Physical Modelling Projects in Mhi
Physical Modelling Projects in Mhi
Physical Modelling Projects in Mhi
National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM) Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment (NRE)
MAY 2010
APRIL 2007
JUNE 2010
JULY 2008
MARCH 2010
Sg. Hj. Dorani (Figure 1) which is located near Sabak Bernam area is one of the selected location for mangrove replanting program after the December 2004 Tsunami event in Malaysia. To increase the potential of survival rate of replanted mangrove, Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) has installed a geo-tube in front of the replanting area to break the incoming wave before it hit the coastal shoreline and the mangrove replanting area. Physical modeling was proposed to evaluate the potential deposition of sedimentation at the site. In addition, physical model served as a tool to evaluate complex coastal phenomenon that are not sufficiently address by numerical models.
Sg. Hj. Dorani coastline area is very diverse and exposed to prominent coastal physical parameter such as tide, wave and current impact, and is dominantly influenced by tidal fluctuation. In house marine data collection exercise by NAHRIM revealed that the bathymetry condition at the study area is quite gentle. 1
Following this, NAHRIM has developed a physical model to provide better understanding of the coastline responds due to wave action. A cohesive bed model was constructed at NAHRIMs Hydraulic and Instrumentation Laboratory using 2D wave basin with a scale of 1: 20.
The main objective of the study can be described as follows: i. ii. iii. To evaluate the possible cause of ongoing erosion problem at Sg. Hj. Dorani shoreline. To analyze the sedimentation pattern at existing Geo-tube installation area and the erosion rate at Sungai Haji Dorani shoreline. To propose suitable counter measure for the positioning of geo-tube for mangrove replanting.
Sungai Hj Dorani model was constructed with the size of 26 m x 24 m, which represent an area of 350 m x 520 m on site, as shown in Figure 2 below.
Model Scaling
Model Construction
Instrument Calibration
Model Reconstruct
Result comparison
Table 1 below shows the calculated scaled parameters that were tested for the particular model.
Model Scale 10.0 0.225 0.175 0.034 0.018 0.0285 1.2 0.21 0.075 0.115 0.115 0.0025 0.036
The test was carried out for 144 hours, which is equivalent to 32 days in nature. Bed level profile was measured after 72 hours. Bed profile changes showed some significant sediment movement pattern along the test period.
Sungai Hj Dorani coastline bathymetry area was measured to be less than 1 meter during the low tide condition. The coastal water is withdrawn from near shore area about 2 km and the geo-tube area was exposed throughout that period (Figure 3). Waves that present at Sg. Hj. Dorani area was also one of the major factor that contributes to erosion and deposition surrounding the geo-tube area. Sungai Hj Dorani coastline is also facing occurrence of breaking type of wave due to gentle water depth changes at the study area. When the depth of water is less than half the wavelength, waves begin to interact with the bottom area and become shallow water waves. As the depth decreases the waves slow up and steepen. At water depth 4
of 1.3 times the wave height is reduced and the particles of water in the crest have no room to complete their cycles. At this point the wave breaks, and moves out of the wave generation area so that the wave period is conserved. This is an important observation since it enables us to predict when waves will begin to act as shallow-water waves. This phenomenon induces wave refraction at the geo-tube area and straight to the shoreline. The current wave condition in the deeper water area caused critical erosion at southern part of the geo-tube area.
Counter measures needs to be taken to minimize the erosion factor. As best solution option, the geo-tube was suggested to be placed at distance of 120m 150m from the shoreline area. This will allow the incoming waves to be refracted with allowable space before they hit the coastline. This option also increases level of sedimentation behind the geo- tube area, thus provide buffer area to protect the mangrove replanting site.
NAHRIM have carried out a physical modelling for study the efficiency of the new proposed spillway at Batu Dam. This is part of the Scheme No. 3: Transfer of Raw Water from Batu Pond and Pumped Storage at Batu Dam which is proposed to mitigate expected water deficit in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. Apart from raw water pipeline, pump station and upgrading of treatment plant, the scheme will also include the raising of Batu Dam. One of the components of work is the modification at the existing spillway. The proposed hydraulic model study will aim to evaluate the hydraulic performance of the modified spillway. Batu Dam is a 39m high zoned, earth-rock filled dam. Existing dam crest is at elevation 109.5m and it is proposed to raise the dam crest level to 110m. Existing spillway is located on the left abutment. It has a side channel inlet structure with a 23m long crest at elevation 104.85m. The chute is 145m long and ends with a 32.5m long stilling basin at invert level of 60m. A raw inlet structure with overflow weir will be constructed ahead of the existing spillway. Overflow level is set at elevation of 106.7m. The design requirement is to ensure the integrity of the dam and spillway is still intact under design Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) scenario.
The main objective of the study is (i) to construct a physical model of the Batu Dam spillway, (ii) to investigate hydraulic behaviour of the spillway and also its ancillary structures under a range of design discharges, and, (iii) to investigate the discharge capacity of the prototype meets the design requirement and measures the hydraulic parameters in order to judge whether the design is feasible.
3. Scope of Study The following scope of work is needed to make an appraisal of the capacity and erosion aspects of the dam and the overall performance of the spillway as well as to make informed recommendations of its hydraulic performance and proposed alterations. i. ii. iii. Investigation of the spillway discharge capacity with respect to various reservoir levels and the model discharge coefficient as well as requirement for flood release. To study the flow pattern and flow surface profile on the dam and in the bottom outlet for different cases. Velocity and pressure measurements at all relevant points for different flow conditions.
iv. v. vi.
Determination of the intensity of turbulence at different points on the weir, transitional area, chute and energy dissipater. Energy dissipation and scouring study to assess the suitability of downstream bed and bank protection. Stage discharge curve for the spillway model.
The model scale was set at 1:25 ratio and then tested under designed Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) scenario up to 300 m3/s (96 l/s in the test model). Water supply was provided by five pumps with a maximum capacity of 16.7 l/s each and one pump with a maximum capacity of 50 l/s.
Methodology The main thrust of the study primarily consists of physical modeling work. A scaled model of the spillway and all its ancillaries will be constructed. Upon construction of the model, trial tests will be conducted to determine its functionality. Experimental works proceeds as soon as calibration results are satisfactory. Subsequently data will be compiled data, process and analyze to simulate the actual (model) and predicted (prototype) conditions of the spillway. Simulations with respect to various reservoir levels and discharges to investigate effects of the varied flow conditions will also be performed. Finally, detailed appraisal of the model results will be provided in order to evaluate overall performance of the proposed spillway, and to suggest possible maintenance and improvement techniques or alterations where required.
The incoming flow is steady as it has been stabilized before reaching the inlet opening. Each change of discharge rate will require about 5-10 minutes for the water to stabilize (Refer to Figure 1).
Figure 1: Intake/Approach Channel From test for the discharge of 96 l/s (prototype: 300 m3/s), it was observed that no freeboard was visible. In fact the water sometimes overflows the transition portion (Refer to Figure 2).
Figure 2: Transition Portion Starting from discharge of 80 l/s (prototype: 250 m3/s), the water in the chute started to overflow occasionally. At a discharge of 96 l/s (prototype: 300 m3/s), there was permanent overflow at the middle section along the spillway chute (Refer to Figure 3).
From test showed that water already reached the existing ground level for discharge of 32 l/s (prototype: 100 m3/s). The water went above the existing ground level if the discharge is greater (Refer to Figure 4).
From the tests performed, the transition portion and the spillway chute is adequate for the original design discharge but the stilling basin (energy dissipater) is inadequate to cater for the high discharge in the original design. The proposed overflow weir is not found to have any benefit in terms of controlling high flows (prototype: 200 m3/s, model: 64 l/s) as there are no difference in the results when compared to test conditions without the overflow weir installed. Therefore to cater for a discharge of up to 300 m3/s, it is recommended that the freeboard at the existing transition portion be increased by at least 3m and the wall of the spillway chute at the middle be increased by 2m. For the stilling basin, its recommended that bunds of 5m high be constructed around the perimeter to prevent inundation of the surrounding grounds.
The project is known as Proposed Beach Erosion Mitigation Structures and Beach Nourishment Project at Batu Manikar Beach, Labuan. The structure testing was design to investigate the stability of the structure before the construction phase begins at the actual site. Batu Manikar beach, situated at the west coast of Labuan Island is constantly exposed to the effects of sea and swells emanating from the South China Sea. Over the years, the beach stretch has shown signs of erosion; with the beach frontage area observed to slowly retreating to the adjacent coastal road network. The main focus of the coastal protection and beach nourishment project is to mitigate the ongoing coastal erosion thus prevent damage and loss of the existing coastal areas.
The objective of the study are summarize below: i. ii. iii. 3. To evaluate the stability of the proposed structure under various design parameter; To assess the suitability of armour rock in the proposed design; To assess the scouring impact around the structure. Scope of Study
There are 3 units of 200m length groyne having a spacing of 730m and 810m from north to south respectively, to be constructed along the Batu Manikar beach. The groyne are made up of two layers of rock armour, namely primary and secondary layers which will be placed over the core material with a layer of geotextile as the under layer. The primary layer is made up of 1,400 2,400kg granite with more than 50% comprised of 1,900kg armour, while the secondary layer is made up of 120kg -190kg granite. The 200m length of groyne will be constructed and extended into the sea at the right angle to shoreline. The designed crest level is +2.2m MSL with side slopes of 1:2 and 1:3 for the trunk sections and head sections respectively. The cross-sectional profile of the tested groyne is shown in Figure 1..
The model was constructed in the wave flume. The construction started with the marking of cross sectional profile on the flumes glass panel (Figure 2a). The marking includes the height and width of the structure for each layer. The tested water level was also marked on the glass panel to ensure accurate water level throughout the tests. Afterwards, the structure layers were constructed using the selected gravel size (Figure 2b).
After the construction stage, testings for the structure were be run according to the parameters shown in Table 1 below:
Test 02
1:10 0.8 - (extreme) 1.702cm
Test 03
1:10 0.8 - (extreme) 1.701cm
Test 04
1:10 0.8 - (extreme) 1.705cm
The overall test results are tabulated in Table 2 and Figure 3 below.
- First Layer - Second Layer Data Set - Water Depth (m) : - Wave Height (m) : - Wave Period (s) : Observation: After testing No movement for the 1st layer stone
Critical movement in the front section, almost 80 % of stone moved to the back section Sand in front of the structure was 25 % scattered to the back section, showeing high potential of erosion
After Test: 1.4kg-2.4kg, no color 120g190g, Green = After Test: 1.4kg-2.4kg, no color 120g-190g, After Test: 1.4kg-2.4kg, yellow 120g-190g, After Test: 1.4kg-2.4kg, yellow 120g-190g, After Test: 1.4kg-2.4kg, yellow 120g-190g, After Test: 120g-190g, Green=102 Blue = 9pcs, After Test: 120g-190g, Green=3pcs Blue = 17pcs,
20 cm
20 cm
30 cm
30 cm
18 cm
38 cm
15 cm
The proposed model structure seems to be stable under normal test condition. Nevertheless, a large amount of armour rocks were displaced when the model was tested under extreme test condition, particularly in the middle section and near the front toe area. It is therefore proposed that a larger armour rock size be used for the middle section and toe area of the proposed groyne structure to enhanced the overall stability.
Basically flood can occur at any reach of a river due to different factors. In the upstream area it usually caused by the discharge which exceed bankfull flow and that discharge cannot be sustained by river cross section and river bed. Whereas flood occur in estuary area is caused by the tidal influences. However, at the middle stretch of the open channel the occurence of flood is more complex to explain because of the combination of both factors. Presently there are still lack of research on open channel hydraulics which is under the tidal influenced. One of the main reasons to the lack of research in this area is the limited data available such as water level and flow along the river bed. The difficulty to produce rating curve in the tidal influence area also influence the calibration process. Therefore, only one value is normally used in hydraulic analysis, such as highest spring tide which will result in very high water level and is inaccurate.
The objective of the study can be describe as follows: i. To reduce flooding problem along the river by introducing cut off at the downstream. ii. To assess the floodplain and water level for various flow conditions and tidal influence
3. i.
Scope of Study To construct physical model at National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia. This includes choice of materials, physical model scale, evaluating and setting up the instruments. Gathering the available data of Sungai Selangor for the simulation in the experiment. Running the physical experiment covering flow from low to high without tidal influence under low tide, mean sea level and high tide and flows with tidal effect. Figure 1 shows the Flowchart of the study process
Physical model which was developed covering the tidal influences area. The non distorted scale of 1:100 was used in the physical model after considering the practicality of the size in term of space available, construction cost and time required for the construction. The overall size of physical model is 10m x 40m and with a scale of 1:100. Figure 2 shows schematic diagram of the model and Figure 3 shows the overall view of the constructed model.
Simulation process was carried out and the result of each experiments was recorded. The experiments was done under different scenarios, at different flow rates and tides conditions where the readings was recorded at eight (8) stations in the physical model as shown in the Figure 2. Cases of simulations carried out are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Test Cases Case no 1 2 3 Tide condition Flow (l/s) Without tidal effect 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 With tidal effect 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 With tidal effect & cut off 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
The experiment were carried out for various scenarios as describe above. The data of water level and velocity for each experiment were recorded at eight (8) identified stations with eight different values of flows. At each location three (3) readings were taken for velocity i.e at the middle and two sides of the channel and one (1) reading for water level i.e at the middle of the channel. Flow and velocity were taken for three (3) different water levels (fixed) at the downstream i.e low water, mean sea and high water. For the tidal effect one reading for water level and velocity were taken. These levels are based on the tide data taken at the refered locations. Outcome of the analysis obtain from physical modeling were analyse. Figure 4 shows the extend of the flooded area, for the original layout the experiment shows the water start to overflow the bank when flow is 2l/s and flooded when flow is 3l/s and worsen when the flow increases. As for the cut off section the experiment shows the water start to overflow the bank when flow is 3l/s and flooded when flow is 4l/s and worsen when the flow increases.
Figure 4: Flood Plain - Comparison on observed flooded area without cut off and with cut off under tidal effect for 5 l/s flow 3
Figure 5 and 6 shows the plot of water level versus flow for 5 l/s discharge. As show below that shown water level increases as the flow increases for both without and with cut off. ow
Figure 5: Plot of water level vs flow under tidal effect for all station taken in flood plain without cut off
Figure 6: Plot of water level vs flow under tidal effect for all station taken in flood plain with cut : off
The analysis shows that the water level increases as the flow increases and causes the flood. The he velocity was inconsistent and fluctuates and does not directly dependent on flow. From the experiment it also shows that the cut off may able to help alleviate the flood problems to certain extent but does not totally solved it. The experiment also shows that the flood does not occurs at the downstream flood under all tested conditions.
The study site is a mangrove swamp of 1.8 km long that forms part of a pocket beach in the southern tip of Peninsular Malaysia. Recently, as the hinterland of the Sg Pulai is being developed into various water resources schemes, and the construction of port facilities for deep draft vessels is being implemented, the coastline at the surrounding the studyt site is observed to be eroding at a high rate. Mangroves are falling due to the erosion of the soil underneath them. The likely cause of the bank erosion is the reduced sediment supply from the hinterland and the dredging of ship transportation channel that divert the course of sediment supply to the mud flat of the project site. A re-adjustment of the coastline has been initiated, with the tendency of beaches along this hook-shaped bay receding inland. Rock revetment and soft rock are two systems of coastal protection suggested to address this coastline development phenomenon. They protect the beach from further erosion and safeguard the mangrove in the State Park and prevent intrusion of seawater into the agriculture land established behind existing coastal bunds. Where erosion is serious and has removed entire mangroves that form the first line of defence for the beach, stone revetment is incorporated to contain the wave attack and break-up the wave energy within the revetment. Where the coastline is still sheltered by mangrove trees, soft rock is used to line the fringe of mangrove forest and to reinforce the morphology of the coast. 2. Objectives
The main objective of the study can be described as follows: 1. To assess the stability of the design structure with a various condition. 2. To indentify the adverse impact of the seabed around the structure.
3. i.
Scope of Study Preliminary assessment by extracting information from reports related to the study area. Data collection & hydro graphic survey to ensure the similarity between model and prototype. Layout plan of the scaled model in the flume for each cases test. Preparation of flume and material depending on the layout plan and cases design Wave calibration to get the scaled design wave height. Model construction at the design wave height location. Structure testing by running the scaled design wave height and period for certain duration depending on the cases; and setup the observation point for analysis purposes. Analysis processes using a video/camera to observe the model (stone revetment) movement before and after each test.
The model scale was set at 1:7 ratios and then tested under 20 ARI and 100 ARI conditions, as shown in Table 1 below. Table 1: Test parameter for revetment model Prototype 3 day 1 m 2 m 3.6 s 0.373 m 1.628 m 2.408 m 200 kg (min) 450 kg (max) 30 kg (min) 150 kg (max) Model 27.2 hour 14.3 cm 28.6 cm 1.4 s 5.3 cm 23.3 cm 34.4 cm 0.58 kg (min) 1.31 kg (max) 0.09 kg (min) 0.44 kg (max)
Duration 20 ARI wave 100 ARI wave Wave period MSL MHWS (20 ARI water level) HAT (100 ARI water level) Armour layer rock Under layer rock
A method that is commonly used for quantifying damage in rubble-mound structure models is by counting the number of individual armour units that have been dislodged. The movement can be observed and noted, or more conveniently, video and photographic documentation can be used to record test results. The method to describe the damage percentage is the use of the Nd. Hudson (1959) defined damage as the percentage of dislodged armour units to the total number of armour units:
= =
The damage is typically calculated for individual section. Typically displaced stones are stones which are displaced by more than one unit diameter (Dn50). Armour is considered a failure when the Nd is more than 10% damage. Wave overtopping is usually assessed by collecting the overtopping water in overtopping trays or tanks and measuring the overtopped water volume or mass. The number of overtopping events can be assessed by a wave gauge at the crest of the breakwater or by continuous water level measurements (volume or mass) within the overtopping tray or tank.
Small movement but not significantly for the 1st stone layer. Its showed the structure was stable with appropriate stone weight. 2nd layer are stabilized by using the geo-textile as a basic layer by wrapped this layer. No movements because of the geo-textile tend to hold the stone within it. The overtopping seems not happen under this current water condition. Figure 1: Test result for 20 ARI wave scenarios
It was found the 1st layer rock were moved significantly especially at the front slope of the structure after the increment 100% of the wave height and 32 % of water level. The damage percentage = 7.12% 2nd layer remain stable as previous test. The overtopping was occurred for this case. The height structure seems not significant to protect the shoreline during a certain period of time. The overtopping rate= 1.856 l/m/s Figure 2: Test result for 100 ARI wave scenarios 6. Conclusion
The current revetment design is capable of protecting the shoreline area up to 100 ARI wave condition. Even though there was some movement of the armour rocks, the amount did not exceed the 10% damage percentage limit, which was the set damage threshold.
In recent years, artificial reefs have become an increasingly attractive alternative for coastal protection. Artificial reefs can be used to protect or restore beaches and at the same time create an environment conducive for the growth of marine life. The WABCORE (refer to Figure 1), a composite system of concrete units developed by NAHRIMs researcher, is one such product designed for this dual purpose and provides an alternative to the use of rocks as construction material. The WABCORE units can be configured into several coastal and bank protection systems such as groynes, wave breakers and retaining walls. The first WABCORE structures in the form of stacking artificial reefs were deployed near Teluk Panuba, Pulau Tioman, Pahang in September 2005. Following this successful application of WABCORE units as a coral host, the WABCORE was further tested for its function as wave breaker with the purpose of creating a calm foreshore environment for another section of a beach. This configuration of WABCORE as wave breakers are also intended to help build up a section of the beach to reduce erosion.
The objective of the study is to (i) verify the stability of the WABCORE as potential wave breaker, and (ii) to evaluate needs for improvement and optimization of the proposed WABCORE design as wave breakers.
Scope of Study
The scope of study is as follows: i. ii. iii. iv. Examine the stability of wave breaker cross sections Measure the wave height at different position of the section area; Asses the displacement of WABCORE units before and after each tests Visual observations for scour evaluation and sediment accumulation capabilities of the structure
The models of WABCORE wave breaker were constructed at a scale of 1:2. The blocks are 0.25m in height per block, and made of concrete with void areas to allow for permeability. The water depth will be designed at approximately -0.75m, allowing 0.25m crest between top of structure to the corresponding designed water level. The rows of WABCORE blocks was placed with a distance of approximately 1mm in the model in order to ensure that the rows do not provide unrealistic support for each other. The incoming waves were determined by means of wave gauges positioned in a way allowing for separation of the incoming and reflected wave conditions. Additional wave gauges were positioned close to and behind the structure. The test program includes two different heights of a WABCORE profile. A 1-layer and a 2-layer structure were studied, modeling a coastal protection profile and a wave breaker profile at shallow water. Maximum wave height of 0.5m and wave period of 5 seconds was generated. Each test was run equivalent to 5 hours in nature. For the majority of the tests the seabed in front of the structure was made as a fixed bed not allowing for scour. This is to avoid the model structure to fail because of scour before the stability can be studied. However, a test series was included, where qualitative assessments of the scour risk will be made by performing tests with a sand bed in front of the structure. It should be stressed that damage to the structure related to geotechnical settlements or to structural strength of the individual unit were not modeled in this study. A layer of modeled geotextile mat was laid to help assessment of the anticipated sand trapping capabilities of the model. The test program includes three test series: a. Test series 1: Tests with the one layer structure. Fixed bed in front of the structure. b. Test series 2: Tests with the two layer structure. Fixed bed in front of the structure. c. Test series 3: Tests with the one layer structure. Moveable (sand) bed in front of the structure.
Initial results showed that WABCORE artificial reef proved to be stable during all the tests. WABCORE was able to reduce the significant wave height thereafter to about 30%. Displacement and movement of some of the WABCORE units were observed by photos taken before and after each test, most notably at the left and right section of the alignment. These movements was possibly enhanced by reflected wave action from the wave guide located at both side of the basin, as no significant movement occurred in the middle section (Refer to Figure 3a and 3b).
Visual observation and photos evaluation also showed only minor scour and possible degradation of the sand layer in front of the structure during test series 3. Interestingly, the WABCORE was observed to accumulate substantial amount of sediment into its inner part (Refer to Figure 4). This may be greatly influenced by the incorporation of voids in the WABCORE design.
Figure 4: Side view showing sediment accumulation along the whole stretch of WABCORE wave breaker alignment The observed uplift forces were not great enough to topple the structure in both 1-layer and 2-layer tests, and so they remained stable throughout testing. It was also observed that without reinforcement the possibility of stress and fatigue cracks on WABCORE would be likely, therefore it was recommended that reinforcement be retained in the prototype.
WABCORE artificial reef has demonstrated initial stability element required to potentially function as a wave breaker. It is recommended that a detailed study of wave transmissions and overtopping flux be carried out in the wave flume to further assess the overall performance of the WABCORE. The capability of WABCORE to trap sediment may prove advantageous in self-consolidating the structure in the long run. Subsequently, the effect and possibility of varying the size of WABCORE void diameter and/or position to achieve optimum design efficiency as a wave breaker needs to be evaluated further.
River serves as an important source of water and supports livelihoods. River is also essential for transportation, acts as a defensive barrier, source for hydropower and recreational activities. However, rapid development involving indiscriminate clearing of land has caused increase in river discharges resulting in river bed scouring and bank erosion. This phenomenon has lead to river bank failures, contributing to large amount of sediments into the river, loss of land and degradation of river water quality. One of the solutions to control the erosion and sedimentation problem is by protecting the river bank using products such as H-Block. The development of H-Block is undertaken by the Research Centre for River Management, National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM).
2. i. ii.
Objectives To invent an innovative product for river bank protection To spearhead the invention of water resources related products through long term R&D efforts
The development of H-Block involved three phases namely, the design stage, the physical modeling and field tests. Once the design has been accepted, physical modeling with a series of tests and measurements follows. The physical modeling works are being carried out in the Hydraulic and Instrumentation Laboratory of NAHRIM which provides sufficient facilities and equipment for these purposes. The tested physical model parameters: Model Scale River Width Maximum River Depth Maximum River Flow River Sand Size 1:10 2 meters 0.5 meters 100 liters/second (l/s) 100 micron
A series of physical model testing was carried out to test the performance of the product, some of which are as follows: a. Test run for hydraulic channel without H-Block with flows of 80l/s, 30l/s and 15l/s for 24 hours until bank failure. Bank slope is set at 1:1. b. Test run for hydraulic channel with H-Block without lock system for flows of 15l/s and 30l/s for 24 hours until bank failure. Bank slope is set at 1:1 and 1:2. c. Test run for hydraulic channel with H-Block and lock system for flows of 15l/s and 30l/s for 24 hours until bank failure. Bank slope is set at 1:1 and 1:2.
The H Blok was observed to be successful in reducing the velocity of flow when constructed at the river bank model (refer Figure 2). This may due to the unique element of the structure itself which provide extra roughness element and also voids for permeability allowance. During testing for high flow conditions, movement of H Blok was detected at the river meandering section, whereas at the straight section H Blok was observed to be stable.
H Blok was considered successful in reducing the velocity of flow. The stability of H Blok very much depends on the river morphology e.g. width, shape, geotechnical aspect, and bank slope selection, with 1:1 slope giving a more favorable result. The joint spacing of the H Blok during construction needs to be considered carefully due to possibility of failure during high flows, particularly at the meandering section. The possibility of incorporating an interlocking feature for installation of H Blok at this critical river section needs to be studied further.
3. Breakwater Study On Muddy Coast For Mangrove Replanting in Parit Hj Dorani, Sabak Bernam, Selangor Part 1 & Part 2 (FRIM & JPSM - May 2010)
4. Structure Stability Test for Semi-Swath Boat Model Fasa 1 in 2D Flume (UiTM - July 2010)
5. Analysis of Dry Sieving on Sediment Distribution Pattern for Pangkor Island (Pusat Hidrografi Nasional - July 2010)
Experiment on Sediment Settling Velocity for Muddy Coast of Sungai Haji Dorani (March 2010)
7. Experiment on Sediment Settling Velocity for Fresh Water of Sungai Kuyoh (March 2010)
8. Structure Stability Test for Revetment in Johor State in 2D Flume (March 2010)
10. Evaluation of the Laboratory Performance of Field Offtake 150mm Diameter with Flexi-Gates and Float Type Automated Flow Control Valve and Flat Regulator for Flow Control and Measurement in Tertiary Irrigation (University Putra Malaysia) *
11. Study of Lift and Drag Balance With Models : Characteristics of Flow Around Two Varying Diameter Cylinders and an Aerofoil (Multimedia University)*
*Ongoing projects