Marketing Strat and Marke Competition
Marketing Strat and Marke Competition
Marketing Strat and Marke Competition
Marketing Strategy and its Relationship with market competition towards Business
performance:An Investigation of the Empirical Link in Export Market Ventures
Author(s):S.Tamer Cavusgil and Shaoming Zou
Source:Journal of Marketing,Jan.,1994,Vol.58,No.1(Jan.,1994),Pp.1-21
Published by:Sage Publications,Inc.on behalf of American Marketing Association
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hough empirical support for the marketing strategy- With globalization of markets and competition,foreign
performance relationship has been provided by a num- markets have become increasingly viable and natural oppor-
ber of studies,most of these studies have been based on the tunities for growth-oriented domestic firms.Therefore,it is
PIMS Project and focused on company performance in the of practical as well as theoretical importance to address
domestic marketing context (e.g.,Buzzell and Gale 1987; such strategy questions as (1)Can the marketing strategy-
Land 1978;Philips,Chang,and Buzzell 1983;Robinson performance relationship be empirically verified in the con-
and Fornell 1986;Schoeffler 1977).In the international mar- text of export ventures?(2)To what extent is export market
keting context,a handful of studies (e.g.,Bilkey 1982;Chris- performance influenced by deliberate marketing strategy im-
tensen,da Rocha,and Gertner 1987;Cooper and Klein- plementation?and(3)What are the factors that contribute
schmidt 1985;McGuinness and Little 1981;Rosson and to success in export market ventures?These questions pro-
vide the rationale for the empirical investigation of export
Ford 1982)have suggested that export performance is influ- marketing strategy and performance reported here.
enced by export marketing strategy.Because of conceptual
and methodological problems associated with these studies, Specifically,our purpose is threefold:(1)to substantiate
however,their results are fragmented and the relationship be- the empirical link between marketing strategy and perfor-
tween export marketing strategy and export performance re- mance in the context of export ventures;(2)to contribute to
mains an unresolved issue(Aaby and Slater 1989;Madsen a more comprehensive understanding of the variables im-
1987). pinging on export marketing strategy and performance;and
(3)to lay a theoretical foundation on which further inquir-
ies can be based.Three distinctive features should be noted
S.Tamer Cavusgilis Professor of Markeling and lntemational Business, at the outset.First,the unit of analysis is an individual prod-
and Executive Director of the Center for International Business Education uct-market export venture of firm,which is defined as mar-
and Research (CIBER)at Michigan State University.Shaoming Zou is a keting of a specific product in a specific export market.The
doctoral candidate in Marketing and International Business at Michigan case in which a product is marketed in two markets or two
State University.The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Pro- products are marketed in the same market is considered two
fessor G.M.Naidu of the University of Wisconsin Whitewater with the col
export ventures.Second,incorporated in the proposed frame-
lection of data on some of the export ventures.They also thank Dale
Duhan,Thomas Page,Catherine Axinn,Masaaki Kotabe,Roger Calan-
work is a theoretical conceptualization that export perfor-
tone,and Comelia Droge for their comments on an earflier version of this mance is determined by the coalignment between export
article.Finally,they are gratetul to three anonymous JM reviewers and marketing strategy and internal and external environments
Thomas Kinnear for their insightul and construclive reviews. of the firm.Furthermore,export performance is conceived
as the accomplishment of strategic as well as economic ob-
Journal of Marketing
Vol.58(January 1994),1-21
Marketing Strategy-Performance Relationship 11
• Sales force
• Customer
Service quality
Business Performance
• Net profit Margin
• Profitability
• Customer
Business Pertormance Measures Used in Previous Research
Performance Measure lllustrative Studies
Export sales level Bello and Wiliamson (1985);Bilkey (1985);Cavusgil (1984a);Cooper and Klein-
schmidt (1985);Fenwick and Amine (1979);Madsen (1989);McGuinness and Little
(1981);Sood and Adams (1984);United Kingdom Awards (U.K.Awards)
Export sales growth Cooper and Kleinschmidt (1985);Kirpalani and Maclntosh (1980);Madsen(1989);
Export profits Bilkey(1982,1985);Madsen (1989);U.K.Awards
Ratio of export sales to total sales Axinn (1988);U.K.Awards
Ratio of export profits to total profits U.K.Awards
Increase of importance of export to U.K.Awards
total business
Overcoming barriers to export Bauerschmidt;Sullivan;and Gillespie(1985);Sullivan and Bauerschmidt (1987)
Propensity to export Bilkey(1985);Cavusgil (1984b);Denis and Depelteau (1985);Kaynak and Kothan
(1984);Piercy(1981a);Reid (1986);Rosson and Ford (1982
Acceptance of product by export dis- Angelmar and Pras (1984)
Export involvement Diamantopoulos and Inglis (1988
Exporter internationalization Piercy(1981b)
Attitudes toward export Brady and Bearden (1979);Johnston and Czinkota (1982
characteristics (e.g,,a firm's capability to implement the cho- into a foreign market,are achieved through planning and ex-
sen strategy).In contrast to previous exporting studies that ecution of export marketing strategy.A firm usually initi-
postulate direct links from product,industry,and export mar- ates an export venture with a number of objectives,which
ket characteristics to export performance (e.g.,Cooper and can be economic (i.e.,profits,sales,or costs)and/or strate-
Kleinschmidt 1985;Madsen 1989),the proposed conceptu- gic(ie,market expansion,competitive response,gaining a
alization posits that these links are mediated by export mar- foothold in foreign market,or increasing the awareness of
keting strategy,highlighting the central role of marketing the product/firm).Subsequent to formulation and implemen-
strategy in determining performance.This is because for var- tation of export marketing strategy,some objectives can be
ious states of the export venture's context as defined by prod- achieved fully,others only marginally.The extent to which
uct,industry,and export market characteristics,export mar- a venture's strategic and economic objectives are achieved
keting strategy must be adapted so that strategy-environ- is therefore a gauge of the performance in the export
ment coalignment and subsequent positive performance can venture.
be achieved. There is no uniform definition of export performance in
The proposed framework incorporates three key features. the literature.Table 1 illustrates a variety of export perfor-
First,the unit of analysis underlying the framework is the in- mance measures adopted by previous researchers as well as
dividual product-market export venture,rather than the total the criteria employed by govermment agencies.The most fre-
export activity of the firm.Second,the framework posits quently used performance measures appear to be economic
that export performance involves both strategic and ec- in nature—such as export sales,export growth,and profits
onomic considerations.Third,the framework is presented from exports—and taken at the firm level,making it impos-
in general terms,with export marketing strategy,internal sible to precisely express the export marketing strategy-
forces,and external forces representing broad categories of performance relationship.Here,the export performance
variables.This is because the existing exporting literature is measure(1)is expressed at the product-market export ven-
not very helpful in terms of suggesting specific constructs ture level,(2)incorporates both economic and strategic di-
or measures for the proposed conceptualization.Therefore, mensions,and (3)includes both objective and subjective
no a priori testable model is assumed and further operation- measures.
alization of the framework is sought through the empirical Export marketing strategy.Export marketing strategy is
research reported in this article.
the means by which a firm responds to the interplay of in-
ternal and external forces to meet the objectives of the ex-
Key Components and Relationships port venture.It involves all aspects of the conventional mar-
Export marketing performance.Export performance is de- keting plan,including product,promotion,pricing,and dis-
fined as the extent to which a firm's objectives,both eco- tribution.In international marketing,the key consideration
nomic and strategic,with respect to exporting a product is whether the marketing strategy should be standardized or
mand potential,cultural similarity to home market,familiar-
ty with the product,brand familiarity of export customers,
4/Joumal of Marketing,January 1994 and similariy of legal and regulatory frameworks.
Research Design
adapted to the conditions of the foreign market
(Douglas and Craig 1989).The degree of marketing Overall Design
adaptation ver- sus standardization is a function of
product,industry,mar- ket,organization,and Because there is no well-established conceptualization or
environmental characteristics (Buzzell measures of relevant constructs in the export marketing lit-
1968;Cavusgil,Zou,and Naidu 1993;Jain 1989; Walters erature (Aaby and Slater 1989),a parsimonious multi-phase
1986).Therefore,we evaluate export marketing strategy research design is adopted here to operationalize and test
along the standardization-adaptation continuum. the proposed conceptual framework in Figure 1.First,data
pertinent to potentially significant variables (see Appendix
Firm characteristics.Firms'capabilities and constraints B)uncovered by the exporting and standardization litera-
profoundly influence their choice of marketing strategy and ture are collected.Second,the sample is split into two
ability to execute the chosen strategy(Aaker 1988;Porter subsamples and an exploratory factor analysis (EFA)is per-
1980).Key assets and skills of a firm constitute its sources formed on the analysis subsample to uncover the underly-
of sustainable competitive advantage (Day and Wensley ing factor structure of each category of explanatory varia-
1988;Porter 1985).In export marketing,the relevant assets bles.Third,an analysis of the content of factors and items
and skills of a firm include size advantages (Reid 1982),in- is performed to ensure the consistency of the substantive
ternational experience(Douglas and Craig 1989),extent of meaning of items in the same factor and purify the factors.
international business involvement,and resources available Fourth,using the literature,the proposed conceptual frame-
for export development (Terpstra 1987).Possession of such work is operationalized into a testable model,and hypothe-
assets and skills enables an exporter to identify the idiosyn- ses pertaining to the relationships in the operational model
cracies in the export markets,develop appropriate market- are developed.Fifth,a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)
ing strategy,and execute it effectively.Therefore,firm char- is performed on the hold-out subsample to test the measure-
acteristics affect export marketing strategy and ment model of export performance and factors included in
performance. the operational model.Finally,a path analytic procedure is
Product characteristics.The specific marketing strat- performed on the hold-out subsample to assess the opera-
tional model and test the hypotheses.
egy in an export venture is influenced by product character-
istics(Cavusgil,Zou,and Naidu 1993;Cooper and Klein-
schmidt 1985;McGuinness and Little 1981).Product attrib- Instrument
utes can affect the positional competitive advantage (Day
and Wensley 1988),which influences the choice of an offen- Results from previous studies on exporing and standardiza-
sive or defensive strategy(Cook 1983).Relevant product tion formed the basis for developing an instrument for data
characteristics that influence export marketing strategy in- collection.The instrument was semi-structured in the sense
clude culture-specificity,strength of patent,unit value, that it contained a list of variables and the intended scales
uniqueness,age,and service/maintenance requirements of for measuring them,but no specific questions.The ration-
product. ale for using a semi-structured instrument was to enable the
researchers to tailor the questions to the specific contexts of
Industry characteristics.The intensity of exporting activ- the export ventures during the interviews and ensure that
ity and the nature of export marketing strategy vary consid- the interviews were specific to the ventures studied.Ini-
erably across industries.This is largely a result of the vary- tially,a series of preliminary interviews were conducted
ing nature of industries (Porter 1980).Industry structure has with export marketing managers directly involved in 15 ex-
been considered a key determinant of firms'strategy in do- port ventures to(1)verify and improve the relevance of the
mestic market context (Kerin,Mahajan,and Varadarajan variables suggested by the literature,(2)validate and mod-
1990;Porter 1980).In export marketing,analysis of the re-
lationship between industry structure and marketing strat- IThe exploratory factor analyses are performed by the procedure FAC-
egy must incorporate the significant variations in the mar- TOR in SPSS,whereas the confirmatory factor analysis is performed by
ket systems,government interventions,and presence of for- multiple groups analysis (MGRP)in the computer program PACKAGE
eign competitors across markets.In addition,technology (Hunter et al.1980).Path analysis is performed also via PACKAGE.
intensiveness and intensity of price competition in the indus- MGRP is a confirmatory factor analytic technique developed by Spearman
try also must be considered as the relevant correlates of ad- (1952).The detailed description of this approach can be found in Anderson
aptation of marketing strategy(Jain 1989). and Gerbing (1982)and Hunter and Gerbing(1982).The MGRP provides
estimates that are adequate for most practical purposes (Lawley and
Export market characteristics.Conditions in foreign Maxwell 1963)and information that more readily suggests model respeci-
markets pose both opportunities and threats for exporters. fication(Anderson and Gerbing 1982).It should be noted that,given the na-
ture of the study,relative complexity of the operational model and moder-
Export marketing strategy must be formulated in such a ate sample size,we believe that full information techniques,such as Maxi
way to match a firm's strengths with market opportunities mum Likelihood,are not suitable for our study(cf.Anderson and Gerbing
and neutralize the firm's strategic weaknesses,or to over- 1982;Anderson,Gerbing,and Hunter 1987).
come market threats(Aaker 1988;Terpstra 1987).Conse-
quently,export marketing strategy tends to be conditioned
by export market characteristics(Cavusgil,Zou,and Naidu
1993;Cooper and Kleinschmidt 1985;Rosson and Ford
1982).The key characteristics of the export market that can
affect the choice of export marketing strategy include de-
Overall support to distributor/subsidiary .913 .146 -.020 -.002 .086
Training of sales force .850 .104 .125 .110 -.014 to distributor/subsidiary .738 .181 .249 .347 .164
Adapt.of product positioning .106 .868 .036 -.061 -.026
Adaptation of packaging .133 .628 .151 .160 -.090
Adaptation of promotional approach .132 .626 .081 .189 -.128
Degree of market coverage .162 .645 -.010 .124 .490
Distribution channel type -.072 .137 .797 -.162 -.036
Number of export customers 326 .164 .575 .098 -.100
Sales goal of the venture .218 -.134 .690 .366 .226
Initial product adaptation -.106 .515 -.233 .603 .031
Subsequent product adaptation .357 .131 .283 .610 .227
Labeling in local language .191 .148 .017 .711 -.205
Price competitiveness .174 .172 -.271 -.386 .659
Degree of target market specification -.009 .345 -.184 -.090 -.773
Firm's International
International Commitment Business
Factor Label Competence to Venture Intensity
Eigenvalue 4.81 2.09 1.34
Percent of Variance 40.1 17.4 11.1
Number of full-time employees .928 .124 .012
Annual sales volume of firm .876 .007 .137
Amount of firm's int'l experience .694 .396 .435
Years of IB involvement of firm .701 .081 .100
Number of foreign markets operated .611 一.182 .474
Resources for export developmen .677 .419 -.008
Extent of careful entry planning .047 .735 .116
Extent of management commitment .187 .866 .145
Extent of resource commitment 075 .850 .211
Firm's relative position in industry 328 .060 .518
Percent of sales from IB .168 .228 .775
Percent of profit from IB -.120 .250 .837
egy,and effectively implement the chosen strategy subsidiary.Cooperation in the export channel will lead to ef-
(Douglas and Craig 1989;Terpstra 1987).When managers fective implementation of marketing strategy and better per-
are committed to an export venture,they carefully plan the formance (Rosson and Ford 1982).
entry and allocate sufficient managerial and financial re- Empirical evidence supports the positive relationship be-
sources to the venture.With formal planning and resource tween export performance and a firm's international experi-
commitment,uncertainty is reduced and marketing strategy ence (competence)(Aaby and Slater 1989;Kirpalani and
can be implemented effectively (Aaby and Slater 1989; MacIntosh 1980),management commitment (Bilkey 1982;
Christensen,da Rocha,and Gertner 1987),leading to better Daniels and Robles 1985;Johnston and Czinkota 1982;Ros-
performance(Aaker 1988).Similarly,supporting a distribu- son and Ford 1982),and support to distributor/subsidiary
tor/subsidiary in the export market can lead to a cooperative (Bello and Williamson 1985;Rosson and Ford 1982).There-
partnership between the manufacturer and the distributor/ fore,the following hypotheses will be tested:
Age of product .874 006 -.160 .075
Extent of establishment with firm .781 .018 .292 一.197
Training needs of sales force .032 .839 .021 -.123
Service/maintenance requirement .163 .661 .172 .260
Strength of product patent -.422 .640 -.012 一.156
Product's unit price .169 .003 .877 .152
Degree of product uniqueness -.317 .294 .622 -.376
Degree of cultural specific. -.080 -.003 .025 .869
Degree of technology orientation of industry.754
Intensity of price competition -.754
Demand potential of export market .825 -.144 .112 .008
Sophistication of marketing infrastructure .803 .256 .028 .083
Cultural similarity of markets .082 .837 .181 .144
Extent of legal/regulatory barriers -.003 .801 -.275 -.158
Competitive intensity .345 097 .805 -.077
Product exposure in export market -.129 -.161 .803 .315
Brand familiarity in export market .079 .014 .122 .961
H₁:Export marketing performance in an export venture is en- the degree of product adaptation is influenced positively by
hanced when
a.the degree of product adaptation increases; a firm's international competence,product uniqueness,cul-
b.the degree of promotion adaptation increases; tural specificity of product,and export market competitive- to distributor/subsidiary increases; ness;and negatively by a firm's experience with product
d.price competitiveness increases; and technology orientation of industry.Similarly,it is
e.firms'intemational competence increases;and hypothesized that the degree of promotion adaptation is af-
f.commitment to the export venture increases. fected positively by a fim's international competence,prod-
Product and promotion adaptation.The degree of prod- uct uniqueness,and export market competitiveness;and neg-
atively by a firm's experience with product,brand familiar-
uct and promotion adaptation is contingent on the character-
istics of firm,product,industry,and export market (Ca- ity of export customers,and technology orientation of
vusgil,Zou,and Naidu 1993;Jain 1989).It is posited that industry.
Coefficient Item-factor
Factors Included Items Alpha Correlation
Export Marketing Performance .781
Extent to which strategic goals are achieved .66
Perceived success of the venture .96
Average sales growth over the first five years .47
Average profitability over the first five years .69
Product Adaptation .559
Degree of initial product adaptation 66
Degree of product adaptation subsequent to entry .70
Extent of product labeling in local language .31
Promotion Adaptation .857
Degree of adaptation of product positioning .80
Degree of adaptation of packaging .74
Degree of adaptation of promotional approach 92
Support to Foreign Distributor/Subsidiary .853
Overall support to foreign distributor/subsidiary .81
Training provided to sales force of foreign distributor/subsidiary .95
Promotion support to foreign distributor/subsidiary .69
International Competence .930
Number of full-time employees 89
Three-year average sales volume .93
Amount of firm's international experience .68
Years of firm's regular international operations .91
Number of foreign markets in which firm operates .73
Amount of resources available for export development 85
Commitment to the Venture .884
Extent of planning for the entry of the venture 75
Extent of management commitment to the venture .92
Extent of (non-managerial)resource commitment .87
Firm's Experience with Product .592
Extent to which product is established with the firm .65
The age of product since commercialization .65
Price Competitiveness n.a.
Degree of price competitiveness in export market 1.00
Cultural Specificity of Product n.a.
Degree to which the product is culture-specific 1.00
Product Uniqueness n.a.
Degree to which the product is unique 1.00
Technology Orientation of Industry n.a.
Degree of technology orientation of industry 1.00
Export Market Competitiveness n.a.
Degree of competitive intensity in the export market 1.00
Brand Familiarity of Export Customers n.a
Degree of brand familiarity in export market 1.00
As Douglas and Wind (1987)point out,somewhat iron- Douglas and Craig 1989;Hill and Still 1984).An inexperi-
ically,the more internationally experienced (competent)a enced firm seeks the closest match between its current offer-
firm is,the more likely it is that standardization will not ings and foreign market conditions so that minimal adapta-
lead to optimal results.A competent firm,because of its in- tion is required (Douglas and Craig 1989).
ternational experience and resources,knows the subtle dif- When a product can meet universal needs,standardiza-
ferences in environmental conditions,market demand,and tion of product and promotion is facilitated (Levitt 1983).
the degree of competition and is more likely to select the However,if a product meets only unique needs,greater ad-
most attractive market for the venture and adapt (align)the aptation of product and promotion will be required to meet
marketing strategy (e.g.product and promorion strategy)to export customers'product use conditions (Buzzell 1968;Ca-
the export market(Cavusgil,Zou,and Naidu 1993; vusgil,Zou,and Naidu 1993;Keegan 1969),and educate ex-
port customers in using and maintaining the product.Simi- 1990).The aforementioned relationships are summarized in
larly,when a culture-specific product is exported to a for- the following hypotheses:
eign market,the cultural base on which the product is devel-
oped may not match the cultural base in the foreign market H₂:The degree of product adaptation increases as
a.firms’international competence increases;
(Terpstra 1987).To be viable,the product must be adapted b.product uniqueness increases;
to the cultural idiosyncracies of the export market (Douglas c.cultural specificity of product increases;
and Wind 1987). d.export market competitiveness increases;
e.firms’experience with product decreases;and
The intensity of competition in the export market could orientation of industry decreases.
force firms to seek a high degree of product and promotion H:The degree of promotion adaptation increases as
adaptation to gain a competitive advantage over rivals (Ca- a.firms international competence increases;
vusgil,Zou,and Naidu 1993;Jain 1989),because adapta- b.product uniqueness increases;
tion of product and promotion can broaden the local market c.export market competitiveness increases;
base and be geared to specific local preferences (Douglas d.firms'experience with product decreases;
and Craig 1989).In contrast,a firm can be reluctant to mod- e.brand familiarity of export customers decreases;and
ify a product if it has been long established with the firm.Or- orientation of industry decreases.
ganizational inertia can prevent changes because the firm
Support to distributor/subsidiary and price competitive-
could believe that the product and promotion strategies
have proven to be successful in the past (Cateora 1990). ness.Both support to distributor/subsidiary and price com-
petitiveness are influenced positively by commitment to the
Technology orientation of the industry negatively influ- venture,export market competitiveness,and technology ori-
ences product and promotion adaptation(Cavusgil,Zou, entation of industry.The optimal amount of support to for-
and Naidu 1993).In technology-intensive industries (e.g., eign distributor/subsidiary is influenced by the firm's com-
computers,consumer electronics,and aircraff),products ap- mitment,nature of product,and export market forces
peal less to the generic needs such as tastes,habits,and cus- (Bilkey 1982;Rosson and Ford 1982).Because the foreign
toms (Levitt 1983),which tend to vary from market to mar- distributor/subsidiary is the vital link between manufacturer
ket(Douglas and Urban 1977).As a result,technology is ap- and export customers(Rosson and Ford 1982),manage-
plied better as a standard across markets(Christensen,da ment's commitment to the venture is likely to lead to a high
Rocha,and Gertner 1987),and a lower degree of product ad- level of support to the distributor/subsidiary.Similarly,ef-
aptation and promotion adaptation is required in technology- fective exporters are those committed to exporting and
intensive industries (Cavusgil,Zou,and Naidu 1993).Fi- competitive pricing(Christensen,da Rocha,and Gertner
nally,export customers'familiarity with the brand can ease 1987;Kirpalani and MacIntosh 1980).
the entry of the product into the export market.Therefore,a
When the export market is competitive,supporting the
familiar brand requires a lower degree of promotion adapta-
distributor/subsidiary is particulariy important to ensure
tion in the export market than an unfamiliar one,because fa-
that the distributor/subsidiary performs adequate promo-
miliarity can translate into favorable attitude (Parames-
tion,timely delivery,and proper maintenance and service
waran and Yaprak 1987),which forms brand equity and (Terpstra 1987).It is also important that competitive pric-
can be exploited in the foreign market (Kashani and Quelch ing is offered so that the export venture will not be under-
Cultural Competence 十
Specificity +
of Product
Product + ADAPTATION 十
Experience ADAPTATION +
with Product
of Industry +
Export Market +
Compefliveness PRICE
Famillartty of
Export Customers
Commitment +
to Venture
?Following the suggestion of an anonymous JM reviewer,separate anal- duced by usual OLS regression analysis could be biased due to correction
yses of the model were performed by splitting the performance composite for attenuation.Therefore,the corresponding t-test on these estimates also
into individual measures.However,no material change in the conclusions can be biased.Based on the magnitude of path coefficient,it was decided
was found,and all models fitted data well.Because individual performance that a coefficient whose absolute value exceeds .25 would suggest a strong
measures are treated as the indicators of the export performance construct, relationship,whereas a coefficient whose absolute value is between.15
only the results of the analysis on the composite performance scale are and.25 would suggest a moderate relationship,and a coefhicient whose ab
presented. solute value is below.15 would suggest a weak or no relationship.This in-
3In attempting to interpret the estimates of the path coefficients,it terpretation of path coefficients is Conservative but similar to the one by
should be noled that the standard error estimates for path coefficients pro- Hunter,Gerbing,and Boster (1982).
Cultural Competence
Specificity .32 .35
of Product
37 u
Firm's .37 PROMOTION es
Experience .29* ADAPTATION -.19*, s
with Product P
Technology r
Orientation DISTRIBUTOR/ m
of Industry |36 .bg 24
Export Market •
.10* N
Compefitiveness .10* PRICE e
-.12) .51
Brand p
Familiarity of .09° r
Export Customers Commitment o .15
to Venture f
Chi-Square =33.04 d.f.=26
t p>.15
*Non-significant relationship
**Refuted hypothesis
pects of product adaptation,poor choice of distributors,and i least for the
egy raises several possibilities.One is that,at
errors in pricing.As such,the study provides support for n
types of products included in the sample,adapting commu-
the role management plays in export market ventures nication strategies can take away from the universal appeal
through appropriate strategy formulation and execution.Per- of certain export products.A second explanation is that in-
formance in export ventures is enhanced when management appropriate and/or costly adaptation can lead to poor perfor-
has international competence,is committed to the venture, mance.Managers can use poor judgment in altering the po-
adapts the product to meet export customer requirements, sitioning or promotional mix;the execution could be poor;
and provides strong support to its foreign distributor/ or the timing of promotion adaptation could be wrong.A
subsidiary. third explanation lies in the sensitivity of promotional ef-
forts to cross-cultural variables.Advertising is highly
A finding that was not anticipated is the moderate and in-
bounded by culture,and export customers could be less re-
verse relationship between promotion adaptation and export
sponsive to promotion that fails to precisely match their cul-
performance.Previous findings generally support the no-
tion that promotion adaptation can better match the firm's of- tural preferences.During the interviews,the more experi-
fering to export customers'expectations and should lead to enced managers warned against a sweeping generalization
better performance.Our results point to the existence of a on the usefulness of promotion adaptation.They empha-
more complex relationship.The fact that enhanced perfor- sized the need to study customer specifications and prefer-
mance does not result from adaptation of promotional strat- ences in advance and engage in adjustments only as a re-
Product Adaptation
Promotion Adaptation
Support to Foreign Distributor/Subsidiary
Hi ++++++
International Competence .35
H₁ e ,15 keti
Commitment to the Venture Hif
Product Adaptation
International Competence Str
H₂a .32
Product Uniqueness H2o .17 ate
Cultural Specificity of Product gy
H₂c 29
Export Market Competitiveness • S
H₂d 22
Firm's Experience with Product
37 a
Technology Orientation of Industry H₂r 45 -.
Promotion Adaptation e
International Competence .10
Ha Mars
Product Uniqueness .37
Export Market Competitiveness ket
H₃c + .60
Firm's Experience with Product H₃d .29 Co f
Brand Familiarity of Customers H₃e -.12 mp
.29 o
Technology Orientation of Industry H₃f -.29 etitir
Support to Foreign Distributor/Subsidiary on c
s s
Commitment to the Venture H₄a .51 e
Export Market Competitiveness H4b .22 r
Technology Orientation of Industry H4c .26 e
Price Competitiveness f
Commitment to the Venture Hsa +++ .09 n.S. if
Export Market Competitiveness
Technology Orientation of Industry H A
Notation:S=supported;n.s.=not significant;R=refuted t
sponse to solid evidence from the market.Indeed,further re- What Determines Promotion Adaptation? lv
search is necessary to shed light on this unexpected finding. ie
As noted previously,for the cases studied,adapting promo-
What Determines Product Adaptation? tional aspects of the marketing strategy could affect perfor-
mance negatively.Nevertheless,there is a tendency to alter
Consistent with the standardization literature (e.g.,Buzzell s
the promotional strategy when the product has some unique
1968;Douglas and Wind 1987;Jain 1989),a high degree • product.The
features or it is not a technology-intensive sC re-
of product adaptation is found when the firm is internation- sults suggest,however,that promotion u adaptation is
ally competent;the product is unique,new,or culture spe- • sC in the export
prompted largely by the competitive pressures
cific;the industry is less technology intensive;or the export market.Indeed,responding managers said that tu promotional
market is competitive.A product that is unique to the domes- efforts were very much dictated by market s pressures,as
tic market,new to the company,or culture specific could well as environmental factors such as mediam t availability in
have limited acceptance in the export market.Similarly,a the export market.Contrary to expectations,the o results sug-
competent firm understands the idiosyncracies of the export gest that promotion adaptation tends to be high rm for an estab-
market and is able to respond to the local conditions by an ished product.Presumably,greater experienceewith the prod-
adaptation strategy (Douglas and Craig 1989).In a compet- uct affords management a better understanding r of what can
itive export market,a high degree of product adaptation facilitate or hinder a product's potential ain the export
also is needed due to intense competitive pressure,because markets. tS
product adaptation can help gain a competitive superiority ie
over rivals (Hill and Still i984).Responding managers in What Determines Support to sr
technology-intensive industries such as scientific instru- Distributor/Subsldiary? fv
ments or medical equipment argued for universal acceptabil- i hesitate to
Some of the managers interviewed did not
ity of their products.This contention is verified in the find- equate success in export markets with their cability to initi-
ings.In fact,technology orientation emerges as the strong- ate and sustain strong and mutually beneficial te relationships
est determinant of product adaptation. with their foreign partners.Companies provide i ongoing sup-
Marketing Strategy Performance Relationship a /15
port to their foreign distributors/subsidiaries in the form of tional experience in a programmatic manner,and allocate
sales force training,technical assistance,marketing know- sufficient resources to fully capitalize on export market op-
how,promotional support,and so on.Perhaps not surpris- portunities.Perhaps the best investment companies can
ingly,the most critical determinant of such support turned make in this context is in strengthening their human re-
out to be management's commitment to the export venture. source capabilities.A long-term approach to cultivating in-
Indeed,responding managers often cited channel support as ternational market opportunities is clearly appropriate,
a logical consequence of commitment to the venture.For rel- given the amount of leaming that has to take place for suc-
atively less experienced managers,an often complex aspect cessful intermational marketing operations.Companies must
of export marketing was selecling,motivating,and evaluat- “institutionalize”international operations to cultivate inter-
ing foreign distributors.Competitiveness of export market national competence and ensure consistent commitment to
also seems to compel managers to strengthen distributor/ international operations.
subsidiary capabilities in the export market.Finally,sup- Third,managers are advised to develop a network of com-
port to distributor/subsidiary appears to be more likely in petent foreign distributors and strengthen their ability to per-
technology-intensive industries.When the product has a form marketing,distribution,and customer service func-
high degree of technological complexity,the manufacturer tions through appropriate support and training.Such sup-
engages in training and technical support activities to prop- port is especially crucial in technology-intensive industries
erly equip the distributor/subsidiary in the export market and competitive export markets.Establishment of a mu-
(McGuinness and Little 1981). tually beneficial partnership with overseas distributors or
subsidiaries would complement other strengths and contrib-
What Determines Price Competitiveness? ute to success in foreign markets.Finally,companies can
Of the three proposed determinants of price competitive- seek competitive pricing to maintain an advantageous posi-
ness,only the technology orientation of industry emerged tion in the export market.Nevertheless,relative to strate-
as a significant variable.It appears that managers are not re- gies such as support to foreign distributor/subsidiary or prod-
sorting necessarily to price as a competitive weapon as a re- uct adaptation,competitive pricing is a minor determinant
sult of either market pressures or higher commitment to the of export performance.Therefore,nonprice competitive
venture.This could reflect a preference for nonprice compe- weapons such as emphasizing product features,technologi-
tition.Nevertheless,a competitive pricing strategy is used cal superiority,quality,and patents should not be
more frequently in technology-intensive industries.Conceiv- neglected,
ably,firms try to recover their investments in technology Given the unexpected negative impact of promotion ad-
by broadening the customer base in export markets via com- aptation on export performance,recommendations for adapt-
petitive pricing ing the promotional aspect of export marketing strategy
have to be qualified.Clearly,simplistic adaptation without
a careful examination of customer needs and potential re-
lmplications for Management sponse is not advisable.Similarly,companies with exten-
The results point to tangible outcomes of marketing strat- sive experience with the product should not assume automat-
egy.Companies can improve their performance in export ically that they know how to promote their products in for-
market ventures through deliberate implementation of appro- eign markets.It is essential that any decision in promotion
priate marketing strategies.Such strategies should be co- adaptation be based on a sound analysis of costs,benefits,
aligned with (adapted to)the context of the export venture and competitive market considerations.
as defined by internal forces,such as firm and product char-
acteristics,and external forces,such as industry and export
market characteristics.Planning and execution of an export Directions for Further Research
venture must be incorporated into the firm's strategic man- Several limitations of this research should be noted with a
agement process.A firm that sets no strategic goals for its view toward extending the present study.First,the strategy-
export venture is less likely to make the venture a long- performance relationship can be investigated by a longitudi-
term success. nal design spanning longer than the first five years of the
Several specific normative prescriptions are justified by ventures,thus gaining a richer understanding of the dynam-
the findings.First,export performance can be enhanced sub- ics and complexity of the relationship.
stantially through product adaptation strategy.The nature Second,despite the large number of variables included in
and optimal degree of product adaptation,however,should the study,not all potentially relevant variables have been ex-
be determined by the interplay of internal and external plored.We investigated only technology intensiveness and
forces.Specifically,a high degree of product adaptation intensity of price competition in the industry.Other indus-
should be sought when a firm has substantial international try structure variables,such as presence of foreign competi-
competence or little experience with the product,the prod- tion,government intervention,and competitors'strategy
uct is culture specific or unique,the industry is technology- should be studied in the future.Similarly,the effects of in-
intensive,and the export market is competilive. dustry classification and organization structure,which are
Second,because management's intemational experience, not assessed in this study due to the intragroup heterogene-
competence,and commitment to the venture also contribute ity of the sample in terms of technology intensiveness of
to export performance,companies have much to gain if the industry or lack of measures,should be studied in the
they hire or train qualified personnel,accumulate interna- future
Appendix 1.
Marketing Strategy
Sales force
I have access to all
the customer and
product information I
need to close deals
My company's
compensation and
incentive plan
motivates me to
prioritize the right
sales activities
I receive clear and
consistent coaching
and feedback on my
sales performance
from my manager.
Our sales tools and
technology (CRM,
lead scoring, etc.)
are helpful in
managing my
pipeline and closing
I feel confident in my
ability to handle
customer objections
and effectively
address their
Customer Service 5 4 3 2 1
The customer
representative I
interacted with was
knowledgeable and
able to answer my
It was easy to reach
a customer service
representative when
I needed help.
The customer
listened attentively to
my concerns and
made me feel
The issue I
contacted customer
service about was
resolved to my
Overall, I am
satisfied with the
quality of customer
service I received.
Appendix 2.
Market Competition
Profitability 5 4 3 2 1
Increasing customer
satisfaction is more
important for long-
term profitability than
reducing costs.
Offering competitive
pricing is an
essential factor in
Investing in
employee training
and development
can significantly
improve profitability.
A strong focus on
innovation is
essential for
profitability in a
competitive market.
Effective inventory
practices can
significantly improve
Customer 5 4 3 2 1
Overall, how
satisfied are you with
our product/service?
I would recommend
our product/service
to a friend or
The features of our
product/service meet
my needs.
Our customer
service team was
helpful and
responsive when I
needed assistance.
It is easy to find the
information I need
on our website or
customer support
Appendix 3.
Business Performance