Hvpe Unit 1
Hvpe Unit 1
Hvpe Unit 1
Introduction - Need, Basic Guidelines, Content and Process for Value Education
Q6. Self exploration is a process of dialogue between ‘what you are’ and ‘what you really
want to be’. Explain and illustrate.
Ans: Self exploration is the process to find out what is valuable to me by investigating within
myself, what is right for me, true for me, has to be judged within myself. Through self
exploration we get the value of ourself. It is a process of focusing attention on ourself, our
present beliefs and aspirations vis-à-vis what we really want to be (that is to say, what is
naturally acceptable to us). If these two are the same, then there is no problem. If on
investigation we find that these two are not the same, then it means we are living with this
contradiction (of not being what we really want to be) and hence, we need to resolve this
contradiction this conflict within us. It is a process of discovering that there is something innate,
invariant and universal in all human beings. This enables us to look at our confusions and
contradictions within and resolve them by becoming aware of our natural acceptance.
Q7. How can we verify proposals on the basis of our natural acceptance? Explain with
What do you mean by your natural acceptance? Is it innate, invariant and universal?
“Natural acceptance is innate, invariant and universal.” Explain this statement with an
Ans: Natural acceptance implies unconditional and total acceptance of the self, people and
environment. It also refers to the absence of any exception from others. Once we fully and truly
commit ourself on the basis of natural acceptance, we feel a holistic sense of inner harmony,
tranquility and fulfillment. Actually natural acceptance is way to accept the good things
naturally. Learn everything that is good from others, but bring it in, and in our own way absorb
Human Values & Professional Ethics
it; do not become others. We can easily verify proposals in the basis of characteristics of natural
acceptance mentioned below:
a) Natural acceptance does not change with time. It remains invariant with time. For
example our natural acceptance for trust and respect does not change with age.
b) It does not depend on the place. Whatever we have accepted, in our life, at any time of our
age, does not change, even if we move from one place to another one.
c) It does not depend on our beliefs or past conditionings. No matter how deep our belief or
past conditioning, as long as we ask ourselves the question sincerely, as long as we refer deep
within ourselves, the answer will always be the same.
d) This natural acceptance is ‘constantly there’, something we can refer to. Natural
acceptance is always there. Whatever we do, this natural acceptance is within us, it is telling us
what is right.
e) Natural acceptance is the same for all of us: it is part and parcel of every human being,
it is part of humanness. Though each one of us, may have different likes and dislikes and
means to live and to react etc. but if we go deep in our mind the purpose of our work, behaviour,
efforts etc. are based on common goals like need to be happy, need to be respected, need to get
prosperity. So our basic acceptance remains the same.
Q8. What is the meaning of prosperity? How can you say that you are prosperous?
Ans: The feeling of having or making available more than required physical facilities is
prosperity. Almost all of us feel that wealth alone means prosperity and try to explain this
phenomenon on this nonexistent or half fact. We are trying to achieve happiness and prosperity
by maximizing accumulation and consumption of physical facilities. It is becoming anti-
ecological and anti-people, and threatening the human survival itself. For prosperity, two things
are required-
1. Identification of the required quantity of physical facilities, and
2. Ensuring availability / production of more than required physical facilities.
We can be prosperous only if there is a limit to the need for physical facilities. If there is no limit
what so ever be the availability the feeling of prosperity cannot be assured.
Secondly, just assessing the need is not enough. We need to be able to produce or make available
more than the perceived need.
Q9. What is the difference between prosperity and wealth? What is more acceptable to us
and why?
What do you understand by prosperity? What is the difference between prosperity and
wealth? How are the two related?
What is the meaning of prosperity? How does it differ from possession of wealth? Explain
with examples.
Differentiate between prosperity and wealth with examples.
Ans: Prosperity is a feeling of having more than required physical facilities; it is not just physical
facilities. Almost all of us feel that wealth alone means prosperity and try to explain this
phenomenon on this nonexistent or half fact. Wealth is a physical thing. It means having money,
or having a lot of physical facilities or both. This is a very important distinction. We mostly fail
to make this distinction today. We keep working for wealth, without realizing that the basic
desire is for the feeling of prosperity, to have a feeling of having enough. Prosperity is more
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acceptable to us because wealth is just a part of prosperity. We are trying to achieve happiness
and prosperity by maximizing accumulation and consumption of physical facilities. It is
becoming anti-ecological and anti-people, and threatening the human survival itself. A person
has lot of money, but does not want to share even a bit of it. The person ‘has wealth’ but feels
‘deprived’. If one felt prosperous he/she would have shared what one has, since there is lot more
than enough wealth anyway.
Q11. What do the abbreviations given as SVDD, SSDD and SSSS signify?
Ans: To achieve our basic aspirations we need to work for right understanding as the base on
which we can work for relationship and then physical facilities. Today we are not working
according to this that why we can see that there are two kind of people in the world:
1. Those that do not have physical facilities/ wealth and feel unhappy and deprived. i.e. SVDD:
Sadhan Viheen Dukhi Daridra – Materially Deficient, Unhappy and Deprived.
2. Those that have physical facilities/ wealth and feel unhappy and deprived. i.e. SSDD:
Sadhan Sampann Dukhi Daridra – Materially Affluent, Unhappy and Deprived. But these are
states we don’t want to be in. We want to move from this to third category i.e.
3. Having physical facilities and feeling happy and prosperous i.e. SSSS: Sadhan Sampann
Sukhi Samriddha – Materially Adequate, Happy and Prosperous.
Presently, as we look around, we find most of the people in the above two categories called SVD
and SSDD, while the natural acceptance of all human beings is to be in the category of SSSS.
Q12. “Physical facilities are necessary and complete for animals, while they are necessary
but not complete for humans.” Comment.
Explain how physical facilities are necessary but not complete for humans while they are
complete for animals.
Physical facilities are necessary but not complete for human being. Do you agree with this
statement? Support your answer with reasons and examples.
Ans: Physical facilities are necessary and complete for animals, while they are necessary but not
complete for humans. It is easy to verify.
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For Animals: Animals need physical things to survive, mainly to take care of their body. For
example; cow will look for food when it is hungry. Once it gets the grass or fodder. It eats it, sits
around to chew at leisure. Hence, we can say that as long as animals have physical things, they
are largely fine. They don’t desire other things like knowledge or a peaceful animal society or
getting a good MBA.
For Humans: While physical facilities are necessary for human beings, they are not complete by
themselves to fulfill our needs. Our needs are more than just physical facilities. We all have other
needs, other plans, perhaps we think of going to a movie or reading a book, or go to college, or
watch some TV, or spend time with family and friends….. this list is endless. Thus it is easy to
see that while physical facilities are necessary for us human beings, they are not complete by
themselves to fulfill our needs.
Hence we can say that for animals – “Physical facilities are necessary and complete.”
For humans “Physical facilities are necessary but not complete.”
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In order to resolve the issues in human relationships, we need to understand them first, and this
would come from ‘right understanding of relationship’. Similarly in order to be prosperous and
to enrich nature, we need to have the ‘right understanding’. The ‘right understanding’ will
enable us to work out our requirements for physical facilities and hence correctly distinguish the
difference between wealth and prosperity. With nature as well, we need to understand the
harmony in nature, and how we can complement this harmony.
Q 14. What do you mean by animal and human consciousness? Explain with the help of a
Distinguish between ‘human consciousness’ and ‘animal consciousness’. How “shiksha and
sanskar” are helpful in raising man to “human consciousness” level.
What is the difference between animal consciousness and human consciousness? How does
the transformation take place in a human being?
Ans: Giving all priorities to physical facilities only, or to live solely on the basis of physical
facilities, may be termed as ‘Animal Consciousness’. Living with all three: Right
understanding, Relationship and Physical facilities is called ‘Human Consciousness’.
Human Values & Professional Ethics
• Working for right understanding as the first priority followed by relationship and physical
facilities implies living with Human Consciousness.
• There is a need for transformation from Animal Consciousness to Human Consciousness. It
can be accomplished only by working for right understanding as the first priority.
• This transformation from Animal Consciousness to Human Consciousness forms the basis
for human values and values based living.
The content of education is the understanding of harmony at all the four levels of our existence –
from myself to the entire existence. Right living or sanskar refers to the ability to live in harmony
at all the four levels of living. This dimension of society works to ensure ‘right understanding’
and ‘right feelings’ in individual. Or all-encompassing solution called samadhan in every
individual and ensures that our succeeding generation have both the content and the environment
available to work towards achieving their goal of continuous happiness and prosperity.
Q15. There are many problems manifest today at the level of individual, family, society and
the nature. Identify some of these problems humans suffer from.
Ans: Today we are generally trying to achieve happiness and prosperity by maximizing
accumulation and consumption of physical facilities. This effort is giving rise to many problems
manifest today at the level of individual, family, society and the nature. These problems are:
• At the level of individual– Rising problems of depression, anxiety, suicides, stress, insecurity,
increasing health problems, lack of confidence and conviction etc.
• At the level of family– Breaking up of joint families, mistrust and disharmony in relationships,
divorce, generation gap, dowry deaths, neglect of older people etc.
• At the level of society– Growing incidences of terrorism, violence, communalism, racial and
ethnic struggle, corruption, adulteration, sex-crimes exploitation, wars between nations,
proliferation of lethal weapons etc.
• At the level of nature– Global warming, weather imbalances, depletion of mineral and energy
resources, deforestation, soil degradation etc.
All the problems are a direct outcome of an incorrect understanding, our wrong notion about
happiness and prosperity and their continuity.
Q16. Critically examine the prevailing notions of happiness in the society and their
What is prosperity? Is it different from happiness?
What are the basic human aspirations? Explain.
What is the outcome when we try to identify relationship based on the exchange of physical
Ans: Happiness may be defined as being in harmony/synergy in the state/ situation that I live in.
“A state or situation in which I live, if there is harmony in it then I like to be in that state /
situation. The state of liking is happiness.” Whereas, prosperity is the “feeling of having or
making available more than required physical facilities”.
In the current scenario, we are generally trying to achieve happiness and prosperity by
maximizing accumulation and consumption of physical facilities. This is an attempt to achieve
happiness through pleasant sensory interactions. The physical facilities are not seen in terms of
fulfilling bodily needs but as a means of maximizing happiness.
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This has resulted in wrong assessment of wants for physical facilities as being unlimited. But this
pursuit is self-defeating. Neither can we hope to achieve continuous happiness through sensory
interactions nor can we have prosperity, as it amounts to trying to fulfil unlimited wants through
limited resources. This effort is engendering problems at all the levels. It is becoming anti-
ecological and anti-people, and threatening the human survival itself. Some of the consequences
of such a trend are summarized below:
1. At the level of the individual – Rising problems of depression, psychological disorders,
suicides, stress, insecurity, psycho-somatic diseases, loneliness etc.
2. At the level of the family – Breaking of joint families, mistrust, conflict between older and
younger generations, insecurity in relationships, divorce, dowry tortures, family feuds, wasteful
expenditure in family functions etc.
3. At the level of the Society – Growing incidences of terrorism and naxalism, rising
communalism, spreading casteism, racial and ethnic struggle, wars between nations, attempts of
genocide, fear of nuclear and genetic warfare, etc.
4. At the level of nature – Global warming, water, air, soil, noise, etc. pollution, resource
depletion of minerals and mineral oils, sizeable deforestations, loss of fertility of soil.
It therefore, calls for an urgent need for human beings to correctly understand happiness and
prosperity as well as the sustainable way to achieve these.