CVM-A1500-ITF-485-ICT2, Power analyzer
Código: M56311.
> Protocol: Modbus/RTU | BACnet | webserver (HTTP) | XML | HTML5
> Memory: 200 MB
> Memory: Yes
> Events / Waveform (1 = yes): Yes
> Energy accuracy: 0,2S (.../5A)
> Communications: RS-485 | Ethernet
> Transistor output: 2
> Nº relays: 2
> Digital inputs: 2
> Harmonics: 63
> Input current: .../5 A | .../1 A | 250 mA
> Mounting: Pannel
> Modules: 144 x 144
CVM-A1500 is a panel mounted power quality analyzer with EMS (Energy Management Software) integrated. Its
internal Web Server (html5) allows any user to have full installation control by using any web browser.
Designed to be installed in the most relevant or critical part of electric installations since it registers and monitors a
wide range of variables (almost one year of data with RMS, maximum and minimum values). The device also
registers power quality events such as swells, dips, interruptions (every half cycle) and transients (according to IEC
61000-4-30 Class A). Any event will be immediately captured with the voltage and current waveform.
This model adds the measurement of power quality variables (defined in the standard EN 50160) such as flicker,
unbalance (Kd) and asymmetry (Ka) coefficients or voltage and current harmonics decomposition up to 63th. In
addition it is possible to monitor in real time the instantaneous waveforms of voltage and current through its
oscilloscope function.
As an added value, CVM-A1500 displays the number of events and transients on each affected phase with the level
reached, duration and its associated waveform. In addition, those events are directly displayed in CBEMA, ITIC y
SEMI-F47 graphs.
The smart design of the CVM-A1500 allows users to customize their own screens in order to access to the
information faster and easy. Remark that the device allows the connection though PowerStudio software to save
and store, in a redundant way, all the information in a server or PC avoiding memory limits.
Dimensions:144 x 144 mm
Energy Management Software (EMS) included with historical data register
Register of power quality events, waveforms and instantaneous parameters.
Expandable up to 3 modules (inputs/outputs and communications)
VGA color display with high definition
IP 65 with airtight seal
5 voltage channels + 4 ITF current channels
Active energy class 0,2S (IEC 62053-22)
Universal switching power supply AC/DC or DC
Ethernet communications (Web Server) + RS-485 (ModBus RTU or BACnet protocol)
5 user customizable screens
3 tariffs (selectable by digital input or by communications)
Cost calculation(any currency) and emissions of kgCO2
2 relay outputs for alarms + 2 transistor outputs for alarms or pulses + 2 digital inputs to select tariff, to control
logical states or pulse centralizer from any external meter.
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Control, monitoring and logging of the power quality in High and Low Voltage distribution panels. Performed
directly or remotely thanks to its WEB server. Integration in SCADA systems through XML requests.
4 alarms (2 per transistor and 2 per relay), fully and independently programmable according to a low or high
value, hysteresis, connection/disconnection delays, normally open or closed standby status and interlocking.
Generation of impulses with transistor outputs, fully and independently configurable over any incremental
parameter (energy, costs, kgCO2, total meter or tariff hours).
Transducer converting analogue signals to any instantaneous parameter measured or calculated by the unit,
with built-in expansion modules with analogue outputs.
CVM-A1500-ITF-485- Display of process signals featuring a built-in expansion module with analogue inputs, with optional reporting of
ICT2 these signals to SCADA systems through communications systems.
Control of electrical load or alarm signal operations by programming the transistor or relay outputs that are
Power analyzer for panel with built-in or added through expansion modules.
power quality measurement Datalogger integrated with Web server and XML (log of historical data).
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AC power supply
DC power supply
ICT2 Installation category CAT III 300 V
Size (mm) width x height x depth 144.7 x 144.7 x 131.1 (mm)
Environmental characteristics
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Stop bits (BACnet) 1
Protocol ModBus/BACnet
Speed 9600-19200-38400-57600-76800-115200
Electrical safety
Power analyzer for panel with
power quality measurement Resolution of the display VGA (640x480)
Keyboard Capacitive, 3 keys
Digital inputs
Input/output insulation 4 kV
Quantity 2
Pulse width 1 ms
Quantity 2
Measurement accuracy
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calculated (…/0.250A)
Reactive energy measurement (kvarh) (IEC 62053-23) Class 1 (…/5A), Class 2 (…/1A,
Reactive power measurement (kvar) (Vn 230/110 Vac) Class 1 ±1 digit 0.05…6A
(…/5A),0.01…1.2A ( …/1A), 0.01…0.3A (…/0.250A)
Apparent power measurement (kVA) (Vn 230/110 Vac) class 0.5 ±1 digit 0.05…6A
(…/5A),0.01…1.2A ( …/1A), 0.01…0.3A (…/0.250A)
Active energy measurement (kWh) (IEC 62053-22) Class 0.5S (…/5A), Class 1 (…/1A), Class 1
Power factor measurement class 0,5 (…/5A, …/1A, …/0.250A)
CVM-A1500-ITF-485- Current THD class 1 (…/5A, …/1A, …/0.250A)
Phase voltage measurement class 0.2 ±1 digit (20…600 Vca, …/5A, …/1A, …/0.250A)
Power analyzer for panel with
power quality measurement Neutral voltage measurement Class 0.5 ±1 digit (50…600 Vca, …/5A, …/1A, …/0.250A)
parameters Pinst. Flicker 3 % (IEC 61000-4-15)
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Power quality analyzers, colour display, panel mounted
IEC 61000-4-30
M563510000A00 CVM-A1500AFLEX-485-ICT2 1 Rogowski RS-485 | Ethernet
(Class A)
Four-quadrant measuring device with PowerStudio embedded. Integrated Datalogger module. Optional Modbus/TCP. 200MB Internal memory
Power analyzer for panel with See expansion modules and accessories (sealing gaskets) for CVM-A/CVM-B.
power quality measurement Precision power without connected sensors.
M56311. Dimensions
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Power analyzer for panel with
power quality measurement
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Power analyzer, colour display, panel mounted Page 1 of 6
CVM-B100-ITF-485-ICT2, Power analyzer
Code: M56011.
> Protocol: Modbus/RTU | BACnet
> Energy accuracy: 0,5 S (.../5A)
> Communications: RS-485
> Transistor output: 2
> Nº relays: 2
> Digital inputs: 2
> Input current: .../5 A | .../1 A | .../250 mA
> Mounting: Pannel
> Modules: 96 x 96
The CVM-B100 and CVM-B150 units are panel mounted three-phase power analyzers (dimensions: 96x96
and 144x144 mm, respectively). Both offer 4-quadrant measurement (consumption and generation). Suitable
for Medium or Low voltage installations, in both 3 or 4-wire three-phase circuits, two-phase circuits with or
without neutral, single-phase circuits or ARON connections.
The CVM-B100 and CVM-B150 high-performance units feature a measurement engine that allows the user to
analyse many different electrical parameters, in addition to offering a large variety of optional expansion
modules for the same unit.
Other features:
Innovative SCV interface (Slide, Choose & View) for versatile data display, enabling the customisation of
the parameters displayed on the screen
Electrical parameters: instantaneous, maximum, minimum (with date and time) and demand
Incremental electrical parameters (energy), times, costs, emissions
3 Tariffs (can be selected via the digital input or RS485 communications)
Capable of showing costs and kgCO2 emission sources on the screen, depending on the energy consumed
or generated
2 Relay outputs for alarms with delay, times, ON and OFF, etc.
2 transistor outputs for alarms or impulse generation, with all the possible configuration parameters
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, colour display, panel mounted Page 2 of 6
Power analyzers for panel
Code: M56011.
2 digital inputs, with control over the selection of the unit’s tariffs or configurable for monitoring
purposes, with RS-485 Modbus communications, monitoring of logical states of other electromechanical
units. (RCCBs, thermal-magnetic circuit breakers, etc.)
Control and monitoring of all electrical parameters measured in any electric distribution panel and low and
high-voltage connection points.
4 alarms (2 per transistor and 2 per relay), fully and independently programmable: low or high value,
hysteresis, connection/disconnection delays, normally open or closed standby status and interlocking.
Generation of impulses with transistor outputs, fully and independently configurable over any incremental
parameter (energy, costs, kgCO2, total meter or tariff hours)
Transducer that converts analogue signals to any instantaneous parameter that the unit can measure or
calculate, with built-in expansion modules with analogue outputs.
Display of process signals, with a built-in expansion module with analogue inputs; optional reporting of
these signals to SCADA systems through communication systems
Control of electrical load or alarm signal operations by programming the transistor or relay outputs that
are built-in or added through expansion modules.
Autonomous datalogger with web server, connected to a M-CVMAB-Datalogger module. Enables direct
monitoring of the historical data stored in the unit via a conventional web browser.
400 Hz Applications
CVM-B150 provides a version adapted to 400 Hz networks specially designed for applications such as:
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, colour display, panel mounted Page 3 of 6
Power analyzers for panel
Code: M56011.
AC power supply
DC power supply
Mechanical characteristics
Environmental characteristics
Standards IEC 61010-1 (1rd. Edition), UNE-EN 61000-6-2, UNE-EN 61000-6-4, IEC 60664-1,
IEC 61010-2-030 (First Edition). Measurement according to IEC 61557-12
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, colour display, panel mounted Page 4 of 6
Power analyzers for panel
Code: M56011.
Protocol ModBus/BACnet
Speed 9600-19200-38400-57600-76800-115200
User interface
Digital inputs
Input/output insulation 4 kV
Quantity 2
Pulse width 1 ms
Quantity 2
Type NPN
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, colour display, panel mounted Page 5 of 6
Power analyzers for panel
Code: M56011.
Measurement accuracy
Phase current measurement Class 0.2 ±1 digit 0.05…8A (…/5A),0.01…1.2A (…/1A),0.01…0.3A (…/0.250A)
Neutral current measurement class 1 ±1 digit 0.05…6A (…/5A),0.01…1.2A ( …/1A), calculated (…/0.250A)
Reactive energy measurement (kvarh) (IEC 62053-23) Class 1 (…/5A), Class 2 (…/1A, …/0.250A)
Reactive power measurement (kvar) (Vn 230/110 Vac) Class 1 ±1 digit 0.05…6A (…/5A),0.01…1.2A ( …/1A), 0.01…0.3A
Apparent power measurement (kVA) (Vn 230/110 Vac) class 0.5 ±1 digit 0.05…6A (…/5A),0.01…1.2A ( …/1A),
0.01…0.3A (…/0.250A)
Active energy measurement (kWh) (IEC 62053-22) Class 0.5S (…/5A), Class 1 (…/1A), Class 1 (…/0.250A)
Phase voltage measurement class 0.2 ±1 digit (20…600 V~, …/5A, …/1A, …/0.250A)
Neutral voltage measurement Class 0.5 ±1 digit (50…600 Vca, …/5A, …/1A, …/0.250A)
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
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Power analyzer, colour display, panel mounted Page 6 of 6
Power analyzers for panel
Code: M56011.
Power analyzer, colour display, panel mounted
CODE TYPE Input current Transistor output Nº relays Digital inputs Communications Protocol
4-quadrant measuring unit. See expansion modules and accessories (Sealing gaskets) for CVM-A / CVM-B
Dimensions Connections
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, colour display, panel mounted Page 1 of 6
Code: M56111.
> Protocol: Modbus/RTU | BACnet
> Energy accuracy: 0,5 S (.../5A)
> Communications: RS-485
> Transistor output: 2
> Nº relays: 2
> Digital inputs: 2
> Input current: .../5 A | .../1 A | .../250 mA
> Mounting: Pannel
> Modules: 144 x 144
The CVM-B100 and CVM-B150 units are panel mounted three-phase power analyzers (dimensions: 96x96
and 144x144 mm, respectively). Both offer 4-quadrant measurement (consumption and generation). Suitable
for Medium or Low voltage installations, in both 3 or 4-wire three-phase circuits, two-phase circuits with or
without neutral, single-phase circuits or ARON connections.
The CVM-B100 and CVM-B150 high-performance units feature a measurement engine that allows the user to
analyse many different electrical parameters, in addition to offering a large variety of optional expansion
modules for the same unit.
Other features:
Innovative SCV interface (Slide, Choose & View) for versatile data display, enabling the customisation of
the parameters displayed on the screen
Electrical parameters: instantaneous, maximum, minimum (with date and time) and demand
Incremental electrical parameters (energy), times, costs, emissions
3 Tariffs (can be selected via the digital input or RS485 communications)
Capable of showing costs and kgCO2 emission sources on the screen, depending on the energy consumed
or generated
2 Relay outputs for alarms with delay, times, ON and OFF, etc.
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, colour display, panel mounted Page 2 of 6
Code: M56111.
2 transistor outputs for alarms or impulse generation, with all the possible configuration parameters
2 digital inputs, with control over the selection of the unit’s tariffs or configurable for monitoring
purposes, with RS-485 Modbus communications, monitoring of logical states of other electromechanical
units. (RCCBs, thermal-magnetic circuit breakers, etc.)
Control and monitoring of all electrical parameters measured in any electric distribution panel and low and
high-voltage connection points.
4 alarms (2 per transistor and 2 per relay), fully and independently programmable: low or high value,
hysteresis, connection/disconnection delays, normally open or closed standby status and interlocking.
Generation of impulses with transistor outputs, fully and independently configurable over any incremental
parameter (energy, costs, kgCO2, total meter or tariff hours)
Transducer that converts analogue signals to any instantaneous parameter that the unit can measure or
calculate, with built-in expansion modules with analogue outputs.
Display of process signals, with a built-in expansion module with analogue inputs; optional reporting of
these signals to SCADA systems through communication systems
Control of electrical load or alarm signal operations by programming the transistor or relay outputs that
are built-in or added through expansion modules.
Autonomous datalogger with web server, connected to a M-CVMAB-Datalogger module. Enables direct
monitoring of the historical data stored in the unit via a conventional web browser.
400 Hz Applications
CVM-B150 provides a version adapted to 400 Hz networks specially designed for applications such as:
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, colour display, panel mounted Page 3 of 6
Code: M56111.
AC power supply
DC power supply
Mechanical characteristics
Environmental characteristics
Standards IEC 61010-1 (1rd. Edition), UNE-EN 61000-6-2, UNE-EN 61000-6-4, IEC 60664-1,
IEC 61010-2-030 (First Edition). Measurement according to IEC 61557-12
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, colour display, panel mounted Page 4 of 6
Code: M56111.
Protocol ModBus/BACnet
Speed 9600-19200-38400-57600-76800-115200
User interface
Digital inputs
Input/output insulation 4 kV
Quantity 2
Pulse width 1 ms
Quantity 2
Type NPN
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, colour display, panel mounted Page 5 of 6
Code: M56111.
Measurement accuracy
Phase current measurement class 0,2 ±1 digit 0.05…8A (…/5A),0.01…1.2A ( …/1A), 0,01 … 0,3A (…/0,250A)
Neutral current measurement class 1 ±1 digit 0.05…6A (…/5A),0.05…1.2A ( …/1A), calculated (…/0.250A)
Reactive energy measurement (kvarh) (IEC 62053-23) Class 1 (…/5A), Class 2 (…/1A, …/0.250A)
Reactive power measurement (kvar) (Vn 230/110 Vac) Class 1 ±1 digit 0.05…6A (…/5A),0.01…1.2A ( …/1A), 0.01…0.3A
Apparent power measurement (kVA) (Vn 230/110 Vac) class 0.5 ±1 digit 0.05…6A (…/5A),0.01…1.2A ( …/1A),
0.01…0.3A (…/0.250A)
Active energy measurement (kWh) (IEC 62053-22) Class 0.5S (…/5A), Class 1 (…/1A), Class 1 (…/0.250A)
Active power measurement (kW) (Vn 230/110 Vac) class 0.5 ±1 digit 0.05…6A (…/5A),0.01…1.2A ( …/1A),
0.01…0.3A (…/0.250A)
Power factor measurement class 0,5 (…/5A, …/1A, …/0.250A)
Phase voltage measurement Class 0.2 ±1 digit (20…600 Vca, …/5A, …/1A, …/0.250A)
Neutral voltage measurement Class 0.5 ±1 digit (50…600 Vca, …/5A, …/1A, …/0.250A)
Power analyzer, colour display, panel mounted
Transistor Digital
CODE TYPE Input current Nº relays Communications Protocol
output inputs
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, colour display, panel mounted Page 6 of 6
Code: M56111.
Dimensions Connections
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, panel mounted 96x96 Page 1 of 5
Code: M52706.
> Protocol: Modbus/RTU
> Communications: RS-485
> Transistor output: 2
> Nº relays: 2
> Digital inputs: 2
> Measuring current Channels: 3
> Input current: .../5 A | .../1 A
> Mounting: Pannel
CVM-C4 is a power analyser that measures, calculates and displays the main electrical parameters for single-
phase and three-phase networks (with or without neutral) on its screen. Measurement is made in true rms
value, by means of 3 AC voltage inputs and 3 /5 A or /1 A current inputs. Relay outputs enable local
operation in the event of an alarm event being triggered. Its dimensions are 96 x 96 mm with a depth of only
41.5 mm. Current measurement is indirectly carried out by /5A or /1A transformers. It allows AC (80...270
Vac)and DC (80...270 Vdc or 18... 36 Vdc power supply systems). It features RS-485 communications enabling
remote data readout or Scada or Master centralisation.
For electrical parameter measurement in areas whose reduced dimensions require the installation of a
space-saving panel analyser.
Instantaneous value measurement of electrical parameters with communications.
Logging of consumed or generated Active or Reactive Energy.
The device's relay outputs allow the installation to be locally operated.
Programmable alarms by setting relay activation time, connection delay and hysteresis.
5000 imp/kWh energy impulse outputs
Energy measurement of two different sources on 2 separate meters (by digital input activation).
Voltage and current THD% measurement to check for harmonics in the installation.
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, panel mounted 96x96 Page 2 of 5
Code: M52706.
AC power supply
Consumption 6 … 18 VA
Frequency 50/60 Hz
DC power supply
Mechanical characteristics
Environmental characteristics
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, panel mounted 96x96 Page 3 of 5
Code: M52706.
Speed 2400-4800-9600-19200
Standards IEC 61010-1, IEC 61000-4-2, IEC 61000-4-3, IEC 61000-4-4, IEC 61000-4-5, IEC
61000-4-6, IEC 61000-4-8, IEC 61000-4-11
User interface
Keyboard 3 keys
Digital inputs
Quantity 2
Quantity 2
Type Relay
Maximum frequency 10 Hz
Maximum current 27 mA
Measurement accuracy
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, panel mounted 96x96 Page 4 of 5
Code: M52706.
Power analyzer, panel mounted 96x96
Transistor Digital
CODE TYPE Input current Nº relays Communications Protocol
output inputs
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, panel mounted 96x96 Page 5 of 5
Code: M52706.
Dimensions Connections
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, panel mounted 96 x96 Page 1 of 5
Code: M58541.
> Protocol: Modbus/RTU | BACnet
> Communications: RS-485
> Transistor output: 2
> Nº relays: 2
> Digital inputs: 2
> Measuring Channels: 4
> Harmonics: 31
> Power supply: 100...270 Vac/dc
> Input current: .../5 A | .../1 A
> Mounting: Pannel
> Modules: 96 x 96
The CVM-C11 is a power analyzer for a panel (96 x 96 mm) with power logging. Ideal for analyzing electrical
and consumption quality variables, such as THD% for voltage and current, as well as individual harmonics for
each phase up to the 31st. The inclusion of neutral current measurement lets users detect any imbalance, as
well as detect overloads in the neutral conductor. Compact and versatile with measurements in 4 quadrants
(consumption and generation), suitable for medium- and low-voltage installations.
Display and interface characteristics:
Discrimination of power consumption into three tariffs. Ideal for determining consumption during three
different work shifts or from three different energy sources (grid, generator and photovoltaic generation),
using the digital inputs.
Generation of an impulse signal related to cost, kg of CO2 emitted or proportional to energy consumption
or generation.
Alarm control (2 relay outputs + 2 digital outputs) for any instantaneous parameter, whether measured or
calculated. Adjustable based on maximum/minimum value, hysteresis (%), NO/NC,
connection/disconnection delay and interlocks.
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, panel mounted 96 x96 Page 2 of 5
Code: M58541.
AC power supply
Consumption 2 ... 5 VA
Frequency 50 ... 60 Hz
DC power supply
Mechanical characteristics
Fastening Panel
Environmental characteristics
Certifications UL 94
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, panel mounted 96 x96 Page 3 of 5
Code: M58541.
User interface
Keyboard 3 keys
Digital inputs
Quantity 2
Type NPN
Quantity 2
Type NPN
Maximum current 50 mA
Measurement accuracy
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, panel mounted 96 x96 Page 4 of 5
Code: M58541.
Power analyzer, panel mounted 96 x96
.../5 A | .../1
M58531. CVM-C11-ITF-IN-ETH-ICT2 4 2 2 2 Ethernet Modbus/TCP | BACnet 31 100...270 Vac/dc
.../5 A | .../1
M58541. CVM-C11-ITF-IN-485-ICT2 4 2 2 2 RS-485 Modbus/RTU | BACnet 31 100...270 Vac/dc
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order to improve its reliability, functionality, design or for other reasons.
It accepts no liability for any errors, inaccuracies or possible lack of information in this document.
Power analyzer, panel mounted 96 x96 Page 5 of 5
Code: M58541.
Dimensions Connections
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