Adnoc SR Main-Eng
Adnoc SR Main-Eng
Adnoc SR Main-Eng
CEO Message
How we operate
Acronyms and Abbreviations
External Assurance Statement
About our Reporting
Report Contributors
6 ADNOC Sustainability Report 2015 Taking Innovation to New Heights 7
CEO Message
We are committed to
maximizing the value of
our oil and gas assets and
to remaining a trusted
and reliable global energy For over four decades, ADNOC Central to this is our continued advancing local talent; investing
supplier for the long-term has played a fundamental role pursuit of excellence in HSE. in the local supply chain, and
benefit of our country and in helping establish the UAE’s It is not only the right thing to creating critical infrastructure to
our customers. robust economic foundation do, but will be one of the key support our economy’s growth
and empowering sectors that success factors in achieving our and development.
We will do so by focusing are contributing to our country’s business objectives. Having our
on four strategic areas: ambitious socio-economic people return home safely at Working in synergy with our
enhancing the company’s development objectives. As we the end of every work day and group of companies and strategic
performance, increasing look ahead into the future, we enabling them to stay healthy are partners we are determined to
profitability, optimizing remain committed to creating fundamental to everything we identify opportunities where
efficiency, and investing in lasting and sustainable value for do. In addition, we are enhancing we can leverage the expertise,
our people. our people, our business and the skills of our employees and knowledge and insights of the
society. upgrading their capabilities so men and women who work
that they can achieve their full for ADNOC, to pioneer new
Our core mission is to be a potential. ways to address current and
responsible and reliable energy future challenges. By pushing
provider dedicated to maximising Protecting the natural our boundaries further than
the value of Abu Dhabi’s oil environment is an important ever before, we will ensure the
and gas resources, for the responsibility, and we will strive company’s long-term resilience
benefit of our country and our to protect the ecosystem across and sustain our competitive edge,
customers. To this end, we are our operations and throughout enabling us to deliver greater
focused on creating a more the life of our assets. We are value to our stakeholders and our
profitable upstream, a more proactive towards marine shareholders.
valuable downstream and a more development and have a portfolio
sustainable and economic gas of carbon sequestration and
supply, without compromising biodiversity enhancement
HSE or the integrity of our assets. projects. As we increase
production of oil and natural gas
It is our duty to ensure that to meet the growing energy
people have access to safe and demand, we will continue to
secure energy, both today and manage our own greenhouse
tomorrow, to enable continued gas emissions, and contribute to
economic prosperity. This role effective long-term solutions to
comes with many responsibilities address climate change risks.
- to our shareholders, neighbours,
customers and communities. As the national oil company of
Improving operational efficiencies Abu Dhabi, ADNOC has a wider
and optimising our assets are role in driving the creation of
central to ADNOC becoming long term, sustainable in-country
the most efficient, performance- value. We do this by developing
driven, and profitable business knowledge, through education Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber
that it can possibly be. and research; job creation and Chief Executive Officer
8 ADNOC Sustainability Report 2015 Taking Innovation to New Heights 9
about adnoc
• 20 diversified and integrated Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) was established
Group Companies
in 1971 under the UAE’s wise leadership. Today it is one of the
• >3.15 million barrels of world’s leading integrated oil and gas companies, with an oil
oil per day (bpd) ranking production of over 3.15 million barrels per day and an energy
ADNOC among the biggest infrastructure comprised of 20 specialist subsidiary and joint
oil and gas producers world venture companies known as ADNOC’s Group Companies.
• 3 academic and training Thriving on a spirit of enterprise and a commitment to
centres providing a skilled safely and reliably deliver energy to our domestic and global
workforce to the UAE’s local consumers, our Group Companies’ operations encompass
oil and gas industry a portfolio of world-class projects and assets that cover all
• 4 research and innovation aspects of the hydrocarbon value chain, including crude oil
centers covering all aspects and natural gas exploration, production, refining, processing,
of ADNOC’s petroleum manufacture of petrochemicals and marketing.
value chain ADNOC’s headquarters are located in Abu Dhabi and so are our
major group-wide operations.
3 ACADEMIC 4 Research
Investing in education is one of ADNOC's world-class research and
ADNOC’s strategic priorities. We innovation ecosystem includes the
are very proud of our family of Petroleum Institute Research Centre,
educational institutes that were the Borouge Innovation Centre, the
established by ADNOC to nurture a TAKREER Research Centre, and
specialised, competitive and highly
ADNOC R&D Hub ( which oversees
professional young workforce for the
a portfolio of research project for
local oil and gas industry, and help
create educated and engaged UAE
citizens. Gas, GASCO and ZADCO).
10 ADNOC Sustainability Report 2015 Taking Innovation to New Heights 11
Our Vision, Mission, Values and Culture were developed to build on ADNOC's history of success
and its continued role as an important cornerstone of the UAE economy.
They form the pillars of our new operating model, organizational structure and strategic
Chief Executive Officer imperatives.
Our company culture reflects who we are and our operating values define what we represent.
Exploration, Finance & Refining & Business & Sales & Human Gas
Strategic Imperatives
Development Planning Petrochemicals Commercial Marketing Capital & Management
& Production Directorate Directorate Support Directorate Administration Directorate More profitable upstream
Directorate Directorate Directorate More valuable downstream
More gas supply
Developing world class
Positive energy
ADCO (82%) Borouge ADNATCO & NGSCO ADGAS (70%) Embrace teamwork Values
Abu Dhabi Onshore Petroleum Abu Dhabi Polymers Company Abu Dhabi National Tanker Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction
Seek excellence
Company Ltd. Ltd. (60%) Company (100%) Company Ltd. Collaborative
ADMA-OPCO (60%) Borouge Pte. Ltd. (50%) National Gas Shipping Company Deliver results
Al Hosn Gas (60%) Value-driven
Abu Dhabi Marine Operating FERTIL (66.6%) (70%) Exceed expectations
Abu Dhabi Gas Development
Company Ruwais Fertilizer Industry Reliable
ZADCO (60%) TAKREER (100%) (100%)
Zakum Development Company Abu Dhabi Oil Refining ESNAAD (100%) ADNOC Linde Industrial Gases
Company Petroleum Services Company Company Ltd.
NDC (100%)
National Drilling Company IRSHAD (100%) GASCO (68%)
Al Yasat Petroleum (60%) Abu Dhabi Petroleum Ports Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.
Al Yasat Petroleum Operations Operating Company
Company Ltd.
Al Dhafra Petroleum (60%)
Al Dhafra Petroleum Operations
Abu Dhabi Oil Company Ltd.
Company Ltd.
Bunduq Company Ltd.
TOTAL Abu Al Bukhoosh
Onshore Offshore
Associated &
TAKREER BOROUGE FERTIL • Provides a range of facilities, services
• Operates two oil refineries: •Operates: • Operates two Ammonia and supplies to the oil and gas sector,
Plants and two Urea including:
- Abu Dhabi Refinery: located in -3
ethane crackers with a Das Island
Plants in the Ruwais - Offshore marine support services
Umm Al Nar, capacity of 85,000 combined annual capacity of 3.6
Industrial Complex: (operates a fleet of 39 vessels)
bpd million tonnes of ethylene ADGAS
Hydrogen Zirku Island - Berthing, bunkering and bulk supply
- Ruwais Refinery: capacity of -5
polyethylene, 4 polypropylene -A
mmonia: total capacity
• Operates a Liquified Natural Gas - Port services and well services
817,000 bpd plants and 1 low density of 3,300 metric tonnes
(LNG) Plant on Das Island (180 km - Drilling fluids services
polyethylene plant with cross per day
• Capacity at the Ruwais refinery north-west of Abu Dhabi) - Specialised production chemicals
linking capability and an annual -U
rea: total capacity of LNG, LPG
increased from 417,000 bpd to
manufacturing capacity of 4.5 5,800 metric tonnes Paraffinic • The LNG Plant is unique • Operates a Grinding Plant, Blending Plant
817,000 bpd upon completion of the Naphtha and
million tonnes per day worldwide in its ability to process and Brine Plant in the Mussafah Offshore
Ruwais Refinery West (RRW) project Sulphur both associated gas, which is Supply Base
• Operates a compounding • Total urea export of 1.9
Nitrogen a byproduct of oil extraction
manufacturing plant in Shanghai, million metric tonnes
(Gaseous/ processes, and natural gas
Liquified) China per year
extracted as a free product from
Refined gas reservoirs IRSHAD
Products Refined Products
(Domestic) Urea and Liquid • Average annual production: 8 • Provides marine services to the petroleum
(Local Sales) Ammonia
million tonnes of Liquified Natural ports of Abu Dhabi and to the O&G
Ethylene, Gas (LNG), Liquified Petroleum sector, with a fleet of 53 vessels. Services
Polyethylene and Gas (LPG), paraffinic naphtha and include:
ADNOC DISTRIBUTION ELIXIER Polypropylene liquid sulphur
Resins - Operation and administration of ADNOC
• Operates 223 motor vehicle service • Operates two facilities: petroleum ports
stations across the UAE, and has - Pilotage and loading of crude oil
uwais Air Separation Plant:
taken over 75 petrol stations in the - Diving operations and SPM maintenance
provides gaseous and liquefied
Northern Emirates. Services include: - Ferry terminal operations and
nitrogen to Borouge via pipeline; End users transporting offshore oil fields employees
- Storage and distribution of liquid liquefied nitrogen to ADNOC
- Port and container yard operations.
fuels and LPG subsidiaries via tanker; and liquid
- Maintenance of aids to navigation
- Lube oil and grease production and oxygen to end users in the UAE
marketing -M
irfa Nitrogen Plant: provides
- Bunkering (marine) and aviation nitrogen for injection into gas
fuelling reservoirs located at Habshan
- Auto services and convenience This illustration excludes assets which are still in developmental stages (Al Yasat Petroleum and Al Dhafra
Petroleum), and excludes the Independent Operators (ADOC, Bunduq and TOTAL ABK).
The ADNOC Group is a reliable energy provider to the UAE and to the world. Our oil, gas, refined As an energy supplier, we have many responsibilities — to our employees, contractors and
products and petrochemicals are sold across six continents and contribute to empowering partners, the government and regulators, industry partners and to our communities.
economies and industries all over the world.
Asia Working together with our stakeholders allows us to appreciate different viewpoints Local communities
Crude Oil (‘000 bbl) and maintain a global perspective. It also helps us build mutually beneficial and long-
Our relationships with communities
Total 637,711 lasting relationships and create opportunities that are aligned with their interests.
are important for all our activities, but
Condensate (‘000 bbl) This is fundamental towards helping us continue to improve our company.
Total 2,078 particularly for major new projects
We use a variety of mechanisms to engage our stakeholders, including internal and where our presence may bring about
North and Europe Petroleum Products
changes in the local areas, such as
external one-on-one and group dialogues and briefings, senior executive speeches
South America Petroleum Products
(‘000 tonnes)
jobs and support for community
Jet Oil 94 and press releases, community consultations, email communications, publications
Crude Oil (‘000 bbl) (‘000 tonnes) development, as well as increased road
Gas Oil 684 such as the Annual Sustainability Report and our quarterly newsletters.
Total 501 Jet Oil 316
Gas Oil 558
Fuel Oil 2,030 traffic and changes in the landscape. We
Gas ('000 tonnes) Naphtha 7,809 engage with local communities through
Fuel Oil 8
LNG 35 Gas (‘000 tonnes) public consultations and meetings with
Sulphur (‘000 tonnes)
Petroleum Products Total 228
LPG 8,969 local representatives.
(‘000 tonnes) LNG 3,975
Jet Oil 4,501 Petrochemical Products Paraffinic
Gas Oil 626 ('000 tonnes) Naphtha 3,232
Naphtha 55 Polyolefins 127,813 See page 46 to learn more
Sulphur (‘000 tonnes)
Urea 29,335 about how ADNOC engages
Petrochemical Products Total 2,317
('000 tonnes)
with local communities.
Petrochemical Products
Polyolefins 17,312 ('000 tonnes)
Urea 781,590 Polyolefins 1,405,454
Urea 155,047 Industry
We work through industry groups to
help establish standards and address
complex energy challenges, and we are
members of industry bodies such as
the International Association of Oil &
Gas Producers (IOGP) and the American
Petroleum Institute (API). Our Group
Companies are also members of the
industry associations relevant to their
how we
• 15 independent members
of ADNOC’s governing
board (the SPC)
• 8 HSEMS elements,
covering all aspects of Our role in supplying energy comes with many responsibilities
our operations including - to our shareholders, customers and communities. Our
employee and contractor employees, technical expertise, financial strength, and the
management management practices that we build into the fabric of our
• 3 integrated levels operations are central to establishing a high-performance
of governing HSE culture and to creating long-term value for ADNOC and our
performance stakeholders.
• 3 tiers for emergency Achieving this requires a driven corporate governance structure
response and crisis
that promotes the company’s vision and objectives; robust
processes to effectively manage our HSE, security, quality and
reputational risks; and effective emergency response practices
that can be quickly mobilized in the event of an incident.
As we strive towards operational excellence, we will continue
to seek new and improved ways that will help us perform
better. We expect the same from our contractors and suppliers.
Internal Audit
Audit Committee SPC
Operating with integrity Managing our contractors aspects of our products and are
available to our customers and to those
A considerable part of ADNOC’s
who transport our products. Life cycle of products
group-wide operations depends on
ADNOC is fully committed to operating with integrity and our operations specifically prohibit contractors to carry out a wide variety Both our refined and unrefined products As our primary activities are in
of work. We strive to maintain a stable undergo comprehensive quality the extraction and processing
engaging in unethical conduct. This extends to all aspects of our activities, including how and fair business relationship with our assurance and quality control testing stages of a product’s life cycle,
we engage third parties and contractors, the security practices that we enforce, and how we contractors throughout all stages of our before entering the marketplace, to the majority of the life cycles of
manufacture and deliver our products. projects, from procurement to delivery. ensure international and customer our products occur after they
specifications are strictly met. have left our control.
The majority of our contractors’ work
is carried out in and around areas of For our petrochemical products,
senior management in the deterrence of Customer outreach and satisfaction where a closer interaction with
relatively high risk. Particularly for large
fraud by evaluating the effectivness of consumers takes place, the
and long-term contracts, there is a Customer satisfaction is critical to our
controls in relation to the potential risks. health and safety impacts are
need for early identification of clear outward-facing companies' (namely
Known incidents of fraud or corruption assessed for improvement
and common HSE objectives and it ADNOC Distribution, Borouge and
are investigated and reported to the during the marketing and
is imperative to include these in the FERTIL) as our success at home and
concerned authority in the relevant promotion; storage; distribution
contract. abroad is determined to a large extent
Group Company or ADNOC Head Office and supply; and use and
by the reputation of our products and
for appropriate action. disposal stages as well as
Product stewardship our commitment towards customer
service excellence. during their manufacturing and
Security We seek to work with those involved production stage.
in the life cycles of our products to Our Group Companies' approach
Security for ADNOC’s onshore and towards customer satisfaction is
enhance environmental and social
offshore facilities is provided by the complemented with other methods
performance along the supply chain and
Critical Infrastructure and Coastal such as performing regular customer
to promote responsible product use and
Protection Authority (CICPA), which was visits, product trials and technical follow-
established in 2007 to ensure the safe and standards related to advertising,
ups where possible.
and uninterrupted operation of assets Our internal audits and management promotion and sponsorship. On a
critical to the economy of Abu Dhabi. systems are central to our approach voluntary basis, ADNOC Distribution
to product stewardship. Many of our Marketing communications
makes reference to the British Code of
The CICPA, a separate body of the
products are required to have specific The Group Companies' individual Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct
government of Abu Dhabi, works closely
material safety data sheet (MSDS). marketing departments strictly adhere Marketing that has been developed by
with ADNOC to develop plans and
These MSDSs outline the relevant to the provisions of signed customer the UK Advertising Standards Authority
procedures regarding the security of
health, safety and environmental agreements and to applicable laws (ASA).
ADNOC installations.
The international shipment of our
products necessitates that ADNOC
adopt the highest security arrangements
Corruption and anti-competitive The ADNOC Disciplinary Code specifies
across our maritime operations,
behaviour that misusing a position in ADNOC or
especially in the wake of piracy attacks
a Group Company in order to receive
Our procedures require appropriate due that have become a substantial threat
personal benefits from other employees
diligence in selecting and engaging third to the shipping industry in recent years.
or outsiders will result in dismissal
parties, the maintenance of accurate To ensure their safety in international
without notification or benefits.
and reasonably detailed records of waters, ADNATCO & NGSCO’s vessels
expenditure and the implementation ADNOC Group Companies are are fitted with the latest and most
and maintenance of specific approval subjected to audits by ADNOC’s Internal rigid non-lethal security measures. The
requirements for our transactions. Audit Unit in addition to regular audits by unique security designs developed by
their respective internal audit functions ADNATCO & NGSCO have contributed
ADNOC policy bans employees from
where the reliability and integrity of towards establishing international
making use of their jobs or positions
financial and operating information, maritime security standards, such as the
to acquire an illicit personal benefit or
as well as the means used to identify, Best Management Practice Guide No. 4
interest, financial or otherwise, from
measure and report such information, (BMP-4) For Protection against Somalia
any gift, commission or donation made
are carefully evaluated. Furthermore, Based Piracy.
by any person who has a working
these internal audit functions assist
relationship with ADNOC.
Group Companies Audit Commitees and
Emergency response and crisis management ADNOC Tiered Emergency Response Structure
Our operations are required to have systems in place to identify, manage and effectively respond 03
to incidents, emergencies and crises. Collectively, these requirements are designed to enable our Tier
operations to safely return to full function as soon as possible. 01
Handled Requires Requires national
by on-site mutual aid or international
in 2015 to share knowledge with resources assistance
international professionals.
• >65,000 employees The continued success of our company is embedded in our
and 165,000 contractors
commitment to health and safety and our dedication to
across ADNOC and Group
providing a work environment in which everyone is treated
Company operations
fairly and has the opportunity to maximise their potential.
• 535 million man hours
recorded across our Having our people return home safe and well at the end of
employee and contractor every work day and enabling them to end their working life fit
workforce and healthy is central to everything we do. Regardless of where
• 2.5 million man hours our people are located or the type of work they undertake,
of training delivered to we strive to create a working environment that is free from
our employees at a total occupational illness and injury.
spend of AED 309 million This is reflected in the processes and controls we have in place
• 120 labour welfare throughout our organisation. Our principles and requirements
inspections across our for safe, reliable and compliant operations are part of our
onshore and offshore HSEMS against which all ADNOC operations are required to
labour camps align. Our operations are also required to have systems in place
to identify, manage and effectively respond to foreseeable
crises and emergencies. Collectively, these requirements
are designed to enable our operations to safely return to full
function as soon as possible.
rd Ris
za k
& Engagement
t Re
itoring and
26 ADNOC Sustainability Report 2015 Taking Innovation to New Heights 27
The risks inherent to our operations include a number of hazards that may have a low probability
0.2 2,500 2.5 25
of occurence but carry extremely serious consequences in the event they do occur.
risks accounting for all the safeguards can help significantly in
ADNOC requires all operations to have a system in place that preventing and mitigating loss of containment incidents.
encourages employees and contractors, where relevant, to
participate in identifying and reporting unsafe conditions and
take responsibility for managing these conditions safely. An
essential principle of our employee engagement principle is
empowering our employees to intercede or refrain from a job Fatalities (by activity)
or task based on their view that the work is considered to
pose a threat to HSE, without threat of reprisal. This principle
is stated explicitly in ADNOC’s HSE Policy. 1 1
Road safety
Incidents involving motor vehicles remain one of the most 1 1
significant causes of injury and fatality in the oil and gas
industry. As part of the second revision to the ADNOC Codes 1
of Practice Manual, a new Code of Practice was developed
to provide our Group-wide operations with a consistent
framework for assessing and controlling the health and safety Drilling, workover, well services
risks associated with road transport activities. (1 incident)
Production operations
Our safety performance (1 incident)
The year 2015 was one of the safest years for our operations
Construction, commissioning
on record. Our lost time injury frequency (LTIF) and fatal
decommissioning (1 incident)
accident rate (FAR) of 0.10 and 0.93 respectively were 36%
and 64% lower than the respective industry benchmarks Maintenance, inspection testing
reported by the International Oil and Gas Producers (1 incident)
Association (IOGP).
Transport by land (1 incident)
This is testament to the strong leadership across our operating
sites and to the progress we have made in creating an
engaged and vigilant workforce. Sadly however, we deeply Fatalities (by cause)
regret that two employees and three contractors lost their
lives while working for ADNOC in 2015, reminding us that we
need to progress further and work aggressively to achieve our Engaging our workforce on safety
goal of everyone going home safe and healthy every day.
2 2
Engaging our employees and contractors is an essential feature
Process safety and asset integrity of our occupational safety management approach. In addition to
ensuring their competence of performing tasks and activities in
In 2015, a total of 28 tier 1 and 38 tier 2 process safety events a safe manner, people who carry out HSE-critical activities or are
were recorded across our operations. 1 engaged with HSE-critical installations are in a unique position
At ADNOC, we manage and safeguard the integrity of our to identify the strengths and weaknesses of existing safety
facilities, operating systems and processes by applying Explosions or burns (2 incidents) regimes, and hence assist in identifying and implementing
industry-wide and international safety standards and opportunities for improvement.
Struck by (2 incidents)
procedures throughout our facility and asset design,
construction, start-up activities and modifications. These Fall from height (1 incident)
include Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH)
28 ADNOC Sustainability Report 2015 Taking Innovation to New Heights 29
Focusing on the health and welfare of our people Work’ is integrated in all aspects of our forced or compulsory labour.
relationships with our employees, and
extends to our contractor workforce as Non-retaliation and grievance
occupational health inspections well. Suspected cases of human rights
The acute and immediate nature of serious accidents makes them an obvious health and safety violations are thoroughly investigated A combination of measures is applied to
focus; however the life-altering disabilities that can result from chronic exposure to health risks by ADNOC. Entities found not to be ensure our employees’ job satisfaction
compliant with ADNOC’s policy of and to ensure their job concerns are
are equally important. food, surface swab and water suitably addressed. These include
promoting and upholding respect for
samples collected for the human rights are blacklisted from open forums, workshops, employee
chemical and bacteriological providing services to ADNOC and our satisfaction surveys and regular
Managing occupational health risks and sophisticated investigative tools such as Human rights and labour welfare laboratory analysis Group Companies. performance appraisals.
exposures audiometric testing, X-ray, MRI imagery
ADNOC has a zero tolerance stance Procedures for confidential employee
etc. The medical data obtained through ADNOC does not hire anyone under
Our operations are required to identify towards human rights abuses or claims the legal working age of 18. Forced, grievance are embedded in ADNOC’s
these surveillance measures provides
and establish an inventory of all current of abuse, and significant measures are compulsory and child labour are strictly HR Policy, which extends to our Group
a powerful tool for assessing the
or anticipated agents that are potentially taken to safeguard human rights across forbidden under the UAE Federal Labour Companies and Independent Operators,
exposure risks present in the workplace
hazardous to health, and assess the our operations and sphere of influence. labour welfare inspections Law and ADNOC takes a firm stance on and ensures a fair and impartial
and for evaluating the adequacy of
health risk associated with exposure to ensuring no violations of this kind take approach.
control measures in minimising those Whilst employee labour associations 94 inspections onshore camps
these agents. place amongst our workforce. In 2015,
risks. and collective bargaining agreements
This is followed by the implementation are not permitted in the UAE under no ADNOC operations were identified
26 inspections offshore camps
of effective control measures to Federal Law, the principle of ‘Decent as being at risk of incidents involving
eliminate or minimise the health risks
to as low as reasonable practicable
(ALARP),and then a regular review
of the effectiveness of these control
Labour welfare and
measures. This process, known as
occupational health risk assessment
(OHRA), is required for all ADNOC's ADNOC acknowledges the
projects and operations. contribution that foreign workers
Our screening criteria and occupational make to our operations and is
exposure limits are aligned with local committed to protecting their
regulatory limits or are set by ADNOC rights and empowering them to
wherever regulatory limits are absent fully benefit from their residency
or found not to provide sufficient in the UAE over the duration
protection against the hazardous of their work on our projects.
agents inherent in our operations. ADNOC has a Labour Welfare Unit
Our priority is to control occupational that was established to oversee
exposures at their source; in situations the welfare and labour conditions
where we cannot control the source of suppliers, contractors and
by engineering methods or otherwise, workers employed by contractors
a range of measures are employed on ADNOC projects.
including the provision of personal The labour welfare team, with
protective equipment (PPE). representation from ADNOC
welfare specialists and from our
Health surveillance operating companies, oversees
various welfare aspects including
As part of an effective occupational
wages and payment, annual
health risk management program, health
leave, and labour living conditions,
surveillance is required where the
Occupational health practises amongst others. The labour
OHRA process has identified personnel
welfare team refers to the UAE
exposed to extreme, high or medium
ADNOC launched an internal, Federal Labour Law, international
risks to health.
group-wide occupational best practice, and ADNOC Codes
ADNOC’s health surveillance is a two- health audit to improve and of Practice as reference to define
programme that is built on medical further standardise reporting decent and fair practice as well
examinations and screening (conducted practices across our projects as violations of workers’ rights.
at pre-employment stage and then and operations, including our These principles are clearly set
regularly throughout employment contractor workforce, and to out in ADNOC’s contractual
history); and biological monitoring and ensure that occupational health agreements and their practice is
health surveillance tests. Depending risks are well managed and our evaluated prior to the decision
on the type of exposure, the latter may group companies comply with the making process of whether or not
involve biochemical analysis and more relevant legal requirements. to proceed with an investment.
30 ADNOC Sustainability Report 2015 Taking Innovation to New Heights 31
We are committed to our employees’ professional development and supporting their career
goals. We seek to foster a diverse workforce of highly talented individuals committed to
achieving our business priorities. We use a long-term, career-oriented approach that includes
recruiting outstanding talent and developing individuals by providing them the opportunity
to complete a wide range of assignments. Our employee culture is grounded in a shared
commitment to safety, integrity, and collaborative and high-quality work.
We are a performance driven Competence Assurance Management overcome the particular challenges
organization that invests in our people, System (CAMS). associated with historically male-
leveraging our expertise, knowledge and dominated organisations.
Employees can also apply for study
insights to optimise our performance
leave should they chose to further their
and unlock the full potential of our Working in remote locations
education whilst working for ADNOC. In
natural and human resources.
2015, there were 368 employees on full- The remote nature of many of our
time and 343 employees on part-time operations often requires us to widen
Workforce diversity study leave. our recruitment options and employ
Throughout 2015, our workforce skilled people who can advance our
comprised over 65,000 employees and Empowering our female workforce safety and production requirements
165,000 contractors. while residing outside the community
In recent years, more women have Women in industry
and working in remote locations.
Our employees come from around the started to fill our technical positions
world. ADNOC places high value on the in engineering disciplines and In 2015, ADNOC supported the ‘Women in
benefits that diversity brings, offering geosciences, and non-technical support Industry’ conference – an annual event which
differing perspectives on problem- positions. Women represented 10.3% of Employee diversity by age is held during the Abu Dhabi International
solving, opportunities for team-building our employees in 2015. Petroleum Exhibition and Conference
that extend beyond the workplace, and (ADIPEC). ADNOC hosted a roundtable
Women play a critical role in our discussion during the conference on topics
creating a work environment where
organisation’s development and make < 30 years old that include leadership strategies, overcoming
people are motivated to excel and
a unique contribution to traditionally cultural differences in the workplace and
perform to their full potential.
• AED 698 million in Protecting the natural environment is a huge challenge for all
environmental expenditure
of us, and at ADNOC we are determined to play a constructive
• 13% reduction in flaring part in delivering reliable, affordable and positive energy, and
compared to 2014 levels we have come a long way to ensuring environmental issues
• 578 million GJ consumed are key components of our corporate culture. As we seek to
(of which 548 million increase production of oil and natural gas to meet growing
GJ is direct energy and global energy demand, we will continue to take steps to reduce
22 million GJ is indirect
flaring and the GHG intensity of our operations, and contribute
to effective long-term solutions to manage climate change
• 10.9 million GJ energy risks.
savings (corresponds
to 1.9% of energy As part of our HSEIA process, our operations are required to
consumed) assess the environmental impact and risks of new projects
• 13 air quality monitoring and substantially altered existing projects, and ensuring
stations environmental risks are managed to an acceptable level and do
• 2.3 million mangrove not result in unacceptable consequences to the environment.
seedlings across our This is supplemented with continuous environmental
nurseries monitoring during the development and active phases of our
projects, through to decommissioning.
Biodiversity protection
See page 19 for more
ADNOC’s group-wide operations are information on ADNOC’s
located in diverse terrestrial and marine HSEIA process.
environments, some of which contain
ecosystems with outstanding biological,
geographical or social value, including
species designated as protected by the
Working in sensitive areas
International Union for Conservation of Eight of our major group-wide
Nature (IUCN). operations are located within or adjacent
to the boundary of a protected area,
The Environmental Impact Assessment
including one new drilling project which Blue Carbon Sequestration Projects
(EIA) studies performed as part of
commenced in 2015 that took place on
ADNOC’s mandated HSEIA process Blue carbon is the carbon stored
Hail Island, within the Marawah Marine
integrate biodiversity considerations in the world’s oceans and marine
Protected Area.
including the identification of protected ecosystems. The value of these
areas and endangered species, their We require executive approval before ecosystems as carbon sinks and
roles in different ecosystems and any physical activities take place important habitats for maintaining
habitats, their vulnerabilities and wherever our planned activities may coastal health and biodiversity is
cultural significance. These findings enter a protected area, and work integrated in ADNOC’s marine
are then integrated into biodiversity collaboratively with the Environment development plans with a series
management plans to ensure potential Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD) throughout the of mangrove and seagrass
impacts are first avoided or secondly, impact identification, assessment and plantation projects undertaken
minimised, throughout the lifetime of mitigation phases of these projects. We by our teams in Abu Dhabi and
our projects from initial planning to continue to engage with the EAD for across ADNOC’s concession
final decommissioning. There are no monitoring purposes after our activities areas.
significant biodiversity impacts from begin to ensure best practices in
ADNOC’s activities to report in 2015. biodiversity conservation are in place.
Area (Onshore)
habitat structures. the sanctuary is home to Qusahwira and
Mangroves, coral reefs and seagrass the Arabian Oryx, one of the Mender Oil
ecosystems are common in the Arabian largest desert animals in the Felds
Gulf and among the most biologically Arab region and is classified (ADCO) Shah Gas Plant Processing and
diverse and economically valuable a vulnerable species by the (Al Hosn Gas) production
Artificial reef structure
ecosystems on earth, providing vital IUCN.
The abundance and diversity of fish ecosystem services that include
and coral species on the artificial coastline protection from storms and
structures deployed by ADNOC are erosion, and habitats, spawning and
comparable with those of adjacent Located in the UNESCO Storage and
Hail Island Exploratory Jebel Dhanna
habitats including sand
team, which was established in 2009.
flats, mangroves, sea grass
beds and coral reefs, and Al Dabbiya
is especially important to Mubarraz Island Processing and
Oil Field Extractive
migratory and endangered (ADOC) production
Monitoring Hawksbill Turtle Nesting Sites marine species such as the
Green Turtle and vulnerable
Zirku and Arzana Islands are important nesting grounds for Hawksbill Turtles, which are listed as critically endangered species such as the Dugong.
species by the IUCN. The coastal areas of the islands have been declared as protected exclusion zones to ensure
disruptions from human activity on the island does not impact the turtles’ nesting behaviour. These efforts are monitored
with annual visual assessments of the turtles and their nesting grounds, particularly during their spawning season.
36 ADNOC Sustainability Report 2015 Taking Innovation to New Heights 37
on climate change issues globally, understanding our direct (scope 1) established as the Middle East’s first specialised company focused on exploring and 27.6
26.6 25.1
including the American Petroleum and indirect (scope 2) emissions on a Upstream (exploration, drilling and production developing commercial-scale projects for CCUS. The joint venture’s first project, with 40
Institute (API) and the International CO2 equivalent basis. We report GHG of O&G)
Emirates Steel Industries (ESI), will sequester 800,000 tonnes of CO2 annually.
Midstream (gas processing)
Oil and Gas Producers Association emissions from our share of equity- 15.3
(IOGP). Additionally, we contribute to accounted entities as well as our three Downstream (marketing, refining and We are also working towards improving our emission monitoring technology, with 20 10.0 15.8
7.3 9.4
a wide range of academic and policy independent operators. a planned move towards adopting an integrated predictive emission monitoring
Logistics & Maritime Transportation 13.3 13.6 12.5
system (PEMS) and continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) across our 10.7
organizations that research and promote Independant Operators
assets and emission sources by Q4 2017. 0
dialogue on domestic and foreign policy
Upstream (exploration, drilling and production
of O&G)
ADNOC CCUS Project - Quick Midstream (gas processing)
Facts Downstream (marketing, refining and
The ESI CCUS is the Middle East’s Logistics & Maritime Transportation
first commercial scale CCUS Independant Operators
facility and the only CCS project
outside of North America
Hydrocarbon spills
Non-GHG emissions and air quality monitoring Protection Facility (known as BeAAT) in Ruwais. Operated by
TAKREER, BeAAT offers a range of treatment processes in 20 incidents of which 3 were
ADNOC established an Air Quality Monitoring System (AQMS)
a single site. Our first waste management priority is to avoid significant (>100 boe)
in 2008.The system comprises of a network of thirteen
its generation, and then to reuse or recycle waste wherever
monitoring stations (ten fixed and three mobile) for monitoring
possible. ADNOC also implements a life cycle approach
the ambient air quality in the vicinity of our facilities. Nearly 100% recovery achieved
towards waste management that facilitates an optimisation of
for significant spills
The AQMS enables ambient air quality and meteorological costs, resources and environmental and social benefits.
data from all monitoring stations to be sent on a real-time
basis, including providing a simulation tool to develop and Minimal environmental impact
Spill prevention and response
implement an air quality management program.
When assessing our potential impacts to water or land, spill
prevention is a top priority. This is addressed by outlining Non-hydrocarbon spills
Water management procedures for the proper inspection and maintenance of
In 2015, approximately 5.3 billion m3 were withdrawn to equipment, providing comprehensive training materials for 2 spill incidents involving chemical
support our operations. Over 99% of this water is extracted our operators, emphasizing regular performance of tests and solvents
from the sea and used for cooling purposes, and is then drills, and allowing us to maintain a relentless focus on safety
discharged back to the sea after undergoing treatment to (see page 22 for more information on ADNOC’s emergency Minimal environmental impact
ensure accordance with ADNOC’s discharge limits. The net response and crisis management approach).
water consumption at our operations was 78 million m3,
representing a continued decline since 2011.
We are committed to minimizing the impacts of our water
withdrawals, consumption and discharges. We use alternative
water sources where appropriate and seek opportunities to
reduce, reuse and recycle water. We assess actual costs,
quality and availability, as well as potential trade-offs, such
as varied operational efficiencies, increased energy use or
the consequences of producing more concentrated waste
Across our operations, there is one sensitive water body
which may be affected by the withdrawal of water. This is the
Liwa groundwater aquifer (located immediately north of Liwa,
and covering a surface area of about 1,800 km2), from which
ADCO withdraws water to perform their operations in the Bu
Hasa and Asab fields. To conserve the fresh water resources,
water supply wells are drilled in the brackish zone of the
reservoir where the salinity exceeds 15,000 ppm.
Produced water
Produced water across our operations is re-injected into deep
wells. In 2015, this amounted to 25.3 million m3. Treatment
is practiced where necessary to reduce oil content to
permissible levels prior to re-injection.
Waste management
In 2015, a total 32,908 metric tonnes of hazardous waste and
41,288 metric tonnes of non-hazardous waste were generated
from our operations.
To ensure the centralised management of ADNOC’s hazardous
waste, ADNOC established the Central Environment
40 ADNOC Sustainability Report 2015 Taking Innovation to New Heights 41
• 3 ADNOC academic As the national oil company of Abu Dhabi, ADNOC has an
institutes dedicated to
important role to play in driving the creation of long term,
providing world class
sustainable in-country value. We accomplish this in several
education and research
facilities ways that include: investing in education and research; job
creation; advancing local talent and the local supply chain;
• 4,285 active scholarships
developing critical infrastructure to support our economy’s
• 1,241 graduates from the growth and development; and the sharing of knowledge, best
Petroleum Institute practice and technology across the local oil and gas industry.
• 79% executive and senior
The broad and long-lasting socio-economic benefits generated
management positions
by our operations are never delivered at the expense of our
occupied by UAE nationals
commitment towards being a responsible corporate citizen.
• AED 95 million in We strive to demonstrate this commitment through practical
sponsorships and
actions undertaken in partnership with our stakeholders to
donations within the
ensure that our operations are aligned with their interests and
Emirate of Abu Dhabi
that we continue to build mutually beneficial relationships. Our
aim is to create opportunities that positively enhance the lives
of people who work for us and live near our operations, as well
as the society overall.
1,000 388.8
AED million
Building on its foundations as one of the world’s biggest oil ADNOC Technical Institute ADNOC Scholarship Programme ADNOC Achievers’ Oasis Programme
companies, to establish a pioneering academic, research,
The ATI produces entry-level technicians in the oil and gas We established our Scholarship Programme in 1974, Established in 2002, the Achievers' Oasis Programme is
development and innovation hub in Abu Dhabi is a logical
industry and provides an alternative to conventional academic sponsoring talented UAE nationals to pursue their post- an innovative summer Programme which aims to motivate
extension of ADNOC’s existing capabilities that will stand
education for male UAE nationals. secondary education in reputable academic institutions young UAE nationals to pursue studies in the fields of
proudly alongside the UAE’s declared ambition to put the first
locally and abroad, and to specialise in the various technical engineering, exploration and production and management
Arab probe on Mars by 2021. The ADNOC Technical Institute was established in 1978
disciplines essential to the oil and gas industry. engineering. Graduates from the AOP often go on to join
as the first vocational training institute in Abu Dhabi to
the Petroleum Institute, enrol in local universities or are
The Petroleum Institute University and Research offer programmes that meet the needs of ADNOC and its There are 5,299 active scholarships across undergraduate
awarded scholarships abroad to pursue their university
Group Companies for skilled national manpower. Since its and postgraduate programmes around the world, with
Centre studies.
establishment, the ATI has trained more than 3,500 technical 1,056 scholarships awarded in 2015 alone.
The PI has graduated over 1,400 engineers staff in a range of disciplines. The Group Companies assist In 2015, a total of 1,696 students participated in the AOP
since its establishment in 2001. the ATI by providing job instructional training opportunities for programme across Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and the Western
trainees in relevant areas within each company’s operational Region.
The Petroleum Institute University and Research Center
(PI) was established with a goal of becoming a world-class
Number of new scholaships awarded annually AOP Participants
institution in both engineering education and energy industry
research. PI currently has more than 2,000 undergraduate and The ADNOC Schools 2,500 2,500
graduate students, over 200 faculty members, and has quickly
ADNOC Schools have one branch in the capital city of Abu
become a leading teaching and research institution in the 2032
Dhabi and three branches in the Western Region (Ruwais, 2,000 1823 2,000
% of total enrollements
Middle East region. 287
Madinat Zayed and Ghayathi), across which there are over 216 216
230 778 168
6,000 students enrolled. 1,500 1,500
706 666
Enrollment of female and emirati students in the PI
The ADNOC Schools were founded in 2008 by ADNOC with
1,000 778 1,000
the goal to provide a challenging and rigorous academic 963 949 984 956
100 866
curriculum to highly qualified Emirati and expatriate students,
500 526 500
preparing them to join prestigious universities worldwide. 401
% of total enrollements
255 278
48 90 181
0 0
69.9 71.3 69.9 73.0
Driving research and development
48.3 51.1 Over the last decade, ADNOC has moved swiftly to build the
40 45.5 Domestic study Study abroad Abu Dhabi Al Ain Western Region
foundations for a world-class energy research ecosystem in
32.6 32.8 Abu Dhabi, and allocated significant funding towards this that
has grown year-on-year.
0 At the core of this research strategy is the delivery of a ADNOC’s research, development and innovation centres cover the upstream and downstream aspects of our petroleum
roadmap for exploiting our oil reservoirs to levels far beyond
value chain
current levels to reach 70% recovery rates.
Inaugurated in 2015, the new high-tech
Female students Emirati students
facility provides expertise on polymer
development and application technology to
enhance petrochemical products of pipe, film
Borouge and molding applications, and improve their
A world class research Innovation performance.
center focused on Centre
enhanced oil recovery The TRC supports TAKREER’s
(EOR) in carbonate core refining activities by
reservoirs, as well as TAKREER overseeing process modeling and
downstream studies Research product development, as well as
on material sciences Centre assist in technology transfer and
to address current and Petroleum human resources development in
emerging challenges Institute collaboration with other Institutes
in gas processing and Research and Universities.
treatment. Centre
Abu Dhabi Solar Challenge ADNOC R&D was established to stimulate innovation R&D Hub
across the ADNOC Group Companies: ADCO, ADGAS,
PI’s Solar Car Team participated in the first ever solar car race to take place in the UAE. The event, sponsored by ADMA-OPCO, Al Hosn Gas, GASCO and ZADCO; with the
ADNOC, took place over three days and drew 20 universities from around the world to compete in a 1,200 km aim of increasing hydrocarbon recovery and profitability
race. The PI finished in second place overall, with a two and half minute offset from the winning team: University from our existing assets. ADNOC R&D’s portfolio includes
of Michigan (UM) Solar. The PI team also received the Best Qualifying Lap Timing and the Spirit of the Event the Gas Research Centre, which is established in the PI to
Awards, as well as the prestigious Shell Innovation Award. address current and emerging gas challenges.
44 ADNOC Sustainability Report 2015 Taking Innovation to New Heights 45
Local economic growth and development Supporting the economic development of the
Western Region
ADNOC, together with the wider energy sector, provides fundamental support in deepening ADNOC and our Group Companies have a permanent
and broadening the domestic industrial base, and driving the country’s broader socio-economic presence in the Western Region and are committed
development. Our projects help create jobs and develop new skill sets among the local to working with one of our key stakeholders, the
Western Region Development Council (WRDC), and
population, while at the same establishing key infrastructure that benefits the wider economy. leading the Western Region towards becoming a model
of sustainable economic and social development.
To achieve this, our strategy focuses on providing
Developing the local economy and a remote desert site to a fully-integrated resources, vacancies and training opportunities to UAE
infrastructure in the places we community and modern industrial city. Ruwais Housing Complex nationals of the Western Region. The region’s companies
work are also given priority to provide contracting and supply
Distributed over 15 km2 services and to execute projects within their fields of
The city of Ruwais is one of ADNOC’s Developing local content
success stories. It represents a multi- ADNOC’s target is to achieve 75% 24,000 residents across 56
million-dollar investment and serves as Emiratization across core ADNOC and nationalities The ADNOC Group also proudly sponsors several
a major contributor to the local economy Group company positions by the end of high profile annual events that include the Liwa Dates
of the Western Region and the UAE 2017. 8 schools which provide elementary Festival, which showcases our nation’s valued fruit and
overall. to secondary education encourages more sustainable cultivation and irrigation
The need to create jobs and to develop
practices; the Al Dhafra Camel Festival, a unique festival
ADNOC’s downstream oil and gas a national workforce with the right
1 hospital and medical centre with the world’s only camel beauty contest; and the Al
facilities are based in the Ruwais capabilities and skill set to address
(administered by ADNOC’s Medical Gharbia Falconry Festival, which provides an opportunity
Industrial Complex (RIC), which is the oil industry’s technical challenges
Services Unit) for falconers, experts and researchers to enjoy the
located in the Western Region of Abu and complexities was recognized in
celebrated art of falconry.
Dhabi, 240 kilometres southwest of 1999, when ADNOC’s Group Nationals
the main city. They include Borouge's Recruitment Department (GNRD) was 1 shopping mall with over 261 The festivals attract nationals, expatriates and tourists
polyolefins plant, TAKREER’s Ruwais established. The role of the GNRD outlets with the aim of celebrating the UAE’s longstanding
Refinery, GASCO’s NGL fractionation today is to oversee and facilitate the bedouin culture, reviving the role of poetry and its
plant, FERTIL’s fertilizer plant, as well as government’s ‘Emiratization’ efforts. 4 recreation centres and clubs (two influence on UAE culture, introducing and preserving the
a marine terminal and a sulphur handling of which are exclusively for women) authentic camel breeds of Asayil and Majaheem, and
ADNOC’s 2017 Emiratization plan is
terminal. ultimately activating the region’s economic growth.
passed down to each of the Group Public services including stationed
To meet the rising demand for Companies in the form of annual plans. offices for civil defence, police,
residential services to support the RIC’s Each company prepares the annual Emirates Post, sharia court and
employees and their families, ADNOC intake plan at the beginning of the year transportation Developing the local supply chain labour and other amenities. ADNOC impacts in order to maximise the long-
established the Ruwais Housing and the progress on recruitment is
and our procurement practices defines a local supplier as a provider term sustainability and benefits of our
Complex (RHC) in 1980 and gradually monitored on a monthly, quarterly and Other community services of materials, products and services efforts. Our sponsorships and donations
developed the local services and annual basis. Approximately 79% of the procurement
including mosques, banks, that is based in the UAE or has a local towards important community events
infrastructure, transforming Ruwais from budget across the ADNOC Group
travel agencies, public parks and sponsor in the UAE. The sponsorship and causes (excluding academic
spaces etc. Companies was spent on local arrangement often requires the supplier scholarships) in 2015 amounted to AED
suppliers in 2015; this is equivalent to to share a percentage of the contract 95 million. They include contributions to
approximately AED 47 billion. with their sponsor, ensuring that at least the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs,
Our goal is to build and maintain a some of the value of any contract is Children with Special Needs Centre, the
qualified, competitive and sustainable realised locally. Red Crescent, hospitals, educational
supply chain. Due to the scale of our organisations such as Zayed University,
Population of RHC Higher Colleges of Technology, and
operations, we have the capacity to Strategically investing in what
help local businesses grow and to Abu Dhabi Educational Zone as well as
UAE Nationals
matters most
foster the long-term development of cultural and sports clubs.
23% Arabs our suppliers. Our local procurement Our strategic community investments
Additionally, ADNOC and our Group
23% plans enhance the opportunity for complement our business and reflect
Companies develop infrastructure
economic participation of locally based our economic and social interests and
that provides local communities and
small-to-medium enterprises in our goals. We focus a significant portion
businesses with benefits such as roads,
businesses and we aim to bridge the of our spending on education, where
Ruwais Housing Complex hospitals, mosques and schools. Our
gap between their capacity and our funding of our academic institutes and
indirect impacts are difficult to quantify
The RHC was strategically supply requirements. programmes in 2015 exceeded AED 1
because of their wide-ranging scale
planned and developed to meet billion.
Whilst many of our larger contracts and diversity. ADNOC also provides
the residential needs of our We supplement our corporate- humanitarian aid and relief assistance
are granted to leading engineering
employees and their families. led initiatives with philanthropic towards international causes around the
companies from around the world,
Non-Arabs programmes as well, and continue world.
these companies often use local
54% to improve our understanding of our
suppliers for the provision of services,
46 ADNOC Sustainability Report 2015 Taking Innovation to New Heights 47
• 19 award cycles held Pursuing and sustaining excellence in HSE performance
since the ADNOC HSE requires continuous improvement and unremitting focus.
Award programme was Leaders at every level of our organisation must continue to
first created in 1997 to demonstrate their commitment towards establishing a high
encourage operational performance HSE culture with distinctive core capabilities and
excellence best-in-class standards and systems.
• 240 submissions received
across eligible members
Recognising and appreciating our group-wide efforts
in 2015 towards operational excellence is an important component
of reinforcing ADNOC’s commitment towards sustainable
• 4 award groups to
business practices. The ADNOC HSE Award programme was
recognise achievements
therefore established to recognize and reward outstanding
in project execution,
corporate performance achievements, promote knowledge sharing of best practices,
and partnerships and foster an atmosphere of friendly competition amongst the
ADNOC Group Companies and our Independent Operators in
their quest for sustainable development.
15 12
40 32
35 Occupational Health
21 Safety
2011 21
2015 Innovation
60 Sustainability
61 HSE Performance
and Leadership
Innovation Environment
Winner - ZADCO Winner - TAKREER
Chemical Blend Breakers: An Innovative, Reduce Waste by Reuse of Calibration
Safe and Environmental Product Saves Gas
Group photo of ADNOC HSE Award winning teams at the award ceremony on 18th May, 2016
Runner Up - ADMA-OPCO
Runner Up - ADNOC Distribution Small Step Change in 'PROCESS', Big
ADNOC Intelligent Service Stations Gains in Emission Reduction
Safety Sustainability
Acronyms and
ADAA Abu Dhabi Accountability Authority CICPA Critical Infrastructure and Coastal Protection IPIC International Petroleum Investment Company OBM Oil Based Mud
ADIA Abu Dhabi Investment Authority IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature O&G Oil and Gas
CO Carbon Monoxide
ADIC Abu Dhabi Investment Council KPI Key Performance Indicator ODS Ozone Depleting Substance
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
ADNOC Abu Dhabi National Oil Company km Kilometre OHRA Occupational Health Risk Assessment
CO2e Carbon Dioxide Equivalent
ADRPBF Abu Dhabi Retirement Pensions and Benefits km2 Square kilometre OSRC Oil Spill Response Centre
Fund CoP Code of Practice (ADNOC)
kWh Kilowatt hour PI Petroleum Institute
ADWEA Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority COP Conference of Parties (UNFCC)
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas ppm Parts per million
AED Arab Emirates Dirham CPU Civil Projects Unit
LTI Lost Time Incident RAA Remote Area Allowance
AGHSESC ADNOC Group HSE Steering Committee CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
LTIF Lost Time Incident Frequency Rate R&D Research & Development
ALARP As Low as Reasonably Practicable E&P Exploration and Production
Cubic metre RHC Ruwais Housing Complex
AOP Achievers Oasis Programme EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery
Masdar Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company RWDC Restricted Work Day Case
API American Petroleum Institute FAR Fatal Accident Rate
MMSCF Million Standard Cubic Feet SAS Sahil, Asab and Shah Fields
AQMS Air Quality Management System G3.1 Generation 3.1 (GRI indicators)
MMSCFD Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day SO2 Sulphur Dioxide
ATI ADNOC Technical Institute GHG Greenhouse Gas
MSBPD Million Standard Barrels per Day SOx Sulphur Oxides
BAP Biodiversity Action Plan GNRD Group Nationals Recruitment Department
MSU Medical Services Unit SPC Supreme Petroleum Council
Bbl Barrel GRI Global Reporting Initiative
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet SRU Sulphur Recovery Unit
BeAAT Central Environment Protection Facility HR Human Resources
MWh Megawatt hour UAE United Arab Emirates
BMI Body Mass Index HSE Health, Safety and Environment
NAF Non-aqueous Fluid UNFCC United Nations Framework Convention on
BMP Best Management Practice HSEIA Health, Safety and Environment Impact Climate Change
NCEMA National Emergency Crisis and Disaster
boe Barrel of oil equivalent Management Authority UZ Upper Zakum
HSEMS Health, Safety and Environment Management
BPD Barrels per day NGL Natural Gas Liquid VOC Volatile Organic Compound
CAMS Competence Assurance Management System NGV Natural Gas for Vehicles WBM Water Based Mud
IGD Integrated Gas Development
CCUS Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage NOx Nitrogen Oxides WRDC Western Region Development Council
ILO International Labour Organisation
CFC Chlorofluorocarbon NORM Natural Occurring Radioactive Material
IOGP International Oil and Gas Producers (Association)
CNG Compressed Natural Gas NRC National Recruitment Committee
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change
54 ADNOC Sustainability Report 2015 Taking Innovation to New Heights 55
Content selection process • ADNOC Headquarter Office: Performance is included in all Group Companies
sections of this report.
We have continued to develop and formalise our approach to
determining the content of our reporting. In order to identify • Group Companies: Performance is included in all sections
and prioritise the issues on which we need to report we of this report, with the exception of Al Hosn Gas, whose
considered various inputs. These were: performance has been excluded from the ‘Environment’
section of this report as 2015 was the first year of production
• Stakeholder concerns: we have considered the issues of
and the company did not reach steady-state operation during
importance to our stakeholders that have arisen in our
this period. Their (Al Hosn Gas) performance will be included
regular interaction with them.
in full in our 2016 report.
• High-profile issues raised in broader contexts, such as
• Independent Operators: Performance is included in the
national development plans and strategies, or topics
‘People’ section (in full), ‘Environment’ section (in full) and
highlighted by the media or by non-governmental
‘Society’ section (in part) of this report.
• Academic Institutes: Performance is included in the ‘Society’
• Issues raised in internal discussions among management
section of this report only, unless otherwise stated.
and employees about the most important developments
in the course of the reporting period. This includes internal
business developments and priorities, as well as issues Material issues for 2015
arising from ADNOC’s day-to-day interaction with external The following issues, shown in alphabetical order, reflect the
stakeholders. key material topics identified. Each issue contains a number of
• GRI guidance, which sets out potentially material ‘aspects’ dimensions which we seek to cover in our reporting, both in
and indicators to report against as well as guidance on how print and online.
to identify, prioritise and validate relevant topics. • Economic contribution
We develop a consolidated list of issues from the inputs • Social investment and community engagement
and then use a materiality matrix to assess how each issue
features in our reporting. In line with GRI guidance, we • Greenhouse gas emissions and flaring
have also considered whether the impact of an issues is felt • Personal and process safety Al Dhafra Petroleum Al Yasat Petroleum
primarily within the organisation, outside, or both.
• Workforce health Operations Company Ltd. Operations Company Ltd.