Short E-Tender Notice: No. DMHS/P&T/NAMO/Poly Carbonate Sheet/2023/104/1434
Short E-Tender Notice: No. DMHS/P&T/NAMO/Poly Carbonate Sheet/2023/104/1434
Short E-Tender Notice: No. DMHS/P&T/NAMO/Poly Carbonate Sheet/2023/104/1434
2023_UTDNH_6415 _1 Purchase of Poly Carbonate Sheet with Glossy Vinyl and Stud Fitting for Various
Departments of NAMO Medical Education & Research Institute under Medical & Public Health Department, D&NH.
The CMO/Medical Superintendent (SVBCH), Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu on
behalf of President of India, invites on line tender on from
the Manufactures/Authorized Dealers/Suppliers for supply of below mentioned materials.
Bidders have to submit Technical Bid and Price Bid in Electronic format only on website till the last date and time for submission.
Technical Bid and Price Bid in Physical format shall not be accepted in any case.
Bid submission should be done along with tender Fees and EMD in original by
R.P.A.D./Speed Post or to be deposited in the tender box kept in the office of the
undersigned. However, Tender Inviting Authority shall not be responsible for any postal
delay. Tenders can be downloaded from, and
e-tender ID No. 2023_UTDNH_6415 _1 Purchase of Poly Carbonate Sheet with Glossy Vinyl and Stud Fitting for Various
Departments of NAMO Medical Education & Research Institute under Medical & Public Health Department, D&NH.
2. The Tender Fees will be accepted only in form of DD/A/c payee Cheque of any
Nationalized or Scheduled Bank of India payable in Silvassa.
3. The EMD will be accepted in form of FDR /A/c Payee Demand Draft / Bankers
Cheque / Bank Guarantee or e-Bank Guarantee from any Commercial Banks in
an acceptable form payable at silvassa in favor of under signed.
The tender inviting authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the
tender to be received without assigning any reasons thereof. In case bidder needs any
clarification on the process of bidding for participating in online tender for further
details, correspondence can be made on E-mail: cppp-nic[at]nic[dot]in, Mobile No:
+91-78780077972 and +91-7878007973, Tel No. 1800 3070 2232 Website:
CMO/Medical Superintendent
U.T. of DNH & DD
“Tel.No.0260-2642940, 2640615”
e-mail Id: [email protected]
Copy to :-
1) The Information & Publicity Department, Daman, for wide publicity in Newspaper.
2) I.T. Department, D&NH, Silvassa with a request to publish in Website.
e-tender ID No. 2023_UTDNH_6415 _1 Purchase of Poly Carbonate Sheet with Glossy Vinyl and Stud Fitting for Various
Departments of NAMO Medical Education & Research Institute under Medical & Public Health Department, D&NH.
Terms and Conditions for the “Purchase of Poly Carbonate Sheet with Glossy Vinyl
and Stud Fitting for Various Departments of NAMO Medical Education &
Research Institute, D&NH.”
Instructions to Bidders :
1) All Tender Documents can be downloaded free from the website
3) The user can get a copy of instructions to online participation from the website
4) The suppliers should register on the website through the “New Supplier” link provided
at the home page, the registration on the site should not be taken as registration or
empanelment or any other form of registration with the tendering authority.
5) The application for training and issue of digital signature certificates should be made at
least 72 hours in advance to the due date and time of tender submission.
6) For all queries regarding tender specifications and any other clauses included in the
tender document should be addressed to personnel in tendering office address provided
10) The Bidder has to give compliance for each quoted product for any false/
misleading statement in compliance found any time during the procurement
process, the bid shall be outrightly rejected & EMD shall be forfeited.
Bid document downloading Start Date : 10.04.2023.
Bid document downloading End Date : 14.04.2023, 09.00 Hrs.
Last Date & Time for receipt of Bid : 14.04.2023, 09.10 Hrs.
Preliminary Stage Bid Opening Date : 14.04.2023, 09.15 Hrs.
e-tender ID No. 2023_UTDNH_6415 _1 Purchase of Poly Carbonate Sheet with Glossy Vinyl and Stud Fitting for Various
Departments of NAMO Medical Education & Research Institute under Medical & Public Health Department, D&NH.
The Tenders shall be submitted in two-bid system, wherein the Technical bid and
Commercial Bid is to be filled online on and the
EMD and Tender Fee has to be submitted in Tender Box along with a covering letter.
The envelope should be super scribing as “e-Tender - Sealed Cover of Bid for
Purchase of Poly Carbonate Sheet with Glossy Vinyl and Stud Fitting for Various
Departments of NAMO Medical Education & Research Institute, D&NH.”. The
EMD and Tender Fees should only be enclosed in the cover.
b. The Tender Fees (Non Refundable) will be accepted only in form of DD/A/c payee
Cheque in favor of The Director of Medical and Health Services, Silvassa from any
Nationalized or Scheduled Bank of India payable in Silvassa.
b. The manufacturing units who are placed in Silvassa are exempted for Earnest Money
Deposit. For getting exemption, tenderers have to furnish valid and certified documents
along with the tender, otherwise tender will be rejected.
c. Any firm desires to consider exemption from payment of Earnest Money Deposit, valid
and certified copies of its Registration with D.G.S. & D. should be attached to their
In favor of Director Medical and Health Services from any Nationalized or Scheduled
Bank authorized by RBI to undertake Government Business.
e. EMD should be valid upto 12 (Twelve Months) from the date of its issuance.
e-tender ID No. 2023_UTDNH_6415 _1 Purchase of Poly Carbonate Sheet with Glossy Vinyl and Stud Fitting for Various
Departments of NAMO Medical Education & Research Institute under Medical & Public Health Department, D&NH.
ii. In case, the supplier does not execute the supply order placed with him within
stipulated time, the EMD of the supplier will be forfeited to the Government and
the contract for the supply shall terminated with no further liabilities on either
party to the contract.
iii. Tenderer fails to replace the goods declared to be not of standard quality or not
conforming to acceptable standards or found to be decayed/spoilt.
h. The amount of Earnest Money paid by the tenderer(s) whose tenders are not accepted
will be refunded to them by cheque or Demand Draft (as may be convenient to the
Tender Inviting Officer if the amount is above .200/-) drawn on any Nationalized or
Scheduled Bank payable at Silvassa. Where this mode of payment is not possible the
amount will be refunded at the cost of the tenderer.
i. Only on satisfactory completion of the supply order for and on payment of all bills of the
supplier, as to be admitted for payment, the amount of Security Deposit/Earnest Money
will be refunded after expiry of guarantee/warranty period, if any, or any such
date/period as may be mutually agreed upon.
j. In case of failure to supply the store, materials etc. ordered for, as per conditions and
within the stipulated time, the name articles will be obtained from the tenderer who
offered next higher rates or from any other sources, as may be decided by the tender
inviting Officer and the loss to the Government on account of such purchases(s) shall be
recovered from the former suppliers Security Deposit/Earnest Money or bills payable.
The suppliers shall have no right to dispute with such procedure.
k. The Earnest Money(s) paid by the tender(s) earlier against any tender(s) or supply
order(s) is not adjustable with Earnest Money required by these conditions.
a. The successful tenderer will have to pay within 10 days from the date of demand, an
amount equal to 10% of the total value of articles, which may be ordered, as the amount
of security deposit.
b. Non receipt of Security Deposit within stipulated time will result in automatic
cancellation of the order for supply without any intimation.
c. However in case if any articles are received for which the Security Deposit may not
have been deposited, the full Security Deposit as may be due from the supplier will be
recovered from the bill(s) for such articles.
d. In case of failure to replace the accepted and rejected articles from the supplies made, as
mentioned in the conditions the loss undergone by the Government will be recovered
from the suppliers Security Deposit or payment due of any bill(s) to the extend required.
e. The Security Deposit(s) paid by the tender(s) earlier against any tender(s) or supply
order(s) is not adjustable with Security Deposit required by these conditions.
f. The tender inviting officer will consider extension of time for remitting the Security
Deposit as demanded. However, in case of denial to consider such extension the
supplier is bound to abide by the limit given and liable to make good for the loss made
to the Government on account of his failure to abide by the time limit.
e-tender ID No. 2023_UTDNH_6415 _1 Purchase of Poly Carbonate Sheet with Glossy Vinyl and Stud Fitting for Various
Departments of NAMO Medical Education & Research Institute under Medical & Public Health Department, D&NH.
Conditions of Contract :
a. The tender is liable for rejection due to any of the reasons mentioned below:
i. Non-Submission of tender within stipulated time online.
ii. Submission of tender physically in the Office but not submitted online
iii. Tender is unsigned or not initialed on each page or with unauthenticated
iv. Non-payment of Earnest Money Deposit (if not exempted).
v. Non-Submission of required documents as mentioned in schedule.
vi. Conditional/vague offers.
vii. Unsatisfactory past performance of the tenderer.
viii. Items with major changes/ deviations in specifications/ standard/
grade/packing/quality offered.
ix. Submission of misleading/ contradictory/ false statement or information
and fabricated/ invalid documents.
x. Tenders not filled up properly.
xi. The documents attached by the bidder online if found not readable will
not be considered for bid evaluation.
b. Any discount which the bidder wants to give has to be considered and total final
bid amount has to be mentioned clearly in the price bid form on
d. The consolidated rates entered in the online website will be taken in to account
for preparing price statements. However the tender who is found technically
acceptable as well as lowest in terms of evaluated rates only is considered for
placing the order.
e. The Director Medical and Health Services may seek any clarifications/
explanation/ documentary evidence related to offer at any stage from tenderers if
f. The rate quoted should be inclusive of all taxes no extra charges will be
paid and should be valid upto One Year from the date of tenderization.
g. Orders once placed should be delivered within the given time period and item
should be door delivered upto 3rd floor including labour.
j. The right to accept or reject without assigning any reasons or all tenders in part
or whole is reserved with the Tender Inviting Officer and his decision(s) on all
e-tender ID No. 2023_UTDNH_6415 _1 Purchase of Poly Carbonate Sheet with Glossy Vinyl and Stud Fitting for Various
Departments of NAMO Medical Education & Research Institute under Medical & Public Health Department, D&NH.
matters relating to acceptance or rejection of the tenders as a whole or in part
will be final and binding to all.
l. The rate(s) quoted should be strictly for free delivery (including labour and
transportation) at FOR Shri Vinoba Bhave Civil Hospital, Silvassa and will be
valid and operative for supply orders issued within one year from the date of
invitation of tenders. The department shall not take any responsibility of on
loading the goods; the successful bidder has to make arreangement for loading at
a. The packing and labels of all the items to be supplied under the order shall be
marked with the words ‘FOR U.T. OF DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI- NOT
FOR SALE’ if the items are packed in packets which are then placed or
repacked within a box/ carton/ bottle/ foil, these words will be printed/ marked
on both the internal/ external packs and labels. The retail price must not be
printed or shown anywhere either on external or internal packs/ box/ carton/ foil.
b. In event of breakage or loss of stores during transit against requisition order the
said quantity has to be replaced by the tenderer.The department will not pay
separately for transit insurance and supplier will be responsible for stores.
e-tender ID No. 2023_UTDNH_6415 _1 Purchase of Poly Carbonate Sheet with Glossy Vinyl and Stud Fitting for Various
Departments of NAMO Medical Education & Research Institute under Medical & Public Health Department, D&NH.
d. Items should be door delivered upto 3rd floor including labour no extra charge will be
paid by the department.
e. Railway Receipt or other transport document should not be send by VPP or through any
Bank as this being a Government Office it is not possible to clear cash demands of Post
Office/Bank for delivery of RR or other transport documents unless we have agreed to
it as special arrangement.
f. Extension of time limit for supplies shall be considered by the Tender Inviting Officer.
The extension so granted may be with levy of compensation for delay in execution of
supply (as mentioned in Liquidated Damages) the cost of supplies ordered for at the
discretion of the authority competent to grant extension of time limit provided such
request is made well in time, depending upon the circumstances and such decision in
the matter will be final.
h. Demurrage charges paid by the Tender Inviting Officer on account of delayed receipt of
dispatch documents intimation will be recovered from the bills payable to the supplier.
i. If at any time after the order for supply of materials the Tender Inviting Officer shall for
any reason whatsoever not require the whole or part of the quantity thereof as specified
in the order the Tender Inviting Officer shall give notice in writing of the fact to the
supplier(s) who shall have to claim to any payment of compensation what so ever on
account of any profit or advantage which the supplier(s) might have derived from the
supply of articles in full, but which did not derive in consequence of the full quantity of
articles not having been purchased, nor shall have any claim for compensation by
reasons of any alterations having been made in the original instructions which shall
invoice any curtailment of the supply originally contemplated.
j. The items as mentioned in the list are the approximate estimates invited and actual
purchase may more. Accordingly the successful tenderer has no right for any
loss/damages with reference to approximate requirement shown in tender and actual
k. Inspection will be carried out in the premises of Shri VBCH. If goods to be inspected in
factory premises all expenditure to be borne by the Tenderer.
l. If the bidder whose tender is accepted has to complete the work within 3 days with
complete satisfaction.
m. Any damage or redo of work has to be bared by the bidder.
n. In case of failure to supply of ordered for , as per condition and stipulated time, the
same will be procured if required, from the bidder who offered the next lowest or from
any other source as may be decided by the tender inviting authority and loss to
Government on account of such purchases shall be recovered from the L1 supplier’s
EMD/ SD or bills payable. The supplier shall have no right to dispute with such
e-tender ID No. 2023_UTDNH_6415 _1 Purchase of Poly Carbonate Sheet with Glossy Vinyl and Stud Fitting for Various
Departments of NAMO Medical Education & Research Institute under Medical & Public Health Department, D&NH.
B. Technical Evaluation:
a. 100% of the invoice amount will be paid only after supply, successful and submission
of Security deposit.
c. All bills should be in TRIPLICATE and should invariably mention the number and
date of supply order.
d. All bills for amount above .5000/- should be pre-receipted on a Revenue Stamp of
proper value. Bills for amount exceeding .5000/- not pre-receipted on Revenue Stamp
of proper value will not be accepted for payment.
e. Each bill in which Sales Tax is charged must contain the following certificates on the
body of the bill: “CERTIFIED” that the goods on which Sales Tax has been charged
have not been exempted under the Central Sale Tax Act or the Rules made there under
and the amount charged on account of Sales Tax on these goods is not more than what
is payable under the provisions of relevant Act or Rules made there under”.
f. No extra charge for packing, forwarding and insurance etc. will be paid on the rates
g. The rates should be quoted only for the items specified in the list of requirement.
h. Rates quoted for items other than the required specification/ make/ manufacture will not
be considered.
CMO/Medical Superintendent
U.T. of DNH & DD
“Tel.No.0260-2642940, 2640615”
e-mail Id: [email protected]
e-tender ID No. 2023_UTDNH_6415 _1 Purchase of Poly Carbonate Sheet with Glossy Vinyl and Stud Fitting for Various
Departments of NAMO Medical Education & Research Institute under Medical & Public Health Department, D&NH.
Sr. Qty. Offered
Item Name Mfg.
No. Req. Company
Signature of Suppliers/Dealers
With Rubber Stamp
CMO/Medical Superintendent
U.T. of DNH & DD
“Tel.No.0260-2642940, 2640615”
e-mail Id: [email protected]