654c6d37af97f - Definitions of Political Science

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The Definitions would reflect the changing understanding of Politics. It is difficult to give a single
precise definition of Political Science. It varies from person to person depending upon the
importance he gives to various aspects of political life. The study of Political Science began with the
Greeks. Various definitions of Political Science given by the ancient, Medieval and modern political
scientists of this subject are as follows

1] Origin :- The term `politics‟, is derived from the Greek word `Polis‟, which means the city state
According to Greek Philosophers, Politics was a subject which dealt with all the activities and affairs
of the city state. Their City States were known as `Polis‟. City state was an all inclusive term, as the
ancient Greeks made no distinction between the state and the Government on one hand, and State
and Society on the other. They never differentiated between personal life and social life. Hence
according to them Politics was a total study of man, society, state, morality and so on.

2] Politics as the study of the state:- Traditionally Political science is a science of state.
Political thinkers like R.G. Gettel, J.W. Garner, Bluntschli and many others were of the view that
political science was the study of the state. R.G. Getlel defined “Political Science as a study of state in
the past, present and future and of Political institutions and Political theories”. J.W.Garner States,
“Political Science begins and ends with the state”

3] Politics as the study of the Government:- Some Political Scientists like Paul Janet,
George Catlin, Hans Eulan have accepted the view which states that politics deals with the state and
government. Paul Janet writes “Political Science is concerned with the foundations of the state and
principles of government. George Catlin states “Politics means either the activities of political life or
the study of these activities. And these activities are generally treated as activities of the various
organs of government.” Prof Hans Eulan considers in his definition of politics that the study of formal
government is a fundamental concern of politics. The Oxford English Dictionary defines Political
Science as “the study of the state and systems of government.”

4] Politics as the study of national Institution :- Bridal expressed the view that “Political
Science is, above all, descriptive study which brings together the description of national political
institutions, their history, their ideological principles, their working, the forces that direct them, the
influence they undergo, the results they obtain and their effect on the life of the country and its
relations with neighboring states “.

Traditional Approach :- The concept of Political Science as a study of State, Government

and national Institution is not considered adequate today. This aspect of above definitions
emphasizes the legal structure only. They do not pay attention to what is happening withing the
State. Political Science must include the study of informal structures, facts and reality of Politics.
Hence, modern Political thinkers defined Political Science differently and taken modern approach.

5] Political Science as a Study of Power :- Modern Political thinkers like Lasswell, Robert
Dahl have defined politics in terms of power, influence, and authority. According to these thinkers
Power has acquired prominent position in political thought.

Harold Lasswell considers, “Politics is the study of shaping and sharing Political power.”
Robert A. Dahl defined that, “A Political system is any persistent pattern of human relationship that
involves, to a significant extent power, rule or authority.”

According to the view of these thinkers entire political activity directed towards capturing and
maintaining power/ “Power” is the central idea in Politics – who get, what when and How”.

6] Political Science as a study of Conflict Resolution :- This view was suggested by

Miller in his `Nature of Politics‟. The purpose of a political activity is either to bring about a change
or resist a change. People compete with each other to satisfy their needs. When resources are
limited and the people who want to utilize them are many conflicts arise. Politics is a means to
resolve this conflict. According to Peter B. Haris “ The Modern emphasis in the study of Politics is laid
on disagreements and reconciliation or resolution of these disagreement.

7] Political Science as a Study of Co - relation of many Forces :- Encyclopedia of

Social Sciences States, “Present day political science revolves around the problem of the attainment,
consolidation and distribution of political power whether in an actually existing state or a
hypothetical state”.

Political Institution and politics can not function in vacuum. Social and economic forces affect the
political process. Hence they also must be taken into account.

Analysis and Conclusion :- The several definitions of the term Political Science reflect the
changing understanding of the discipline. From above definitions we may say that there are mainly
two approaches of looking at Political-Science. 1) Traditional approach 2) Morden approach. The
Traditional Approach suggests that Political-Science is the study of State, Government and National
Institutions. It studies the formal, legal structures and theoretical part.

The Modern Approach emphasizes “What is actually happening in the state”. It stressed on reality
and actual facts of politics. Thus it studies various forces, processes and informal structures making it

However, it can be said that political - Science is a systematic study of the State, Government,
Political institutions, Power, influence and authority, Political processes and Political forces.

The scope of Political-Science means the subject matter or content of Political Science. Various
Political thinkers are not in agreement about the exact scope of politics. The lack of precise
definition and terminology have created confusion regarding the subject matter of Political Science.
Despite the ambiguity and controversy in the field various aspects included in the study of political
science are as follows :-

A conference of political thinkers held in Sept 1948 at the UNESCO House decided the scope of
Political Science.

1] Political Science is the study of Political theories :- Over the centuries, Political
scientists have concerned themselves with formulating political theories and political ideas. e.g.,
Plato explained theory of Ideal State, Theory of justice, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau explained theory of
origin of state. These theories enable us to organize their observations and offer a foundation on
which future observations and analysis can be based.

2] Political Institutions :- Study of Political Science includes the study of various constitutions,
various systems of government their merits, demits etc. eg. Whether it is parliamentary,
presidential, dictatorial, democratic, coalition form of government. Such a study helps us to reform
out political institutions in order to realize our goals.

3] Political Parties and Pressure Groups :- It studies the various systems of political
parties, their role and importance. Pressure groups and interest groups are becoming more
important. Political science studies their role, methods etc. in a given political system. This makes
the study of Political - Science more realistic. Opposition political parties, pressure groups Non-
Governmental organizations (NGOS) do not directly form the government. They indirectly influence
governmental policies and decisions. Hence the study of governance (act of governing) is incomplete
if it is limited to the study of government.

4] International Relations :- It includes the study of international organization, and policles.

States do not live in isolation. Domestic Policy and foreign Policy are interrelated. Hence the study of
international relations becomes significant more in the times of globalization.

5] Political Science is the study of the relationship between government and

civil society :- The state is comprised of two entities : government and civil society. Both entities
influence governance in different ways. Civil society includes citizens, Nongovernmental
Organization (NGOS), pressure groups, opposition Political parties. Civil society influence governance
indirectly, by influencing the government and convincing it to adopt certain policies. Whereas the
government possesses the power and authority to influence governance directly. Hence the
relationship between government and civil society is an important determinant of governance in the
state. Political Science Studies this relationship in order to better understand the nature of the state
and the efficacy of governance.

6] It is the study of Power, Authority, Influences, Political activities, Political

Processes :- Political Science is normative as well as empirical. Normative approach of Political
Science studies norms, ideals, morals, principles, philosophy of Political Science eg. What should be
the nature of the state etc. Empirical approach of political Science observes and analyses political
activities and institutions as they are in a scientific way.

6] Morgenthau said scope of Political-Science includes three branches :- a)

Political Sociology b) Political theory c) Political Institutions Modern political Scientists feel that
man‟s social life is an integrated whole. Any change in man‟s social environment have repercussions
on man‟s political life. The modern state cannot escape from that impact of the social, psychological,
economic and cultural forces. According to Leacock PoliticalScience must not content itself with a
mere analysis of Political institutions as existing at any given time, it must take account of the
process of change and evolution, and the alteration of social and intellectual environment.”

7] ‘Master Science’ :- Aristotle called political science the „Master Science‟ because Politics
determines the environment within which every person will organize his life. No one can claim that
he has nothing to do with Politics. No one can escape from the parameters set by politics. The
ancient Greeks never made any distinction between man‟s personal life and political life. According
to them Politics is the total study of man, Society, State, Morality etc.

8] Study of Political system and its Environments :- Varied political systems exist and
function in different environment. Political science studies them with reference to the response
given and feedback secured. The policies of one system have an impact on the other systems. Also
political decisions are not made in vacuums. These are influenced by economic structure, social
institutions and the whole environment in which the state functions.

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