Class4cbse SA1

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The computer system

Short Answers

1. What is input?

A) The Data and Instructions that we give to the computer is known as Input

2. what is Process?

A) The work that a computer deals on the data according to the instructions given is known as Process.

3. What is the use of stylus?

A) Stylus is mainly used instead of mouse to write or lap on the monitor.

4) Write the names of parts of CPU?

A) Arithmetic Logic Unit, Control Unit,Registers

5 Name any two application Softwares?

A) ms Paint, word pad

Long Answers

1) Why do we need a Scanner?

A) Scanner is used to get documents and images on paper into the computer.

2) What are Dot matrix Printer?

A) A Dot matrix printer prints data in the form of small dots. This printer is used

When many printouts are required at a lower price.

3) Explain the main function of The Three parts of the CPU?

A) 1. Arithmetic Logic Unit: All Arithmetic and logical operations are carried out by The ALU

2. Control Unit: Control Unit Controls all the tasks that happen in the Computer.

3. Registers: Registers is The Storage unit inside The CPU

4) What is the difference between System Software and application Software?

A) System Software: Software that helps us to use the Various hardware devices.
Application Software: Software that helps us to perform specific tasks on a Computer.

2. Windows 7

Short Answers.

1) What is an Operating System? Write 3 examples.

A) An operating system is a software which manages all hardware and Software on the Computer Some
examples are Windows, Linux, mac os.

2) White Three Things about Windows 7

A) Windows 7 is an operating system developed by microsoft. The first version of windows was windows
1.0 launched in November 1985. Some popular versions are Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows XP.

3) What is Wallpaper?

A) The picture on the Desktop that fills The Screen is called Wallpaper.

4) Name Three gadgets present in windows7.

A) News headlines, Calender , weather information

Long Answers.

1) Write Three things that an operating system does?

A). An operating system is the most important Software that runs on a computer.

It manages memory, processes, hardware and software of a computer.

It helps us to communicate with the computer.

2) what do you understand by GUI ?

A) Windows has a Graphical User Interface this means that it has graphical things, such as small pictures
called icons and support for using the mouse.

3) What do the following windows show?

A)1)Computer: The Computer window show's all The Software and files on the Computer.

2) Recycle Bin: Recycle Bin Contains everything that you delete from the computer.It acts as a dustbin.
3. More Tools in Paint

Short Answers.

1) which option is used to add colors to The Color palette?

A) Fill with color tool is used to add colors to the Color palette.

2) What is the use of the curve tool?

A )Curve tool is used to draw Curved lines.

3) What is the use of Polygon tool?

A) Polygon tool is used to draw a closed shape with three or more sides.

4) what is the default color2 ?

A white.

1) What are Outline and fill options?

A) The outline option helps us to draw shapes with lines in various styles.

Fill option helps us to fill color in shapes in various styles.

2) What is the use of the color Picker Tool?

A) The color picker tool is used to select a color from an existing drawing. The selected color appears as
color 1

3) write the steps to use the magnifier tool.

A) The magnifier tool is used to zoom into a drawing or zoom out of a Drawing
4. Images in Paint.

Short Answers.

1. Name Three actions that can be performed after selecting a part of a drawing.

A. Cut, Copy, Delete

2) How can you move the selected drawing.

A) To move the selected part of the drawing press over the selected portion and drag it to the place
where you want to move the drawing.

3) Where is the selected image pasted?

A) Selected Image will be pasted on the left of the Screen.

Long Answers.

1) How are cut and copy different?

A) Cut option is used to remove the selection from the original location.

Copy option is used to create a copy of selected part.

2) How is skew different from resize?

A) changing the size of a drawing is called Resizing- Making an image slanted is called Skewing.

3) What is the difference between cropping and deleting?

A) Cropping is done to get only the selected portion of the drawing where as Deleting is used to remove
which is not required

4) How can you set a drawing as the desktop background?

A)open a drawing

* Click File on Home Tab

Click Set as Desktop background option

Choose Fill, Tile or center option.

5) Explain the Three options for setting drawing as the desktop background

A). a. The Fill option fills the desktop with the drawing.
b.The Tile option places multiple times in original size drawing with the drawing

c. The center option places in the original size at the center of The desktop.


Short Answers.

1) what are stamps in Tux Paint?

A) stamps are collection of small pictures That can be used as stickers.

2) write the use of the magic tool.

A) you select the magic tool, a list of effects are displayed in the Selector.

3) Explain these options of the Stamptool?

A) a) Control: It is used to increase or decrease the size of the stamp.

b) Mirror Image: It is used to get mirror image (horizontal flip) of the stamp.

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