Link L6 U7 Unit Testb

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Name:_____________________________________ UNIT TEST B 7

Vocabulary 5 Zmień zdania twierdzące w przeczące (–) lub

pytające (?).
1 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.
1 My parents have ridden bicycles. (–)
1 a place to do cycling
a court b track 2 We have done a lot of sports. (?)
2 a place to do athletics
a slope b stadium 3 Juan has gone to bed. (?)
3 equipment you need for badminton
a racket b helmet 4 Leah has washed her basketball shirt. (–)
4 you need to be very brave to do this sport
a weightlifting b motor racing 5 They have lost the game. (?)
5 a place to play rugby
a pitch b gym 5
2 Oznacz poniższe wyrazy jako części ciała
(B – body) lub nazwy obrażeń (I – injury). 6 Przeczytaj tekst o imprezie w mieści Anyi
1 toe 3 leg 5 sprain i odpowiedz na pytania.
2 bruise 4 wrist
Every year, at the end of the summer, there is a big
5 party in the park. Everyone from my town goes to the
party. There are babies and young children with their
Grammar parents, teenagers with their friends, and some people
take their dogs. There is always lots of good food at
3 Z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń utwórz zdania
the party, too. Some families take food with them, but
w czasie present perfect.
there is also a barbecue where you can buy burgers
1 Pria / walk / a long way this morning and sausages – the sausages are my favourite!
People also play games at the party. This year, my
2 You / ski / in Switzerland and Canada friends and I decided to take part in a ‘sack race’.
That’s a race where you climb into a big bag – the
3 They / jump / higher than the other athletes sack – and jump to a finish line. My friend Eli likes
sports and games, but he always wants to win. I think
that’s why he hurt himself.
4 I / go / to the new stadium once
We were in our sacks and someone said, ‘Go!’ We
started jumping. Eli was jumping very quickly and he
5 We / lift / weights that are heavier than these ones thought to himself, ‘I’ve won this race!’ But then he fell.
Everyone shouted at him to get up, but he didn’t. Then
5 we all knew that Eli was hurt. There was a doctor at
the party and he looked at Eli. The doctor said that
4 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami i wyrażeniami Eli had a bruised ankle and that he was lucky it wasn’t
z ramki w formie czasu present perfect. a sprain.
not bring not climb not go 1 Which animal do some people take to the party?
she / ski they / cycle
1 I that mountain yet this year. 2 Which food at the party does Anya like best?
2 down the big slope today?
3 We our rackets with us – 3 What equipment do you need for the race Anya
we’ll have to go back home. took part in?
4 on this track before?
5 He to the stadium in the city 4 Why did Eli think he would win the race?
centre before.
5 5 What injury did Eli have?

Link dla Klasy VI Unit 7 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Name:_____________________________________ UNIT TEST B 7
7 Posłuchaj wypowiedzi Jacoba poświęconej
sportom zimowym. Oznacz zdania jako 10 Jakie dyscypliny sportu uprawiają te osoby?
prawdziwe (T – true) lub fałszywe (F – false). 1 You go up and up and up! And then you’re there
1 Jacob doesn’t enjoy being cold and wet. … at the top. You’re tired, but look at that view!
2 Jacob loves winter sports because of his mum
and dad. 2 I was running really well. It was a great track. But
then another runner hit me with her elbow.
3 Jacob first went skiing when he was four.
4 Jacob won all the races he was in. 3 This is a great team sport. You throw a ball to
5 Jacob says being freezing and tired is a great your teammates. The ball isn’t round.
5 4 You play this game with a net and rackets, but it
isn’t tennis.
Speaking 5 I’ve practised a lot. I’m the strongest I’ve been in
my life. I got it up to my shoulders, but then I
8 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki.
dropped it.
course right said say spell 5
Ann Good morning. My name is Ann Smith 11 Ułóż wyrazy i wyrażenia we właściwej kolejności,
and I want to become a member, please. tak aby powstały poprawne zdania. Użyj
Receptionist What was that? podanych czasowników w formie czasu
Ann I1 my name is Ann Smith present perfect.
and I want to become a member, please. 1 not eat / I / snacks / this evening / any
Receptionist Of So, Ann Smith?
Ann That’s 3 . 2 a house / the city / she buy / in / ?
Receptionist How do you 4
Ann A-double N … S-M-I-T-H. 3 not cut / Jake / hand / his
Receptionist Can you 5 that more
slowly, please?
4 swimming pool / yet / the / they go / to / new / ?
Ann A-double N … S-M-I-T-H.
Receptionist Great, thanks!
5 visit / you / once / stadium / that

Writing 5

9 Napisz wpis na bloga poświęcony czemuś, Total marks with Extra 55

co chciałbyś/chciałabyś zmienić w swoim domu.
• przyjazne i bezpośrednie wyrażenie,
• właściwy format tekstu,
• link do innej strony internetowej.

Total 45

Link dla Klasy VI Unit 7 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

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