Applications of Ferrites in Biomedical and Environmental Fields

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Functionalized Ferrites for

Therapeutics and Environmental
Pollution Management
Tonmoye Sarkar Shathi and Abdur Rahman


Surface-functionalized ferrite materials are the ultimate products obtained

from micro/nanofabrication of one or more metal containing magnetic iron-based
oxides and their surface fine-tuning with suitable molecules for desired applica-
tions. Appropriate functionalization of ferrite surface often implants a wide range
of application-specific physicochemical characteristics. Herein, we have discussed
surface functionalization of ferrites with different organic molecules, inorganic
oxides, metals, and polymeric materials. Impacts of surface functionalization on
the dispersibility, biocompatibility, conductivity, photocatalytic activity, and pH
responsiveness of ferrite particles and their therapeutic and environmental poten-
tials are also highlighted. Then, some widely used and important functionalization
routes like coupling, ligand exchange, polymer encapsulation, and sol-gel techniques
are illustrated. Finally, a brief overview of biomedical and environmental pollutant
mitigation efficacies of the functionalized ferrite compounds is emphasized.

Keywords: surface functionalization, colloidal stability, ferrites, biomedicine, pollutant


1. Introduction

Ferrites are ferrimagnetic iron oxide-based materials consisting of a small portion

of one or more other metallic elements such as Ba, Sr., Mn, Bi, Co, Ni, and Zn. Low-
cost, easy formulation, and magnetism of ferrites make them a potential candidate
for technological and biomedical applications. However, poor colloidal stability, high
band gap energy, and absence of suitable surface functionality highly limit their prac-
tical applications. To address these issues, various strategies have been applied. Among
them, surface functionalization of ferrites is one of the important methods, which
offers better dispersion stability, magnetism, high processability, desired functional-
ity for anchoring on demand molecules, and relatively lower band gap energy to ease
photocatalytic reactions. Functionalized ferrites are widely studied materials in the
fields of energy, electronics, magnetics, catalysis, and biomedical technology for the
last several decades. Here, the functionalization strategies of ferrites and application
potentials of functionalized ferrites in therapeutic delivery and catalytic degradation
of different environmental pollutants will be illustrated based on the recent literature.
Applications of Ferrites

Recently, many technological advancements have been made by using ferrite

materials in the fields of biomedical sciences and environmental pollutant remedia-
tion engineering. Ferrites are a distinct class of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs)
having the general formula of MFe2O4, where the tetrahedral cationic site is occupied
by a divalent cation, M2+, and the trivalent Fe3+ ions occupy the octahedral cationic
sites of the crystal lattice [1]. Ferrite NPs possess high surface energy-to-volume ratio
and excellent superparamagnetic characteristics. Ferrites materials can be synthe-
sized using various methods namely coprecipitation [2], thermal decomposition
[3], microemulsion [4], hydrothermal [5], and sol-gel process [6]. Ferrites are often
used as strong magnetic adsorbents, sensors, payload carriers, and imaging contrast
agents. However, these practical applications inevitably hindered due to the colloidal
instability of ferrites in the dispersing medium [7]. In such cases, appropriate surface
modification of ferrite materials can prevent excessive aggregation and immature
leaching from the reacting environment while enhancing or retaining their core
magnetic responsiveness [1]. In this chapter, our focus is to summarize some ferrite-
functionalizing materials and their synthesis routes keeping mainly their therapeutic
and environmental pollution management applications in mind.
Some of the ferrite particles are inevitable in the field of therapeutic applications
like nanocarrier for payloads, biosensor for disease diagnosis, hyperthermia [8], and
environmental hazard materials management via separation by adsorption and pho-
todegradation of pollutants [9]. Unique saturation magnetization, permeability, and
structural anisotropic properties of MNPs make them quite desirable materials to the
researchers for their widespread usages in biomedical and technological fields [10].
However, these properties are quite insufficient for effective usage, especially in the
biomedical and environmental areas. Basically, fine-tuning the surface properties of the
ferrite nanoparticles namely colloidal stability, aqueous dispersibility, biocompatibility
and nontoxicity are the key properties for their reactivity towards the surrounding envi-
ronments. These properties are also crucial for determining their application potentials
in different fields [11]. Functionalization is a vital technique for tailoring the surface
properties of nanoparticles with different organic and inorganic nanoscale materials
through the covalent and noncovalent bonds [12]. The aim of functionalization is to
enhance the physicochemical and biological characteristics of the resulting ferrites.

2. Widely used materials for surface functionalization

Surface functionalization of the magnetic ferrite nanoparticles serves the advan-

tages of site specificity, enhanced colloidal stability, and biocompatibility [8]. A wide
range of applications of ferrites has been achieved via the controlled tuning of their
surface properties. Nevertheless, the aftermath of the modification process is severely
controlled by the physical, chemical, and electrical properties of the incoming
ligands, dopants, and coating materials. Hence, it is important to have an insight into
some of the readily used functionalizing materials and their influences on the proper-
ties of ferrite particles. Figure 1 illustrates the classification of different functional-
izing materials for the surface modification of ferrite NPs.

2.1 Molecular organic compounds

There are many small organic molecules that are commonly used as stabilizing
and functionalizing agents like amines and thiols for modification of the surface
Functionalized Ferrites for Therapeutics and Environmental Pollution Management

Figure 1.
Different materials used for ferrite functionalization.

of ferrites. One such example is ethanolamine, which can modify the ferrite NP
surfaces in a simple one-step process [13, 14]. The surface amine groups lower the
hydrodynamic diameter (HDD) of the functionalized CoFe2O4 MNPs and facilitate
their usage in biomedical applications [13]. The hardly basic nature of -NH2 groups of
MgFe2O4-NH2 adsorbent helps in the selective chemisorption of different heavy metal
ions (Pb2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+) via a complexation reaction [14]. For thiol functionaliza-
tion, a mixture of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) and (3-mercaptopropyl)-trime-
thoxysilan is much desired by many researchers [15, 16]. It includes the silica coating
of the ferrite core to which the -SH group is attached. Like amine functionalization,
the heavy metal adsorption process of thiol-functionalized ferrites is influenced by
the Lewis acid-base interactions [15].
Folic acid (FA) is a poorly water-soluble biologically important molecule. Its
overexpression in the vast majority of cancer cells gives the FA-modified nanopar-
ticles a better chance for internalization into the body and enhances the efficacy
of targeted delivery of drug molecules. FA functionalization facilitates the pH-
responsive release of the cationic anticancer drug doxorubicin (DOX) from cobalt
ferrite magnetic nanoparticles (CFMNPs). At basic pH, FA is converted into folate
ions and immobilizes a higher amount of DOX molecules. The acidic environment
of cancer cells stimulates the breaking of this electrostatic interaction and enables
the burst release of the DOX molecules [8]. FA is widely used for rendering cancer
cell targetability to different anticancer drug nanocarriers [8, 17, 18]. Citric acid
has been readily used in the synthesis of biocompatible magnetic fluids (BMFs)
for enhanced colloidal stability of the nanoparticles [19, 20]. Citrate-coated cobalt
(cit-CF) and nickel ferrite (cit-NF) nanoparticles exhibit a dose-dependent radiation
cytotoxicity against MCF-7 cancerous cells and are considered a suitable radiosen-
sitizer for cancer treatment [21]. Oleic acid (OA) is a type of fatty acid that is used
as a surfactant and forms a dense protective shell layer around the nanoparticle
surface during its functionalization process. In addition to its ambiphilic nature, OA
Applications of Ferrites

imposes a non-immunogenic and anti-inflammatory environment on the attached

nanoparticle. Cell viability studies by Sandeep et al. showed that only a minimum
dose rate (8 mg/ml) of the OA-coated zinc ferrite (OA-ZNF) is required for effective
hyperthermia therapy [22]. For effective biological applications, Nam et al. trans-
ferred the OA/oleylamine (OLA)-stabilized CoFe2O4 particles from hydrophobic to
hydrophilic phase through the poly(maleic anhydride-alt-1-octadecene) (PMAO)
encapsulation [23]. Porphyrin, an organic heterocyclic compound, is a promising
photoredox catalyst and photosensitizer. Functionalization by porphyrins aids the
photocatalytic activities of ferrite NPs due to the ease of electron transfer through
their highly π-conjugated systems [24]. Parnian et al. demonstrated that a porphyrin
derivative, meso-tetraphenylporphine-4,4′,4″,4″′-tetracarboxylic acid (TCPP), can
significantly enhance the photocatalytic activity of polythiophene-coated ZnFe2O4
(TCPP/ZnFe2O4@PTh) nanocomposite [25].
Monodispersed MnFe2O4 NPs were functionalized with biotin and single-stranded
DNA (ssDNA) for effective detection of protein or complementary ssDNA-patterned
substrate. Here, the low magnetocrystalline anisotropy and a high moment of the NPs
helped the bio-functionalization and in situ magnetic detection at room temperature
in both in vitro and in vivo biological environments [26]. Biochar (pyrogenic black
carbon) is recognized as a cost-effective adsorbent for environmental remediation
due to its unique surface porosity and functionality. Excessive phosphate can seriously
endanger aquatic bodies. Superparamagnetic magnesium ferrite (MgFe2O4)/biochar
magnetic composites (MFB-MCs) remove phosphate from an aqueous solution
through an inner-sphere complexation mechanism [27].

2.2 Widely used polymers

Polyglycerols (PG), also known as polyglycidols, are remarkably attractive

candidates for surface functionalization due to their voluminous hydroxyl groups
and flexible polyether backbone. Rimesh et al. used L-α-phosphatidylethanolamine
(PE) block as a hyperbranched polyglycidol lipopolymer to provide water solubility
and biocompatibility to hydrophobic oleylamine (OA)-stabilized manganese fer-
rite (MnFe2O4@OA) nanoparticles [17]. Debarati et al. functionalized dopamine-
bound cobalt-ferrite (CF-DA) nanoparticles with polyethylene glycol (PEG). PEG
functionalization prevented the early dissolution of DA in physiological conditions
and facilitated its controlled release into the cancer cells [28]. Polyvinylpyrrolidone
(PVP) is another well-known nanoparticle stabilizer and dispersant. Most of the bare
ferrites lose their biological uses and superparamagnetic nature due to the excessive
aggregation in the solution. PVP coating resists the formation of aggregated clusters
of cobalt ferrites (CoFe2O4) making monodispersed and long-circulating MNPs. The
as-prepared PVP-CoFe2O4 showcased lower cytotoxicity during the MTT assay [29].
Sahira et al. showed that PVP-induced biocompatibility increased the cellular uptake
ability of MnZnFe2O4 nanoparticles [30]. Jaberolansar et al. proved that the non-
magnetic PVP matrix effectively handles the heat generated from the Co0.3Zn0.7Fe2O4
ferrite powder and enhances its usability for hyperthermia application [31].
The admirable film-forming ability, high transmembrane permeability,
mechanical strength, nontoxicity, and biocompatibility of chitosan (CH) make it
a useful nanoparticle stabilizing and functionalizing agent to attain a wide variety
of applications. CH-coated CoFe2O4 nanocomposite can successfully immobilize
horseradish peroxidase (HRP) for the effective detection of hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2). Comparative studies with several existing studies proved that CH/CoFe2O4
Functionalized Ferrites for Therapeutics and Environmental Pollution Management

electrodes exhibit larger liner range (3 × 10−2 to 8 mM), shorter response time (4 s),
and enhanced sensitivity (23 nA/mM) [32]. Chitosan-functionalized CaFe2O4 MNPs
possess 88.2% immobilization efficiency for ampicillin, which is mainly attributed
to the electrophilic interactions of the protonated amino groups of CH moiety with
ampicillin [33]. Moreover, Datna et al. reported that CH-coated CoFe2O4 MNPs
exhibit stronger antimicrobial activity for both the Gram-negative P. aeruginosa and
Gram-positive E. faecalis and E. coli than the uncoated ones [34]. Conducting poly-
mers; such as polyaniline (PANI) and polypyrrole (PPy) comprise a useful group of
materials for ferrite functionalization due to their tunable electrical properties and
high physical flexibility. Experiments showed that the diamagnetic PANI coating
enhances the electromagnetic shielding ability of MnZn ferrite (MZF) and NiMnZn
ferrite (NiMZF) [35]. Sadeghinia et al. showed that the PANI filaments in the PANI/
perlite-barium ferrite nanoparticles (PANI/PBF-NPs) cause a decrease in their surface
areas and an increase in the pore volume. Thus, PANI contributes to the improve-
ment of the electrical charge storage capability of the composite [36]. The extended
p-conjugation of PANI with single- and double-bond alteration is responsible for its
semiconducting nature that can facilitate the electrochemical properties of different
spinel ferrites [37, 38]. Yan et al. showed that due to the dielectric loss of PANI/PPY
coating, the saturation magnetization of the PANI(PPY)-BaFe12O19/Ni0.8Zn0.2Fe2O4
ferrite decreases while increasing its electrical conductivity [39].

2.3 Metallic doping

Substituting paramagnetic Co2+ ions with diamagnetic Zn2+ in the CoFe2O4 lattice
profoundly impacts the magnetic aspects of the Co1 − xZnxFe2O4 compound. The
as-synthesized mixed ferrite exhibits increased saturation magnetization and reduced
anisotropy constant due to the dilution of spin moments by the Zn2+ ions [40]. Zn
doping essentially improves the photocatalytic efficiency of ferrite NPs by lowering
the band gap and reducing the recombination of photogenerated electrons and holes
[41, 42]. Gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) possess rich surface chemistry for facilitat-
ing the healthcare-related application sectors. Au coating of ferrite NPs hinders
the oxidation of the magnetic core and acts as a convenient platform for further
surface functionalization. Juan et al. fabricated glyco-ferrites for MRI contrast agent
application using bimetallic superparamagnetic XFe2O4@Au (X = Fe, Mn, and Co)
nanocrystals. During the synthesis process, the Au shell forms stable thiol-Au bonds
with the neoglycoconjugates [43]. Au NPs render biocompatibility along with tunable
plasmonic characteristics to the superparamagnetic MgFe2O4. Such optical properties
allow the easy detection of tissue and blood in the near-infrared (NIR) region for
potential hyperthermia and drug delivery application [44].

2.4 Inorganic compounds

Cadmium sulfide (CdS)-coated ferrite nanocomposites are known to exhibit good

photocatalytic activity for wastewater treatment. CdS is an n-type semiconductor with
a large direct band gap under visible light irradiation. Ferrite nanoparticles improve
the catalytic activity, anti-photocorrosion, recovery, and reuse of CdS catalyst.
Together, this semiconductor-based photocatalysis formulates a green technology
for environmental protection by degrading several organic dyes (e.g., 4-chlorophe-
nol (4-CP), methylene blue (MB), Rhodamine B (RhB), and methyl orange (MO))
[45, 46]. Functionalization by the inert silica layer can screen magnetic dipole
Applications of Ferrites

interactions between magnetic nanoparticles and in that way facilitate their aqueous
dispersibility and biocompatibility for biomedical and bioengineering applications.
The presence of abundant silanol groups at the silica-coated ferrite NP surfaces enables
the scope for easy processability for multifunctional nanocomposite synthesis [47].
Banalata et al. tailored the mesoporous silica-coated superparamagnetic manganese
ferrite (MSN) with 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane (APTES) for amine functionaliza-
tion, which is schematically shown in Figure 2. Next, the H2N-MSN particles were
conjugated with FA for targeted delivery of the anticancer drug, doxorubicin (DOX).
The residual amine groups on the FA-MSN were labeled with the fluorescent dye
rhodamine-B-isothiocyanate (RITC) for their cell internalization and detection.
Hence, this functionalized entity can serve for cancer diagnosis and treatment [47].
Ferrite-decorated graphene oxide (GO) nanocomposites are well dispersed in
aqueous/physiological media and biocompatible in nature due to the high density of
oxygen-containing groups, such as carboxylic, hydroxyl, and epoxide groups on the
surfaces and edges of GO. The unique mechanical, electrical, and surface characteristics

Figure 2.
Step-by-step synthesis of silica-coated manganese ferrite for DOX delivery (MSN). Copyright: Journal
of colloid and Interface science [47].

Functionalized Ferrites for Therapeutics and Environmental Pollution Management

of GO nanosheet promote many theranostic applications [48]. Yan et al. demonstrated

that GO/MnFe2O4 nanohybrids showcase exceptionally high loading capacity for DOX
mainly due to the strong π–π stacking and hydrophobic interaction between the hex-
agonal lattice of GO and the extended aromatic chain of DOX. Furthermore, the drug
release mechanism is controlled by the pH and NIR irradiation [49].

2.5 Carbon nanotubes (CNTs)

Ferrite NPs decorated on CNTs possess excellent electrical, thermal, and mechani-
cal properties. CoFe2O4 modified acid-functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes
(MWCNT-COOH) are effective RhB adsorbent. Increasing MWCNT-COOH content
from 29 to 75% increases the presence of active sites for electrostatic interactions and
eventually increases the adsorption capacity from 5.165 to 42.68 mg g−1 [50]. On the
other hand, Huixia et al. demonstrated the biomedical applications of MWCNT/CoFe2O4
nanocomposite. The strong supramolecular π–π stacking interaction between DOX and
the side walls of CNTs results in its high loading capacity (about 75.2%). Moreover, a
high T2 relaxivity, low cytotoxicity, and pH-responsive drug release ability showcase the
nanocomposite’s potential as synergistic cancer diagnostic and chemotherapeutic agent
[51]. Yan et al. coated the magnetoelectric multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)/
Fe–Ni alloy/NF particles with 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene and pyrrole (PPy-PEDOT)
copolymers in a complex core–shell structure. The conducting network of MWCNTs and
PPy-PEDOT nanofiller improves the impedance matching and interfacial polarization,
making a promising microwave absorber for electromagnetic pollution remediation [52].

3. Common functionalization strategies for the surface functionalization

of ferrite materials

3.1 Coupling method

Nanoparticle functionalization via coupling reaction always occurs in the pres-

ence of a common intermediate to facilitate the energy transfer from one end of the
reaction to another. Chaitali et al. cingulated FA on the CFMNP surfaces after the
activation of FA using 1-Ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide (EDC) and
N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) in a dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) dispersion [8]. FA mol-
ecules were conjugated with different natural cytotoxic drug-encapsulated bovine serum
albumin-calcium ferrite nanoparticles (BSA-CFNP) by the EDC coupling method [18].

3.2 Ligand exchange reaction

It is a post-synthesis surface modification method where the ligands of a pre-

formed material are exchanged with another compound. Rimesh et al. utilized this
process to exchange OA molecules from the MnFe2O4@OA nanoparticles with
FA-modified PE hyperbranched polyglycidol (PE-HBPG-FA) [17]. Similarly, Seung
et al. employed the ligand exchange method for nonpolar to polar (water) solvent
phase transfer of manganese ferrites (MnFe2O4) dispersed in hexane into single-
layered poly(ethylene glycol)-coated MnFe2O4. After that, the nano dispersion was
converted into double-layered oleylphosphate(OA)-functionalized MnFe2O4 nano-
crystals via ligand encapsulation [53].

Applications of Ferrites

3.3 Polymer encapsulation

Another useful post-synthesis functionalization process is polymer encapsula-

tion. In general terms, encapsulation refers to the process in which a bioactive
material is enclosed in an inert matrix mainly for stabilization purposes [54].
Common polymers like PVP, PEG, and CH coating on ferrite molecules are fabricated
by simple mixing of the reagents followed by the application of ultrasonication or
continuous stirring [28, 30, 34]. Others occur via in situ polymerization method
initiated by heat, radiation or other materials that can generate the radical reac-
tions. Ammonium persulfate (APS) initiated aniline polymerization reaction in the
presence of powdered CuFe2O4 in order to yield highly crystalline PANI/CuFe2O4
nanocomposite [37]. Polymethacrylate (PMAA) functionalization of nanocrystalline
nickel ferrites (NiFe2O4) was carried out by potassium persulfate (K2S2O8)-initiated
polymerization reaction in an acidic reaction medium (pH ~ 3) [55]. Magnetoelectric
core-shell nanocarrier for chemotherapeutic drug methotrexate was fabricated
by functionalizing CoFe2O4–BaTiO3, CoFe2O4–Bi4Ti3O12, and Fe3O4–BaTiO3 with
PNIPAm [56].

3.4 Solution casting method

This process is used in thin-film formation mainly for the uniform distribution
of the functionalizing materials in the polymer matrix. It is a convenient laboratory-
friendly process in which polymer film adhesion with the reinforcing material (i.e.,
ferrite NPs in this case) is achieved by dispersing the polymer and NPs in a common
solvent medium. Next, the evaporation of the solvent leaves out the desired polymer-
functionalized nanocomposite [57]. The inclusion of multicomponent CuFe2O4/
Cu2O/CuO NPs in the polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) matrix was carried out for
enhanced antibacterial properties. The NPs-PMMA dispersion in acetone solution
cast on a slide resulted in an antibiofilm nanocomposite [58]. Jay et al. synthesized
CH-functionalized nanostructured NiFe2O4 (n-NiFe2O4-CH) thin film onto the
indium tin oxide (ITO) glass substrate via this simple method [59].

3.5 Sol: Gel coating

Also known as inorganic sol-gel coating that occurs via successive hydrolysis and
polycondensation of the precursor material (sol) into a three-dimensional continuous
network (gel). This method is preferable due to better control over nanoparticle size
and stability and coating homogeneity [60]. Ashkan et al. synthesized zinc silicate-
coated superparamagnetic zinc ferrite composite using the sol-gel method. In this
work, a simple tuning of pH value into the basic medium of the reacting solution
paved the way for Zn2+ and Si4+ ion adsorption onto the cetyltrimethylammonium
bromide (CTAB)-modified surfaces of ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles. After that, the interme-
diate CTAB layer was eliminated with the help of ethanol solution yielding zinc silicate
shell over the ZnFe2O4 core. Figure 3 shows the rough surface texture and microspher-
ical size (100–300 nm) of the synthesized zinc silicate-ZnFe2O4 composite [61].
The sol-gel technique was utilized to yield a uniform coating of nanocrystalline
TiO2 shell around the CoFe2O4 MNPs core. Wuyou et al. induced the heterogeneous
nucleation of TiO2 via a slow and gradual supersaturation of Ti(OC3H7)4 ethanol in
1:10 water–ethanol suspension of CoFe2O4 [62].

Functionalized Ferrites for Therapeutics and Environmental Pollution Management

Figure 3.
The FESEM micrographs of ZnFe2O4 (a) and zinc silicate-ZnFe2O4 (b). Copyright: Ceramics international [61].

3.6 Stöber method

The Stöber method is a facile process for uniform silica coating on a nanoparticle
surface through a sol-gel strategy. In simple words, ammonia-mediated hydrolysis of tet-
raethoxysilane (TEOS) yields silanol monomers at the nanoparticle surface. After that,
the neighboring silanol monomers are condensed into a siloxane network cluster [63].
Likewise, Kooti et al. utilized this method to coat CoFe2O4 with SiO2. The inert silica
layer was later used for anchoring a molybdenum Schiff base onto the complex surface
in order to enhance the catalytic activity for the oxidation of alkene. Figure 4 shows the
step-by-step reactions that occurred during the functionalization process [64].

4. Therapeutic applications of functionalized ferrites

4.1 Targeted drug delivery (TDD)

TDD means the focused transportation of therapeutic agents into the diseased
tissue without affecting other organs adversely. The enhanced permeability and reten-
tion (EPR) effect of the drug-conjugated nanocarrier system is a very crucial factor
for TDD [65]. Ferrite NPs with their intrinsic responsiveness toward the external

Figure 4.
Schematic illustration of the Mo-salenSi@Si-CoFe2O4 MNP preparation. Copyright: Catalysis letters [64].

Applications of Ferrites

Figure 5.
Time-dependent DOX release profile of FA-coated cobalt ferrite MNPs at (a) pH = 5.5 and (b) pH = 7 as
a function of time under temperatures 37 and 44°C in phosphate buffer solution. Copyright: Chemphyschem [8].

magnetic field smoothen the deposition, accumulation, and controlled release of

immobilized drug to the targeted sites [66]. However, their surface modification
accelerates this process by resisting aggregation, premature leakage of drug molecules,
and removal of the MNPs by the organs via phagocytosis [65]. Figure 5 shows the both
pH- and temperature-responsive DOX release profile of the FA-coated CFMNPs. Here,
FA-conjugation helped to retain the nanoparticles’ stability even after the drug release
experiment. Results showed that the relative drug release amount increased from
~38–60% by decreasing the solution pH from 7 to 5.5. Moreover, the heat generated by
the applied AC magnetic field elevated the amount of released drug up to 95% [8].
FA modification significantly multiplies (~30 folds) the targeting effect of BSA-
CFNP hybrids encapsulating bio-derived polyphenolic drugs hesperidin and eugenol.
The magnetic CFNPs accounted for higher drug encapsulation efficiency (62.94%
for hesperidin and 85.58% for eugenol). The BSA hybridization offered synergistic
pH and magnetic responsiveness to the synthesized nanocarriers and helped the
controlled and targeted release of drug molecules [18]. PEG-anchored CF-DA
nanoparticles exhibited better cellular uptake into the cancerous cell line A549 than
the unanchored ones. Results from the cell apoptosis, ROS generation, and actin
cytoskeleton disruption study showed that CF-DA-PEG is able to produce more free
radicals and cause mitochondrial dysfunction and actin cytoskeleton destruction
inside the A549 cells [28].

4.2 Bioimaging

The magnetic spinel structure of ferrite NPs helps to shorten the spin-spin relax-
ation time (T2-weighted) of surrounding water protons. This improves the contrast of
the magnetic resonance (MR) image while real-time imaging of biological functions.
The main problem here is the pharmacokinetic properties (biocompatibility, circula-
tion time in the bloodstream, targetability, etc.) of the contrast agents [67]. Many
researchers have tried to tailor the surface of the ferrite NPs with suitable function-
alities to overcome this situation. PE-HBPG-FA hybrid-encapsulated MnFe2O4 MNPs
are effective T2-weighted MRI contrast agents. This hyperbranched lipopolymer ren-
dered water solubility and biocompatibility, whereas FA introduced tumor cell targe-
tability to the synthesized spinel type MnFe2O4@PE-HBPG-FA MNPs. This composite
exhibited a higher transverse relaxivity value (140.56 mM−1 s−1) than conventional
superparamagnetic iron oxides [17]. Disodium tartrate dihydrate (T)-functionalized
Functionalized Ferrites for Therapeutics and Environmental Pollution Management

and variable Gd3+-doped MnFe2O4 (T-MnGdxFe2 − xO4) is an active fluorophore and

possesses magnetic field-dependent photoluminescence (PL) properties. The ligand-
to-metal charge transfer (LMCT) between the small organic ligand T and the dopant
Gd3+ causes the high saturation magnetization of TMnGd0.10Fe1.90O4 and a maximum
PL intensity at about 417 nm. Moreover, this magneto-fluorophore showcases mini-
mum cytotoxic effects and first-order degradation kinetics against bilirubin (BR). BR
is a yellowish pigment responsible for hyperbilirubinemia or jaundice [68].

4.3 Biosensor

Functionalized ferrites are used as biosensing materials either by their direct

application onto the transducer materials or by dispersion in the targeted environment
[69]. For example, CH-modified n-NiFe2O4 comprises an efficient cholesterol biosensor
in human serum samples. Basically, the biocompatible CH matrix helps in the homoge-
neous dispersion of n-NiFe2O4 NPs over the ITO bioelectrode and thus provides an ideal
platform for cholesterol esterase (ChEt) and cholesterol oxidase (ChOx) immobiliza-
tion. Electrochemical response studies prove the faster electron communication, high
selectivity, and repeatability features of ChEt−ChOx/n-NiFe2O4 − CH/ITO bioelec-
trode [59]. Functionalization by a mixture of amine and thiol groups serves as an inter-
mediate layer between the superparamagnetic cobalt ferrite nanoparticle core and gold
nanoparticles’ shell. The investigations by Marcos et al. show that the M2(4NH2-SH)Au
particles are able to immobilize single-stranded peptide nucleic acid (ssPNA) oligomers
for the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in DNA [70].

4.4 Hyperthermia for cancer treatment

Hyperthermia treatment (also called thermal ablation or thermotherapy) is a pro-

cess for treating cancerous cells locally under elevated temperatures (41–45°C). Ferrite
NPs are able to produce heat of this temperature range while kept under an external
alternating current (AC) magnetic field due to hysteresis loss and eddy current [8].
PEG-modified cobalt ferrite/hydroxyapatite immobilizing 5-Fluorouracil (FU) drug is
a multimodel nanocarrier for synergistic chemotherapeutic and hyperthermia treat-
ment. The presence of an AC magnetic field causes the heating of the magnetic core
of this nanoparticle, which in turn compels the PEG matrix to release the immobilized
drug molecules into the targeted sites [71]. Prashant et al. fabricated OA-coated
CoFe2O4 NPs for magnetic fluid hyperthermia treatment. OA functionalization
complements the great saturation magnetization and high permeability character-
istics of CoFe2O4 NPs with its biocompatibility and high colloidal dispersive nature.
OA-CoFe2O4nanocomposites exhibit reduced hypothermia temperature and magne-
tization values than the unmodified compounds in the water-ethylene glycol fluidic
media [10]. Izabell et al. synthesized azelaic acid (AZA)-encapsulated manganese fer-
rite and zinc ferrite (MnFe2O4-AZA and ZnFe2O4-AZA) MNPs for high-performance
hypothermic measurement. This hydrophilic outer layer of the MNPs imposes a direct
effect on their high saturation magnetization values at low temperatures [72].

4.5 Tissue engineering

Considering the effect of Zn and Si in healthy bone tissue development and

osteoblastic gene expression, Ashkan et al. formulated a multifunctional core-shell
zinc silicate-ZnFe2O4 composite for bone tissue regeneration after implantation. Cell
Applications of Ferrites

compatibility study using osteoblast cell line (MG63) revealed the concentration-
dependent cell viability of the compound. Zn2+ ions are responsible for the antimicro-
bial nature of the complex against both the Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial
strains [61]. Glutaric acid-functionalized cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4-GAPT) MNPs are
efficient agents for the top-down characterization of phosphoproteins during advanced
disease diagnosis. SDS-PAGE analysis of the MNPs incubated pig cardiac phosphopro-
teins, and comparing the results with other non-treated samples showcased that the
GAPT ligands facilitate the specificity and quantification efficacy of the MNPs [73].

5. Environmental pollution management

5.1 Wastewater treatment

5.1.1 By heavy metal adsorption

Zhiqiang et al. decorated the rice bran-derived biochar with ethylenediamine-

functionalized MgFeAlO4 (RB@MgFeAlO4-NH2) MNPs for Ni2+ elimination from
the wastewater. The amine functionalization enhanced the sorption affinity of RB@
MgFeAlO4-NH2 via complexation with the Ni2+ ions, whereas the biochar employed
the ion exchange mechanism during the purification process. Ni2+sorption percent-
age is maximum at pH ~ 6 when Ni2+ ions can be electrostatically attached to the
surface amino groups without the risk of precipitating from the solution [1]. Figure 6
depicts the fabrication of La3+-grafted and hexamethylendiamine-functionalized
copper ferrite (CuFe2O4-2N-La) MNPs, which also showed high phosphate adsorption
capacity (32.59 mg/g). A comparative study of the Langmuir adsorption isotherms of
CuFe2O4 2N and CuFe2O4-2N-La confirmed that La3+ ions have exerted a direct effect
on increasing the phosphate decontamination rates from water bodies via the ligand
coordination mechanism [7].
Figure 7 shows the reductive-adsorption and desorption behaviors of MnFe2O4
MNPs. Bilayered OP-optimized MnFe2O4 MNPs exhibit a highly specific sorption ability
for uranium. Here, the unsaturated-unsaturated oleyl carbon chains form a compact layer
around the MnFe2O4 particle surface, rendering superior colloidal stability of the MNPs
in aqueous medium. This ordered organic coating of OP utilized both the chemisorption
and reduction of U6+ into U4+ to maximize the sorption capacity of the MNPs [53].

Figure 6.
Synthesis of CuFe2O4-2 N-La and comparison of phosphate adsorption efficiency of CuFe2O42N and
CuFe2O4-2 N-La using the Langmuir adsorption isotherms. Copyright: Science of the Total environment [7].

Functionalized Ferrites for Therapeutics and Environmental Pollution Management

Figure 7.
Illustration of uranium adsorption by the reduction of U6+ into insoluble U4+ (orange) on the surface of
the nanocrystalline MnFe2O4. Copyright: Journal of Materials Chemistry A [53].

5.1.2 Photocatalytic activity

Tudisco et al. anchored the visible light-sensitive TCPP molecules onto the sur-
faces of ferroelectric bismuth ferrite (BFO) MNPs. The resulting organic–inorganic
composite BFO@TCPP is an efficient agent for the photocatalysis of organic dyes
found in industrial wastewaters. TCPP helps enhance the surface-modified MNPs’
catalytic activity by decreasing its band gap than free BFO and inhibiting raid
recombination of the photogenerated electron–hole pairs. Moreover, the TCPP layer
remained intact even after four degradation cyclic runs, indicating the stability and
reusability of the BFO@TCPP particles [74]. TiO2 is arguably one of the best semi-
conducting photocatalysts due to its chemical stability, nontoxicity, and enhanced
photoreactivity. But it suffers from poor separation ability from the treated water.
Wuyou et al. resolved this matter by functionalizing ferromagnetic CoFe2O4 nanopar-
ticles with TiO2 nanocrystals in a core–shell structure. The resulting nanocomposite’s
photocatalytic activity can be increased by increasing the percentage of TiO2 in
TiO2/CoFe2O4 [62]. GO-modified copper ferrite (GO/CuFe2O4) nanocomposite is
another worthy candidate for water remediation. The electron and hole pairs in a

Figure 8.
Photocatalytic degradation mechanism of MG dye onto GO/CuFe2O4. Copyright: Materials today:
Proceedings [75].

Applications of Ferrites

two-dimensional GO sheet generated by photo illumination are responsible for the

superior malachite green dye (MG) degradability of GO/CuFe2O4 (62.37%) from the
polluted water. Here, the magnetic CuFe2O4 merely increased the recyclability of this
photocatalyst (Figure 8) [75].

5.2 Gas sensing

Xingwei et al. coupled the n-type semiconductor copper ferrite (CuFe2O4)

with PANI for the development of a high-performance NH3 gas sensor. This binary
nanoformulation exerted a synergistic p-n heterojunction effect by decreasing
the depletion layer, thus improving the response value and recovery time for NH3
detection (Figure 9). The NH3-detecting alarm device constructed based on this
nanocomposite can selectively identify NH3 gas of concentration as low as 5 ppm
[37]. Another p-n heterojunction conducting material was synthesized by the in
situ polymerization of PANI on NF nanoparticles for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
detection. PANI modification mitigates the high-power consumption problem of
NF. PANI-NF nanocomposite can operate at room temperature and retain its stabil-
ity for over a month [38].

5.3 Supercapacitor (energy storage)

Barkha et al. synthesized glycol-functionalized reduced graphene oxide-cobalt

ferrite (CoF-rGO)-based electrodes for superior energy storage application. CoFe2O4
possesses high structural anisotropy and specific capacitance (Cs) necessary for
supercapacitor buildup but lacks in having low electrical conductivity. The glycol
molecules improved the capacitance of CoF-rGO by increasing the surface wettability
of the composite. Additionally, the incorporation of CoF into the graphitized struc-
ture facilitates the interlayer migration of ions by generating electric double layer
during the intercalation-deintercalation process. As a result, rGO and CoF synergisti-
cally helped to retain 98% capacitance of the synthesized electrode material even
after 2000 charge-discharge circles [76].

Figure 9.
Schematic illustration of the p-n heterojunction between PANI and CuFe2O4. Copyright: Sensors and
actuators: B. Chemical [37].

Functionalized Ferrites for Therapeutics and Environmental Pollution Management

Similarly, NiFe2O4 MNPs suffer from low power performance despite being
anode materials in pseudocapacitor devices. For this reason, Neha et al. utilized a
covalent functionalization process using aryl diazonium salt to restore the interfacial
stability of the MNPs. The modified NiFe2O4 MNPs showcase strong metal–ligand
bonds that eventually assist their overall magnetic and electrochemical behavior.
Electrochemical studies showed that the diazonium-functionalized pseudocapacitor
electrode exhibits substantially higher specific capacitance (~1279 Fg−1) than bare
NiFe2O4 and (~82–90%) after 2000 cycles [77].

6. Conclusion and perspectives

For successful therapeutic and environmental application of surface-functionalized

ferrite nanoparticles, a clear understanding of the interaction between the functionaliz-
ing materials and the MNPs is crucial. Functionalization of the MNP surface effectively
enhances the homogeneous dispersion, pH and temperature responsiveness, cellular
uptake ability, and biocompatibility of ferrites for biomedical applications. However,
for environmental protection management, introducing a new component onto the
ferrite NPs surface would increase their sorption affinity, catalytic activity, recyclabil-
ity, and specific capacitance according to the properties of the incoming materials.
Therefore, it is very reasonable to think that functionalized ferrites hold great poten-
tials. However, researchers need to be focused on fabricating multifunctional compos-
ites for synergistic drug delivery, tissue regeneration, and real-time bioimaging. When
it comes to the practical applications using different biosafe compounds for different
purposes that will significantly decrease the administration frequency, immunotoxicity
and genotoxiciti, and the overall cost of the treatment. Similarly, for environmental
protection, the designed models should be one-pot products, batch-to-batch reproduc-
ible, and easily quality controllable. Otherwise, industrialists and related policymakers
would not be encouraged to adopt the green technology offered by these functionalized
ferrite compounds. Finally, with the fast-paced experimental growth, it is time to con-
centrate on the commercialization of these materials. Several in vivo preclinical as well
as clinical adaptations for the systematic validation of MNPs are currently in motion,
and hopefully, we will witness the results very soon.

Author details

Tonmoye Sarkar Shathi and Abdur Rahman*

Research Laboratory of Polymer Colloids and Nanomaterials, Department of
Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]

© 2023 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
Applications of Ferrites


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