet the needs of those affected by disability (Jenkins et al, 2003). Importantly,
we can conclude that it is the housing career of the household as a whole that is
affected by the presence of a disability.
Housing transitions through the life course
earnings over
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Source: Devised by authors of book, based on Williams (2003)
Housing and disability: a€21st╂century€phenomenon
10 30 40 50 60 70 80
Source: Devised by authors of book, based on Williams (2003)
a return to the parental home in adult life due to the absence of appropriate and
affordable alternatives; the impact of the death of parents who have had substantial
care responsibilities; and housing outcomes that terminate in public rental housing
rather than owner occupation.
The two figures, therefore, emphasise the way in which the source of disability
affects housing career and demonstrate the ways in which disability per se can
be seen to shape housing outcomes through the life course. There is not a single
set of housing transitions for persons affected by mobility disability but there are
common drivers in terms of lower income and the need to live in an accessible
dwelling. These factors have a demonstrable impact on housing outcomes.
Figure 7.4 offers a different perspective on the housing careers of persons
with a disability, focusing on the housing of persons born with a cognitive
impairment. In this instance the individual has a flat employment history and set
of housing transitions: living with their parents until late middle age (when the
parents either die or are unable to continue to provide care) and then living in
a community facility. The individual’s income is low throughout their life, with
employment provided through a specialist facility or activity centre.There is only
the one significant transition through the housing market and it is precipitated
by demographic processes outside the control of any individual and one which
generates substantial angst for many care givers, as well as significant challenges
for policy makers. Persons with a developmental disability may have a housing
Housing transitions through the life course
Death of parents
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Source: Devised by authors of book, based on Williams (2003)
Housing and disability: a€21st╂century€phenomenon
Australian average
earnings over lifetime
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Source: Devised by authors of book, based on Williams (2003)
Figure 7.6: Indicative housing career for a person with a sensory impairment
Sensory disability
Australian average earnings over lifetime
Inherit dwelling
Family Public
Private rental Owner occupied
home housing
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Source: Devised by authors of book, based on Williams (2003)
Housing transitions through the life course
in Australia persons born profoundly deaf often live within the private rental
market because their disability is insufficient to secure access to social housing
and they are unable, for a range of reasons, to enter home purchase easily. Those
unable to hear have relatively restricted employment opportunities; this limits
their income and therefore their capacity to repay a mortgage.The figure suggests
that homeownership is eventually achieved through the inheritance of a dwelling.
The figure also assumes that family members provide significant assistance to the
person with a hearing impairment, even though the hearing-impaired enjoy a
high level of independence.
The five figures present an abstract ‘ideal type’ based in large measure on
insights garnered from qualitative data collections. The diagrams suggest both
similarities and differences across circumstances, and also indicate drivers of
housing transitions for persons with a disability that are very different from those
evident for the population as a whole. Key issues include the fact that in four of
the five figures persons with a disability are seen to have less variability in their
housing transitions than the population as a whole.This inertia is a consequence
of the limited options available to many persons with a disability and their limited
capacity to express their housing needs within the market place. Low incomes –
and potentially truncated working careers – result in a limited capacity to express
choice. This immobility is significant because individuals with a disability have
little opportunity to adjust their housing to meet their current needs or as they
proceed through stages in their life course.
A second critical concern is the need to recognise that persons with a psychiatric
disability may have complex housing careers that reflect episodes of profound ill
health and associated difficulties in maintaining employment. Importantly, persons
with a psychiatric disability are more likely than other groups to experience
periods of homelessness or inadequate housing as part of their long-term sequence
of housing circumstances (Commonwealth of Australia, 2008a).This may, in part,
reflect difficulties in remaining in the family home, sustaining relationships or
remaining well.A third concern is that social housing is much more prominent in
the housing of persons with a disability than for the general population. Persons
with an impairment or long-term health condition are more likely to gain
access to this tenure because of the considerable disadvantages confronting them,
including low income, discrimination and higher living costs. These figures do
not offer a definitive account of the housing careers of persons with a disability,
but they do suggest themes that deserve further exploration. They raise issues of
policy importance because the stability of the housing circumstances of many
persons with a disability suggests that it should be possible to engage in long-term
planning for their needs.
Housing and disability: a€21st╂century€phenomenon
of questions that related to disability and the provision of care for persons with
a disability. Through these questions it was possible to identify all households
where one or more persons had a disability or long-term health condition, and
where one or more household members provided care. Of the 2,698 households
who participated in the Housing 21 Survey, some 595 households (22 per cent)
reported that one or more household members had a long-term health condition,
disability or impairment. This rate of self-reported disability is consistent with
both the 2006 Census (Hugo, 2007) and earlier ABS collections on the prevalence
of disability. In the Housing 21 Survey in most instances only one household
member had a disability, but in 74 cases two persons were reported as disabled and
in three instances there – seven per cent of the total population and 30 per cent
of households living with a disability – respondents reported that a household
member needed assistance with self-care, mobility or communication.This figure
is compatible with the AIHW’s (2003) estimate of the incidence of disability to
the extent that it represents a ‘core activity limitation’. Some 381 respondents
reported that they or a member of their household provided care and assistance
to a person with a health condition or disability. Of this group, just over half (53
per cent) were assisting a person living within their household, while 54 per cent
reported that a household member was assisting a person living outside their
household. In approximately 10 per cent of cases, household members assisted
both a person within their household and a person living elsewhere.
The presence of a disability within a household can have a profound impact on
housing careers. Over 40 per cent of disability-affected households in the Housing
21 Survey reported that health and disability factors had a very important impact
on their lifetime housing decisions, and this insight applied only to households
where the respondent was under 65 years of age, thereby controlling for age-
related disabilities and health conditions. Overall, households where one or more
persons had a disability tended to be smaller than households where no disability
was present, with two-person households accounting for 43.4 per cent of the total.
The smaller number of conventional ‘families’ would account for this difference.
Analysis of the Housing 21 data revealed significant variation between the tenure
of households where the respondent was under 65 years of age and one or more
persons had a disability, on the one hand, and the tenure of households where
no member of the household reported a disability, on the other. The former
households were, in percentage terms, less likely to be home purchasers, and
more likely to be outright homeowners. At the same time, households where a
disability was present were more likely to be renting or paying board.
Importantly, the source of tenancy varied between households affected by
disability and those where disability was not reported. While 22 per cent of
respondents to the Housing 21 Survey were tenants within the public rental
sector, fully 39 per cent of households where a disability was present rented from a
government agency, compared with 16.1 per cent of the population of households
where disability was not recorded.These data are consistent with information on
Housing transitions through the life course
new housing allocation released by the AIHW (2007). Persons with a disability
were also over-represented in community housing.
Just fewer than 50 per cent of private rental tenants from across the general
population rented from a real estate agent, compared with 24 per cent of
households where a disability was present. Overall the tenure data suggest a
significant dependence on the social housing sector when one or more persons
have a disability. This outcome reflects contemporary allocation policies and the
tight rationing of the social housing stock (Parkin and Hardcastle, 2004).
Figure 7.7: Housing affordability for tenants aged less than 65 years, by
presence of a disability
Less than 11 to 21 to 31 to 41 to 51 to More than
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 60%
Percentage of income spent on rent
Source: Housing 21 Survey
Housing and disability: a€21st╂century€phenomenon
Figure 7.8: Housing affordability for home purchasers aged less than 65
years, by presence of a disability
Presence of disability within
40 the household
35 No persons with a disability
within the household
Less than 11 to 21 to 31 to 41 to 51 to More than
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 60%
Percentage of household income spent on mortgage costs
Source: Housing 21 Survey
For a range of obvious, and also not so apparent, reasons, movement through the
housing market is much more difficult for households affected by the presence
of a disability than for the general population. The Housing 21 Survey showed
that households where one or more persons was affected by a disability had
much lower relocation rates than the general Australian population (Figure 7.9),
with fully 40 per cent of households affected by disability not moving or only
moving once over the decade prior to the survey, compared with 30 per cent
of households unaffected by disability. Many households affected by disability
have simply been priced out of the housing market and this was reflected in a
lower rate of take-up of the Australian government’s First Home Owners Grant
(FHOG) among persons with a disability than for the population as a whole
(Beer and Faulkner, 2009).
Overall, many persons with a disability were ‘trapped’ residentially by a complex
set of processes that limit their capacity to relocate to better or more appropriate
Housing transitions through the life course
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of moves, 1996–2006
Source: Housing 21 Survey
Housing and disability: a€21st╂century€phenomenon
Psychiatric disability
Housing transitions through the life course
public housing waiting list. Over 55 per cent of tenants reported that they rented
because they could not afford mortgage payments; only 8 per cent of respondents
were homeowners and 9 per cent were paying off a mortgage.
Some 20 per cent of persons affected by a psychiatric disability lived with at
least one other person with a disability. However, 40 per cent of persons with a
psychiatric disability lived by themselves and this is a much higher rate of lone-
person living than for the Australian population as a whole. Some 47 per cent of
persons with a psychiatric disability had never married or formed a permanent
relationship, 13 per cent were separated from their partner, and 19.5 per cent were
divorced. Only 16 per cent of respondents were currently married and 4 per cent
were living in a de facto relationship.This is a very distinctive household structure
and one which inevitably generates housing transitions that are not shared with
the broader community. Incomes for this group were very low, with 34.5 per
cent of respondents with a psychiatric disability reporting a household income
of less than A$12,999 per annum and 90 per cent reporting a household income
less than A$26,000 per annum.
Mobility impairment
Housing and disability: a€21st╂century€phenomenon
well, and a further 28 per cent said it met their needs well. However, 19 per cent
believed that their home did not meet their needs well at all. Participants were
more concerned about how well their present home would meet their needs into
the future, with 19 per cent indicating that they did not believe their home would
meet their needs very well in five years, and 9 per cent indicating that their home
would not meet their needs at all. Respondents indicated that insufficient finances,
the absence of continuing employment and the lack of suitable housing options
prevented them from moving to more appropriate housing. Significantly, 42 per
cent of households affected by a mobility disability had not moved dwelling in
the decade to 2006 and 71 per cent had moved once or not at all over the decade.
These data reinforce the argument that households where mobility impairment is
present have a limited capacity to move through the housing market and secure
housing that better meets their circumstances.
Mobility impaired respondents to our survey reported attitudes to housing
through their life course that differed from the general population: they were less
likely to attach value to the material/asset dimension of housing, but were more
likely to value highly the physical environment of the dwelling and the access it
offered to services. Among the mobility impaired, only 31 per cent rated as very
important the capacity to live close to work, but 63 per cent considered living
close to services and support a very important feature of housing. In addition,
78 per cent of the mobility impaired acknowledged that their disability had been
a very important determinant of their lifetime housing goals and 66 per cent
felt that their health had been very important in shaping their housing decisions.
Cognitive impairment
Housing transitions through the life course
Sensory impairment
Housing and disability: a€21st╂century€phenomenon
Family members who provide support for people with a disability have housing
careers shaped by their care responsibilities. Providing care can have a significant
impact on families and individuals with respect to their social networks and
mental health (Edwards et al, 2007), financial resources (Hughes, 2007) and
other relationships (Spicer, 2007). Carers participated in the disability-focused
survey and 80 per cent were female. This gender imbalance reflects the unequal
distribution of care responsibilities, with women much more likely to take on
the role of unpaid carer than men. The respondents were also aged between 45
and 74, with 55–64 the modal age. Most lived in households of two or three
people and 22 per cent reported the presence of children under the age of 18
in their home. A total of 74 per cent of respondents described their household
as a family, but 14 per cent were sole parents and this reflects the relatively high
rate of relationship breakdown amongst households where a disability is present.
Couple-only households accounted for 9 per cent of the total, while lone-person
households accounted for 2.5 per cent. A total of 24 per cent of respondents
provided care to their partners, but children were the greatest recipients of care,
with 36 per cent of respondents providing care for a son or sons and 31 per cent
caring for one or more daughters.
Carers were concentrated in owner-occupation, with 65 per cent being outright
homeowners and a further 20 per cent home purchasers. Just 13 per cent were
tenants and 2 per cent lived rent free. This tenure distribution is consistent with
the age distribution of the carers included in the survey and highlights the fact
that the provision of unpaid care is strongly associated with homeownership. It
is interesting to speculate whether a decline in the homeownership rate has the
potential to trigger a fall in the rate at which family members are willing and
able to provide unpaid care for their relatives or partners. Just fewer than 15 per
cent of carers received assistance with the purchase of their home, and while 6
per cent of carers received government assistance, 7.6 per cent received assistance
from family with the purchase of the home. A loan from a parent or other relative
was the most common form of assistance received, but other forms of assistance
included loan guarantees, gifts from parents and inheritance of a house. Family
assistance is an important part of the housing career of family members with care
responsibilities in Australia.
Carers in rental housing most commonly leased their property from a real estate
agent (40 per cent of cases), followed by social housing providers (27 per cent)
and other private landlords (13 per cent). Some 44 per cent of carers who were
tenants had previously been owner-occupiers, and of those to fall out of home
purchase two thirds did so because of relationship breakdown. A further 17 per
cent fell out of homeownership because of the cost of providing care, and an
Housing transitions through the life course
equivalent percentage were forced to return to rental housing because of the loss
of employment. Interestingly, no carers who were in the rental market expected
to enter homeownership in the next five years.
Fewer than 30 per cent of respondents indicated that they provide less than 40
hours of care per week. A total of 45 per cent of respondents indicated that they
provided more than 100 hours of care per week, and the single biggest response
to the ‘How many hours of care do you provide each week?’ was 168 hours, that
is ‘24/7’.
Only 10 per cent of carers were in full-time employment, while 22 per cent
were employed part time. In addition, 28 per cent reported that they had retired
from the formal labour market, while 21 per cent nominated ‘home duties’ as
their current work.
One of the challenges for governments and policy makers into the 21st century
is to better integrate accommodation requirements for persons with a disability
and other forms of assistance, including care or assistance packages. The housing
policy environment for disability has moved beyond a stage where the processes
of de-institutionalisation have unfolded (Quibell, 2004). The challenge over the
Housing and disability: a€21st╂century€phenomenon
coming decade is to develop and implement programmes that meet the needs of
a disability-affected population living within the broader community.
Bridge et al (2003) noted in Australia that effective linkages between housing
and other services for people with a disability have not been established, while
the Allen Consulting Group (ACG, 2007, p 10) observed that:
This lack of co-ordination is partly a function of the involvement of
different levels of government. Commonwealth programs provide
some services, while others are funded and provided at the state level.
This can lead to a fragmented service offering where either people
with a disability or their families must acquaint themselves intimately
with the details of both State and Commonwealth Government
policy arrangements. This fragmentation can, as Bridge et al (2003,
p 3) observes, ‘hinder efficient and fair service delivery’.
This comment highlights the multiple policy challenges to be overcome in order
to produce better housing for persons with a disability. For many individuals
affected by disability, it is not simply a matter of maximising support from one tier
of government or the other, or even of extracting housing programmes relative
to support services; instead the capacity to secure appropriate housing lies at the
intersection of all these elements. In Australia and other nations, this complexity
becomes more acute when we recognise the need also to integrate policies on
ageing. The impacts of structural ageing within the population have to be seen
to be part of the broader policy mix, as persons with a disability age and many
persons acquire a disability later in life.
Ultimately, the failure to link support and housing effectively limits the scope
of people with a disability to live on their own. Regardless of the direction of
public policy towards encouraging independent living, if support does not allow
people to take up the opportunity to live independently, policy will not succeed.
This insight has been reinforced by research from the US and the UK. In the US,
the NCD (2010, p 15) observed that:
One of the most promising trends has been the increasing cross-
coordination of housing with community living and support systems,
funding, and service delivery. Referred to as Single Access Points,
One Stop Shop, No Wrong Door, and Comprehensive Entry Point,
these systems enable consumers to enter through many different
‘doors’ in order to receive coordinated housing and community living
supports and services. Many of these initiatives, which often require
new policies to enable coordinated service delivery, are based on a
Money Follows the Person (MFP) framework to offer cross system,
consumer-directed choice.
In the UK, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, this philosophy of assistance and
service provision is referred to as ‘individualised’ funding and the rate of take-up
Housing transitions through the life course
and application varies considerably across and within nations (Bleasdale, 2001;
Lord and Hutchinson, 2003).
Housing and disability: a€21st╂century€phenomenon
entities are focused on the needs of persons affected by disability. For example,
the Disability Housing Trust (DHT) was established by the Victorian government
‘to promote and develop new housing options and encourage new investment
in housing for people with disabilities’ (ACG, 2007, p v). This initiative has
subsequently grown and emerged as Housing Choices Australia but has maintained
its mandate to build and let social housing units for persons with a disability, while
encouraging the development of new vehicles for private investment – including
family members – in disability housing. Other policy options include the use
of government home-lending agencies to support access to homeownership for
people with a disability. Both Keystart in Western Australia and HomeStart in
South Australia have specialist packages for persons with a disability.
In the US the housing options available to persons with a disability are limited
by the small size of the public rental sector, the uneven geographical spread of
those public rental units that exist, the fact that much of that stock is inaccessible
to persons with a disability and the failure to formally designate much of the
federally subsidised private and not-for-profit housing for persons with a disability
(NCD, 2010). Though Housing Choice vouchers are available to households
affected by a disability, the rate of uptake varies by state (NCD, 2010).
Housing transitions through the life course
not a niche issue, with almost one in five households affected. Moreover, it is not a
problem limited to one nation or one point in time. It is a challenge that impinges
upon all developed economies and it generates issues that will become more acute
over time as the population ages, and as institutional forms of accommodation
for persons with a disability become a distant memory.
The available evidence suggests that in the 21st century the housing careers of
households affected by disability are flatter, more focused on the social rental sector
or government-subsidised housing, and more challenged by health and disability
concerns than for the general population. It is essential to acknowledge that in
many important respects the housing transitions of persons with a disability are
significantly different from those evident in the second half of the 20th century,
when support for independent living was largely unknown and institutional
forms of accommodation were common (Quibell, 2004). It could be argued that
there has been policy innovation in bringing the population of persons with a
disability into the mainstream of society but that transition has not translated into
opportunities to participate fully in the housing market.
There are significant variations in the housing careers of persons affected by
different disabilities.The housing careers of persons affected by sensory disability,
mobility impairment, psychiatric disability and cognitive impairment all vary,
and the source of disability can also exert a determinant influence on housing
outcomes. Persons disabled through an accident or event for which they can be
compensated (for example employment-related injury or road accident) may have
more housing options available to them than those available to persons disabled
at birth or through ill-health. In addition, housing careers of many persons with
a disability are significantly constrained by their limited participation in the
labour market.
It is important to discount the argument that those paying 60 per cent or more of their
income on housing were living in an institutional or community care setting where
living costs and housing are provided as a bundle. In common with other computer-aided
telephone interview (CATI) surveys, such living arrangements were under-represented
in the Housing 21 Survey.
In his path-breaking book Social Justice and the City the eminent geographer
David Harvey (1973) observed that ‘the rich command space; the poor are
trapped by it’. A similar observation applies to contemporary housing markets:
those able to command resources have unprecedented levels of choice and
opportunities for consumption, while the poor and marginalised within society
are confronted by an increasingly regressive system of housing provision. The
retreat from direct government intervention in housing supply is evident in
many nations (already discussed in Chapter Three), and the move to ‘workfare’
models of welfare has coincided with a crisis of housing affordability in many
nations that has squeezed the most vulnerable within society. The consequences
for individuals and households have been devastating, with large-scale mortgage
default and foreclosure in the US, a growing incidence of eviction in Australia, the
persistence of inadequate and unhealthy housing in New Zealand, and ongoing
social exclusion on large social housing estates in the UK.
For many at the bottom of the housing market or system of social housing
supply there are no good choices available and they are confronted by an ongoing
churn through the housing market as they shift from one precarious housing
arrangement to the next. Whole groups within society are affected by these
processes, and this chapter examines the housing transitions of the marginalised
within contemporary developed economies. In particular, it considers those
trapped within precarious housing before moving on to consider the housing
fate of workers made redundant from the automotive sector. Finally, the chapter
examines the housing transitions of immigrants in the UK, Ireland and Australia
in order to shed light on the intersecting impacts of social policies, cultural factors,
social mobility and the structure of housing markets.
Housing transitions through the life course
Housing transitions, economic restructuring and the marginalised
Housing transitions through the life course
In April 2004 Australia’s then Prime Minister John Howard announced that
the Lonsdale plant of Mitsubishi Motors Australia Limited (MMAL) would
be closed with a loss of 700 jobs, with a further 400 voluntary redundancies
from MMAL’s Tonsley Park assembly plant. The loss of just over 1,100 direct
jobs in the southern part of metropolitan Adelaide was recognised as a major
shock to the regional economy. Other losses were expected as businesses in the
automotive supply chain felt the impact of declining demand for their products.
The Australian government responded by announcing a A$45 million assistance
package for the region – called the Structural Adjustment Fund (SAF) – as well
as enhanced employment assistance for retrenched workers.This assistance was to
be delivered via the Jobs Network, Australia’s network of federally funded labour
market providers. Importantly, the job losses announced in 2004 foreshadowed
the complete closure in 2008 of Mitsubishi’s manufacturing history in Australia.
The final closure resulted in 800 redundancies, but it is important to note that
the firm had been steadily shedding labour over the previous decade. All 7,000
jobs associated with this employer in the year 2000 had disappeared by 2009,
and there is speculation that the head office sales functions could relocate out of
South Australia in the near future.
In addition, the South Australian government committed A$10 million of
assistance to displaced workers, mainly in the form of enhanced access to services.
Housing transitions, economic restructuring and the marginalised
The loss of jobs from MMAL in 2004 should be seen as part of the longer-term
restructuring of the automobile industry, and manufacturing more generally,
in Australia. In the mid 1970s manufacturing accounted for 25 per cent of the
workforce but by 2001 it had declined to 12 per cent, even though the value
of production had increased. Where once car-making plants could be found in
all state capitals except Perth, by the year 2000 motor vehicle production had
consolidated into a limited number of sites, with Toyota and Ford assembling
vehicles in Melbourne, Mitsubishi and General Motors Holden (GMH) building
cars in Adelaide and GMH also constructing engines in Melbourne.
The redundancies announced in 2004 saw workers made redundant involuntarily
at the Lonsdale plant, while voluntary redundancy packages were made available
at the Tonsley Park facility.The nature of the redundancy process was significant,
as those in receipt of an involuntary redundancy package received five weeks of
pay for every year of service up to 20 years and then one week of pay for every
additional year. Workers who took a voluntary package received three weeks
pay for every year of service up to 20 years and then one week of pay for every
additional year of employment. Critically, redundant employees had worked
an average of 19 years with the manufacturer (Beer et al, 2006c), so that many
employees left with two years of salary. This payout was generous by Australian
standards.The overwhelming majority of those made redundant were mature men
aged from their mid 40s to late 50s who lived locally, with the majority either
homeowners or home purchasers.
Interviews undertaken within six months of the redundancy (Beer et al, 2006c)
with 374 of the displaced workers revealed that while 40 per cent were outright
homeowners, 43.5 per cent were mortgagors, 10 per cent were renting privately
and just 2 per cent were renting from the public sector. Some 141 workers, or
54 per cent of those who held a mortgage, indicated that they would use their
payout to discharge all or part of their mortgage. As one ex-employee who paid
off his mortgage said:
It’s the working man’s dream.
While another noted:
I had a mortgage and I thought any money that they give me I [will]
pay the mortgage off. That’s the best financial thing that I can do
with the money, because that’s a debt that’s costing me, so the best
thing I could do is pay that. And not that it paid it off, but it took a
big chunk out of it.
A second round of interviews was completed one year after the initial interviews
and during that period a further 70 displaced workers used their redundancy
to pay off all or part of their mortgage. In total, therefore, some 210 of the 374
retrenched workers interviewed invested their redundancy in acquitting some
or their entire mortgage.
Housing transitions through the life course
Housing transitions, economic restructuring and the marginalised
15 per cent earned more. In many instances those who received higher wages post
redundancy were the more skilled workers, such as electricians. One automotive
engineer reported that his income fell from A$150,000 to A$71,000.
Finally, it is worth considering the location of employment available to
retrenched workers from the automotive sector and how that has influenced
labour market outcomes. MMAL was based in southern metropolitan Adelaide,
a region that offers an attractive living environment distinguished by proximity
to high-quality beaches, low-density suburbs with well-developed public and
private gardens, and access to the Southern Vales wine region. It does not have
any major large-scale industry, and the redundancies from the automotive sector
announced in April 2004 significantly reduced the total stock of manufacturing
employment in the region. Those seeking further work in the industry, through
choice or skills, must inevitably consider employment in northern Adelaide, where
blue-collar employment is both growing and available on a larger scale. Travel
to the region from southern Adelaide takes a minimum of an hour or more in
peak traffic periods.
Roughly one year after the closure of the MMAL’s Lonsdale plant, MG Rover
collapsed in Birmingham, UK. The demise of MG Rover has been thoroughly
documented by Bailey et al (2008). Unlike the carefully planned closure of
MMAL’s Lonsdale plant, MG Rover collapsed overnight and approximately
5,500 workers were made redundant with no notice. Importantly, the company’s
demise was part of the longer-term structural decline of automotive manufacture
in the West Midlands and had followed a period of foreign purchase and then
management buyout, sub-optimal production volumes and an extended period in
which the currency was strong, thereby eroding the company’s competitiveness.
In contrast to events at Lonsdale, workers forced to leave MG Rover did not
receive substantial redundancy payments but instead were forced to rely upon
government-provided assistance. As Armstrong et al (2008, p 349) observed, the
UK government responded in an immediate and comprehensive fashion:
Much of the immediate policy response to the closure of MGR
was that of ‘crisis management’, focusing on jobs and short term
financial assistance … An aid package worth £176 million was made
available, including £50 million for retraining … up to £40 million
for redundancy payments, a £24 million loan fund to help otherwise
viable businesses, and £41.6 million to support ex-MGR suppliers
to remain viable.
Importantly, when compared with Australia, the public sector took a much more
active role in the adjustment of workers, with a more effective role in labour
market training and employment assistance. Redundancy payments were a much
less important part of the mix of adjustment measures.
Housing transitions through the life course
Housing transitions, economic restructuring and the marginalised
Most ethnic diversity in the UK and Ireland derives from the net effects of
migration, including emigration of British- and Irish-born citizens, return
migration of previous emigrants, and immigration by others, as well as subsequent
out-migration of some previous immigrants. Such flows have varied enormously
over time both in their composition and volumes. Most immigrants to the UK
between 1850 and 1950 came from Ireland, although that was part of the UK
until 1921. The main other 19th-century immigrant group was Jews escaping
persecution in Europe. Both Irish and Jews have been largely assimilated into the
UK, despite some discrimination and prejudice, and were included within the
‘white’ ethnic group in the 1991 and 2001 Censuses. From the late 1950s, however,
successive waves of immigrants came to the UK, initially from the Caribbean and
Indian sub-continent, and more recently from almost every corner of the globe.
The non-European ethnic minority population was under 100,000 in 1951 but
was recorded in the 1991 Census, the first to include questions about ethnicity,
at around 3 million or about 5 per cent of the total population (Peach, 1998).
Changing patterns of migration as well as the growth of minority ethnic
communities occurred within changing socioeconomic, demographic and
housing contexts (see Chapter Three).Thus the pattern of housing opportunities
and constraints facing immigrants in the 1960s was different from those facing
newcomers in the 1990s. In the meantime the children of those who arrived in the
1960s grew up through a period of profound changes, one of which was growing
Housing transitions through the life course
ethnic diversity within the UK and the emergence of ‘ethnic minorities’, including
non-white British-born citizens, often identified collectively as ‘minority ethnic
groups’.The foreign-born population of the UK more than doubled between 1951
and 2001, to a total of 5 million (Rendall and Salt, 2005). Changes in employment
structures and labour markets have had important implications for the work and
housing market situations of immigrants and British-born ethnic minorities. More
recently, the outcomes of long-term economic restructuring have combined with
the recession of 2007–09 to raise further uncertainties about the future housing
opportunities and transitions of an increasingly diverse mix of ethnic minority
groups (Perry, 2008), with rapid growth in numbers and proportions from recent
EU accession countries and from Africa and Asia.
Migration before 1945 had very little impact in terms of early 21st-century
‘ethnic’ categories as most in-migration was from Ireland or ‘Old Commonwealth’
countries including Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Despite growing
immigration, there was a net outflow of migrants between 1945 and the early
1980s.There were similar sized inflows and outflows between 1983 and 1993 but
strong net inward migration after 1994 (Horsfield, 2005).The first main wave of
post-war new Commonwealth immigrants came from the Caribbean islands and
the Indian sub-continent. They included large numbers of single men seeking
employment in factories or public services such as the London Underground. But
many families also came to work and settle in areas of labour demand, especially
London and industrial cities in the Midlands and North. These newcomers
entered the housing system during a period of transition, usually renting within
the declining private rental sector, in ‘twilight zones’ around inner cities, often
occupying dwellings that were then thought likely to comprise the next phase
of slum clearance. They had little access to council housing, then a much more
highly prized form of tenure, due to restrictive eligibility criteria and allocation
procedures. Many purchased their own homes, especially immigrants from India
or Pakistan, initially often older run-down inner city terraced housing. Some
became landlords of sub-divided multi-occupied larger old dwellings that had been
abandoned by the English middle classes on their move to leafier suburbs (Rex
and Moore, 1967; Lambert et al, 1978; Henderson and Karn, 1984; Peach, 1998).
The stream of immigrants from the Caribbean, India and Pakistan reduced
during the 1970s, partly due to tighter restrictions on access and partly due
to the worsening economic situation. There was a noted increase in access to
council housing tenancies among these groups, partly through changing eligibility
criteria and allocation practices, through increased length of residence enabling
them move up waiting lists, and due to growing unpopularity of council housing
within the UK-born population. Homeownership grew among the Indian and
Pakistani ethnic groups, but much less so among those from the Caribbean and
Bangladesh. By the 1990s, therefore, there were significant differences between the
housing circumstances of different ethnic groups, as well as diversity of outcomes
for members of each group due to differences in socioeconomic status and
income (Peach, 1998).There was no single ‘minority ethnic’ housing experience
Housing transitions, economic restructuring and the marginalised
Owner- Privately
occupied rented1 Social renters2
Expressed as percentage of all dwellings Total (000)
1953 32.0 52.0 18.0 12,840
1971 50.0 20.0 29.0 15,940
1991 67.6 â•⁄ 9.4 23.0 19,309
2001 70.4 10.1 19.5 20,403
2007 69.6 12.7 17.7 21,178
Source: Department for Communities and Local Government (2009)
Notes: 1 includes dwellings with job or business; 2 rented from councils, other public bodies and other
social landlords.
Housing transitions through the life course
Own with Social Private Percentage
Ethnic group outright mortgage All tenants tenants Total ethnic
of HRP1 Percentage households by tenure (000) group HRP
British 34 38 72 17 11 17,936 86
22 27 49 14 37 1,125 5
All European 33 37 70 17 11 19,062 91
Caribbean 14 35 49 41 11 269 1
African â•⁄ 4 24 28 44 28 246 1
Indian 28 45 74 â•⁄ 7 20 387 2
Pakistani 29 40 68 16 16 221 1
Bangladeshi2 â•⁄ 9 29 38 47 15 92 <0.5
Chinese2 15 37 52 13 35 100 <0.5
Mixed 11 29 39 33 28 121 1
Other â•⁄ 9 28 37 28 35 466 2
All ethnic
16 34 50 26 24 1,902 9
All 31 37 68 18 14 20,964 100
Source: Department for Communities and Local Government (2009, Table 1.13)
Notes: 1 excludes cases for which ethnic group is unknown; 2 high sampling error due to small size and
population clustering
Housing transitions, economic restructuring and the marginalised
well as relative positions within class and labour market structures, with Caribbean
and Bangladeshi household members more likely to be unemployed or in low-
wage manual employment than Indians, who were well represented in business
and professional occupations (Clark and Drinkwater, 2007). Bangladeshis arrived
in the UK significantly later than Pakistanis and Indians, mainly during the 1980s,
‘when it may have been easier for those on low incomes to access social housing
and (paradoxically) more difficult to get onto the homeownership ladder’ (Housing
Corporation and CIH, 2008, p 4). Many recent arrivals have few opportunities
except in low-paid jobs or, in some cases, the informal economy.
Household structures also affected tenure circumstances, most notably the
extremely high proportion of Caribbean sole parents. The surge in immigration
from the mid 1990s resulted in a number of non-European groups moving into
privately rented accommodation. At the same time, the high proportion of non-
European residents in social housing reflects its relatively undesirable status among
the mainstream population, which has a higher level of homeownership, especially
outright ownership.The Housing Corporation and CIH (2008) expected that the
high proportion of non-European households in social housing would increase
over the next decade due to inter-related factors: continuing immigration and
international marriages; economic disadvantage among some non-European
groups leaving them dependent on social housing; limited or no opportunity for
new non-European households to use parental equity to enter home ownership;
greater likelihood of living in areas of more plentiful social housing; and being
in housing need, especially through overcrowding.
The emergence of super-diversity in ethnic terms has made it harder than
ever to generalise about ‘ethnic’ housing circumstances and transitions in the
UK (Robinson et al, 2007; Perry, 2008). Whereas refugees, asylum seekers and
especially illegal migrants will continue to experience the most stressful housing
circumstances, other non-European group members are members of the global
super-rich with one or two of their many homes in England. In October 2007,
for example, almost half of the country homes in south-east England valued
at £5 million and over were purchased by foreigners as ‘Russian oligarchs and
tycoons from Asia and the Middle East emulate the lifestyle of Britain’s landed
gentry’ (Gadher and Davies, 2007).
At the start of the 1990s Ireland was among the most ethnically homogeneous
countries in the world, with a demographic history over 150 years characterised
by emigration of native-born citizens and virtually no inward migration. Housing
provision was dominated by homeownership within a largely agricultural
economy that had never undergone significant industrialisation. That changed
dramatically from the early 1990s with the economic boom and a switch from
net out-migration to booming in-migration, including many overseas-born
Housing transitions through the life course
persons with Irish citizenship by virtue of their parents or grandparents who had
emigrated from Ireland during previous generations (Paris, 2005).
There was no significant ethnic minority immigration into Ireland until the
‘Celtic Tiger’ economic boom of the 1990s. Surging growth in jobs and incomes
attracted a flood of immigrants, including returning Irish-born citizens as well as
economic migrants from across the globe, refugees and asylum seekers.The boom
included rapid growth in housing construction and prices and strong demand
for private rental housing and home purchase. The ethnic composition of the
population changed rapidly during this turbulent period, though to a lesser extent
overall than in the UK. Around 4 per cent of the population was recorded as
black and minority ethnic in 2006, the first time that the Irish Census included
a question on ethnicity.
The recent migrant stream into Ireland was very similar to the post-industrial
and post-colonial movement into the UK from the early 1990s – highly diverse,
from many origins, including especially recent EU accession countries, with
large numbers of asylum seekers and refugees and uncertain numbers of illegal
immigrants. The migration surge occurred within a booming housing market
and strong growth in private renting.
The rapid growth of the overseas-born population in Ireland has been too
recent for large spatially defined ethnic communities to have emerged by the
latest Census in 2006. The population remained predominantly white across the
country as a whole (94 per cent), with around 3.5 per cent in immigrant groups
and 0.5 per cent Irish Travellers concentration.There was no spatial equivalent to
the UK concentrations of immigrants during the 1950s and 1960s into former
industrial areas, because there were no equivalent areas, but there was a high
concentration of work in the Dublin metropolitan region and other major cities,
especially Cork, Galway and Limerick. Recent migrants tended to concentrate in
private rental housing. Many refugees and asylum seekers were accommodated
in council-owned dwellings, especially in unpopular estates, and some migrants
gained access to homeownership.
Ireland has been massively affected by the global financial crisis, with extensive
job losses, deteriorating public finances and massive falls in new housing and
other construction. Thousands of new homes remain unsold, negative equity is
widespread among homebuyers who purchased after 2003, and house prices are
expected to fall by 40–50 per cent from their peak of 2007 (O’Halloran, 2010).
Many recent immigrants have left, especially those from recent EU accession
countries, and there has been a resumption of net out-migration since 2007.
The Irish government has taken draconian measures, cutting public sector pay,
imposing job caps, raising new taxes and creating a new institution to take over
much of the debt of banks and property developers. Future housing transitions
remain uncertain especially for non-European groups, many having little choice
but to remain in Ireland, dependent on public resources while hoping for an
upturn in the economy. Longer-established citizens and residents retain high
levels of homeownership, and for those in work there is no longer a significant
Housing transitions, economic restructuring and the marginalised
% 20
Before 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s Post
1950s 2000
Decade of arrival
Source: Housing 21 Survey
Housing transitions through the life course
% 30
Australia Europe UK and Asia New Zealand
Source: Housing 21 Survey
(originating from Asia or New Zealand, for example) are likely to form family
There is a clear consensus within the literature that owner-occupation is
the preferred tenure of many immigrant groups (Coughlan, 1991; Hassell with
Hugo, 1996; Burnley et al, 1997), and this is reflected in the high levels of
homeownership or purchase among migrants to Australia in the post-war period.
Rates of homeownership are affected by a range of factors including length of
residence in Australia, with longer established immigrants likely to have higher
rates of homeownership than more who arrived more recently. Many immigrants
who settled in Australia in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s have higher rates of
homeownership than the Australian-born.
Beer and Cutler (1999) found that some groups of immigrants were more
likely to progress to homeownership than arrivals from other source countries.
Their analysis of the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Australia (LSIA)
found that the UK-born were most likely to become owner-occupiers, with 38
per cent entering this tenure within 18 months of arrival in Australia.They were
Housing transitions, economic restructuring and the marginalised
followed by the North and Western Europe-born (34 per cent), the North and
Central America-born (31 per cent) the Eastern Europe-born (24.6 per cent)
and the South-East Asia-born (22 per cent). At the other end of the spectrum,
just 10.1 per cent of South Asia-born arrivals, 10.6 per cent of Middle East- and
North Africa-born settlers and 10.9 per cent of South America-born immigrants
were owner-occupiers within 18 months of arrival. However, it is important to
recognise that this tenure distribution does not reflect preferences but is heavily
filtered by the ability to enter home purchase, and this in turn is a function of
visa category, resources, support networks and other factors.
Similar trends are evident from the Housing 21 Survey, with homeownership
rates higher among longer-established immigrants (Figures 8.3 and 8.4). Migrants
who settled in Australia prior to the 1960s had very high rates of outright
ownership. For those from mainly English-speaking countries, 76 per cent were
outright owners and another 8 per cent were paying a mortgage. Slightly fewer
immigrants from non-English-speaking countries were outright owners at the
time of the survey (73 per cent), but many more (19 per cent) were mortgage
holders. These data suggest that 92 per cent of immigrants from non-English-
speaking backgrounds would become outright owners compared with 84 per
cent of persons from mainly English-speaking backgrounds. A small proportion
of immigrants appear to have remained in rental accommodation.
The change in this pattern over the last 15 or so years is striking. In the 1990s
and since the year 2000 it has become increasingly difficult for people from non-
English-speaking backgrounds to enter the homeownership market. At the time
Housing transitions through the life course
Prior to 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s Post
1960s 2000
Decade of arrival in Australia
Source: Housing 21 Survey
of the Housing 21 Survey only 27.3 per cent of persons who arrived in Australia
in the 1990s from a non-English-speaking background were paying a mortgage
and only 18 per cent were outright owners.This compares with 54.8 per cent of
persons who arrived in the 1990s from a mainly English-speaking country who
were paying a mortgage and another 29 per cent who were outright owners.
Immigrants in the rental market reported that they remained in rental housing
because of cost barriers: either the difficulty of saving a deposit or the inability
to afford mortgage payments. In fact, 45.6 per cent had not been able to save
a deposit, while an additional 21.1 per cent believed they could not afford the
repayments on a mortgage. An additional 8.9 per cent stated they were recent
immigrants and therefore renting was a first option.
One of the clear messages to emerge from the published literature on the
housing transitions of new arrivals to Australia is the effect of visa category of
arrival. Significantly, a number of studies (Burnley, 1976; Tonkin et al, 1993;
Beer and Cutler, 1999) have shown that success in settlement and housing
outcomes in Australia is directly related to visa category of immigration: business-
nominated and employer-nominated immigrants and family reunion immigrants
tend to have better housing outcomes – and more productive housing careers
– than independent immigrants, particularly in comparison with refugee and
humanitarian arrivals.
Housing transitions, economic restructuring and the marginalised
Housing transitions through the life course
Economic restructuring can mean that groups that previously occupied a stable
position within the housing market suddenly find themselves vulnerable. The
analysis of labour market outcomes from Longbridge and Lonsdale shows that
these events completely reframe a household’s position within the market and
could well generate the need to relocate. Critically, however, the impact housing
plays in mediating redundancy largely reflects its location.Therefore its impact is
either positive, ensuring access to a growing labour market, or negative, handcuffing
the household to a region with limited prospects. Economic restructuring also
influences the housing transitions of immigrant groups because, as this chapter
has shown, economic circumstances fundamentally shape rates of immigration,
economic opportunities upon arrival, the capacity to gain access to a range of
tenures and the chance to enter homeownership. Importantly, there is no one
sequence of housing transitions for immigrants in any of the nations considered
here. Some immigrant groups fare better than others, and these outcomes are
a function of the timing of arrival, the period of residence, language ability,
educational attainment, position in the labour market and cultural preferences.We
can, however, conclude that some immigrant communities arrive into migrant-
receiving countries at risk and that their disadvantages are then compounded
within the housing market.
Housing transitions through the life course
of housing research in the developed world for at least 40 years. At the same time,
the continuation of empirical relationships between labour market position, stage
in the life cycle, region and policies undermines the value of a ‘housing pathways’
approach founded on the subjective position of individuals. If what we think
about housing is the only reality worth knowing, why do so many groups exhibit
common consumption patterns? Clearly, there are objective policy processes and
housing market drivers leading to observable commonalities and these need to be
recognised, accepted, understood and built into our future understanding of the
role of housing within society and its dialectical relationship with the economy,
demography, cultural values, public sector policies and health.
Other researchers have previously used the term transitions to reflect upon
and highlight stages in the life course and their relationship with one or more
dimensions of the housing system. McNaughton (2008) examined the empirical
and theoretical dimensions of the transitions into homelessness and, in common
with this book, explicitly linked changes in housing outcomes to the emergence of
a ‘risk’ society. Importantly, she recognised that both structure and agency remain
pivotal in understanding housing and homelessness outcomes in contemporary
Whilst it may be argued that there has always been a degree of
complexity to the transitions people made over their life course
(Goodwin and O’Connor 2005), it is now also recognised that there
are more options, choices, and unpredictability (Furlong and Evans
1997). So to what degree has individualisation really taken hold or
changed the ontological experience of social life in late modernity?
There may be more ‘choice’, fluidity, or options, however there are also
still clear ‘plots’ or ‘scripts’ that are collectively recognised in different
societies and cultures.... Ezzy (2001) argues that transitions over the
life course should take an ‘integrative’ course – for example, someone
moving from the parental home to their own, moving into a larger
home to have children, or move somewhere for new employment,
are all transitional stages that maintain an individual’s integration to
society over their life course’ (McNaughton, 2008, p 30).
Ezzy’s (2001) observation on the integrative role of transitions over the life course
speaks directly both to Clark et al’s (2003) observation that a limited number of
housing sequences accounted for 75 per cent of lifetime housing in the US. It
also reflects our findings on trends in Australia’s housing market. Structural factors
clearly shape the decisions of individuals.These factors result in convergence for
large sections of the population, but the same processes increasingly generate
a greater diversity of outcomes for at least some groups in society. In Housing
Transitions, the experiences of persons with a disability and those living precarious
lives illustrate the widening gaps between some population groups.
McNaughton (2008) also situated her analysis of homelessness within critical
realism and noted that the objective of a realist ontology is to generate causal
Conclusion: negotiating the housing market over the next decades
Housing transitions through the life course
are present at all stages in the life course, but may only play a determining role
in mid life when wealth and income peak.
In recognising the movement away from 20th-century housing careers to
21st-century housing transitions it is important to acknowledge the capacity
of individuals to express choice within the housing market. We recognise, of
course, that ‘choice’ is a problematic concept because not everyone is able
to exert choice over their housing circumstances, and choice is itself socially
constructed.While acknowledging these difficulties we argue that the concept of
choice – as problematic or messy as it is – remains fundamental to understanding
housing outcomes and their relationship to the life course in the 21st century.
At a conceptual level it is important for a number of reasons. First, in virtually
all developed economies the overwhelming majority of housing is allocated
according to market processes, either through the purchase of housing or
through rental markets. This trend has in fact strengthened over the last two to
three decades, with the winding back in many nations of social housing supply
and direct government intervention in the market. Put simply, for most people,
for most of their lives, it is the market that determines where they live, in what
type of housing and in which type of household structure. There are, of course,
exceptions but they are limited, and in some nations even social housing systems
now use ‘choice based letting’. Second, by focusing on the decisions households
make we must inevitably acknowledge that ‘choice’ is constrained, which in turn
focuses attention on the processes limiting the range of possibilities available to
various groups within society.Third, the issue of choice speaks to the ethnography
of individual accounts of individual housing experiences. Clapham (2005a)
contended that ethnographic approaches were necessary to put into practice his
‘housing pathways’ framework. Significantly, such qualitative research inevitably
canvases the choices, or restrictions on choice, confronting individuals and their
The housing transitions perspective represents both a departure from previous
theoretical constructs and the evolution of established scholarship in this area.
Inevitably there remains a tension between the idea of individuals ‘progressing’
up a ladder of housing opportunities and situations on the one hand and, on the
other, a perhaps less optimistic focus on changing position within the housing
market per se. We would suggest that this tension can be overcome by focusing
on the sequence of housing that individuals and households occupy over the life
course. From this perspective, it is possible to recognise that some households
exhibit housing careers marked by upward mobility, increasing consumption and
opportunities for wealth accumulation, but these represent a subset of a much
wider set of housing sequences evident within society.
Alternative housing sequences observed and now understood within the
21st century include pathways into and out of homelessness, the ‘churning’ of
marginalised individuals and groups through precarious housing, the movement
of the older population to purpose-built aged accommodation and the potential
succession of accommodation they will occupy at the end of life, and the trans-
Conclusion: negotiating the housing market over the next decades
Housing transitions through the life course
longer, but the percentage of the population affected by lifetime disabilities has
been relatively static. Innovation in healthcare and medical technology may have
reduced the incidence of some specific disabilities, but increased the occurrence
of others.There has, however, been a substantial shift away from institutional forms
of care to housing within the broader community. This shift has been driven by
both the demands of the population affected by disability and the priorities of
government with respect to welfare outlays and the quality of services they offer.
In the 21st century, therefore, a higher percentage of persons with a disability live
within the broader community and therefore within the stock of housing available
to the population generally. This has implications for the population affected by
disability – including carers and other family members – who must compete for
accommodation with households in which all adults are able to work.They must
also select from among a housing stock that was essentially designed and built
without any thought as to how individuals may be impaired.
Disability, of course, does not simply affect the housing of those with lifetime
impairment.Virtually all individuals within society will experience impairment
at some stage in life, and the overwhelming majority of the aged live with some
form of disability. Complexity in housing outcomes, therefore, is apparent both
across the population as a whole and in the individual’s experience of housing
through their life course.
Risk within the housing market can, of course, be derived from a range of
social, demographic, economic, and environmental sources. In contemporary
Australia, for example, climate change appears to have increased the risk associated
with bushfires, with some households in locations previously assessed as being
in marginal risk now confronted by a much greater threat to both property and
life. More commonly, however, households are confronted by socially constructed
risks, of which the recent turmoil in global financial markets is a telling example.
Many of the households that have fallen out of homeownership in the US, the
UK, New Zealand and Australia since 2007 will never re-enter owner-occupation.
The financial crisis of the past three years will have a permanent impact on their
housing market circumstances and completely recast their housing transitions for
the remainder of their lives.
The changing profile of risk in housing markets in the 21st century calls into
question the nature of government intervention in housing and the philosophies
of assistance they pursue. In broad terms, the last two decades have witnessed a
movement away from direct government engagement with housing markets and
at the same time more limited welfare support for disadvantaged individuals and
groups. In the past, housing policy in nations such as Canada, the UK, Australia
and New Zealand was based on the provision of social housing for households in
need, with support often provided indefinitely. In some jurisdictions this policy
framework has changed, with New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland,
for example, introducing limited tenure within social housing. At the same time
governments have pursued housing policies that are broadly consistent with ‘third
way’ philosophies of government, and these interventions place greater emphasis
Conclusion: negotiating the housing market over the next decades
on providing ‘point in time’ assistance. That is, governments seek to offer help
that is seen to allow households to ‘get back on their feet’.
Our analysis suggests that both philosophies of housing assistance are misplaced
and out-of-step with 21st-century realities. On the one hand, many households
do not have a ‘housing career’ to resume, and a reliance on short-term policy
levers results in some households in indefinite receipt of ‘short term’ housing
assistance. On the other hand, the conventional policy framework, based on
indefinite residence in social housing, appears blind to the demographic realities
of the 21st century. For example, only 10 per cent of respondents to the Housing
21 Survey (250 households) had ever applied for public housing and some 160
households had been offered social housing at some stage. Only 22 households
(less than 1 per cent) were currently on the waiting list and approximately 5 per
cent of respondents lived in social housing at the time of the interview. Critically,
social housing is a small tenure and the stock of households assisted is minute
relative to the level of need within the community. Moreover, households do
not necessarily remain in social housing for extended periods as they relocate to
other living and tenure arrangements (Seelig et al, 2005). More broadly, in the 21st
century government interventions need to be better attuned and more sensitive
to the processes of household dissolution. There is a need, therefore, for a more
fine-grained approach to housing assistance, with policies that can accommodate
a range of outcomes that match the breadth of circumstances affecting persons
of low income in housing need.
The broad-scale social, economic and demographic processes that have been
documented in Housing Transitions provide grounds for specific policy changes
that in many respects fundamentally refocus housing programmes. It is inevitable
that over the coming years there will be a growing demand for housing policies
and programmes that better meet the needs of persons with a disability. We
have argued through the course of this book that one of the most fundamental
differences between housing transitions in the 21st century and housing careers in
the 20th century is the large scale and acknowledged presence of disabled persons
in the home. Whereas in the 20th century home was a place for the provision
of care to children, demographic and policy change has meant that in the 21st
century home will be a place for the provision – and receipt – of care for the
adult population. Ageing is part of this equation, as is the trend to accommodate
persons with a lifetime disability in the community. Some of the responses that
governments will need to investigate include the development of a cohort of
specialist housing providers, and their subsequent strengthening; the mandated
application of universal housing design principles in new housing construction;
and a repositioning of priorities for housing assistance. In the medium to longer
term governments will need to investigate and implement programmes that
assist persons with a disability, and family members with care responsibilities,
into home ownership.
The ageing of the population will constitute a second key driver of housing
policy reform in most developed nations over the coming decades. In most
Housing transitions through the life course
developed economies the percentage of the population aged over 65 will double
over the next three decades and this will have enormous impacts on both
government budgets and the housing stock. For some, older age will present
few housing challenges, but others will be confronted by significant difficulties,
especially if they enter older age while resident in an insecure tenure such as
private rental housing. The research presented in Housing Transitions has shown
that already 11 per cent of persons aged over 65 in Australia live in the private
rental market where they are confronted by insecure leases, high housing costs
and often poor-quality housing. Both the number and percentage of older
persons in this circumstance will rise in the near future as the first waves of the
baby boom generation passes the age of 65. Inevitably there will be an increased
demand for housing assistance, as well as other forms of support. The coming
generations of older persons, for example, are much more likely to be affected
by social isolation because of their more fluid household structures and greater
levels of residential mobility. In the future housing policies will need to be better
integrated with other government services in order to create communities that
better meet the needs of a population that has a greater percentage of members
at home rather than at work.
Demographic change has been an important determinant of social change in
many advanced economies over the previous two decades and it is likely that
many of the evident trends will either be sustained or gather pace. One of the key
challenges for government policy will be the ways in which existing programmes
are adapted to take account of these changes. Household dissolution offers a
case in point: in many ways the processes and outcomes associated with the
breakup and dispersion of households are as important for the housing market
as household formation. Household dissolution generates additional demand for
housing, affects the disposable incomes and resources of the affected individuals
and may trigger a departure from homeownership. Governments will need to
consider this suite of processes and develop policy solutions that better meet the
demands of a 21st-century population.
In Australia and many other nations one way of resolving the looming
demographic challenges will be to strengthen programmes that maintain existing
home purchasers in that tenure. Governments currently subsidise owner-
occupation in a number of ways, ranging from mortgage deductibility in the US,
to home purchase assistance grants in Australia and specialised loans in the UK.
However, relatively little attention is paid to maintaining households in that tenure
once they have gained a foothold.This focus on entry into the tenure rather than
its maintenance is myopic in the extreme, as it ignores the substantial personal
and financial costs associated with falling out of homeownership. The nations
that have served as the focus of analysis in this book – Australia, the US and the
UK – have all promoted home purchase over an extended period and it is now
time to recognise that in some instances further investment is both justified and
necessary. Baker et al (2010) noted in their study of low- and modest-income
recipients of housing assistance in Australia that many home purchasers reported
Conclusion: negotiating the housing market over the next decades
that they were worried because they could not afford to maintain their home and
felt that they were at risk of dispossession. The costs to society and government
of these households leaving homeownership are substantial and amply justify
additional assistance to maintain them in their tenure.
The turmoil within financial markets that has been evident across developed
economies since 2007 has reinforced once again the ways in which housing
markets are linked globally.The sub-prime mortgage crisis in the US precipitated
much of the instability in the finance sector as lending institutions and investors
discovered that many assets were now without value and house prices had been
inflated by questionable lending practices. In many developed economies the
financial crisis precipitated at that time – and the consequent crisis associated with
the collapse of Lehman Brothers – resulted in a dip in housing markets. In the
US, the UK, New Zealand and parts of Europe (including, notably, Spain) house
prices fell, while in Australia house prices first stalled and then remained quiescent.
Significant house price declines were not recorded in Australia because of the
continuing shortfalls in supply, the economic stimulus measures introduced by the
Australian government and the ongoing strength of the economy. Critically then,
while there was convergence in some parts of the globe, there was also divergence,
with local conditions and opportunities exerting a determinant influence.
The financial crisis first evident from 2007 will eventually come to a conclusion
and the affected economies should return to economic growth.What then are the
implications for the housing transitions in the affected economies? We would argue
that the financial crisis will have a profound and lasting impact on some groups
within the economy, especially those who have lost their homes or are otherwise
disadvantaged. One of the outcomes of housing and finance sector turmoil has
been a tightening of the regulatory environment and more limited access to
housing finance – especially for the less well off in society. This trend is likely to
continue, though weaken over time, as demands for both economic growth and
better access to housing finance begin to overwhelm more cautionary approaches.
However, for the majority of housing consumers the recent perturbations in
Housing transitions through the life course
Housing markets and housing systems have also experienced greater levels of
integration at a global scale. For some this integration has taken place directly and
at a very personal level, with Paris (2008a, 2008b) and others documenting the
growing incidence of individuals owning a second home in other nations. Entire
urban developments in the Middle East, South East Asia, and the warmer parts
of Europe have been established for the international market. The implications
for local economies are profound, as are the flow-on effects for the housing
experiences of the purchasing individuals or households.At one level it represents
a simple case of ‘hyper consumption’ and the capacity of individuals to express
housing choice at a global scale, but at the same time it reflects a set of historically
and culturally specific circumstances and conditions. It implies, for example, an
ongoing capacity to meet the cost of more than one home; continuing access to
low-cost travel, especially airfares; a sense of dislocation from the local community,
both within the host and origin countries; and household arrangements that are
sufficiently flexible to allow cyclical relocation. Households where one or more
persons provide primary care for someone in another household would not be
able to engage in the requisite ongoing travel.
The growth of the international second-home market has contributed to
convergence in housing markets across the globe both by strengthening financial
ties and creating personal experiences of housing and/or homeownership that span
international borders.Whether this market persists, however, is open to question
as the weakening since 2007 of many European currencies, including the euro
and the pound sterling, as well as economic downturn, will have reduced the
spending capacity of many actual and aspirational second-home owners. As will
be discussed below, environmental concerns may also impinge upon this market
in coming years.
There are other ways in which individual housing transitions find expression on
a global scale: for a growing proportion of both upwardly mobile young people and
those in middle age at the peak of their career. In the past, migration to another
country to find work was a long-term prospect, but increasingly those who work
in the financial services sector, biotechnology, computing science, health or other
key components of the knowledge economy cycle through international labour
markets as they build their work portfolio. Some 6 per cent of moves through
the housing market recorded in the Housing 21 Survey were associated with
immigration and/or a return from a period spent overseas. The latter was more
significant numerically than the former, with large numbers of both young adults
Conclusion: negotiating the housing market over the next decades
and mid-age adults from Australia spending periods in Europe, North America
and other parts of the world. This is a new driver within contemporary housing
markets and one that may have unexpected spillover effects. It was notable that
the economic downturn in the UK from 2007 resulted in the involuntary return
to Australia of many who had previously worked in London’s financial markets. In
most cases they returned to Sydney, Melbourne or one of the other metropolitan
centres, where they resumed the housing they owned and consequently evicted
the tenants who had lived in their homes while they had worked in the UK.
Comparable experiences would potentially have been evident in other parts of
the global economy, as individual businesses closed branch offices and repatriated
staff to headquarters, while in other cases staff were shed from the labour force
and returned home. Unlike the global market for second homes, it is difficult to
believe that this trend will not recur once global economic prosperity is restored,
or at least re-emerges on the horizon. This conclusion is based on recognition
that there is a global demand for skilled labour and that in many labour markets
there is under-supply.There are also strong personal reasons why individuals would
seek out these opportunities. The implication is that global housing transitions
will continue and so an increasing proportion of the non-immigrant population
will include significant international experience in the sequence of housing they
occupy through their lifetime.
Housing transitions through the life course
with a discussion of two factors that we consider will exert a critical influence
on individuals and their housing through their life course.
Conclusion: negotiating the housing market over the next decades
• Will there be a demand for the larger housing that older residents seek to
vacate in later life?
• What forms of housing assistance will governments be able to afford given
increasing demands for healthcare and income support for aged residents?
• Will new housing forms be developed to meet the needs of the aged population?
• Will there be a need for innovation in tenure arrangements or in the financing
of housing in older age?
The ageing of the population and their consequent demand for housing will
have a significant impact on the lived experience of housing, on the housing
industry and on governments. The impact of population ageing on the lived
experience of housing will be profound: girls born in the year 2008 in Australia
had a life expectancy at birth of just less than 84 years while boys born in the
same year had a life expectancy at birth of 79 years. By the time both sexes reach
the age of 20 their life expectancies will have risen by another five years or so.
Similar life expectancies are recorded in other nations, and especially outside their
Housing transitions through the life course
It is not possible to forecast all the processes and outcomes that will reshape the
relationship between persons and their housing over their lifetimes. However,
we can be sure that it will remain an important and dynamic relationship and
one which reflects a full range of social, economic and environmental pressures.
Housing transitions in the first decade of the 21st century differ from those
acknowledged and understood a generation previously.There will be a continuing
need to examine this issue to better inform public policy, assist communities
with their housing needs and, perhaps most importantly, continue to contribute
to the understanding of society. Over time the need for cross-national research
and scholarship in this area will grow as the differing policy positions nations
adopt on climate change adaptation and amelioration, income support, economic
development and the taxation of housing will exert a subtle but powerful influence
on housing outcomes. Both large-scale quantitative analysis and more detailed
qualitative investigations will be needed to realign our understanding of the
relationship between housing outcomes and the life course, as well as capture new
patterns within the housing market. Researchers have long been fascinated by the
intersection between the life course and housing processes and the durability of
this research tradition suggests a further wealth of insights over the coming years.
Housing transitions through the life course
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Page references for figures and tables are in italics
A Bailey, D. 142
Baker, A. 124
Aberdeen 23
Baker, E. ix, 162
Adelaide 24, 138–41, 142–3
Banks, J. 43
affordability see housing affordability
Barker, Kate 45
aged see older people
Barrell, R. 2, 20–1
Aged Persons’ Homes Act 93–4
Baum, S. 74
ageing in place 94–5
Baxter, J. 75
Allen Consulting Group (ACG) 131, 132, 133
Beck, U. 15, 16, 27
AMTPA (Alternative Mortgage Transaction
Beer, A. 21, 22, 137, 139, 150–1
Parity Act) 50
Belgium 6
Armstrong, K. 141
Bengtsson, B. 13
bequests 104–5
and housing decisions 31–5, 32, 35
Berry, M. 57, 78, 82
young people 73–4
Billari, F.C. 61
Atkinson, R. 13
Birdsall-Jones, C.L. 26
Birmingham 141–3
bushfires 160
Blatter, J. 8
disability 113, 120–30, 131, 132–3
boomerang children 64–6
economic restructuring and housing 138–41,
Bradbury, B. 100
Bradley, D. 86
family and the consumption of housing 75–8
Bridge, C. 131
homelessness 67
Brink, S. 95
house prices 5, 163
Brownlee, H. 82
Housing 21 Survey 14
buy-to-let (BTL) mortgages 44
housing affordability 56, 86–91, 87, 89
Bynner, J.M. 61, 62, 65
housing careers 26
housing finance and policy 56–7
housing histories 24 C
housing policy and provision 53–5, 58–9, 160
immigrants 149–53, 149, 150, 151, 152
housing finance 57–9
income inequality 6
housing market 5
Indigenous population 6–7
housing policy 160
life expectancy 167
income inequality 6
mid life 83–6, 86
young people 69
older people 93–5, 96–110, 109, 162
carers 129–30
owner occupation viii–ix, 162
Cartmel, F. 66
precarious housing 136–7
Castles, I. ix
relationship breakdown 79, 80–1
childbearing 75–8
rental history checks 153
Chiuri, M.C. 68–9
social housing 33, 161
choice 158
young people 63–4, 64, 65–6, 67, 69–73, 70,
Christensen, W.J. 26
71, 73–4
Clapham, D. 12, 13, 26–30, 34, 36–7, 105,
143, 158
B Clark, W. 1–2, 20, 24–6, 34, 156, 159
class 35–6, 36
baby boomers viii, 33, 34
cognitive impairment 117–18, 118, 127–8
Australia 54
Côté, J. 61, 62, 65
homeownership and purchase 96, 97
council housing see social housing
housing and locational preferences 105–6
credit rating agencies 51–2
wealth in old age 102–3, 103
critical realism 13, 156–7
Badcock, B.A. 21, 22
Housing transitions through the life course
Housing transitions through the life course
Housing transitions through the life course
Zacharov, R. 37, 104
HOUSING TRANSITIONS THROUGH THE LIFE COURSE • Beer and Faulkner with Paris and Clower
“A hugely impressive book. Housing transitions through the life course not
only offers a valuable comparison of lifetime attitudes towards housing
across different countries but also highlights how the global financial crisis
housing Transitions
has impacted on such markets. Bang up-to-date and highly readable. A much
recommended read.”
Professor David Bailey, Coventry University Business School, UK
through the LIFE COURSE
For decades housing researchers and policy makers have considered the relationship
between housing and the life course. The housing we live in shapes individual access to jobs,
health, well-being and communities. There are substantial differences between generations
regarding the type of housing they aspire to live in, their attitudes to housing costs and the
nature of their households.
This important contribution to the literature presents a fresh perspective on these ideas. It draws
upon research from the UK, Australia and the US to show how lifetime attitudes to housing have
changed, with new population dynamics driving the market and a greater emphasis on consumption.
It considers how the global financial crisis has differentially affected housing markets, with variable
impacts on the long-term housing transitions of different populations. The authors argue that how
we think about households and their housing needs to be recast to acknowledge this changed
environment and provide a more powerful conceptual framework.
Andrew Beer is a Professor in Geography at the University of Adelaide. His interests include the
relationship between housing and the life course, regional economic development policies and
Debbie Faulkner is a Research Fellow in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
at the University of Adelaide. She has research interests in population issues including housing, ageing,
homelessness and at risk groups in the community.