Simulation Study On The Effect of Rear-Wing Spoiler On The Open Aerodynamic Performance of Sedan Vehicle
Simulation Study On The Effect of Rear-Wing Spoiler On The Open Aerodynamic Performance of Sedan Vehicle
Simulation Study On The Effect of Rear-Wing Spoiler On The Open Aerodynamic Performance of Sedan Vehicle
Article history: There is a fact that the design of the vehicle affects 11% of fuel to overcome the drag
Received 6 June 2018 force on a high-speed driving. The relatively high value of fuel consumption had urged
Received in revised form 5 July 2018 the engineers in the field to improve the aerodynamics aspect of the vehicle.
Accepted 6 August 2018 Furthermore, the shape of the vehicle especially sedan type has greatly affected by the
Available online 11 September 2018
lift force. Undesirable high value of lift force on an automotive vehicle could cause lack
of stability and safety of the vehicle. In this study, the improvisation of the aerodynamic
characteristics of a vehicle only is discussed in term of rear-wing spoiler design. There
are four spoiler designs proposed, analyzed and compared to each other. The drag and
lift coefficient value of the vehicle with an attached spoiler and the pressure and
velocity distribution are evaluated in determining the best spoiler design. The flow
characteristics were analyzed using ANSYS FLUENT®. The CFD technique used is
validated by using the Ahmed body as a benchmark. It shows a good agreement which
is less than 10% percentage difference. Besides, a grid convergence study is also
conducted to test the mesh resolution and examine the turbulence model
uncertainties. All generic car and spoiler are created in CATIA®. The base car model is
attached with various spoiler designs and tested to gather its data and result. The
analysis conducted shows that there is an increment in the drag coefficient of the car
of 47.20% when attached with a spoiler. However, the lift coefficient value shows a
tremendous declination from 0.03957 to -0.16254. The result of this study show that
an attached spoiler could increase the drag coefficient and decrease the lift coefficient
of a car. The best spoiler should have a least increment in the drag coefficient and
considerable decrement in the lift coefficient.
CFD, rear-spoiler, drag coefficient, lift
Copyright © 2018 PENERBIT AKADEMIA BARU - All rights reserved
1. Introduction
When a vehicle is moving, it is cutting through an air. By imagining walking in the swimming pool,
it is the same thing happens when moving in the air, just the effect is not so significant compared to
moving in water. But when saying about a high-speed movement even in the air, for example,
100km/h that is an average speed of today's car, the design of the car plays an important role for the
efficiency and stability of the movement. According to Das and Riyad [1], the aerodynamic drag is the
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Mohd Afzanizam Mohd Rosli)
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 49, Issue 2 (2018) 146-154 Akademia Baru
governing form of resistance when the vehicle runs at speeds of 80km/h or greater, especially
considering the fact that 65% of the power required at 110 km/h is consumed due to overcoming
aerodynamic drag [2]. Too many drag forces on the car body could cause high waste in engine energy
consumption while too much lift forces could cause the car lacks in the stability and dangerous to be
driven. According to Agarwal [3] approximately 50% of the mechanical energy of the vehicle is wasted
to overcome drag at highway speed of nearly 88.5 to 96.5 km/h. In 1997, the fuel consumption of
the Class 8 trucks reached 18 billion gallons in which 65% of this fuel consumption was wasted to
overcome the aerodynamic drag [4].
Usually, the lift force affects mostly on the rear of the car especially a sedan car because of its
shape. Moving at high speed causes the high-speed air to move following the body shape of the car
causing high pressure on the front hood follows by front windshield. But arriving at the rear of the
car, the air suddenly loses its track and causing the airflow to be turbulence and producing a low-
pressure region at the car's rear. This low pressure is dangerous as it could cause the rear of the car
to lift and the tires lose its traction to the road and can cause an accident.
Present automotive vehicle shape had gone through a few decades of studies and development.
This including in the modification of the vehicle frame and chassis as the evolution of the car shape
from tear-drop shape to streamline design until the common shapes of the car that are present today.
In fact, the effect of CL mainly come from the spoiler and roof [5]. Besides, the refinement of the car
bodies such as smoothen underbody, reduced sharp edges and corners also have been applied in
designing the vehicle bodies. Moreover, the alternatives of adding some aerodynamic devices to the
vehicle’s body also had been applied. One of the devices is a rear-wing spoiler. According to [6], these
improvisations had greatly improved the aerodynamic performance of the vehicle in terms of better
fuel consumption, minimized noise, preventing undesired lift force and minimizing other causes of
aerodynamic instability at high speed. According to Pankajakshan [7], every 0.01 reduction in the CD
figure can cut fuel consumption by up to 0.4-litres/100km at 130km/h.
A rear-wing spoiler is a device that is equipped at front or rear of the vehicle to improve the
aerodynamic and stability of the vehicle by minimizing the unfavorable movement of airflow around
the vehicle’s body [1]. According to Cheng and Shuhaimi [5], there are two types of common rear
spoiler equipped on a car. The spoiler types are free-standing wing spoiler and strip spoiler. A rear
spoiler is commonly installed upon the trunk lid of the passenger vehicle [8]. However, they also may
be equipped at the rear edge of the vehicle’s roof. The attached spoiler could minimize the turbulent
airflow occurred at the rear of the vehicle. In addition, the spoiler nowadays is no longer only a
decoration but it has a significant and measurable effect on aerodynamic characteristics optimization
of the vehicle.
This paper focused on determining the best spoiler design based on the selected variation of
spoilers from the previous studies. The base car model used in this paper is a sedan-type as it is the
most commonly driven vehicles nowadays [8]. Hence, a simplified generic sedan model with an
attached spoiler was used for the simulation. Referring to the literature study on the effect of the
rear spoiler, most of the study was conducted by attaching the spoiler with the positive inclination
angle. The finding of the studies shown an improvement in the performance of the car in term of the
drag and lift characteristics. However, in this study, the spoiler angle was positioned at 00 inclination
angle to study the consequences. All of the four spoilers are attached at 00 angle and fixed clearance
height and position from the rear window. The results of attaching rear spoiler from the previous
study are shown in Table 1.
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 49, Issue 2 (2018) 146-154 Akademia Baru
Table 1
Comparison of spoiler design
Title % Reduction
Angle of attack (0) Design Remark
A Numerical Study on Rear-spoiler Of
Passenger Vehicle (2017) 1.74 3.90 Sedan
Xu-Xia Hu, Eric T.T. Wong 5, 10
2.02 6 Sedan
Drag Reduction of Passenger Car Using
Add-On Devices (2014)
Ram Bansal and R. B. Sharma
3.87 16.62 Sedan
The process of creating the generic car model involves a computer-aided design (CAD) software,
CATIA. The uses of the CAD software assist in defining the topology of the fluid flow region of interest.
The software is majorly used in designing and optimizing process during conducting this study. A
generic model of a passenger vehicle is shown in Figure 1. The dimension of the car was created
based on the available dimension of the Ahmed body to ensure the relevance of the car dimension.
In this study, the car model is simplified by removing the wheels and rear-view mirrors while the
bottom part of the car is assumed flat surface. There are four different types of spoiler designs that
were attached to the car individually one at a time with a zero-degree inclination angle. The generic
car, as well as the four spoilers, are shown in Figure 1 as follows:
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 49, Issue 2 (2018) 146-154 Akademia Baru
c) Spoiler 2 d) Spoiler 3
e) Spoiler 4
Fig. 1. (a) 3-dimension generic passenger vehicle
model (b) spoiler model 1 (c) spoiler model 2 (d)
spoiler model 3 (e) spoiler model 4
In ANSYS Design modeler, a box enclosure as shown in Figure 2 is created around the model after
subtracting the generic car model from the air domain using Boolean. The purpose of this large air
domain is to simulate the wind tunnel while avoiding artificial air acceleration due to squeezing of air
through the narrow gap between the car’s body and the wall. The velocity inlet surface of the car is
situated at 5 times the vehicle length (5000mm) and 7.5 times (7500mm) at the outlet following as
the previous study [6]. Furthermore, the top and side wall of the air domain is set at 3 times length
(3000mm) of the car. Also, there is symmetry surface generated in the YZ plane to save the resources
in processing stage as the generic model is symmetry in shape. Besides, the top and side surfaces are
also set as symmetry while the bottom wall that renamed as “road” is set as non-slip wall condition.
The generic model is set at 50mm above the floor.
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 49, Issue 2 (2018) 146-154 Akademia Baru
3. Formulations
3.1 Meshing
In this case, the “finite element method” technique is used. The ANSYS Meshing tool is used to
set up the meshing. A proper meshing and iteration needed to obtain the optimum result are
applied to the generic car. Since the simulation is more focused on the rear side of the vehicle where
the wake of the airflow phenomenon occurs, there is necessary enough space kept in the rear
portion of the car. Coarse meshing is applied to the air domain. Then, refinement is applied to the
area and edges needed. The final mesh result of the 3D grid as shown in Figure 3 contained about
398,004 number of nodes and 1,830,143 tetrahedral elements.
The pressure distribution analysis on the surface of the vehicle is done using Bernoulli’s equation.
The contour of static pressure distribution shown in Figure 4 indicates the level of pressure effect on
the surface of the car. Observation on the contour of the pressure distribution around the base model
in Figure 4 obviously shows that there are two areas with positive pressure. The areas are at the front
of the car’s body and the other one is in the area between the front hood and the windshield. On the
other hand, there are three areas with negative pressure can be found on the generic car model. The
areas are at the front and rear end of the roof and at a small area of the front hood. However, when
the spoilers are attached to the car, the areas of positive pressure increase at the spoiler area. This
improves the lift coefficient of the car as more pressure on the upper part of the car. This result on
higher negative lift coefficient of the car.
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 49, Issue 2 (2018) 146-154 Akademia Baru
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 4. (a) Distribution of pressure on the base model (b) Distribution of pressure on the base model attached
with spoiler 1 (c) Distribution of pressure on the base model attached with spoiler 2 (d) Distribution of
pressure on the base model attached with spoiler 3 (e) Distribution of pressure on the base model attached
with spoiler 4
The concept of pressure drags happen when there are two different areas with different level
of pressure. In this case, the area on the bottom of the car’s body is relatively higher than the
pressure level at the top of the car. The factor of the pressure difference could contribute to the
high lift coefficient of the car. The high lift coefficient could cause pitching moment on the rear of
the car to lift up from the ground which will make the rear wheels traction on the road hence
causing the car to lost control. In the simulation of the base model of the sedan car, the final
predicted drag and lift coefficient are 0.19230 and 0.03957.
The airflow over the car body creates a velocity distribution which results in the aerodynamic
loads acting on the body of the generic model. The velocity distribution indicates the amount of
velocity at different portions of the vehicle. In addition, the purpose of the rear spoiler is to spoil
the velocity direction to reduce the lift force on the car thus improving the aerodynamic
performance of the car. Moreover, the velocity value is directly proportional to the value of the
drag and lift coefficient. Thus, the velocity distribution around the car gives a big impact on the
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 49, Issue 2 (2018) 146-154 Akademia Baru
aerodynamic performance of the car. The airflow separation shown in Figure 5 causes the airflow
to become turbulent, hence lower pressure region formed at the back of the car. This will cause a
negative effect on the car aerodynamic performance and stability. The addition of the spoiler could
make the air “see” becomes longer, smoother flow from the roof to the spoiler, that helps to delay
the airflow separation. Thus, the aerodynamic performance of the car could be better.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 5. (a) Distribution of velocity on the base model (b) Distribution of velocity on the base model
attached with spoiler 1 (c) Distribution of velocity on the base model attached with spoiler 2 (d)
Distribution of velocity on the base model attached with spoiler 3 (e) Distribution of velocity on the base
model attached with spoiler 4
In this section, the computational results of the following cases are presented and
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 49, Issue 2 (2018) 146-154 Akademia Baru
All the results are obtained with the same meshing resolution and setup, the standard realizable
k-epsilon model and also the same boundary conditions. Drag and lift coefficient for all the three
cases are presented in Table 2. The reduction rate of the drag and lift coefficients did not depend
on the mesh resolution, turbulence model and air domain size.
Table 2
Drag and lift coefficient reduction rate on different design of rear spoiler
Model CD Percentage change CL Percentage change
Case 1 0.19230 - 0.03957 -
Case 2 0.24361 +26.68% 0.03902 -1.39%
Case 3 0.28283 +47.07% -0.13464 -440%
Case 4 0.28307 +47.20% -0.16254 -510.77
Case 5 0.48246 +150.89% -0.74901 -1992.87%
Case 1: results for the base model, Case 2: results for the base model with attached spoiler 1, Case 3: results for the base
model with attached spoiler 2, Case 4: results for the base model with attached spoiler 3, Case 5: results for the base
model with attached spoiler 4
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, the drag and lift characteristics of a sedan car with and without a spoiler situation
were numerically simulated. The grid independence study shows that the k-epsilon model is the
most appropriate turbulence model for external flows around the car body as other model shows
an inconsistent CD and CL results and lack of converged solutions. Besides, the coarse and medium
meshing are also not enough to get precise results. The applied fine meshing with the addition of
volume box meshing on the base model has shown the best and the most closer results to the case
where the spoilers are attached.
The results of the simulations with the third spoiler design (case 4, an airfoil with end plate) has
shown an increment of the drag coefficient from 0.19230 to 0.28307, which is 47.2% of increment.
While the CL value of the car has shown a decrement from 0.03957 to -0.16254 which is about -
510.77% reduction. By comparing the velocity distribution on the car body, it was found the
recirculation zone above the rear window was almost gone by using a spoiler in case 4. The air flow
shows a smooth and gentle sloped above the rear window. Higher negative force is more important
than having lower drag coefficient in this case as stability and safety of the car is a priority.
The author would like to thank Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia
Melaka for allowing the utilization of the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) laboratory.
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