RALI FX03 - 20june2023
RALI FX03 - 20june2023
RALI FX03 - 20june2023
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) advises that these
instructions reflect the current policies of ACMA.
Prospective applicants for licenses should take whatever steps necessary to ensure that they
have access to appropriate technical or other specialist advice independent of ACMA
concerning their applications, the operation of radiocommunications equipment and
services, or any other matters relevant to the operation of transmitters and services under
the licenses in question.
The policies of ACMA, and the laws of the Commonwealth, may change from time to
time, and prospective licensees should ensure that they have informed themselves of the
current policies of ACMA and any relevant legislation (including subordinate instruments).
Furthermore, prospective applicants for licenses should not rely on statements made in
these instructions about policies that may be followed by other government authorities or
entities, nor about the effect of legislation. These instructions are not a substitute for
independent advice (legal or otherwise) tailored to the circumstances of individual
Radiocommunications Assignment and Licensing Instructions are subject to periodic
review and are amended as necessary. To keep abreast of developments, it is important
that users ensure that they are in possession of the latest edition.
No liability is or will be accepted by the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the
Digital Economy, ACMA, the Commonwealth of Australia, or its officers, servants or
agents for any loss suffered, whether arising directly or indirectly, due to reliance on the
accuracy or contents of these instructions.
Amendment Authorisation
7 April 2004 April 2004 The following changes were required as a result of the
introduction of the antenna compliance regime based on front-
to-back ratio and cross-polar discrimination:
January 2002 Change to the 38 GHz Band notional antenna radiation pattern
envelope (RPE). The RPE was altered between 0 to 5.5
October 2001 Add 2.2 GHz entry to table "Microwave Fixed Service Bands -
Typical Utilisation Parameters".
October 2001 Remove Advisory Notes F4, BL and BN in the 2.1 GHz Band.
13 GHz Band.
June 2001 Change to the 2.5 GHz Band method of channel designation
from centre frequency and channel width to lower and upper
frequency bounds.
June 2001 Change to the 7.2 GHz Band method of channel designation
from centre frequency and channel width to lower and upper
frequency bounds.
June 2001 Change to the 8.3 GHz Band method of channel designation
from centre frequency and channel width to lower and upper
frequency bounds.
July 2001 7.5 GHz Band updated to accommodate higher demand for
wider bandwidth channels - channel raster and protection ratio
January 2001 Channel arrangements for the 3.4 GHz Band updated.
29 May 2000 Appendix 1 - RF Channel Arrangements and Assignment
Instructions updated as follows:
May 2000 Corrections to Notes text and addition of Advisory Notes in 1.8
GHz Band.
May 2000 Addition of text to reflect new band plan and Embargo 23 in the
Group A MDS Band.
14 February 2000 February 2000 Part 4 - 'Frequency Coordination' page 29 amendment of the net
effective antenna gain equation and page 31 amendment of the
summation of individual interference entries equation.
January 2000 Appendix 1 - RF Channel Arrangements and Assignment
Instructions updated as follows:
January 2000 The 1.8 GHz Band amended to take account of additional
spectrum allocated for spectrum licensing.
January 2000 The 7.2 GHz Band amended to include a reference to Embargo
October 1999 Protection ratio correction factor curves updated for the 1.5, 1.5
DRCS, 1.8, 2.1, 3.8, 6, 6.7, 7.5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 22, 38 and
50 GHz Bands.
October 1999 Antenna RPEs for the 18 and 38 GHz Band redefined.
May 1999 The 1.8 GHz Band and the 2.1 GHz Band updated regarding
tenure of new and renewed fixed service licences in the bands.
12 January 1999 December 1998 Appendix 8 'Coordination of DRCS Outstations with Point-to-
Point Links' and Annex A to Appendix 8 '1.5 GHz DRCS
Outstation Characteristics' added.
October 1998 New assignment note added to the 3.4, 3.8 and 11 GHz Bands.
October 1998 New interleaved channel pattern added to the 11 GHz Band.
October 1998 New protection ratio correction factor graphs added to the 3.8,
6.7 and 11 GHz Bands.
* The Page Date appears at the bottom of each page and indicates the date that the page was
last updated.
Approved 16/06/2023
Chris Worley
Spectrum Engineering
Spectrum Planning & Engineering Branch
Australian Communications & Media Authority
File: ACMA2005/350
1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 SCOPE ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 OUTLINE ..................................................................................................................................... 2
2. BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 MICROWAVE FIXED SERVICE ...................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Applications ........................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Spectrum Suitability............................................................................................................... 3
2.1.3 Allocations, Band Planning and Channel Arrangements ...................................................... 4
2.1.4 Equipment Standards............................................................................................................. 5
2.1.5 Licensing ............................................................................................................................... 5
3. COORDINATION AND SYSTEM PLANNING RULES ......................................................... 6
3.1 ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS....................................................................................................... 6
3.1.1 Typical Use ............................................................................................................................ 6
3.1.2 Assignment Priority ............................................................................................................... 7
3.1.3 Minimum Path Length ........................................................................................................... 7
3.1.4 Antenna Requirements ........................................................................................................... 7
3.1.5 Notes and Special Assignment Instructions ........................................................................... 8
3.1.6 References ............................................................................................................................. 8
3.1.7 Protection Ratios and Interference Criteria .......................................................................... 8
3.1.8 Protection Ratio (path length) correction factors ................................................................. 9
3.2 RADIO EQUIPMENT CONSIDERATIONS .......................................................................................... 9
3.2.1 Spectrum Efficiency ............................................................................................................. 10
3.2.2 Transmit Power and Adaptive Transmit Power Control (ATPC) ........................................ 10
3.2.3 Emission Criteria ................................................................................................................ 10
3.2.4 Antennas .............................................................................................................................. 11
3.3.1 Geographic Coordinates ..................................................................................................... 12
3.3.2 High Spectrum Demand Areas (HSDA) .............................................................................. 12
3.3.3 Compatibility (Site Sense) ................................................................................................... 14
3.3.4 Link Diversity Options ......................................................................................................... 16
3.3.5 Passive and “RF” repeaters ................................................................................................ 16
3.4 POINT-MULTIPOINT FIXED SERVICES........................................................................................ 19
3.4.1 Rural telephony (1.5 GHz DRCS) systems .......................................................................... 19
3.4.2 3.4 GHz Fixed Point-to-Multipoint services ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
4. FREQUENCY COORDINATION ............................................................................................ 21
4.1 AN OVERVIEW OF THE COORDINATION PROCESS ....................................................................... 21
4.2.1 Identifying potentially affected services .............................................................................. 24
4.2.2 Calculating received signal levels ....................................................................................... 26
4.2.3 Assessing received signal levels against interference management criteria ....................... 29
4.2.4 Compliance with assignment instructions and planning rules ............................................ 30
4.2.5 Coordination with other types of radiocommunication services ......................................... 30
4.3.1 Detailed Interference Analyses ............................................................................................ 32
4.3.2 Interference Countermeasures ............................................................................................ 33
The purpose of this Radiocommunications Assignment and Licensing Instruction
(RALI) FX 3 “Microwave Fixed Services Frequency Coordination” document is to
describe procedures for the frequency coordination of terrestrial microwave fixed
services and to specify key technical radiocommunication policy requirements
applicable to these services within the general spectrum management context.
The document is primarily intended for use by Australian Communications and Media
Authority (ACMA) and Accredited1 frequency assigners engaged in the assignment of
frequencies for microwave fixed services. As the RALI document specifies important
planning rules, recommendations and useful information for the coordination and
licensing of microwave fixed services, it will also be of particular interest to
telecommunication network operators, system planners and equipment
This RALI replaces RALI FX 3, sequence number 125, dated 16 December 1997.
The information in this document reflects the Australian Communications and Media
Authority’s statement of current policy in relation to the frequency coordination of
microwave fixed services. Users of RALI FX 3 are advised that, recognising that the
ITU-R continues to study and make recommendations regarding radiocommunications
and associated regulatory and spectrum management issues, this document is subject to
ongoing revision. In the application of the policy, ACMA and accredited assigners are
required to take all relevant matters into account and to decide each case on its merits2.
Any consistent anomalies or cases where relevant issues are considered inadequately
addressed within the scope of the RALI, should be brought to the attention of the
Manager, Spectrum Engineering Section, Spectrum Planning Branch, Australian
Communications and Media Authority, PO Box 78 BELCONNEN ACT 2616.
Microwave fixed services include point-to-point and point-to-multipoint radio
systems utilised for the transmission of voice, video and data information. The
definition and nature of microwave fixed service systems is further described under
Part 2 “Background”. The scope of the RALI is generally limited to the coordination
of homogeneous line-of-sight fixed services operating in specified frequency bands
(Refer to Appendix 1), although some of the criteria and methodology may also be
useful for the coordination of other types of fixed services.
Refer to RALI AC 1 “Requirements for Accredited Frequency Assigners - Assigning Fixed
Point-to-Point Microwave Services”.
In accordance with ACA Information Paper “Principles for Decision Making”.
Although the RALI specifies a number of important rules and guidelines which need to
be taken into account as part of the system planning process, it is not intended to serve
as a link planning document as such. The scope of the specified planning rules and
coordination guidelines is limited to the matters considered necessary for the efficient
utilisation of the radiofrequency spectrum, management of interference and
compliance with relevant domestic and international radiocommunications regulatory
requirements. For general link planning purposes, reference should be made to other
relevant publications, such as the “ITU-R Handbook on Digital Radio-Relay Systems”,
Geneva 1996 which provides detailed guidance on most aspects of fixed service link
The document comprises four main parts:
• Part 1 - (this part) the introduction, detailing the purpose and scope of the RALI;
• Part 2 - provides background information and a brief overview of the general
regulatory and technical planning environment for microwave fixed services;
• Part 3 - details specific coordination and system planning rules, necessary for the
optimisation of spectrum usage and the management of interference; and
• Part 4 - outlines a basic method of frequency coordination for terrestrial microwave
fixed services.
The arrangements detailed in this document are based on relevant ITU-R work,
studies conducted by the ACMA (and its predecessors) and accepted Australian
industry practices. References to the appropriate ITU-R recommendations, RALIs and
other documents are incorporated throughout the document and are consolidated in the
Reference section of the document.
eg. Cordless Telecommunication Services (CTS), satellite services and Spectrum Licensed services.
This part of the RALI FX 3 provides background information and a brief overview of
the general regulatory and technical planning environment for microwave fixed
2.1.1 Applications
Currently supported microwave fixed service applications may be classified into a
number of sub-types, usually defined by their operational application and typically
falling into the following main categories:
An ever increasing proportion of the above described fixed services support digital
communication requirements, with data rates from a few hundred kilobits per second
for some local access and telemetry systems and customer links to a current maximum
of 155 Mbit/s in support of broadband applications. Analogue microwave fixed
services are generally limited to the outside broadcast and limited numbers of older
television distribution applications but even in those applications moves are being
made toward digital operation.
This definition is also consistent with that given in the ITU Radio Regulations.
service links are generally operated in the microwave region of the spectrum between
about 1 to 60 GHz. The spectrum below about 1 GHz is rarely used for such links
because of the bandwidth demand imposed by the transmission requirement and in
any case this spectrum is already devoted to use by various other radiocommunication
services, in particular the broadcasting and mobile services. The upper bound for
fixed links is currently considered to be about 60 GHz, due to inherent propagation
limitations and cost factors associated with millimetrewave radio technology.
The lower microwave bands, between about 1 to 10 GHz, have traditionally been
preferred for long haul radio-relay applications due to their favourable propagation
characteristics. Consequently, these bands are well utilised and congested at many
locations, including the major telecommunication trunk routes and the larger
metropolitan population centres. These lower microwave bands also accommodate
the bulk of the population of the older analogue links still in service. Additionally, the
1-3 GHz bands are subject to increasing pressure to accommodate new terrestrial and
satellite based mobile telecommunication and broadcasting services.
The bands above about 10 GHz are subject to increasing attenuation and link
availability constraints due to rain intensity related outage events. In practice, this
equates to decreasing achievable hop lengths. However, these bands offer capacity to
support short hop high density applications such as mobile network backbones,
customer megalinks and other urban network applications. Re-use distances are
significantly smaller and available antenna isolation greater in these higher bands,
thus optimising their utility in the high-density urban environment.
As outlined in the Spectrum Plan, all of the fixed service allocations between 1 GHz
and 60 GHz are also allocated to one or more other services. Not all fixed allocation
arrangement options are able to be implemented in all countries, nor would this be
sensible. National policies generally determine the use to which each band is put;
some bands are reserved for the exclusive use of one service allocation whilst others
may be available on a shared basis to one or more of the allocated services. The
specific utilisation of each band is subject to particular implementation arrangements,
including relevant intra-service and inter-service sharing and coordination
considerations, normally derived from ITU agreed criteria. Fixed service microwave
bands are generally planned to align with well defined ITU recommendations or other
recognised regional standards and to accommodate readily available products.
Accordingly, most of the Australian Radio Frequency (RF) Channel Arrangements (as
detailed in Appendix 1) are closely aligned with the appropriate ITU-R
• comply with the arrangements detailed in this document (with particular reference
to Part 3.2 “Radio Equipment Considerations”);
• are operated in compliance with the technical conditions specified in the relevant
ACMA licence; and
• be manufactured to conform with the requirements of the International Radio
Regulations, relevant ITU Recommendations and/or other recognised world-wide
or regional standards.
2.1.5 Licensing
Microwave fixed services are normally licensed, under Part 3.3 of the
Radiocommunications Act 1992, as Apparatus Licences of the Fixed Licence type5.
Fixed link licences are also subject to the requirements of the “Radiocommunications
Licence Conditions (Fixed) Licence Determination No.1 of 1997”.
Where necessary, special Apparatus Licence arrangements may be invoked, such as in the case of the
Multipoint Distribution Stations and Television Outside Broadcast stations. However, in particular
cases other licensing categories may apply, eg. in some circumstances fixed link operation may be
covered under a relevant Class Licence or Spectrum Licence.
This part of the RALI details assignment instructions, coordination and general
system planning rules considered necessary for the management of interference and
the optimisation of spectrum usage for microwave fixed services. The rules are
established as a reasonable balance between the cost of implementing services,
unnecessary spectrum denial and the likelihood of interference, with particular
relevance to identified (see Part 3.3.2) High Spectrum Demand Areas (HSDA).
The following sub-parts provide general guidance regarding the purpose and scope of
particular assignment instructions.
The choice of an appropriate frequency band and channel raster is important and
should ideally match the proposed communication need in terms of achievable path
length and system performance objectives (ie. the highest possible frequency band
should be utilised), with the link occupied bandwidth optimised against the available
channelwidth. Nevertheless, provided that a proposal:
the prospective licensee is at liberty to choose the appropriate frequency band that
meets their operational requirement.
At the lower end of the microwave spectrum, line-of-sight path lengths of the order of
60 -100 km are achievable, depending upon system gain and link performance
objectives. As mentioned in Part 2 of this RALI, the available path length decreases
with increasing frequency and propagation losses. For radio-relay systems a decrease
in available path length equates to additional infrastructure and system costs in the
form of additional repeaters. Accordingly, the lower microwave frequency bands
should be assigned primarily to systems requiring the use of long link paths, where
fade margins are often critical. For microwave fixed services with link paths shorter
than the specified minimum path length, higher frequency bands should to be utilised.
Note: The minimum path length requirement will not normally be relaxed within
designated HSDA locations.
As outlined in Part 4.2.2, wanted and unwanted signal levels are directly dependent
upon antenna performance. The antenna may be considered to be the single most
important component of a fixed service system in terms of frequency coordination and
in determining the overall extent of spectrum denial to other services. Generally,
antennas with higher levels of discrimination to off-axis signals facilitate more
opportunity for frequency re-use.
Sometimes other reasons (eg. interservice considerations) may dictate a particular priority.
Table 1 in Appendix 11 generally allows for the use of standard, non shrouded
antennas in non-HSDA areas, and imposes a requirement for the use of high
performance, shrouded antennas in the HSDA. Certain frequency bands (3.8, 6.0, 6.7
& 8.0 GHz) are important trunk bands. Accordingly, the Appendix 11 Table 1 criteria
have been chosen to facilitate a high level of spectrum re-use in these bands.
Note: The antenna compliance arrangements described in Appendix 11 represent a change from the
previous practice of assessing candidate antennas against a defined “notional antenna RPE”. To allow
a transition period for the introduction of the Appendix 11 arrangements, over the period 31 March
2004 and 31 March 2005, antennas may be assessed against either the Appendix 11 arrangements or
the earlier arrangements (for convenience those notional antenna arrangements have been consolidated
in Appendix 10).
The onus is on the frequency assigner to take account of and comply with the relevant
requirements specified in the reference documents.
3.1.6 References
Usually the source ITU-R recommendation (or other recognised standard) for the RF
Channel Arrangement adopted for the implementation of the particular band is given.
In addition, the full titles of any specific reference documents identified in the
Assignment Instructions are also detailed in Appendix 1.
Excepting certain bands/channel rasters designated for TOB or other itinerant use applications.
• co-channel and adjacent channel protection ratios are defined for digital and, for
the bands supporting significant populations of FM video and FDM telephony
links, analogue fixed service systems; however,
• in the bands for which analogue system protection ratios are not explicitly defined,
the protection ratios and correction factors specified for digital systems shall apply
irrespective of the modulation type employed. In effect, no additional protection
will be afforded to analogue systems operating within these bands.
Given that these protection ratios address the requirements of a broad range of fixed
service systems, situations may arise where an overly conservative coordination result
is obtained using these criteria. In these cases, a more detailed approach, taking
account of system specific interference criteria, may be appropriate. In general, a
coordination approach based on the direct application of threshold degradation and/or
noise interference criteria8 is potentially more efficient in terms of optimising channel
loading and overall spectrum productivity.
• Where the potential interfering and victim spectra overlap, the relevant co-channel
criteria should be applied;
• In the case of non-overlapping but adjacent spectra, the relevant adjacent channel
criteria should be applied; or
• Where sufficient detailed information regarding the potentially interfering emission
and the victim service characteristics is available, the FDR9 criteria outlined in
Spectrum Planning Report SPP 4/95 “Frequency Dependent Rejection (FDR)
Software” may be used as the basis for a more detailed analysis.
Interference mechanisms and performance criteria are the subject of ongoing ACA work, the results
of which will be included in Appendix 2.
Frequency Dependent Rejection, which takes into account the victim receiver selectivity response.
requirements for licensing, microwave fixed service equipment must comply with the
arrangements detailed in this document, including the following regulatory criteria for
spectral efficiency, transmit power limits, emission criteria and antennas.
ie. At the actual waveguide flange or coaxial connection point of the antenna itself.
As outlined in Chapter of ITU-R “Handbook on Digital Radio Relay Systems”, Geneva 1996.
Defined in the ITU Radio Regulations as the radiation produced by a radio transmitting station.
system implementation (eg. DSP techniques and filtering). Such emissions may be
defined as consisting of two components
• the major “wanted signal” portion of the transmitted spectra, normally defined as
the necessary bandwidth13. The necessary bandwidth is a key parameter in
frequency coordination and its value is recorded in the ACA's RADCOM database
as part of the emission designator field used to characterise the nature of a given
radiocommunication service; and
• a remainder (unwanted emissions), falling outside of the necessary bandwidth.
Unwanted emissions include out-of-band and spurious emissions, as defined in the
International Radio Regulations.
Wanted and unwanted emission criteria for microwave fixed services are subject to
review. Pending development of Appendix 3, enquiries regarding this matter should
be directed to the Spectrum Engineering Section, Spectrum Planning Branch.
3.2.4 Antennas
Minimum antenna performance requirements for Australian microwave fixed services
are specified in Appendix 11 for each frequency band and are further discussed under
Part 3.1.4 “Antenna Requirements”. Antennas are a critical component within the
overall interference environment and their characteristics play a large part in
determining overall frequency re-use for fixed services. Accordingly, it is essential
that licensees should furnish detailed radiation pattern envelope (RPE) data for their
(discrete and equipment integral) antenna products that are to be used in proposed
assignments. Parameters should include an antenna’s physical diameter and on-axis
gain as well as the antenna 360 radiation pattern envelope for both co-polar and
cross-polar orientation, in order to facilitate their use in detailed frequency
coordination and sharing studies.
Necessary bandwidth is defined in the International Radio Regulations as “the width of the frequency
band which is just sufficient to ensure the transmission of information at the rate and with the quality
required under specified conditions”.
NSMA (USA) Working Group 16, refer to http://www.nsma.org.
Since the reliability of predicted signal levels will be affected by the uncertainty of the
geographic coordinates used, it is important that the link end-point location
coordinates are derived and recorded accurately. The endpoints in the context of
microwave fixed services are defined as the coordinates at the centre or main axis of
the antenna support structure (ie. pole or tower). In the case of particularly large
support structures (ie. where the radius distance from the antenna to the axis is greater
than 10 metres) the coordinates of the actual antenna are to be recorded, consistent
with the specified (see below) level of accuracy of coordinate data.
The ACMA's “Site Entry Rules” Business Operating Procedure (BOP) document
provides guidance regarding the derivation and recording of radiocommunication site
data and specifies that site data entered into the ACMA's RRL database should aim
for an accuracy of +/- 10 metres (equivalent to approximately 0.3 of a second of
latitude). However, this may be relaxed to +/- 100 metres in rural and remote areas in
cases where better data may be unobtainable.
Metropolitan HSDAs are circular areas defined by radii centred on the town or city
GPO coordinates, as specified in Table 3.1 and shown in Figure 3.1.
Although HSDAs are not explicitly defined for the major trunk routes, coordination
and planning rule criteria should also be closely observed along the intercapital trunk
and other routes making extensive use of the bands below 10 GHz.
Note: The Table 3.1 microwave fixed service HSDA definitions are not the same as,
and are not necessarily intended to be consistent with, the definitions given in the
ACA's “Radiocommunications Apparatus Licence Fees and Charges” document.
Figure 3.1. Designated HSDA for microwave fixed service bands below 10 GHz.
7 '
3 '
1 '
5 '
S it e S ense "High"
S it e S ense "Low"
The collocation of transmitters and receivers using the same frequency block must be
avoided, since the high levels of adjacent channel energy are highly likely to cause
receiver desensitisation16. The extent of desensitisation depends upon the absolute
frequency separation between a transmitter and the victim receiver and its effect may
range from a small reduction in available system fade margin through increasing
baseband noise to severe blocking where the receiver becomes essentially inoperative.
In the 3.8 GHz band site sense compatibility is not required if co-sited parties can reach an
ie. results in a reduction in the dynamic range of the receiver.
The following cases outline the site sense considerations most often encountered in
• for an isolated single-hop link, the choice of relative transmit/receive site sense is
not usually of particular importance;
• in the case of a radio-relay trunk route or any multi-hop system, site sense
alternates at each hop, with the initial choice of upper or lower frequency block
selection typically influenced by any sites where the new route interconnects with
existing systems for which a site sense has already been established; and
• network node sites, or “prime” sites where multiple systems converge. Consistent
application of site sense is particularly important at node sites, since conflicts
invariably preclude the use of otherwise available radiofrequency channels.
Incorrectly applied site sense may lead to extensive and unreasonable spectrum
denial, particularly at high demand prime radiocommunication sites which are often
shared between a number of operators. Accordingly, appropriate consideration at the
route/network planning stage is vital in ensuring that potential problems of this nature
are avoided. Nevertheless, in certain circumstances it may not be possible to maintain
site sense when making a new frequency assignment (eg. when a new link connects
existing sites with identical pre-established site sense). In this case and other
situations where individual circumstances warrant the violation of normal site sense
practice, the proposed assignment strategy should be carefully examined with a view
to minimising the adverse impact of such an assignment. In many cases, through
judicious site sense planning and choice of assigned channels, a site sense violation
can be effectively “transferred” to a part of the network (site) where the potential
impact on other existing and future systems may be minimised.
In view of the above considerations, the use of frequency diversity is permitted only
in situations where individual circumstances warrant the application of
hybrid/multiple diversity methods (eg. extended hops over water or remote areas
where spectrum demand is low) or where systems employ more than one active
channel over a single path (i.e. one standby channel can be used for N active channels,
where N > 1).
Note: The limitation on the application of frequency diversity will not normally be
relaxed within designated HSDA locations.
Typically 3 to 5 % of the RF operating frequency.
link, can be used to direct sufficient signal energy around the obstacle to satisfy the
overall system gain requirement. The most common types of passive repeaters
include “back-to-back” antennas and “billboard” reflectors. A typical back-to-back
configuration is demonstrated in Figure 3.3, where antennas with different azimuths
are simply coupled together.
Ba c k t o B ac k
Ant enna s
The total path losses via the repeater are calculated as the sum of losses (in dB) of the
two individual hops. The transmit signal level (at the antenna connector) of the
second hop is equal to the received signal level (at the antenna connector) of the first
hop, less the attenuation (typically around 0.5 dB) of the intermediate feeder and
connectors. The unwanted signal is the sum of the interferences received via each
receiving antenna. For each potential interference source, separate calculations are
required for each antenna involving separate discrimination angles. In order to reduce
coupling to the direct (potentially interfering) propagation path, the antennas of the
two radio paths are always orthogonally polarised.
As with the back-to-back antenna case, path losses are calculated separately for each
hop and interference can occur via the direct paths and the reflector. The gain of the
reflector is given18 by:
G = 21.45 + 20 log(f) + 10 log [ A cos( )] (dB)
f - frequency in GHz
A - actual area of the reflector in m2; and
- angle between the incident and reflected beams
RF repeaters are sometimes utilised to improve overall system gain of the otherwise
“passive” or non-frequency translating repeater. The typical RF repeater consists of a
class A linear amplifier inserted between the antenna ports of the intermediate
repeater. Bidirectional RF amplification with a single amplifier block may be
achieved using appropriate passband filtering, circulators and careful design, ensuring
that sufficient isolation exists between “go/return” directions for stable operation.
• Given the constraints on system gain (high overall path loss), systems utilising
passive repeaters operate with characteristically low margins, necessitating
significantly more stringent interference protection levels than other links;
• Such systems are susceptible to (cumulative) interference entering at multiple
locations and azimuths;
• Since passive repeaters are “non-frequency translating”, significant problems can
arise with respect to established network “site sense” criteria (see Part 3.3.3),
particularly in situations where the passive repeater itself is collocated with other
radiocommunication services operating within the same band; and
• RF repeaters will amplify any signal above the noise floor within the passband of
its filters, including unwanted signals from other systems.
In accordance with “Economic and Technical Aspects of the Choice of Transmission Systems”,
All of these factors contribute (in varying degrees) to spectrum denial. Accordingly,
the ACMA will not normally support the use of passive or RF repeaters within
designated HSDA, at prime19 radiocommunication sites or other locations where their
use may unreasonably impact upon the availability of spectrum to other users.
Given the inherent spectrum denial of DRCS hub stations (due to their
omnidirectional antennas) and the unmanageable nature of potential interference
between point-to-point links and uncoordinated DRCS outstations, the deployment of
1.5 GHz point-to-multipoint systems is not normally permitted within designated
HSDA and operation in other areas with high point-to-point link densities should be
avoided. All applications seeking point-to-multipoint operation within the band
1427-1535 MHz and which encroach upon designated HSDA must be referred to the
Manager, Spectrum Planning and Engineering Team, Radiofrequency Planning Group
for policy advice.
ie. Main trunk route or other shared use radiocommunication sites.
Digital Radio Concentrator System (DRCS).
The basic method and other approaches outlined in this part seek to identify the key
technical considerations which need to be taken into account as part of the
coordination process. Other than the requirement of compliance with any mandatory
assignment instructions21, spectrum management related planning requirements and
good engineering practice, the coordination methodology outlined is not intended to
be prescriptive. It is accepted that there will be some variation in the implementation
of coordination methods, which in some instances may be manual but more often are
reliant on the application of integrated database tools, additional information and
computer based modelling techniques.
As specified in Appendix 1 for each fixed link frequency band.
The accuracy of the coordination data should be consistent with the level of
confidence necessary for a proper assessment against the applicable interference
management criteria. In cases where the available information falls short of the
necessary level of confidence to constitute a valid assessment, further advice should
be sought from the licence applicant. However, it is recognised that it is often
difficult to obtain timely detailed information and under some circumstances it may
be acceptable, depending upon the level of spectrum utility sought, to make
conservative assumptions regarding specific coordination parameters.
Identify all potentially affected services:
Obtain data on existing services operating within the frequency range and
coordination area of the proposed new fixed service.
Any services identified?
Fixed point-to-point service?
Consider, as a minimum, services whose transmit/receive bandwidth is
co-channel or within an affected adjacent channel of the frequency under
Distance Calculation
Determine the distances/azimuths of the wanted and unwanted signal paths
for each identified fixed link receiver.
Is the ratio of
wanted to unwanted signal > interference
management criteria (ie. is the level of interference
yes acceptable)?
Is the ratio of
wanted to unwanted signal > interference
management criteria (ie. is the level of interference
Consider inter-service and non-homogeneous fixed
service coordination requirements
Consider any relevant requirements including GSO
protection in bands shared with the space
radiocommunications services (Consult other RALIs).
• the frequency limits applicable to the coordination - normally being at least one
full channelwidth22 on either side of the channel centre frequency being
(ie. co-channel and the first adjacent channel, with channelwidth as defined in the
relevant RF Channel Arrangement); and
• a coordination area, geographically defining the extent of necessary coordination.
In practice, the generic distances in Table 4.1 should be adequate for most cases.
However, the given coordination radii represent a necessary compromise between the
need to identify significant potential interference sources/victims and the burden of
unnecessary coordination23. Thus, a small but finite probability exists that a proposed
new fixed link may interfere with or receive interference from a station located
beyond the above defined coordination distance. Clearly, that risk is greater in
situations where high (victim and/or interferer) site elevations are involved. In such
cases, it is appropriate to extend the coordination area in the direction of the boresight
azimuth of the proposed new service.
No universal coordination area model exists which can be confidently used under all
circumstances and variations in approach may be necessary to account for local
factors such as band specific equipment, terrain and geoclimatic statistics. In some
cases, where these factors are known and well defined, it may be useful to develop a
detailed coordination area model adapted for, and taking account of, local topography
and propagation conditions. An example of such an approach is described in ITU-R
Recommendation F.1095 “A Procedure for Determining Coordination Area Between
Also taking account of any overlap with superseded or overlaid existing channel arrangements.
Note: This is not necessarily of great concern, eg. if computer based coordination methods are used
then doubling the coordination radius distance may only result in a marginal increase in overall
processing time.
RX(f1) R X(f1)
Transmit antenna
discrimination angle
Receive antenna
discrimination angle
A B - Existing service route
Interference path
Figure 4.2. Example of wanted signal (AB, CD) and interference paths (AD, CB)
In practice, the typical coordination scenario is much more complicated than the
simple example shown and care needs to be taken to ensure that all potentially
significant interference source paths are adequately identified and assessed. The
effective interference power level at any potential victim receiver is equal to the sum
of the individual interference entries (see Part 4.2.3). However, unless two or more
entries are of a similar order (i.e. of equivalent power), the worst case interferer will
typically emerge as the dominant element of the coordination.
Note: Calculation algorithms for path distance, antenna azimuths and other relevant
coordinate geometry related information are detailed in the “Australian Geodetic
Datum Technical Manual”, National Mapping Council 1986. Input data into such
calculations should take account of the considerations outlined in Part 3.3.1
“Geographic Coordinates”.
Pr = Pt + Gt - Lt - Lb + Gr - Lr
where :
Lb - total transmission loss between the transmit and receive antennas (dB);
Hard limits apply in respect to the maximum power that may be delivered to the antenna of a fixed
service system (refer to Part 3.2.2).
L = d + (dB)
If the length of the feeder run (from the antenna flange to the equipment) is not
already established, then a reasonable estimate may be obtained using:
d = ha - hg + 11 + l2 (metres)
Note: The ACMA's current RRL assignment database does not record such fixed
losses. Accordingly, under the basic method of coordination and pending the
incorporation of such information into the database, the assumption must be made that
wanted and unwanted signals are attenuated to the same degree (ie. the same C/I ratio
is maintained) and accounted for through reciprocity.
In evaluating a system link budget (ie. the wanted signal level), only the on-axis gains
(Go) of the co-polar transmit and receive antennas need to be considered since
reciprocal azimuths are involved, ie. the net effective link antenna gain (transmit +
receive) is simply the sum Gt + Gr . The value of Go may or may not be the same in
each case, depending upon the actual antennas used at each end of a link.
However, in the case of an interference path, the effective gains of the interfering and
victim antennas in the direction of the interference path may be expressed in terms of
the on-axis gain (Got and Gor for the transmitter and receiver respectively) and a
reduction factor proportional to a discrimination angle:
Here the parameters and refer to the difference between the respective boresight
and interference path azimuths, as shown in the example in Figure 4.2. The actual
discrimination (dB) value for a given angle is obtained using the antenna RPE.
In cases where the interference source and victim antennas are cross-polarised, both of
the orthogonal components of antenna gain need to be considered, corresponding to:
• the cross-polar response of the victim receive antenna to the component of signal
radiated on the intended polarity by the transmitting antenna; and
• the co-polar response of the victim receive antenna to the component of signal
radiated on the unintended polarity by the transmitting antenna.
Thus in the cross-polar case, it is necessary to evaluate the co-polar and cross-polar
components of the transmit and receive angles at their respective discrimination
angles. The net effective antenna gain (transmit + receive) in the direction of the
interference path is given by:
(G tH 10+ G rH ) (G tV + G rV )
10 log 10 + 10 10
(Gt + Gr) = (dB)
where the terms GtH, GrH and GtV, GrV are parameters for the respective horizontally
(H) and vertically (V) polarised components of the transmit and receive antenna gain
in the interference path azimuth.
Lb = Lbf + Lm (dB)
For the basic method, path clearance over the wanted signal path is assumed and for
an initial assessment, often only the free-space loss (coupled with antenna
discrimination) over the wanted and unwanted signal paths needs to be considered. If
the corresponding level of interference complies with the specified interference
management criteria, then more complex propagation analyses involving the Lm
component need not be initiated. The free-space loss may be calculated using the
In cases where the levels calculated with the free-space model exceed the relevant
interference management criteria, detailed propagation models characterising the
nature of the Lm component may be invoked. Application of the appropriate
propagation model/s is important in obtaining an accurate representation of this
component of transmission loss. Fixed service propagation models based on relevant
ITU-R recommendations are outlined in Appendix 4 “Fixed service propagation
The wanted-to-unwanted signal power ratio at the input of a potential victim receiver
is given by:
(dB) = Wanted signal power (dBm) - Unwanted signal power (dBm)
As outlined in ITU-R Recommendation P.341-4 “The concept of Transmission Loss for Radio Links”.
The unwanted signal power represents an aggregate interference level the value of
which is obtained through the summation of individual interference entries:
k U10k
U = 10 log 1 10 (dBm)
where k=1 defines the case where a single source is deemed dominant.
The wanted to unwanted signal ratio is then compared against the relevant protection
ratios defined in Appendix 1. For a successful coordination, this ratio must be greater
than the protection ratio, ie. the following relation must be satisfied:
As reproduced from ITU-R Recommendations P.453-5 “The Radio Refractive Index: its formula and
Refractivity Data” and P.837 “Characteristics of Precipitation for Propagation Modelling”.
As detailed in the “Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan”.
in this document for the homogeneous fixed microwave service, it is also necessary to
For example, Multipoint Distribution Systems (MDS).
Due to the diversity and complexity of sharing situations which may arise, it is not
possible to provide rigorous and explicit procedures covering all coordination
requirements. In these cases, coordination defaults to the identification of all non-
homogeneous services in the band in question, followed by a manual assessment of
their impact on the interference environment.
Of course the viability of the above (and other) countermeasures will depend upon
individual circumstances and should be considered in conjunction with the system
planner as part of the overall detailed link design.
RALI Authorisation
Barry Matson
Executive Manager
Spectrum Planning and Standards Group
Australian Communications Authority
“Mobile Satellite Service (2GHz) Frequency Band Plan 2002”, 23 April 2002.
FX 14 “Point to Multipoint Fixed Services in Specified Parts of the 3.4-3.59 GHz Band”.
FX 18 “Frequency Coordination and Licensing Procedures for Fixed Wireless Access Services Sharing
the 1.9 GHz Band with Fixed Links”.
MS 3 “Spectrum Embargoes”.
SP 5/90, “Notional Antenna Radiation Patterns”, Department of Transport and Communications, July
SPP 3/95, “Television Outside Broadcast (TOB) Service - 7.2 GHz and 8.3 GHz RF Channel
Arrangements”, July 1995.
SPP 4/96, “Interim Channel Arrangements for the 18 GHz Band - A Discussion Paper”, September
1996, and Addendum 1 to that paper, “New Interim Arrangements in the 18 GHz Band”.
SP 10/01, "Coordination Information for Defence Aeronautical Mobile Telemetry Systems Operating in
the 2200 to 2300 MHz Frequency Range".
SP 08/01, “Microwave fixed services: Survey of commercially manufactured (1.5-58 GHz) parabolic
antennas” June 2001
SP05/03, “Proposal for Spectrum Efficient Antenna Performance Regulatory Criteria for use in the
Fixed Service Microwave Bands”, June 2003
SP 04/04, “Spectrum Efficient Antenna Performance Regulatory Criteria Proposal - Summary and
Discussion of Responses”, April 2004
“Economic and Technical Aspects of the Choice of Transmission Systems”, Appendix to Section B IV3
of the Handbook, ITU Geneva 1971.
F.283-5 “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for low and medium capacity analogue or digital
radio-relay systems operating in the 2 GHz band”.
F.382-6 “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 2 and 4 GHz
F.383-5 “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for high capacity radio-relay systems operating in the
lower 6 GHz band”.
F.384-5 “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for medium and high capacity analogue or high
capacity digital radio-relay systems operating in the upper 6 GHz band”.
F.385-6 “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 7 GHz
F.386-4 “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 8 GHz
F.387-6 “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio relay systems operating in the 11 GHz
F.497-4 “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 13 GHz
frequency band”.
F.595-4 “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 18 GHz
frequency band”.
F.636-3 “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 15 GHz
F.637-2 “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 23 GHz
F.701 “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for analogue and digital point-to-multipoint radio
systems operating in frequency bands in the range 1.427 to 2.690 GHz (1.5, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.4 and 2.6
F.747 “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 10 GHz band”.
F.749-1 “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 38 GHz
F.758 “Considerations in the development of criteria for sharing between the terrestrial fixed service
and other services”.
F.1099 “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for high-capacity digital radio-relay systems in the
5 GHz (4400-5000 MHz) band”.
F.1093 “Effects of Multipath Propagation on the Design and Operation of Line-of-Sight Digital Radio-
Relay Systems”.
F.1095 “A procedure for determining coordination area between radio-relay stations of the fixed
F.1098-1, " Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in the 1 900 - 2
300 MHz Band".
F.1100 “Radio-Frequency Channel Arrangements for Radio-Relay Systems Operating in the 55 GHz
F.1247 “Technical and operational characteristics of systems in the Fixed Service to facilitate sharing
with the Space Research, Space Operation and Earth-Exploration Satellite Services operating in the
bands 2025-2110MHz and 2200-2290 MHz”.
F.1249 “Maximum Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power of transmitting stations in the Fixed
Service operating in the frequency band 25.25-27.5 GHz shared with the Inter-Satellite Service”.
P.452-7 “Prediction Procedure for the Evaluation of Microwave Interference between stations on the
Surface of the Earth at frequencies above about 0.7 GHz”.
P.453-5 “The Radio Refractive Index: its formula and Refractivity Data”.
P.530-6 “ Propagation data and Prediction Methods required for the design of Terrestrial Line-of-
Sight Systems”.
P.838 “Specific Attenuation Model for Rain for use in Prediction Methods”.
SF.765 “Intersection of Radio-Relay Antenna beams with orbits used by Space Stations in the Fixed-
Satellite Service”.
SF.766 “Methods for determining the effects of interference on the performance and the availability of
terrestrial radio-relay systems and systems in the fixed-satellite service”.
SF.1004 “Maximum equivalent isotropically radiated power transmitted towards the horizon by earth
stations of the fixed satellite service sharing frequency bands with the fixed service”.
SF.1005 “Sharing between the fixed service and the fixed-satellite service with bidirectional usage in
bands above 10 GHz currently unidirectionally allocated”.
SF.1006 “Determination of the interference potential between earth stations of the fixed-satellite
service and stations in the fixed service”.
SF.1193 “Carrier-to-interference calculations between earth stations in the fixed-satellite service and
radio-relay systems”.
“The Australian Geodetic Datum Technical Manual (National Mapping Council 1986)”.
Australian Standard AS 3516.2 “Siting of radiocommunications facilities - Part 2 Guidelines for fixed,
mobile and broadcasting facilities at frequencies above 30 MHz”.
Part 101 “Fixed Microwave Services” of the FCC Rules, Pike & Fischers Communication Regulations.
“Catalogue of Software for Radio Spectrum Management”, ITU Radiocommunication Bureau, Geneva
This appendix to the RALI FX 3 “Microwave Fixed Services Frequency Co-ordination” specifies
radio frequency channel arrangements and important assignment instructions for the fixed service
microwave frequency bands currently supported in Australia. The interpretation and application
of the information provided in this appendix is subject to the provisions of the relevant parts
(Parts 2, 3 and 4) of RALI FX 3. The arrangements are based mainly upon ITU-R
Recommendations and have been implemented by ACMA and it predecessors through a process
of progressive development over many years.
For ease of reference and in order to facilitate the ongoing maintenance of the document, the
arrangements are provided in a modular format for each band. Each individual band module
incorporates the applicable RF channel arrangements, assignment instructions and other band
specific coordination criteria in the form of antenna requirements, protection ratios and protection
ratio correction factors, as described in the coordination methodology detailed in Part 4 of this
RALI. Relevant ITU-R recommendations, complementary RALIs and other supporting
documents are also referenced. In each module, specific assignment instructions are provided for
the following assignment criteria :
• Typical Use;
• Assignment Priority;
• Minimum Path Length;
• Antenna Requirements; and
• Notes covering special arrangements, such as restrictions.
Every microwave fixed service assignment application should be routinely checked for
compliance against all relevant RALI specified assignment criteria. Detailed guidance regarding
the above assignment instructions and their application is provided in Part 3.1 of the RALI and
Appendix 6 "Application of Assignment Policy Rules". Where a specific assignment instruction
refers to another document, eg. another RALI or a Band Plan, then the user must take steps to
ensure that any resulting action also complies with the relevant provisions given in the referenced
Any consistent anomalies resulting from the application of the assignment instructions or where
clarification of the scope and/or application of a specific assignment instruction is considered
necessary, policy advice should be sought from the Manager, Spectrum Engineering Section,
Spectrum Planning Branch, ACMA.
A short form summary of the currently supported Australian microwave fixed service bands is
provided in the following pages and is intended as a guide only. Specific information should be
checked against the relevant detailed frequency band module(s).
6 5925 - 6425 Med. & High Medium Haul 34/197 20 29.65/ ITU-R
Capacity P-P Radio Relay Mbit/s 59.3 Rec. F.383-5
6.7 6425 - 7110 High Capacity Long Haul 140/155/298 20 40/80 ITU-R
(Intercapital) Radio Mbit/s Rec. F.384-5
7.2 7100 - 7425 Television Outside Itinerant use TOB FM Video - 8 -
Broadcast (TOB) video links
7.5 7425 - 7725 Low & Med. Medium Haul 2 – 17 20 14/7/3.5/ ITU-R
Capacity P-P Radio Relay Mbit/s 1.75 Rec. F.385-6
8 7725 - 8275 Med. & High Medium Haul 34/197 10 29.65/ ITU-R
Capacity P-P Radio Relay Mbit/s 59.3 Rec. F.386-4
8.3 8275 - 8400 TOB Itinerant use TOB FM Video - 28 -
video links
10 10.55 - 10.68 Low & Med. Urban Networks 2-34 Mbit/s 5 14/7 ITU-R
Capacity P-P & FM Video Rec. F.747
11 10.7 - 11.7 High Capacity Medium Haul 155/298 5 40/80 ITU-R
Radio Relay & Mbit/s Rec. F.387-6
Urban Networks
Microwave Fixed Service Bands - Typical Utilisation Parameters (...continued from previous page)
22 21.2 - 23.6 Low & Med. Urban networks & 2-34 Mbit/s, - 56/50/28/ ITU-R
Capacity P-P & itinerant TOB video FM video 14/7 Rec. F.637-2
TOB links
27 26.5 – 27.52 Spectrum Licensed Band5
(typically FWA/LMDS services)
28 27.5 – 29.5 High Capacity P-P Urban & MTS 155-310 - 28/56/ ITU-R
backhaul Mbit/s 112 Rec. F.749-1
38 37 - 39.5 Low & Med. Urban & MTS 2-34 Mbit/s - 28/14/7 ITU-R
Capacity P-P backhaul Rec. F.749-1
49 49.2 - 49.95 Itinerant P-P Temporary Links - - 40 -
1. Use of the 1.5 GHz (1427-1535 MHz) band is subject to the provisions of the “1.5GHz Band Plan”, December
2. These bands are subject to a spectrum embargo, as specified in RALI MS 3 “Spectrum Embargoes”.
3. Only parts of the 1.8, 2.1 and 2.2 GHz bands are available for use by apparatus licensed microwave fixed services
due to spectrum licensing in the band. Refer to the relevant Assignment Restrictions for the affected frequency
ranges and areas. Methods for coordination with the spectrum licensed bands and areas are set out in the 1.8, 2.1
and 2.2 GHz Channel Arrangements, Assignment Instructions and Assignment restrictions and also Appendix 7.
4. ITU-R Rec. F.635-2 specifies the channel arrangement for this band, but channels 1-6 are no longer available for
assignment. Refer to the 3.8 band details in Appendix 1.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1' 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 7' 8' 9' 10' 11'
4 MHz
60.5 MHz
1427 1481 1535
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1' 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 7' 8' 9' 10' 11'
4 MHz
60.5 MHz
DSB Allocation MSS Allocation
No new assignments No new assignments
This band is designated for use by low capacity fixed point-to-point links.
1. The use of this band is subject to the provisions of Reference 1, constraining the availability
of some channels for new fixed services.
2. The spectrum 1427 to 1535 MHz is also used by 1.5 GHz DRCS services in rural and remote
3. All assignments that have emissions in the 1452 – 1492 or 1518-1535 MHz ranges shall be
endorsed with Advisory Note BL that states “This frequency band is currently under review to
accommodate changes in technology. This review may lead to a requirement to change
frequency or cease transmissions”.
1. Protection ratios required between digital systems operating on 2 and 4 MHz channels.
2. Protection ratios required by digital systems operating on 2 and 4 MHz channels against
interference from analogue systems operating on 2 and 4 MHz channels.
3. Protection ratios required by analogue systems operating on 2 and 4 MHz channels against
interference from digital systems operating on 2 and 4 MHz channels.
1. Protection ratio for digital systems are based on a 60 km path length and PL (Percentage of
time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than
or equal to -100 N units/km) of 20. For other path lengths and PL values refer to the
appropriate protection ratio correction factors graph on the following page.
Correction Factor (dB)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
PL: Percentage of time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than or
equal to -100 N units/km.
For further details refer to Annex A to Appendix 1.
[1.5 GHz - Page 4 of 4]
1427 1481 1535
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
2 MHz
60.5 MHz
This band is designated for use by point-to-point and point-to-multipoint fixed links
used for the delivery of public telecommunications services in rural and remote areas
(see Reference 1).
Special Condition:
“The transmitting equipment authorised by this licence shall employ automatic
transmit power control (ATPC).”
Advisory Note
(a) remote station receivers will be afforded protection from harmful
interference only from services provided that they: operate within 15 km
of their associated base station; have an antenna with a height above sea
level no greater than that of their associated base station antenna; and,
have an antenna gain no greater than 11 dBi.
(b) remote station transmitters must not cause interference to other services
beyond the levels that would be caused if they: were located within 15 km
of their associated base station; have an antenna with a height above sea
level no greater than that of their associated base station antenna;
operate with a transmitter power of no more than 30 dBm; and, have an
antenna gain no greater than 11 dBi”.
1. Protection ratios required between digital systems operating on 2 and 4 MHz channels.
2. Protection ratios required by digital systems operating on 2 and 4 MHz channels against
interference from analogue systems operating on 2 and 4 MHz channels.
3. Protection ratios required by analogue systems operating on 2 and 4 MHz channels against
interference from digital systems operating on 2 and 4 MHz channels.
Note: Protection ratio for digital systems are based on a 60 km path length and PL=20. For other
path lengths and PL values refer to the appropriate protection ratio correction factors graph on the
following page.
Correction Factor (dB)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
PL: Percentage of time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than or equal to
-100 N units/km.
For further details refer to Annex A to Appendix 1.
[1.5 GHz DRCS Page 4 of 4]
1700 1808 1900
14 MHz
119 MHz
1700 1808 1900
14 MHz
119 MHz
1700 1808 1900
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1' 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 7' 8' 9' 10' 11' 12' 13'
7 MHz
119 MHz
1700 1808 1900
1 1'
10 MHz 95 MHz
PCS Spectrum licensed PCS Spectrum Cordless Band. 3G Spectrum licensed
bands in major city areas licensed bands in No additional point-to-point bands in Capital City
and regional areas major city areas only fixed services Australia-wide areas only
This band is designated for use by low and medium capacity fixed point-to-point links.
Typical Use : 8/17 Mbit/s data
Assignment Priority : not specified
Minimum Path Length : 20 km
Antenna Requirements : refer to Appendix 11
1. Some channels are not available for assignment (Assignment Restrictions 1).
2. Proposed fixed link assignments must be coordinated with spectrum licences operating in
1800 MHz (1710-1785 MHz and 1805-1880 MHz) and 2 GHz (1900-1980 MHz) bands
(Assignment Restrictions 2 and ref. 5).
3. Note potential for interference to/from fixed services operating in the upper channels of the
1.8 GHz band to/from adjacent 2.1 GHz band fixed services.
4. Note potential for interference to adjacent Met-Sat services near 1.7 GHz from channel 1
of the 14 MHz channel main raster and channels 1 and 2 of the 7 MHz channel raster.
6. New and existing apparatus licensed assignments in all areas and with emissions in the
frequency range 1710 -1880 MHz shall be endorsed with Advisory Note BL.
8. New apparatus licensed assignments in spectrum license space and with emissions in the
frequency ranges 1710-1785 MHz and 1805-1880 MHz are embargoed (ref. 5).
9. Prospective new apparatus licensed assignments within specified zones around specified
radio astronomy facilities and with emission bandwidths in the frequency range
1250-1780 MHz must be notified to CSIRO (ref. 12).
10. The 7 MHz channel raster is to support migration of existing assignments with an emission
bandwidth of 7 MHz or less from the 14 MHz raster. No new services are to be assigned
on the 7 MHz raster.
11. The 10 MHz channels have been defined to support the migration of existing assignments
with an emission bandwidth of 10 MHz or less from the 14 MHz channel raster. No new
services are to be assigned on the 10 MHz channels. The ACMA intends to review these
arrangements before 2019. This review will include consideration of the appropriate long
term arrangements and whether new fixed links could be facilitated.
12. All assignments on the 10 MHz channels shall be endorsed with Special Condition C15
and Advisory Note C16 (see Assignment Restriction 6).
1. Rec. ITU-R F.283-5, "Radio-frequency channel arrangements for low and medium
capacity analogue or digital radio-relay systems operating in the 2 GHz band".
2. 1.9 GHz Spectrum Arrangements (1880 - 1900 MHz)
5. RALI MS 3, "Spectrum Embargoes", Embargo 26.
12. RALI MS 31, "Notification Zones for Apparatus Licensed Services around Radio
Astronomy Facilities".
13. The “1900-1920 MHz Frequency Band Plan 2012”, 26 March 2012
Assignment restrictions:
1.1 1785-1805 MHz & 1880-1900 MHz In these frequency ranges, no new assignments can be
made on any channels that overlap this frequency range (ref .2). However, in line with note 11,
existing services can be migrated to the a 10 MHz channel arrangements provided no
assignments are made within the Areas of high mobile use as defined in Schedule 4 of the
Radiocommunications (Unacceptable Levels of Interference – 1800 MHz Band) Determination
1.2 Spectrum Licences Apparatus licensing is not permitted in those frequencies and areas
subject to spectrum licensing, refer RALI MS 3 Embargo 26 (ref. 5). Therefore, no new
assignments are to be made in certain areas in the 1800 MHz bands (1710 to 1785 MHz and
1805 to 1880 MHz) and the 2 GHz band (1900 to 1980 MHz) due to spectrum licensing (refs. 5).
1.3 Affected Channels See Tables 1 and 2 for details on affected channels.
2. Coordination requirements with 1800 MHz and 2 GHz band spectrum licenses.
Proposed fixed link assignments must be coordinated with spectrum licences operating in the
1800 MHz (1710 - 1785 MHz and 1805 - 1880 MHz) and 2 GHz (1900 - 1980 MHz) bands in
accordance with Appendix 7 of this RALI. Proposed fixed link assignments planned for co-
channel operation with respect to spectrum licences in areas adjacent to spectrum licensed areas
must be coordinated with spectrum licences if they are within a threshold distance of 200 km of
the spectrum licence boundary. Proposed fixed link assignments planned for adjacent channel
operation with respect to spectrum licences inside or adjacent to spectrum licence boundaries
must also be coordinated. Tables 1 and 2 detail the affected channels.
Note: The terms ‘remote, ‘regional’ and ‘major city’ are used to describe areas in the context of 1.8 GHz band
spectrum licensing. ‘Major city’ and ‘regional areas’ are those areas that have been re-allocated or designated for
spectrum licensing. All other areas are defined as ‘remote’ areas.
The operation of private CTS devices in the 1.9 GHz band are authorised by the
Radiocommunications (Cordless Telecommunications Devices) Class Licence 2014. Under the
class licensing arrangements, CTS devices are not coordinated with other services, as such,
existing fixed services in this band are not protected from CTS transmitter interference.
In addition to the coordination requirements stated above, proposed new assignments must be
coordinated with existing fixed link assignments in accordance with normal FX-3 assignment
6. Special condition and Advisory Note for assignments using the 10 MHz channel
To manage interference into devices operating under an 1800 MHz band spectrum licence, all
assignments shall be endorsed with Special Condition C15.
1800 MHz band spectrum licensees are not expected to coordinate the operation of transmitters
that are exempt from registration (e.g. mobile devices and femtocells) and operating in the 1710-
1785 MHz band with fixed links operating on the 10 MHz channel arrangements. Consequently,
any such apparatus licensed fixed services are not protected from interference caused by these
devices. Advisory Note C16 must be attached to all fixed service licences issued on the 10 MHz
channel arrangements to ensure licensees are aware of this.
Table 1: Channel Arrangements (Lower Channel Set) - Channel Availability and Restrictions
and Inter-Service Coordination.
4. Protection ratios required for receivers operating in the 10 MHz channel arrangements.
* In the above table adjacent channels are defined as the maximum of the
interfering transmitter and victim receivers channel size. For example, in the case
of an interference assessment for a point-to-point transmitter operating in a 14
MHz channel into a point-to-point receiver operating in a 10 MHz channel, the
first adjacent channel refers to the 14 MHz channel either side of the victim
receiver’s licensed channel.
** Receivers operating in the 10 MHz channelling arrangements are only provided
protection to the first adjacent channel.
* In the above table adjacent channels are defined as the maximum of the
interfering transmitter and victim receivers channel size. For example, in the case
of an interference assessment for a point-to-point transmitter operating in a 10
MHz channel into a point-to-point receiver operating in a 14 MHz channel, the
first adjacent channel refers to the 14 MHz channel either side of the victim
receiver’s licensed channel. The same logic is used to determine the 2nd adjacent
1. Protection ratios are based on a 60 km path length and PL (Percentage of time that the average
refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than or equal to -100 N
units/km) of 20. For other path lengths and PL values refer to the appropriate protection ratio
correction factors graph on the following page.
Correction Factor (dB)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
PL: Percentage of time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than or
equal to -100 N units/km.
For further details refer to Annex A to Appendix 1.
[1.8 GHz - Page 9 of 9]
1900 2110 2170 2200 2300
1980 2010
1922 1951 1980 2009 2038 2067 2135 2164 2193 2222 2251 2280
29 MHz
213 MHz
1900 2100 2300
1907.5 1936.5 1965.5 1994.5 2023.5 2052.5 2120.5 2149.5 2178.5 2207.5 2236.5 2265.5
29 MHz
213 MHz
3G Spectrum Licensed Band. 2.2 GHz Band fixed service spectrum. 2.3 GHz Spectrum Licensed Band.
No new fixed services No new fixed service assignments
City and Regional under these channel
arrangements permitted
No new assignments are to be made Australia-wide in bands 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz. No
new assignments are to be made in channels overlapping the 2.2 GHz channel plan. No new
assignments in the bands 2010-2110 MHz and 2200-2300 MHz in the areas identified in Embargo 23 as
shown in Figure 2 and 3. Additionally no assignments are to be made in the bands 1900-1980 MHz and
2110-2170 MHz in the areas described in Embargo 26. This band is otherwise designated for use by
medium capacity fixed point-to-point links.
1. Some channels are not available for assignment (Assignment Restrictions 1 and refs. 2, 3, 9, and
2. Proposed fixed link assignments must be coordinated with spectrum licences operating in 3G
bands (Assignment Restrictions 2 and ref. 10).
3. Proposed fixed link assignments must be coordinated with spectrum licences operating in the 2.3
GHz band (Assignment Restrictions 3 and ref. 6).
4. Proposed fixed link assignments must be coordinated with earth stations operating in this band
(Assignment Restrictions 4 and ref. 7).
5. Note potential for interference to channel 1 to and from adjacent 1.8 GHz band fixed services.
6. New and existing apparatus licensed assignments in all areas and with emissions in the frequency
ranges 1920-1960 MHz and 2110-2150 MHz shall be endorsed with Advisory Note BL (ref. 11).
7. New fixed (and mobile) assignments Australia wide and with emissions in the frequency ranges
1980-2010 MHz or 2170-2200 MHz are embargoed. New Fixed (and mobile) assignments in the
frequency ranges 2010-2110 MHz and 2200-2300 MHz are embargoed for specific areas identified
in Attachment 1 of Embargo 23, (ref. 3)
10. New apparatus licensed assignments in certain spectrum licensed areas and with emissions in the
frequency ranges 1900-1980 MHz and 2110-2170 MHz are embargoed (ref. 10).
14. Prospective new apparatus licensed assignments within specified zones around specified radio
astronomy facilities and with emission bandwidths in the frequency range 2200-2550 MHz must
be notified to CSIRO (ref. 15).
15. Proposed fixed links must be coordinated with fixed TOB collection stations (ref.16).
16. No new assignments within 100km of the Radio Quiet Zone in the bands 1900-2300 MHz (ref. 17).
17. No new assignments within 300km of Mingenew in the bands 2100-2130 MHz and 2280-2310
MHz otherwise 150km for assignments below 12 GHz (ref. 18).
1. Rec. ITU-R F.382-6, "Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in
the 2 and 4 GHz bands".
8. Spectrum Planning Report 2001/10, "Coordination Information for Defence Aeronautical Mobile
Telemetry Systems Operating in the 2200 to 2300 MHz Frequency Range".
11. Spectrum Planning Discussion Paper 2006/01, "Strategies for Wireless Access Services".
12. RALI FX 19, "Frequency Coordination and Licensing Procedures for Apparatus Licensed Broadband
Wireless Access Services in the 1900-1920 and 2010-2025 MHz Bands".
15. RALI MS 31, "Notification Zones for Apparatus Licensed Services around Radio Astronomy
16. RALI FX 21 “Television Outside Broadcasting Services in the bands 1980-2110 MHz and 2170-2300
1.1 1.9 GHz Band Plan Provisions of the 1.9 GHz Band Plan (ref. 2) which introduced the cordless
telecommunications service in the band 1880-1900 MHz do not permit additional (new or re-tuned)
fixed stations in this band. This affects channel 1I (1907.5 MHz).
1.2 Spectrum Licences No new assignments are to be made in certain areas in the 3G bands (1900 to
1980 MHz and 2110 to 2170 MHz) due to spectrum licensing (ref. 10).
1.3 Embargo 23 RALI MS 3, Embargo 23 (ref. 3) requires that no new assignments are to be made
Australia-wide in bands 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz. No new assignments in frequency ranges
that overlaps with the 2.2 GHz band channel arrangements. No new assignments are to be made in the
bands 2010-2110 MHz and 2200-2300 MHz in the areas identified in Embargo 23 and show in Figure 2
and 3.
1.4 Affected Channels See Tables 1 and 2 for details on affected channels.
1.5 Embargo 41 RALI MS 3, No new assignments within 100km of the Radio Quiet Zone in the bands
1900-2300 MHz (ref. 17).
1.6 Embargo 49 RALI MS 3, No new assignments within 300km of Mingenew in the bands 2100-2130
MHz and 2280-2310 MHz otherwise no new assignments within 150km of Mingenew for channels
below 12 GHz (ref. 18).
Proposed fixed link assignments must be coordinated with spectrum licences operating in the 3G bands
(1900 to 1980 MHz and 2110 to 2170 MHz) in accordance with Appendix 7 of this RALI. Proposed fixed
link assignments planned for co-channel operation with respect to spectrum licences in areas adjacent
to spectrum licensed areas must be coordination with spectrum licences if they are within a threshold
distance of 200 km of the spectrum licence boundary. Proposed fixed link assignments planned for
adjacent channel operation with respect to spectrum licences inside or adjacent to spectrum licence
boundaries must also be coordinated. The map at Figure 1 illustrates the geographic boundaries and
3. Coordination requirements with spectrum licences operating in the 2.3 GHz band
Proposed fixed link assignments with receivers planned for operation in the 2256 to 2300 MHz
frequency range or transmitters planned for operation in the 2266 to 2300 MHz frequency range must
to be coordinated with spectrum licences operating in the 2.3 GHz spectrum licensed band (2302 to
2400 MHz) (see ref.6).
See Tables 1 and 2 for channels that are subject to coordination as outlined above.
Proposed fixed link assignments must be coordinated with earth stations operating in the 2025 to 2120
MHz and 2200 to 2300 MHz bands. Coordination must be in accordance with the requirements of RALI
MS 26 (ref. 7).
See Tables 1 and 2 for channels that are subject to coordination as outlined above.
In addition to the coordination requirements stated above, proposed new assignments must be
coordinated with existing fixed link assignments in this band and the 2.2 GHz band in accordance
with normal FX-3 assignment procedures.
Proposed fixed link assignments in the frequency range 2010-2110 MHz and 2200-2300 MHz must be
coordinated with existing licensed TOB receivers (collection stations) using the method and parameters
outlined in RALI FX 21 (ref. 16).
Table 1: Channel Arrangements (Lower Channel Set) - Channel Availability and Restrictions
3M 1980
Not Available
4I 1994.5
Refer to Embargo 23 (ref. 3)
4M 2009
5I 2023.5 Not Available, 2.2 GHz channel plan and Embargo 23 (ref. 3) TOB licensed receivers
6I 2052.5
6M 2067
* See ref. 7 for definition of these areas and the map at Figure 1
Table 2: Channel Arrangements (Upper Channel Set) - Channel Availability and Restrictions
4M' 2222
5I' 2236.5
Not Available TOB licensed receivers
5M' 2251
2.2 GHz channel plan and embargo 23 (ref. 3) Earth Stations
6I' 2265.5
6M' 2280
* See ref. 7 for definition of these areas and the map at Figure 1
1. Protection ratios required between digital systems applicable when both the Victim and Interferer
operate under these channel arrangements only.
0 60 60 60 60
14.5 30 45 55 57
29 23 20 30
2. Protection ratios required between digital and analogue systems applicable when both the Victim
and Interferer operate under these channel arrangements only.
↓ ↓
Digital Victim Rx Analogue Victim Rx
0 60 60 60 60
14.5 42 55 40 58
29 21 0 30
29 MHz → 29 MHz
0 60
14.5 50
29 20
4. Protection ratios required between digital systems where the Victim operates under the 2.2 GHz
band channel arrangements and the Interferer operates under these channel arrangements. See
Note 2 below.
0 60 60
14.5 30 55
29 20
5. Protection ratios required between digital systems where the Victim operates under these
channel arrangements and the Interferer operates under the 2.2 GHz band channel
arrangements. See Note 2 below.
0 60 60
14.5 30 45
29 23
6. Protection ratios required between digital systems operating under the 2.2 GHz band channel
arrangements and analogue systems operating under these channel arrangements. See Note 2
↓ ↓
Digital Victim Rx Analogue Victim Rx
0 60 60
14.5 42 40
29 0
1. Protection ratios for digital systems are based on a 60 km path length and PL (Percentage of
time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than or equal to
-100 N units/km) of 20. For other path lengths and PL values refer to the appropriate protection ratio
correction factors graph on the following page.
2. Part 3.1.7 "Protection Ratios and Interference Criteria" of this RALI gives guidance on how to
apply the protection ratio requirements when RF channel arrangements are overlaid with a pre-existing
arrangement or other overlaid arrangements.
Correction Factor (dB)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
PL: Percentage of time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than
or equal to -100 N units/km.
fo 2302
1900 2300
2170 2200
20 5
20 5
20 5
20 5
21 5
22 5
22 5
22 5
22 5
22 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 1' 2' 3' 4' 5' 6'
2.1 GHz Band 3G Spectrum Licensed Band. Mobile satellite service band.
fixed service spectrum. No new fixed services No new fixed services
City and Regional Australia-wide
No new assignments are to be made in the bands 2010-2110 MHz and 2200-2300 MHz in the areas
identified in Embargo 23 and show in Figure 2 and 3. This band is otherwise designated for use by
medium capacity fixed point-to-point links.
1. Proposed fixed links must be coordinated with spectrum licences operating in the 3G band
(Assignment Restrictions 1 and ref. 9).
3. Proposed fixed links must be coordinated with spectrum licences operating in the 2.3 GHz band
(Assignment Restrictions 3 and ref. 4).
5. Proposed fixed links must take account of the requirements for geostationary satellite orbit
avoidance (Assignment Restrictions 5).
6. Proposed fixed links must be coordinated with fixed receivers supporting aeronautical mobile
telemetry systems (Assignment Restrictions 6 and ref. 7).
7. There is potential for interference to fixed links on some channels due to the operation of
aeronautical mobile telemetry transmitters (Assignment Restrictions 7 and ref. 7).
9. There is potential for interference to and from 2.1 GHz band fixed services sharing the same
spectrum (Assignment Restrictions 8).
10. New Fixed (and mobile) assignments in the frequency ranges 2010-2110 MHz and 2200-2300 MHz
are embargoed for specific areas identified in Attachment 1 of Embargo 23, (ref. 8, Figure 2 and 3)
15. Prospective new apparatus licensed assignments within specified zones around specified radio
astronomy facilities and with emission bandwidths in the frequency range 2200-2550 MHz must
be notified to CSIRO (ref. 12).
16. Proposed fixed links must be coordinated with fixed TOB collection stations (Assignment
Restrictions 10 ref.13).
17. No new assignments within 100km of the Radio Quiet Zone in the bands 1900-2300 MHz (ref. 14).
18. No new assignments within 300km of Mingenew in the bands 2100-2130 MHz and 2280-2310
MHz otherwise 150km for assignments below 12 GHz (ref. 15).
1. Rec. ITU-R F.1098-1, "Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in
the 1900 - 2300 MHz Band".
10. Spectrum Planning Discussion Paper 2006/01, "Strategies for Wireless Access Services".
12. RALI MS 31, "Notification Zones for Apparatus Licensed Services around Radio Astronomy
13. RALI FX 21 “Television Outside Broadcasting Services in the bands 1980-2110 MHz and 2170-2300
New assignments on channels 5 and 6 planned for operation within or adjacent to the capital city
boundaries (Figure 1) are subject to coordination with spectrum licensed devices operating in the 2110
to 2170 MHz frequency range in accordance with Appendix 7 of this RALI.
3. Coordination requirements with spectrum licences operating in the 2.3 GHz band
Proposed fixed link assignments receiving in the 2256 to 2285 MHz frequency range or transmitting
in the 2266 to 2285 MHz frequency range must to be coordinated with spectrum licences operating
in the 2.3 GHz spectrum licensed band (2302 to 2400 MHz) (see ref. 4).
See Table 1 for channels that are subject to coordination with as outlined above.
Proposed fixed link assignments must be coordinated with earth stations operating in the 2025 to 2120
MHz and 2200 to 2300 MHz bands. Coordination must be in accordance with the requirements of RALI
MS 26 (ref. 6).
See Table 1 for channels that are subject to coordination as outlined above.
Aeronautical mobile telemetry (AMT) receivers operate in the 2200 to 2300 MHz frequency range in
certain locations in Australia. New assignments for fixed links must be coordinated with the AMT
receivers identified in ref. 7. Reference 7 provides the necessary location and coordination parameters.
Note: Assigners should note that the information contained is ref. 7 is of an interim nature pending
finalisation of sharing issues. Contact the Manager, Spectrum Engineering Section, Spectrum Planning
and Engineering Branch for information on progress on finalisation.
Aeronautical mobile telemetry (AMT) transmitters operate in the 2200 to 2300 MHz frequency range in
certain areas of Australia. New assignments for fixed links will not be afforded protection from AMT
transmitters operated in the areas described in ref. 7.
Note: Assigners should note that the information contained is ref. 7 is of an interim nature pending
further studies on sharing issues. Contact the Manager, Spectrum Engineering Section, Spectrum
Planning Branch for information on the progress of these studies.
AMT transmitters operate in the geographic areas and with the technical parameters described in ref. 7.
New assignments for links in these frequency ranges should note the potential for interference from
AMT transmitters. Advisory Note FF shall be applied to new assignments for fixed link receivers
operating in the 2200 to 2300 MHz frequency range within 350 km of the areas defined in ref. 7.
"No protection from interference caused by the operation of Defence aeronautical mobile telemetry
transmitters is afforded to this licence"
In addition to the coordination requirements stated above, proposed new assignments must be
coordinated with existing fixed link assignments in this band and in the 2.1 GHz band in accordance
with normal FX-3 assignment procedures.
See Table 1 for a summary table of channels detailing channel availability and interservice coordination
Proposed fixed link assignments in the frequency range 2010-2110 MHz and 2200-2300 MHz must be
coordinated with existing licensed TOB receivers (collection stations) using the method and parameters
outlined in RALI FX 21 (ref. 14).
11.1 Embargo 23 RALI MS 3, Embargo 23 (ref. 3) requires that no new assignments are to be made in
the bands 2010-2110 MHz and 2200-2300 MHz in the areas identified in Embargo 23 and show in Figure
2. These frequency ranges represent spectrum that overlaps with the 2.2 GHz band channel
11.2 Embargo 41 RALI MS 3, No new assignments within 100km of the Radio Quiet Zone in the bands
1900-2300 MHz (ref. 14).
11.3 Embargo 49 RALI MS 3, No new assignments within 300km of Mingenew in the bands 2100-
2130 MHz and 2280-2310 MHz otherwise no new assignments within 150km of Mingenew for
channels below 12 GHz (ref. 15).
1 2032.5 Refer to Embargo 23 for channel availability (ref. 8) TOB, Earth Stations and Geostationary Satellite Orbital Avoidance
2 2046.5 Refer to Embargo 23 for channel availability (ref. 8) TOB, Earth Stations and Geostationary Satellite Orbital Avoidance
3 2060.5 Refer to Embargo 23 for channel availability (ref. 8) TOB, Earth Stations and Geostationary Satellite Orbital Avoidance
4 2074.5 Refer to Embargo 23 for channel availability (ref. 8) TOB, Earth Stations and Geostationary Satellite Orbital Avoidance
5 2088.5 Refer to Embargo 23 for channel availability (ref. 8) TOB, Earth Stations and Geostationary Satellite Orbital Avoidance
3G Spectrum Licences
6 2102.5 Refer to Embargo 23 and 26 for channel availability TOB, Earth Stations and Geostationary Satellite Orbital Avoidance
(ref. 8, 9)
3G Spectrum Licences
1' 2207.5 Refer to Embargo 23 for channel availability (ref. 8) TOB, Earth Stations and Geostationary Satellite Orbital Avoidance
2' 2221.5 Refer to Embargo 23 for channel availability (ref. 8) TOB, Earth Stations and Geostationary Satellite Orbital Avoidance
4' 2249.5 Refer to Embargo 23 for channel availability (ref. 8) TOB, Earth Stations and Geostationary Satellite Orbital Avoidance
5' 2263.5 Refer to Embargo 23 for channel availability (ref. 8) TOB, Earth Stations and Geostationary Satellite Orbital Avoidance,
6' 2277.5 Refer to Embargo 23 for channel availability (ref. 8) TOB, Earth Stations and Geostationary Satellite Orbital Avoidance
1. Protection ratios required between digital systems applicable when both the Victim and Interferer
operate under these channel arrangements only.
14 MHz→ 14 MHz
0 60
14 30
2. Protection ratios required between digital systems where the Victim operates under these
channel arrangements and the Interferer operates under the 2.1 GHz band channel
arrangements. See Note 2 below.
0 60 60
14.5 30 55
29 20
3. Protection ratios required between digital systems where the Victim operates under the 2.1 GHz
band channel arrangements and the Interferer operates under these channel arrangements. See
Note 2 below.
0 60 60
14.5 30 45
29 23
4. Protection ratios required between digital systems operating under these channel arrangements
and analogue systems operating under the 2.1 GHz band channel arrangements. See Note 2
↓ ↓
Digital Victim Rx Analogue Victim Rx
0 60 60
14.5 42 40
29 0
1. Protection ratios for digital systems are based on a 60 km path length and PL (Percentage of
time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than
or equal to -100 N units/km) of 20. For other path lengths and PL values refer to the
appropriate protection ratio correction factors graph on the following page.
2. Part 3.1.7 "Protection Ratios and Interference Criteria" of this RALI gives guidance on how to
apply the protection ratio requirements when RF channel arrangements are overlaid with a
pre-existing arrangement or other overlaid arrangements.
Correction Factor (dB)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
PL: Percentage of time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than
or equal to -100 N units/km.
2500 2690
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ABC 7 9 10 ABC 7 9 10
TOB Network Licences: 7 =Seven Network, 9 =Nine Network, 10 =Ten Network, ABC =ABC Network.
This band is no longer available for apparatus licensing as the band has been spectrum licenced.
See Embargo 26. The text below has been retained for historical reference only.
This band is identified primarily for use by Television Outside Broadcast (TOB) services
particularly Electronic News Gathering (ENG) applications.
1. Designated channel allocations for the major television networks on an Australia-wide
basis are shown above. New assignments will not normally be made on these channels, see
also notes 3 and 4.
2. The channelling arrangements shown above came into effect on 7 March 2005.
3. New and existing apparatus licensed assignments in all areas and with emissions in the
frequency range 2500-2690 MHz shall be endorsed with Advisory Note BL, but see also
notes 1 and 4 (Assignment Restrictions 1 and ref. 2).
4. New assignments of all types and in all areas and with emissions in the frequency range
2500-2690 MHz are embargoed (ref. 1).
1. RALI MS 3, "Spectrum Embargoes", Embargo 26.
2. Spectrum Planning Discussion Paper 2006/01, "Strategies for Wireless Access Services".
For frequency assignment requirements see Reference 2 For frequency assignment requirements see Reference 2
50 MHz
These bands were originally designated for use by fixed point-to-multipoint services (in
particular, Wireless Local Loop (WLL) systems) Australia wide under apparatus licensing
arrangements. During 2000, these bands along with other spectrum in the 3.4 to 3.6 GHz range
were re-allocated for spectrum licensing in some areas of Australia, including all capital cities
(see Reference 1). The remaining areas are still available for apparatus licensing in accordance
with Reference 2.
1. Specific requirements for apparatus licensing this band are given in Reference 2.
2. New assignments within this band are subject to limitations - see Reference 3.
3. Requests for assignments within 150 km of the GPOs of Darwin (NT) or Geraldton (WA) are
to be referred to the Manager, Customer Services Coordination Team, Customer Services
Group, Canberra Central Office, ACA, for preliminary coordination consultation 1.
2. RALI FX 14 “Point to Multipoint Fixed Services in Specified Parts of the 3.4 - 3.59 GHz
ACA file F89-207, held by Manager, Spectrum Planning and Engineering Team, Radiofrequency Planning Group,
[3.4 GHz - Page 1 of 1]
This band is designated for use by digital high capacity fixed point-to-point links.
1. Proposed fixed links need to be coordinated with licensed earth stations operating in this
2. Requests for assignments within 150 km of the GPOs of Darwin (NT) or Geraldton (WA)
are to be referred to the Manager, Spectrum Engineering Section, Spectrum Planning
Branch for preliminary coordination consultation. ACMA file F1989/207, held by
Manager, Spectrum Engineering Section, Spectrum Planning Branch, refers.
3. Some channels are not available for new assignments (Assignment Restrictions 1).
4. There is potential for interference to and from former 4.0 GHz band fixed services
(Assignment Restrictions 2).
5. Proposed fixed links must be co-ordinated with fixed satellite services in this band
(Assignment Restrictions 3).
6. Proposed fixed links must be co-ordinated with radiolocation services in this band
(Assignment Restrictions 4).
7. Proposed fixed links must be co-ordinated with area-wide licence services in this band and
cannot be licensed within an existing area-wide licence service spectrum space unless
agreed to by the licensee (Assignment Restrictions 5).
8. Site sense compatibility (refer to section 3.3.3) and paired channel use does not apply in
this band, if co-sited parties can reach an agreement.
1. Rec. ITU-R F.635-6, "Radio-frequency channel arrangements based on a homogeneous
pattern for radio-relay systems operating in the 4 GHz band".
2. Spectrum Planning Discussion Paper 2006/01, "Strategies for Wireless Access Services".
Channels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are not available for assignment Australia-wide due to spectrum
licensing in metro and regional areas, and to support the deployment of wireless broadband
services in remote areas.
Proposed new assignments must be coordinated with existing fixed link assignments in this
The Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan allocates the band 3600-4200 MHz to the fixed
satellite service on a primary basis and the band is utilised by earth station receive services.
Proposed new assignments are to be coordinated with these services.
The Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan allocates the band 3400-3600 MHz to the
radiolocation service on a primary basis. Proposed new assignments are to be coordinated with
these services.
Proposed fixed links must be co-ordinated with services authorised under area-wide licences in
this band as required in RALI MS 47 and cannot be licensed within an existing area-wide licence
spectrum space unless agreed to by the licensee.
Co-channel 60 dB
First adjacent channel 30 dB
Second adjacent channel 0 dB
1. Protection ratios for digital systems are based on a 60 km path length and PL (Percentage of
time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than or
equal to -100 N units/km) of 20. For other path lengths and PL values refer to the protection ratio
correction factors graph on the following page.
Correction Factor (dB)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Path Length (km)
PL: Percentage of time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than or
equal to -100 N units/km.
4400 4700 5000
4510 4550 4590 4630 4670 4810 4850 4890 4930 4970
40 MHz
300 MHz
Effective July 1998, this band is only available for Defence assignments.
Reference 1 designates this band as primarily for the purposes of Defence (refer to Reference 1
footnotes AUS 1 and AUS 11 for precise provisions). Effective July 1998, no further applications
for non-Defence fixed link service use of the band may be accepted. Existing non-Defence fixed
digital high capacity point-to-point links may continue operation under the provisions of current
licences, which may be renewed subject to continuing endorsement of Special Condition 41
(Note 1).
1. Non-Defence fixed link services shall not interfere with Defence radiocommunications
services and no protection from Defence services shall be afforded to non-Defence services
(refer to Special Condition 41).
2. Effective July 1998, this band is only available for Defence assignments.
3. All non-Defence assignments that have emissions in the 4940-4990 MHz range shall be
endorsed with Advisory Note BL, but see also note 2 (ref. 3).
1. "Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan".
2. Rec. ITU-R F.1099-3, "Radio-frequency channel arrangements for high-capacity digital
radio-relay systems in the 5 GHz (4400-5000 MHz) band", 1999.
3. Spectrum Planning Discussion Paper 2006/01, "Strategies for Wireless Access Services".
[5 GHz - Page 1 of 1]
5925 6175 6425
0 10 49
.2 85 50 15 80 45 75 24 89 54 19 84 14 79
5 4. 4. 4. 3. 3. 3. 2. 7. 6. 6. 6. 5. 5. 5. 4.
94 7 0 3 6 9
2 5 9 2 5 8 1
4 7 0
5 59 60 60 60 60 61 61 62 62 62 63 63 64
29.65 MHz
252.04 MHz
5925 6175 6425
25 25 25 25 65 65 65 65
0 .0 9 .3 8 .6 .9 2 .0 1 .3 0 .6 9 .9
5 96 6 01 607 13 621 627 633 6 38
59.3 MHz
252.04 MHz
This band is designated for use by medium and high capacity fixed point-to-point links.
1. Proposed links need to be coordinated with licensed earth stations operating in this band.
2. The channel raster known previously as the interleaved raster is grandfathered. No new
assignments are to be made; existing services may continue to operate.
3. Potential for interference to and from adjacent 6.7 GHz band fixed services.
1. Rec. ITU-R F.383-5, “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for high capacity radio-relay
systems operating in the lower 6 GHz band”.
[6 GHz - Page 1 of 4]
[6 GHz - Page 2 of 4]
1. Protection ratio for digital systems are based on a 50 km path length and PL (Percentage of
time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than
or equal to -100 N units/km) of 20. For other path lengths and PL values refer to the
appropriate protection ratio correction factors graph on the following page.
[6 GHz - Page 3 of 4]
Correction Factor (dB)
-30 PL=10
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
PL: Percentage of time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than or
equal to -100 N units/km.
[6 GHz - Page 4 of 4]
6425 6770 7110
60 00 40 80 20 6 0 00 40 00 40 80 20 6 0 00 40 80
64 65 65 65 66 66 67 67 68 68 68 69 69 70 70 70
40 MHz
340 MHz
6425 6770 7110
80 60 40 20 20 00 80 60
64 65 66 67 68 69 69 70
80 MHz
340 MHz
This band is designated for use by digital high capacity fixed point-to-point links.
1. Proposed links need to be coordinated with licensed earth stations operating in this band.
2. The channel raster known previously as the interleaved raster has been removed. No new
assignments are to be made.
3. Potential for interference to and from adjacent 6 GHz band fixed services.
1. Rec. ITU-R F.384-5, “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for medium and high capacity
analogue or high capacity digital radio-relay systems operating in the upper 6 GHz band”.
2. Protection ratios required between digital systems in the adjacent 6 GHz band.
1. Protection ratios for digital systems are based on a 50 km path length and PL (Percentage of
time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than or
equal to -100 N units/km) of 20. For other path lengths and PL values refer to the protection ratio
correction factors graph on the following page.
Correction Factor (dB)
-30 PL=10
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
PL: Percentage of time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than or
equal to -100 N units/km.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
8 MHz
This band is designated for use by Television Outside Broadcast (TOB) services.
1. All TOB transmitters in the bands 7100 to 7425 MHz operate subject to the condition that
they do not cause interference to other services (see Reference 1). The coordination criteria
outlined in this RALI will be used in the consideration of any interference.
2. Deleted.
3. Channels designated ‘S’ are for shared general use and can be licensed by any entity for
TOB use.
4. Defence must be consulted when a non-Defence licence applicant requests an assignment in
the frequency range 7250 to 7375 MHz (see assignment restriction 1).
5. The channel raster known previously as the interleaved raster has been removed. No new
assignments are to be made in accordance with that raster.
6. Earth transmit stations in the space research (Earth-space) service operate at New Norcia
and Tidbinbilla in the bands 7145 to 7235 MHz. Services that operate in and adjacent to this
earth station transmit band do so on the basis that they are not afforded protection from
interference from earth station transmitters at the New Norcia and Tidbinbilla facilities.
7. Channels marked with 7, 9 or 10 are for exclusive use by the Seven Network, Nine Network
Australia and Network Ten respectively.
8. Earth receive stations and TOB services in the band 7375 to 7425 MHz need to be
coordinated as detailed in assignment restriction 3.
9. Shared channels with area-wide access areas are not afforded protection from other services.
To increase visibility to other licensees, commonly used sites can be recorded as special
conditions on assignments with area-wide access areas.
10. The potential for interference between TOB services is to be managed in accordance with
assignment restriction 4.
11. Chanel bandwidth are notional and larger bandwidths can be assigned provided the
assignment is within the segment limits. For example, assignments for shared channels can
have bandwidths greater than 8 MHz, provided the bandwidth only overlaps channels
allocated for shared usage.
7425 7564.5 7725
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1' 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 7' 8' 9' 10 ' 11 ' 12' 13' 14' 15 ' 16 ' 17' 18' 19' 20'
7 MHz
161 MHz
7425 7564.5 7725
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1' 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 7' 8' 9' 10'
14 MHz
161 MHz
This band is designated for use by low-medium capacity fixed point-to-point links.
1. Protection ratios required between digital systems operating on the same channel raster.
Co Channel: 60 dB
1st Adjacent Channel 30 dB
2nd Adjacent Channel 0 dB
2. Protection ratios between systems using 3.5 MHz channels and systems using either 7
MHz or 14 MHz channels - see note 2.
3. Protection ratios between systems using either 7 MHz or 14 MHz channels and systems
using 18 MHz channels - see note 3.
4. Protection ratios required between digital systems in the adjacent 8 GHz band.
2. The 3.5 MHz* table heading denotes systems operating under earlier arrangements which
require 3.5 MHz bandwidth, new assignments are to be coordinated around these systems.
3. The 18 MHz* table heading denotes systems operating under earlier arrangements which
require 18 MHz bandwidth, new assignments are to be coordinated around these systems.
Correction Factor (dB)
-30 PL=10
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
PL: Percentage of time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less
than or equal to -100 N units/km.
For further details refer to Annex A to Appendix 1.
This band is designated for use by medium and high capacity fixed point-to-point links.
1. No assignments shall be made on 29.65 MHz channels 7 and 8 (main and interleaf) and 59.3
MHz channel 4, except in cases where the availability of other channels in the band is
precluded through unsuccessful coordination.
2. The channel raster known previously as the main raster is grandfathered. No new
assignments are to be made; existing services may continue to operate.
3. Potential for interference to and from adjacent 7.5 GHz band fixed services.
[8 GHz - Page 1 of 5]
[8 GHz - Page 2 of 5]
[8 GHz - Page 3 of 5]
1. Protection ratio for digital systems are based on a 50 km path length and PL (Percentage of
time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than
or equal to -100 N units/km) of 20. For other path lengths and PL values refer to the
appropriate protection ratio correction factors graph on the following page.
[8 GHz - Page 4 of 5]
Correction Factor (dB)
-30 PL=10
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
PL: Percentage of time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than or
equal to -100 N units/km.
8275 8400
28 MHz
1 3 5 7
8275 8400
28 MHz
2 4 6 8
TOB Network Licences : ABC = ABC Network
This band is designated for use by Television Outside Broadcast (TOB) services.
1. Channels 1, 2, 5 and 8 are reserved for the ABC on an Australia-wide basis.
2. Channels designated ‘S’ are for general shared use. These channels are not normally
available for assignment on an exclusive basis - for special case situations see Reference 1.
3. Main pattern usage has priority over that of the interleaved pattern. Special condition 27
shall be applied to all spectrum accesses relating to TOB operations on interleaved channels.
4. Earth receive stations in the space research (space–to-Earth) service operate at New Norcia in
the adjacent 8400-8500 MHz frequency band. Under the Radiocommunications Licence
Condition (Fixed Licence) Determination, television outside broadcast stations operate on the
condition that harmful interference is not caused to other services. The operation of TOB
services on channel 8 is restricted about the New Norcia earth station facility in Western
Australia. See Operating Restrictions about the New Norcia Earth Station Facility.
1. Spectrum Planning Policy Document SPP3/95, “Television Outside Broadcast (TOB) Service
- 7.2 GHz and 8.3 GHz RF Channel Arrangements”, July 1995.
2, RALI MS43 JAN 2016
The New Norcia facility is located at -31.049444°, 116.190000° (ADG66). Refer RALI MS43
10.55 10.68
8 3 0 7 4 1
55 565 0.572 0.579 0.586 0.593 0.600 0.607 0.614 10.
62 63 63
64 65 658 665 672
10. 10. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10.
7 MHz
65 MHz
10.55 10.68
14 MHz
65 MHz
This band is designated for use by low and medium capacity fixed point-to-point links.
2. In accordance with Radio Regulations Resolution 751 (WRC-07), fixed links must meet
assignment criteria (Assignment Restrictions 1)
3. Potential for interference to and from adjacent 11 GHz band fixed services
1. Rec. ITU-R F.747, “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating in
the 10 GHz band”.
2. Radio Regulations Resolution 751 (WRC-07), “Sharing criteria in the band 10.6-10.68 GHz”
1. In accordance with ITU-R Radio Regulation Resolution 751 (WRC-07), fixed services in
the 10.6 – 10.68 GHz band are required to meet the following parameters in order to reduce
the interference to EESS from fixed services.
Parameter Value
Maximum elevation angle 20°
Maximum transmitter power at the antenna port -15 dBW
2. Protection ratios required between digital systems in the adjacent 11 GHz band.
1. Protection ratio for digital systems are based on a 30 km path length and PL (Percentage of time
that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than or equal
to -100 N units/km) of 20. For other path lengths, rainfall rates and PL values refer to the
appropriate propagation path correction factors graph on the following page.
Correction Factor (dB)
R=60 mm/hr
R=80 mm/hr
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
PL:Percentage of time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than or
equal to -100 N units/km.
R: Rainfall rate in mm/hr for 0.01% of the worst month.
For further details refer to Annex A to Appendix 1.
This band is designated for use by digital high capacity fixed point-to-point links (see Notes).
1. Deleted
2. Proposed fixed links need to be coordinated with earth stations operating in this band.
3. Requests for assignments within 150 km of the GPOs of Darwin (NT) or Geraldton (WA) are
to be referred to the Manager, Customer Services Coordination Team, Customer Services
Group, Canberra Central Office, ACA, for preliminary coordination consultation 1.
4. The channel raster known previously as the interleaved raster has been removed. No new
assignments are to be made to that raster.
5. Potential for interference to and from adjacent 10 GHz band fixed services
1. Rec. ITU-R F.387-6, “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio relay systems
operating in the 11 GHz band”.
ACA file F89-207, held by Manager, Spectrum Planning and Engineering Team, Radiofrequency Planning Group,
2. Protection ratios required between digital systems in the adjacent 10 GHz band.
1. Protection ratios for digital systems are based on a 30 km path length and PL (Percentage of
time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than
or equal to -100 N units/km) of 20. For other path lengths, rainfall rates and PL values refer to
the protection ratio correction factors graph on the following page.
Correction Factor (dB)
-25 R=60 mm/hr
R=80 mm/hr
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
PL: Percentage of time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than or
equal to -100 N units/km.
R: Rainfall rate in mm/hr for 0.01% of the worst month.
For further details refer to Annex A to Appendix 1.
12.75 13.00 13.25
266 MHz
TOB Network Licences : 7 = Seven Network; 9 = Nine Network; 10 = Ten Network; ABC = ABC Network
This band is designated for use by medium capacity fixed point-to-point links and Television
Outside Broadcast (TOB) services (See Notes 1 to 6).
Typical Use : FIXED - 34 Mbit/s data
TOB - temporary links for live coverage of events
teleconferencing, outside broadcast, etc.
Assignment Priority : not specified
Minimum Path Length : not specified
Antenna Requirements : FIXED - refer to Appendix 11
TOB - 0.6 m standard parabolic dish
1. With the exception of interleaved channel 8', all channels are 28 MHz wide.
2. Fixed assignments may be made only on main channels 1-1', 2-2', 3-3' and 5-5'. However,
assignments for fixed services on channels 5-5' are not permitted within 100 km of a capital
3. TOB channel designations for the major television networks are shown above.
4. Non-network TOB operators share channels 5-5'.
5. TOB assignments shall be endorsed with Special Condition 27.
6. TOB sharing arrangements are described in Reference 1.
1. Protection ratios for digital systems are based on a 20 km path length and R (Rainfall rate
in mm/hr for 0.01% of the worst month) of 80 mm/hr. For other path lengths, rainfall rates and
PL (Percentage of time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the
atmosphere is less than or equal to -100 N units/km) values refer to the appropriate protection
ratio correction factors graph on the following page.
Correction Factor (dB)
R=60 mm/hr
R=80 mm/hr
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
PL:Percentage of time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than
or equal to -100 N units/km.
R: Rainfall rate in mm/hr for 0.01% of the worst month. For further details refer to Annex A to Appendix 1.
This band is designated for use by low and medium capacity fixed point-to-point links.
2. No assignments shall be made on channel 7/7’, except in cases where the availability of other
channels in the band is precluded through unsuccessful coordination.
1. Rec. ITU-R F.636-3, “Radio-frequency channel arrangements for radio-relay systems operating
in the 15 GHz band”.
4. Protection ratios between digital and analogue systems requiring 14 and 28 MHz channels.
(MHz) Digital Tx Analogue Tx Digital Tx
↓ ↓ ↓
Digital Rx Digital Rx Analogue Rx
14 MHz 28 MHz 28 MHz 14 MHz
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
28 MHz 14 MHz 14 MHz 28 MHz
0 60 60 60 60
7 59 56 60 60
21 37 33 30 30
35 7 15
49 0 5
1. Protection ratio for digital systems are based on a 20 km path length and R (Rainfall rate in
mm/hr for 0.01% of the worst month) of 80 mm/hr. For other path lengths and rainfall rates refer
to the appropriate protection ratio correction factors graph on the following page.
Correction Factor (dB)
-30 PL=10
R=40 mm/hr
-35 R=60 mm/hr
R=80 mm/hr
0 10 20 30 40 50
PL:Percentage of time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than or
equal to -100 N units/km.
R: Rainfall rate in mm/hr for 0.01% of the worst month. For further details refer to Annex A to Appendix 1.
18 18.
18. 5
13.75 MHz
27.5 MHz
18 18. 875
.33 332
25 18. 5
18 18 6 18. 625
.36 .36
0 0 18.
55 MHz
18. 375
7 8
.38 387
19 19. 75
31 18. 5
.31 40
1010 MHz
19. 5
13.75 MHz
18 18 18. 125
27.5 MHz
32 41
.41 .41
19 19. 875 5 5 18. 5
3' 4'
.34 342 428
25 19. 5 18
18. 75
35 44
19 19 19. 625 25 18. 25
37 7 45
.37 .37
0 0 19. 0 18 18 18. 625
38 47
.47 .47
19 0 0
55 MHz
19. 375 18. 0
.3 39
97 19. 75 18
5 41 18. 75
.49 497
19 19 19. 125 75 18. 5
.42 .42 51
5 5 19. 5 18 18 18. 125
438 .52 .52 52
19 19. 75 5 5 18. 5
45 53
25 19. 25 18 18. 875
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
THE 18 GHz BAND (17.7 - 19.7 GHz)
19 19. 75
.50 50 18.
75 19. 75 613
19 19 19. 125
.53 .53 53
5 5 19. 5
19 19. 875
9' 10' 11' 12' 13' 14' 15' 16' 17' 18' 19' 20'
.5 562
See page 2
5 19. 5
7.5 MHz
25 18.
19 688
.59 75
August 1998
[18 GHz - Page 1 of 5]
See page 2
7.5 MHz
THE 18 GHz BAND (17.7 - 19.7 GHz)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
19.62375 19.69875 19.7
19.6275 19.6350 19.6425 19.6500 19.6575 19.6650 19.6725 19.6800 19.6875 19.6950
1' 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 7' 8' 9' 10'
This band is designated for use by small, medium and high capacity fixed links.
Minimum Path Length : 1 km for systems with bandwidths greater than 27 MHz;
1 km for systems operating in high rainfall areas – see
Note 1;
2 km for all other cases.
1. Minimum Path Length criteria may be relaxed to 1km in areas where the rainfall intensity rate
exceeds 80mm/hr for 0.01% of the worst month - see Annex A to Appendix 1 for rainfall
intensity rate contour map.
2. No assignments should be made which would overlap the frequency range 18.8 -19.3 GHz -
See References 1 and 2.
3. The output power of transmitters (measured at the antenna connection) operating in the band
18.6-18.8 GHz is not to exceed +27 dBm (0.5 Watts). It should be noted that multiple
transmitters operating on different RF carrier frequencies individually respecting the above
output power limit can be connected to a single antenna. See Reference 4.
4. Advisory Note BL shall be applied to all assignments overlapping the frequency range 18 to
18.4 GHz. The WRC-03 has invited the ITU-R to conduct sharing analysis pertaining to the
possible expansion of the geostationary meteorological satellite service allocation in this
band. See References 5 and 6.
1. Spectrum Planning Policy Document SPP4/96 “Interim Channel Arrangements for the
18 GHz Band - A Discussion Paper”, September 1996, and Addendum 1 to that paper,
"New Interim Arrangements in the 18 GHz Band".
1. The “Co-channel” protection ratio shall apply in cases where any portion of the
interfering and victim channels overlap.
2. The “1st Adjacent Channel” protection ratio shall apply in cases where the interfering
and victim channels do not actually overlap but are immediately adjacent to each other.
3. Protection ratios for digital systems are based on a 10 km path length and R (Rainfall rate
in mm/hr for 0.01% of the worst month) of 80 mm/hr, for other path lengths and rainfall rates
refer to the path length correction factors graph on the following page.
Correction Factor (dB)
R=40 mm/hr
-30 R=60 mm/hr
R=80 mm/hr
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
PL: Percentage of time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is less than or
equal to -100 N units/km.
R: Rainfall rate in mm/hr for 0.01% of the worst month. For further details refer to Annex A to Appendix 1.
This band is designated for use by fixed point-to-point links and Television Outside Broadcast
(TOB) services (See Note 1).
1. (a) The 50 MHz channels 1/1’..3/3’ are designated for TOB services. Licensed TOB
operators may use any of these channels in any area on a co-equal basis with other TOB
operators and are expected to coordinate their use among themselves;
(b) Deleted
3. Special Condition BL shall be applied to all licences for operation on the 50 MHz channels
1-3 (21.65-22.00 GHz band). See Reference 1.
1. Protection ratios required between digital systems operating on the same channel
arrangements, except for 50 MHz and 56 MHz channels (see table 9 and 10 respectively).
Co channel 60 dB
1st Adjacent Channel 30 dB
2nd Adjacent Channel 0 dB
2. Protection ratios required between digital systems operating on 3.5 and 7 MHz channels.
3. Protection ratios required between digital systems operating on 7 MHz channels and digital
systems operating on 14 and 28 MHz channels.
4. Protection ratios required between digital systems operating on 14 and 28 MHz channels.
6. Protection ratios required between digital systems operating on 14 MHz and 56 MHz
7. Protection ratios required between digital systems operating on 28 MHz and 56 MHz
8. Protection ratios required between digital systems operating on 28 MHz and 50 MHz
10. Protection ratios required between digital systems operating on 56 MHz channel.
11. Protection ratios required between digital systems operating on 50 MHz and 56 MHz
1. Protection ratio for digital systems are based on a 5 km path length and R (Rainfall rate in
mm/hr for 0.01% of the worst month) of 80 mm/hr, for other path lengths and rainfall rates
refer to the appropriate path length correction factors graph on the following page.
Correction Factor (dB)
R=40 mm/hr
R=60 mm/hr
R=80 mm/hr
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Protection ratios required between digital systems operating in various channel bandwidths (with
offset between centre frequencies ∆f) are provided in the tables below
Frequency Offset
28 MHz → 28 MHz 56 MHz → 28 MHz 112 MHz → 28 MHz
0 64
14 61 58
28 35
42 34 57
56 14
70 17 34
98 10 17
126 9 14
154 12
184 7
210 6
Frequency Offset
28 MHz → 56 MHz 56 MHz → 56 MHz 112 MHz → 56 MHz
0 64
14 64
28 61
42 38
56 35
70 14
84 34
98 9
112 14
126 9
140 17
Frequency Offset
28 MHz → 112 MHz 56 MHz → 112 MHz 112 MHz → 112 MHz
0 64
14 65
28 64
42 63
70 43
84 38
98 13
112 35
126 9
140 14
154 9
196 9
224 14
1. Protection ratio for digital systems are based on a 2 km path length and R (Rainfall rate in
mm/hr for 0.01% of the worst month) of 80 mm/hr using Recommendation ITU-R P.530-15,
Section 2.4 as outlined in spectrum planning report SPP 2014/07. For other path lengths and
rainfall rates refer to the appropriate path length correction factors graph on the following
page, these are calculated in accordance with RALI FX 3 Appendix 4, section 4.1.3.
Correction Factor (dB)
R=40 mm/hr
R=60 mm/hr
R=80 mm/hr
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
P ath Length (km)
This band is designated for use by short haul medium-high capacity fixed point-to-point services.
2. 7 MHz and 14 MHz channel raster’s have been retired. No new assignments are to be made;
existing services may continue to operate and must be afforded protection from proposed new
1. Protection ratios required between digital systems operating on the same channel
Arrangements (7, 14, 28, 56, 112 MHz).
2. Protection ratios required between digital systems operating on 7 and 112 MHz channels.
1. Protection ratio for digital systems are based on a 2 km path length and R (Rainfall rate in
mm/hr for 0.01% of the worst month) of 80 mm/hr. For other path lengths and rainfall rates
refer to the appropriate protection ratio correction factors graph on the following page.
Correction Factor (dB)
R=40 mm/hr
R=60 mm/hr
R=80 mm/hr
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5
49.20 49.575 49.95
49.24 49.28 49.32 49.36 49.40 49.74 49.78 49.82 49.86 49.90
40 MHz
500 MHz
1. Frequency assignments in this band are not exclusive, ie the same channels may be assigned
to a number of licensees for use in the same geographic area. Due to the low transmit power,
high antenna gain and short transmission paths used there is a low probability of interference
between licensees. Where licensees are likely to be co-located, eg. providing video coverage
of a particular event, coordination between licensees is recommended. See Reference 1.
2. This is an interim channel arrangement which may be subject to review. Special Condition
BL shall be applied to all licences.
50.4 50.775 51.15
4 8 2 6 0 4 8 2 6 0
.4 .4 .5 .5 .6 .9 .9 .0 .0 .1
50 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 51 51
40 MHz
500 MHz
2. This is an interim channel arrangement which may be subject to review. Special Condition
BL shall be applied to all licences.
1. Protection ratios required between digital systems operating on the same channel
Co channel 60 dB
1st Adjacent Channel 0 dB
1. Protection ratio for digital systems are based on a 2 km path length and R (Rainfall rate in
mm/hr for 0.01% of the worst month) of 80 mm/hr. For other path lengths and rainfall rates
refer to the appropriate protection ratio correction factors graph on the following page.
Correction Factor (dB)
R=40 mm/hr
R=60 mm/hr
R=80 mm/hr
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
• “pL” is the percentage of time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest
100 m of the atmosphere is less than –100 N units/km; and
• “R” is the rainfall rate (mm/hr) exceeded for 0.01% of the average year.
Pending the development of more detailed geoclimatic statistical data for frequency
coordination purposes, the average year multipath fading and rainfall contour maps
provided in this annex are to be used:
• Figure 1 provides contour maps 2, for estimating pL values in Australia. The month
that has the highest value of pL (at the fixed service link geographic location)
should be chosen from the four seasonally representative months of February,
May, August and November; and
• Figure 2 defines a rain intensity (mm/h) map 3 for Australia, the value R at the fixed
service link geographic location should be selected.
The dominant parameter (ie. either multipath fading or rain attenuation) is then used
(together with victim system path length) to determine the appropriate correction
values from the relevant (Appendix 1) Protection Ratio Correction Factor graph.
As detailed in Part 4 “Frequency Coordination” of RALI FX 3.
Based on Recommendation P.453 “The Radio Refractive Index: its formula and Refractivity Data”
Based on Recommendation P.837-3 “Characteristics of Precipitation for Propagation Modelling”.
Figure 2. Rain Intensity R (mm/h) exceeded for 0.01% of the average year for
The criteria for fixed service emissions are yet to be reviewed by ACMA, pending the
outcome of current ITU-R studies on bandwidth and unwanted emissions for digital
fixed services. In the meantime, interim guidelines are provided in Section 2 below.
Further inquiries on these matters can be referred to the Spectrum Planning Team,
It is anticipated the more detailed criteria may be available towards the end of 2000.
These criteria are likely to include:
• guidelines from ITU Recommendation F.1191 for digital fixed services, which
remove the need for spectrum masks and simply use the occupied bandwidth
(containing 99% of total mean power) as the limiting factor for digital fixed
service emissions; and
• guidance on methods for measuring the occupied bandwidth.
Interim Guidelines
Until information from a revised ITU Recommendation F.1191 (and other related ITU
Recommendations also under revision) is able to be included in this RALI, the
following emission criteria should be used.
ETSI is the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (see www.etsi.org)
FCC is the Federal Communications Commission (USA)
0 Recommended
Spectrum Analyser Settings
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
For further information see ETSI EN 302-217-1
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction
The basic method of frequency coordination, detailed under Part 4 of RALI FX 3,
requires, in the first instance, the quantification of the basic free-space loss over the
wanted and the unwanted signal paths. In order to facilitate a more rigorous
assessment of the overall transmission loss, detailed path analysis and the application
of appropriate propagation models is often necessary.
This appendix extends the simple transmission loss analysis outlined under the basic
method of frequency coordination, through the addition of diffraction models suitable
for estimating terrain dependent path losses over the wanted and unwanted signal
paths. Guidance is also provided regarding the application of the more commonly
used ITU-R terrestrial service propagation prediction methods incorporating statistical
analyses based on system specific criteria.
Note: The onus is on the assigner to apply 1 the most appropriate propagation model/s
for the given interference environment also noting that the ITU-R prediction models
outlined in this document are subject to ongoing development.
All of the fixed service propagation models described in this document may be usefully incorporated
as computer program algorithms (integrated with terrain and assignment databases), to facilitate less
labour intensive and more efficient frequency assignment practices.
Lb = Lbf + Lm (dB)
Lbf = 32.4 + 20log f + 20log d (dB)
Lm ≅ Ld
The attenuation due to diffraction may be estimated by the propagation models, based
on the application of ITU-R Recommendation P.526-4 “Propagation by diffraction”,
described in the following sub-sections. The models are valid for systems operating
above about 1 GHz and consider attenuation due to diffraction over:
coordination, critical path clearance over the wanted signal path is normally assumed
since no additional interference protection is mandated for fixed service systems
operating over obstructed paths. Propagation models used for link planning purposes
typically specify results based on a median signal level (ie. the level exceeded for
50% of the time). For interference calculation purposes, more stringent criteria are
normally applied and, for the basic method of frequency coordination, long term
(20%) and short term (0.01%) criteria are adopted.
Accordingly, for the path profile analysis, the following k-factors 2 are normally
• k = 4/3 under the median link planning “standard atmosphere” criteria (50%);
• k=3 under the long term “annual” interference criteria (20%); and
• k = 20 under the short term “worst month 3“ interference criteria (0.01%)
For terrain modelling and path analyses based on digitised data, an elevation model at
least equivalent to or better than the ACA's RadDEM (9 second data) is to be used.
X = 2.2
3 f
3 a e2
2 h
Y = 0.0096 3
3 ae
Defined in Recommendation P.310-9 as the ratio of the effective Earth radius to the actual Earth
radius and related to the vertical refractivity gradient dn/dh (∆N, see also Recommendation P.453-5).
See Recommendation P.581-2 “The concept of Worst Month”.
Note: As k → ∞ the spherical earth diffraction model is no longer valid and Ld = 0.
. - 5 log(Y - 1.1) - 8
17.6 Y − 11 for Y>2
G(Y) ≅ {
20 log(Y + 0.1Y ) for Y≤2
. ) 2 + 1 + v - 0.1)
Ld = 6.9 + 20log( (v − 01 (dB)
where: v=h( )
150d 1d 2
h - height (m) of the obstacle relative to a straight line joining the path ends;
d1, d2 - distance (km) of the two ends of the path from the top of the obstacle;
d - path length (km); and
f - frequency (GHz).
This concludes the outline of basic transmission loss calculation and propagation
modelling methodologies intended to be incorporated as part of the basic method of
frequency coordination. The following sections provide an overview of the
commonly used ITU-R fixed service propagation prediction procedures, which take
account of the statistical nature of terrestrial radiowave propagation and which can be
applied under particular instances of detailed coordination.
The following ITU-R recommendations represent the principal ITU-R models used
for fixed service propagation modelling:
Although these models address propagation mechanisms for the wanted signal and the
interference path independently, the prediction methods are not exclusive to either
path type. The use of these particular ITU-R prediction methods is not mandated and,
in cases where a departure from these models can be justified, other (relevant)
prediction methods may be applied.
Wideband systems may also suffer frequency selective fading, not addressed in these models.
For frequency coordination purposes, only the dominant multi-path fading (and
related mechanisms) and rain outage mechanisms are considered in this overview.
The following subsections outline two methodologies, (Section 4.1.1 “an initial
planning method” and Section 4.1.2 “detailed link design method”, as detailed in
Recommendation P.530-6) suitable for estimating the effects of multipath fading and
statistical algorithms (Section 4.2.3) for evaluating rain fade attenuation.
Note: The prediction methods presented in Sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 model single
frequency fading (ie. “flat fade margin”) and do not account for dispersive effects
which may be a concern in detailed planning for wideband (ie. 34/140/155 Mb/s)
systems. However, the methods may be considered adequate for frequency
coordination purposes and are valid for fade depths greater than approximately 15 dB
or the value exceeded for 0.1% of the worst month, whichever is the greater.
If the antenna heights are known, calculate the magnitude of the path inclination (| εp |)
εp = hr - he (mrad)
The fade depth (A) that is exceeded for a percentage of time (pw) in the average worst
month is:
For the prediction of average year instead of average worst month exceedence
percentages, refer to P.530-6 § 2.3.5. and ITU-R Recommendation PN.841 7.
pL (percentage of time that the average refractivity gradient in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere is
less than –100 N units/km) refractivity gradient contour maps are provided in Figure 1, Annex A to
Appendix 1 of RALI FX 3.
ITU-R Recommendation P.841 “Conversion of annual statistics to worst-month statistics”.
The path inclination is calculated as described in the initial planning method. From
the profile of the terrain along the path, obtain the terrain heights h at intervals of
1.0 km, beginning 1.0 km from one terminal and ending 1-2 km from the other. Using
these heights, carry out a linear regression with the “method of least squares” to
obtain the linear equation of the “average” profile:
h(x) = a0 x + a1
where x is the distance along the path. The regression coefficients can be calculated
from the relations:
∑ xh – ∑ x ∑ h / n
n n n
a0 =
– ∑ x / n
∑ x2
n n
a1 = ∑ h – a0 ∑ x /n
n n
Calculate h(0) and h(d), the heights of the average profile at the ends of the path, and
the heights of the antennas above the average path profile:
h1 = he - h(0)
h2 = hr - h(d)
Calculate the “average” grazing angle ϕ corresponding to a 4/3 Earth radius model
(i.e. ae = 8 500 km) (Refer to Recommendation ITU-R P.834):
h1 + h2
ϕ = d 1 – m (1 + b )
m =
4 ae (h1 + h2 )
c = | h1 – h2 | / ( h1 + h2 )
m + 1 π 1 3c 3m
b = 2 cos 3 + arc cos 2
3m 3 (m + 1)3
In calculation of the coefficients m and c, the variables ae, d, h1 and h2 must be in the
same units. The grazing angle ϕ will be in the desired units of milliradians if h1 and h2
are in metres and d in kilometres.
The fade depth (A) that is exceeded for a percentage of time pw in the average worst
month is:
γR = kRα (dB/km)
Frequency kH kV αH αV
The rainfall intensity for 0.01% of the time can be derived from the rain climate region map in Figure
2, Annex A to Appendix 1, for rainfall intensities at other percentages refer to ITU-R Recommendation
For any given path the attenuation due to rain is calculated for an effective path
length, which accounts for the distribution of the rain intensity rate. The attenuation
(A) due to rain, exceeded for 0.01% of the worst month is:
A = γR ( ) (dB)
d0 = 35e ( −0.015R0.01 )
The attenuation (Ap) due to rain, exceeded for p% (0.001 < p < 1) of the worst month
Note: The troposcatter and the above-mentioned “anomalous” mode models are not
considered here, as interference contribution through these modes to the homogeneous
fixed service are not considered significant. However, they may be of significance
when considering interference to particularly sensitive systems such as Earth stations
of the space services.
Two basic types of interference path are considered when modelling transmission
losses for a terrestrial propagation path. These demonstrate either a first Fresnel zone
clearance or intrusion into the first Fresnel zone. For a terrestrial path with first
Fresnel zone clearance, line-of-sight and clutter loss are the applicable propagation
models. The corresponding predicted transmission loss is:
Computer programs associated with the prediction procedures described in this Recommendation are
available from the ITU.
where: Lb0 (p) - predicted basic transmission loss not exceeded for p% of time given
by the LOS model; and
Aht, Ahr - appropriate additional losses due to height-gain effects in local
For a terrestrial path with (obstacle) intrusion into the first Fresnel zone, the above-
mentioned models apply with the addition of a diffraction model. The predicted
transmission loss is then:
where: Lds (p) - prediction for p% of the time given by the sub-path diffraction loss
element of the diffraction model.
γo, γw (ρ) - specific attenuation due to dry air and water vapour, respectively, and are
found from the equations in Recommendation ITU-R P.676; and
ρ: water vapour density:
Derived from ITU-R Recommendation P.526-4.
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction
As detailed in the Spectrum Plan 1, most of the frequency bands used by the fixed
service (FS) are shared with other radiocommunication services, including
geostationary orbit (GSO) space radiocommunication services. Annex A to this
appendix provides a summary of fixed service bands which currently share with GSO
space services. In order to facilitate spectrum sharing between the terrestrial fixed
service and (existing and future) GSO based space radiocommunication services, it is
necessary to limit the EIRP of fixed service systems in the direction of the GSO to
avoid long term interference to sensitive space station receivers. Conversely, in some
situations where the azimuth of a receiving station in the fixed service constitutes a
look angle to a co-frequency transmitting station in the GSO, the fixed service may be
subject to significant long-term interference, depending upon the sensitivity of the FS
receiver and the satellite system power flux density at the receiver location.
“Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan, January 1997”.
Note 1: The orbit avoidance criteria specified in Table 1 for the bands
2025-2110 MHz, 2200-2290 MHz and 25.25-27.5 GHz, are based on ITU-R
Recommendations F.1247 2 and F.1249 3 and are intended to protect Data Relay
Satellites (DRS) operating in specific GSO locations from the emissions of terrestrial
fixed services which may illuminate these orbital positions. As far as practicable, the
fixed service station EIRP in the direction of the given orbital positions should not
exceed the values in Table 1. Orbital positions visible from Australian mainland
longitudes and identified (in Recommendation ITU-R SA.1276) as requiring
protection are located in the GSO at:
Separation angles between these specified GSO locations and terrestrial fixed services
may be calculated using the algorithm given in Annex 2 of ITU-R Recommendation
The limits shown in Table 1 for the bands 2025-2110 MHz and 2200-2290 MHz
apply to point-to-point systems. For point-to-multipoint systems or point-to-point
systems employing Automatic Transmit Power Control (ATPC) other limits may
apply (refer to Recommendation F.1247).
ITU-R Recommendation F.1247 “Technical and operational characteristics of systems in the Fixed
Service to facilitate sharing with the Space Research, Space Operation and Earth-Exploration Satellite
Services operating in the bands 2025-2110MHz and 2200-2290 MHz”.
ITU-R Recommendation F.1249 “Maximum Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power of transmitting
stations in the Fixed Service operating in the frequency band 25.25-27.5 GHz shared with the
Inter-Satellite Service”.
Note 2: Separation angles need to be calculated for all services whose EIRP exceeds
the relevant (Table 2) limits. Separation angles with the GSO may be calculated using
the algorithm provided in Annex 2 5 of ITU-R Recommendation SF.765 “Intersection
of Radio-Relay Antenna beams with orbits used by Space Stations in the Fixed-
Satellite Service”.
In the absence of detailed orbit avoidance criteria for the protection of fixed service
receivers from the emissions of GSO based space-to-Earth emissions, the following
methodology may be used to evaluate potential interference levels on a case-by-case
Ir = pfd + G + 10 log + 10 log B - Lr (dBW)
Based upon the requirements specified under Article S21 (WRC-95) of the ITU Radio Regulations.
Includes computer program source code facilitating the calculation of separation angles.
As a general comment, fixed service operators should seek to avoid main beam
coupling with the GSO for their own protection at the route/network planning stage.
Even where a band may not currently be co-allocated with space radiocommunication
services, the world-wide trend is for increased frequency sharing and avoidance of the
GSO (where possible) should be taken into account at the planning stage as part of
prudent risk management.
Table 1 provides a summary 1 (current at July 1998) of the microwave fixed service bands within
which space services operating in the Geostationary Orbit may need to be considered during fixed
service frequency coordination. Fixed service operators should note the trend for increased
sharing between fixed and GSO space services. Accordingly, fixed service bands not listed in
Table 1 may be the subject of such sharing in the future.
Derived from the “Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan, January 1997” and the Report of the RCC Working
Group on “Spectrum Demand for New Telecommunications Services”, March 1998.
FX 3 Annex A to Appendix 5 - Microwave Fixed Service Bands Sharing with GSO Space Services August 1998
APPENDIX 6: Application of Assignment Policy Rules
The consistent application of the rules is particularly important at locations of high
spectrum demand, including designated HSDA (see Part 3.3.2), regional centres,
radio-relay routes and shared radiocommunication sites.
Consistency is also important for equity reasons as well as from a technical spectrum
management perspective and:
Case-by-case Consideration
Annex A to this appendix outlines a number of (relatively straightforward) examples
of the case-by-case consideration of applications seeking the relaxation of particular
assignment or planning rules.
Clearly these simplistic examples represent only a sample of the potentially limitless
range of situations likely to be encountered in the process of assigning frequencies for
radiocommunication services. However, the common thread in all such cases is the
need to consider the circumstances of each situation individually in the light of all
relevant factors and with specific reference to the requirements of ACA Information
Paper “Principles for Decision Making” 1. Accordingly:
With particular reference to section 7 “Consideration and Flexible Application of Government
Policy” in ACA Information Paper "Principles for Decision Making".
• if the relaxation being sought is of a short term nature (eg. to support temporary
operation pending the cutover of another service), what is the proposed duration?
In cases where doubt remains regarding the intent of the policy outlined in this
section, advice should be sought from the Manager, Spectrum Engineering, Spectrum
Planning Branch, ACMA.
CASE I: A licensee cancels an existing fixed link licence and seeks to re-use the
recovered link equipment at another location. However, the operating frequencies of
the recovered equipment do not accord with the channels designated by the
assignment priority criteria as applicable at the proposed new link location.
Although the recovered (older) equipment is in sound working order, it is not readily
retuneable and would need to be sent back to the manufacturer for re-alignment.
As with most of the other RALI coordination and planning rules, assignment priority
criteria is intended to facilitate efficient spectrum re-use through the optimisation of
overall link densities within a given spectrum space. Accordingly, assigners are
expected to practice and encourage the principle of "vertical loading" of
radiofrequency channels as a matter of good routine engineering practice. However,
it is recognised that some situations (such as outlined above) do arise where a
reasonable case can be presented to relax the application of the RALI specified
assignment priority. Overall, it can be demonstrated that the relaxation of assignment
priority criteria in isolated cases (as outlined above) will not significantly affect
spectrum productivity.
CASE II: An applicant proposes a fixed point-to-point link in the 7.5 GHz band
with a necessary channel bandwidth of 14 MHz. However, the proposed path length
of 6 km does not meet the minimum path length criteria of 20 km for the band. The
proposed link will be located in a high rainfall area close to a designated HSDA.
The minimum path length requirement is intended to encourage fixed link operators to
preserve the lower frequency bands for long link paths. In considering this particular
case, it is noted that there are a number of alternative RALI FX 3 arrangements,
ie. 10/15/18/22/38 GHz, which provide a 14 MHz channel raster. It is recognised,
however, that the higher of these alternative bands may not be suitable for the
proposed link, given the location in a high rainfall area. Overall, although the
proposed link is not strictly within a designated HSDA, it is considered that the
relatively short proposed path length is achievable in other (higher) bands and
accordingly, the proposal is not supportable.
Note: The above examples, although based upon (simplified) actual cases, are
provided as background information (for Appendix 6) only and must not be
interpreted as explicit policy rulings or instant recipes for different fixed link
assignment situations.
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
1 Introduction
This document provides guidance on the approach to be taken in coordinating proposed 1.8, 2.1 and
2.2 GHz apparatus licensed (AL) fixed service links with spectrum licences (SL), across both the
geographic and the frequency boundaries of SL’s. The spectrum arrangements for AL and SL
radiocommunication services are outlined in the 1.8, 2.1 and 2.2 GHz RF Channel Arrangements
and Assignment Instructions in Appendix 1 of the RALI FX 3. The following sections set out the
principles for such coordination and point to the relevant coordination requirements and criteria
contained in other documents for anticipated AL/SL coordination scenarios.
Users of this appendix should familiarise themselves with the relevant spectrum licensing
framework (either the 1.8 or 2 GHz band arrangements).
The above determinations and guidelines form part of the interference management framework for
spectrum licences in each of the 1.8 and 2 GHz bands. Spectrum licensees will have acquired their
spectrum licences on the basis of that framework. Accordingly, it may be expected that spectrum
licensees will anticipate that those determinations and guidelines will normally be followed, and
that they (the licensees) will be able to establish services within their spectrum space in accordance
with that framework. Nevertheless, in some circumstances it may be possible to depart from the
framework, for example with the agreement of relevant spectrum licensees. It should be noted,
however, that the position is likely to change when licences are traded. In such an event, either
such agreements would need to be re-negotiated, or the operating characteristics of devices would
have to be modified, to ensure that the framework is again followed.
Note that the spectrum licensed band overlapping the '2.1 GHz Band' for fixed services, is known as the '2 GHz Band'
in context of spectrum licensing arrangements.
FX 3 Appendix 7 - Coordination of Apparatus Licences
with Spectrum Licences : 1.8, 2.1 and 2.2 GHz Band Fixed Services
September 2001
In the context of 1.8 GHz spectrum licensing, the terms “remote”, “regional” and “major city” are
used in the following text to describe areas. Areas defined in the Spectrum Re-allocation
Declarations No. 3 of 1997 for Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney constitute “major
city” areas. The areas defined in Spectrum Re-allocation Declarations No. 4 of 1997 are referred to
as “regional” areas, and the remainder of Australia is referred to as “remote”. See also the
coordination threshold contours map of the 1.8 GHz band Channel Arrangements and Assignment
Instructions in Appendix 1 of RALI FX-3.
In the context of 2 GHz spectrum licensing, terms to group areas are not so relevant to interference
management. The term "capital city areas" is used, and all other spectrum licence areas are
considered to be "regional". No "remote" areas have been allocated at 2 GHz. Areas are defined in
the Spectrum Re-allocation Declaration No. 2 of 2000. See also the coordination threshold contours
map of the 2.1 GHz band Channel Arrangements and Assignment Instructions in Appendix 1 of
Proposed AL (and SL) transmitters in the 1.8 GHz lower band near "areas of high mobile use", in
addition to meeting the device boundary criterion specified in the s145 determination-1800, must
meet a second device boundary requirement. (Areas of high mobile use are defined in
s145 determination-1800 and include all major city areas plus Canberra.) This additional device
boundary requirement is set out in RAG-BaseRxLower-1800.
As SL’s are not channelised the term “in-band” is used in spectrum licensing documentation instead of “co-channel”.
The terms "in-band" or "co-channel" include any AL service with an occupied bandwidth that overlaps the frequency
band of the SL considered.
FX 3 Appendix 7 - Coordination of Apparatus Licences
with Spectrum Licences : 1.8, 2.1 and 2.2 GHz Band Fixed Services
September 2001
Proposed AL transmitters in the 2 GHz lower band must all meet a second device boundary
requirement. This additional device boundary requirement is set out in section 6 of this appendix.
Should a proposed AL receiver fail the standard coordination procedure described in this appendix,
the licence applicant may wish to make their own assessment of the risk involved in operating the
receiver close to the SL boundary. In doing so they might consider possible locations for SL
transmitters such as existing radiocommunications sites or other locations suitable for
radiocommunications transmission sites (for example hill or mountain tops) and the probability that
a spectrum licensee would deploy systems in the area. If the applicant wishes to proceed with the
assignment, such receivers may be proposed for licensing on a “no protection” basis.
Any proposed fixed station within this distance of a co-channel SL boundary will need to be
coordinated with the SL area as described in this appendix. Outside this distance normal
microwave fixed services coordination criteria and procedures apply.
In certain scenarios, the coordination threshold distance for transmitters (only) can be reduced. The
coordination threshold distance was determined on the basis of protecting an AL fixed service
receiver from SL devices within the spectrum space. As a different interference framework applies
to SL receivers compared with AL fixed service receivers, lower power AL fixed service
transmitters may use a reduced coordination threshold distance if certain criteria are met. These
criteria are shown in Table 3.2.
4.1.1 Co-channel - Apparatus licence transmitter located in the remote area and within 200 km
of the regional spectrum licence boundary
The frequency ranges available for this transmitter are:
If the effective occupied bandwidth of the proposed AL transmitter overlaps the frequency ranges
1710 - 1725 MHz or 1805 - 1820 MHz 4 then coordination with the regional SL is necessary if the
proposed transmitter is within 50 km of the regional SL boundary. Coordination should also be
undertaken for transmitters more than 50 km from the SL boundary if the EIRP and effective
antenna height of the AL transmitter exceed those specified in section 3 of this appendix.
Note: In some areas, particularly Western Australia, an AL transmitter in the remote area may also
be within 200 km of a major city area and must coordinate as per section 4.1.3 of this appendix.
Effective antenna height is defined in Schedule 3 of s145 determination.
1710 - 1725 MHz and 1805 - 1820 MHz are the frequency ranges of the regional SL’s.
FX 3 Appendix 7 - Coordination of Apparatus Licences
with Spectrum Licences : 1.8, 2.1 and 2.2 GHz Band Fixed Services
September 2001
4.1.2 Co-channel - Apparatus licence receiver located in the remote area and within 200 km of
the regional spectrum licence boundary
Proposed AL receivers located in the remote area must be coordinated with the regional SL if their
related transmitter’s effective occupied bandwidth overlaps the frequency ranges 1710 - 1725 MHz
or 1805 - 1820 MHz, and the proposed AL receiver is within 200 km of the SL boundary.
Note: In some areas, particularly Western Australia, an AL receiver in the remote area may also be
within 200 km of a major city area and must coordinate with the major city area as per section 4.1.4
of this appendix.
(a) A device boundary polygon may be calculated for the receiver using a device boundary
criterion. The device boundary is calculated in a manner similar to that for a transmitter as
described in s145 determination except that the device boundary criterion is replaced by:
RLOP is the level of protection required by the AL fixed service receiver for normal
operation; and
LOP is the level of protection that would be achieved at a particular distance from the
SL boundary.
WL = Wanted receive input Level (dBm) of the fixed service receiver;
PR = Protection Ratio as specified in the 1.8 GHz Assignment Instructions in
Appendix 1); and
AD = Antenna Discrimination for the particular radial.
LOP = 63 - L - LL + 10∗Log10(N)
L= The greater of either FSL or OHL;
LL = Transmission line losses including feeder and combiner losses; and
N = The likely number of 200 kHz bandwidth spectrum licensed transmitters
within the receiver bandwidth (suggest N = 4 for coordination with
regional boundaries and N= 10 for major city boundaries);
and where:
FSL = free space loss
FSL = 32.45 + 20∗Log10(Freq) + 20∗Log10(Dist)
OHL = over the horizon loss 5
OHL = 29.73 + 30∗Log10(Freq) + 10∗Log10(Dist) + 30∗Log10(Theta) +
20∗Log10(5 + (0.27∗Theta∗Dist)/4000) + 0.00125∗Theta2
and where:
Theta = (Dist - dh)/8.5 (OHL not valid for Theta < 0);
OHL is based on median troposcatter loss for a continental temperate climate (refer to Recommendation P.617-1).
FX 3 Appendix 7 - Coordination of Apparatus Licences
with Spectrum Licences : 1.8, 2.1 and 2.2 GHz Band Fixed Services
September 2001
Dist = Distance along each radial to the boundary (in km) plus 48 km;
Freq = Frequency (in MHz);
dh = 4.123∗(he1(φn)0.5 + 19.5) (OHL not valid for dh > Dist); and
he1(φn) = the effective antenna height above average terrain for segment 1 for
each bearing φn (in metres) as defined in s145 determination;
(b) A device boundary polygon may be calculated for the receiver using a device boundary
criterion as in (a) except that L is the propagation loss determined in accordance with the general
method for estimating diffraction loss described in ITU Recommendation P.526, using a path
profile derived from the ACA’s digital elevation model RadDEM and an effective earth radius
factor of k=3, or some other appropriate method.
If coordination fails: If the receiver fails coordination under methods (a) or (b) above, the licence
applicant may wish to make their own assessment of the risk involved in operating the receiver
close to the SL boundary (refer section 2.1.2 of this appendix). Should the applicant wish to
proceed with the assignment advisory note FA must be applied to the spectrum access record.
4.1.3 Co-channel - Apparatus licence transmitter located in the regional area and within 200 km
of the major city spectrum licence boundary
The frequency ranges available for this transmitter are:
If the effective occupied bandwidth of the proposed AL transmitter overlaps the frequency ranges
1725 - 1785 MHz or 1820 - 1880 MHz 6 then coordination with the major city SL is necessary if the
proposed transmitter is within 200 km of the regional SL boundary.
To coordinate: In this case the coordination process differs depending upon whether the proposed
transmitter is within the lower or upper bands as additional requirements are placed on transmitters
in the lower band. Step 1 must be satisfied for transmitters in both bands within 50 km 7 of the SL
1710 - 1785 MHz and 1805 - 1880 MHz are the frequency ranges of the major city SL’s. The lower
15 MHz of each of these blocks is common to the regional SL licences and cannot be used by AL
fixed services in regional areas.
A coordination threshold distance of 50 km is appropriate only if the EIRP and effective antenna
height of the proposed AL transmitter are consistent with that specified in section 3 of this appendix. Transmitters
not meeting these requirements must be coordinated when within 200 km of the SL boundary.
FX 3 Appendix 7 - Coordination of Apparatus Licences
with Spectrum Licences : 1.8, 2.1 and 2.2 GHz Band Fixed Services
September 2001
boundary. However, Step 2 must also be satisfied for transmitters in the lower band below 1785
MHz that are within 200 km of the major city SL boundary.
Step 2: If the proposed AL transmitter is in the lower band, below 1785 MHz, then an additional
device boundary requirement must also be met as described in clauses 4.2 and 4.3 of
RAG-BaseRxLower-1800. An additional device boundary polygon should be calculated in
accordance with the additional device boundary criterion set out in schedule 1 of RAG-
BaseRxLower-1800 and using the basic methodology set out in s145 determination.
4.1.4 Co-channel - Apparatus licence receiver located in the regional area and within
200 km of the major city spectrum licence boundary
Proposed AL receivers located in the regional area must be coordinated with the major city SL if
their related transmitter’s effective occupied bandwidth overlaps the frequency ranges 1725 - 1785
MHz or 1820 - 1880 MHz, and the proposed AL receiver is within 200 km of the SL boundary. As
SL transmitters in the lower of these bands are restricted to low effective antenna heights (10 m or
less), AL receivers in the lower band will be able to be sited closer to the SL boundary than in the
upper band.
(a) For receivers operating in either of the above mentioned bands, a device boundary polygon
could be calculated using the device boundary criterion set out in section 4.1.2 of this appendix
except that for frequency range 1725 - 1785 MHz:
Dist = Distance along the radial in km to the point where the radial crosses
the 48 metre elevation contour of RadDEM after entering a (major city) area
of high mobile use; and
dh = 4.123∗(he1(φn)0.5 + 7.6) - for (major city) areas of high mobile use.
(b) A device boundary polygon may be calculated for the receiver using a device boundary
criterion as in (a) except that L is the propagation loss determined in accordance with the general
method for estimating diffraction loss described in ITU Recommendation P.526, using a path
profile derived from the ACA’s digital elevation model RadDEM and an effective earth radius
factor of k=3, or some other appropriate method.
To calculate L, a notional transmitter is assumed to be located inside the geographic area of the SL
on each radial at the point where the radial crosses the 48 metre elevation contour of RadDEM after
entering a (major city) area of high mobile use. The notional antenna height above ground for the
transmitter is 10 metres.
If coordination fails: If the receiver fails coordination under methods (a) or (b) above, the licence
applicant may wish to make their own assessment of the risk involved in operating the receiver
FX 3 Appendix 7 - Coordination of Apparatus Licences
with Spectrum Licences : 1.8, 2.1 and 2.2 GHz Band Fixed Services
September 2001
close to the SL boundary (refer section 2.1.2 of this appendix). Should the applicant wish to
proceed with the assignment advisory note FA must be applied to the spectrum access record.
4.2.1 Adjacent band - Apparatus licence transmitter located in the regional area
If an AL transmitter is proposed for operation in a regional area it must be coordinated with all
registered SL receivers in the frequency ranges 1710 - 1725 MHz and 1805 - 1820 MHz in
accordance with RAG-ALTX. Protection for SL receivers is provided to the levels required by the
notional SL receiver specified in schedule 1 of RAG-ALTX. (Refer also to clause 2.5; to part 4; and
to schedule 2; of RAG-ALTX). AL transmitters must comply with the emission criteria
requirements specified in Part 3.2.3 of RALI FX 3.
4.2.2 Adjacent band - Apparatus licence receiver located in the regional area
If an AL receiver is proposed for operation in a regional area it must be coordinated with registered
SL transmitters in the frequency ranges 1710 - 1725 MHz and 1805 - 1820 MHz in accordance with
clause 2.5 of RAG-ALRX.
4.2.3 Adjacent band - Apparatus licence transmitter located in a major city area
If an AL transmitter is proposed for operation in a major city area it must be coordinated with all
registered SL receivers in the frequency ranges 1710 - 1785 MHz and 1805 - 1880 MHz in
accordance with RAG-ALTX. Protection for SL receivers is provided to the levels required by the
notional SL receiver specified in schedule 1 of RAG-ALTX. (Refer also to clause 2.5; to part 4; and
to schedule 2; of RAG-ALTX). AL transmitters must comply with the emission criteria
requirements specified in Part 3.2.3 of RALI FX 3.
4.2.4 Adjacent band - Apparatus licence receiver located in a major city area
If an AL receiver is proposed for operation in a major city area it must be coordinated with all
registered SL transmitter in the frequency ranges 1710 - 1785 MHz and 1805 - 1880 MHz in
accordance with clause 2.5 of RAG-ALRX.
5.1.1 Co-channel - Apparatus licence transmitter within 200 km of the spectrum licence
The frequency ranges available for this transmitter are:
If the effective occupied bandwidth of the proposed AL transmitter overlaps the frequency ranges
1900 - 1980 MHz or 2110 - 2170 MHz 8 then coordination with the major city SL is necessary if the
proposed transmitter is within 200 km of the major city SL boundary. If the effective occupied
bandwidth of the proposed AL transmitter overlaps the frequency ranges 1960 - 1980 MHz or 2150
- 2170 MHz then coordination with the regional SL is necessary if the proposed transmitter is
within 200 km of the regional SL boundary.
To coordinate: In this case the coordination process differs depending upon whether the proposed
transmitter is within the lower or upper bands as additional requirements are placed on transmitters
in the lower band. Case 1 must be satisfied for transmitters in the Upper Band within 50 km 9 of the
SL boundary. Case 2 must be satisfied for transmitters in the Lower Band below
1980 MHz that are within 200 km of the SL boundary.
Case 2: If the proposed AL transmitter is in the Lower Band, below 1980 MHz, then the additional
device boundary requirement must be met. The additional device boundary polygon should be
calculated in accordance with the additional device boundary criterion set out in section 6
"Additional Device Boundary Requirement -- 2.1 GHz Band transmitters", which follows the basic
methodology set out in s145 determination.
5.1.2 Co-channel - Apparatus licence receiver within 200 km of the spectrum licence boundary
If the effective occupied bandwidth of the proposed AL receiver's related transmitter overlaps the
frequency ranges 1900 - 1980 MHz or 2110 - 2170 MHz then coordination with the major city SL is
necessary if the proposed receiver is within 200 km of the major city SL boundary. If the effective
occupied bandwidth of the proposed AL receiver's related transmitter overlaps the frequency ranges
1960 - 1980 MHz or 2150 - 2170 MHz then coordination with the regional SL is necessary if the
proposed receiver is within 200 km of the regional SL boundary.
To skip receiver coordination: Instead of following the receiver coordination method below, the
licence applicant may wish to make their own assessment of the risk involved in operating the
receiver close to the SL boundary (refer section 2.1.2 of this appendix). In this case, advisory
note FA must be applied to the spectrum access record.
1900 - 1980 MHz and 2110 - 2170 MHz are the frequency ranges of the major city SL’s. The upper
20 MHz of each of these blocks is common to the regional SL licences and cannot be used by AL
fixed services in regional areas.
This reduction is because coordination is in the 2 GHz SL band typically used for 'mobile Rx' (high site-to-low site).
FX 3 Appendix 7 - Coordination of Apparatus Licences
with Spectrum Licences : 1.8, 2.1 and 2.2 GHz Band Fixed Services
September 2001
A device boundary polygon may be calculated for the receiver using a device boundary criterion.
The device boundary is calculated in a manner similar to that for a transmitter as described in
s145 determination except that the device boundary criterion is replaced by:
RLOP is the level of protection required by the AL fixed service receiver for normal
operation; and
LOP is the level of protection that would be achieved at a particular distance from the
SL boundary.
WL = Wanted receive input Level (dBm per 30 kHz 10) of the fixed service receiver;
PR = Protection Ratio as specified in the 2 GHz Assignment Instructions in
Appendix 1); and
AD = Antenna Discrimination for the particular radial.
LOP = 55 - L
L= The greater of either FSL or OHL;
and where:
FSL = free space loss
FSL = 32.45 + 20∗Log10(Freq) + 20∗Log10(Dist+48)
OHL = over the horizon loss 11
OHL = 29.73 + 30∗Log10(Freq) + 10∗Log10(Dist+48) + 30∗Log10(Theta) +
20∗Log10(5 + (0.27∗Theta∗(Dist+48))/4000) + 0.00125∗Theta2
and where:
Theta = (Dist + 48 - dh)/8.5 (OHL not valid for Theta < 0);
Dist = Distance along each radial to the boundary (in km);
Freq = Frequency (in MHz);
dh = 4.123∗(he1(φn)0.5 + 7.6) (OHL not valid for dh > Dist+48); and
he1(φn) = the effective antenna height above average terrain for segment 1 for
each bearing φn (in metres) as defined in s145 determination;
Note bandwidth conversion required here.
OHL is based on median troposcatter loss for a continental temperate climate (refer to Recommendation P.617-1).
FX 3 Appendix 7 - Coordination of Apparatus Licences
with Spectrum Licences : 1.8, 2.1 and 2.2 GHz Band Fixed Services
September 2001
In this above calculation of L, a notional transmitter is assumed to be located in the geographic area
of the SL at a point on each radial 48 km inside the boundary. The notional site height for these
transmitters is 350 metres and the notional antenna height above ground is 30 metres.
If coordination fails: If the receiver fails coordination under the method above, the licence
applicant may wish to make their own assessment of the risk involved in operating the receiver
close to the SL boundary (refer section 2.1.2 of this appendix). Should the applicant wish to
proceed with the assignment advisory note FA must be applied to the spectrum access record. The
text for Advisory Note FA can be found on the previous page of this appendix.
5.2 Coordination across the frequency boundary - 2.1 and 2.2 GHz Bands
2.1 and 2.2 GHz AL fixed stations sited within SL areas but outside the SL frequency bands must
be coordinated as described in this section. AL fixed stations in close proximity to SL boundaries
should also pay regard to protection of and interference from SL devices.
5.2.1 Adjacent band - Apparatus licence transmitter located in a spectrum licensed area
If an AL transmitter is proposed for operation in a spectrum licensed area it must be coordinated
with all registered SL receivers in the frequency ranges shown in Table 5.2, in accordance with
Protection for SL receivers is provided to the levels required by the notional SL receiver specified
in schedule 1 of RAG-ALTX-2GHz. (Refer also to clause 2.2; to part 4; and to schedule 2; of RAG-
ALTX-2GHz). AL transmitters must comply with the emission criteria requirements specified in
Part 3.2.3 and Appendix 3 of RALI FX 3.
5.2.2 Adjacent band - Apparatus licence receiver located in a spectrum licensed area
If an AL receiver is proposed for operation in a spectrum licensed area it must be coordinated with
all registered SL transmitters in the frequency ranges shown in Table 5.2, in accordance with clause
2.6 of RAG-ALRX-2GHz.
The additional device boundary requirement follows a method very similar to that detailed in s145
determination-2GHz, with a replaced device boundary criteria and propagation model. The new
propagation model accounts for diffraction and terrain profiles.
The additional device boundary is calculated according to the distance that is necessary to satisfy
the following device boundary criterion. This distance is measured along radials of a maximum
length of 150 minutes (measured by reference to the Australian National Spheroid) at every 2.5
degrees of arc (beginning at 1.25 degrees from True North) and centred on the transmitter location.
However, this additional criterion does not have to be satisfied if:
FX 3 Appendix 7 - Coordination of Apparatus Licences
with Spectrum Licences : 1.8, 2.1 and 2.2 GHz Band Fixed Services
September 2001
(a) the licensee has an agreement with the licensee(s) of a spectrum licence whose geographic area
is intersected by the radials and whose frequency band contains the effective occupied
bandwidth of the transmitter, to operate transmitters that do not comply with the additional
device boundary criterion; or
(b) in the case of a transmitter operating under an apparatus licence, the licence was issued before
the date of issue of the Radiocommunications Spectrum Marketing Plan (2 GHz Bands) 2000.
(HRP - Lb - CR) ≤ 0;
The path profile may be obtained by calculating equi-spaced (in degrees) locations every 9 seconds
along the radial from the transmitter site, reading the elevation of the RadDEM cell in which each
calculated location occurs.
The procedure of ITU-R Recommendation P.526 for calculating propagation loss is unusually
complex and licensees should exercise particular care when establishing whether a particular
service might meet the compatibility requirements under these guidelines. Licensees would be well
advised to confirm results calculated under the guidelines before taking any decisions in relation to
proposed services.
Compatibility Requirement
The level of protection for notional receivers (typically a base station) is -126 dBm/30 kHz. The
Notional antenna for a fixed receiver has a total gain of 19 dBi in all directions, including feeder
1.1 Introduction
This document provides information and guidance for the coordination between 1.5 GHz Digital
Radio Concentrator System (DRCS) point-to-multipoint services and point-to-point systems. As
outlined in Part 3 of RALI FX-3, DRCS systems provide public telecommunication services in rural
and remote areas. The majority of Australian DRCS rural telephony networks utilise the 1.5 GHz
(1427-1535 MHz) DRCS band, although in some areas 500 MHz 1 and “hybrid” 500/1500 MHz
systems may also operate. Spectrum within the band 1427-1535 MHz 2 is shared between DRCS
and regular point-to-point fixed services and, in accordance with the (Appendix 1) RF Channel
Arrangements, separate but overlaid arrangements are specified for point-to-point and DRCS
multipoint systems.
Given the inherent spectrum denial of DRCS hub stations (due to omnidirectional antennas) and the
unpredictable nature of potential interference between point-to-point links and uncoordinated DRCS
outstations, the deployment of 1.5 GHz point-to-multipoint systems is not normally permitted
within designated HSDA. Operation in other areas with high point-to-point link densities should
also be avoided. All applications seeking point-to-multipoint operation within the band 1427-1535
MHz and which encroach upon designated HSDA must be referred to the Manager, Spectrum
Planning Team, Spectrum Planning and Standards Group for policy advice.
Repeater Station
500 MHz coordination arrangements are different and are detailed in "Radiocommunication Advisory Guidelines
(Coordinating the operation of transmitters in the 500 MHz bands)"
Note: The operation of DRCS and other 1.5 GHz radiocommunication services is subject to the provisions of the “1.5
GHz Band Plan”, December 1996.
antennas, typically grid reflector or grid parabolic types depending upon the required system gain.
The downward transmissions follow a continuous (TDM) RF carrier format, but the outstations (ie.
upward transmissions to the parent exchange) operate in burst mode (TDMA). Further discussion
regarding the general characteristics of radio concentrator systems is given in ITU-R
Recommendation F.756 "TDMA Point-to-Multipoint Systems Used as Radio Concentrators".
1.5 Methodology
In cases where 1.5 GHz point-to-point links need to be coordinated with DRCS point-to-multipoint
service outstations, for which detailed coordination data (ie. geographic coordinates & antenna
type/azimuth) is unavailable, the following coordination model & methodology may be used. For
outstation frequency coordination purposes:
• a minimum coordination radius of 200 km is defined for each corresponding hub station;
• a notional customer outstation, representative of all of the customer outstations within the service
area of a particular hubstation, is assumed to be collocated with the hubstation.
• a notional hubstation to outstation path length of 35 km may be assumed; and
• unless otherwise determined, boresight azimuth may be assumed for the outstation antenna in
relation to potential interference path(s). Outstation antenna RPE and detailed equipment
parameters are provided in Annex A to this document.
In all other respects the methodology is consistent with the basic method of coordination (ref. Part 4
of RALI FX-3) and the application of the co / adjacent channel protection ratios given in the
(Attachment 1) assignment instructions. Accordingly, an outstation interference assessment that
satisfies coordination at the hubstation location is deemed to satisfy the coordination requirements
of the population of outstations serviced by that hubstation.
2. Search within 200 km of the proposed point-to-point link transmitter for the locations of any
DRCS hubstations 3 operating on the frequencies determined in Step 1;
3. Applying the basic method of coordination described in Part 4 of RALI FX-3 and the outstation
model criteria defined in this Appendix, determine whether the interference from the proposed
point-to-point link(s) to the notional outstation located at the hubstation location is acceptable;
Hubstations may be identified in the ACA assignment database using the antenna type field - hubstation
omnidirectional antennas are designated "U", with repeater network sections using parabolic ("MP") antennas.
Modulation 4 QAM
Capacity 2 Mb/s
Channel spacing 2 MHz
Feeder loss 2 dB
Max Tx output power +30 dBm
Receiver IF bandwidth 1.5 MHz
Receiver noise figure 3.5 dB
Rx input level for BER=10-3 -93 dBm
Antenna type 0.8 m grid
Antenna half power beamwidth 13 degrees
On-axis gain 20.3 dBi
NOTE: Individual outstations may and often do employ antennas different to that described in this Annex.
However, where specific antenna data is unavailable, the RPE described in this Annex should be used.
FX 3 Annex A to Appendix 8 - 1.5 GHz DRCS outstation characteristics December 1998
APPENDIX 9 : Adaptive Transmit Power Control
1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................... 2
1 Introduction
Adaptive Transmit Power Control (ATPC) is a feedback control system 1 which temporarily
increases transmitter output power during periods of fading, thus eliminating or at least reducing the
adverse effects of fade events on digital point-to-point microwave fixed services. ATPC offers
immediate and long term advantages to the link operator including reduced average power
consumption, extended equipment MTBF and lower long term RF interference levels.
Under the arrangements detailed in this document 2 and subject to certain limitations, systems fitted
with ATPC may also provide a coordination advantage over systems without this facility.
Propagation statistics indicate that fade events on physically different propagation paths are non-
correlated, thus the probability of simultaneous sensitivity to interference for two separate systems
is small, at least for situations where multipath fading is the dominant limiting factor. As long as
link paths are properly designed with adequate path clearance and are not significantly affected by
rain fade events, the ATPC maximum transmit power boost is required only for appropriately short
periods of time (with annual limits as detailed in Figure 1) and:
• a transmit power less than the maximum power may be used for the calculation of interference
into other systems; and
• the calculation of interference into the receiver of a system using ATPC may assume that the
wanted signal transmitter is operating at maximum transmit power.
% time (annual)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Power (dB)
Fig. 1: Permitted Time Above Coordinated Transmit Power for ATPC Systems
A feature fitted to an increasing proportion of digital fixed service equipment. For basic principles and application,
refer to chapters 4.3.4 and of ITU-R "Digital Radio Relay Systems" Handbook, Geneva 1996.
Consistent with (US) Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) Telecommunications Systems Bulletin TSB10-
F, June 1994.
Consequently, the use of ATPC can facilitate tighter intra-service frequency coordination, an
important consideration in congested areas. The following sections detail regulatory criteria and
limitations on the use of ATPC by microwave fixed services.
If all of the above constraints are satisfied, then an effective coordination advantage (equal to
Ptmax - Ptcoord ) of up to a maximum of 10 dB may be claimed in coordination against other terrestrial
microwave fixed services - ie. interference calculations from an ATPC system may assume the
lower coordinated Ptcoord transmit power level. Conversely, interference and fade margin
calculations into the receiver of an ATPC equipped system can then assume that the maximum Ptmax
transmit power level is in use over the wanted signal path.
Note: An ATPC coordination advantage can only be claimed for intra-service coordination against
other microwave fixed services (refer to Section 5 of this document).
The impact of rain rates and duration on interference events is subject to further studies.
Table 2. Time Permitted Above the Coordinated Transmit Power in an ATPC Link
Table 2 shows the permitted time percentages and annual power boost times for ramp type ATPC
systems. For step type systems, only single values (eg. +6dB, +10 dB) need be considered.
The current ACA licensing database does not support a specific ATPC identifier field.
• For a continuous (ramp) type ATPC system, calculations of the time that (Ptcoord) is exceeded and
the time that (Ptmax) is reached are sufficient.
Future ATPC implementations that rely on different algorithms may require time percentage
calculations for the entire range of transmit powers in excess of (Ptcoord). Example calculations of
ATPC time above Coordinated Transmit Power are provided in Annex A to this document.
Note: In the absence of internationally accepted standards for ATPC, the arrangements detailed in
this document are based on and generally consistent with Section 4.3 of (US) Telecommunications
Industry Association (TIA) Telecommunications Systems Bulletin TSB10-F, June 1994. The ACA
may consider other recognised standards in the future and detailed proposals may be forwarded to
the Manager, Spectrum Planning Team, ACA, for consideration.
Refer to ITU-R Recommendation F.758 "Considerations in the Development of Criteria for Sharing Between the
Terrestrial Fixed Service and Other Services".
Examples of determining the operating parameters, i.e., Receive Signal Level (RSL),
Transmit Power versus Net Path Loss (NPL), Coordinated Transmit Power (Pcoord) and
fraction of time spent at a given transmit power are given, with and without space
diversity. Operating parameters and calculations given in the examples are based on:
• an arbitrary 6.7 GHz long-haul high capacity system. However, through appropriate
substitution, calculations can be performed for other system types;
• an assumed design NPL of 65 dB;
• a four segment ATPC transfer function (see Fig.1). Other ATPC transfer functions
can be adapted by redefining the step boundaries;
• an ATPC algorithm driven by RSL, evaluated in a narrow spectrum around the carrier
• fade depth probability calculations given in ITU-R Recommendation P.530-7, §2.3
"Fading and enhancement due to multipath and related mechanisms"; and
• space diversity improvement factor taken from ITU-R Recommendation P.530-7,
§6.2.1 "Diversity techniques in analogue systems", since this method is appropriate
for cases where signal is confined to a relatively narrow spectrum.
TX power (dBm)
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
NPL (dB)
Calculation Procedure
A step-by-step procedure for manual calculations is given below. Using a spreadsheet,
and built-in optimization or iterative functions, the entire process can be automated.
The parameters and derivations used in the following examples are defined in ITU-R
Recommendation P.530-7; Table 1 lists the values assigned to these parameters in the
following examples.
4 - Determine the value of qa (§2.3.2) using equations (21), (22), and (24).
5 - Find the fade depth Ac, with the probability pw = 0.5 from (1).
20 p
Ac = − ⋅ log − ln1 − w (1)
qa 100
Here, Ac, in dB, is the path loss in addition to the nominal NPL due to fading, that would
be experienced for 0.5 % of the time. Net Path Loss now becomes NPLc, calculated from
NPLc = NPL + Ac (2)
6 - From the ATPC transfer function, (3), calculate the Transmit Power level Pt,
corresponding to NPLc.
Pmin , NPL < BP1
Pmin + s1 ( NPL − BP1 ) , BP1 ≤ NPL < BP2
Pt = (3)
Pmin + s1 (BP2 − BP1 ) + s 2 ( NPL − BP2 ) , BP2 ≤ NPL < BP3
Pmax , NPL ≥ BP3
7 - Find the depth of fade, ∆F corresponding to the Maximum Transmit Power Pmax, at
BP3. This value will be used to verify that the percentage of time permitted above the
Coordinated Transmit Power level is met.
∆F = BP3 − NPL (4)
9 - Determine the difference ∆P, between the Maximum Power Pmax, and the Coordinated
Power Pc.
∆P = Pmax − Pc (6)
10 - Check from Appendix 9 (Table 2, Part 3) to see if the percentage of time permitted at
∆P dB above Coordinated Power is equal or greater than p∆F. If this requirement is not
met, increase Pc by a suitable increment, (e.g., 0.5 dB), and repeat step 9 until the
requirement is met.
11 - Using the final values obtained for the Coordinated Power Pc, and ∆F, the level of
the Maximum Transmit Power Pmax above Coordinated Power, recalculate the percentage
of time these values would be experienced by applying (7).
[ (
p X = 100 ⋅ 1 − exp − 10 − qa ⋅ X / 20 )] (7)
10 - The time allowed at 6.5 dB above the Coordinated Power is 0.0376%, showing that
the requirement is not met. By incrementing Pc in 0.5 dB steps, it is found that at
Pc = 33.5 dBm, ∆P value obtained in step 9 becomes 3.5 dB with the time allowed being
0.1242% from the table. Since this is greater than p∆F = 0.1069%, in step 8, the
requirement has been met.
11 - Thus a Transmit Power level of 33.5 dB can be used for interference calculations.
Note: With an increment of 0.1 dB, it is found that a Coordinated Power level of
33.1 dBm would satisfy the requirements. See Figure 3.
Figure 4 shows the characteristics of a high capacity digital ATPC system with space
diversity. Calculations results from each step are given below.
10 - The time at 11.3 dB above the Coordinated Power is 0.0042% (see Figure 5).
However, (in accordance with Table 2 of Appendix 9) ∆P may not exceed 10 dB.
-55 RSL
-57.0 -57.0 Upper limit for BER 10E-3
Lower limit for BER 10E-3
-60 20
Lower limit for BER 10E-13
-63.2 TX Power
(RSL and Tx Power not to same scale)
-70 15 Time above coordinated power allowance : TIA/EIA TSB 10-F
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 Probability of fade calculations : ITU-R P.530-7
NPL (dB)
-55 RSL
-57.0 -57.0 Upper limit for BER 10E-3
Lower limit for BER 10E-3
-60 20
Lower limit for BER 10E-13
-63.2 TX Power
(RSL and Tx Power not to same scale)
-70 15 Time above coordinated power allowance : TIA/EIA TSB 10-F
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 Probability of fade calculations : ITU-R P.530-7
NPL (dB)
After 31 March 2005 the use of notional antennas for new assignments will not be
accepted. For antenna compliance requirements for point-to-point microwave fixed
services after 31 March 2005 refer to Appendix 11.
Note: During a phase-in period between 31 March 2004 and 31 March 2005, the requirements of
either Appendix 10 or Appendix 11 can be used to determine antenna compliance.
The notional antenna specifies the radiation characteristics of the minimum
performance antenna that may be used in a given point-to-point microwave fixed
service frequency band. Licensees are required to employ antennas with equivalent or
better performance than the specified notional, with particular emphasis on HSDA. In
some instances, in order to achieve coordination in a difficult area, that ACA may
require that antennas with performance exceeding that of the notional antenna be used
in order to facilitate coordination and maximise spectrum utilisation.
Antennas authorised under the Appendix 10 requirements but which are not compliant under the
Appendix 11 regime can continue to be used at their authorised location and in their authorised
configuration but will not be allowed to be redeployed after 31 March 2005.
Although the gain, beamwidth and RPE characteristics of all parabolic antennas are
proportional to the antenna effective aperture (ie. proportional to physical size), the
Annex A specified size (diameter) parameter should not be construed as a part of the
minimum performance specification. This parameter simply refers to the diameter of
the basis (grid/standard/HP) antenna used to derive a particular notional specification
and in some cases an antenna of smaller diameter (or different type) to the notional
may meet or substantively exceed the specified minimum performance criteria.
Compliance Issues
A problem of interpretation could arise in situations where a particular antenna might
not quite meet the notional specification in all respects but clearly demonstrates
equivalent or superior performance over the principal range of azimuths. This is
sometimes evident in comparisons of the RPE of a notional antenna based on a
standard antenna against an actual (typically high performance) antenna of slightly
smaller diameter than the notional. Enquiries concerning minimum antenna
performance and other notional antenna related matters should be referred to the
Manager, Spectrum Planning and Engineering Team, Radiofrequency Planning Group
for policy advice.
Note: The minimum performance (notional) antenna requirement will not normally be
relaxed within designated HSDA locations. In the event of interference, a victim
system antenna will be expected to at least meet the notional antenna performance
Spectrum Planning Report 5/90 “Notional Antenna Radiation Patterns”, Department of Transport and
Communications, July 1990.
Directivity 30
dB down
Main 40
0 5 10 15 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Degrees from Main Lobe
Directivity 30
dB down
Main 40
0 5 10 15 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Degrees from Main Lobe
Directivity 30 CO- POLARISATION
dB down
Main 40
0 5 10 15 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Degrees from Main Lobe
Directivity 30 CO- POLARISATION
dB down
Main 40
0 5 10 15 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Degrees from Main Lobe
Directivity 30
dB down
Main 40
0 5 10 15 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Degrees from Main Lobe
Main 40
0 5 10 15 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Degrees from Main Lobe
Antenna 30
dB down
from 40
0 5 10 15 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Degrees from Main Lobe
dB down 30
Lobe 40
0 5 10 15 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Degrees from Main Lobe
Directivity 30
dB down
Main 40
0 5 10 15 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Degrees from Main Lobe
0 5 10 15 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Degrees from Main Lobe
Directivity 30
dB down
Main 50
0 5 10 15 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Directivity 30
dB down
Main 40
0 5 10 15 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Degrees from Main Lobe
Directivity 30 CO- POLARISATION
dB down
Main 40
0 5 10 15 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Degrees from Main Lobe
0 5 10 15 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Degrees from Main Lobe
Directivity 30
dB down
Main 40
0 5 10 15 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Degrees from Main Lobe
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1
2. Minimum Antenna Performance Requirements .................................................................... 1
3. Coordination Requirements ..................................................................................................... 2
4. Provision of RPE data.............................................................................................................. 3
5. Trunk Bands ............................................................................................................................. 3
6. Prime Sites ................................................................................................................................ 3
7. Links Crossing HSDA boundaries .......................................................................................... 3
8. Antenna Measurement Standards ........................................................................................... 4
9. Exemptions ............................................................................................................................... 4
1. Introduction
This appendix details the compliance requirements for antennas used in the point-to-point
microwave fixed service frequency bands.
Antenna compliance is determined by reference to the antenna front-to-back (F/B) ratio and
antenna cross-polar discrimination (XPD) as stated by the respective product manufacturer.
These values are then compared to Table 1 which provides the minimum acceptable antenna
performance requirements based on F/B ratios and XPD for each band.
The minimum requirements specified in Table 1 differ depending on the location of the fixed
• in designated High Spectrum Demand Areas 1 (HSDAs) point-to-point fixed service
antennas must satisfy the minimum XPD performance and must satisfy the a
minimum F/B ratio given in the Grade B column of Table 1; and,
• outside HSDAs point-to-point microwave fixed service antennas must satisfy the
minimum XPD performance and must satisfy the minimum F/B ratio given in the
Grade C column of Table 1.
See section 3.3.2 of RALI FX-3
Note 1: The three classes of antennas defined are differentiated on the basis of their F/B ratio. Essentially,
standard (STD) antennas are Grade C, high performance (HP) antennas are Grade B and ultra high performance
(UHP) antennas are Grade A. Whilst inclusion of Grade A antennas in this Table is not strictly necessary under
these regulatory arrangements, it allows users to differentiate between HP and UHP antenna types and could
provide a basis for future regulatory discrimination between antenna types. It might also provide a basis for a
future consideration of a revision to the fees schedule to take account of the spectrum efficiency of the antenna.
Note 2: For the purposes of this appendix the front-to-back ratio is defined as the highest peak of the radiation
pattern in the region 1800 +/- 400 (i.e. azimuth from 1400 to 2200) relative to the main beam. Cross-polar
discrimination is defined as the difference between the peak of the co-polarised main beam and the maximum
cross-polarised signal over an angle twice the half power beamwidth of the co-polarised main beam.
3. Coordination Requirements
The ACA requires that frequency coordination studies be performed using manufacturer’s actual
antenna radiation pattern envelope (RPE) data for both proposed and existing assignments 2.
As a consequence actual RPE data for all licensed services will need to be accessible for the life
of these services for coordination purposes. In some cases manufacturer RPE data may not be
available for assignments that were licensed prior to the introduction of these antenna regulatory
compliance arrangements (i.e. prior to 31 March 2005) or assignments were licensed using the
notional antenna. Only in these cases will the use of notional antenna RPEs, provided at
Appendix 10, be allowed in frequency coordination studies.
Note that previously, under the Appendix 10 notional antenna regime, whenever RPE data was not available
assigners could have used “a notional antenna radiation pattern envelope”.
The ACA will provide the RPE data only when other sources cannot. RPE data is readily
available from most manufacturers and in the first instance users will be expected to contact the
manufacturers to obtain the RPE data.
Note: the ACA expects that licensees submitting RPE data would normally submit it as an
electronic data file in NSMA format, however, other formats may be accepted provided they
provide similar information with regard to antenna pattern breakpoints and can be easily read and
5. Trunk Bands
A geographic definition of trunk routes and prime sites is problematic due to the constant
development of new sites and new trunk routes. However, as many trunk routes are located in
non-HSDAs allowing the use of standard Grade C antennas would impact on the provision of
trunk services. In order to maintain the spectrum efficiency for trunk services the front-to-back
criteria in the trunk bands (3.8, 6, 6.7 and 8 GHz) for Grade C have been set to be the same as
Grade B. This approach is administratively simple as it avoids a requirement to define trunk
routes (and to update that definition as new trunk routes are developed). Also, specifying Grade B
as a minimum for the trunk bands ensures that the spectrum efficiency in important trunk bands is
not compromised by use of poorer performing antennas in those bands.
6. Prime Sites
A “prime sites” definition is also not necessary. Antennas used at sites within HSDAs are
required to be Grade B or better so the spectrum utility is preserved. As mentioned above, the
spectrum utility of sites that are used as part of a trunk route outside HSDAs will be subject to the
tighter requirements that apply for trunk bands. For non-trunk bands spectrum availability is
usually not critical at sites outside the HSDAs and so it was considered reasonable to set a less
stringent compliance requirement in those cases.
9. Exemptions
Given the flexibility provided by the new regime, no exemptions will be allowed with respect to
minimum acceptable performance criteria.
The use of parabolic antennas was assumed in deriving the values included in Table 1, other
types, such as ‘patch’ antennas, may be used as long as they conform to the requirement of
having a single main axis of radiation and they meet the other relevant criteria specified for each