2023 Grade 11 June Marking Guideline-Final

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JUNE 2023


MARKS: 150

This marking guideline consists of 8 pages.

Life Sciences Grade 11 2 June 2023 Marking Guideline


1. If more information than marks allocated is given

Stop marking when maximum marks is reached and put a wavy line and 'max' in the
right-hand margin.

2. If, for example, three reasons are required and five are given
Mark the first three irrespective of whether all or some are correct/incorrect.

3. If whole process is given when only a part of it is required

Read all and credit the relevant part.

4. If comparisons are asked for but descriptions are given

Accept if the differences/similarities are clear.

5. If tabulation is required but paragraphs are given

Candidates will lose marks for not tabulating.

6 If diagrams are given with annotations when descriptions are required

Candidates will lose marks.

7. If flow charts are given instead of descriptions

Candidates will lose marks.

8. If sequence is muddled and links do not make sense

Where sequence and links are correct, credit. Where sequence and links are
incorrect, do not credit. If sequence and links become correct again, resume credit.

9. Non-recognised abbreviations
Accept if first defined in answer. If not defined, do not credit the unrecognised
abbreviation but credit the rest of the answer if correct.

10 Wrong numbering
If answer fits into the correct sequence of questions but the wrong number is given,it
is acceptable.

11. If language used changes the intended meaning

Do not accept.

12. Spelling errors

If recognisable, accept the answer, provided it does not mean something else in Life
Sciences or if it is out of context.

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Life Sciences Grade 11 3 June 2023 Marking Guideline

12. If common names are given in terminology

13. Accept, provided it was accepted at the national memo discussion meeting.
If only the letter is asked for but only the name is given (and vice versa)

14. If units are not given in measurements

Candidates will lose marks. Memorandum will allocate marks for units separately.

15. Be sensitive to the sense of an answer, which may be stated in a different


16. Caption
All illustrations (diagrams, graphs, tables, etc.) must have a caption.

17. Code-switching of official languages (terms and concepts)

18 A single word or two that appear(s) in any official language other than the learners'
assessment language used to the greatest extent in his/her answers should be
credited if it is correct. A marker that is proficient in the relevant official language
should be consulted. This is applicable to all official languages

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Life Sciences Grade 11 4 June 2023 Marking Guideline



1.1.1 B
1.1.3 D
1.1.4 C 
1.1.5 A
1.1.6 A
1.1.7 C
1.1.8 C
1.1.9 B
1.1.10 B 
(9x 2) (18)

1.2 1.2.1 Starch

1.2.2 Asexual / Vegetative reproduction
1.2.3 Stroma
1.2.4 Sori / sorus
1.2.5 Villi
1.2.6 Sessile /sedentary
1.2.7 Radial
1.2.8 Moulting/ectdysis
1.2.9 Diploblastic
1.2.10 Greenhouse
(10 x 1) (10)

1.3.1 Both A and B
1.3.2 Both A and B
1.3.3 None
1.3.4 Both A and B
1.3.5 Both A and B
( 5 X 2) (10)

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Life Sciences Grade 11 5 June 2023 Marking Guideline

1.4.1 (a) sporophyte (1)
(b) stigma (1)

1.4.2 A- Angiosperm (1)

B- Bryophyte (1)
C- Gymnosperm (1)
D- Pteridophyte (1)

1.4.3 A (1)
C (1)

1.4.4 A (1)

1.4.5 -The seed coat protectsthe seed

-greater chances of survival
- stores food that nourishes embryo Any (1)


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Life Sciences Grade 11 6 June 2023 Marking Guideline



2.1 2.1.1 Structure of a villus  (1)

2.1.2 (a) Columnar epitheliummicrovilli (1)

(b ) Lacteal (1)

(c) Goblet cell (1)

2.1.3 Small intestine (1)

2.1.4 Absorption of digested nutrients/increases surfaces area for

absorption of digested nutrients (1)

2.1.5 In C- Large amounts of Glucose

and amino acids (1)
( mark first ONE only)

2.1.6 - The thin columnar epithelium of the villus

- enhance easy absorption of nutrients across membrane by means
of diffusion. 
- Columnar epithelial cells have many mitochondria 
- which provides energy for active transport
- Single layer of epithelial cell
- for diffusion
- The columnar epithelial cells have microvilli on the free surface
- to enlarge the surface area for absorption
- The columnar epithelial cells produce carrier molecules 
- which facilitate active absorption of nutrients against diffusion
- The goblet cells between the columnar epithelial cells
- secrete watery mucus that prevents friction and/ keeps the cells
- The villi contain many capillary blood vessels
- and lacteals in close contact with the absorption surface transport
the absorbed food away fast and therefore, maintain steep
concentration gradients for fast diffusion
- Contains lacteal
- which transports absorbed fats Any 6

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Life Sciences Grade 11 7 June 2023 Marking Guideline

2.2 2.2.1 Protista (1)

2.2.2 - high fever and chills

- sweating
- nausea/ vomiting
- headache
- muscular pains
- cough
- loss of appetite
- diarrhoea
( mark first TWO only) (2)

2.2.3 - High rainfall

- allows mosquito to survive and reproduce
- Inadequate medical facilities
- affected people do not receive medical attention
- Lack of awareness
- people are not aware about preventative measures hence they get
infected (4)
( mark first TWO only)

2.2.4 - The economy will be negatively affected

- the cost of malarial treatment is high/ decreased work production (2)

2.3 2.3.1 At low temperatures enzymes are in active (1)

2.3.2 As temperature increasesthe rate of photosynthesis also

increases, further increase in temperature decreases the rate of
photosynthesis Any 2 (2)

2.3.3 Enzymes of photosynthesis will denaturecausing the rate of

photosynthesis to decrease (2)

2.4 2.4.1 Pancreas  (1)

2.4.2 Insulin (1)

2.4.3 Glucagon (1)

2.4.4 Diabetes mellitus (1)

2.4.5 - pancreas secretes the hormone insulin

- insulin converts excess glucose
- to glycogen
- which is stored in the liver
- levels of glucose in blood decrease back to normal
Any 4 (4)

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Life Sciences Grade 11 8 June 2023 Marking Guideline

2.5 - Carbohydrasesin the

- saliva
- breaks down polysaccharides
- to disaccharides 
- and eventually monosaccharides
- in an alkaline medium Any 4 (4)

2.6 2.6.1 - pulp industry

- paper industry (2)
(Mark the first TWO only)
- They have true roots and conducting tissues/ xylem tissue
- which absorbs a large amount of water
- and xylem transports water to greater heights (3)
(Mark the first ONE only)
Graph showing percentage of plant species
occuring in commercial plantations
% occuring in commercial


pine eucolyptus black wattle other


Correct type of graph (T) Bar graph drawn 1
Caption of graph (C) Both variables included 1
Axes labels (L) X- and Y-axis correctly 1
Scale for X- and Y-axes (S) - Equal space and width of
bars for X-axis and 1
- Correct scale for Y-axis
Plotting of Bars (P) 1 to 3 bars plotted correctly 1
All 4 bars plotted correctly 2


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Life Sciences Grade 11 9 June 2023 Marking Guideline


3.1 3.1.1 Mitochondrion (1)

3.1.2 (a) cristae (1)

(b) matrix (1)

3.1.3 glucose (1)

3.1.4 Aerobic respiration Anaerobic respiration
Occurs in the presence of Occurs in the absence of
oxygen oxygen
Occurs in the cytoplasm and Occurs in the cytoplasm only
One glucose molecule releases One glucose molecule releases
38 ATPs 2 ATPs
ATP,CO2 and water are by ATP, CO2 and ethanol are the
products in both plant and animal by-products in plant cells
cells ATP and lactic acid are the by-
products in animal cells
(table 1 + 2 x 2 ) (5)

3.1.5 - Pyruvic acid enters the mitochondrion

- carbon dioxide and energised hydrogen atoms are released
- carbon dioxide is released from the cell, energised hydrogen
atoms are used in the next stage
Any 3 (3)

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Life Sciences Grade 11 10 June 2023 Marking Guideline

3.2 3.2.1 - release of oxygen✓

- uptake of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere✓
- food production✓
- maintains oxygen and carbon dioxide balance in the atmosphere (2)
(mark first TWO only)

3.2.2 - place the leaf in boiling water✓ to break the walls.

- place the leaf in boiling alcohol ✓ to remove chlorophyll
- Iodine solution is used✓
- drops of iodine solution are added to the surface of a leaf, if a
leaf turns blue-back✓
- starch is present✓
- if a leaf turns brown✓/ brownish
- starch is absent✓ Any 4 (4)

3.2.3 Structure of a chloroplast

Intergranum Thylakoid

Starch grain

Double membrane

Criteria Mark allocation

Caption for the diagram ( chloroplast)(C) 1
Correct diagram drawn (chloroplast)(T) 1
Any TWO correct labels(L) 2

3.3 3.3.1 Cnidaria✓ (1)

3.3.2 Radial✓ symmetry (1)

3.3.3 It can catch prey ✓/ sense danger from all directions because they
are sessile/ sedentary ✓ (2)
( Mark first ONE only)

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Life Sciences Grade 11 11 June 2023 Marking Guideline

3.3.4 Chordata✓ ; Arthropoda ; ✓Annelida✓ (3)

( Mark first THREE only) (7)

3.4 3.4.1 Monera✓ (1)

3.4.2 Antibiotics✓ (1)

3.4.3 Antibiotics are used to treat infections of living organisms since

viruses are none living✓antibiotics will be ineffective Any (2)
- bacteria as decomposers
- breakdown dead plant and animal matter
- returning nutrientsto the soil
- contributing to humus in the soil
(Accept any other positive role that bacteria play in Agriculture) Any (3)

3.5 3.5.1 Sucrose concentration✓ (1)

3.5.2 - It acts as a control ✓

- to ensure that results obtained are due to changing sucrose
concentration✓ (2)

3.5.3 The higher the sucrose concentration, the higher the rate of cellular
respiration✓✓ (2)

3.5.4 - in the absence of oxygen✓

- yeast cells undergo alcoholic fermentation ✓
- to produce alcohol and carbon dioxide✓ Any 2 (2)

3.6 3.6.1 Phylogenetic tree✓/Cladogram (1)

3.6.2 Cnidaria✓ (1)

( Mark first ONE only)
3.6.3 Porifera✓ (1)

3.6.4 - Annelida ✓
- Arthropoda✓ (2)
3.6.5 ( Mark first TWO only)
They share a most recent common ancestor✓ (1)

3.6.6 Annelida✓/ Arthropoda/ Chordata (1)

( Mark first ONE only) (7)



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Life Sciences Grade 11 12 June 2023 Marking Guideline

0 - 60 0 Mark
61- 110 ADD 1 Mark
111 - 148 ADD 2 Marks

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