Theoretrical-Foundation-Of-Nursing Reviewer
Theoretrical-Foundation-Of-Nursing Reviewer
Theoretrical-Foundation-Of-Nursing Reviewer
c. Nurses, physicians, models, and client needs. behavioral sciences. This relates to which of
d. The person, health, environment/situation, the following?
and nursing.
e. All the above. a. Systems theories
b. Developmental theories
12. The nursing process is an example of an c. Interdisciplinary theories
open system. An open system d. Health and wellness model
22. Theory-based nursing practice uses a 4. Product and information obtained from the system
theoretical approach for nursing care. This
approach moves nursing forward as a science. A. 3. B. 1. C. 4. D. 2.
This suggests that:
26. A patient is admitted to an acute care area.
a. One theory will guide nursing practice. The patient is an active business man who is
b. Scientists will decide nursing decisions. worried about getting back to work. He has had
c. Nursing will only base patient care on the severe diarrhea and vomiting for the last week.
practice of other sciences. He is weak, and his breathing is labored. Using
d. Theories will be tested to describe or predict Maslow's hierarchy of needs, identify this
patient outcomes. patient's immediate priority.
23. To practice in today's health care 27. Which of the following is closely aligned
environment, nurses need a strong scientific with Leininger's theory?
knowledge base from nursing and other
a. Caring for patients from unique cultures
disciplines such as the physical, social, and
b. Understanding the humanistic aspects of life
behavioral sciences. This statement identifies
c. Variables affecting a patient's response to a
the need for which of the following?
a. Systems theories d. Caring for patients who cannot adapt to
b. Developmental theories internal and external environmental
c. Interdisciplinary theories demands
d. Health and wellness models
RATIONALE: Leininger's theory of transcultural
RATIONALE: As the health system evolves and nursing focuses on the patient's culture and the
the health care needs of the patient focus on impact of culture heritage on health care needs
health promotion, illness prevention, and and interventions.
treatment, more disciplines are involved in
28. Which of the following statements about
patient care. To be effective in practice nurses
theory-based nursing practice is incorrect?
need to be aware of theoretical approaches of
care arising from other disciplines and from a. Contributes to evidence-based practice
nursing. b. Provides a systematic process for designing
nursing interventions
24. Which of the following theories describe
c. Is not linked to nursing outcomes
the life processes of an older adult facing
d. Guides the nurse's assessment
chronic illness?
RATIONALE: Theory-based nursing practice
a. Systems theories
does reflect nursing outcomes. For example,
b. Developmental theories
prescriptive theories address specific nursing
c. Interdisciplinary theories
interventions and predict the patient response.
d. Health and wellness models
29. Self-care deficit theory was proposed by: emotive channels (perceptual and information
processing, learning, judgment, and emotion)?
a. Virginia Henderson
b. Betty Neuman a. Regulator Subsystem
c. Imogene King b. Cognator Subsystem
d. Dorothea Orem c. Physiologic Mode
d. Self Concept-Group Identity Mode
30. Which theory defines nursing as the science
and practice that expands adaptive abilities 36. The "humanistic science of nursing" was
and enhances person and environment explained by:
a. Rogers (1970)
a. Goal attainment theory b. Ida Orlando (1960)
b. Henderson's definition of nursing c. Nightingale (1860)
c. Roy's adaptation model d. Neuman (1972)
d. Faye Glen Abdelah's theory
37. Imogene King's "goal attainment theory" is
31. Typology of twenty one Nursing problems a type of:
were explained by:
a. Need theories
a. Imogene King b. Interaction theories
b. Virginia Henderson’s c. Outcome theories
c. Faye G.Abedellah d. Humanistic theories
d. Lydia E. Hall
38. Which of the following theory has used
32. "Nursing is therapeutic interpersonal "General Systems Theory" as a framework for
process". This definition was stated by: its development?
35. According to Roy's adapatation theory, 42. According to Rogers' theory "continuous
which subsystem responds through four and mutual interaction between man and
cognitive responds through four cognitive- environment' is termed as:
43. Watson's carative factors include all the 50. Which nurse theorist believed that "the
following, EXCEPT: beauty of medicine and nursing is the
combination of your heart, your head and your
a. Forming humanistic-altruistic value system hands and where you separate them, you
b. Instilling faith-hope diminish them."
c. Cultivating sensitivity to self and others
d. Strengthening flexible lines of defense a. Dorothea Orem
b. Hildegard Peplau
c. Betty Neuman
d. Virginia Henderson
44. The central concepts and metaparadigm of
the discipline of nursing include which of the 51. Nursing is defined as "action which assist
following? individuals, families and groups to maintain a
maximum level of wellness, and the primary
a. Person, health, nursing aim is stability of the patient/client system,
b. Person, honor, caring, nursing through nursing interventions to reduce
c. Health, nursing, person, and environment stressors.'' This definition is given by:
d. Advocacy, empathy, service and caring
A. Orem B. Peplau C. Neuman D. Rogers
45. Which of the folllowing is a nurse
characteristic identified in the AACN Synergy 52. Which nursing theorist defines environment
Model? as "the totality of the internal and external
forces which surround a person and with which
a. Complexity they interact at any given time"?
b. Predictabililty
c. Collaboration a. Dorothy Johnson
d. Stability b. Martha Rogers
c. Dorothea Orem
46. Which of the following is a patient d. Imogene King E. Betty Neuman
characteristic identified in the AACN Synergy e. Betty Neuman
53. According to Peplau's interpersonal model,
a. Advocacy during which phase of nursing process, the
b. Resiliency patient participates in goal setting and has a
c. Response to diversity feeling of belonging and selectively responds
d. Systems thinking to those who can meet his or her needs?
49. Using a theoretical framework to guide 56. In what era is the outcome of Nursing
nursing practice will assist the nurse in which theoretical works shift the focus to the patient?
of the following?
a. Research Era
a. Novice
b. Advanced Beginner
a. Organismic response
b. Inflammatory Response
c. Sensory Response
d. Response to Stress
a. Wholeness
b. Conservation
c. Adaptation
d. None of the Above
Hildegard E. Peplau
and patterns and emphasizes the persons living to care and growing
promotion of health for individuals, in caring.”
families, groups, and society as a Caring in nursing is “an altruistic,
whole.” active expression of love, and is the
Views the individual as a set of intentional and embodied
interrelated systems that strives to recognition of value and
maintain a balance between various connectedness.”
Afaf Ibrahim Meleis
Inspired the development of many
middle-range nursing theories and Transitions Theory
adaptation instruments. It began with observations of
experiences faced as people deal
Dorothy E. Johnson
with changes related to health,
The Behavioral System well-being, and the ability to care
Model defined Nursing as “an for themselves.
external regulatory force that acts to Types of transitions include
preserve the organization and developmental, health and illness,
integrate the patients’ behaviors at situational, and organizational.
an optimum level under those Acknowledges the role of nurses as
conditions in which the behavior they help people go through
constitutes a threat to the physical health/illness and life transitions.
or social health or in which illness is Focuses on assisting nurses in
found.” facilitating patients’, families’, and
Advocates to foster efficient and communities’ healthy transitions.
effective behavioral functioning in
Nola J. Pender
the patient to prevent illness and
stresses the importance of research- Health Promotion Model
based knowledge about the effect of Describes the interaction between
nursing care on patients. the nurse and the consumer while
Describes the person as a behavioral considering the role of the health
system with seven subsystems: the promotion environment.
achievement, attachment-affiliative, It focuses on three areas: individual
aggressive-protective, dependency, characteristics and experiences,
ingestive, eliminative, and sexual behavior-specific cognitions and
subsystems. affect, and behavioral outcomes.
Describes the multidimensional
Anne Boykin and Savina O.
nature of persons as they interact
within their environment to pursue
The Theory of Nursing as Caring: A health.
Model for Transforming Practice
Madeleine M. Leininger
Nursing is an “exquisitely
interwoven” unity of aspects of the Culture Care Theory of Diversity and
discipline and profession of nursing. Universality
Nursing’s focus and aim as a Defined transcultural nursing as “a
discipline of knowledge and a substantive area of study and
professional service are “nurturing
Nursing cannot occur without both chronic illness and organize nursing
nurse and patient. “A nurse takes no interventions to promote optimal
actions that are not interactions.” adjustment.
Founded on the singular concept of Describes how individuals form
human rights, the essential meaning from illness-related
agreement of non-aggression among situations.
rational people forms the foundation The original theory’s concepts were
of all human interaction. organized in a linear model around
the following three major themes:
Antecedents of uncertainty, Process
of uncertainty appraisal, and Coping
with uncertainty.
Ramona T. Mercer
Pamela G. Reed
Maternal Role Attainment—Becoming
a Mother Self-Transcendence Theory
“Nursing is a dynamic profession Self-transcendence refers to the
with three major foci: health fluctuation of perceived boundaries
promotion and prevention of illness, that extend the person (or self)
providing care for those who need beyond the immediate and
professional assistance to achieve constricted views of self and the
their optimal level of health and world (Reed, 1997).
functioning, and research to enhance Has three basic concepts:
the knowledge base for providing vulnerability, self-transcendence,
excellent nursing care.” and well-being.
“Nurses are the health professionals Gives insight into the developmental
having the most sustained and nature of humans associated with
intense interaction with women in health circumstances connected to
the maternity cycle.” nursing care.
Maternal role attainment is an Carolyn L. Wiener and Marylin J.
interactional and developmental Dodd
process occurring over time. The
mother becomes attached to her Theory of Illness Trajectory
infant, acquires competence in the “The uncertainty surrounding a
caretaking tasks involved in the role, chronic illness like cancer is the
and expresses pleasure and uncertainty of life writ large. By
gratification. (Mercer, 1986). listening to those who are
Provides proper health care tolerating this exaggerated
interventions for nontraditional uncertainty, we can learn much
mothers for them to favorably adopt about the trajectory of living.”
a strong maternal identity. Provides a framework for nurses
to understand
Merle H. Mishel how cancer patients stand
Uncertainty in Illness Theory uncertainty manifested as a loss
Presents a comprehensive structure of control.
to view the experience of acute and Provides new knowledge on how
patients and families endure
Katharine Kolcaba