Kelompok 9 - Stunting

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1. Khairunnisa Godal G70122009

2. Allisha Tira Amalia G70122074
3. Izzah Azzahrah Gue G70122080
4. Marsya Trilestari G70122127




Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem due to a lack of nutrition in the long
term resulting in impaired growth in children. Stunting is also one of the causes of
stunted children's height, so that it is lower than children of their age. the definition of
stunting itself has changed. According to WHO (2015), Stunting is a disorder of
growth and development of children due to chronic malnutrition and repeated
infections, which are characterized by their length or height being below standard.
Furthermore according to WHO (2020) Stunting is short or very short based on
length / height for age which is less than -2 standard deviations (SD) on the WHO
growth curve which occurs due to irreversible conditions due to inadequate
nutritional intake and/or repeated infections/ chronic disease that occurs within 1000

The following are the causes of stunting in children

1. Mother's knowledge is inadequate

Since in the womb, babies already need various nutrients for their
growth and development. To achieve this, the mother must be healthy and
well nourished. If the mother does not have knowledge of good nutrition for
her and the fetus, this will be difficult to obtain. Likewise after birth, the first
1000 days of life (0-2 years) is a very crucial time for growth and
development. At this time, babies need exclusive ASI for 6 months and
additional quality complementary food for ASI (MPASI) afterwards.
Therefore, mothers must have sufficient knowledge about child nutrition.
Another factor that can also trigger stunting is if a child is born with the
condition fetal alcohol syndrome (fetal alcohol syndrome). This condition is
caused by excessive alcohol consumption during pregnancy, which may be
initiated by the mother's ignorance of this prohibition.

2. Recurrent or chronic infection The body gets energy from food intake.

Recurrent infectious diseases experienced since infancy cause the

child's body to always need more energy to fight disease. If this need is not
matched with adequate intake, the child will experience malnutrition and
eventually result in stunting. The occurrence of infection is closely related to
the mother's knowledge of how to prepare food for children and sanitation at
3. Poor sanitation

The difficulty of clean water and poor sanitation can cause stunting in
children. The use of unclean well water for cooking or drinking accompanied
by a lack of availability of latrines is the most common cause of infection.
These two things can increase the risk of children suffering from diarrhea and
intestinal worms (worms) repeatedly.

4. Limited health services

In fact, there are still underdeveloped areas in Indonesia that lack

health services. In fact, in addition to providing care to sick children or
pregnant women, health workers are also needed to provide knowledge about
nutrition for pregnant women and children in their early life.

In addition to the characteristics of stunting in children and the reasons why

stunting occurs in children, we can also overcome stunting in children in several
ways. Here's how to deal with stunting in children.

1. Correct stunting before 2 years of age

The most effective tips for dealing with stunting in children are before
the child is 2 years old or still in the first 1,000 Days of Life (HPK). For this
reason, pregnant women must maintain their nutritional intake from the start
of conception and pay attention to several micronutrients that are important in
pregnancy, such as folic acid, calcium and iron.

2. Give breast milk

Breast milk is rich in macro and micro nutrients which play an

important role in optimizing the baby's growth and development. If a child
under 6 months is suspected of having early symptoms of failure to thrive,
such as not increasing in weight, then their growth must be pursued by
increasing the intensity of breastfeeding so that breastfeeding can be optimal

3. Fix breastfeeding problems

The wrong breastfeeding position can be the cause of the baby's

underweight. This is what makes your little one threatened with stunting. In
this case, the way to deal with stunting in children is for the mother to fix
breastfeeding problems. The correct breastfeeding position is when the baby's
head and mouth are attached to the breast.

4. Give processed animal protein to solids

Mistakes in how to give complementary foods can interfere with the

growth of the baby which in turn increases the risk of stunting. For example,
babies are only given solids in the form of fruit and vegetable puree, without
being given animal protein. Even though foods rich in animal protein, such as
chicken, beef, eggs, and milk are needed by babies for optimal growth.

5. Routine immunization

The next way to deal with stunting in children is to make sure your
little one gets the entire series of immunizations on schedule. The main
purpose of immunization is to protect children from various dangerous
diseases. Children who do not receive immunizations can also become sickly
children, because their immune systems are not optimal. Remember, children
who are often sick are more easily threatened with stunting because more of
their energy is used for the recovery process than for their growth.

6. Monitoring the growth and development of children

The way to deal with stunting in children which is also very important
is to always monitor the growth and development of children by carrying out
routine controls at the puskesmas or posyandu. That way, if there are
problems with the baby's growth and development that arise, it can be
detected early so it is not too late to get treatment, including if you experience
stunting growth failure.

7. Clean and healthy living behavior

One way to deal with stunting in children that should not be missed is
to implement clean and healthy living habits (PHBS), such as washing hands
with soap and running water, especially before eating and after doing
activities in the bathroom. Not maintaining personal hygiene can cause health
problems, such as diarrhea. Diarrhea that continues to recur can cause children
to experience malnutrition, and ultimately increase the risk of stunting.

8. Use healthy latrines

Latrines that do not meet health requirements can pollute the
environment, including drinking water sources. Because of that, the rule is
that the distance between making a septic tank and a water well must be at
least 10 meters from a drinking water source. Poor sanitation can cause health
problems, worms, for example. People with worms usually experience
malnutrition because the worms will take the essence of the food consumed
by children. This condition of malnutrition in the long term can increase the
risk of stunting.

9. Overcome child health problems

Stunting can be related to illnesses suffered by children, for example

babies are unable to absorb nutrients from their food because they experience
digestive disorders. In this case the way to deal with stunting in children is to
consult a doctor. Usually for cases of digestive disorders that are already
severe, the doctor will suggest handling using tube feeding. This method is
done by inserting a tube filled with nutritional fluids through the nose into the

10. Always increase health knowledge

One more way to deal with stunting in children which is no less

important for all parents to do is to always be thirsty for learning. This means
that Genbest must always add supplies related to basic health sciences, child
development, and stunting. These good habits will make it easier for us to
understand the importance of providing the best sources of food and drink, so
that children's growth and development is optimal.

Conclusion And from the explanation on this discussion of stunting, as well as

some of the problems discussed, the conclusion that can be drawn is that stunting is a
chronic nutritional problem due to lack of nutrition in the long term resulting in
disrupted growth in children. As well as one of the characteristics of the condition of
stunting in children is the height and weight are smaller compared to children of their
age. There are 4 causes of stunting in children, namely causes of stunting in children
Inadequate maternal knowledge, recurrent or chronic infections, poor sanitation, and
limited health services. And finally, there are 10 ways to deal with stunting in
children, namely monitoring the growth and development of children, correcting
stunting before the age of 2, giving breast milk, giving processed animal protein to
complementary foods, routine immunization, monitoring children's growth and
development, clean and healthy living habits, using healthy latrines. , Overcome
children's health problems, Always increase health knowledge

1. Lack : kekurangan
2. WHO : Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia
3. Characterized : dicirikan
4. Length : panjang
5. Height : tinggi
6. Inadequate : tidak memadai
7. 1000 HPK : masa terpenting bagi perkembangan dan pertumbuhan anak yang
biasa disebut golden period
8. Womb : rahim
9. Development : perkembangan
10. Nourished : bergizi
11. Crucial : penting
12. Prohibition : larangan
13. Initiated : dimulai
14. Infancy : masa bayi
15. Knowledge : pengetahuan
16. Accompanied : ditemani
17. Availability : ketersediaan
18. Latrines : kakus
19. Risk : mempertaruhkan
20. Diarrhea : diare
21. Pregnancy : kehamilan
22. Symptoms : gejala
23. Thrive : berkembang pesat
24. Breastfeeding : menyusui
25. Threatened : terancam
26. Diseases : penyakit
27. Including : termasuk
28. Maintaining : mempertahankan
29. Latrines : Jamban
30. Digestive : berkenaan dgn pencernaan
31. Fluids : cairan
32. stomach. : perut.
33. Thirsty : haus
34. Providing : menyediakan
35. Conclusion : Kesimpulan
36. Drawn : digambar
37. Monitoring : pemantauan

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