ASE 241 Course Outlines

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Department of Arts and Social Sciences Education

University of Ibadan
ASE 241: Educational Linguistics
Credit Units: 3
Course Outline 2021/2022

Course Lecturer: Prof. D.O. Fakeye, 08034059818, e-mail: [email protected]

Course Description
The course is concerned with the study of language in teaching and learning and it is a
subfield of Applied Linguistics. It is focused primarily on analysing and solving concrete
problems that stem from language in educational contexts by relying on the findings in
theoretical linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, anthropology and
sociology. The course offers an overview of basic issues in this transdisciplinary field, an
insight into a variety of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches as well as on
the multitude of its possible applications. Special emphasis is put on discussing the processes
of language acquisition and learning as well as on analysing the role of language policies that
determine the place of language in education and different possibilities of language
management in the context of formal education.

Course Objectives
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. Describe language, its characteristics, and functions
2. Differentiate between general linguistics and educational linguistics
3. Explain the interface of linguistics and language teaching
4. Differentiate between language acquisition and language learning
5. Identify the various schools of thought in language acquisition/learning and state how
they inform modern classroom practices
6. Demonstrate acquaintance with and evaluate contemporary theoretical approaches to
the study of grammar/language
7. Apply contemporary language teaching/learning theories to improve their language of

Course Outlines
1. Meaning, Characteristics and Functions of Language
2. Meaning and Scope of Linguistics
3. History and Topics of Educational Linguistics; the Relationship among Educational,
Applied and Theoretical Linguistics
4. Schools of Thought in Language Study and their contributions to Language Teaching:
From Traditional Grammar to CLT
5. Language Cognition, Acquisition and Socialization
6. Second Language Acquisition
7. Teaching Languages in Multicultural Classrooms
8. Multilingualism and Code-switching in Classroom
9. Language Planning and Policy for Language Teaching Purposes
10. Educational language management: political, economic, and legal aspects
11. Globalisation and Language-in-Education Policy and Practice
12. Contemporary theories/issues in teaching and learning language: From Contrastive
Analysis to Interlanguage


The policy of the University on continuous assessment shall be strictly adhered to. To this
end, the assessment of learning outcomes in the course shall include, but not be limited to,
tests, independent assignments, periodic exercises, paper presentations on assigned topics,
active participation in classes and class discussions. All these shall cumulatively add up to
40%. The end of semester examination accounts for the rest 60%.

Suggested References
Akar, N. (1991). Educational Linguistics within English Language Teachng Departments
in Turkey. Doctoral Dissertation. Hacettepe University.

Alatis, J.E., Straehle, C.A., Ronkin, M. and Gallenberger, B. (Eds.). (1996). Georgetown
University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics. Georgetown University
Press, Washington, D.C.

Attardo, S. and Brown, S. (2005). What’s the Use of Linguistics? Pre-Service English
Teachers’ Beliefs towards Language Use and Variation, pp. 91-100. In Applied
Linguistics and Language Teacher Education. Bartel, N. (Ed.). Springer, US.

Cooper, Robert L. & Elana Shohamy (eds.) 2000. New Perspectives and Issues in
Educational Language Policy: A festschrift for Bernard Dov Spolsky. Amsterdam /
Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Edwards, John. 2009. Language Diversity in the Classroom. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Halliday, M.A.K. 2007. Language and Education. Collected Works of M.A.K.Halliday, vol.9
(Webster, J.J., ed.) London: Continuum.

King, Lambert, R. D. & Elena Shohamy. 2000. Language Policy and Pedagogy: Essays in
honor of A. Ronald Walton. Philadelphia / Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
McCabe, Anne; O'Donnell, Mick & Rachel Whittaker. 2007. Advances in Language and
Education. London: Continuum.

Politzer, R. L. (1958). On the Relation of Linguistics to Language Teaching. The Modern

Language Journal, Vol.42, No.2, pp. 65-68.

Spolsky, B. and Hult, F. M. (eds.). (2008). The Handbook of Educational Linguistics.

Blackwell Publishng.

Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove. 2000. Linguistic Genocide in Education—Or Worldwide Diversity

and Human Rights?.

Stubbs, M. (1986). Educational Linguistics. New York: Basil Blackwell.

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