Int Gcse Mathematics Spec A Modular 4xma1
Int Gcse Mathematics Spec A Modular 4xma1
Int Gcse Mathematics Spec A Modular 4xma1
Issue 2
About Pearson
We are the world’s leading learning company operating in countries all around the world.
We provide content, assessment and digital services to learners, educational institutions,
employers, governments and other partners globally. We are committed to helping equip
learners with the skills they need to enhance their employability prospects and to succeed
in the changing world of work. We believe that wherever learning flourishes so do people.
References to third party materials made in this specification are made in good faith. Pearson
does not endorse, approve or accept responsibility for the content of materials, which may be
subject to change, or any opinions expressed therein. (Materials may include textbooks, journals,
magazines and other publications and websites.)
Summary of changes made between previous issue and this current issue Page
Sections Unit results and Qualification results now show the total UMS marks for 48
each unit, the qualification as a whole and the associated grade boundaries.
If you need further information on these changes or what they mean, contact us via our website at:
2 Qualification at a glance 6
Qualification overview 6
Content and assessment overview 6
Modular content summary 8
4 Assessment information 41
5 Administration and general information 45
Entries 45
Access arrangements, reasonable adjustments, special consideration
and malpractice 45
Awarding and reporting 47
Learner recruitment and progression 49
Appendices 51
Appendix 1: Codes 53
Appendix 2: Transferable skills 54
Appendix 3: Foundation Tier formulae sheet 56
Appendix 4: Higher Tier formulae sheet 57
Appendix 5: Notation 58
Appendix 6: Glossary 59
1 About this specification
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Mathematics (Specification A) (Modular) is a modular
qualification available at Foundation and Higher Tier. All units are available in the June and
November exam series. We strongly advise that Units 1 and 2 are sat in order for first entry of the
units, and resits can be sat in any order. A cash-in code must be used to obtain an overall grade for
the qualification.
The content is relevant, engaging, up-to-date and of equivalent standard to Pearson’s regulated GCSE
in Mathematics.
Two tiers of entry are available: Foundation and Higher (content is defined for each tier) and each
tier comprises of two written unit assessments. This allows learners to be entered for the
appropriate level, with questions designed to be accessible to learners of all abilities in that tier and
unit assessments that are balanced for topics and difficulty. All assessments in the modular route are
designed to be at the same standard, and there is no step up in difficulty between Unit 1 and Unit 2.
It is a solid basis for learners wishing to progress to Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level,
AS and Advanced GCE Level, or equivalent qualifications.
Specification updates
This specification is Issue 1 and is valid for first teaching from September 2024, with first assessment
from June 2025, first cash-in in June 2025 and first certification from August 2025. If there are any
significant changes to the specification, we will inform centres in writing. Changes will also be posted
on our website.
For more information, please visit
Qualification aims
The aims of this qualification are to enable learners to:
• develop their knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts and techniques
• acquire a foundation of mathematical skills for further study in the subject or related areas
• enjoy using and applying mathematical techniques and concepts, and become confident in using
mathematics to solve problems
• appreciate the importance of mathematics in study, employment and society.
Edexcel academic qualifications are from Pearson, the UK’s largest awarding organisation. With over
3.4 million learners studying our academic and vocational qualifications worldwide, we offer
internationally recognised qualifications to schools, colleges and employers globally.
Pearson is recognised as the world’s largest education company. This allows us to drive innovation
and provide comprehensive support for Pearson Edexcel learners in acquiring the knowledge and
skills they need for progression in study, work and life.
The background to Pearson becoming the UK’s largest awarding organisation began in 1836, when a
royal charter gave the University of London its first powers to conduct exams and confer degrees on
its learners. With over 150 years of international education experience, Edexcel qualifications have
firm academic foundations, built on the traditions and rigour associated with Britain’s educational
Pearson’s leading online marking technology has been shown to produce exceptionally reliable
results, demonstrating that, at every stage, Pearson Edexcel qualifications maintain the highest
Modular structure
The modular assessment structure offers learners the flexibility to sit examinations when they are
ready and provides opportunities to resit individual unit assessments before receiving an overall
qualification grade.
Two-unit assessment
The modular approach retains the same content as the existing linear specification but splits the
content across the two units and tiers. Both Unit 1 and Unit 2 will cover topic areas from Number,
Algebra, Shape, space and measure and Handling data.
Tiered papers
Provided at two tiers of entry: Foundation and Higher. This allows learners to be entered for a level
appropriate to them, with questions in each tier that are accessible to learners of all abilities within
that tier.
International GCSE (Modular) qualifications enable successful progression to Level 3 qualifications
(such as the International A Level in Mathematics) and beyond, in mathematics and other subjects.
We have consulted with International A Level and GCE A Level teachers, as well as higher education
professionals to validate this qualification, including content, skills and assessment structure.
ResultsPlus provides the most detailed analysis available of your learners’ exam performance. It can
help you identify the topics and skills where further learning would benefit your learners.
This is an included online resource designed to support learners and teachers with examination
preparation and assessment.
Training events
In addition to online training, we host a series of training events for teachers to deepen their
understanding of our qualifications.
Qualification overview
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Mathematics (Specification A) (Modular) consists of two
mandatory units.
It is a modular qualification where we strongly advise that unit assessments are sat in order for first
entry of the units, and resists can be sat in any order. Assessments must be cashed in to obtain a
final grade for the qualification.
Content overview
• Number
• Algebra
• Geometry
• Statistics
For more detail under these key content areas, please see Modular content summary.
Assessment overview
Each unit will assess the full range of targeted grades at Foundation Tier (5–1).
Each unit has approximately equal marks available for each of the targeted grades.
Approximately 40% of common questions targeted at grades 5 and 4 appear across Unit 1
assessment at Foundation Tier and Unit 1 assessment at Higher Tier, as well as across Unit 2
assessment at Foundation Tier and Unit 2 assessment at Higher Tier to aid standardisation and
comparability of award between tiers.
Knowledge of the Foundation Tier Unit 1 content is assumed for learners being prepared for
Foundation Unit 2.
A Foundation Tier formulae sheet (Appendix 3) will be included in the written examinations.
Calculators may be used in the examinations (please see Section 4: Assessment information
Calculators for further information).
* See Appendix 1: Codes for a description of these codes and all the other codes relevant to this
Content overview
• Number
• Algebra
• Geometry
• Statistics
For more detail under these key content areas, please see Modular content summary.
Assessment overview
Each unit will assess the full range of targeted grades at Higher Tier (9–4, with an allowable
grade 3).
Each unit has approximately equal marks available for each of the targeted grades.
Approximately 40% of common questions targeted at grades 5 and 4 appear across Unit 1
Assessment at Foundation Tier and Unit 1 assessment at Higher Tier, as well as across Unit 2
assessment at Foundation Tier and Unit 2 assessment at Higher Tier to aid standardisation and
comparability of award between tiers.
Knowledge of the Foundation Tier Unit 1 content is assumed for learners being prepared for
Foundation Tier Unit 2 or Higher Tier Unit 2. Knowledge of the Higher Tier Unit 1 content is
assumed for learners being prepared for Higher Tier Unit 2.
A Higher Tier formulae sheet (Appendix 4) will be included in the written examinations.
Calculators may be used in the examinations (please see Section 4: Assessment information
Calculators for further information).
* See Appendix 1: Codes for a description of these codes and all the other codes relevant to this
Unit 1 Unit 2
Number (AO1) F H Number (AO1) F H
Basic number skills Ratio and proportion
Standard form Percentage skills
Limits of accuracy Standard form
Surds and indices Repeated percentage change
Algebra (AO1) F H Algebra (AO1) F H
Basic algebra skills Inequalities
Set notation Simultaneous equations
Plotting graphs Sequences
Solving basic quadratics x + bx + c =0 Change of subject
Solving quadratics ax + bx + c = 0 Algebraic proof
Completing the square Direct and inverse proportion
The quadratic formula Summation of arithmetic series
Function notation and transformations
Shape, space and measure (AO2) F H Shape, space and measure (AO2) F H
Properties and areas of shapes Angles in polygons and circles
Trigonometry Symmetry
Pythagoras’ theorem Constructions
Compound measures (speed, density) Volume
Sine and Cosine rule Similarity
Sine area of a triangle Transformations
3D Pythagoras’ theorem Circle theorems
Similar area and volume
Handling data (AO3) F H Handling data (AO3) F H
Basic probability Statistical measures
Tree diagrams Cumulative frequency diagrams
Conditional probability
Foundation Tier 11
Higher Tier 12
Unit 1: Foundation Tier 13
1 Numbers and the number system 13
2 Equations, formulae and identities 16
3 Sequences, functions and graphs 17
4 Geometry 18
6 Statistics and probability 20
Externally assessed
The Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Mathematics (Specification A) (Modular) requires
learners to demonstrate application and understanding of the following.
• Use numerical skills in a purely mathematical way and in real-life situations.
• Use letters as equivalent to numbers and as variables.
• Understand the distinction between expressions, equations and formulae.
• Use algebra to set up and solve problems.
• Demonstrate manipulation skills.
• Construct and use graphs.
• Use properties of angles.
• Understand a range of transformations.
• Work within the metric system.
• Understand ideas of space and shape.
• Use ruler, a pair of compasses and protractor appropriately.
• Understand basic ideas of statistical averages.
• Use a range of statistical techniques.
• Use basic ideas of probability.
Learners should be able to use and apply standard mathematical techniques by accurately
recalling facts, terminology and definitions; using and interpreting notation correctly; and
accurately carrying out routine procedures or set tasks that require multi-step solutions.
Externally assessed
Knowledge of the Foundation Tier Unit 1 content is assumed for learners being prepared for
Foundation Tier Unit 2 or Higher Tier Unit 2. Knowledge of the Higher Tier Unit 1 content is
assumed for learners being prepared for Higher Tier Unit 2.
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Mathematics (Specification A) (Modular) requires learners
to demonstrate application and understanding of the following:
• Use numerical skills in a purely mathematical way and in real-life situations.
• Use letters as equivalent to numbers and as variables.
• Understand the distinction between expressions, equations and formulae.
• Use algebra to set up and solve problems.
• Demonstrate manipulation skills.
• Construct and use graphs.
• Use the properties of angles.
• Understand a range of transformations.
• Work within the metric system.
• Understand ideas of space and shape.
• Use ruler, a pair of compasses and protractor appropriately.
• Understand basic ideas of statistical averages.
• Use a range of statistical techniques.
• Use basic ideas of probability.
Learners should be able to use and apply standard mathematical techniques by accurately
recalling facts, terminology and definitions; using and interpreting notation correctly; and
accurately carrying out routine procedures or set tasks that require multi-step solutions.
D order integers
C order decimals
D understand and use the complement of a set Use the notation A'
8 xy + 12 y 2
E expand the product of two simple linear Expand and simplify
( x + 8)( x − 5)
F understand the concept of a quadratic Factorise
expression and be able to factorise such x 2 + 10 x + 24
expressions (limited to x + bx + c )
2.4 A solve linear equations, with integer or fractional 5x + 8 =
Linear coefficients, in one unknown in which the
7( x + 3) = 5 x − 8
equations unknown appears on either side or both sides of
the equation 4x + 5
B set up simple linear equations from given data The three angles of a
triangle are a°,
(a + 10)°, (a + 20)°.
Find the value of a
4 Geometry
What learners need to study: Notes
4.10 A recognise and give the names of solids To include cube, cuboid,
3D shapes and prism, pyramid, cylinder,
volume sphere and cone
1.5 A understand sets defined in algebraic terms, If A is a subset of B, then
Set language and and understand and use subsets A⊂ B
B use Venn diagrams to represent sets and
the number of elements in sets
C use the notation n(A) for the number of
elements in the set A
D use sets in practical situations
1.8 A solve problems using upper and lower The dimensions of a
Degree of bounds where values are given to a degree rectangle are 12 cm and
accuracy of accuracy 8 cm to the nearest cm
Calculate, to 3 significant
figures, the smallest
possible area as a
percentage of the largest
possible area
2.2 A expand the product of two or more linear Expand and simplify
Algebraic expressions
(x + 2)(x + 3)(x – 1)
B understand the concept of a quadratic Factorise
expression and be able to factorise such
6 x2 – 5x – 6
2 x 2 + 3x
4x2 − 9
D complete the square for a given quadratic Write 2x + 6x – 1 in the
expression form
a(x + b)2 + c
2.7 A solve quadratic equations by factorisation 2x2 – 3x + 1 = 0,
x(3x – 2) = 5
B solve quadratic equations by using the
quadratic formula or completing the square
=y sin
= x, y cos
= x, y tan x for angles of
any size (in degrees)
F calculate the gradient of a straight line given Find the equation of the
the coordinates of two points straight line through
G find the equation of a straight line parallel to Find the equation of the
a given line; find the equation of a straight line perpendicular to
line perpendicular to a given line
y = 2x + 5 through the
point (3, 7)
4 Geometry
What learners need to study: Notes
Questions will assume knowledge from Unit 1 Foundation Tier subject content.
Specification points have been selected for Unit 2 Foundation Tier from the overall body of subject
content from the International GCSE in Mathematics (Specification A) (4MA1) linear qualification.
At unit level, the specification points will not necessarily be presented sequentially.
International GCSE in Mathematics A (Modular) specification content mapping document details the
breakdown of the subject content for each unit at each tier, in relation to the International GCSE in
Mathematics (Specification A) (4MA1) linear qualification. It can be accessed from the
Pearson Qualifications webpage from Course materials: Specification and sample assessments.
1.7 A use ratio notation, including reduction to its Express in the form
Ratio and simplest form and its various links to fraction 1:n
proportion notation
E solve word problems about ratio and Including maps and scale
proportion diagrams
1.9 A calculate with and interpret numbers in 150 000 000 = 1.5 × 108
Standard form the form a × 10n where n is an integer and
1 a < 10
4 Geometry
What learners need to study: Notes
E understand and use the angle sum of For a polygon with n sides,
polygons the sum of the interior
angles is (2n – 4) right
F understand congruence as meaning the
same shape and size
4.3 A identify any lines of symmetry and the order Name a quadrilateral with
Symmetry of rotational symmetry of a given two- no lines of symmetry and
dimensional figure order of rotational
symmetry of 2
4.4 A interpret scales on a range of measuring
Measures instruments
G translate a shape
6.1 A(ii) use different methods of presenting data Pictograms, bar charts
Graphical and pie charts
representation of
B use appropriate methods of tabulation to
enable the construction of statistical
3a + 5 =
Make l the subject of
T = 2π
2.5 A set up problems involving direct or inverse To include only the
Proportion proportion and relate algebraic solutions to following:
graphical representation of the equations
y ∝ x, y ∝
y ∝ x2 , y ∝
y ∝ x3 , y ∝ 3
y ∝ x, y ∝
2.6 A calculate the exact solution of two 2x + 3y = 17
Simultaneous simultaneous equations in two unknowns
3x – 5y = 35
linear equations
B interpret the equations as lines and the
common solution as the point of
y = 11x – 2 and
y = 5x2
x 4,
y 2x + 1,
5x + 2y 20
x2 + x – 3 = 0
Similarly, the x values of
the intersection of the
two graphs:
y = x3 – 3x2 + 7
are the solutions of:
x3 – 3x2 + 2 = 0
=s 24t 2 − t 3 ,
0 t 20
4 Geometry
What learners need to study: Notes
Assessment requirements
Unit number Level Assessment information Number of marks
allocated in the unit
Each unit has approximately equal marks available for each of the targeted grades.
Approximately 40% of common questions targeted at grades 5 and 4 appear across Unit 1
Assessment at Foundation Tier and Unit 1 assessment at Higher Tier, as well as across Unit 2
assessment at Foundation Tier and Unit 2 assessment at Higher Tier to aid standardisation and
comparability of award between tiers.
Diagrams will not necessarily be drawn to scale and measurements should not be taken from
diagrams unless instructions to this effect are given.
Each learner may be required to use mathematical instruments, e.g. pair of compasses, ruler,
Tracing paper may be used in the examinations.
Calculators may be used in the examinations (please see Section 4: Assessment information,
Calculators for further information).
Questions will be set in SI units (international system of units).
Foundation Tier
The electronic calculator to be used by learners attempting Foundation Tier examination papers
(1F and 2F) should have these functions as a minimum:
• +, −, ×, ÷, x 2 , x , memory, brackets, x y , x y , x , ∑ x, ∑ fx, sine, cosine, tangent and their inverses
Higher Tier
The electronic calculator to be used by learners attempting Higher Tier examination papers
(1H and 2H) should have these functions as a minimum:
• +, −, ×, ÷, x 2 , x , memory, brackets, x y , x y , x , ∑ x, ∑ fx, standard form, sine, cosine, tangent and
their inverses
Calculators with any of the following facilities are prohibited in all examinations:
• databanks
• retrieval of text or formulae
• QWERTY keyboards
• built-in symbolic algebra manipulations
• symbolic differentiation or integration.
Entering for different tiers across both units is not permitted in this qualification. Details of how to
enter learners for the examinations for this qualification can be found in our International Information
Manual. A copy is made available to all examinations officers and is also available on our website.
Learners should be advised that, if they take two qualifications in the same subject, colleges,
universities and employers are very likely to take the view that they have achieved only one of the
two GCSEs/International GCSEs (Modular). Learners or their advisers who have any doubts about
subject combinations should check with the institution to which they wish to progress before
embarking on their programmes.
This International GCSE in Mathematics (Specification A) (Modular) is only available to centres
outside of the UK.
Language of assessment
Assessment of this qualification will be available in English only. All learner work must be in English.
We recommend that learners have the ability to read and write in English at Level B2 of the Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Reasonable adjustments
The UK Equality Act 2010 requires an awarding organisation to make reasonable adjustments where
a learner with a disability would be at a substantial disadvantage in undertaking an assessment. The
awarding organisation is required to take reasonable steps to overcome that disadvantage.
A reasonable adjustment for a particular learner may be unique to that individual and therefore
might not be in the list of available access arrangements.
Whether an adjustment will be considered reasonable will depend on a number of factors, including:
• the needs of the learner with the disability
• the effectiveness of the adjustment
• the cost of the adjustment
• the likely impact of the adjustment on the learner with the disability and other learners.
An adjustment will not be approved if it involves unreasonable costs to the awarding organisation,
timeframes or affects the security or integrity of the assessment. This is because the adjustment is
not ‛reasonable’.
Special consideration
Special consideration is a post-examination adjustment to a learner’s mark or grade to reflect
temporary injury, illness or other indisposition at the time of the examination/ assessment, which
has had, or is reasonably likely to have had, a material effect on a learner’s ability to take an
assessment or demonstrate their level of attainment in an assessment.
Further information
Please see our website for further information about how to apply for access arrangements and
special consideration.
For further information about access arrangements, reasonable adjustments and special
consideration please refer to the JCQ website:
Staff/centre malpractice
Staff and centre malpractice includes both deliberate malpractice and maladministration of our
qualifications. As with candidate malpractice, staff and centre malpractice is any act that
compromises or seeks to compromise the process of assessment or that undermines the integrity of
the qualifications or the validity of results/certificates.
All cases of suspected staff malpractice and maladministration must be reported immediately,
before any investigation is undertaken by the centre, to Pearson on a JCQ Form M2(a) (available at
The form, supporting documentation and as much information as possible should be emailed to
[email protected]. Note that the final decision regarding appropriate sanctions lies
with Pearson.
Failure to report malpractice itself constitutes malpractice.
More detailed guidance on malpractice can be found in the latest version of the document JCQ
Suspected Malpractice: Policies and Procedures, available at
Unit 1F or 2F 120 60 48 36 24 12 0
Qualification results
This shows the total UMS for the qualification as a whole and the associated grade boundaries. The
minimum uniform marks required for each grade:
International GCSE Mathematics (Specification A) (Modular) (cash-in code: 4XMA1)
Qualification Maximum 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 U
grade uniform
Resitting of units
Learners can resit any unit irrespective of whether the qualification is to be cashed in. If a learner
resits a unit more than once, only the better of the two most recent attempts of that unit will be
available for aggregation to a qualification grade.
Results of units will be held in Pearson Edexcel’s unit bank for as many years as this specification
remains available. Once the International GCSE in Mathematics (Specification A) (Modular) has been
certificated, all unit results are deemed to be used up at that level. These results cannot be used
again towards a further award of the same qualification at the same level.
Learners can progress from this qualification to:
• the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Further Pure Mathematics
• the GCE Advanced Subsidiary (AS) and Advanced Level in Mathematics, Further Mathematics and
Pure Mathematics
• the International Advanced Subsidiary (AS) and Advanced Level in Mathematics, Further
Mathematics and Pure Mathematics
• other equivalent, Level 3 Mathematics qualifications
• further study in other areas where mathematics is required
• other further training or employment where numerate skills and knowledge are required.
Appendix 1: Codes 53
Appendix 2: Transferable skills 54
Appendix 3: Foundation Tier formulae sheet 55
Appendix 4: Higher Tier formulae sheet 57
Appendix 5: Notation 58
Appendix 6: Glossary 59
Entry codes To enter the learner for their examination, Please refer to the Pearson
unit codes are used as entry codes. Edexcel Information Manual,
available on the Pearson
To obtain the overall grade for the
qualifications website.
qualification, entry codes are used in
combination with cash-in codes.
Unit codes Each unit is assigned a unit code. This unit Unit 1 Foundation Tier: 4WM1F/01
code is used as an entry code to indicate
Unit 2 Foundation Tier: 4WM2F/01
that a learner wishes to take the
assessment for a particular unit. Unit 1 Higher Tier: 4WM1H/01
Unit 2 Higher Tier: 4WM2H/01
The skills have been interpreted for this specification to ensure they are appropriate for the subject.
All of the skills listed are evident or accessible in the teaching, learning and/or assessment of the
qualification. Some skills are directly assessed. Pearson materials will support you in identifying
these skills and developing these skills in learners.
The table overleaf sets out the framework and gives an indication of the skills that can be found in
the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Mathematics (Specification A) (Modular) and indicates the
interpretation of the skill in this area. A full subject interpretation of each skill, with mapping to show
opportunities for learners’ development is provided on the subject pages of our website:
1 OECD – Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Lives (OECD Publishing, 2012)
2 Koenig, J A, National Research Council – Assessing 21st Century Skills: Summary of a Workshop
(National Academies Press, 2011)
conscientiousness Initiative for using
• Self-direction
mathematical knowledge,
• Responsibility
independently (without guided
• Perseverance learning), to further own
• Productivity understanding.
• Self-regulation
forethought, reflection)
• Ethics
• Integrity
Positive core • Self-monitoring/self-
self-evaluation evaluation/self-
Teamwork and • Communication
• Collaboration Communication to
Interpersonal skills
• Responsibility
• Assertive communication
• Self-presentation
Volume of cylinder = π r 2 h
Curved surface area of cylinder = 2π rh
The solutions of ax 2 + bx + c =0 where
a ≠ 0 are given by:
−b ± b 2 − 4ac
Trigonometry In any triangle ABC
a b c
Sine Rule = =
sin A sin B sin C
b a
Cosine Rule a 2 = b 2 + c 2 − 2bc cos A
A B 1
c Area of triangle = ab sin C
1 2 Volume of prism
Volume of cone = πr h
3 = area of cross section × length
Curved surface area of cone = π rl
h section
. r
Volume of cylinder = π r 2 h 4 3
Volume of sphere = πr
Curved surface area of cylinder = 2π rh 3
Surface area of sphere = 4π r 2
{ } the set of
PQ operation Q followed by P
a the vector a
AB the vector represented in magnitude and direction by AB
Cash-in codes Cash-in codes are used in combination with entry codes to aggregate
the learner’s unit scores to obtain the overall grade for the qualification.
Entry codes To enter the learner for their examination, unit codes are used as entry
To obtain the overall grade for the qualification, entry codes are used in
combination with cash-in codes.
JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications. This is a group of UK exam boards which
develops policy related to the administration of examinations.
Uniform mark scale A learner’s actual marks (or raw marks) will be converted into a UMS
(UMS) mark so that it is possible to see the proportionate result of a learner.
The raw marks for each unit may differ, but the uniform mark will be
the same.
Unit A modular qualification will be divided into a number of units. Each unit
will have its own assessment.
Unit codes Each unit is assigned a unit code. This unit code is used as an entry
code to indicate that a learner wishes to take the assessment for a
particular unit.