An Overview Of
R & C Laboratory
Foundry Shop
Oxygen Plant
Power Plant
A new hydraulic coiler has been added and two of the existing ones revamped.
With the completion of Hot Strip Mill modernization, Bokaro is producing top
quality hot rolled products that are well accepted in the global market.
Bokaro is designed to produce flat products like Hot Rolled Coils, Hot Rolled
Plates, Hot Rolled Sheets, Cold Rolled Coils, Cold Rolled Sheets, Tin Mill Black
Plates (TMBP) and Galvanized Plain and Corrugated (GP/GC) Sheets. Bokaro
has provided a strong raw material base for a variety of modern engineering
industries including automobile, pipe and tube, LPG cylinder, barrel and drum
producing industries.
Raw Material Handling Plant or Ore Handling Plant or Ore Bedding and
Blending Plantplay a very important role in an Integrated Steel Plant. It is the
starting point of an integrated steel plant, where all kinds of raw materials
required for iron making/steel making are handled in a systematic manner,
e.g., unloading, stacking, screening, crushing, bedding, blending, reclamation,
1. Iron Ore
2. Lime stone
3. Dolomite
4. Manganese Ore
5. Ferro and Silico manganese
6. Quartzite and Coal
For Blast Furnace route Iron making the main raw materials required
Different types of raw materials such as iron ore lump, iron ore fines,
limestone, dolomite, manganese ore, etc,.are supplied by SAIL mines (Raw
Materials Division, SAIL) or purchased from outside parties. Right quality raw
material is basic requirement to achieve maximum output at lowest operating
cost. Quality of raw materials plays a very important and vital role in entire
steel plant operation. Quality of raw materials (incoming) and processed
material(outgoing) is monitored by checking the incremental samples collected
from the whole consignment Samples are collected at Auto Sampling Unit or
Sampling Unit. The samples prepared after quarter and coning method are
sent for further analysis.
8 Mixed Breeze Coke Generated inside the plant (Blast Furnace &
Coke Ovens)
9 Mill Scale Generated inside the plant
High grade limestone, dolomite & iron ore lump supply to BOF.
Major equipments:-
(A) Wagon tipplers:-
4 in number
For stacking on beds as well as reclaiming from
Two beds for Iron ore and two beds for flux
1 in number
For Sinter-mix preparation (i.e. stacking for
1 in number
To reclaim the Sinter-mix
Major sections:
(1) Sinter-mix preparation:
Capacity of 12051 T/day
Raw Materials stored in 18 bunkers of junction
There are 8 dust extraction system and 8 dust suppression system for pollution control.
Service Pneumatic
Bunkers 4 of Selective Crushing
4000T each
Coal for
BF coke
To Battery
Major Sections:
(1) Coal Handling:
BOD plant
As reducing agent
A large quantity of fines is generated in the mines, which cannot be charged
directly into the Blast furnace. Moreover many metallurgical wastes are
generated in the steel industry itself, disposal of which is very difficult. In order
to consume this otherwise waste fine material they are compacted together and
made into lumps by a process known as SINTERING. Sintering is a technology
for agglomeration of fine mineral particles into useful Blast furnace burden
material. This technology was developed for the treatment of waste fines in the
early 20th century. Since then sinter has become the widely accepted &
The ore fines, lime stone fines, dolomite fines, lime dust, coke breeze & some
other metallurgical wastes are proportioned based on charge calculation. Then
these are mixed in a balling drum with the addition of water and then loaded
into grates of moving pallets. The purpose of Balling drum is to mix the raw
materials (called base mix) with water and make balls. After mixing and ball
formation this base mix is loaded on moving sinter machine pallets. HEARTH
LAYER which consists of finished sinter of size fraction 16to 25mm forms the
bottom layer. Base mix is loaded above the hearth layer. As soon as these raw
materials reach the ignition furnace, Top layer is ignited in the IGNITION
FURNACE by burning of gases. Air is drawn downwards through exhausters.
The heat from top layer is gradually transferred to subsequent bottom layers.
Due to burning of coke particles bonding take place between the grains and a
strong & porous aggregate is formed known as “SINTER”. This sintering
process is over when bottom layer coke fine burning is completed. The sinter
cake is then crushed, screened, cooled and dispatched to Blast furnace. The
ideal size of sinter required in blast furnace is in between 5mm to 40mm. The
other sizes are screened & returned back to sinter bins.
Sinter making
Sintering of fines by the under grate suction method consists of the mixing of
fines with finely crushed coke as fuel and loading the mixture on the pallet
grates. Ignition of the fuel proceeds on the surface of charge by a special
ignition arrangement, called ignition furnace (where gaseous fuel is burnt to
produce high temperature to ignite the fuel in sinter mix) the gases used in
ignition furnace are mainly coke oven gas and mixed gas. Mixed gas is
combination of coke oven gas and blast furnace gas. Further the combustion
is continued due to suction of air through the layers of the charge by means of
Exhausters. Due to this, the process of combustion of fuel gradually moves
downwards up to the grates.
In all the zones except the zone of combustion, the reactions taking place are
purely thermal where as in the zone of combustion reactions are thermal and
chemical. The maximum temperature attained in the zone of combustion will
be 1300-1350 degree Celsius. The vertical speed of movement of the zones
depends on the vertical speed of sintering. Heat from the zone of ready sinter is
intensively transmitted to the sucked air. In the zone of combustion of fuel hot
air and preheated charge comes into contact with each other24which with the
burning fuel will result in the formation of high temperature. Maximum
temperature will be developed in this zone and all the physical-chemical
process takes place resulting in the formation of Sinter. In the zone of pre-
heating the charge is intensively heated up due to transfer of heat from the
sucked product of combustion. In the zone of re-condensation of moisture, the
exhaust gases during cooling transfer excess moisture to the charge.
Temperature of this zone sharply decreases and will not increase till all the
moisture is driven off. As the fuel in the zone of combustion is burnt away,
Sinter, the height of which increases towards the grates, is formed above this
zone from the red hot semi-fluid mass, forcing out subsequent zones.
Disappearance of the zone of combustion means the end of sintering process.
The sinter cake is then crushed, screened, cooled and dispatched to Blast
furnace. The ideal size of sinter required in blast furnace is in between 5mm to
40mm. The other sizes are screened & returned back to sinter bin.
2. Moisture:
Moisture in the form of water is added in the base mix in balling/nodulising
drums. Water acts as binder of base mix. Addition of water in base mix plays
important role in sinter bed permeability. Ideally 6 to 7% of total base mix of
water are used. Higher % of water results in low permeability & less sintering
speed. Less % of water results in less balling, hence less permeability,
resulting in low productivity.
5. Machine speed:
Speed of sinter machine can be varied as per the condition of sintering
process. BTP (Burn through Point) temperature decides the completion of
sintering process. It is observed normally in second last wind box from
discharge end side of sinter machine where the temperature reaches up to 400
degree Celsius (approximately). Higher machine speed, lower BTP causes
more–5mm generation, hence lower productivity. Lower m/cspeed, higher BTP
temperature causes low productivity
Note: BTP Exhaust gas temperature which indicates the completion of
sintering processes called BTP. It is approximately around 400 degree
Crushing, Cooling & Screening of sinter
The finished sinter cake is then crushed to the size of 100mm by using
crushers.Normalising of finished crushed sinter is then done on coolers by
means of air blowers(induced draught fans),so that cooler discharge end
temperature is about 80 degree centigrade. For effective cooling, bigger size of
sinter should be on bottom portion &smaller size should be on top. Finally
various fractions of sinter is screened out.-5mm fraction of sinter returns back
to bunkers. 16 to 25mm fraction is also screened out to be used as hearth
layer. Rest sizes goes to blast furnace, after screening +10mm fraction should
be 65%minimum and –5mmfraction should be 8% maximum as per
requirement of blast furnace
2. To utilize economically all the metallurgical wastes like Mill scale, L.D slag,
B.O.F slurry, Flue dust, Ferro scraps etc.
3. To utilize the coke breeze generated in coke screening at coke ovens as fuel,
otherwise has no metallurgical use
4. To reduce coke rate in B.F by ensuring free available lime for slag.
5. To increase productivity of B.F
Blast Furnace is the most important part of an integrated steel plant. It is
considered as the heart of an ISP. The objective of Blast Furnace is to take the
raw material from RMHP, coke from Coke Ovens and Sinter from Sinter Plant
and convert it into pig iron or ”Hot Metal”. Coke serves as the heat source and
reducing agent while Limestone and Dolomite are used as flux, which combines
with gangue to produce slag. A Blast Furnace is so called because it uses air
blast as oxygen source for the process.
There are four Blast Furnaces in DSP, out of which 3 are in running condition.
Hot Blast Hot Blas BF Gas Clean BF
Furnace GCP
Hot metal
BF is a counter current heat and mass exchanger, in which solid raw materials
are charged from the top of the furnace and hot blast, is sent through the
bottom via tuyeres.The heat and is transferred from the gas to the burden and
oxygen from the burden to the gas. Gas ascends up the furnace while burden
and coke descend down through the furnace. The counter current nature of
the reactions makes the overall process an extremely efficient one in reducing
atmosphere. The real growth of blast furnace technology came with the
production of high strength coke which enabled the construction of large size
blast furnaces.
In India steel is being produced largely through the blast furnace/ B.O.F.route.
Iron ore, sinter and coke are the major raw materials for blast furnace
The following raw materials used for the production of pig iron: -
(i) Iron ore
(ii) Limestone
(iii) Dolomite
(iv) Quartzite
(v) Manganese ore
(vi) Sinter.
Iron ore: Iron bearing materials; provides iron to the hot metal. It is the
principal mineral in blast furnace for extraction of pig iron; generally rich in
iron content varying from 60% to 66%. The high alumina content makes the
slag highly viscous and creates problems for stable furnace operation.
Limestone: Acts as flux. Helps in reducing the melting point of gangue present
in the iron bearing material and combines effectively with acidic impurities to
form slag in iron making.
Manganese ore: Acts as additive for the supply of Mn in the hot metal. Mn ore
is available in the form of combined oxides of Mn and Fe and content of Mn is
about 31-32% for steel plant use
Coke: Acts as a reluctant and fuel, supports the burden and helps in
maintaining permeable bed.
High lines: The main responsibility of high lines section is to receive the raw
materials required for the production of hot metal from various sources,
storing and transporting them to the top of the furnace in time, for the smooth
running of the furnace.
Ore yard: Raw materials arriving to the blast furnace department from various
sources are unloaded in the ore trench of ore yard. After the ore trench, ore
yard is located towards the blast furnace. The ore yard is meant for stocking
and averaging of materials. The materials from ore trench are transported to
ore yard with the help of ore bridge cranes (OBCs). Raw materials from the ore
yard are charged by means of electrically operated transfer cars (OTCs); carry
the materials into the respective bunkers. Sinter From bunker located on the
extension tracks of high line was collected in transfercars moving on rail tracks
or sinter comes by means of conveyor belt and is stored in receiving hopper.
Sinter is screened, and the fines are returned through conveyor belts Coke (25
-80mm) from coke sorting plant is supplied to the coke bunkers of the blast
furnace with the help of conveyor belts.
Stock house: Below the bunkers there is a vibro-feeder, which feeds the
material to the conveyor belt, which charges the material on screen. The bf size
material is fed to weighing hopper through ore discharge conveyor. The
weighing hopper discharges the material into the skip. There are conveyors to
remove the fines from the system.
Raw materials including coke are transported and collected into high line
bunkers placed near the furnaces and then properly screened and weighed.
Weighing is done either by scale car or by load cell or by any suitable
arrangement. These batched proportions of the raw materials are conveyed to
the top of the blast furnace via skip car or conveyors and are charged in the
blast furnace. The distribution is maintained in such a fashion that alternate
layers of coke and iron-containing burden (sinter and iron ore) are formed
inside the bf.
Hoist house:
For taking charged materials to the furnace top, two-way skip hoist with 2
skips are provided. The hoist house operates the skip that is driven by two
motors. Bell hoist, equalizing valves test rods etc. are also operated from hoist
B F Proper
The entire furnace is lined with suitable refractory and carbon blocks in the
hearth and in the periphery of the hearth bottom. In addition to refractory
lining, there are water coolers, designed to enhance the life of the furnaces.
There is a tap hole of suitable dimension and length for the purpose of tapping
the hot metal. The raw material at the top will be charged either through
'double bell system' or 'bell less system' for furnace smelting. Since blast
furnace is basically a counter current apparatus the descending stream of raw
materials extract heat from the ascending stream of gas generated from the
burning of coke at the tuber level. The ascending stream of gas contains CO
(carbon monoxide) nitrogen and hydrogen and in the events of its coming in
contact with the iron ore, reduction (this reduction is called indirect reduction)
of iron ore takes place at the upper part of the stack. Coke in the form of 'c'
also takes part in the reduction. In the hearth there are slag notches at about
1.1-1.6 meter away from the hearth bottom for flushing out slag at regular
intervals before tapping, the notches are also extensively water cooled by
'monkeys'. The number of tap hole, slag notches, their positioning and
dimension will depend upon the capacity of the furnace. Many modern
furnaces are having 2-4 tap holes without slag notches. The furnaces are
equipped with tubers (water cooled copper construction for admission of hot
blast of air) through which preheated air blast at a temperature of about 8500c
-10000c is introduced for burning of coke. Before preheating, the blast of cold
air supplied by power and blowing station is introduced into hot blast stoves at
about 3.2-353.5 kg/cm2 (gauge pressure) wherein the air is pre-heated
regenerative and sent to the furnace through hot blast main and bustle pipe.
The air blast then passes from the bustle pipe through gooseneck and tuber
stocks/blow-pipes into tubers. The pressure of the blast and its flow rate is
dependent upon the capacity of the furnaces.
The burden material which reaches to the top of the furnace by skip car or by
conveyer is to be distributed into the furnace. For this double bell charging
system, rotating charging unit (RCU),MTA is provided or equipped with paul-
wurth bell less top (BLT) charging system, which replaces bells with charging
bins, upper material gate, upper sealing valve, lower material gate and lower
sealing valve. This system also has a gearbox to operate rotating chute. The
latter distributes the material inside the furnace peripherally indifferent rings.
This facilitates better burden distribution inside the furnace.
The Hot Metal from Blast furnace comes in Hot metal ladles to Steel
Melting Shop by rail. It is poured into a vessel called Mixer. Mixer has a
Charging hole from where Hot metal is being charged into with the help of
heavy cranes and a sprout to take out hot metal by tilting the mixer. Main
functions of mixer are storage and homogenization. Mixed gas is supplied
through side burners in order to maintain temperature in Mixers. Once it is
taken out it can go to Hot metal desulphurization unit and then to either of the
process of steel making i.e. Open/Twin Hearth furnace or Basic Oxygen
Furnace (BOF).
SMS or Steel Melting Shop is the section where hot metal from Blast
furnace is converted into steel. The process is Basic Oxygen Furnace or LD
process. This process was first used successfully in a place called Linz in
Austria and then at Donawitz in Austria. The name LD process came from the
names of these places. Basic Oxygen Furnace was added under modernization of
DSP. It has a capacity of 1.876 MTPA.
Scrap 65.9 kg
Dolomite 31.3 kg
Fe- Mn 1.11 kg
Fe- Si 1.32 kg
Al 0.15 kg
The shop has three converters each having a capacity of 110-130T per heat. The
converters were commissioned by Mannesmann Damage of Germany. Each
converter has its own lance system for blowing oxygen at high pressure so as to
form an emulsion on the surface of metal which increases the surface area to
such an extent that separation of impurities takes place very fast.
The oxygen blowing rate through the lance is 415 Nm 3/min. and the blowing
pressure is 14.2 to 14.3 bars from top. The tap to tap time of BOF is
approximately 57 minutes out of which oxygen blowing time is 18 min. the gas
obtained from BOF converter has a calorific value of 2100 Kcal/Nm 3 which acts
as a fuel.
BOF has an online process monitoring system. The system uses VAX/VMS
system which works on the principle of virtual memory. The higher level of
computerization caters to the need of quick retrieval of data about operation
CCP, one of the critical features of DSP is the first billet caster in any ISP in
SAIL. The machines are designed and supplied by Comcast Standard AG,
Switzerland. Presently, we have two machines with six strands in each, capable
of producing billets of sizes varying from 80 mm 2 to 150 mm2.
Under traditional route, liquid steel is allowed to solidify into separate moulds
and come out as ingots, which are then rolled to get the billets. Continuous
casting route bypasses the steps of soaking and rolling in blooming and billet
No. of machines 2
No. of strands/machines 6
Casting Radius 6m
Molten steel is taken to ladle treatment section. The purpose of ladle treatment
is to homogenize the temperature and composition, floatation of non-metallic
inclusions and to facilitate active slag metal reactions. A dummy bar is inserted
in the mould, up to 100 mm with the help of pinch rolls. The mould is
surrounded by 4 mm water jackets through which primary water is circulated
internally. Primary cooling is thus done by dematerialized water. Other zones
are kept cool by industrial water.
The billets formed are cut to proper lengths and are allowed to cool in air
and then packed and sent to stock yard.
There are three kilns (Annular kiln shaped), of capacity 300T/day, one is
kept standby; each kiln is a vertical cylindrical structure. Limestone, which is
charged from the top, gradually descends through the kiln, where it is subjected
to control heating by two firing zones preventing the charge from direct exposure
to base flame. Coke oven gas at 5500 mm water pressure is used as fuel for
heating. Temperature range of heating is 1200 0 C - 1250o C
The calcinations process is almost complete as the charge reaches the bottom
portion of lower combustion zone and the calcite lime is discharged into a silo by
Lime Discharging device.
NLCP has got bunkers and conveyors for storage, handling and supply of fluxes
to converter shop.
Major Equipments:
Soaking Pits:
700 Shear:
Important Parameters:
(a) Pit Time:
This is the amount of time the ingots have to be placed in the soaking
pits. This is equal to 1.5 times the track time, which is around 3 to
4.5 hrs for hot ingots and around 12 hrs for cold ingots.
Billet Mill
Major Equipments:
(a) Mill Train:
In modern steel plants everywhere there is a demand for more and more
quality finished products. For rolling to very thinner products, continuous
casting products are the best compared to teeming of the steel to make ingots
and then to roll the ingots to produce slabs or billets or blooms. Continuous
casting not only meets the higher production within same time frame but the
quality of such products is quite lucrative and hence demanding.
Before going into the details of CCM a brief description of the caster is given
<BOF> => Raw/Crude Steel from converter => <SRU> => Refining crude steel
i.e. killing, Homogeneous Temperature and Composition => <Caster> Turret,
Ladle S/Gate, Shroud => Tundish => Mould
Liquid steel comes from the ladle into the punish. Tunis is a device
where it collects, accumulates liquid steel from the ladle and feeds to two or
more moulds through SEN depending on the m/c and process.
Casting Preparation
Casting Process
Liquid steel taken into ladle is refined at SRU is placed over the turret
arm and ladle SG is fixed. Then one shroud is fixed at the bottom of the ladle
collector nozzle so that no stream of liquid steel comes in contact with the
atmosphere and no spillage occurs. This liquid steel gradually fills the tundish
and from there liquid steel leaves tundish nozzle/TSG through SEN into the
mould. Initially steel rests on the DUMMY BAR head on which some chillers
are placed to get the liquid steel freeze/solidifies quickly then the m/c starts
with MOM & casting powder is to be sprayed continuously at a certain mould
level. The process continues after the DUMMY BAR head is disconnected as it
reaches at its particular position. Length of the slab/billet is maintained by
using cutting torch/ shearing blades.
Steel plates are used mainly for the manufacture of bridges, steel structures,
ships, large diameter pipes, storage tanks, boilers, railway wagons, and
reassure vessels. SAIL also produces weather-proof steel plates for the
construction of railcars. SAIL is the only producer of wide and heavy plate
products in India.
Railway Products
Rails are the main rolled products by SAIL. It is used primarily to
upgrade and expand the existing railway network in India.
I-beams, channels and angle steel are used in mining, construction of
tunnels, factory structures, transmission towers, bridges, ships, railways, and
other infrastructure projects.
Semi-Finished Products
Semi-finished products (blooms, billets and slabs) are converted into
finished products in SAIL’s processing plant and, to a lesser extent, sold to
rerollers for conversion to finished products
The rolling process in which rolling is done above re crystallization
temperature is calledhot rolling. More reductions are possible in hot rolling as
compared to cold rolling.
In the reheating furnaces the Input materials are heated to a specified
temperature and soaked for given time depending upon size of input and their
metallurgical requirements. Ideally, it is aimed to equalize the surface and the
core temperatures of the slab. Well soaked slabs are discharged from the
furnace at dropout temperature of 1100-1300oC.The furnace discharge
temperature also depends on the extent of heat losses downstream.
Slabbing Mill transforms ingots into slabs by rolling them in its 1250 mm
Universal Four-High Mill. The rolling capacity of the Mill is 4 MT per
annum. The shop has Hot and Cold Scarfing Machines and 2800 T
Shearing Machine. Controlled heating in Soaking Pits, close dimensional
accuracy during rolling and hot and cold scarfing help produce defect free
Slabs from CCS and Slabbing Mill are processed in the state-of-the-art Hot
Strip Mill. The fully automatic Hot Strip Mill with an annual capacity of 3.363
million tonnes has a wide range of products - thickness varying from 1.2 mm
to 20 mm and width from 750 mm to 1850 mm. The mill is equipped with
state-of-the-art automation and controls, using advanced systems for process
optimization with on-line real time computer control, PLCs The finishing group
consists of a Flying Shear, Finishing Scale Breaker and seven 4-high Finishing
Stands. Hydraulic Automatic Gauge Control system in the finishing stands
ensures close thickness tolerance. The Work Roll Bending System ensures
improved strip crown and flatness. The rolling speed at the last finishing stand
is between 7.5-17.5 meters per second. The Laminar Cooling System is a
unique feature to control coiling temperature over a wide range within close
tolerance. The Hydraulic Coilers maintain perfect coil shape with On-line
Strapping system. On-line Robotic Marking on the coil helps in tracking its
All the Hot Rolled coils from the Hot Strip Mill are received in HRCF for further
distribution or dispatch. HR Coils rolled against direct shipment orders are
sheared and finished to customer-required sizes and dispatched to customers.
The material is supplied as per Indian specifications and many international/
foreign specifications. The shop has two shearing lines with capacities of 6,
45,000 Tonnes/ year and Rs. 4, 75,000 tones per year respectively.
coaches, other bending and shaping jobs and coated steels. The CRM complex
comprises of two Pickling Lines (including a high speed Hydrochloric Acid
Pickling Line with re-generation facilities), two Tandem Mills, an Electrolytic
Cleaning Line, a Continuous Annealing Line, Bell Annealing Furnaces, two
Skin-Pass Mills, a Double Cold Reduction Mill (DCR), Shearing Lines, Slitting
Lines and a packaging and dispatch section. The 5-stand Tandem Mill is
capable of rolling sheet gauges up to 0.15 mm thickness. It has sophisticated
Hydraulic Automatic Gauge Control, computerized mill regulation and
optimization control.
Maintenance Departments
Bokaro has centralised maintenance departments for large-scale
electrical and mechanical maintenance, in addition to shop-based
maintenance wings for running repairs and maintenance. These facilities are
capable of executing massive capital repairs, supported by the fabrication
facilities of the auxiliary shops.
Auxiliary Shops
To meet its needs for maintenance and repairs, Bokaro has a cluster of
engineering shops such as Machine Shop, Forge Shop, Structural Shop, Steel
Foundry, Ingot Mould Foundry, Cast Iron and Non-Ferrous Foundry, Electrical
Repair Shop and Power Facilities Repair Shop in addition to shop-specific Area
Repair Shops. Most of the repairs and maintenance requirements of the plant
are met in-house. The auxiliary shops and maintenance wings of Bokaro Steel,
aided by in-house design teams, have executed a number of highly
sophisticated procurement-substitution, productivity enhancement and quality
improvement jobs, saving revenues and enhancing equipment availability. The
expertise and operational scale of these departments, along with the service
departments, makes Bokaro a truly integrated plant, housing many virtual
enterprises within Bokaro Steel.
The sectioning the product a value based place in customer mind. Finalize
annual sales plan and quantity, monthly, weekly, and daily rolling programme
of Rolling mills in consultation with CMO and mills. This plan is based on the
sales forecast receive from JPU SPL/ Iron and steel controller. Optimizing the
product-mix by proper utilization of available stocks. Receiving Enquiries and
Metal Fabrication is the forming of metal, usually steel plate, into various
forms either by welding or other forms of metal joining processes. Metal
fabrication falls into two categories, either "light" (metals under 3mm thick) or
"heavy" fabrication.
Metal fabricate
not be able to enjoy many of our buildings or anything that is built with the
help of metal. Fabricators are important to manufacturers because they have
the ability to manipulate otherwise functionless materials into something that
will help consumers.
Welding is the process of joining metals by melting the parts and then
using a filler to form a joint. Welding can be done using different energy
sources, from a gas flame or electric arc to a laser or ultrasound. Until the
beginnings of the 20th century, welding was done via a process known as forge
welding, which consists of heating up the pieces to be fixed together and then
hammering them until they amalgamate. With the advent of electricity, welding
became easier and faster, and it played an important part of the industry
scene during World War I and II. There are different welding processes in use
in modern times:
Arc welding is done through the use of an electrical current, and can
be performed by using inexpensive equipment.
Plastic welding is the process of joining work pieces made from plastic
with the help of advanced welding techniques. Plastic welding can be
used for joining two or more work pieces made from the same type of
plastic or two or more pieces made from different types of plastic.
The engine lathe, its use, and its principal parts and their uses are
knowledge and skills expected of an EN2. Although machine shop work is
generally done by personnel in the Machinery Repairman (MR) rating, there
may be times that you will find the lathe essential to complete a repair job.
This chapter will help you to identify the engine lathe’s attachments,
accessories, and their uses. Also, it will identify and explain different
machining operations and the factors related to machining operations. Of
course, you will be expected to know and to follow the safety precautions
associated with machining operations.
To achieve these, it has a main laboratory outside the plant and the other
laboratories are inside the plant. The laboratories inside the plant are at
RMHP, BF, BOF, Coke Ovens, Rolling Mills. The main laboratory is well
equipped with chemical, metallurgical and other test facilities.
BSP is having its own foundry, referred as captive foundry. The main products
Ingot mould (8.5T)
Bottom Plate (3T)
False Plate
Casting of different small structures is also done here to cater to the needs of
different shops.
Important equipments are:
Pneumatic Rammer
K.S. Drag barrels
Stripping plates
Jolting Machine
Guide Pit
Cupola Furnace
This is an important section since oxygen demands of various shops are
met from this department. It has five gaseous O2 storage vessels and two liquid
storage tanks. The capacity of this plant is (2X350=700TPD).
The distribution network is spread over 18 Km in the plant. The gas is also
supplied to ASP. The pressure is 350 mm of water gauge pressure.
Main Objectives
To provide COLD AIR BLAST to blast furnace.
To provide HP/LP process steam to BF, COCC, SMS, Oxygen Plant
Power generation
HP steam at 32 Kg/cm2
LP steam at 12.5 Kg/cm2
The capacity of this plant (4x5 MW = 20 MW). It is also called as blower plant
as its main aim is to generate steam. There are seven boilers each having
capacity 60 TPH. Steam is generated at high pressure. Boiler No. 1, 2, 5, and 6
uses coal and (BF+CO) gas as fuel. Boiler no. 3, 4 and 7 are gas fired using
(BF+CO) gas.