TRS401 CQs

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TRS401 _ Hanoi Campus

number Constructivis
t Question
1 HN_CQ1 What do you know about endangered species? Illustrate with the general statistics of the past and present.
1 HN_CQ2 Should people be concerned about endangered species? Why or why not? Provide justification.
3 HN_CQ3 Research an endangered species in Vietnam. What are some reasons leading to this? What should be done to protect the species?
3 HN_CQ4 Research an endangered species in Australia or a country of your choice. What are causes? Has the Governement been making any attempts in protecting this species?
5 HN_CQ5 What is a hybrid animal? How is it created? Compare and contrast with a normal one. Are there any real-life examples?
5 HN_CQ6 What health problems may a hybrid animal face? Illustrate with visualizations and examples. Make some suggestions if possible.
6 HN_CQ7 What is de-extinction? What are the pros when scientists and conservationists decide to apply this practice?
6 HN_CQ8 What are the disadvantages of de-extinction? Are there any possible solutions?
8 HN_CQ9 How important is customer feedback to a company when it is developing a product? Explain your answer and give an example.
8 HN_CQ10 Discuss some ways that can be used to get customer feedback. Illustrate with real-world cases.
9 HN_CQ11 Examine a well-designed product. Describe the item. Why, in your opinion, is it designed well?
9 HN_CQ12 Examine a well-designed product. Describe the item. What, in your opinion, can be done to make the design even better?
11 HN_CQ13 What types of products or items do young people consider useful but older individuals may not? Why would that be the case?Is there anything that can be done to change so
11 HN_CQ14 Discuss different ways product desingers source inspiration and devise new ideas.
12 HN_CQ15 Numerous new products are being designed and manufactured in the present day. Do you consider it important to do so? Why or why not?
12 HN_CQ16 Discuss mobile-first design. How is it applied in real-world cases?
13 HN_CQ17 Human intelligence can be defined as the ability to communicate, show feelings or use tools. Are elephants the same?
13 HN_CQ18 Discuss elephants' social structure. What do you know about the groups that they live in? What do they do when they meet other groups of elephants?
15 HN_CQ19 Can we hear all the sounds that animals make?
15 HN_CQ20 Do you think animals can recognize human voices?
18 HN_CQ21 Do elephants attack humans? Provide real-life instances.
18 HN_CQ22 There have been multiple cases in which people are attacked by elephants. Offer suggestions to avoid potential incidents.
19 HN_CQ23 Find pictures of Machu Picchu and the artifacts that were discovered there. Describe what you find. Are you interested in visiting the place? Why/Why not?
19 HN_CQ24 Find pictures of Olduvai Gorge and the artifacts that were discovered there. Describe what you find. Are you interested in visiting the place? Why/Why not?
21 HN_CQ25 Olduvai Gorge is considered the cradle of civilization and home to the earliest humans, the homo habilis. Compare the culture of homo habilis and modern day humans in ter
21 HN_CQ26 Research the early humans living in the current Vietnam geographically, and share what you find.
23 HN_CQ27 What is archaeology? What are the purposes of studying archaeology? Provide real-world findings for illustration.
23 HN_CQ28 What kinds of technology are used in archaeology? Illustrate with examples and visuals.
25 HN_CQ29 What do you know about the ecology of lakes? Discuss the physical, chemical & biological factors that influence its aquatic life, and why it is important to study about them.
25 HN_CQ30 What do you know about the ecology of oceans? Discuss the physical, chemical & biological factors that influence its aquatic life, and why it is important to study about them
26 HN_CQ31 Present at least 3 important points about moutains. You might consider covering its biodiversity, seasonal effects on the ecosystem, thermal stratification, etc.
26 HN_CQ32 Present at least 3 important points about rivers. You might consider covering its biodiversity, seasonal effects on the ecosystem, thermal stratification, etc.
27 HN_CQ33 Discuss global warming and its impacts on humans.
27 HN_CQ34 How does global warming affect the aquatic life? What can be done to limit the effects?
29 HN_CQ35 What can we do to protect the ecosystem in places like forests?
29 HN_CQ36 What can we do to protect the ecosystem in places like lakes?
33 HN_CQ37 How do you understand DNA? How is it important to humans as well as animals?
33 HN_CQ38 Is it possible to change DNA these days? Illustrate with real-world data and cases.
35 HN_CQ39 Some diseases can be transmitted through inherited genes. What are some of those? Share real-life examples.
35 HN_CQ40 Some diseases can be transmitted through inherited genes. Is there any way we can minimize the consequences?
37 HN_CQ41 What is CRISPR? Why should it be supported?
37 HN_CQ42 Many people are, to a certain degree, opposed to CRISPR. Why are their arguments? Illustrate.
39 HN_CQ43 Research a successful company, and explain why they are successful
39 HN_CQ44 Research a real company. Make some recommendations on how they could achieve more success.
40 HN_CQ45 Aside from making profit, what are the other responsibilities of companies? Provide explanation and real-world examples.
40 HN_CQ46 What are some challenges faced by new start-up businesses?
42 HN_CQ47 Discuss M&A, and provide real-world examples between 2 Vietnamese organizations.
42 HN_CQ48 Discuss M&A, and provide real-world examples between a Vietnamese and a foreign business.
43 HN_CQ49 When it comes to UX (user experience), which is better? Apple iOS or Samsung Android?
43 HN_CQ50 Choose 2 random products or services in any industry. Which one is better in terms of UX (user experience)?
45 HN_CQ51 Do elephants have feelings? How do they show them?
45 HN_CQ52 Do dogs and cats have feelings? How do they show them?
46 HN_CQ53 How many ways do elephants use to communiacte with each other? For each way, explain and illustrate with visualization and data.
46 HN_CQ54 Describe different ways dogs and cats use to communiacte with each other. For each way, explain and illustrate with visualization and data.
47 HN_CQ55 How do elephants make and hear sound? Compare with humans.
47 HN_CQ56 Contrast the ways humans and elephants make and hear sound.
49 HN_CQ57 How has human communication changed over the course of history? Illustrate with visualization and data.
49 HN_CQ58 What, in your opinion, will the future be like for us in terms of commmunication? Share your thoughts with some visualization.
51 HN_CQ59 Research the historical site named "The Dead Sea Scrolls". How was it discovered? Why is it significant to our understanding of the past?
51 HN_CQ60 Research the historical site named "The Tomb of 10,000 warriors". How was it discovered? Why is it significant to our understanding of the past?
53 HN_CQ61 A tomb is the place where a dead body is put and is usually above ground? Do you know of a famous tomb in Vietnam? Explain where it is, whose body is there, and what th
53 HN_CQ62 A tomb is the place where a dead body is put and is usually above ground? Do you know of a famous tomb in other countries (that's no more than 200 years old)? Explain w
54 HN_CQ63 What do you know about the Technology of Ancient China from the Tomb of 10,000 Warriors? How were the Terracotta Army and its weapons made? What does this tell us
54 HN_CQ64 Research the Great Pyramid of Giza, and discuss its construction, particularly the technology used.
55 HN_CQ65 Research one historical site, document or artifact in your country. Describe it, and explain the significance in today's society?
55 HN_CQ66 Research one historical site, document or artifact in a Western country. Describe it, and explain the significance in today's society?
57 HN_CQ67 Explain the 3 following phenomenons with regard to water: fluid dynamics, buoyancy and displacement.
57 HN_CQ68 What do you know about ocean waves? Describe they way that they move at the beach. Why do they move that way?
58 HN_CQ69 Research wildfires, and describe its impacts on people's life with some statistics
58 HN_CQ70 Research floods, and describe its impacts on people's life with some statistics
61 HN_CQ71 What do you know about evaporation? How does it occur? Describe the process how evaporation is created.
61 HN_CQ72 Discuss global warming and its causes? Is there any difference between global warming and climate change?
61 HN_CQ73 How does global warming influence the size and frequency of some natural disasters?

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