Smriti 2018
Smriti 2018
Smriti 2018
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The impact of
The impact of intellectual capital IC on firm
on firm performance: a study of performance
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of intellectual capital (IC) on financial
performance (FP) for Indian companies listed on the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Overall Share
Price Index (COSPI).
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1. Introduction
The growth of knowledge-based, fast-changing and technologically advanced companies in
the world economy has increased the importance of intellectual capital (IC) (Petty and Guthrie,
2000; Cañibano et al., 2000). In this cutting-edge economy, tangible and intangible resources
are considered potential sources of strategic advantage (Ruta, 2009). The resource-based
theory of the firm and tangible and intangible resources are drawing significant interest in the
strategic management, economic and accounting literature based on the observed links
between intangible resources and performance measure. Thus, a direct impact of IC on firm
performance is expected (Pew Tan et al., 2008).
Researchers have linked the value of IC to firm performance (Bollen et al., 2005; Kamath,
2008; Dženopoljac et al., 2016). The measure of firm performance classified into three
categories, namely: operational performance, business performance and financial performance
(FP) (Bollen et al., 2005). This paper selects FP as a traditional measure of performance.
Researchers have used indicators like return on assets (ROA) (Chen et al., 2005, Nadeem et al.,
2017), asset turnover (Chen et al., 2005; Kamath, 2008) and sales growth (SG) (Chen et al., 2005;
Li and Zhao, 2018). Some researchers have also observed the effect of IC on market value Journal of Intellectual Capital
(Chen et al., 2005; Kamath, 2008; Sardo and Serrasqueiro, 2017). This study uses these four Vol. 19 No. 5, 2018
pp. 935-964
indicators as indicators of firm performance. Simple measures of financial indicators are © Emerald Publishing Limited
not adequate for stakeholder’s analysis of the performance of the knowledge-driven firm. DOI 10.1108/JIC-11-2017-0156
JIC Such stakeholders comprise governments, shareholders, suppliers, customers and employees
19,5 (Kamath, 2008). Traditional financial accounting measures ignore the role of human capital
(HC, a component of IC), which can mislead decision makers and stakeholders (Grant, 1996;
Stewart, 1997; Bontis, 2001). In response, firms have begun reporting intangibles due to their
growing importance in strategic competitive advantage. IC generally comprises of those
intangible resources that play an important role in the wealth – creation process of a firm,
936 including the sum of all skills and competencies possessed by employees that create value for
the firm (Mitchell Williams, 2001; Choo Huang et al., 2007; Smriti and Das, 2017).
In developing or emerging economies such as India, the reporting of IC and its disclosure
are in their infancy. The knowledge economy of India remains in a renovation phase, and
investment in knowledge infrastructure is required. The quality of human resources is a
primary concern in emerging countries because a knowledgeable, flexible and well-trained
workforce enhances the competitiveness of an organization. Accordingly, the Government of
India has recognized the expansion of intellectual resources, human resources and innovation
as a core scheme under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (2015).
This paper investigates the effect of IC on business performance in the service and
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2. Background
2.1 Review of the IC measurement and its sub-components
The total of hidden values of the firm also referred as IC (Sardo and Serrasqueiro,
2017) is responsible for the increase in the market value of stock of many firms in
comparison to the replacement cost of their tangible resources (Vishnu and Gupta, 2014).
Peteraf and Barney (2003) argued that firm’s resource-based view emphasizes over The impact of
sustaining competitive strategies by utilizing the resources present inside an organization. IC on firm
Resources must possess certain characteristics like they should be unique, inimitable and performance
cannot be replaced and can be observed in the form of employee’s skills and experience
gained over time and the organizational process. Such internal resources have the capability
of generating wealth and are perceived as intangible assets or IC. The significance of
intangible assets in firm performance and market value is increasing rapidly (Dženopoljac 937
et al., 2016). Despite numerous efforts to provide clear links between IC and firm financial
indicators, the effects of IC on firm performance remain unclear (Dženopoljac et al., 2016).
This lack of clarity may reflect the use of different features of intellectual assets and the
varying relationships between them.
Researchers across the globe have defined and classified IC in their own way (Stewart, 1997).
IC is described as a reservoir of experience and skills gained by the employees, the relationship
with the customer, which gives competitive verge in the market over its competitors
(Edvinsson and Malone, 1997). Moreover, it assures perspective profit in the absence of tangible
assets (Lev, 2004).
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Sveiby (1997) classified IC into three major components – structural capital (SC), customer
or PC and HC. Bontis (1996) subsequently replaced customer capital with relational capital,
and this change has been adopted by other researchers (Mouritsen et al., 2001; Kamath, 2008;
Nadeem et al., 2017).
HC is the amalgamation of skills, capabilities, experience and expertise of employees
acquired through their experience, and training (Ahangar, 2011). The experience gained by
an employee is carried with him when he changes jobs (Spender, 1996; Roos et al., 1997).
According to the resource-based view, Abeysekera (2010) claimed that the performance of a
firm is associated with the proper utilization of human resources in all potential and legal
ways. Employees are perceived as assets of the firm, and hence HC is a vital component of
firm value creation. The service and manufacturing sectors demand complex knowledge to
acquire a competitive edge over other sectors.
SC also known as the organization capital includes the organization and its system,
structure and processes, which comprise factors such as databases, management processes,
organizational plans and corporate approaches (Roos et al., 1997; Nonaka, 1994;
Szulanski, 2002) and help in supporting their employee’s performance and business
performance (Bontis, 1998; Bollen et al., 2005). Njuguna (2009) argued that based on
organizational learning theory, firms can acquire long-term wealth and sustainability by
following continuous learning. SC can be classified into two types. The first includes
knowledge innovation, such as databases and intellectual assets such as patents, copyrights
and trade and service marks. The second type encompasses infrastructural resources
involved in organizational activities. Thus, SC reflects innovations in products and services in
response to market demands (Goh, 2003; Keong Choong, 2008; Nadeem et al., 2017).
Relational capital refers to all intellectual assets involved in managing and regulating the
external relationships of a firm, including organizational relationships with suppliers,
customers, stakeholders, marketing channels and the knowledge governing these
associations (Bontis, 2001; Bollen et al., 2005; Tether and Tajar, 2008; Meles et al., 2016).
It is also referred as the relationships between suppliers and customers (Sveiby, 1997).
Measuring IC successfully in monetary terms is a challenge. Existing accounting
standards followed across the globe do not mandate IC disclosure. IC disclosure also
remains voluntary according to Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) 28. The conception
of IC is still new in developing economies like India (Vishnu and Gupta, 2014). Researchers
have developed the method to measure IC, among which the most prominent ones are the
Skandia Navigator developed by Edvinsson and Malone (1997), Sveiby’s (1997) the
Intangible Assets Monitor, the balanced scorecard approach by Kaplan and Norton (1996),
JIC direct intellectual capital methods, market capitalization methods, and, most recently,
19,5 Pulic’s (2000) value-added intellectual coefficient (VAIC). Clarke et al. (2011) stated that the
complicity appears while measuring IC such as the unavailability of needed info to the
intruders. Even if intruders get the information, its rationality and validity are again
questionable. Further, conversion of this information into financial term is difficult.
Researchers have applied the VAIC model to assess the impact of IC and its dimensions on
938 the financial and economic performance of firms as it employs the quantitative, publically
accessible, carefully scrutinized information (Meles et al., 2016).
Considering shareholder’s view, this model evaluates the efficiency of the firm’s
intangible and tangible assets to embellish shareholder’s worth (Meles et al., 2016).
This model is discussed in details in Section 3.2 under subsection, independent variable.
comparative analysis of the pharmaceutical and textile industries and showed that the
profitability of these industries was positively correlated with IC; by contrast, no significant
correlations of IC with productivity and market valuation were observed.
A study conducted by Yalama and Coskun (2007) to examine the influence of IC and their
sub-components on the profitability of Istanbul banks and observed a significant role of IC
compared to CEE. Mavridis (2004) used the same model to conclude that HC is having the
highest degree of correlation with the performance indicator of the banks in Japan. In a
study of the influence of VAIC on FP, Ismail and Karem (2011) found significant correlations
of CEE and HCE with bank performance in Bahrain, although their analysis failed to note
any significant correlation between SCE and corporate performance.
Appuhami (2007) obtained similar results for companies listed on Thailand’s stock
market using VAIC as the proxy of IC. This empirical research supports the resource-
based theory and shows that IC is important in the creation of value and strategic asset
management. Kamath (2008) found that HC has a major impact only on ROA in the Indian
pharmaceutical sector, with no significant relationships of IC with productivity and
market value. In contrast to these results, Chan (2009a, b) found no significant links
between IC and productivity, profitability and market valuation among listed firms on the
Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Instead, physical assets were identified as the most
important component in improving firm productivity, profitability and market valuation.
Vishnu and Gupta (2014) found similar evidence in an analysis of the Indian
pharmaceutical industry, which showed that all components of VAIC except CEE
significantly and positively influenced corporate performance as measured by ROA and
return on sales. These findings provide insights on the Indian knowledge-based sector like
pharmaceutical, where stakeholders still perceive firm performance in terms of tangible
assets rather than intangible assets.
In a study of the impact of IC on profitability, revenue growth and employee productivity
in the manufacturing industry in Thailand, Phusavat et al. (2011) observed significant and
positive contribution of IC compared to firm performance. Consistent results were obtained
by Nimtrakoon (2015) for ASEAN countries.
Further, unfolding the influence of IC on FP and ownership concentration and owner
involvement of non-financial European registered firms, Sardo and Serrasqueiro (2017)
observed that IC is an important tool to boost firm’s FP and market value. Among VAIC
components, the greatest contributors to firm profit were human capital efficiency (HCE)
and CEE. By contrast, HCE and structural capital efficiency (SCE) were the greatest
contributors to firm market value.
2.3 Theories related to IC The impact of
Different theories, put forward by some theorist, made the researchers across the IC on firm
globe realize the importance of IC in enhancing firm performance. One such theory is performance
resource-based view put forward by Wernerfelt (1984), which stated that resources are the
physical and intangible resources which belong to the firm (as shown in Table I).
This theory focuses over-analysis of the heterogeneous, imitable and immobile
resources present with the firm. Supporting this view, Nadeem et al. (2017) found a 939
positive significant relationship between firm performance and IC except for market value
in five emerging countries, namely BRICS. Thus, IC and PC are perceived as a
proxy of resource-based view (Nadeem et al., 2017). Accordingly, few more theories which
identify the exclusive nature of IC and its components in increasing firm
strategic management and performance were established. One such theory is
organizational learning theory (Njuguna, 2009) which recognizes the process of
continuous learning inside the organization and brings innovation in product and
process. The insight of the external environment such as the change in the
customer demand, their preferences about any product or services can be understood
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well. Further, linking this theory with the SC of the firm, Nadeem et al. (2017) supported
Goh’s (2003) argument that these need can be met with the investment in the research and
development to safeguard modernization. The third theory is resource dependency theory
(Salancik and Pfeffer, 1978), which considers the organization as an open system, which
relies upon the opportunities in the external environment. Thus to understand
the performance of an organization, one should realize the ecological surrounding of the
organization. Hence, linking this view with the HC component of IC, the relationship with
the external environment can be efficiently maintained by the internal resources of the
firm like human resources, process learning of these organizations (Abeysekera, 2010;
Nadeem et al., 2017).
(1) ROA indicates the competence of a firm in utilizing total assets and shows the
profitability of a firm (Firer and Mitchell Williams, 2003; Kamath, 2008; Sardo and
Serrasqueiro, 2017).
(2) ATO is the ratio of total revenue to the book value of total assets and measures firm
productivity (Kamath, 2008; Calisir et al., 2010; Nadeem et al., 2017).
Dependent variable
ATO (asset turnover ratio) Total revenue/total assets (natural Kamath (2008), Calisir et al. (2010)
ROA (return on assets) Operating income/total assets Firer and Mitchell Williams (2003),
(natural logged) Kamath (2008), Sardo and
Serrasqueiro (2017)
Tobin’s Q (market value) (Market value of equity + book Sarkar and Sarkar (2000), Sardo and
value of debt)/Total sales (natural Serrasqueiro (2017)
Sales growth (SG) (Current year’s sales/last year’s Chen et al. (2005), María Díez et al. (2010),
sales)−1 × 100 (natural logged) Kamath (2015), Li and Zhao (2018)
Control variable
Size Sales ¼ Log(sales) Riahi-Belkaoui (2003)
Physical capacity (PC) Fixed assets/Total assets (natural Pal and Soriya (2012)
Independent variables
VA O+P+D+A Pulic (2000, 2004)
HC Salaries and wages of the
employees in the firm
CE Total asset – intangible asset
HCE (human capital efficiency) VA/HC (natural logged)
SCE (structural capital efficiency) SC/VA
CEE(capital employed efficiency) VA/Net worth (natural logged)
Table II.
Definition of variables VAIC (value-added intellectual HCE + SCE + CEE
used and their capital efficiency)
measurement Source: Author’s Compilation
(3) SG measures the deviations in a firm’s sales and typically indicates a firm’s growth The impact of
probability (Chen et al., 2005; María Díez et al., 2010; Kamath, 2015; Li and Zhao, 2018). IC on firm
(4) Tobin’s Q is taken as a proxy for the market value of a firm (Sarkar and Sarkar, performance
2000; Sardo and Serrasqueiro, 2017).
Control variables. Researchers have used physical capacity, firm size, age and industry
dummy as control variables. Since our study consists of firms from several different
industries, hence we will use industry dummy, firm size and physical capacity as the control
variable. Their measurement is shown in Table II:
• PC intensity regulates the effect of fixed assets on firm performance (Pal and
Soriya, 2012).
• Natural log (Sales) is used as an indicator of firm size.
• MAN is assigned 1 if the firm belongs to the manufacturing industry and else 0.
This dummy variable examines sector-specific risk.
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• SER is assigned 1 if the firm belongs to the service industry and else 0. This dummy
variable examines sector-specific risk.
VA ¼ D þAþOPþEC; (1)
HC is wages and salaries of employees. Categorizing firm resources into HC and capital
employed which are a proxy for tangible or physical and intangible resources, respectively.
JIC This is in line with the resource-based view of the firm which states that firm internal
19,5 resources are the key to firm performance and competitiveness (Riahi-Belkaoui, 2003;
Chen et al., 2005). SC is the difference among VA and HC. SCE evaluates the VA efficiency of
SC. It is determined as given below:
SC=VA ¼ SCE: (4)
944 The third part of the model includes calculation of the efficiency of firm’s PC. CEE evaluates
the relation between VA and CE. Following Pulic (2000) and Chen et al. (2005), CEE, as
shown in Equation (4), evaluates the contribution of CE is the proxy for the VA efficiency of
capital employed, is defined as follows:
VA=CE ¼ CEE; (5)
where CE is capital employed in the firm in past and is calculated as the difference between
total assets and intangible assets. Hence, it can be said that VAIC method emphases over
defining the relative input of IC, physical and financial capital to the creation of value:
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Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE) Human Capital Efficiency (HCE) Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE)
Figure 1.
Showing the pictorial
VAIC (Intellectual Capital) = CEE + HCE + SCE representation of
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VAIC model
Source: Author’s compilation
had missing values for some variables, our data set can be considered unbalanced panel data.
This data set allowed us to study the firm performance and IC relationship for several firms
over several consecutive years. Our regression models can be represented as follows.
Model 1:
ATOi;t ¼ pþb1 ATOi;t1 þb2 HCEi þb3 SCEi;t þb4 CEEi þb5 HCEi;t1 þ b6 SCEi;t1
þb7 CEEi;t1 þb8 MAN þb9 SERþb10 PCi;t þb11 SIZEi þZi þei;t ;
Model 2:
ATOi;t ¼ p þb1 ATOi;t1 þb2 VAICi;t þb3 SERþb4 MAN þb5 PCi;t þb6 SIZEi;t1 þZi þei;t ;
Model 3:
ROAi;t ¼ pþb1 ROAi;t1 þb2 HCEi þb3 SCEi;t þb4 CEEi þb5 HCEi;t1 þb6 SCEi;t1
þb7 CEEi;t1 þb8 MAN þb9 SERþb10 PCi;t þb11 SIZEi þZi þei;t ;
Model 4:
ROAi;t ¼ p þb1 ROAi;t1 þb2 VAICi;t þb3 SERþb4 MAN þb5 PCi;t þb6 SIZEi;t1 þZi þei;t ;
Model 5:
Tobin’s Qi;t ¼ pþb1 Tobin’sQi;t1 þb2 HCEi þb3 SCEi;t þb4 CEEi þb5 HCEi;t1 þb6 SCEi;t1
Tobin’s Qi;t ¼ pþb1 Tobin’s Qi;t1 þb2 VAICi;t þb3 SERþb4 MAN þb5 PCi;t
þb6 SIZEi;t1 þZi þei;t ;
JIC Model 7:
19,5 SGi;t ¼ pþb1 SGi;t1 þb2 HCEi þb3 SCEi;t þb4 CEEi þb5 HCEi;t1 þb6 SCEi;t1
þb7 CEEi;t1 þb8 MAN þb9 SER þb10 PCi;t þb11 SIZEi þZi þei;t ;
Model 8:
946 SGi;t ¼ pþb1 SGi;t1 þb2 VAICi;t þb3 SERþb4 MAN þb5 PCi;t þb6 SIZEi;t1 þZi þei;t ;
Model 9:
VAICi;t ¼ p or aþb1 VAICi;t1 þb2 ROAi;t þb3 MAN þb4 SER
þb5 PCi;t þb6 SIZEi;t þZi þei;t ;
where the dependent variables are ATOi,t is the productivity, ROAi,t is the profitability,
Tobin’s Qi,t is firms’ market value and SGi,t is the SG of the firm of the current year.
Following, the independent variables of firm performance indicators of the previous year
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are: ATOi,t−1, ROAi,t−1, Tobin’s Qi,t−1, SGi,t−1, HCEi,t−1, SCEi,t−1, CEEi,t−1 and VAICi,t, HCEi,t,
SCEi,t and CEEi,t of the current year. MAN and SER represent the product-oriented and
service-oriented industry dummy variables. ηi are un-observable time-invariant firm effects
and εi,t are error term is i, at current time period t.
4. Empirical results
4.1 Descriptive statistics
The mean, standard deviation, median, minimum and maximum values of all variables are
shown in Table III. The aggregate value of ROA was 4.929 showing the highest value
among the dependent variables, indicating that the firms earned huge profits, followed by
Tobin’s Q. With the mean value of 2.807, Tobin’s Q reflects that firm’s market value is
Among the components of VAIC, the industries with highest mean value are recreational
services, electricity and construction material. Industries with lowest mean HCE value are
health services. Metal and metals show the highest mean value of CEE and construction
materials show the lowest mean value. Regarding the mean value of SCE, machinery forms
the highest and consumer goods have lowest mean value. Industries with highest mean
value for VAIC are business consultancies and metal and metals. Electricity and information
technology are evidenced to have highest and lowest mean value of ROA, respectively.
Table IV.
Industry wise
of the variables
descriptive statistics
Industry/Variables HCE CEE SCE VAIC ATO ROA SG Tobin’s Q PC Size NOE AP Revenue
(continued )
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Industry/Variables HCE CEE SCE VAIC ATO ROA SG Tobin’s Q PC Size NOE AP Revenue
IC on firm
The impact of
Table IV.
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Table V.
independent and
control variables
Correlation matrix for
Tobin’s Tobin’s VAIC Firm
Variables ATO ATOt−1 ROA ROAt−1 SG SGt−1 Q Qt−1 VAIC t−1 HCE HCEt−1 CEE CEEt−1 SCE SCEt−1 PC Size SER MAN
ATOt−1 0.824* 1
ROA −0.048 −0.056* 1
ROAt−1 −0.067* −0.061 0.587* 1
SG −0.073* −0.070* 0.790* 0.507* 1
SGt−1 −0.089* −0.077* 0.513* 0.790* 0.632* 1
Q −0.069* −0.064* 0.110* 0.104* 0.106* 0.102* 1
Qt−1 −0.106* −0.073* 0.121* 0.134* 0.112* 0.129* 0.225* 1
VAIC 0.144* 0.114* 0.015 0.004 −0.037* −0.037* 0.043* 0.035* 1
VAICt−1 0.099* 0.140* 0.017 0.033* −0.028* −0.024* −0.011 0.043* 0.724* 1
HCE 0.040* 0.043* 0.019* 0.003 0.028 −0.033* 0.069* 0.062* 0.856* 0.633* 1
HCEt−1 0.030* 0.033* 0.003 0.023* 0.032 −0.027 0.035* 0.073* 0.655* 0.857* 0.695* 1
CEE 0.424* 0.343* 0.009 −0.01 0.009 −0.012 −0.024* −0.038* 0.558* 0.306* 0.361* 0.242* 1
CEEt−1 0.370* 0.430* 0.020* 0.017 0.024* 0.016 −0.082* −0.029* 0.348* 0.539* 0.252* 0.338* 0.644* 1
SCE 0.057* 0.068* 0.014 0.020* 0.024 −0.016 0.014 0.025* 0.433* 0.286* 0.467* 0.287* 0.007 0.008 1
SCEt−1 0.041* 0.044* 0.007 0.020* 0.017 −0.018 0.043* 0.019 0.309* 0.431* 0.296* 0.478* −0.022* −0.003 0.392* 1
PC −0.318* −0.288* 0.123* 0.125* 0.146* 0.1645* 0.083* 0.060* 0.006 0.013 −0.012 −0.005 −0.101* −0.089* 0.024* 0.037* 1
Firm Size −0.018 −0.021* −0.042* −0.042* −0.060* −0.061* −0.069* −0.072* 0.231* 0.220* 0.064* 0.066* 0.317* 0.285* 0.044* 0.0418* −0.01 1
SER −0.425* −0.427* 0.054* 0.054* 0.075* 0.074* 0.086* 0.096* −0.129* −0.127* −0.012 −0.100* −0.075* −0.077* −0.091* −0.092* −0.143* 0.319* 1
MAN −0.127* −0.118* −0.005 −0.005 −0.030* −0.030* −0.071* −0.073* 0.176* 0.166* −0.004 −0.001 0.254* 0.230* −0.021* −0.020* 0.087* 0.829* −0.050* 1.00
Notes: *,**Significant at the 0.05 and 0.10 levels, respectively
Source: Author’s compilation
4.3 Diagnostic tests The impact of
To confirm the stationarity of our data, Fisher–Type unit root test is applied. It is IC on firm
employed on unbalanced panel data set. The p-value of 0.000 this analysis confirms the performance
alternate hypothesis, showing that the data are stationary. It can be said that data have no
unit root. Moreover, the multicollinearity was checked using variance inflation factor (VIF)
test and the highest value of VIF, 11.21. Usually, VIF value exceeding ten symbolizes
multicollinearity in data (Neter et al., 1990), hence the presence of multicollinearity 951
was confirmed in data. Additionally, Breusch–Pagan test was applied in data set to check
the heteroscedasticity. The null hypotheses were rejected, thus confirming the existence of
To solve the multicollinearity and endogenous nature of data dynamic SGMM was
applied. It uses instrumental variables and decreases the endogenous nature of data.
Blundell and Bond (1998) confirmed that SGMM estimator is suitable than GMM estimator.
Employing differencing followed by the level equation, SGMM increases the effectiveness of
the outcomes with the smaller time period and the larger number of firms.
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Table VI.
(FP) of firms
Regression result of
financial performance
Model 1: Model 3: Model 5: Tobin’s Model 2: Model 4: Model 6: Tobin’s Model 9:
Variables ATO ROA Q Model 7: SG Variables ATO ROA Q Model 8: SG Variables VAIC
Model 4: ROA
Variables Service sector Manufacturing sector
Taking into account that each component of VAIC has different effects on the firm
performance (Chen et al., 2005), the outcomes of the regression model are shown in
Tables XI–XIV, where the dependent variables are ATO, ROA, Tobin’s Q and SG. Findings
from Table XI indicate that the dimensions of VAIC do not influence the productivity of the
service firms except SCEt 1 (coefficient value ¼ 0.062), whereas the manufacturing sector
shows no significant association with the components of VAIC. In Table XII, profitability of
the service firms is influenced positively by HCE (coefficient value ¼ 0.178) and CEE
(coefficient value ¼ 0.074) at 5 and 10 percent, respectively, whereas the HCE shows a
positive influence on ROA. The manufacturing firms are influenced positively with HCE
(coefficient value ¼ 0.096).
The results from Table XIII clearly show that the market value of service firm and
manufacturing firms are influenced negatively by HCE and CEE, respectively. Further, CEE
is significantly influencing the service sector market value. PC is influencing the SG of the
service firm positively, as shown in Table XIV.
JIC Model 6: Tobin’s Q
19,5 Variables Service sector Manufacturing sector
Notes: In this table, ATO stands for Asset turnover ratio of the current year and ATOt−1 stands for the asset
turnover ratio of the previous year. HCE stands for the human capital efficiency of the current year, HCEt−1 Table XI.
stands for the human capital efficiency of the previous year. SCE and SCEt−1 is the structural capital Regression result of
efficiency of the current and previous year, respectively. CEE stands for the capital employed efficiency of the model (1) for IC
current and previous year, respectively. AR(2) is Arellano–Bond test for second-order autocorrelation. Sample components and
period: 2001–2016. Robust standard errors are in parentheses. *,**Significant at 0.05 and 0.10 levels, productivity
respectively of the service and
Source: Author’s compilation manufacturing sector
Model 3: ROA
Variables Service sector Manufacturing sector
Notes: In this table, Tobin’s Q stands for the market value of the current year and Tobin’s Qt−1 stands for the
Table XIII. market value of the previous year. HCE stands for the human capital efficiency of the current year, HCEt−1
Regression result of stands for the human capital efficiency of the previous year. SCE and SCEt−1 is the structural capital
model (5) for IC efficiency of the current and previous year, respectively. CEE stands for the capital employed efficiency of the
components and current and previous year, respectively. AR(2) is Arellano–Bond test for second-order autocorrelation. Sample
market value of the period: 2001–2016. Robust standard errors are in parentheses. *,**Significant at 0.05 and 0.10 levels,
service and respectively
manufacturing sector Source: Author’s compilation
Model 7: SG
Variables Service sector Manufacturing sector
(Sardo and Serrasqueiro, 2017). These findings validate the resource-based theory in the
Indian context. Hence, supports our H1a–H1d and are consistent with the findings of Amin
and Aslam (2017) and Nadeem et al. (2017).
Concerning the components of VAIC, findings of the model 1 clearly show that HCEt, SCEt
and size of the firm have a positive impact on ATO and supports H3a and H4a. This signifies
that the IC efficiency components, HCE and SCE together, affect the productivity of the firm in
India. This is in line with the study of Chen et al. (2005) who found a positive relation between
ATO and HCE and SCE. The manufacturing and service sectors also show the significant
influence of VAIC on firm performance, whereas CEEt was found to have statistical
significance impact but the negative relation gives a direction which rejects the H2a. It also
shows that both industry types have a significant but negative impact on firm productivity.
Results from the models (3), (5) and (7) display that CEE is correlating significantly with
the four performance indicators such as profitability, productivity, SG and market valuation
of the Indian firms, hence supporting H2b–H2d propositions but the negative relation with
productivity leads to the rejection of H2a. Further, the positive relationship with the CEE of
Hypothesis Supported/Rejected
analysis from the models (3), (5) and (7) shows that only ATO was positively correlated by
the HCE of the firm, whereas rest firm performance indicators were affected significant but
have a negative relation with HCE. Thus, leading to rejecting H4b–H4d and supports H4a.
This is similar to the report of Li and Zhao (2018) who used data from Chinese listed firms
and found no significant relationship between firm values, namely; ROA, ROE, Growth and
capital market return except in capital-intensive firms.
The insignificant and negative link between firm profitability, SG and market value
findings suggests that the investors are still reluctant in investing on their human assets.
The HCE which exists in the form of employee’s knowledge, aptitude and skills gained with
experience within an organization. The investors fail to recognize the importance of human
resources. Overall, the SCE and CEE among the components of VAIC were observed to have
as major contributors as VA for Indian listed firms cannot be ruled out.
6. Conclusion
IC is gradually being accepted as wealth generator toward firm’s performance thus creating
competitive advantage and sustainability in business. Using 710 firms from Indian service
and manufacturing industries for the time period of 2001–2016, this paper aimed to
investigate the association between IC, its three components (HC, SC and customer capital)
and indicators of firm performance, i.e., productivity, profitability, SG and market value. We
used VAIC method as a proxy for IC performance and its component to examine the
hypotheses concerning the link between IC and firm performance indicators. It is clearly
observed from empirical results that IC is a fundamental cause aimed at enhancing firm
productivity, profitability, growth and market value. The results contribute to the literature
by signifying that IC has a significant role in Indian firm’s value creation. Customer capital
and SC were the greatest contributors to firm performance, among the components of VAIC.
The dynamic panel data analysis also reveals that CEEt 1 and SCEt 1 positively
influenced the firm market value of the current year. This result suggests that investments
in the previous year internal and external resources like product, process, and culture and
customer relationship are significant to present market value of Indian service and
manufacturing sector. Hence, it boosts the long-term association with the investors. These
findings are consistent with the conclusion of Bontis et al. (2015) and Nimtrakoon (2015) that
IC can boost the performance of the firm. The empirical evidence in the current study seeks
to identify IC as an important contributor to firm performance, growth and market value.
The positive correlation of previous year firm performance with the present year firm
performance further indicates consistency in the firm performance indicators.
6.1 Implications The impact of
The findings of the paper have suggestions for academics, managers and policymakers for IC on firm
better financial decision making and utilization of IC and its components. performance
6.2 Implication for managers and policymakers
The findings from our study suggest that IC is positively and significantly related with all
the FP indicators of the firm. It was evidenced that VAIC showed highest correlation with 959
the Tobin’s Q indicator in both service and manufacturing firms. This shows that IC
significantly influences firm’s market value irrespective of the firm type.
Regarding the sub-components of VAIC, SCE was found to have a positive influence on
the productivity of the service sector in India. The insignificant influence of SCE on
manufacturing firm’s performance indicator draws the attention of regulators over
immediate proper utilization of internal resources, corporate process along with the
investment on the research and development of sub-sectors like textile, food and agro
products. Nadeem et al. (2017) supported the view of Shah (2006) and argued that the
regulators must provide tax incentives research and development to bring more innovation
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Further reading
Mehralian, G., Rajabzadeh, A., Reza Sadeh, M. and Reza Rasekh, H. (2012), “Intellectual capital and
corporate performance in Iranian pharmaceutical industry”, Journal of Intellectual Capital,
Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 138-158.
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Corresponding author
Neha Smriti can be contacted at: [email protected]
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