The Prohibition of Suicide
The Prohibition of Suicide
The Prohibition of Suicide
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The non-Christianattitude
The Prohibitionof Suicide
which would result in perpetual punishment. Since all
natural desires tended towards sin, the risk of failure was
great. Many Christians, therefore, committed suicide for
fear of falling before temptation. It was especially good
if the believer could commit suicide by provoking infidels
to martyr him, or by austerities so severe that they under-
mined the constitution, but in the last resort he might do
away with himself directly.' The sect whom St. Augus-
tine particularly noted for thi practice was the Circum-
celliones; these people not only sought out martyrdom,
profaning the temples of paganism in order to be ex-
ecuted, but, when all other expedients failed, cast them-
selves by the hundreds in ecstasy from lofty cliffs "till
the rocks below were reddened with their blood." "To
kill themselves," said Augustine, "out of respect for
martyrdom is their daily sport."
There seems to be little need to doubt that it was by
way of reaction from these religious excesses that
Augustine was led to condemn suicide in forthright
terms, and so to become the chief architect of the later
Christian view. In the first book of his City of God,
written in the first quarter of the fifth century, Augustine
came out strongly for the view that "suicide is a detestable
and damnable wickedness." He argued that suicide was
a sin greater than any that could be avoided by its com-
mission; it was "an escape from the ills of time by plung-
ing into those of eternity." His chief difficulty in support-
ing this conclusion was the precedent of the biblical
characters and the embarrassing number of saints who
had put an end to their own lives without previous disap-
probation. Augustine disposed of the case of Samson by
saying that he had acted under secret instructions from
God; and he speculated that the same might be true
of the other instances.
Augustine derived his own attitude in part from the
' See generally W.E.H. Lecky: History of European Morals, 3rd ed.
(London, 191), II, 4 3ff.
The Sanctity of Life and the CriminalLaw
Sixth Commandment. To kill oneself is to kill a man;
therefore, suicide is homicide, and inexcusable. But this
is sophistry, for there are obvious differences between an
act of violent hostility to another and the act of a man
in voluntarily putting an end to his own life. For ex-
ample, it becomes a man to leave his life voluntarily for
a noble cause, when he would have no right to kill
others for that same cause. Thus the moral question of
suicide cannot be settled by simple logical deduction
from the prohibition of murder. The argument has, how-
ever, strongly influenced the legal view.
A second argument employed by Augustine was that
the suicide deprives himself of the opportunity for a heal-
ing penitence-referring to Judas. Yet Judas' suicide was
itself the expression of remorse.
Augustine's third argument was stoical in conception,
though he rejected the Stoics. The truly great mind, said
Augustine, will bear the ills of life. The argument reap-
pears from time to time in the proposition that suicide
is an act of cowardice. Now, the only line between
cowardice and caution (or wise retreat) is that the cow-
ard does not do what he ought to do. To brand the sui-
cide as a coward is, therefore, to beg the question
whether there is a duty to go on living.
The true reason for Augustine's stand against suicide
appears plainly enough from the historical events of his
age. These indicated that a prohibition of suicide was a
necessary corollary of the church's other teaching, which
would, without this corollary, have operated, and did in
fact operate, as an incitement to suicide. If death means
annihilation, there can be no point in suicide except as
an escape from suffering. But if man's life on earth is
merely a period of waiting for a divine glory to be re-
vealed, the true believer is naturally subject to the tempta-
tion to accelerate his eternal bliss, unless a new religious
rule is devised to forbid it. Augustine himself pointed
this out when he said that if suicide were permissible to
The Prohibitionof Suicide
avoid sin, then suicide would become the logical course
for all those who were fresh from baptism. It is not sur-
prising that Augustine recoiled from this result, but he
could deny it, within the framework of his own beliefs,
only by postulating a divine prohibition of suicide.
The interdiction of suicide, as an inflexible principle, is,
then, part of a particular system of religious belief, and
need not be accepted by the positivist, or indeed by any-
one who does not accept the traditional eschatology.
The Sanctity of Life and the CriminalLaw
in stating the latter rule, Bracton is not simply Romaniz-
ing; at any rate, this rule is not stated by Britton, who
gives only the rule that the chattels of the suicide "shall
be adjudged ours, as the chattels of a felon,"' and no
rule of forfeiture of land is found in later practice.! Brit-
ton's phrase shows that suicide was in his day regarded
as a felony, and it also implies that the forfeiture of goods
was not to the lord but to the Crown, a fact which is
confirmed by Cowell' and later authorities.'
During the eighteenth century it became the practice
for the Crown to waive the forfeiture in cases where the
suicide was not committed to avoid conviction of felony,
and later the forfeiture was waived even in this case.
Thus the provision in the Forfeiture Act, 1870, which
abolished forfeiture for suicide or other felony, did
no more than give legal effect to the established prac-
When forfeiture was enforced, it was common for
coroners' juries to avoid it by returning a verdict of in-
sanity instead of one of felo de se; this also had the effect
of entitling the deceased to a Christian burial. The in-
dulgence appears to have grown up during the eighteenth
* Book i, Chapter 8.
Coke, Institutes, III, Chap. 8. Suicide did not entail escheat because
that occurred only after conviction for felony, which ex hypothesi
was impossible in the case of suicide: Hales v. Petit, i Plowd., at
260, 261, 75 E.R., at 398, 400 (1562). Hales v. Petit arose out of the
(supposed) suicide by drowning of Mr. Justice Hales, and the argu-
ments relating to forfeiture that were advanced in that case have
become almost the locus classicus of sophistry. As is well known, they
inspired the colloquy of the gravediggers in Hamlet. See Wallace:
The Reporters, 4 th ed., pp. 14 7ff.
'Cowell (Institutiones Juris Anglicani [1630], Bk. 4, Tit. 18, s. 16;
cf. Bk. 2, Tit. 12, S. 4) says that the king distributes the suicide's goods
to pious uses, and that according to one opinion there is no forfeiture
if the deceased took his life through the weariness of any disease.
6 See generally Charles Moore: op. cit.; Stephen: History of the
Criminal Law, III, 104; Pollock and Maitland: II, 488; Holdsworth:
III, 315-16.
" Umfreville: Les Coronatoria (1761). Before that, waiver of forfei-
ture might depend upon influence: see Fedden, op. cit., p. 193.
The Prohibitionof Suicide
century, and was criticized by writers of the period.! It
survived the abolition of forfeiture, and an investigation
of 4,846 inquests on suicide in the year 1928 showed that
the verdict of felo de se was returned in only 88.' At
that date the customary verdict was "suicide while tem-
porarily insane," but in the years following, out of con-
sideration for the relatives, this was changed to "suicide
while the balance of his mind was disturbed." The fre-
quency of the verdict prompted Joad's aphorism that in
England you must not commit suicide, on pain of being
regarded as a criminal if you fail and a lunatic if you
succeed. But in truth the coroner's jury has an unhappy
choice. Either it must return a verdict of mental unbal-
ance, which casts what may be an unmerited aspersion
upon the deceased's kindred, and perhaps lowers their
stock in the marriage market, or it must return a verdict
of felo de se, thus depriving the deceased of a Prayer
Book burial and helping to render his life-insurance pol-
icy void-which will mean that his family will have no
right to the return even of the premiums paid.
In order to end the fictitious verdict, the Committee
on Coroners' recommended that the verdict of felo de
se should be abolished, and instead there should be the
non-committal statement that the deceased died by his
own hand. This has not been generally acted upon, and
if it were adopted into law it would create difficulty for
the clergy, who would have themselves to decide upon
the state of mind of the deceased, in allowing or with-
holding burial according to Anglican rites. Recently,
however, some coroners have taken to adopting the new
verdict of their own authority, leaving the clergy to settle
their problem as best they can.
8 Hawkins: Pleas of the Crown (1724), Book I, Chap. 27; Blackstone:
Commentaries, IV, 189; Luke Owen Pike: A History of Crime in
England (London, 1876), II, 197; Fedden: op. cit., p. 227.
'W. Norwood East: Medical Aspects of Crime (London, 1936), p.
1 Cmd 5070 of 1935, paras. 82-3.
The Sanctity of Life and the CriminalLaw
Although, in theory, all civil penalties for successful
suicide have now been removed, there remains as a re-
minder of former ideas the coroner's inquest with its
distressing publicity for the sorrowing relatives.
The Sanctity of Life and the CriminalLaw
tion to suicide did not occur until 1854.' The criminality
of attempted suicide was then ruled as a self-evident
truth, and it became firmly established by later decisions.2
There can be no doubt that incitement and conspiracy
to commit suicide are to be treated in the same way.
4f we are to find a substantial reason for the punish-
ment of attempted suicide, we must look back into the
old authorities which treated suicide as a felony in order
to work a forfeiture and for other incidental legal pur-
poses. The reasoning of these authorities naturally re-
flected the sentiments of their time. In Hales v. Petit
(1562),' when the question of forfeiture was in issue, Mr.
Justice Brown said that suicide was criminal as "an of-
fence against nature: because to destroy oneself is contrary
to nature, and a thing most horrible. Also against God,
because a breach of the commandment; and against the
king, in that thereby he has lost one of his mystical mem-
bers." The concluding reference is to the anthropomor-
phic theory of the state, with the king as head and the
subjects as limbs.
Blackstone, who always excelled himself at finding
reasons for legal rules, said that "the suicide is guilty of
a double offence: one spiritual, in evading the preroga-
tive of the Almighty, and rushing into his immediate
presence uncalled for: the other temporal, against the,
1 Regina
v. Doody, 23 L.T.O.S. 12, 6 Cox 463.
2 Regina v. Burgess, L. & C. 258, 169 E.R. 1387 (1862); Regina v.
Mann [1914] 2 K.B. 107 (C.C.A.) For the armed forces, the offence
was put on a statutory footing by the Army Act, 1881, s. 38.
Several legal problems remain undecided, and it is to be hoped that
they will continue so. Is it criminal for a person wishing to die (1) to
refuse to undergo a necessary operation; (2) to refrain from self-
preservation when her husband, having proposed a suicide pact, turns
on the gas; (3) to go on hunger-strike in prison? The sociological
definition of suicide as including omissions (above, p. 270, n. 4) may
not apply in law.
'Regina v. Leddington, 9 C. & P. 79, 173 E.R. 749 (1839), is fre-
quently misunderstood on this; it turned not on inchoate incitement
but on the law of accessories before the fact.
'Above, p. 262, n. 4.
The Prohibitionof Suicide
king, who hath an interest in the preservation of all his
subjects." ' Commenting upon the first of these reasons,
Sir Ernest Barker said:
So far as that great and grave offence is concerned, it
would seem to rest between man and his Maker; nor is there
any obvious reason in the nature of things, why English law
should show a peculiar solicitude in vindicating the preroga-
tive of God. It ceased to burn heretics when the writ de
heretico comburendo was abolished in the reign. of
Charles II; and is not the punishing of suicide, if suicide be
regarded as a spiritual offence, on a par with the burning of
heretics? 6
Blackstone's theological justification of the law of
suicide becomes all the quainter when it is recollected
that English law has always assumed the right to send
persons convicted of murder to a premature and unnat-
ural death. If, as is sometimes supposed, suicide is a form
of self-murder, then, but for the accident that the culprit
is beyond the jurisdiction, he would be punished for his
wicked self-destruction by being destroyed.! One writer
poses this question: suppose the survivor of a suicide
pact is sentenced to death for murder in the usual way,
and then granted a pardon in the usual way on condi-
tion that he submits to life imprisonment: could he refuse
the pardon, thus compelling the Crown to enable him to
commit suicide rite ac sollenniter under the authority of
law and by its officers?
Blackstone's second and secular reason was a less meta-
physical form of Brown's remark, and meant in effect
that society is impoverished by being reduced in num-
bers. There may well have been a time, in the Middle
Ages and afterwards, when this was true. When the lord
5 Blackstone: Commentaries, IV, 189.
6 The Times (London), December 24, 1932.
7 Hawkins saw the difficulty: see his Pleas of the Crown, ii, Chap. 37
s. 9.
G. S. Wilkinson in 14 Modern Law Review, at 442.
The Sanctity of Life and the CriminalLaw
had an interest in his man, and when plagues and wars
depopulated the country, the social importance of the
individual was manifest. But it was not manifest during
the Malthusian scare, and its validity must depend upon
the state of population at the time, as well as upon the
value of the particular individual to society. A man does
not attempt suicide unless he has lost a sense of purpose
in life, and feels himself unable to recapture it. Mercier
put the position thus:
Whether the presence in the community of a person whose
circumstances are such, or whose mental attitude is such, that
he contemplates suicide, is a source of strength or weakness
to the community, is arguable; and does not seem so certainly
determinable in the former sense, as to justify any very seri-
ous attempt, on the ground of the welfare of society, to pre-
vent him, or to deter others, from accomplishing this pur-
Quite apart from the general debate on the ethics of
suicide, the punishment of attempted suicide has to meet
the twin objections that it is cruel and inefficacious. The
prime fact about suicide is that legal sanctions cannot
stop it. No country has ever succeeded in repressing
suicide by this method; the threat of punishment for
attempted suicide can only make the offender more
likely, if anything, to make sure of succeeding at the
first attempt. But for most persons the threat will have
no effect one way or the other, because people who are
bent on throwing their lives away are not likely to con-
sider the possibility of punishment on failure. These sim-
ple and obvious truths have often been pointed out. Dr.
Harry Roberts wrote:
It is hard to believe that anyone intent on suicide and with
resolution and means to carry it out is ever dissuaded from
his purpose by reason of its illegality. It is not unilluminating
' Charles Mercier: Crime and Insanity (Home University Library,
n.d.), p. 127.
The Prohibition of Suicide
that in England the annual number of suicides is seventy-
nine per million of the population, whereas in Scotland
[where the attempt is not an offence] the figure is forty-five
per million.'
The argument from humanitarianism is equally strong.
The girl stricken with infantile paralysis; the bachelor
living alone who suffers from periodic bouts of depres-
sion; the woman who has lost her husband and her
children in tragic circumstances; the business man over-
burdened with responsibilities who suddenly feels that
life is too much for him-the humanitarian will.- wish
to comfort and relieve them and persuade them that their
life still has value for others; but it is not for the criminal
lawto stand in judgment if they seek to put an end to
their misery. To quote Fedden again:
It seems a monstrous procedure to inflict further suffering
on even a single individual who has already found life so un-,
bearable, his chances of happiness so slender, that he has been
willing to face pain and death in order to cease living. That
those for whom life is altogether bitter, should be subjected to
further bitterness and degradation seems perverse legislation.
In England, as has just been pointed out, the law
of attempted suicide is the result not of deliberate penal
policy but of a mechanical legal logic working from a
premise developed by mediacval judges for the purposes
of enriching the royal treasury. Similar forces were at
work in other European countries, but a reform move-
ment arose which scored its earliest success in France.
As a result of the critical comments of Beccaria ' and
other writers of the Age of Enlightenment, the crime of
attempted suicide was abolished in France after the Revo-
1 Euthanasia
and Other Aspects of Life and Death (London, 1936),
pp. 15-17. Similar observations are made by Louis I. Dublin and Bessie
Bunzel: To Be or Not to Be (New York, 1933). Cf. Pike: A History of
Crime in England (London, 1876), II, 197; 36 Journal of Criminal
Law and Criminology 441.
2 Fedden; op. cit., p. 263.
' On Crimes and Punishments, Chap. 32.
The Sanctity of Life and the Criminal Law
lution. Other European countries, such as Germany,
Italy, Switzerland, and the Scandinavian countries, fol-
lowed suit. Even when Germany and Italy fell under
totalitarian governments, pursuing vigorous population
policies, they did not reintroduce an offence of attempted
suicide; and the same is true of the Soviet Union. Two
civil-law countries of the British Commonwealth, Scot-
land and South Africa, also refrain from punishing this
Although English law on the subject has not been
altered, the new attitude towards suicide has brought
about a considerable change in practice. Before the First
World War, imprisonment was quite a regular punish-
ment for attempted suicide,' and for a second or subse-
quent attempt it might be as long as six months.' This
was sometimes rationalized as a measure "in the interests
of the defendant's health,"' the theory perhaps being
that in prison he would be prevented from repeating the
attempt. The change of approach was expressed in 1921,
when a Home Office circular to all police forces called
attention to the practice of the Metropolitan Police in
prosecuting for attempted suicide only where there was
some definite circumstance calling for punishment or the
order of the court constituted the only chance of refuge
and asylum for one too weak to stand alone. This formula
was commended for general adoption.! Undoubtedly it
now represents the general practice of the police, but
its interpretation, particularly the interpretation of "some
definite circumstance calling for punishment," varies.
Some Forces exclude the question of punishment alto-
gether, the Chief Constable refraining from prosecution
' Some writers make it at any rate a police offence in Scots law
(Erskine: Principles, 20th ed., p. 612; Anderson: Criminal Law of
Scotland, p. 148), but prosecutions are unknown. See below, p. 303.
'E.g., six weeks in Rex v. Crisp 7 C.A.R. 173 (1912).
6Rex v. Mann [1914] 2 K.B. 107.
'Rex v. Sanders 9 C.A.R. 119 (1913)-
'Sir Leonard Dunning in I Police Journal 46 (1928).
The Prohibitionof Suicide
if the culprit has parents or friends or even the Salvation
Army to go to and is willing to be looked after; on the
other hand there will be prosecution if the culprit de-
clares that he is going to do it again. In the latter event,
the magistrate after hearing the case will usually put
the defendant on probation, and the probation officer
will often succeed in changing his outlook.
Two other statements of police practice are worth
quoting for the sake of the limitations expressed in them.
It is seldom that police take action in cases of attempted
suicide unless there is some outstanding feature only a prose-
cution might cure, or if there have been repeated attempts at
self-destruction. A severe lecture on their stupidity is mostly
delivered to the offenders by a senior officer who has already
satisfied himself he can hand over their future well-being to
relatives or friends willing to look after them. Lilian Wyles:
A Woman at Scotland Yard (London, 1952), p. 81.
Attempted suicide is a matter of which the police take
cognisance, but once the patient is in medical hands the case,
with rare exceptions, is dropped. One of these exceptions is
where the patient is not certifiable and refuses voluntary treat-
ment. Another instance is where repeated attempts have been
made, and it is evident that these are not genuine, but due to
sensation mongering: e.g. a girl several times threw herself
down into shallow water where she could not possibly
drown, but caused the authorities a lot of trouble by her acts.
W. Lindsey Neustatter: Psychological Disorder and Crime
(London, 1953), p. 68.
The Sanctity of Life and the CriminalLaw
In 1950 the Rochester Bench sent a woman to Hollo-
way for six months for a second attempt at suicide. Her
mother had died in a mental home, and she herself had
shown other symptoms of being unbalanced. In an-
nouncing the sentence the Chairman said: "You have
been here before and we gave you every opportunity to
go straight." No appeal was taken.'
In 1955 a man, after arrest on a charge of larceny,
attempted to commit suicide in his cell (or, at least,
gave the appearance of such an attempt, by cutting his
neck with glass, though as he then proceeded to call
the gaoler the seriousness of his intention was open to
doubt). The Recorder sentenced him to two years' im-
prisonment for the larceny and two years for the at-
tempted suicide, the two sentences to run consecutively.
On appeal the sentence for attempted suicide was re-
duced to what was called the "nominal" one of one
month. The Lord Chief Justice expressly disagreed with
the opinion expressed by the Recorder that "self-murder
is one of the most serious crimes on our calendar."'
These illustrations show how the law of attempted
suicide creates a standing danger of maladministration
of justice, especially when individual judges and magis-
trates may base their decisions upon religious opinions
that are no longer held by what may be called enlight-
ened opinion. They disprove the theory, advanced by
some apologists for the present law,' that people are
' Chatham Observer, Sept. 16, 1949; Jan. 20, 27, 1950.
Regina v. French, The Times (London), December 13, 1955.
' Sir W. Norwood East: Medical Aspects of Crime (London, 1936?,
p. 142; Cecil Binney: Crime and Abnormality (London, 1949),
pp. 132-3. The former says of imprisonment for attempted suicide:
"The patients have an opportunity to recover their normal emotional
level with the assistance of the rest, good food, quiet and medical at-
tention in the prison hospital." It would be interesting to know
whether the author would have liked, say, his wife or mother to have
this good treatment, made available to the "patient" as a sentence
upon conviction of crime. Contrast the comment of Dr. Hermann
Mannheim upon the criminal statistics of attempted suicide: "What a
waste of time and labour must have been involved even in this mod-
The Prohibitionof Suicide
never sent to prison for attempted suicide except in the
fulness of Christian love.
The Sanctity of Life and the CriminalLaw
verdicts, the right of recovery of insurance moneys de-
pends on a fortuitous circumstance.
The Sanctity of Life and the CriminalLaw
of common law, but several states have statutes providing
that suicide is no defence to the company if it occurs
after a specified period, unless the assured intended to
take his own life when he effected the insurance. Canada
also has certain legislation modifying the common law
on this subject.!
Who decides whether or not a charge should be brought?
The local police officer, probably acting according to direc-
tions from his superiors. Those directions vary from place to
place, and from time to time, and so do their interpretations.
Often the police officer informs the doctors in hospital that
unless the patient is sent to a mental hospital, even against
his will, he will bring a charge for the purpose of having the
patient put on probation under the condition that he consents
to hospital treatment. I do not know of a case in which the
police officer had consulted the medical expert about the
treatment required, which, of course, he is not obliged to do
under the law. Some weeks ago I was called into a general
hospital to see a woman who had made a suicidal attempt
following the discovery of her husband's infidelity. I found
her quite calm and formed the opinion that there was no
need for her to enter a psychiatric hospital as an in-patient.
She was willing to attend an out-patient department. I then
learned that the local police inspector had sent a message ask-
ing to let him know when the patient was going to be dis-
charged as he intended to bring a charge against her so that
she would be bound over under the condition that she would
undergo hospital treatment. But there was no need for this
pressure at all. I wrote a letter to the police officer stating the
facts and pointing to the harmful effect which appearance in
court might have on the patient. No proceedings were taken,
but the case illustrates how the law is applied. Had I not in-
tervened, the poor woman, who had been punished enough,
might have had to suffer further humiliation. That her hus-
band would have suffered, too, would have been small com-
fort, and the chances of reconciliation would not have been
improved by court proceedings. In some areas, people who
are known to have made their second suicidal attempt are
charged indiscriminately. Sometimes the only way of pro-
The Sanctity of Life and the CriminalLaw
tecting one's patients against this traumatic experience is to
keep them in hospital for a time.9
The Sanctity of Life and the CriminalLaw
Many economic, social, and individual factors have
been found to be statistically associated with the suicide
rate; but according to Sainsbury's recent English study,
the most significant correlations are in respect of social
isolation (persons living alone and in boarding-houses
and hotels), social mobility (immigrants, etc.), and so-
cial disorganization (divorce, illegitimacy). The investi-
gation is of value in indicating the type of social remedy
that may usefully be tried.
and the accessory before is now punishable as for murder.
These developments are good examples of the purely
mechanical manufacture of criminal law, with no ref-
erence to penal policy. No judge has ever considered
whether a secondary party to suicide ought to be treated
in the same way as a secondary party to the murder of
another. Policy is considered only in exercising executive
clemency, and here the Home Secretary has to work
with the legal presupposition that suicide pacts are in
principle punishable. The practical result is a compromise
between the postulate of punishment and considerations
of humanity. It has long been the custom to commute
the death sentence if the suicide pact was genuine, and
' Rex v. Russell, i Mood. 356, 168 Eng. Rep. 1302 (C.C.R. 1832);
Regina v. Leddington, 9 C. & P. 79, 173 Eng. Rep. 749 (1839).
'Regina v. Gaylor, D. & B. 288, 169 Eng. Rep. ioll (C.C.R. 1857);
Rex v. Croft [1944] K.B. 295 (C.C.A.). In the latter case, counsel for
the defence did not cite Rex v. Russell, last note; counsel for the
prosecution cited it, but only in a misleading quotation from Russell
on Crimes, which did not state the decision fully; apparently no one
engaged in the case looked up the report, and the court acted in ig-
norance of it.
The Sanctity of Life and the CriminalLaw
not a mere device to get rid of an unwanted companion.
In such cases the period of detention varies; it may be
very short. If, however, it is doubtful whether there was
a genuine attempt or intention by the survivor to commit
suicide on his own part, it has sometimes been thought
right to let the law take its course.
It was said before that the secondary party is held
guilty of murder because he is a party to the self-murder
of the other. Although suicide was regarded as self-mur-
der by the older authorities, and is still self-murder for
this particular purpose, a contradictory conclusion on
the point of principle was reached in one case,' which
decided that an incitement to suicide is not an incite-
ment to murder within the meaning of a statute attach-
ing an increased penalty to this particular offence. Con-
sequently, English law says that suicide both is and is not
self-murder for different purposes.
There is a difference of legal analysis between what
may be called respectively the double-suicide pact and
the murder-suicide pact. In the first, each party agrees
to commit suicide, as by drinking poison. Here the sur-
vivor is, as already stated, a principal in the second de-
gree to the self-murder of the other. In the murder-
suicide pact, one party kills the other with the latter's
consent, under an agreement or understanding that he is
then to commit suicide. An example is where a husband,
by agreement, shoots his wife and then turns the gun
upon himself. If he kills his wife but survives himself,
he is guilty of ordinary murder as principal in the first
degree, since it was by his own hand that his wife met
her death, and her consent to be killed was neither an
excuse nor, in law, a circumstance of mitigation. This
consent may, however, result in the exercise of executive
'Royal Commission on Capital Punishment, Report, Cmd 8932 of
1953, para. 165; same: Minutes of Evidence (1949), 3-4.
2 Regina v. Burgess, L. & C. 258, 169 Eng. Rep. 1387 (1862); see
Mikell in 3 Columbia Law Review 379 (1903)*
The Prohibitionof Suicide
clemency, just as in the case of the double-suicide pact.
The purely technical nature of the distinction between
the two kinds of pacts may be illustrated by an agree-
ment between spouses to "commit suicide" by gassing
themselves in a closed room. Let us suppose that after
all preparations have been made the husband turns on
the gas. If he survives, he is guilty of murdering his
wife as principal in the first degree, since it is his hand
that has killed her, and the case is one of a murder-
suicide pact. If the wife survives and the husband dies,
she is guilty as principal in the second degree to the
suicide of her husband, the case from her point of view
being the same as in the double-suicide pact. It would be
discreditable if any actual legal consequence were made
to hinge upon such distinctions.
The excessive severity of the common law in treating
homicide upon request or with consent as ordinary mur-
der has sometimes been remarked upon, and under
Macaulay's influence the Indian Penal Code adopted a
mitigated penalty for this crime.' The same is true of the
penal codes of several European countries.
The Sanctity of Life and the CriminalLaw
or conspirator is presumably punishable as a principal
or accessory in murder.' With these states may be grouped
Ohio and Illinois, which furnish examples of how the
English doctrine may be rejected in words but accepted
in its practical consequences. It was held in 1872' that
suicide was not a crime in Ohio, and therefore there
could be no accessories or principals in the second degree
to suicide. However, the court proceeded to say that
administering poison to another was a crime, irrespective
of the consent of the other; and moreover that it was an
administering of poison (within the meaning of a statute)
merely to furnish poison to the other with intent that he
should with it commit suicide. This seems to be a
strained construction of the statute, and it goes far to
nullify the previous proposition that there can be no
accessory to suicide. The court further held that it was
a crime if the accused, without furnishing any poison,
was merely "present at the taking thereof by the de-
ceased, participating, by persuasion, force, threats, or
otherwise, in the taking thereof." In view of this ex-
tended notion of killing, the participant in a suicide pact
seems to be just as punishable as if suicide itself were
deemed criminal. It is not clear whether one who coun-
sels suicide but is absent from the evens is punishable.
The Ohio decision was cited with approval by an
Illinois court in 1903.' This court disapproved the early
Massachusetts view that suicide was a felony, explaining
the non-adoption of the English view by saying that
"as we have never had forfeiture of goods, or seen fit to
define what character of burial our citizens shall enjoy,
we have never regarded English law as to suicide as
applicable to the spirit of our institutions." But it was
held to be murder either to administer poison to another
The Prohibitionof Suicide
(who intended to commit suicide) or to persuade or pro-
cure another to take poison for that purpose; and such a
person could be indicted for murder upon the death of
the victim. The court referred to the rule that it is a
crime to persuade a lunatic to commit a criminal act,
and seems, therefore, to have intended to base its de-
cision on the opinion that one who procures another to
commit suicide commits murder through an innocent
agent. This opinion, however, involves some rather subtle
metaphysics, for not only is the person who commits sui-
cide an innocent agent according to the law of the state,
but the consequence (viz., his own death) is, on the
reasoning of the court, legally innocent; hence it is diffi-
cult to see how the doctrine of innocent agency can in-
culpate the procurer.
Texas is a representative of the most lenient attitude
towards suicide found in the United States. In 1902,
Justice Davidson declared: "It is not a violation of any
law of Texas for a person to take his own life. What-
ever may have been the law of England . . . it does not
obtain in Texas. So far as the law is concerned, the
suicide is innocent; therefore the party who furnishes
the means to the suicide must also be innocent of violat-
ing the law." Consequently he held that where the ac-
cused merely prepared poison, and the deceased took it
freely with intent to commit suicide, this was not mur-
der.' The case was followed in 1908, the same judge
saying: "It may be a violation of morals, and reprehen-
sible, that a party may furnish another poison or pistols,
or any other means or agency for the purpose of the
suicide to take his own life, yet our law has not seen
proper to punish such persons or such acts." ' However,
a distinction was drawn between the mere supply of the
materials of suicide and a direct killing. If the accused
went so far in assisting the deceased as to shoot him,
Grace v. State, 69 S.W. 529-
'Sanders v. State, 112 S.W. 68.
The Sanctity of Life and the CriminalLaw
or by his own hand to administer the poison, placing it
in the mouth of the deceased, this was murder, the
consent of the deceased being no defence.! Although this
is a distinction that occurs naturally to the legal mind,
it is too technical to be satisfactory.
Intermediate between the states that punish the in-
stigator as a murderer and those that acquit him are those
that convict him of another offence. Thus Missouri treats
the case as one of manslaughter.' New York, too, when
it did away with the offence of attempted suicide in
1919, retained the punishment of manslaughter for those
who assisted or encouraged another to take his life or
to attempt to do so.2
* Sanders v. State, last note; Aven v. State, 277 S.W. o80 (1925).
'R.S. Mo. 1939 s. 4383.
2Penal Law, SS. 2304, 2305. See also Cal. Penal Code s. 401 (Deer-
ing, 1949); Minn. Stat. Ann. (945) s. 619.03; Wisc. Crim. Code
s. 940.12.
The Prohibitionof Suicide
not heinous enough to justify the automatic death-
penalty carried by the conviction for murder. The sug-
gestion of 1879 has been generally adopted in the codes
of different parts of the Commonwealth.' The Indian
Penal Code, s. 306, is more lenient, reducing the punish-
ment of the abettor to ten years' imprisonment if the
person who committed suicide was eighteen years of
age and of sound mind; if these conditions are not satis-
fied the abettor is punishable with imprisonment for life.
This section applies also in Pakistan and Ceylon. The
survivor of a suicide pact seems not to be guilty of any of-
fence in these countries, provided that he did not instigate
the suicide or kill with his own hand.
Almost all countries outside the influence of the com-
mon law have legal rules or practices for according
leniency to suicide pacts, without having to invoke ex-
ecutive clemency after conviction for murder. In Scot-
land, prosecutions are unknown, and some deny that
suicide pacts are even technically punishable. Mr. Nor-
man D. Macdonald, joint author of Macdonald's Crim-
inal Law of Scotland, wrote:
The Sanctity of Life and the CriminalLaw
The Prohibitionof Suicide
also punishable if that person is a minor or an adult
known to be incapable of understanding the nature or
significance of his acts.
The Sanctity of Life and the CriminalLaw
from recommending that the survivor should be exempt
from punishment.' Yet the Commission admitted that
no difficulty was shown to have been experienced in
Scotland, which does not punish suicide pacts, and that
the majority of English witnesses, including Judges, the
Director of Public Prosecutions, and several former
Home Secretaries, considered that it would be possible
to frame an amendment of the law which would not
open the door to abuse.' Difficulties of fact-finding must
always be faced in the application of legal rules, and
they must be faced at present in determining upon execu-
tive clemency.
If the reader has travelled so far in accord with these
proposals, he may be invited to take one additional step.
This is to assimilate the murder-suicide pact with the
double-suicide pact. Failure to make such an assimila-
tion is a point of criticism of those countries, such as
Switzerland, which generally refrain from punishing the
survivor of the suicide pact proper, but punish "homicide
upon request." The artificiality of this line has already
been indicated by the illustration of a couple's agreement
to commit suicide by gassing themselves. The most
that Continental countries do is to provide a reduced
punishment for homicide upon the request of the victim; 1
this is an improvement on the English position, where
no reduction is provided by law, but does not meet the
objection to providing any punishment at all in murder-
suicide cases.
Here, again, the present law is defended by those who
argue that the risk of fraud presents an insuperable
obstacle to change. The Royal Commission on Capital
Punishment thought that this risk was inevitably greater
for the murder-suicide pact than for the double-suicide
' See the Report, Cmd 8932 of 1953, para. 168.
9 Ibid., para. 169.
'See the same Report, pp. 449-51.
The Prohibitionof Suicide
pact. 2 However, the Commission proceeded to forget this
objection when it recommended that the situation should
be left to the discretion of the Home Secretary in the
exercise of the prerogative of mercy. Evidently fraud, if
it exists, may impose upon the Home Secretary just as
it may upon a judge and jury. It is submitted that the
only question relates to the framing of the rule of ex-
emption; once this is done, there is no reason for pre-
ferring the fact-finding ability of the executive to that
of the ordinary courts of law, at any rate for the decision
in the first instance. In order to show that a workable rule
can be framed, and if so desired can be framed in narrow
terms, it might be provided that it shall be a defence to
a charge of murder to prove that the murder was com-
mitted upon the request of the victim and in pursuance
of an agreement that the defendant should afterwards
commit suicide himself, the defendant having at the time
a genuine intention to carry out his promise. This rule
would place the burden of proof upon the defendant,
who would always be subject to the risk of failing to
discharge the burden and so being convicted. It is hard
to imagine that a rule framed in these terms would be
of interest to the calculating murderer. Such possibility
of abuse as it affords exists also at present in the appeal
for executive clemency.
If so much be conceded with regard to the suicide
pact in its two forms, the next question is the proper
treatment of the abettor to suicide where there is no
suicide pact-i.e., where he does not agree to commit the
deed upon himself. At first sight an argument can be
constructed, from the material already proposed, for mak-
ing even such an abettor dispunishable. If X, under the
new rule for attempted suicide, commits no crime in
swallowing poison, it would seem to follow that Y should
commit no crime in furnishing the poison to X at his
2 Cmd 8932, para. 176.
The Sanctity of Life and the CriminalLaw
request.' This should equally be so even though Y origi-
nally suggested the suicide to X. Y is not furnishing the
tools of crime, because X's act is not a crime. The case
would be precisely the same as supplying X with peroxide
to bleach his hair; it would be a crime for Y forcibly
to bleach X's hair, but not a crime for him to supply
X with the peroxide to do the bleaching himself, or
to suggest to X that X do it.
The conclusion is also supported by what has been
said on suicide pacts. If Y, by agreement, kills X and
then, in pursuance of the same agreement, attempts to
commit suicide himself, he is immune from punishment
under the rule suggested for the murder-suicide pact. But
why should it be essential to Y's immunity that he has
agreed to commit suicide himself, and tried to do so?
Is not the essential factor that X consented to be killed ?
It may be argued to the contrary that suicide is against
public policy, but that the person who attempts suicide
is exempt from punishment for a particular reason,
namely that the threat of punishment can only stiffen
his will to succeed at the first attempt. This reason, it
may be said, does not operate in favour of one who did
not himself intend to commit suicide, so that the insti-
gator to suicide may properly be punished in this case.
Between the extremes of these two views various in-
termediate positions may be taken. It will be universally
conceded that one who incites a young person to suicide,
for example, is properly punishable: while on the other
hand a physician who give his dying patient the oppor-
tunity of a merciful release may well be regarded as
outside the scope of any intelligently conceived prohibi-
tion. These sensible results could be achieved by a law