Conbextra Ts

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Technical Submittal


Al Gurg Fosroc LLC

P O Box 657, Dubai U.A.E.
Tel : 04 2039699, Fax : 04 2859649

section 1 Submission Summary

Company Introduction

section 2 ISO Certification

Trade License

section 3 Technical Data Sheet

Method Statement

section 4 Material Safety Data Sheet

Section 5 Independent Test Certification

section 6 Job references

Company Profile


Fosroc’s range of products offer the following key advantages :

• technology developed to match application criteria

• high durability - long service life

• full compatibility between systems

• excellent track record in Middle East conditions

In terms of this submission, points of note include the following :

• technical data sheet
• independent test certificates
• job references and approvals of previous applications

The other main benefits of choosing Fosroc include :

• products manufactured by an ISO 9002, quality-assured


• full range of complimentary products to ensure a compatible


• products manufactured, and fully supported, locally in the UAE

• experienced, local applicators available

• additional training available for main contractor’s supervisory staff

to ensure that the correct installation techniques are observed
constructive solutions

Al Gurg Fosroc
The company was founded as a joint venture in 1975 between HE Easa Saleh Al Gurg
and Fosroc International. Al Gurg Fosroc is the first construction chemicals company to
establish a manufacturing base in the region, and presently serves the markets of the
U. A. E., Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman and other Fosroc companies worldwide.
Fosroc is one of the world's leading manufacturers of advanced technology products for
the construction and refurbishment industries.
For over 45 years, Al Gurg Fosroc is widely recognised as the market leader in concrete
repairs and protection, in particular; and has built a substantial reputation in a wide
range of product fields: Admixtures - Concrete repair and protection - Joint fillers
and sealants -Waterproofing - Protective coatings - Surface treatments -
Waterstops - Grouts and anchors – Flooring – Electrochemical products and
Fosroc's success is built on a powerful combination of market knowledge, technical
resource, manufacturing expertise and problem-solving capabilities. The company
follows a policy of detailed product research and development providing high quality
products and long-term solutions.
The company has been the first construction materials manufacturing company to
introduce specification and AutoCAD services.
Al Gurg Fosroc's products are guaranteed for quality, but they must be applied correctly
and consistently to benefit from a long service life. To ensure this success, Al Gurg
Fosroc has introduced a Contracts and Application Department. This ensures that the
technical product knowledge is transpired to the applicators and the availability of the
local technical support center ensures that the correct application techniques are
Al Gurg Fosroc's commitment to total quality management system had lead to ISO 9002
certification in December 1994 - the first construction chemicals company in the Gulf
region to achieve this prestigious award. To keep up with the present market demands,
Al Gurg Fosroc has chosen the policy of continuous improvement, which led to
ISO 9001:2015 certification.
Al Gurg Fosroc was awarded the ISO 14001 certification in 1996 making it the first
construction chemicals company and the third company in any sector in the Gulf region
to receive this award.
As a clear indication of continual improvement in safety, quality and environmental
standards, Al Gurg Fosroc was awarded the OHSAS 18001 certification in October
2004. Currently updated to ISO 45001:2018.
Al Gurg Fosroc has a state of the art production unit, which has an output exceeding
160,000 metric tons per annum.

Al Gurg Fosroc LLC

Post Box 657, Dubai
United Arab Emirates telephone: fax: email:
(+9714) 2039699 (+9714) 2859649 [email protected]
www.fosroc. com
Registered Office: 215 Community, Street No. 13, Nad Al Hamar Road, Al Ramool Industrial Estate, Rashidiya, Dubai
ISO Certificate
Trade License
Technical data sheet
Fosroc Conbextra TS constructive solutions

Non shrink cementitious aggregate filled grout

Uses Properties

Conbextra TS is used to grout gap thicknesses of 50- Density : 2300 Kg/m³

250mm. General pre-packaged non shrink cementitious Compressive strength : 55 N/mm2 @ 28 days
grouts without aggregates are only suitable for gap thick- BS 6319 : Part 2
nesses upto 100mm. due to the high exothermic heat Drying shrinkage
generation and the consequent risk of thermal cracking. ASTM C157-93
Conbextra TS contains aggregates that reduce this heat 28days : < 600 microstrain
generation making it ideally suited to thick section grouting. Flow characteristics
In pockets, volumes of 100 litres can be achieved easily with (DTT specification)
Conbextra TS. Typical applications of Conbextra TS are: 750mm @ 20°C : less than 20 secs
 thick section voids beneath baseplates 750mm @ 40°C : less than 20 secs
Note : 100mm cubes, water cured at 20°C
 voids around below-ground tanks

 large bolt pockets Instructions for use

The substrates must be free from oil, grease or any loosely
 Non shrink and non metallic adhering material. If concrete surfaces are defective or have
 High compressive strength. laitence, they must be cut back to a sound base. Bolt holes
and pockets must be blown clean of any dirt and debris.
 Resistant to impact from dynamic and repetitive loading.
Soak concrete substrates for a minimum of two hours
 No need to site batch aggregates. continuously prior to placing the aggregate filled grout.
 Highly flowable. Immediately prior to placing, all free water should be re-
moved leaving the substrate in a surface dry condition.
 Extended workability.
 Can be pumped or poured.
Must be clean and free from oil, grease and scale. Air
 Chloride free. pressure relief holes should be provided to allow venting of
any isolate high spots.
Conbextra TS is supplied as a ready to use dry powder. The
addition of a controlled amount of clean water will produce a The unrestrained surface area of the grout must be kept to a
fluid, aggregate filled grout for pouring or pumping into large minimum. Generally the gap width between the perimeter
voids between structural elements. formwork and the plate edge should not exceed 50mm on
the pouring side and 50mm on the opposite side. There
Conbextra TS is a blend of Portland cements, graded should be no gap at the flank sides.
aggregates and additives.
Mixing and Application
The low water requirement produces a fluid grout of high
strength with good workability and flow. Water addition is 3litres per 25kg bag. Do not attempt
Specification Upto these 25kg bags of Conbextra TS may be mixed in a
Where shown on the contract documents, all grouting of gap clean drum using a Flosroc Mixing Paddle MR3 fitted to a
thicknesses typically 50-250mm must be carried out with the slow speed drill. Pour the water into the drum and with the
non shrink cementitious aggregate filled pre-bagged grout, paddle in motion, slowly add the contents of Conbextra TS to
Conbextra TS, supplied by Fosroc. It shall provide a com- the accurately measured water and mix continuously for 3-5
Conbextra TS

pressive strength of minimum 50N/mm² at 28 days. minutes ensuring a smooth consistency is achieved.
Fosroc Conbextra TS
For larger quantities, a forced action grout mixer is recom- Storage
mended (eg. Creteangle). Always add powder to water.
When stored in warehouse conditions below 350C, Conbex-
Continuous grout flow is essential and the necessary mixing
tra TS will have a shelf life of 12 months.
equipment and labout must be made available to achieve
this. Fire

Pour or pump Conbextra TS from one point only to eliminate Conbextra TS, is non-flammable and thus presents no fire
the entrapment of air. hazard.

Conbextra TS is formulated to give extended workability but For further information, please refer to the Product Material
must be placed within 45 minutes of mixing. Safety Data Sheet for Conbextra TS.

If pumping, Conbextra TS, use a piston pump (eg. Putzmeiz- Sampling procedure
ter P l3) with a minimum pump line diameter of 50mm.
Cementitious grouts cannot be tested as concrete. As
Curing special sampling procedures are required, refer to your local
Fosroc office for further details.
All exposed areas should be cured using Concure RB90*†
continuous application of water or with wet hessain. Hot weather working

Cleaning Whilst the performance of Conbextra TS at elevated tem-

peratures is assured, application under such conditions can
Conbextra TS should be removed from all tools and equip- sometimes be difficult. It is therefore suggested that, for
ment with clean water immediately after use. temperatures above 35°C, the following guidelines are used:
Cured material can be removed only mechanically. (i) Store unmixe.d materials in a cool (preferably temper-
ature controlled) environment, avoiding exposure to
Limitations direct sunlight.
(ii) Keep mixing and placing equipment cool, arranging
At ambient temperatures above 35°C, the mixed grout shade protection if necessary. It is especially important
should be placed immediately after mixing. Mixing should be to keep cool those surfaces of the equipment which will
employed with water below 20°C. come into direct contact with the material itself.
(iii) Try to eliminate application in the middle of the day, and
Technical support certainly avoid application in direct sunlight.
Fosroc offers a comprehensive technical support service to (iv) Ensure that there are sufficient operatives available to
specifiers, end users and contractors. It is also able to offer complete application within the material’s useable time.
on-site technical assistance, an AutoCAD facility and dedi-
cated specification assistance in locations all over the world. Precautions

Health and safety

Contact the local Fosroc office for Health and Safety instruc-
Supply tions. Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheets for further
Conbextra TS : 25 kg packs information.
* Denotes the trademark of Fosroc International Limited
Conbextra TS : 12.1 lit/25kg bag

See separate data sheet

Important note
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions for the Supply of
Goods and Service. All Fosroc datasheets are updated on a regular basis. It is the user’s responsibility to obtain the latest version.

Head Office
telephone: (+9714) 2039699 fax: (+9714) 2859649 email: [email protected]
Al Gurg Fosroc Co. LLC
Regional offices
Abu Dhabi, Al Gurg Fosroc telephone: 673 1779 fax: 673 1449 email: [email protected]
Post Box 657, Dubai Bahrain, YBA Kanoo telephone: 17738200 fax: 17732828 email: [email protected]
United Arab Emirates Kuwait, Boodai telephone: 4817618 fax: 4832124 email: [email protected] Oman, Al Amana telephone: 24815080 fax: 24817554 email: [email protected]

Method statement
Method statement constructive solutions

Conbextra TS

A: General Comments

High temperature working

It is suggested that, for temperatures above 35°C, the following guidelines are adopted as good
working practice:

(i) Store unmixed materials in a cool (preferably temperature controlled) environment, avoiding
exposure to direct sunlight.
(ii) Keep equipment cool, arranging shade protection if necessary. It is especially important to
keep cool those surfaces of the equipment, which will come into direct contact with the
material itself.
(iii) Try to avoid application during the hottest times of the day.
(iv) Make sufficient material, plant and labour available to ensure that application is a continuous
(v) Use water (below 20ºC) for mixing the grout prior to placement.
It is suggested that the following list of equipment is adopted as a minimum requirement
Protective clothing : Protective overalls
: Good quality gloves, goggles and face mask

Preparation equipment : Electric or pneumatic breaker

: Hammer and chisel

Mixing equipment : Measuring jug

: 1 KW slow speed drill, 400 or 500 rpm, plus
Fosroc mixing paddle and mixing vessel, or
: Forced-action mixer, fitted with a suitable paddle

Application equipment : Formwork

: Pouring equipment

Al Gurg Fosroc
Post Box 657, Dubai telephone: fax: email:
United Arab Emirates (+9714) 2039699 (+9714) 2859649 [email protected] Registered Office: 215 Community, Street No. 13, Nad Al Hamar Road, Al Ramool Industrial Estate, Rashidiya, Dubai
constructive solutions

Application - points of note

Fosroc operates a policy to encourage the use, where possible, of approved or licensed applicators.
This ensures that works are completed satisfactorily so that the long-term performance of the
materials is assured. For contractors who wish to apply the materials themselves Fosroc is also able
to offer technical assistance and training, either on-site or at its Training Centre in Dubai.

Application Method

1.0 Surface Preparation

Attention to full and proper preparation is essential to successful grouting.

1.1 The substrate surface must be free from oil, grease or any loosely adherent material.

1.2 Remove laitance, defective surfaces must be cut back to a sound base.

1.3 Blow clean all bolt holes or fixing pockets of any dirt or debris.

2.0 Bearing plate/base plate

2.1 The underside of the base plate should be clean and free from oil, grease, rust, scale or other
loosely adherent material.

2.2 It maybe necessary to provide air pressure relief holes to allow venting of any isolated high

2.3 If levelling shims are to be removed once the grout has hardened, then they should be pre-
treated with a thin layer of grease.

3.0 Formwork - general

3.1 Before fixing any formwork, ensure that the area to be grouted is clean.

3.2 The formwork itself must be constructed to be leak proof, to prevent any possible grout loss.
This can be achieved by using foam rubber strip or mastic sealant beneath the formwork, and
at any joints in the formwork. It shall, however, also be provided with drain holes and plugs.

3.3 The formwork should also be constructed in such a way as to keep the final, unrestrained
surface area of the grout to a minimum, to avoid problems with cracking at a later

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constructive solutions

3.4 It should be fixed in such a way as to allow easy stripping, without causing damage or
distress to the grout - particularly if this is to be done whilst the grout is still „green‟.

3.5 All dirt and debris to be removed from the grout area before the last piece of formwork is
fixed, to facilitate pre-soaking (see below).

4.0 Formwork - geometry

4.1 Pouring side

- set up so that grout will be poured the shortest distance across the base plate

- erected a maximum of 75 mm from the base plate edge

- erected a minimum of 150 mm higher than the underside of the base plate

4.2 Open side

- set up directly opposite the pouring side

- erected a minimum of 25 mm from the underside of the plate

- provide grout outlets at this end to allow the grout to seep through. Plugs should be made
available to suit these openings.

4.3 Flanking sides

- set up flush with the plate edge

- close attention to „grout tightness‟ of the formwork

5.0 Pre-soaking

5.1 All concrete surfaces within the formwork area should be saturated with clean, fresh water for
several hours prior to grouting.

5.2 Immediately before grouting takes place, any free water should be removed. Particular care
should be taken to blow out all boltholes and pockets.

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constructive solutions

6.0 Mixing

6.1 For best results a mechanically powered grout mixer should be used - do not use a colloidal
impeller mixer.

6.2 For small quantities of grout a slow speed drill (400/500 rpm) fitted with a high shear paddle
is acceptable, but mixing should be restricted to one bag at a time in a container of minimum
capacity 25 litres.

6.3 Measure out 3 litres of clean water into the mixer.

6.4 Slowly add the full 25kg Conbextra TS bag to the water and mix continuously for 3 - 5
minutes, until a smooth, free flowing consistency is obtained.

6.5 Under no circumstances should part bags be used, or additional water employed. Either of
these two actions will change the water:powder ratio, adversely affecting material
performance and automatically invalidating Fosroc‟s standard product guarantee.

7.0 Placing

7.1 It is essential that the machine mixing capacity, material supply and labour availability is
adequate to enable the grouting operation to be carried out continuously. This may require
the use of a holding tank, with provision for gentle agitation to maintain fluidity.

7.2 Immediately prior to placement, the mixed grout should be briefly agitated to release any
surface tension. Place the grout within 45 minutes of mixing to gain the full benefit of the
expansion process.

7.3 Any bolt pockets must be grouted prior to grouting between the substrate and the base plate.

7.4 Continuous grout flow during the grouting operation is essential. Sufficient grout must be
available prior to starting, and time taken to pour a batch must be regulated to the time taken
to prepare the next one.

7.5 The mixed grout should be poured only from one side of the void to eliminate the entrapment
of air, or surplus pre-soaking water. The grout head must be maintained at all times so that a
continuous grout front is achieved.

7.6 When the grout reaches the open side of the formwork, and rises above the underside of the
base plate, pouring should continue slowly down the length of the base plate until completed.

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constructive solutions

8.0 Finishing

8.1 Wherever possible unrestrained “shoulders” are to be avoided. These have a tendency to
crack and/or debond, due to their unrestrained nature.

9.0 Curing

9.1 On completion of the grouting operation, all exposed areas of grout should be thoroughly
cured. For best results use concure curing membrane, continuous application of water
and/or wet hessian.

C: Approval and variations

This method statement is offered by Fosroc as a „standard proposal‟ for „Conbextra TS. It remains
the responsibility of the Engineer to determine the correct method for any given grouting operation.

Where alternative methods are to be used, these must be submitted to Fosroc for approval, in
writing, prior to commencement of any work. Fosroc will not accept responsibility or liability for
variations to the above method statement under any other condition.

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SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking

1.1. Product identifier

Product name CONBEXTRA TS

Product number 1191004AE1

1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
Identified uses Cementitious Grouts

1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet

Supplier Al Gurg Fosroc LLC
PO Box 657
United Arab Emirates
+ 971 4 2858606

1.4. Emergency telephone number

Emergency telephone +97142039699 (08:00 to 16:30) // +971506258232 (16:30 to 08:00)GMT+4

SECTION 2: Hazards identification

2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture

Classification (EC 1272/2008)
Physical hazards Not Classified

Health hazards Skin Irrit. 2 - H315 Eye Dam. 1 - H318 Skin Sens. 1 - H317 STOT SE 3 - H335

Environmental hazards Not Classified

Human health Dust or splashes from the mixture may cause permanent eye damage. Dust may irritate the
respiratory system. Symptoms following overexposure may include the following: Coughing.
Dust has an irritating effect on moist skin. Prolonged contact with moist or wet product may
cause burns. Frequent inhalation of dust over a long period of time increases the risk of
developing lung diseases.

Environmental The product will harden into a solid mass in contact with water and moisture. The resultant
material is not biodegradable.

2.2. Label elements


Signal word Danger

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Hazard statements H315 Causes skin irritation.

H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction.
H318 Causes serious eye damage.
H335 May cause respiratory irritation.

Precautionary statements P271 Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

P280 Wear protective gloves/ protective clothing/ eye protection/ face protection.
P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove
contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
P501 Dispose of contents/ container in accordance with national regulations.



Supplementary precautionary P261 Avoid breathing dust.

statements P264 Wash contaminated skin thoroughly after handling.
P272 Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace.
P302+P352 IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water.
P304+P340 IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing.
P310 Immediately call a POISON CENTER/ doctor.
P312 Call a POISON CENTRE/doctor if you feel unwell.
P321 Specific treatment (see medical advice on this label).
P332+P313 If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/ attention.
P333+P313 If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/ attention.
P362+P364 Take off contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse.
P403+P233 Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed.
P405 Store locked up.

2.3. Other hazards

This product does not contain any substances classified as PBT or vPvB.

SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients

3.2. Mixtures


CAS number: 65997-15-1 EC number: 266-043-4

Skin Irrit. 2 - H315
Eye Dam. 1 - H318
Skin Sens. 1 - H317
STOT SE 3 - H335

Dune Sand 10-30%

CAS number: 14808-60-7 EC number: 238-878-4

STOT SE 3 - H335

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CAS number: 1305-78-8 EC number: 215-138-9

Skin Irrit. 2 - H315
Eye Dam. 1 - H318
STOT SE 3 - H335


CAS number: 12005-25-3

Skin Irrit. 2 - H315
Eye Dam. 1 - H318
Skin Sens. 1 - H317
STOT SE 3 - H335

The Full Text for all R-Phrases and Hazard Statements are Displayed in Section 16.

SECTION 4: First aid measures

4.1. Description of first aid measures

Inhalation Move affected person to fresh air and keep warm and at rest in a position comfortable for
breathing. Keep affected person under observation. Get medical attention. Show this Safety
Data Sheet to the medical personnel.

Ingestion Rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Give plenty of water to drink. Give milk instead of water if
readily available. Keep affected person under observation. Do not induce vomiting. If vomiting
occurs, the head should be kept low so that vomit does not enter the lungs. Get medical
attention immediately. Show this Safety Data Sheet to the medical personnel.

Skin contact Remove contaminated clothing immediately and wash skin with soap and water. Get medical
attention if irritation persists after washing.

Eye contact Do not rub eye. Rinse immediately with plenty of water. Remove any contact lenses and open
eyelids wide apart. Continue to rinse for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if irritation
persists after washing. Show this Safety Data Sheet to the medical personnel.

4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
General information Get medical attention promptly if symptoms occur after washing.

Inhalation Frequent inhalation of dust over a long period of time increases the risk of developing lung

Ingestion Ingestion of large doses may result in irritation to the gastrointestinal tract.

Skin contact May have an irritating effect on moist skin after prolonged contact, or may cause dermatitis
after repeated contact.Prolonged skin contact with wet preparation may cause serious burns
without pain being felt, including through clothing.

Eye contact Eye contact may cause serious and potentially irreversible injuries.

4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
Notes for the doctor Treat symptomatically.

SECTION 5: Firefighting measures

5.1. Extinguishing media

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Suitable extinguishing media Use fire-extinguishing media suitable for the surrounding fire.

5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture

Specific hazards Water used for fire extinguishing, which has been in contact with the product, may be

5.3. Advice for firefighters

Protective actions during No specific requirements are anticipated under normal conditions of use.

SECTION 6: Accidental release measures

6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures

Personal precautions Avoid inhalation of dust. Use work methods which minimize dust production. Avoid contact
with eyes and prolonged skin contact. For personal protection, see Section 8.

6.2. Environmental precautions

Environmental precautions Do not discharge into drains or watercourses or onto the ground.

6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up

Methods for cleaning up Collect powder using special dust vacuum cleaner with particle filter or carefully sweep into
suitable waste disposal containers and seal securely.

6.4. Reference to other sections

Reference to other sections For waste disposal, see Section 13.

SECTION 7: Handling and storage

7.1. Precautions for safe handling

Usage precautions Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid generation and spreading of dust. Avoid inhalation of
dust. Mechanical ventilation or local exhaust ventilation may be required. Change
contaminated clothing. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using the product.

7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities

Storage precautions Store in tightly-closed, original container in a dry and cool place.

7.3. Specific end use(s)

Specific end use(s) The identified uses for this product are detailed in Section 1.2.

SECTION 8: Exposure Controls/personal protection

8.1. Control parameters

Occupational exposure limits
Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): WEL 10 mg/m³ inhalable dust
Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): WEL 4 mg/m³ respirable dust
Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): WEL 4 mg/m³
Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): WEL 2 mg/m³
Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): TLV - Threshold Limit Value 10 mg/m³
WEL = Workplace Exposure Limit

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CEMENT POWDER (CAS: 65997-15-1)

DNEL Workers - Inhalation; Short term : 3 mg/m³

CALCIUM OXIDE (CAS: 1305-78-8)

DNEL Workers - Inhalation; Long term local effects: 1 mg/m³

Workers - Inhalation; Short term local effects: 4 mg/m³

PNEC - Fresh water; 0.37 mg/l

- Marine water; 0.24 mg/l

2,2-DIMETHYL 1,3-PROPANEDIOL (CAS: 126-30-7)

DNEL Workers - Inhalation; Long term systemic effects: 35 mg/m³

Workers - Dermal; Long term systemic effects: 10 mg/kg bw/day
General population - Inhalation; Long term systemic effects: 8.7 mg/m³
General population - Dermal; Long term systemic effects: 5 mg/kg bw/day
General population - Oral; Long term systemic effects: 5 mg/kg bw/day

PNEC - Fresh water; 5 mg/l

- Marine water; 0.5 mg/l
- STP; 20 mg/l


PNEC - Fresh water; 7.8 µg/l

- Marine water; 5.2 µg/l
- STP; 230 µg/l

8.2. Exposure controls

Protective equipment

Appropriate engineering Atmospheric levels of dust must be maintained within the Occupational Exposure Limit.
controls Where mechanical methods are inadequate or impractical, appropriate personal protective
equipment must be used.

Personal protection Personal protection equipment should be chosen according to the CEN standards and in
discussion with the supplier of the personal protective equipment. This product may present a
chromate (VI) allergy risk. Users should wear appropriate personal protective equipment.

Eye/face protection The following protection should be worn: Chemical splash goggles. (conform EN 166)

Hand protection Use impervious, abrasion and alkali resistant gloves. Barrier cream applied before work may
make it easier to clean the skin after exposure, but does not prevent absorption through the
skin. Wear protective gloves made of the following material: Rubber, neoprene or PVC.

Other skin and body Use barrier creams to prevent skin contact. Wear appropriate clothing to prevent repeated or
protection prolonged skin contact.

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Hygiene measures This product contains silica sands.

The grain size distribution of silica sand present means that it is not classified as hazardous.
However, any respirable crystalline dust generated by secondary processing may cause
health effects.
Prolonged and /or massive inhalation of respirable crystalline silica dust may cause lung
fibrosis, commonly referred to as silicosis. Principal symptoms of silicosis are cough and
Occupational exposure to respirable crystalline silica dust should be monitored and controlled

Respiratory protection Wear a respirator fitted with the following cartridge: Particulate filter, type P2.

SECTION 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties

Appearance Granules.

Colour Grey.

Odour Odourless.

Odour threshold Not determined.

pH pH (concentrated solution): >12

Melting point > 1250ºC

Initial boiling point and range Not applicable.

Flash point Not applicable.

Evaporation rate Not determined.

Flammability (solid, gas) Not applicable.

Upper/lower flammability or Not applicable.

explosive limits

Other flammability Not determined.

Relative density 1.5 @ 20°C

Solubility(ies) Slightly soluble in water.

Partition coefficient Not determined.

Auto-ignition temperature Not applicable.

Viscosity Not applicable.

Explosive properties Not considered to be explosive.

Explosive under the influence Not considered to be explosive.

of a flame

Oxidising properties Does not meet the criteria for classification as oxidising.

Comments Information given is applicable to the product as supplied.

9.2. Other information

Other information No additional information.

SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity

10.1. Reactivity
Reactivity No dangerous reactions known if used as directed.

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10.2. Chemical stability

Stability Stable at normal ambient temperatures. When stored under humid conditions, the chromate
neutralization will decrease. Stable under the prescribed storage conditions. This product has
a shelf life. If not stored in accordance with packaging instructions (sealed and dry) There is a
risk of the presence of hexavalent chromate leading to a risk of an allergic reaction The
product will harden into a solid mass in contact with water and moisture.

10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions

Possibility of hazardous Does not decompose when used and stored as recommended.

10.4. Conditions to avoid

Conditions to avoid Water, moisture.

10.5. Incompatible materials

Materials to avoid Acids. Chemically-active metals.

10.6. Hazardous decomposition products

Hazardous decomposition No known hazardous decomposition products.

SECTION 11: Toxicological information

11.1. Information on toxicological effects

Skin sensitisation
Skin sensitisation Some individuals may exhibit eczema upon exposure to wet cement caused either by the high
pH which induces irritant contact dermatitis, or by an immunological reaction to soluble Cr (VI)
which elicits allergic contact dermatitis.

Inhalation Irritating to respiratory system. Inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane by exposure to
cement dust.

Ingestion May cause irritation of mouth, throat and digestive tract.

Skin contact This product is strongly irritating. Prolonged contact may cause burns. May cause
sensitisation by skin contact.

Eye contact Irritating and may injure eye tissue if not removed promptly.

Acute and chronic health Repeated and/or prolonged contact may lead to dermatitis.

Toxicological information on ingredients.


Acute toxicity - dermal

Acute toxicity dermal (LD₅₀ 2,000.0


Species Rabbit


Acute toxicity - oral

Acute toxicity oral (LD₅₀ 20,000.0


Revision date: 21/05/2018 Revision: 5 Supersedes date: 13/09/2015


Species Rat

ATE oral (mg/kg) 20,000.0

Acute toxicity - dermal

Acute toxicity dermal (LD₅₀ 25,000.0


Species Rat

ATE dermal (mg/kg) 25,000.0

SECTION 12: Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity The product is not expected to be hazardous to the environment.

Ecological information on ingredients.


Ecotoxicity Not determined.

12.1. Toxicity
Ecological information on ingredients.


Acute aquatic toxicity

Acute toxicity - fish Not determined.

12.2. Persistence and degradability

Persistence and degradability The product is not readily biodegradable.

12.3. Bioaccumulative potential

Bioaccumulative potential No data available on bioaccumulation.

Partition coefficient Not determined.

12.4. Mobility in soil

Mobility The product hardens to a solid, immobile substance. The product is not volatile but may be
spread by dust-raising handling.

12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment

Results of PBT and vPvB This product does not contain any substances classified as PBT or vPvB.

12.6. Other adverse effects

Other adverse effects None known.

SECTION 13: Disposal considerations

13.1. Waste treatment methods

General information Do not empty into drains, sewers or water courses. Cement that has exceeded its shelf life:
when demonstrated that it contains more than 0.0002% Cr (VI), the product shall not be used
other than in controlled closed and totally automated processes. It may be recycled and/or
treated again with a reducing agent.

Disposal methods Dispose of waste to licensed waste disposal site in accordance with the requirements of the
local Waste Disposal Authority.

Revision date: 21/05/2018 Revision: 5 Supersedes date: 13/09/2015


SECTION 14: Transport information

General The product is not covered by international regulations on the transport of dangerous goods

14.1. UN number
Not applicable.

14.2. UN proper shipping name

Not applicable.

14.3. Transport hazard class(es)

No transport warning sign required.

14.4. Packing group

Not applicable.

14.5. Environmental hazards

Environmentally hazardous substance/marine pollutant


14.6. Special precautions for user

Not applicable.

14.7. Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL and the IBC Code
Transport in bulk according to Not applicable.
Annex II of MARPOL 73/78
and the IBC Code

SECTION 15: Regulatory information

15.1. Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture
EU legislation Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18
December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of
Chemicals (REACH) (as amended).

15.2. Chemical safety assessment

No chemical safety assessment has been carried out.

SECTION 16: Other information

General information Only trained personnel should use this material.

Revision comments NOTE: Lines within the margin indicate significant changes from the previous revision.

Revision date 21/05/2018

Revision 5

Supersedes date 13/09/2015

Hazard statements in full H315 Causes skin irritation.

H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction.
H318 Causes serious eye damage.
H335 May cause respiratory irritation.

Revision date: 21/05/2018 Revision: 5 Supersedes date: 13/09/2015


The information on this data sheet represents our current data and is reliable provided that the product is used under the
prescribed conditions and in accordance with the application specified on the packaging and/or in the technical guidance
literature. Any other use of the product which involves using the product in combination with any other product or any other
process is the responsibility of the user.

Test report
Job reference

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