A dissertation submitted to
Submitted by
Under the supervision of
Place: Secunderabad
External Examiner
Place: Secunderabad
External Examiner
Place: Secunderabad
External Examiner
Last but not the least, we are especially thankful to our parents and some other
friends for their unstinting support in doing this dissertation work, which shall
be remembered forever.
Place: Secunderabad
Plants are the major source of natural drugs. Pithecellobium dulce is one of the plants
with many therapeutic activities belonging to the family Leguminosae.
Pithecellobium dulce is a tree with a spiny trunk and bipinnate leaves. Each pinna has
ovate-oblong leaflets, and its fragrant, sessile flowers reach 12 cm in length. The pod
produces a pink or white, edible pulp with black shiny seeds. The pollens are stitched-
together grains, and the tree can reach heights of 10 to 15 meters. The pod turns pink
when ripe and opens to expose the seed arils. Soxhlet extraction is used to extract the
drug. For 25 grams of shade-dried leaf powder, we got 12 grams of concentrated drug
extract. The preliminary phytochemical analysis of crude drug revealed primary
metabolites like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Secondary metabolites like
alkaloids, cardio glycosides, amino acids, flavonoids, steroids, and saponins. The disc
diffusion method is a culture-based microbiology assay used in diagnostic and drug
discovery laboratories to determine the susceptibility of bacteria to clinically
approved antibiotics. The evaluation of anti- bacterial activity was done by using agar
culture media and nutrient media. Anti-bacterial was done by disc diffusion method.
The microbes which were selected for determining the anti-bacterial activity are two-
gram negative microorganism (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and two-
gram positive microorganism (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtillis). Ethanol was
taken as a negative control and streptomycin of concentration 1mg/ml was taken as
positive control of anti-microbial of plant extract i.e., sample was evaluated for anti-
bacterial activity. The plant extract of 100µl was tested against four bacteria i.e.,
Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus
subtillis. The extract shows about 75% of anti-bacterial activity against Escherichia
coli, 83% of anti-bacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa ,40% of anti-
bacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and 65% of anti-bacterial activity
against Bacillus subtillis when compare to standard Streptomycin activity.
Plants are the major source of natural drugs. Pithecellobium dulce is one of the plants
with many therapeutic activities belonging to the family Leguminosae. Along with
200 other American species, such as other woody legumes from the genera Gliricidia,
Leucaena, Prosopis, and Samanea, pithecellobium dulce was brought to the
Philippines from Mexico on board a Spanish government galleon that sailed between
Acapulco and Manila between 1521 and 1815 (Merrill, 1912).
P. dulce was introduced in about 1870 as a shade tree in dry lowlands (Little and
Skolmen, 2003). It is now found in dry pastures and wastelands on almost all of the
Hawaiian Islands (Motooka et al., 2003). In Hawaii, where it is known as "opiuma"
due to the resemblance of its seeds to opium seeds (Neal, 1965). Major Hawaiian
infestations were noted by Smith (1998) in 1998 in areas of Mokuleia, O'ahu,
Moloka'i, Lahaina, Maui, and South Kona. According to Brewbaker (1992), the
invasion of grass pasture in Hawaii mostly happened in areas with low nitrogen
levels, while in other places, the species' propensity to spread was influenced by
things like management and grazing pressure.
Food: Pods, containing sweet and acidic pulp, are used in sweet drinks like lemonade
and roasted or fresh. They are also used in curries in India, Mexico, Cuba, and
Thailand, where they are harvested and sold on roadside stands.
Fodder: Hedge clippings' pods and leaves are consumed by livestock like horses,
goats, camels, cattle, and sheep, while seed oil extraction press cake residue can be
used as stock feed.
Fuel: Pithecellobium dulce wood, despite its fast-growing and coppicing nature, is not
highly quality due to its smokiness and low calorific value, primarily used in India for
brick kiln fuel.
Timber: Pithecellobium dulce's wood is strong, durable, and soft, with a moderately
hard, straight-grained texture. It weighs around 590 kg/m³ and is easy to saw. In south
India, it's used for drums, while in China, it's used for matches. It's also used in
construction and posts, but its short spines and irregular growth make it less appealing
for wood use.
Tannin or dyestuff: Tannin, a dyestuff extracted from bark, seeds, and leaves, is used
to soften leather and dye fishnets a yellow colour.
Lipids: Seeds contain 20% greenish oil, which can be used for food, soap production,
and as a substitute for kapok and ground nut seed oils after refining and bleaching.
The Leguminosae family is one of the largest groups of flowering plants, with about
650 genera and 18,000 species. Generally, subfamilies like Mimosoideae,
Caesalpiniodeae, and Papilionoideae are distinguished from the main family.(2)
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Spermatophyta
Subphylum Angiospermae
Class Dicotyledonae
Order Fabales
Family Leguminosae
Genus Pithecellobium
Species P. dulce
Binominal name Pithecellobium dulce
Table: 1.1 classification of Pithecellobium dulce
Classified into over 600 genera, the Leguminosae is one of the largest families of
flowering plants, with 12,000 species. Three subfamilies—Papilionoideae,
Caesalpinioideae, and Mimosoideae—typically make up the family. Within the
Mimosoideae subfamily, Pithecellobium is a genus comprising 100–200 species that
are distributed throughout the tropics, primarily in Asia and America. Of these, about
10 species are found in India: Pithecellobium globosum, Pithecellobium dulce,
Pithecellobium monadelphum, Pithecellobium arboreum, Pithecellobium flexicaule,
Pithecellobium jiringa, Pithecellobium parviflorum, and Pithecellobium mart, among
others.is one of the well-known species among them; because of its tamarind-like sour
flavor, it is sometimes known as manila tamarind. The genus name "Pithekos" comes
from the Greek word "lobos," which means "pod," and "ape." and the Latin name for
the species, dulce, refers to sweetness in reference to the pod's edible pulp. The plant
is also known as jungli jalebi due to the fruits' similarity to the Indian sweet jalebi.(2)
The local Tamil term for Manila tamarind is Jungle Jilebi, also known as Mitiambli,
Madras thorn, and Korkalikka. Other names for it include Ape's earring and bread-
and-cheese tree. Blackbead, Camachile, Thai Sweet Tamarind, Monkey Pod, Seema
Chintakayalu, and Kona Puliyankai (Twisted Tamarind).
The bark, leaves, flowers and fruits of Pithecellobium dulce belonging to the family
The sweet tamarind is a woodland species with a huge but unreported area. It is
widely found in tropical and subtropical regions as a wayside and fence plant.
Systematic plantation as an orchard has not yet been tried since it has never been
counted under fruit species. The majority of the fruits that are sold and used for
different reasons are gathered from plantations on waste ground and by the side of the
The Pithecellobium species is found in South East Asia, Latin America, Mexico, the
East Indies, and tropical Africa, especially coastal Africa. The main nations where
manila tamarind, also known as sweet tamarind, is typically grown are Guyana,
Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Cuba, St. Croix, Philippines, and
India. It is found all over India; nevertheless, plantations have been established as
food trees on Andaman Island and as forest species in the northern states (Pareek and
Nath, 2006). Mahapatra (2008) has also noted that it exists in the jungles of Orissa.(2)
Within its natural range, the climate is tropical and subtropical, with mean rainfall
falling between 500 and 1000 mm. It is vulnerable to severe cold, yet it can withstand
shadow and dry conditions. It has been grown successfully in regions with maximum
dry seasons of 4–5 months and mean annual rainfall as low as 400 mm. In a semiarid
region of India, where the average monthly temperature varies from 7 to 8°C in
January to 40 to 42°C in May and June, sweet tamarind is said to grow well. Grown
on waste ground, sweet tamarind is a drought-tolerant plant. It may grow in a broad
variety of soil types, such as nutrient-poor sand, rocky limestone soils, clays, and soils
with a high, brackish water table. The tree is said to flourish successfully in highly
degraded Montana wastelands and saline environments in India.
Mainly two types of sweet tamarind i.e. Red aril and creamy aril types are common in
most parts of the country.
Fig : 1.4 varieties of Pithecellobium dulce
Usually, it is spread via seed. Seed is sown in a polythene bag that has equal amounts
of sand, clay, and FYM (farm yard manure). Scarification or other treatments are not
necessary for the germination of seeds. While dried seeds require thirty to thirty-five
days to germinate, freshly picked seeds do so readily in one to two days. In storage,
seeds can be kept alive for around six months. After four to six months, seedlings
cultivated in nurseries are used for new plantings. After six months, seedlings may be
poked out of the germination beds and placed in transplant beds or polythene bags.
Young plants require protection from hot, dry winds.(2)
According to Pareek and Vishal Nath (2006), hardwood cuttings can be used to grow
it. July through August is the ideal time to take cuttings and treat with 1000 ppm. IBA
makes rooting better. In little quantities, budding, grafting, and layering also work
Fig: 1.5 Vegetation propagation of Pithecellobium dulce
This kind of tree is multipurpose. The way it is planted and cared for varies depending
on its use. In order to create an impenetrable hedge, seeds are spread in two to three
rows at a distance of 15 cm. Regular training and trimming will help the hedge grow.
Seedlings are transplanted around the orchard at a spacing of 3½4 m in order to form
a shelter belt. Inga seedlings are planted in a square system with an 8 x 8 m spacing in
order to produce fruit. Plants with vegetative multiplicity are spaced six by six meters
apart. The ideal months to plant are July and August, when the seedlings are placed in
60 x 60 x 60 cm well-prepared and filled trenches. Pit sizes in troublesome soil can be
increased as necessary.(2)
This tree is resilient and thrives without irrigation. Irrigation is needed in the
beginning to help the new plant establish itself. It is not necessary to use irrigation
once fruit has been grown. Summertime irrigation increases fruit output and size.
Orchard management:
It is the process of covering the top soil with plant material, such as grass, leaves,
twigs, crop leftovers, etc. This is also referred to as culturing. The activity of
earthworms and other soil organisms is increased by a mulch cover.
Fig 1.6: Mulching
Manilla or sweet Although tamarind trees can withstand drought, other plants, such as
dry banana leaves or paddy straw, can be used as mulch beneath trees. Mulch made of
black polythene works wonders at retaining soil moisture.
1.10 Mineral nutrition:
Since the majority of the current plantations are located in shelter belts and roadside
plantations, where nutrients are typically not treated, there is no systematic research
available on the nutritional requirements of manila tamarind.
On the other hand, applying 50 kilograms FYM during the monsoon enhances a
bearing tree's fruit set, fruit size, and yield.
It has been discovered that applying 40–50 kilograms of FYM and 500grams of
phosphatic fertilizer per tree is advantageous. Fertilizers should be applied in the
months of February through March and July through August. Following fertilizer
application, mild irrigation should be conducted.(2)
In general, illnesses and pests don't affect Manila tamarind. On the other hand, several
defoliating and burrowing insect pests have been documented. Damage is caused by
shoot hole borer, which can be stopped by filling the holes in the trunk with cotton
swabs dipped in kerosene or gasoline.
It is thorn's preferred host. Additionally, it has been mentioned that lac insects host on
it. Insects on pithecellobium were mentioned by Browne (1968). These insects
include Coleopterus Kelosterna scabrator, Sternoceras termicornis; Hemipterus
Kerria lacca, Nipaecoccus vastator; and Lepidopterus Cryptophlebia illeptida,
Eucosma stereoma, Euproctis scintillans, and Hypanartia hecabe.
1.12 Diseases:
Diseases called leaf spot severely harm plants. On manila tamarinds, fungi have been
identified as Bitzea ingae, Catacauma ingae, Fusarium semitechim var. majus,
Perisporium truncatum, Peziotrichum sacchardinum, Phyllostica ingae¬edulis,
Ravenelia ingae, Rhizoctonia spp., Colletrotrichum spp., Uredo ingae, and Corticum
salmonicolor has been identified.
Fungicide spraying is one way to control them. The mosaic virus also affects trees,
according to Witches Broom. The main diseases that affect this crop are twig blig,
leaf spot (Phyllostica pithecolubis) in Texas and Puerto Rico, Physalospora fusca and
Physalospora rhodina in Florida, and wood rot (Polyporus gilvus) in Hawaii.
When the colour of the peel changes from green to pink or the pulp takes on a pinkish
hue, ripe fruits are hand plucked. However, because of the tree's prickly branches and
stem, climbing on it is dangerous. Thin and long bamboo poles with a sharp pruning
knife fastened at the top are used to pick the fruits from a tall (10½–15 m) tree.
Harvested pods are packaged in bamboo and wooden baskets for marketing after
being cut free of the twigs. Fruit kept at room temperature will keep for a few days.
Peel and seeds are removed from the pods to release the pulp. One consumes fresh
fruits. The fruits need to be consumed right away because they don't keep well.(2)
Sweet tamarind, also known as manila, is a resilient fruit crop that is not currently
being used for commercial purposes. Because of the trees many uses, high nutritional
value, and antioxidant characteristics, this crop species need additional study. The
species' maximum potential can only be realized following:
4. The creation of diverse value-added products and the expansion of their current
application spectrum.
5. The creation of diverse value-added products and the expansion of their current
usage patterns.
Fig: 1.8 Leaves of Pithecellobium dulce
The predominant sugars found in arils are glucose and sterol glycoside. The
fruit is rich in nutrients, protein, polyphenols, anthocyanin, and distinctive
The seeds had the highest total protein content (50.3–67.1%), followed by the
stems, roots, leaves, fruits, and flowers.
The leaves include 29% protein and fiber, 1.14% calcium, and 0.35%
The seed contains 13.5% moisture, 17.6% protein, 17.1% crude fiber, and
41.4% starch.(6)
1.17.1 Chemical Constituents present in leaves of
Pithecellobium dulce:
1. Juliprosopine: This alkaloid has been isolated from the leaves of
Pithecellobium dulce and has been studied for its potential
pharmacological activities, including antimicrobial properties and effects
on blood pressure regulation.
The fruit known as jungle jalebi is rich in minerals like calcium, potassium,
phosphorus, and iron as well as a wide range of substances like dietary fiber,
carbs, lipids, and proteins.
It also contains phytochemicals like phenols, flavonoids, and saponins.
The nutritional composition of this fruit is given in the table below. (7)
Nutritional components Value per 100g
Carbohydrates 76.87 g
Protein 12.4 g
Dietary fibre 1.3 g
Fats 0.24 g
Potassium 0.2 g
Phosphorus 0.04 g
Calcium 0.01 g
Iron 0.005 g
The hydroxyl functional group of flavonoids and phenolic compounds has the
capacity to scavenge radicals and avert oxidative damage.
Leaf content is high in fiber, and seed content is high in protein. (8,9,10)
Reflux and decreased renal function.
Pithecellobium dulce has the potential to worsen bleeding risks and interact with
some drugs, including blood thinners.
Allergic Reactions:
Pithecellobium dulce allergies can occur in people who are allergic to other members
of the Fabaceae family of plants, which includes peanut allergies.
Digestive Issues:
In certain people, consuming too many Pithecellobium dulce seeds or pods might
result in digestive distress, such as diarrhoea or pain in the abdomen. (14)
2. Literature Reviews:
3. Antioxidant activity:
Shankar D. Katekhaye, et al, (2012). Studied the invitro anti-oxidant in the plant
Pithecellobium dulce. Methanol & 70% acetone extract of wood bark & leaves of P.
dulce were evaluated for their total phenolic & flavonoid content and anti- oxidant
activity. Total antioxidant activity in DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) assay by
methanol extract on bark is 150.23 ± 2.8µg/ml, acetone extract of bark 16.83
±0.38µg/ml, methanol extract of leaf 250.23 ± 4.8µg/ml and acetone extract of leaf
18.3 ± 0.43 µg/ml. The evidence shows that methanolic & 70% acetone extracts of P.
dulce wood bark and leaves are potential source of natural antioxidants.(18)
4. Antifungal activity:
Suman Kumari, (2016) evaluated anti- fungal activity, a protein of an apparent
molecular mass of 14.4kDa with antifungal activity was isolated from the seeds of P.
dulce using extraction with 100mM Tris-HCl buffer(pH=8), ppt with 80% ammonium
sulfate and bioassay purification via Anion exchange chromatography and Super Dex
200 Gel filtration chromatography. This plant lysozyme expressed antifungal activity
with a rather high thermal stability of up to 80°c for 15min at pH=8. It extracted an
antifungal action towards Macrophomina phaseolina but no antifungal activity
towards Phymatotrichopsis omnivore and Fusarium avenaceum.(19)
5. Antimicrobial activity:
Mukesh Kumar, et al, (2012) evaluated of Pithecellobium dulce seed extract against
pathogenic bacteria in silio and in vitro methods.Extract from Pithecellobium dulce
seed and its ability to inhibit the growth of clinically relevant multi drug resistant
bacteria. It shows that Pithecellobium dulce extract is a rich source of D-Turanos
(55.82%), hexadecenoic acid (11.56%), indole-1-acetic acid (11.42%), inositol
(5.78%), and octadecanoic acid (4.36%). The extract shows Antibacterial activity
towards tested clinical bacterial strains with MIC values ranging from 233mg/ml for
Acinetobacter Baumanni to 300mg/ml for S. aureus and Escherichia coli. Possible
use of Pithecellobium dulce extract as a valuable source for drug development against
pathogenic drug resistant bacteria. Using the Agar well diffusion and broth
microdilution procedures, the antibacterial activity of Pithecellobium dulce root was
assessed against five different microorganisms in this study. Ethanol and water were
alternately macerated with P. dulce roots constantly. The outcomes demonstrated the
ethanolic extract’s Staphylococcus activity.
The results indicated that Bacillus subtilis had the greatest inhibitory zone
(11.67±0.58 mm) against Staphylococcus aureus, the lowest MBC (500 μg/ml)
against Bacillus subtilis (Turbidity method), and the lowest MIC (250 μg/ml) against
both bacteria (Diffusion). The water extract shown no activity against Saccharomyces
cerevisiae or Escherichia coli, however it did display the greatest inhibitory zone
(8.00±0.00 mm) and lowest MIC (62.5 μg/ml) against Staphylococcus aureus, as well
as the lowest MBC and MFC.
>2000 μg/ml against Candida albicans, Bacillus subtilis, and Staphylococcus aureus.
The study's findings indicate that P. dulce extracts have significant antibacterial
activity due to the presence of bioactive chemicals. (21)
6. Anticancer activity:
7. Nanoparticles:
G. Madhumitha et.al. had performed the green synthesis, characterization and
antifungal activity of Pithecellobium dulce peel-mediated ZnO nanoparticles. Because
of their stability, broad surface area, and strong electron-hole binding energy (60
meV), zinc oxide (ZnO)NPs have been widely documented to degrade dyes. Thanks
to their catalytic activity and quantum efficiency, ZnO NPs are regarded as an
extremely essential photocatalyst in photocatalytic dye degradation, similar to TiO2
nanomaterials. The US Food and Drug Administration similarly considers them to be
safe. To breakdown dyes, large-surface-area, nanoscale zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO
NPs) are synthesised more readily when phytochemicals such phenolic compounds
are present. In the production of ZnO NPs, the phytochemicals function as capping
agents, modifying the NPs' surfaces while simultaneously regulating NP aggregation.
This inspired us to create ZnO NPs using dried peel extract from Pithecellobium
It has been demonstrated that the highly bioactive phytochemicals found in the aerial
sections of P. dulce have antidiabetic, antivenomic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,
antibacterial, and antiulcer properties. P. dulce's larvicidal and antibacterial properties
have led to its usage in the synthesis of NPs. Iron NPs, silver NPs, and ZnO NPs have
primarily been synthesized using P. dulce leaf extracts. There isn't a single publication
that we could find on using the peel to make ZnO NPs for photocatalytic dye
degradation. Because of its antibacterial properties and ability to breakdown the dye
methylene blue (MB), we decided to produce ZnO NPs using P. dulce peel. In the
Vellore area of Tamil Nadu, India's Puttuthakku Forest is where the P. dulcepeel was
collected. AVRA Chemicals, Hyderabad, India provided the zinc acetate and MB, and
distilled water was used throughout the entire experiment. ZnO NPs were synthesised
in a single step utilizing a green technique, employing P. dulce peel extract as a
capping and stabilizing agent. Consequently, ZnO NPs produced with P. dulce may be
applied to more environmental science and nanotechnology research.
A one step eco-friendly phytosynthesis of ZnO nanoparticles is proposed.
The first report on peel of Pithecellobium dulce used for nanoparticles synthesis.
Performance of ZnO nanoparticles on methyelene blue degradation achieved. (23)
Preparation of extract.
Fresh leaves of the plant, Pithecellobium dulce as shown in figure 1was collected
locally during the month of February to April from the local areas of Ranga Reddy
district of Telangana. The plant material was washed thoroughly, initially with tap
water and then with distilled water to remove any debris or dust particles and was
shad dried. The dried plant material was ground to a fine powder and stored at room
temperature in airtight containers until used further.
Leaves were washed with water and 50 grams of fresh leaves are shade dried (kept at
25°C for 5 days in the absence of sunlight). To prepare the leaf extract Pithecellobium
dulce of Soxhlet method is used.
Soxhlet extraction:
This process is otherwise known as continuous hot extraction. The apparatus is called
Soxhlet extractor made up of glass. It consists of a round bottom flask, extraction
chamber, siphon tube, and condenser at the top.
The entire process continues repeatedly until the drug is completely extracted, a point
when a solvent flowing from extraction chamber does not leave any residue behind.
This method is suitable for plant material that is partially soluble in the chosen solvent
and for plant materials with insoluble impurities. However, it is not a suitable method
for thermolabile plant materials.
Advantages: Large amount of drug can be extracted with smaller amount of solvent.
It is also applicable to plant materials that are heat stable. No filtration is required, and
high amount of heat could be applied.
Disadvantages: Regular shaking is not possible, and the method is not suitable for
thermolabile materials.
1. Molisch test: To 2- 3 ml of test solution, add few drops of molish reagent solution
and shake. Then add concentrated sulphuric acid from the sides of the test tube. Violet
ring is formed at the junction of two liquids.
1. Foam test: The drug extracts were vigorously shaken with water. Persistent
foam formation indicates presence of saponins.
Agar disc-diffusion testing developed in 1940, is the official method used in many
clinical microbiology laboratories for routine antimicrobial susceptibility testing.
Nowadays, many accepted and approved standards are published by the Clinical and
Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) for bacteria and yeasts testing.
In this well-known procedure, agar plates are inoculated with a standardized inoculum
of the test microorganism. Then, filter paper discs (about 6 mm in diameter),
containing the test compound at a desired concentration, are placed on the agar
surface. The Petri dishes are incubated under suitable conditions. Generally,
antimicrobial agent diffuses into the agar and inhibits germination and growth of the
test microorganism and then the diameters of inhibition growth zones are measured.
The organisms which are used for study are two-gram positive and two-gram negative
micro-organisms and ZOI (Zone of Inhibition). (27,28)
Weigh & transfer the solid ingredients into a clean conical flask. Dissolve in the
required volume of water with the aid of heating. Adjust pH to 7.2-7.4 with 5M
NaOH. Heat for ten minutes at about 60°C. Filter & plug with non-absorbent cotton &
cover with kraft paper. Sterilize in autoclave at 121°C for 15 minutes.
Prepare nutrient broth as in 4.4.1. Add agar powder, heat at about 98°C to dissolve
completely. Adjust pH to 7.2-7.4 using 5M NaOH. Plug with non-absorbent cotton &
cover with kraft paper. Sterilize in autoclave at 121°C for 15 minutes. (29)
4.4.3 Disc-diffusion method:
To inoculate a nutrient agar plate, dip a sterile swab into the inoculum tube and rotate
it to remove excess fluid. Inoculate the plate by streaking the swab three times over
the entire surface, rotating about 60 degrees each time. Rim the plate with the swab to
remove excess liquid. Discard the swab and let the plate sit at room temperature for 3
to 5 minutes, but no more than 15 minutes, for the surface to dry.
Placement of the antibiotic discs:
Dispense antimicrobial-impregnated disks onto the agar surface using forceps.
Sterilize the disks with alcohol pad or isopropyl alcohol before touching them to
ensure complete contact with the agar surface. Do not move the disk once it has
contacted the agar surface, even if it's not in the correct location, as some of the drug
begins to diffuse upon contact. This is crucial before replacing the petri dish lid to
prevent static electricity from causing disks to relocate or adhere to the lid. To add
disks to an agar plate using forceps, place the plate on the template and sterilize the
forceps by cleaning them with alcohol. Remove one disk from the cartridge and
gently press it onto the agar surface. Replace the lid to minimize exposure to room air.
Invert the plates, place them in a 35°C air incubator for 16 to 18 hours, and repeat the
process for each disk. This procedure ensures complete contact with the agar surface.
The study used ethanol as a negative control and streptomycin as a positive control to
evaluate the anti-microbial activity of a plant extract. The sample was then incubated
and the Zone of Inhibition (ZOI) was measured after the incubation. (30)
The petri dish showing the anti-bacterial activity against the Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
the ZOI of positive bacteria, negative bacteria, control & plant extract.
The petri dish showing the anti- bacterial activity against the E. coil, the ZOI of
positive bacteria, negative bacteria, control & plant extract.
The petri dish showing the anti- bacterial activity against the Staphylococcus
aureus,the ZOI of positive bacteria, negative bacteria, control & plant extract.
Pithecellobium dulce leaves were collected from
Randgareddy and used for extraction. Hot method
of Extraction is used. Soxhlet method is used to
extract leaves of Pithecellobium dulce, powdered, and placed in a muslin bag. The
solvent is poured into a flask, evaporated, and condensed, then injected into the
chamber to extract the drug. The solvent and extracted plant material return to the
flask when the solvent level in the extraction chamber reaches the top of the siphon.
The process continues until the drug is completely extracted, suitable for partially
soluble and insoluble plant materials, but not thermolabile ones. The percentage yield
is about 60% of raw material taken.
The preliminary phytochemical analysis for crude drug which was shown the
presence of primary metabolites such as Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins and the
secondary metabolites such as Alkaloids, Cardiac glycosides, Amino acids, Steriods,
Flavonoids and Saponins.
Nutrient medium was used to evaluate anti-bacterial activity. Anti-bacterial was done
by disc diffusion method. The microbes which were selected for determining the anti-
bacterial activity are two-gram negative microorganism (Escherichia coli,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and two-gram positive microorganism (Staphylococcus
aureus, Bacillus subtillis). Ethanol was taken as a negative control and streptomycin
of concentration 1mg/ml was taken as positive control of anti-microbial of plant
extract i.e., sample was evaluated for anti-bacterial activity.
The plant extract of 100µl was tested against four bacteria i.e., Escherichia coli,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtillis.
The extract shows about 75% of anti-bacterial activity against Escherichia coli, 83%
of anti-bacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa ,40% of anti-bacterial
activity against Staphylococcus aureus and 65% of anti-bacterial activity against
Bacillus subtillis when compare to standard,Streptomycin activity.