Saccoi I 1994

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Studies in Brazilian Passifloraceae III.

A New Species of Passiflora

Armando Carlos Cervi

Brittonia, Vol. 46, No. 2. (Apr. - Jun., 1994), pp. 144-146.

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Tue Oct 16 09:12:10 2007
Studies in Brazilian Passifloraceae 111.
A new species of Passiflora

Cervi, Armando Carlos (Universidade Federal do ParanL, Setor de CiCncias

Biolbgicas, Departamento de Botgnica, Caixa Postal 1904 1, 8 1531-970, Curitiba,
ParanL, Brazil). Studies in Brazilian Passifloraceae 111. A new species of Passzjlora.
Brittonia 46: 144-146. 1994.-A new species of Passijlora from Minas Gerais,
Brazil, is described and named P. saccoi. This species belongs to subgenus Pas-
sijZora series Lobatae Harms because of its lobed leaves, foliaceous, semi-ovate
to semi-oblong stipules that are attached on one side above base and, hence, often
appear sub-reniform, and foliaceous, verticillate bracts borne near the apex of the
Key words: Passifloraceae, Passzjlora, Brazil.

Passiflorasaccoi A. C. Cervi, sp. nov. (Fig. 1) axillary, solitary, 4-4.5 cm in diam.; calyx
tube campanulate, 3 mm long; sepals lan-
ceolate, 1.5 cm long, 0.4 cm wide, mem-
Preta (margem do rio Paraopeba), s.d., E.
branous, with obtuse apex, green mottled
P. Heringer 6467 (HOLOTYPE: UB!; ISOTYPE: with red, bearing an awn 0.5-0.6 cm long
UPCB!). on abaxial surface near apex; petals white,
1.2 cm long, 0.4 cm wide, with obtuse apex,
Planta scandens glabra. Petioli 4-5 ern longi, 3 vel membranous; corona filaments in 3 series,
4 paribus glandularum stipitarum 1 m m longarum or-
nati. Bracteae verticilatae ovataeque 1.7-2 ern longae,
the filaments of the outer series capillary,
1-1.3 ern latae. Flores 4-4.5 ern diametro. Corona fi- 0.8 cm long, those of the two inner series
lamentis in 3 seriebus instructa. Operculum erectum, capillary, 0.2 cm long; operculum erect, 0.3
0.3 m m altum, ad basin membranaceum, ad apicem cm long, the lower third membranous, the
filamentosum. upper =/3 filamentous, the filaments capil-
lary; limen cupuliform, about 2 mm high,
Plant scandent, glabrous throughout; stem the apex dentate; ovary ovoid, glaucescent;
terete, striate, slender. Stipules ovate lan- styles mottled red. Fruit about 4 cm long.
ceolate, 2.2-3 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide, at- Seeds ovate, 3 mm long, foveolate.
tached on one side above base, hence often This new species, known only from the
appearing sub-reniform; petiole 4-5 cm long, type collection, belongs to the subgenus
bearing 2-3 pairs of stipitate glands about PassiJlora series Lobatae Harms (Harms,
1 mm long; leaves simple, 3-lobed to about 1925) because of its lobed leaves, folia-
2/3-3/4 of the limb, 5-nerved, truncate to cor- ceous, semi-ovate to semi-oblong stipules
date at base, obtuse at apex, 5-5.6 cm long, that are attached on one side above base
2 cm wide at midvein and 9.5-10 cm wide and, hence, often appear sub-reniform, and
between apices of lateral lobes; the lateral foliaceous, verticillate bracts borne near the
lobes ovate-lanceolate, glaucescent. Pedun- apex of the peduncle. It is most closely re-
cles slender, 2.3-2.5 cm long; bracts verti- lated to P. tenuifila Killip and P. eichleriana
cillate, ovate, 1.7-2 cm long, 1-1.3 cm wide, Masters from which it can be distinguished
situated 3 mm from the floral base. Flowers by characters given in the following key:
Bntton~a,46(2), 1994, pp. 144-146. ISSUED: 22 June 1994
0 1994, by The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 10458-5126

FIG.1. PassiJlora saccoi (from E. P. Heringer 6467). A. Habit. B. Schematic detail of flower.

1 Corona filaments in 4 series.............................. P. tenuz$la Acknowledgments

1 Corona filaments in 3 or 6 series.
2 Corona filaments in 3 series; the outer se- I am very grateful to Dr. Dorothy Araujo
ries 0.8 cm long; the two inner series 0.2 for her help with the English text, to Dr.
cm long; apex of filaments not capitate William A. Rodrigues for the Latin text, and
.............................................................................................. P. saccoi
2 Corona filaments in 6 series; the two outer to Mr. Antonio Dunaiski, Jr., for his excel-
series 1.8-2 cm long; the four inner se- lent illustration of the new taxon.
ries 0.3-0.4 cm long; apex of filaments
capitate .................................................. P. eichleriana
Literature Cited
The new species is dedicated to Professor
Harms, H. 1925. Passifloraceae. Pages 502-504. In:
JosC da Costa Sacco of the Federal Univer- A. Engler & K. Prantl, editors. Die Natiirlichen
sity of Pelotas, Brazil, an expert in the Pas- Pflanzenfamilien. Ed. 2. 2 1. W. Engelmann, Leip-
sifloraceae. zig.

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