Ceschi 2021 Oi 210724 1631040648.26526
Ceschi 2021 Oi 210724 1631040648.26526
Ceschi 2021 Oi 210724 1631040648.26526
rank P = .08) and unplanned all-cause hospital readmissions (log-rank P = .10) occurred similarly in
the intervention and control groups.
Open Access. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC-BY License.
JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(9):e2124672. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.24672 (Reprinted) September 16, 2021 1/13
Abstract (continued)
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE These findings suggest that medication reconciliation at hospital
admission has no impact on postdischarge health care outcomes among patients aged 85 years or
older, with more than 10 medications at hospital admission, or meeting both conditions.
Medication reconciliation is the systematic process of obtaining the most accurate list of all
medications a patient is currently taking (ie, the best possible medication history [BPMH]), including
medication name, dosage, frequency, and route. This list is to be compared with the list of
medications ordered by a physician at admission, transfer, or discharge in order to provide correct
medications to the patient at all interfaces of care within the hospital.1
According to international recommendations, hospitals should use medication reconciliation to
prevent medication errors and improve patient safety.2-4 In Switzerland, the Swiss Patient Safety
Foundation, following the national pilot program “Progress! Safe Pharmacotherapy at the Interface
Points” (2014-2016), published recommendations for safe pharmacotherapy at interfaces of care,
emphasizing the importance of carrying out systematic medication reconciliation.5 In addition, the
Swiss Federal Office of Public Health promotes the introduction of medication reconciliation in Swiss
health care institutions.6
Errors in medication use process are among the most common causes of in-hospital morbidity
and mortality.7 Unintended medication discrepancies (eg, omissions, duplications, and dosing errors)
can occur across transitions of care and, if not identified and resolved, may place the patient at risk
of medication-related harm, thus negatively impacting the quality and safety of patient care.8
Studies from 20129and 201910 suggest that medication reconciliation reduces the number of
medication discrepancies. However, because of heterogeneity among studies; variation in type,
intensity, and duration of interventions; and differences in timing of follow-up measurements in the
most recent systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and overviews of systematic reviews, evidence for
the effectiveness of medication reconciliation in patient-centered outcomes and health care use is
To date, 1 randomized clinical trial (RCT), not yet included in recent systematic reviews or meta-
analyses, found that an extended intervention composed of medication review at admission and
medication reconciliation at discharge significantly reduced the number of emergency department
(ED) visits and readmissions within 6 months from discharge compared with usual care at 4 acute
admission wards in Denmark.13 Although the study was adequately powered, with a large sample
size, the assessment of the primary composite outcome at 6 months could have been biased by
factors unrelated to the targeted intervention on medication use. Indeed, medication-related
readmissions within 6 months of inclusion were not significantly reduced in the extended
intervention group compared with the usual care group. Moreover, the study population included
patients aged 18 years or older with 5 or more medications at hospital admission. Therefore, older
patients with fewer than 5 medications were not included in the study. However, these patients
represent a subpopulation with increased frailty and increased risk of adverse health outcomes. For
these patients, medication use (regardless of the overall number of medications taken) can be
complex and potentially associated with medication-related problems and increased morbidity and
mortality, likely imposing a large economic burden on health care resources.14-16
Considering polypharmacy (ie, having >10 medications at hospital admission), older patient age
(ie, ⱖ85 years), or both conditions as inclusion criteria, this parallel group RCT aimed to assess the
impact of medication reconciliation at hospital admission on a composite postdischarge health care
JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(9):e2124672. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.24672 (Reprinted) September 16, 2021 2/13
use variable. This was quantified as the proportion of patients with unplanned all-cause hospital visits
(including visits to the ED and hospital readmissions) within 30 days after initial discharge, a time
when patients may still be using the medications they were using at discharge and a reasonable
latency period between intervention and assessed outcomes.
This RCT was approved by the local ethics committee of Swissethics, the Swiss Association of
Research Ethics Committees, with exemption from obtaining informed consent for participants
allocated to the control group following the Zelen design.17 A copy of the study protocol is available
in Supplement 1. All patient data obtained from the control group were routinely recorded in
electronic health records (EHRs), without need of obtaining additional data for the study. All
participants randomized to the intervention group received a participant information sheet and a
consent form describing the study and providing sufficient information to make an informed decision
about their participation in the study. When recruited patients were cognitively unable to
meaningfully participate in the study, the participant information sheet and consent form were
provided to the individuals’ caregivers or legal representatives, who were afterward actively involved
(on behalf of cognitively impaired patients) during pharmacist assistant–led interviews used obtain
information for the BPMH. This study followed Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials
(CONSORT) reporting guideline.
JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(9):e2124672. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.24672 (Reprinted) September 16, 2021 3/13
The trial was open label. Therefore, owing to the nature of the intervention, clinical pharmacists
(M.P., N.L., O.E.G., S.I., and S.G.) and pharmacy assistants, along with participants allocated to the
intervention group, were aware of the study, while outcome assessors (R.N. and A.P.) and data
analysts (R.N., S.B., and A.P.) remained blinded.
Eligible patients randomized to the intervention group received medication reconciliation according
to 3 steps: At first, the pharmacy assistant compiled an ex novo comprehensive list of the patient’s
current medications at hospital admission (including medications used in chronic therapy and those
taken on an as-needed basis) and obtained the BPMH. To confirm the accuracy of the BPMH, the
pharmacy assistant used 2 or more sources of information, including, when possible, an interview
with the patient or the patient’s caregiver or legal representative, in addition to referral letters and
prescription and medication lists from primary care physicians, community pharmacists, nursing
homes, and home care. Pharmacy assistants received training and instructions from clinical
pharmacists (M.P., N.L., O.E.G., S.I., and S.G.) face to face and through guiding documents to learn
about medication reconciliation procedures and to familiarize themselves with the use of EHRs. This
was done to enhance data quality and decrease the amount of missing or incomplete data,
inaccuracies, and excessive variability in measurements. Clinical pharmacists had a consolidated
experience in the medication reconciliation process from a previous in-house pilot study18 and
previous working experience abroad, where the clinical pharmacist is responsible for the entire
medication reconciliation process. In the subsequent step, the clinical pharmacist reconciled the
BPMH with the list of home medications recorded at hospital admission by the attending physician
(according to the hospital standard procedure). To resolve medication discrepancies that were
1362 Patients allocated to intervention group 836 Patients allocated to control group
866 Patients allocated to intervention group and analyzed 836 Patients allocated to control group and analyzed
JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(9):e2124672. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.24672 (Reprinted) September 16, 2021 4/13
The primary outcome was a composite postdischarge health care use variable quantified as the
proportion of patients with unplanned all-cause hospital visits (including visits to the ED and hospital
readmissions, including to the intensive care unit, at any of 4 regional hospitals encompassed by the
EOC) within 30 days after initial discharge. Planned visits, which do not involve going through the ED,
were not counted in the assessment of the primary outcome. These data were retrieved by the ICT
from existing administrative data sources and integrated within the CRF.
Secondary outcomes were assessed during the first inpatient stay (ie, when study recruitment
occurred) and consisted of the period prevalence of adverse drug events (ADEs) occurring during the
hospital stay, length of hospital stay (LOS), number of in-hospital deaths, and number of resources
used during the hospital stay (ie, laboratory tests, radiologic exams, and electrocardiograms). The
active pharmacovigilance system at the Regional Pharmacovigilance Centre of southern Switzerland
was used to measure the prevalence of ADEs during the hospital stay. This is an electronic system
that actively and continuously screens EHRs for predefined words and word combinations related to
ADEs (eMethods in Supplement 2). Therefore, EHRs identified through this system and referring to
patients aged 85 years or older, with more than 10 medications at admission, or meeting both
conditions were manually assessed for a drug-event causal relationship (using the World Health
Organization [WHO]–Uppsala Monitoring Centre causality assessment system19) and validated to
discard false-positive cases. Subsequently, ADEs were categorized as nonserious or serious (using
WHO seriousness criteria for resulting in death, being life threatening, prolonging hospitalization,
resulting in persistent disability or incapacity, or determining other clinical conditions). The outcome
assessor (R. N.) was masked to group allocation (without access to the database of baseline data or
CRF) and had practical experience in causality assessment from daily pharmacovigilance activity. The
number of in-hospital deaths, laboratory tests, radiographic exams, and electrocardiograms and the
LOS were retrieved from administrative data sources that were already in use at the EOC for other
purposes. The ICT integrated all secondary outcome measures within the CRF.
JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(9):e2124672. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.24672 (Reprinted) September 16, 2021 5/13
between the intervention and the control groups with a 0.80 statistical power and a .05 significance
level, a sample size of 1718 patients was estimated by Pearson χ2 test. Sample size calculation was
performed using PASS statistical software version 15.0.3 (NCSS).
Statistical Analysis
An independent biostatistician (A.P.) blind to trial group allocation analyzed the data following a
prespecified statistical analysis plan. Quantitative data were summarized as median with
interquartile range (IQR). Qualitative data were presented as absolute numbers with percentages.
For the primary outcome, the proportion of patients with unplanned all-cause hospital visits
(including visits to the ED and hospital readmissions) within 30 days after initial discharge was
compared in the intervention vs the control group using the χ2 or Fisher exact test, as appropriate.
A time-to-event analysis was performed at study closeout (ie, 30 days after inclusion of the last
patient). This was done to assess differences in the occurrence of unplanned all-cause hospital visits
to the ED and unplanned all-cause readmissions to ward in the intervention vs the control groups.
Outcome variables were unplanned all-cause hospital visits to the ED and unplanned all-cause
hospital readmissions, separately assessed by Kaplan-Meier curves. Time-to-event curves in the
intervention and control groups were compared using the log-rank test. All tests were performed
2-sided, and P < .05 was considered statistically significant. All statistical analyses were performed
using Stata statistical software version 15 (StataCorp). Data were analyzed from December 2018
through March 2020.
Among 2533 patients eligible for the study, 1702 individuals were included. Median (IQR) patient age
was 86.0 (79.0-89.0) years, and 720 (42.3%) were men. There were 866 participants (50.9%)
assigned to the intervention group and 836 participants (49.1%) assigned to the control group
(Figure 1). The median (IQR) age was 86.0 (79.0-89.0) years for the intervention group and 86.0
(79.8-90.0) years for the control group; there were 500 (57.7%) women in the intervention group
and 482 (57.7%) women in the control group. Table 1 shows the baseline characteristics of study
Among 866 patients from the intervention group, 830 individuals (96.0%) had 1 or more
medication discrepancies, with a median (IQR) 6 (4-9) discrepancies per patient. Among these
participants, 797 individuals (96.0%) had medication discrepancies in chronic therapy (median [IQR]
4 [3-7] discrepancies per patient receiving chronic therapy). The most frequently occurring
discrepancies among patients in the intervention group were medication omission (567 participants
[68.3%] from the intervention group had medication omissions in chronic therapy, and 517
participants [62.3%] had medication omissions in as-needed therapy), followed by incorrect
medication name, incorrect dosage regime, incorrect dose amount, unjustified medications not
prescribed to the patient at home, and incorrect galenic forms (Table 2).
The median (IQR) time for a complete intervention of medication reconciliation was 55 (40-70)
minutes. This included a median (IQR) 15 (10-25) minutes for the interview and 40 (30-50) minutes
for the search, analysis, and validation of the sources of information used to obtain the BPMH;
evaluation of medication discrepancies; and communication of discrepancies to the attending
Primary Outcome
The primary outcome occurred among 340 participants (39.3%) in the intervention group and 330
participants (39.5%) in the control group (P = .93). In time-to-event analyses at study closeout,
unplanned all-cause hospital visits to the ED occurred similarly in the intervention and control groups
(P = .08) (Figure 2A). No statistically significant difference was found for unplanned all-cause
hospital readmissions in the intervention group vs control group (P = .10) (Figure 2B).
JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(9):e2124672. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.24672 (Reprinted) September 16, 2021 6/13
Secondary Outcomes
The overall period prevalence of ADEs (including serious and not serious ADEs) occurring during the
hospital stay was 11 ADEs (1.3%) in the intervention group and 14 ADEs (1.7%) in the control group
(P = .49). When only serious ADEs that prolonged hospitalization were evaluated, no statistically
significant difference was found between the intervention group (5 ADEs [0.6%]) and control group
(6 ADEs [0.7%]; P = .77). Median (IQR) LOS was 8 (5-13) days in the intervention group and 8 (4-13)
days in the control group (P = .23). There were 19 in-hospital deaths (2.2%) in the intervention group
and 23 such deaths (2.8%) in the control group (P = .55). The median (IQR) number of laboratory
tests was 9.5 (4.0-23.0) in the intervention group and 9.0 (4.0-20.0) in the control group (P = .31).
The 2 groups each had a median (IQR) 1 (0-2) radiologic exams and 1 (0-1) electrocardiograms.
No. (%)
Intervention group Control group
Characteristic (n = 866) (n = 836)
Age ≥85, y 314 (36.3) 397 (47.5)
>10 medications at hospital admission 301 (34.8) 295 (35.3)
Age ≥85 y and >10 medications at hospital admission 251 (29.0) 144 (17.2)
Age, median (IQR), y 86.0 (79.0-89.0) 86.0 (79.8-90.0)
Men 366 (42.3) 354 (42.3)
Women 500 (57.7) 482 (57.7)
No. of medications at hospital admission, median (IQR) 12 (9-16) 11 (6-13)
Primary diagnosisa
Certain infectious and parasitic diseases 26 (3.0) 27 (3.2)
Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain 7 (0.8) 10 (1.2)
disorders involving the immune mechanism
Diseases of the circulatory system 138 (15.9) 148 (17.7)
Diseases of the digestive system 88 (10.2) 93 (11.1)
Diseases of the ear and mastoid process 8 (0.9) 5 (0.6)
Diseases of the eye and adnexa 1 (0.1) 0
Diseases of the genitourinary system 74 (8.5) 49 (5.9)
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 73 (8.4) 59 (7.1)
Diseases of the nervous system 31 (3.6) 25 (3.0)
Diseases of the respiratory system 105 (12.1) 102 (12.2)
Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue 9 (1.0) 16 (1.9)
Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases 19 (2.2) 24 (2.9)
Factors influencing health status and contact with health services 0 2 (0.2)
Injury, poisoning, and certain other consequences of external 142 (16.4) 132 (15.8)
Mental and behavioral disorders 48 (5.5) 40 (4.8)
Neoplasms 45 (5.2) 43 (5.1)
Symptoms, signs, and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings 52 (6.0) 61 (7.3)
not elsewhere classified
Disposition status
Home 545 (62.9) 478 (57.2)
Nonmedical institution or nursing home 221 (25.5) 229 (27.4)
Non-medical institution 3 (0.3) 6 (0.7)
Rehabilitation institution 46 (5.3) 52 (6.2)
Abbreviation: IQR, interquartile range.
Hospital or clinic 19 (2.2) 29 (3.5)
Psychiatric institution or clinic 13 (1.5) 19 (2.3) Diagnosis categories are from the International
Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related
Death 19 (2.2) 23 (2.8)
Health Problems, Tenth Revision (ICD-10).
JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(9):e2124672. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.24672 (Reprinted) September 16, 2021 7/13
In this RCT, medication reconciliation performed at hospital admission in a selected patient
population aged 85 years or older, with more than 10 medications at hospital admission, or meeting
both conditions had no impact on the proportion of patients with unplanned all-cause hospital visits
(ie, ED visits and hospital readmissions) within 30 days after initial discharge. Moreover, unplanned
all-cause hospital visits to the ED and unplanned all-cause hospital readmissions during the study
period occurred similarly in the intervention and control groups. No effect was found on secondary
health care outcomes, defined as the prevalence of ADEs during the hospital stay, LOS, in-hospital
deaths, and resources used during the hospital stay quantified as number of laboratory tests,
radiologic exams, and electrocardiographic exams.
Probability of outcome
0.6 0.6
Control group
0.4 0.4
Intervention group
Control group
0.2 0.2
Intervention group
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Analysis time, d Analysis time, d
No. at risk No. at risk
Control group 836 424 301 225 176 133 85 55 25 6 Control group 836 662 528 415 332 251 175 111 51 15
Intervention group 866 413 298 204 146 96 71 47 26 2 Intervention group 866 677 524 401 312 215 153 104 48 2
JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(9):e2124672. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.24672 (Reprinted) September 16, 2021 8/13
The results of the present study are in line with the current uncertain and low-quality evidence
regarding the measurable effect of medication reconciliation on patient-centered clinical
outcomes.10-12 Although there is ample evidence of the effect of medication reconciliation in
reducing the number of medication discrepancies,20 the evidence on the clinical impact of such a
reduction is equivocal because of heterogeneity in settings, patient populations, and typologies of
interventions across studies.10-12
To date, 1 RCT13 has found that an extended intervention composed of medication review at
admission and medication reconciliation at discharge significantly reduced the number of ED visits
and readmissions within 6 months from discharge compared with usual care at 4 acute admission
wards in Denmark. Nevertheless, the assessment of the primary composite outcome at 6 months in
that RCT could have been biased by factors unrelated to the targeted intervention on medication
use, as confirmed when medication-related readmissions within 6 months of inclusion were assessed
and no significant reduction was found in the extended intervention group compared with the usual
care group. Aiming at selecting a patient population that could have reasonably benefited from
medication reconciliation at hospital admission, restricted inclusion criteria based on older age (ie,
aged ⱖ85 years), polypharmacy (arbitrarily defined as >10 medications at admission), or both
conditions were applied in our trial. While polypharmacy is often defined as routinely taking a
minimum of 5 medications,21 there is no standard, universally accepted definition.14 Indeed,
assigning a numeric threshold is not always useful, especially when considering older patients with
age-related physiological changes, a greater degree of frailty, and multiple coexisting conditions.22
Regardless of the number of medications used, older patients represent a population at increased
risk of drug-drug interactions, ADEs, falls, cognitive impairment, and nonadherence.15,23,24 On the
other hand, although the prevalence of polypharmacy increases as the population ages and
experiences multiple chronic conditions,14 polypharmacy also concerns other age groups, including
children and younger adults with specific diagnoses.25 Moreover, regardless of age, as the number of
medications increases, the rate of medication discrepancies increases.18 Consistently, the patient
population in the present study also included younger adults with more than 10 medications at
hospital admission.
Most patients who received medication reconciliation had 1 or more medication discrepancies,
while, for ethical reasons, it was not possible to assess medication discrepancies in the control group.
Assuming a similar risk of medication discrepancies at baseline in the intervention and control
groups, patient harm from medication discrepancies, quantified as the proportion of unplanned
all-cause hospital visits (ie, ED visits and hospital readmissions) occurring at the latest within 30 days
from discharge was similar in the 2 groups.
Concerning secondary health care outcomes evaluated in this study, medication reconciliation
did not show any effect. In the intervention and control groups, the number of ADEs that occurred
during hospital stays was relatively low, similar to the prevalence reported in inpatient settings in
other countries.26 Moreover, previous studies11 assessing the impact of medication reconciliation on
ADEs did not find differences as compared to usual care. The system used in our study to detect
ADEs was based on a reliable methodology of active pharmacovigilance previously set up at the
Regional Pharmacovigilance Centre of southern Switzerland at the EOC and calibrated to minimize
the false positive rate.27 Notably, such a system assumed that key terms referring to possible ADEs
were recorded in patients’ EHRs by health care personnel, a requisite that could have potentially
been met by a minority of personnel only, thus potentially resulting in a low ADE rate at baseline.
A 2021 prepost study28 involving patients with colorectal cancer and other chronic diseases
undergoing elective colorectal surgery did not find a statistically significant change in mean LOS
following a multifaceted program of medication reconciliation at all transitions of care. Mortality as
clinical outcome for all causes or related to medication has been assessed by few studies at various
time points, and they did not find a significant reduction in mortality after medication
reconciliation.11,12,29 Additionally, resource use quantified as numbers of laboratory tests, radiologic
JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(9):e2124672. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.24672 (Reprinted) September 16, 2021 9/13
exams, and electrocardiographic exams resulted in low numbers in our study that did not allow any
reasonable conclusion.
JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(9):e2124672. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.24672 (Reprinted) September 16, 2021 10/13
The findings of this study suggesting that medication reconciliation at hospital admission had no
impact on postdischarge health care outcomes among patients aged 85 years or older, with more
than 10 medications at hospital admission, or meeting both conditions fit neatly into the ongoing
debate about whether it is reasonable to expect an impact of medication reconciliation on health
care outcomes.30,31 Although it is unlikely that medication reconciliation is ineffective, the overall
quality of the literature remains mixed and low.10-12 By contrast, the face validity (ie, the clinical
importance) of medication reconciliation is unquestionable, given that WHO and many other
international organizations consider it a milestone in the control of safe medication use and a
necessary part of good clinical care.2-4 Future studies are warranted to assess the overall impact of
medication reconciliation at admission and discharge in the hospital, as well as in the ambulatory care
setting, particularly among populations of any age with complex medication regimens.
Accepted for Publication: July 8, 2021.
Published: September 16, 2021. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.24672
Open Access: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC-BY License. © 2021 Ceschi A
et al. JAMA Network Open.
Corresponding Author: Alessandro Ceschi, MD, MSc, Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Institute
of Pharmacological Sciences of Southern Switzerland, Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale, Via Tesserete 46, 6900
Lugano, Switzerland ([email protected]).
Author Affiliations: Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Institute of Pharmacological Sciences of
Southern Switzerland, Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale, Lugano, Switzerland (Ceschi, Noseda, Pironi, Lazzeri,
Eberhardt-Gianella, Imelli, Ghidossi); Clinical Trial Unit, Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale, Lugano, Switzerland (Ceschi,
Pagnamenta); Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland (Ceschi,
Ferrari); Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
(Ceschi); Hospital Pharmacy Service, Institute of Pharmacological Sciences of Southern Switzerland, Ente
Ospedaliero Cantonale, Lugano, Switzerland (Pironi, Lazzeri, Eberhardt-Gianella, Imelli, Ghidossi); Department of
Information and Communications Technology, Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale, Bellinzona, Switzerland (Bruni);
Department of Intensive Care, Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale, Bellinzona, Switzerland (Pagnamenta); Division of
Pneumology, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland (Pagnamenta); Department of Nephrology, Ente
Ospedaliero Cantonale, Lugano, Switzerland (Ferrari); Prince of Wales Hospital Clinical School, University of New
South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (Ferrari).
Author Contributions: Drs Ceschi and Ferrari had full access to all of the data in the study and take responsibility
for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Dr Ceschi and Ms Noseda contributed equally as
first coauthors; Drs Pagnamenta and Ferrari contributed equally as last coauthors.
Concept and design: Ceschi, Noseda, Pironi, Lazzeri, Eberhardt-Gianella, Imelli, Pagnamenta, Ferrari.
Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: All authors.
Drafting of the manuscript: Ceschi, Noseda, Bruni, Pagnamenta, Ferrari.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Ceschi, Pironi, Lazzeri, Eberhardt-Gianella,
Imelli, Ghidossi, Pagnamenta, Ferrari.
Statistical analysis: Noseda, Bruni, Pagnamenta, Ferrari.
Administrative, technical, or material support: Ceschi, Pironi, Lazzeri, Eberhardt-Gianella, Imelli, Ghidossi,
Bruni, Ferrari.
Supervision: Ceschi, Pagnamenta, Ferrari.
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None reported.
Funding/Support: This study was supported by internal funding from the Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale.
Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funder had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection,
management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and
decision to submit the manuscript for publication.
Data Sharing Statement: See Supplement 3.
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Trial Protocol
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JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(9):e2124672. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.24672 (Reprinted) September 16, 2021 13/13