Traveller - Solo Adventure 1 - Scout's Honor
Traveller - Solo Adventure 1 - Scout's Honor
Traveller - Solo Adventure 1 - Scout's Honor
Solo Adventure 1:
Scout’s Honor
Science-Fiction Adventure in
the Far Future
-1- -2-
to crew an NPC’s Starship. Pilot of skill 2 or greater.
Morale rolls are sometimes required for NPC’s.
These use the morale rules from Mercenary (Book 4) and the Retired Merchant Skipper
solitaire campaign guidelines provided by Hide In Your Attic A82B85 Age42 6trm 10 Action Points
games. Since Mercenary is not required to run this adventure, Jack-O-T-1 Elec-3 Med-1 Brib-1 Pilot-1 Nav-2 Vacc-1 Cutlass-0
Players may instead choose to simply give every NPC a morale Laser Carbine-0
of 8. In this case, whenever you are asked to make a morale Ex-Navy Sublieutenant Engineer
roll, a roll of 8 or less on two dice succeeds. C88D6B Age26 3trm16 Action Points
Engnrng-1 Elec-1 Admin-2
This adventure is divided into two basic sections: the Auto-Rifle-0
adventure itself, and the paragraph booklet. Passages to be Ex-Merchant Steward
read in the adventure itself are labeled by consecutive letters 5649A7 Age26 2trm 10 Action Points
(A, B, C, etc.). Passages to be read in the paragraph booklet Vacc-1 Elec-1 Steward-1 Carbine-0
are labeled by consecutive numbers (1, 2, 3 etc.). Only read Ex-Scout Gunner
the paragraph booklet passages when instructed to do so by 667549 Age26 2trm 13 Action Points
adventure passages or other paragraph booklet passages. Air/Raft-1 Gunnery-1 Mechanical-1 Carbine-0
Before starting the adventure players must have: Ex-Navy Gunner
1. A record of each character. 67CB76 Age26 2trm 18 Action Points
2. A record of each Non-Player Character crew- Ship’s Boat-1 Cutlass-1 Gunnery-1 Carbine-0
3. A record of the character’s Starship. A skill level of 0 with a gun shows the preferred, or
4. A record of what is contained in the best weapon for an individual otherwise without a weapon
characters’ Ship’s Locker. skill. If using Azhanti High Lightning, double the number of
If players don’t want to use this adventure as part of Action Points but restrict the characters to 6 Action Points per
an ongoing campaign, they can use the Characters and phase except for phase 5.
Equipment provided below.
CHARACTERS The Grendel is a typical Type A Free Trader received
This adventure is intended for a band of adventurers by the retired Merchant as a mustering-out benefit. He has
numbering at least 3. A group of pre-generated just made it’s most recent payment, so nothing is not due for
characters...the crew of the Free Trader Grendel. Players who another 30 days. And it has already been paid off for 10 years,
have generated their own characters can hire-on to the leaving only 30 years left the loan. The retired Merchant has
Grendel, taking the place of one of the following characters, added two triple turrets, one consisting of 2 Beam Lasers and a
assuming that they have the necessary skills. In addition, the Missile Rack, and the second consisting of 2 Missile Racks
Retired Merchant, currently acting as both Pilot, Medic and and a Sand-caster.
owner of the Grendel would be pleased as punch to hire a
-3- -4-
Scout’s Honor
High Guard Stats:
A-1343 Grendel
A-2211111-010000-20002-0 200 Tons
Book 2 Design Crew=5. TL=9
From this point forward, the adventure should only
Passengers=5 Low=20 Cargo=80 Fuel=30 EP=2 Ag=0
be read by players actually wishing to play it. Begin by
reading Passage A.
A. As you arrive from hyperspace, a mere twenty
The Grendel’s ship’s locker contains the following
hours from spending the night dirt-side, in a real bed in a real
hotel room, your transceiver immediately picks up a distress
2 x Vacc Suits 3 x LI Goggles
6 x Long-Range Communicators
A quick check of the sensors locates the source of
1 x Cloth Armor 1 x Flak Jacket
the distress call: a derelict lifeboat drifting roughly two-
1 x Auto-Rifle 1 x Laser Carbine 3 x Carbine 2x
hundred thousand miles distant from the characters’ current
position. The lifeboat appears to have power and life support,
but its maneuver drives are inactive. The distress call is
automated, and therefore does not guarantee that anyone
aboard the lifeboat is still alive. It will take the players
roughly 4-hours to reach the lifeboat and secure it to an
airlock, half that time if the travel is made at 2-G.
If the players decide to ignore the lifeboat, the
adventure is over. If they attempt to rescue the lifeboat, go on
to B., below.
-5- -6-
than profound gratitude for his rescue. He is dehydrated and thugs eliminated the “rescue” party within seconds.
can barely speak. A quick investigation of the lifeboat reveals Drake had been in his stateroom reading a postcard
that although most of the life support systems were functional, when he heard the gunfire. And it didn’t take him long to
the humidifier was welded shut by (apparent) laser fire, leaving figure out what was going on. He already knew the Purcell
the interior atmosphere almost devoid of moisture. The was lost, but he also knew the Pirates probably didn’t figure
lifeboat’s log also seems to have been destroyed by laser fire. him to be aboard – they were only counting on the Purcell’s
All of this is interior damage; it is impossible to assess the regular crew of eight. Rather than let the Tender fall into Pirate
external damage to the lifeboat unless a crew member is willing hands, Drake managed to sneak down to the Purcell’s Engine
to squeeze into a vacc-suit and perform a space-walk. If this is Deck. There he planted explosives on the Purcell’s Jump
attempted, read and execute paragraph 15 before moving on to Drive. He set the timer and ran for a lifeboat.
C., below. The Pirates caught up to Drake just as he was
climbing into the lifeboat. They fired into the boat with laser
C. As soon as Drake gets some food and water in carbines, damaging the maneuver controls and the computer.
him, he feels well enough to talk. In fact, at this point, the hard Drake managed to shut the hatch and blow the seal, however,
part seems to be getting him to shut up. He can’t stop which provided enough thrust to shoot him away from the
thanking the characters and crew. He had only recently re- Purcell. As he was spinning into the void, he saw a light flash
enlisted in the Scouts despite its high mortality rate, and until on the Purcell’s Engine Deck – his explosives had gone off.
he sighted the characters’ ship he was sure his number had Apparently the Pirates were too busy with damage control to
finally come up. Between expressions of gratitude Drake bother chasing him, for he drifted into space without further
eventually tells the following story: fire or pursuit.
Drake is an X-Boat Pilot serving his third term in the Now that he’s been rescued all Drake can think of is
IISS. He had jumped in-system two days ago and was rescuing his IISS compatriots and recovering the Purcell. He
enjoying a week of downtime aboard the X-Boat Tender begs the characters to help him and assures them that the
Purcell before being assigned to a new X-Boat and a new Imperial Interplanetary Scout Service will grant a sizable
jump. Four days into his “vacation” the Purcell received a reward for the recovery of their Tender. If the characters
distress call from a Type-S Scout. The Purcell located the decide to attempt to re-take the Purcell, go to D. below. If the
derelict Scout, identified it as the Duplicity,a surplus vessel characters decide to take Drake planet-side, where they can
that was currently operating under detached duty, and alert proper authorities to the plight of the Purcell, go to
attempted to contact the crew. The Duplicity was drifting paragraph 60.
derelict, and the crew would not respond.
Fearing the worst, the Purcell drew the Scout into its D. Drake can direct the characters to the Purcell’s
huge ship’s bay. After re-pressurizing the bay, a rescue team last position. It is roughly 600,000 miles distant, just out of
was assembled to open the Scout’s hatch. They expected to sensor range. Since both the characters and the Purcell are
find the gruesome sight of bodies exposed to vacuum. Instead already well outside the 100 planetary diameters required to
what they found was a prepared ambush. Eight pirates had allow a safe jump, either vessel can activate its jump drives at
doubled-up in the Duplicity’s staterooms, and the well-armed will. The other side of that, of course, is that any other ship
-7- -8-
can jump into space anywhere nearby and at any time. It’s If the characters claim that there is a medical
possible that the Pirates could be expecting reinforcements, emergency aboard, and they require the immediate attention of
but its far more likely that a Type-S Scout or an X-boat would the Purcell’s on-board medic, go to Paragraph Booklet number
jump in-system, expecting to find a fully-operational tender. 58.
Such an encounter might be willing to join the character’s in If the characters claim to be Pirates coming to
their mission to re-take the Purcell. reinforce the Purcell’s captors go to Paragraph Booklet
If Drake is correct, the Purcell’s jump drives have number 24.
been rendered inoperative. And the characters have just come
in from jump space, meaning that they’ve burned through F. You engage the Purcell in combat. Resolve the
most of their fuel. Unless they have double the normal fuel combat using the High Guard (Book 5) system. The Purcell’s
capacity (such as L-hyd drop tanks) they will be unable to combat statistics are:
make a jump before visiting the local gas giant. If the
characters decide to re-fuel before approaching the Purcell, go XT-8796
to paragraph 1. Purcell XT-A411132-020000-00002-0
Book 2 Design Crew=6 TL=10
E. There are essentially two ways to approach the Passengers=4. Low=20. Cargo=60. Fuel=150. EP=10 Agility=1.
Purcell. The first is to use some sort of ruse to get the Purcell
to take them aboard, much as the original Pirates did. The Note that much of the Purcell’s weaponry was
other is to engage the Purcell in combat and hope to destroy destroyed in a previous battle. With only a sand-caster and
its turrets and damage its drives so that it becomes derelict missile turret, the Purcell will try to remain in long range, and
and the characters can board it at will. In either case, once the will try to break off at the end of every combat round. The
character’s ship comes within 500,000 miles of the Purcell it Purcell will not attempt to pursue the characters if they break
makes contact, requesting that the characters stand off and off.
identify themselves. The characters also immediately note that If the characters disable the Purcell, go to paragraph
the Purcell has suffered fairly extensive combat damage. The G., below.
hull has been raked by laser fire, and the blast marks are If the Purcell successfully breaks off from the
particularly heavy around two of the Purcell’s three turrets. characters (is not successfully pursued), go to Paragraph
Drake doesn’t know where the battle damage came from. He Booklet 33.
suggests that perhaps a Type-S Scout jumped in-system, If the characters break off from the Purcell, go to
discovered that the Purcell was in enemy hands, and Paragraph Booklet 7.
attempted to engage it.
If the characters decide to open fire on the Purcell, G. This is a particularly long section, dealing with the
go to paragraph F. below. characters’ boarding action. Before attempting to play out this
If the characters claim that their ship is damaged and boarding action, players should familiarize themselves with the
they require aid from the Purcell, go to Paragraph Booklet free Lone Wolf rules available from Hide In Your Attic Games
number 42. at They are also included as an
-9- -10-
Appendix to these rules. If you are using Azhanti High check to see if it causes a new event. Always use the EVENT
Lightning instead of Snapshot, all character Action Points TABLE that matches your current Alert Level. There are only
should be doubled. Likewise, all Action Point costs for two Alert Levels in this adventure. Alert Level 0 means the
actions described in the Paragraph Booklet should be doubled. crew of the Purcell are unaware of attack. Alert Level 1 means
Characters may still only use 6 Action Points for phases 1-4. that they are aware of attack and are prepared to defend
On phase 5, however, they may use all their remaining Action themselves. Certain events will move the Alert Level higher or
Points. lower. As soon as the Alert Level changes, using the EVENT
Provided below are Event Tables for two of the TABLE matching the new Alert Level, immediately check for
Purcell’s decks – the Bridge Deck and the Drive Deck. These events on every square currently occupied by a character.
are the only manned decks on the Purcell, so the Event Tables Entry: Characters and friendly NPC’s all enter from
for the other decks have not been included. Both of these the Airlock located on the Drive Deck (square 1C). If they
deckplans can be found in Supplement 7: Traders and have already engaged the Purcell in starship combat, they will
Gunboats. The deckplans should be consulted in order to enter it and subsequent decks at Alert Level 1. If they have
better understand the Event Tables. Each square on an Event not engaged the Purcell and have somehow snuck aboard,
Table corresponds to a square on the deckplans. An they will enter the Drive Deck at Alert Level 0. They will enter
explanation of how to use the Event Tables follows. subsequent Decks at Alert Level 0 unless told otherwise by
Events: The maps are organized according to a grid, the paragraph booklet.
and each square on the map can be described by a reference to Parlay: Characters may attempt to communicate with
the grid’s X and Y axis. In order to read the name of a square, their the enemies. Communication costs 1 Action Point
read the X axis first, followed by the Y axis, i.e. X,Y. The X axis (expletive).
is defined by numbers and the Y axis is defined by letters. Characters asking their enemies to surrender should
Every time a character (or friendly NPC) steps on a square go to paragraph 87.
check that square on the EVENT TABLE. Determine which Characters wishing to surrender to their enemies
event that square activates, and then look that event up in the should go to paragraph 48.
EVENT PARAGRAPHS. After a character has moved onto a After-Action: Once the characters have checked
square, you need not check that square for an event again damage to the Purcell’s drives and have determined the
until the Alert Level changes (see Alert Level, below). identities of the Scout Crew assigned to the Purcell, go to H.,
Alert Level: The Alert Level is a general measure of below.
the enemy’s awareness of your presence. Each Alert Level is
given a different EVENT TABLE. In this way, different H. Once you have secured the Purcell by rendering
squares cause different events at different Alert Levels. In its crew dead or unconscious, or forcing them to surrender, go
other words, if a character triggers an event on square 12C at to Paragraph Booklet number 106.
alert level 0, so long as the Alert Level remains 0 any character If, however, the characters do not own their own ship
can step on square 12C as many times as desired without and are merely crewing the ship of an NPC, go to 107.
causing a new event. However, if the Alert Level changes to
1, any time a character steps on square 12C the players must
-11- -12-
Event Table: Drive Deck Alert Level 0:
H 22 22 22 22 22
G 49 49 73 56 73 64 34 79 67 73 28 74 78
F 22 22 5 5 73 36 29 85 85 85 85
E 11 9 5 13 73 85
D 11 9 5 13 56 29 85
C 2 22 22 5 5 29 22 64 22 43 85 85 85
B 28 28 28 46 73 65 79 67 56 64 49 29
A 22 22 22 22
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
H 43 22 74 43 78
G 29 22 73 56 73 64 34 79 67 73 29 43 22
F 22 71 5 5 73 36 22 85 85 85 85
E 11 9 5 13 73 85
D 11 9 5 13 56 78 85
C 3 29 22 5 5 22 79 64 22 74 85 85 85
B 74 43 29 46 73 64 73 67 67 79 71 22
A 22 22 22 22
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Event Table: Bridge Deck Alert Level 0
I 22 71 43 74 78 43 22 29 74 22 43 74 78 43 22 43
H 43 31 74 29 74 14 71 77 4 29 74 6 75 78 43 22 43 29
G 22 22 71 43 50 18 43 18 18 29 74 18 18 29 74 78 43 22 43
F 21 40 29 74 22 43 74 22 66 74 78 43 22 18 37 29 74 94 29 74
E 21 40 22 71 43 26 18 29 74 22 43 74 39 18 93 29 74 18 29 74
D 29 74 22 43 74 22 18 29 74 29 74 22 43 74 29 74 22 43 74
C 29 74 22 43 74 86 90 74 78 43 22 90 18 29 74 92 29 74
B 22 71 43 55 22 71 43 29 74 22 43 74 20 78 92 43
A 47 22 71 43 74 35
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Event Table: Bridge Deck Alert Level 1
I 22 78 29 43 74 71 74 22 78 43 29 22 43 78 74 43
H 43 31 22 43 78 14 43 77 4 43 74 6 75 43 74 71 74 22
G 74 8 43 74 50 18 29 18 18 74 71 18 18 43 74 71 74 22
F 21 40 71 43 74 71 74 22 43 74 71 74 22 18 37 74 71 94 43 74
E 21 40 22 43 78 26 18 43 74 71 74 22 39 18 93 43 74 18 74 71
D 22 76 78 29 43 74 18 78 29 43 74 22 78 29 43 74 71 74 22
C 43 76 78 29 43 74 89 78 29 43 74 89 18 43 74 92 43 74
B 74 71 43 74 71 74 22 43 74 71 74 22 91 29 92 74
A 35 78 29 43 74 35
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Paragraph Booklet
6F and 6E, and then turn to face square 5E. Jim will remain
behind complete cover, but if anyone is in squares 2F to 5F Jim
will side-step to square 6F and fire or shapshot as many times
as possible while leaving himself enough action points to
move back behind cover in square 6E.
Any time Scott or Jim have to react a situation not
Do not read any of the following paragraphs unless instructed covered by the descriptions given above, assume they are
to do so by the Adventure Booklet. reacting according to Neutral tactics. If shots are fired go to
1. The system’s gas giant is 1 million miles away, requiring a
travel and turn-around time of seven and a half hours. If the 3. You grit your teeth and wait impatiently for the airlock to
characters still insist on re-fueling before approaching the cycle and the iris valve to open. You know that they are ready
Purcell, go to 61.
for you and undoubtedly have prepared an ambush. And you
are right. Activate the following enemies on the squares
2. You wait impatiently for the airlock to cycle and the iris
valve to open. When it does slide open you see two crewmen
6D Scott Hesh
wearing IISS Uniforms and carrying med-kits waiting on
475776, Age 20, 12 Action Points
square 2C. They are shocked at the sight of your weapons
Medic-1 Electronic-1 Auto-Pistol-0 SMG-0
and immediately go for their own sidearms – holstered 5B Jim Richards,
automatic pistols. Activate the following crewmen in square AA5CB8, Age 23, 16 Action Points
2C: Engnrng-1 Auto-Pistol-0 Shotgun-0
Scott Hesh, 4F Kate Ridley
475776, Age 20, 12 Action Points 7B6688, Age 22, 17 Action Points
Medic-1 Electronic-1 Auto-Pistol-0 Laser Carbine-0 Engnrng-1 Jack-O-T-1
Jim Richards, 5G Dave Hudson
AA5CB8, Age 23, 16 Action Points
6A95A8, Age 23, 20 Action Points
Engnrng-1 Auto-Pistol-0 Laser Carbine-0
Engnrng-1 Pilot-1 Nav-1 Laser Carbine-0 Auto-pistol-0
Scott will run along a path following squares 3D, 3E,
They will all be wearing ballistic jackets (cloth armor)
3F, 4F, and 5G. Scott will face square 4G, use the machinery on
over their IISS uniforms.
square 4G for cover (-2 DM) and will cover square 2D with his
6D will be covering square 1C with an SMG and will
be using the machinery on square D5 as cover (-2 DM).
Jim will rn along a path following squares 3D, 3F, 4F, 4F will be covering square 1C with a Laser Carbine
5F and 6G. Once on 6G he will face square 6H and activate the and will be using the machinery on square 4E as cover (-2
alarm panic button located on that console (1 Action Point). If DM).
this button is activated the characters will enter the Bridge 5G will be covering square 2D with a Laser Carbine
Deck at Alert Level 1 instead of 0. and will be using the machinery on square 4G for cover (-2
Then Jim will turn to fact square 6F, move to squares
-15- -16-
DM). square 15G:
5B will be completely covered by square 4B (can’t be Mike Hutchinson
fired upon) but will side-step onto square 5C in order to fire on 6B7AA3, Age 25 18 Action Points
anyone he can see with a shotgun. He will fire as often as Gunnery-2 Vacc-1 Auto-Pistol-0 Laser Carbine-0
possible so long as he leaves enough Action Points to side- Mike Hutchinson will run along a path defined by
step back to square 5B. 14G, 13G, 12G and 11G, always leaving enough Action Points
Any tie these enemies have to react a situation not at the end of his turn to cover square 5G with a Snapshot.
covered by the descriptions given above, assume they are Once in square 11G he will attempt to open the the ceiling Iris
reacting according to Neutral tactics. Valve (1 Action Point, then 3 Action Points waiting). Once the
above Iris Valve is open he will climb through it, costing him
4. It will take 5 turns to search this stateroom. If you do so, go his entire Action Points for single turn.
to 41. If Mike succeeds in escaping through the Iris Valve,
when the characters enter the Bridge Deck it will be at Alert
5. The machinery on squares 4E, 4D, 5E and 5D comprise the Level 1 instead of 0.
Engineering controls for the Purcell’s Power Plant. A
character with Engineering-1 may inspect the Power Plant at 11. You can activate the lift by facing the open door and
the cost of 15 Action Points. If they do so, go to 72. pressing the button corresponding to the deck you want to
reach (1 Action Point). At the end of the turn the doors will
6. It will take 5 turns to search this stateroom. If you do so go close and the lift will activate. At the end of the following turn
to 52. it will reach the Vehicle Bay Deck. At the end of the second
following turn it will reach the Cargo Deck. At the end of the
7. You successfully escape from the Purcell. All that remains third following turn it will reach the Bridge Deck. When it
is to alter your course back toward the system’s inhabited reaches the Deck requested the doors will open and the
planet, report Drake’s story, and hope that Imperial players must read the paragraph corresponding to the square
Authorities can recover the Purcell. Go to 97. that the lift now occupies at the proper Alert Level.
8. You can open the galley door by pressing the button (1 12. Drake didn’t lie about the hidden base. It appears to be of
Action Point) and waiting 3 Action Points for it to open. If Zhodani construction – probably a secret Scout base or spy
you do so, go to 30. installation. Now it’s run by thugs and bandits of the worst
sort and, unfortunately, no one is willing to introduce you to
9. You may activate the lift by facing it and then pressing the someone who can manipulate transponder data. You do find
call button (1 Action Point). At the end of the turn the lift will one Pirate who’s willing to take the Purcell and the Scout both
arrive and the door will open. Up to two characters may enter off your hands for 500,000 credits. These are your choices,
a lift. then. Sell the two ships or try to keep them. If you sell them,
you get 500k and nobody’s the wiser. If you keep them both
10. Activate the following character on square 16G facing the Purcell and Scout are marked as stolen, and it won’t be
-17- -18-
long before your own ship is marked as belonging to thieves teams of 2. One team will take the shortest path to the bridge
and murderers. Either way, the Adventure is over. and attempt to secure it. One team will take the second-
shortest path to the bridge. And the third team will take the
13. The machinery on squares 4E, 4D, 5E and 5D comprise the shortest path to the Engineering section. All three teams will
Engineering controls for the Purcell’s Power Plant. A be using Neutral Tactics. Once they have secured their
character with Engineering-1 may inspect the Power Plant at objectives, they will attempt to clear the decks, shooting
the cost of 15 Action Points. If they do so, go to 72. anyone who doesn’t immediately surrender.
The machinery huge block of machinery in the center 3. If the characters are knocked unconscious or
of the Drive Deck comprise the Engineering controls for the surrender they will be placed in the low-passage births and
Purcell’s Maneuver Drive. A character with Engineering-1 brought to the system’s main planet. Go to 100.
may inspect the Maneuver Drive at the cost of 15 Action 4. If the characters defeat the System Defense Boat
Points. If they do so, go to 95. crew, go to 98.
14. It will take 5 turns to search this tidy stateroom. If you do 18. You can open the sliding door by pressing the button (1
so, go to 57. Action Point) and waiting 3 Action Points for it to slide open.
15. The space-walk can take anywhere from ten minutes to an 19. You find personal effects identifying the recent occupant
hour, depending on the expertise of the walker. Roll a single of this stateroom as being a Scout by the name of Jim
die and multiply by 10 – that is the total number of minutes Richards.
required to complete the space walk. Apply a DM of -1 for
every level of Vacc Suit skill possessed by the walker. If you 20. You can open this iris valve by pressing the button (1
still wish to proceed with the space walk, go to paragraph 25. Action Point) and waiting 3 Action Points fo rit to slide open.
If you do so, go to 32.
16. The skipper of the Purcell was a Scout by the name of
Andy Carlyle. 21. The lift door opens into the Purcell’s mess hall. There is
no one to be seen.
17. You heave-to and are boarded by the 6 members of the
System Defense Boat’s crew. They are wearing Combat Armor 22. No event.
and carrying Gauss Rifles. They will attempt to arrest
everyone on board and transport them dirtside for a trial. If 23. A maximum of about 8 people can stuff into the X-boat
characters attempt to resist, use the following guidelines for without dangerously straining its life-support system, but that
resolving the boarding action. many people will easily be detected by the Purcell’s sensors
1. The System Defense Boat crew all have 15 action and blasted into vaccuum long before the X-boat could dock.
points if using Snapsot, 30 action points if using Azhanti High Instead, 4 people could comfortably fit aboard the X-boat and
Lightning. safely dock with the Purcell.
2. The System Defense Boat crew will divide into 3 If the characters take this course of action, go to
-19- -20-
Adventure Booklet paragraph G. The Purcell will be on Alert
Level 0 when the boarding action begins. Don Hicks
If the characters decide to forego the course of AA477A, 25 yrs old, 15 Action Points
action, they may abandon the X-boat and fire on the Purcell at Gunnery-1 SMG-1 Air/Raft-1 Auto-Pistol-0
close range. Go to paragraph F., but combat begins at short Don is armed with a Submachinegun and wears a
range. ballistic jacket (cloth armor) over his IISS uniform. He is on
Neutral tactics.
24. The Purcell immediately opens fire. Go to Adventure
Booklet paragraph F. 31. The ship’s galley is well-stocked with at least two week’s
worth of provisions.
25. Oddly, despite the interior damage to the lifeboat, the
exterior seems untarnished. If the lifeboat were involved in 32. If you haven’t already done so, activate the following
combat, it seems to have escaped any ship-based fire. Upon enemy on square 15A facing square 16A:
completion of the space walk, return to Part C in the Don Hicks
Adventure Booklet. AA477A, 25 yrs old, 15 Action Points
Gunnery-1 SMG-1 Air/Raft-1 Auto-Pistol-0
26. It will take 5 turns to search this recently-slept in He is armed with an Auto-Pistol and wears an IISS
stateroom. If you do so go to 65. uniform. He operates under Neutral tactics. If there is gunfire,
go to 101.
27. Go to Adventure Booklet paragraph F., but combat begins
at short range. 33. The Purcell escapes beyond your sensor range into the
void of space. Pursuit is pointless since the Purcell could
28. Unless you’ve already done so, activate the following alter its course and literally be anywhere. All that remains is to
enemy on square 15C, Neutral Tactics, leaning into square alter your course back toward the system’s inhabited planet,
15B, using the machinery on square 14C as cover (-2DM) and report Drake’s story, and hope that Imperial Authorities can
covering square 5B with an Auto-Pistol: recover the Purcell. Go to 59.
Kate Ridley
7B6688, Age 22, 17 Action Points 34. The machinery huge block of machinery in the center of
Engnrng-1 Jack-O-T-1 the Drive Deck comprise the Engineering controls for the
Purcell’s Maneuver Drive. A character with Engineering-1
29. You notice a computer-controlled Security Camera may inspect the Maneuver Drive at the cost of 15 Action
recording your actions for posterity. Points. If they do so, go to 95.
Additionally, a ladder leads to an iris valve set in the
30. The door slides open. If you haven’t already done so, ceiling. A character may activate the iris valve (1 Action Point,
activate the following enemy on square 4H, leaning into wait for 3 Action Points while it opens) and then climb to the
square 3H and using the door as cover (-2): next deck (pop-up turret). It takes a full turn to do so. If a
-21- -22-
character does so, go to 63. planet. Otherwise, the Purcell has already sent for assistance
from a System Defense Boat, which should arrive within
35. This turret’s weaponry has been destroyed, but its hull twenty hours. At that time the Purcell may be able to offer
hasn’t been breached. assistance.
If the characters insist on approaching the Purcell, it
36. The machinery huge block of machinery in the center of will make good its threat and fire on the characters. Go to
the Drive Deck comprise the Engineering controls for the Adventure Booklet paragraph F.
Purcell’s Maneuver Drive. A character with Engineering-1
may inspect the Maneuver Drive at the cost of 15 Action 43. No event.
Points. If they do so, go to 95.
44. When it becomes clear that your decision is final, Drake
37. It will take 5 turns to search this stateroom. If you do so, grows agitated to the point of violence. He begins screaming
go to 68. that you’re a bloody murderer just like those bastard pirates,
and then he takes a swing at you! A brawl erupts between
38. You find personal effects identifying this stateroom’s most Drake and the starship Captain. For the first round, anyone
recent occupant as being a Scout by the name of Kate Ridley. else in the room is surprised and can’t take part. But after the
first round, other crew members may join in. Every combat
39. The Purcell’s fresher is completely dry, having not been round make a morale roll for crew members. Success indicates
used for several hours. that they intervene in the fray on behalf of the Captain. Failure
indicates that they continue watching, stunned and surprised.
40. The Mess Hall is tidy, with all dishes and cutlery neatly When Drake is finally overcome, the characters must either
stowed. lock him in a state-room or place him in cold sleep. If they lock
him in a state-room, go to 53. If they put him in a low-passage
41. You find personal effects identifying the recent occupant berth go to 97.
of this stateroom as one Mike Hutchinson, active Scout.
45. When it becomes clear that your decision is final, Drake
42. The Purcell responds that it is unable to offer assistance grows agitated to the point of violence. He begins screaming
at this time, and warns the characters to stand-off or the that you’re a bloody murderer just like those bastard pirates,
Purcell will be forced to open-fire. The Purcell’s skipper and then he takes a swing at you! A brawl erupts between
informs the characters that the Purcell had only just recently Drake and the starship Captain. For the first round, anyone
been attacked by pirates attempting the same ruse, and else in the room is surprised and can’t take part. But after the
standard protocols preclude the Purcell from taking on any first round, other crew members may join in. Every combat
boarders other than active-duty Scout Personnel. It appears round make a morale roll for crew members. Success indicates
that the character’s vessel is capable of maneuver, since it that they intervene in the fray on behalf of the Captain. Failure
approached the Purcell using constant acceleration, so the indicates that they continue watching, stunned and surprised.
skipper advises the characters to turn toward the system’s When Drake is finally overcome, the characters must either
-23- -24-
lock him in a state-room or place him in cold sleep. If they lock since the crew and any passengers aboard are forced to listen
him in a state-room, go to 54. If they put him in a low-passage to Drake’s lunatic screams. By the sixth hour Drake seems to
berth go to 105. have lost his voice. Go to 97.
46. The machinery huge block of machinery in the center of 54. The next five hours of the trip planet-side is a living hell,
the Drive Deck comprise the Engineering controls for the since the crew and any passengers aboard are forced to listen
Purcell’s Maneuver Drive. A character with Engineering-1 to Drake’s lunatic screams. By the sixth hour Drake seems to
may inspect the Maneuver Drive at the cost of 15 Action have lost his voice. Go to 105.
Points. If they do so, go to 95.
55. This iris valve may be opened by pressing its button (1
47. This turret, armed with one beam laser, one sand-caster Action Point) and waiting 3 Action Points for it to open. If
and one missile rack, is still fully operational. you do so, go to 103.
48. You throw down your weapons and allow yourself to be 56. The machinery huge block of machinery in the center of
handcuffed. Your captors lead you to the Purcell’s low the Drive Deck comprise the Engineering controls for the
berths, where they place you in cold storage to ensure you Purcell’s Maneuver Drive. A character with Engineering-1
don’t escape. Go to 100. may inspect the Maneuver Drive at the cost of 15 Action
Points. If they do so, go to 95.
49. Unless you’ve already done so, activate the following
enemy, Neutral tactics, covering square 5G with an Auto- 57. You find personal effects that identify this stateroom as
Pistol on square 14G, leaning into square 15G and using the belonging to a Scout by the name of Cara Feldt.
machinery on square 14F as cover (-2 DM):
Dave Hudson 58. The Purcell’s skipper informs the characters that they had
6A95A8, Age 23, 20 Action Points recently repelled a Pirate attack, and for that reason can not
Engnrng-1 Pilot-1 Nav-1 Laser Carbine-0 Auto-pistol-0 dock the character’s ship to the Purcell’s airlock. The skipper
informs the characters that the Purcell has an operable X-boat
50. It will take you 5 turns to search this tidy stateroom. If in its Ship’s Bay, and suggests that it drop off the X-boat and
you do so go to 19. accelerate away from it while the characters accelerate toward
it. The characters can then mate the X-boat to their airlock,
51. The Purcell’s jump drive appears to be fully operational. place the sick patient inside, seal it, and maneuver away from
The maneuver drive, however, seems to have been damaged in it. The Purcell will then come back to pick up the X-boat and
combat. give the patient medical attention. In order to save time, the
Purcell will allow the character’s ship to approach within High
52. This stateroom belonged to a Scout named Don Hicks. Guard short range, but certainly not close enough to attempt a
boarding action. The entire operation will take roughly 4
53. The next five hours of the trip planet-side is a living hell, hours.
-25- -26-
If the characters decide to go through with the plan, 62. At first you think someone’s manning the pop-up turret,
but stuff the X-boat with as many combatants as possible, go but then you realize that it’s merely a vacc-suit propped up in
to paragraph 23. the turret’s weapons control station.
If the characters decide to wait until the Purcell is in
close range, and then open-fire, go to paragraph 27. 63. If Mike Hutchinson escaped through the iris valve, go to
If the characters decide to open fire on the Purcell 82. Otherwise go to 62.
immediately, go to Adventure Booklet paragraph F.
64. The machinery huge block of machinery in the center of
59. When you inform Drake of your decision he grows the Drive Deck comprise the Engineering controls for the
agitated. He irrationally insists that the characters search the Purcell’s Maneuver Drive. A character with Engineering-1
void of space for the Purcell, claiming that by the time the may inspect the Maneuver Drive at the cost of 15 Action
characters make the twenty-hour trip to the system’s inhabited Points. If they do so, go to 95.
planet, the Purcell will have disappeared into jump-space and
her crew will have been murdered. Go to 44. 65. You find personal effects belonging to a Scout by the
name of Dave Hudson.
60. When you inform Drake of your decision he grows
agitated. He tells you that it won’t take forever for the Pirates 66. The ship’s computer is a huge Model 3. Anyone with
to repair the Purcell’s Jump Drive, and it will take even less Computer-1 can search the database for a listing of the
time for them to decide what to do with the Purcell’s former Purcell’s active duty personnel. It will take 2D6 turns, with a
crew. By the time the characters make the twenty-hour trip to DM of -1 for every level of Computer above 1. When
the system’s inhabited planet, the Purcell will have successful, go to 80.
disappeared into jump-space and her crew will have been
murdered. If the characters change their mind and decide to 67. The machinery huge block of machinery in the center of
recover the Purcell, go to Adventure Booklet paragraph D. the Drive Deck comprise the Engineering controls for the
Otherwise go to paragraph 45. Purcell’s Maneuver Drive. A character with Engineering-1
may inspect the Maneuver Drive at the cost of 15 Action
61. When you inform Drake of your decision he grows Points. If they do so, go to 95.
agitated. He tells you that it won’t take forever for the Pirates
to repair the Purcell’s Jump Drive, and it will take even less 68. This stateroom belonged to a Scout named Elle Vander.
time for them to decide what to do with the Purcell’s former
crew. By the time the characters make the 15-hour trip to the 69. Drake eventually calms down, but it is clear that he is
gas giant and back, the Purcell will have disappeared into simmering with anger. He tells the players that they’d better
jump-space and her crew will have been murdered. If the hope the Pirates don’t know what they’re doing, because if the
characters change their mind and decide to recover the Purcell gets away, he’s going to bring them all up on charges
Purcell, go to Adventure Booklet paragraph E. Otherwise go of complicity in the Pirate attack. This is most likely an empty
to paragraph 69. threat, but it’s unnerving. Go to Adventure Booklet paragraph
-27- -28-
E. 5897C3, 29 years old, 17 Action Points
Pilot-2, Nav-1, Vacc-1, SMG-0 Auto-Pistol-0
70. When the door slides open, if you haven’t already done 7D Mike Hutchinson
so, activate the following enemies on the squares indicated: 6B7AA3, Age 25, 18 Action Points
9B Cara Feldt Gunnery-2 Vacc-1 Auto-Pistol-0 Laser Carbine-0
5897C3, 29 years old, 17 Action Points 8B Andy Carlyle
Pilot-2, Nav-1, Vacc-1, SMG-0 Auto-Pistol-0 B36B8B, Age 30, 9 Action Points
11C Andy Carlyle Nav-1 Comp-1 Engnrng-1 Laser Carbine-0 Auto-Pistol-0
B36B8B, Age 30, 9 Action Points 8D Elle Vander
Nav-1 Comp-1 Engnrng-1 Laser Carbine-0 Auto-Pistol-0 5A6A93, Age 19, 17 Action Points
They are armed with Automatic Pistols, are operating Gunnery-1 Auto-Pistol-0 Laser Carbine-0
under Neutral tactics, and are wearing IISS uniforms. 4H is leaning into square 3H, where he activates the
If there is gunfire go to 101. sliding door (1 Action Point), waits 3 Action Points for it to
open, and then uses the wall as cover (-2). He is on Neutral
71. Smile, you’re on candid-camera. A security camera tactics, wearing cloth armor over his IISS uniform, and is armed
records your every move. with a submachinegun.
6A activates the iris valve (1 Action Point), waits 3
72. The power plant seems to be in perfect working order. Action Points for it to open, and then uses the iris opening as
cover (-2). She is on Neutral tactics, wearing cloth armor over
73. The machinery huge block of machinery in the center of her IISS uniform, and is armed with a submachinegun.
the Drive Deck comprise the Engineering controls for the 7D is leaning into square 7B, using the wall as cover
Purcell’s Maneuver Drive. A character with Engineering-1 (-2). He is on Neutral tactics, wearing cloth armor over his IISS
may inspect the Maneuver Drive at the cost of 15 Action uniform, and is armed with a Laser Carbine.
Points. If they do so, go to 95. 8B and 8D are both leaning into square 8C, using the
doorway as cover (-2). They are on Neutral tactics, wearing
74. No event. cloth armor over their IISS uniforms, and are armed with Laser
75. It will take 5 turns to search this stateroom. If you do so
go to 81. 77. It will take 5 turns to search this stateroom. If you do so
go to 38.
76. If you haven’t already done so, activating the following
enemies in the squares indicated: 78. No event.
4H Don Hicks
AA477A, 25 years old, 15 Action Points 79. The machinery huge block of machinery in the center of
Gunnery-1 SMG-1 Air/Raft-1 Auto-Pistol-0 the Drive Deck comprise the Engineering controls for the
6A Cara Feldt Purcell’s Maneuver Drive. A character with Engineering-1
-29- -30-
may inspect the Maneuver Drive at the cost of 15 Action 85. The machinery in squares 17E, 18E, 19E, 20E, 18D, 19D,
Points. If they do so, go to 95. and 20D make up the Engineering controls fo r the Purcell’s
Jump Drive. Anyone character with Engineering-1 may
80. The Purcell’s active duty roster is as follows: examine the Jump Drives for a cost of 15 Action Points. If a
1. Skipper, Andy Carlyle character does so, go to 104.
2. Pilot, Cara Feldt
3. Head Engineer, Dave Hudson 86. You can open the sliding door by pressing the button (1
4. Engineer, Kate Ridley Action Point) and waiting 3 Action Points for it to open. If
5. Engineer, Jim Richards you do so, go to 70.
6. Com Specialist, Scott Hesch
7. Head Gunner, Mike Hutchinson 87. You call out, demanding that your enemies surrender.
8. Gunner, Don Hicks They respond that they’ll never surrender to Pirate scum like
9. Gunner, Elle Vander you. If you respond that you’re not Pirates, you receive the
In addition, you find the name and dossier of the answer “Then surrender and tell it to a judge.” If you
detached-duty Scout that piloted the Type-S Courier surrender, go to 48.
Duplicity. His name was Drake Edwards, but neither his
dossier nor his photograph match the man you have come to 88. For the first time since you’ve known him, Drake is true to
know by that name. his word. He takes both the Purcell and your own ship one
parsec to an un-mapped system. He takes the characters to an
81. This stateroom belonged to a scout named Scott Hesch. orbital facility that appears to have once been a secret
Zhodani scout base. The manipulation of the transponder
82. When you open the iris valve there is a hiss and a fierce takes a week, during which the characters are forced to inter-
gust of wind that blows into the pop-up turret, as if the turret act with all manner of con-men, thugs and other scum. But at
were de-pressurized. the end of the week they have title to the Scout, have both the
When you climb into the turret you see that there is Scout and their own ship re-fueled, and are ready to re-enter
an odd hatch to the exterior of the ship and, sure enough, it civilized space. The adventure is over.
appears as if the hatch had been recently opened.
89. The Ship’s Bridge appears to be undamaged. Anyone
83. The turret is empty. with Pilot-1 can move to the Pilot’s station on square 9B and
spend 15 Action Points to look over the controls. If you do so
83. The Maneuver Drive is damaged but not destroyed. It will go to 51.
take anyone with Engineering-1 1D hours to repair, with a DM
of -1 for every level of Engineering the character has above 1. 90. The Ship’s Bridge appears to be undamaged. Anyone
Additional Engineers up to two will add an additional of DM -1 with Pilot-1 can move to the Pilot’s station on square 9B and
each. The minimum time required is 1 hour. spend 15 Action Points to look over the controls. If you do so
go to 102.
-31- -32-
91. You can open this iris valve by pressing the button (1 long range and then break off.
Action Point) and waiting 3 Action Points for it to open. If If the Guardian destroys the character’s offensive
you do so go to 83. weaponry, and reduces the character’s ship to Agility 0, it will
attempt to board the character’s ship. Go to 17.
92. This is the Purcell’s navigation room, lined with cabinets If either the Guardian or the characters successfully
containing computer disks loaded with maps and charts of break off, go to 99.
most of known space. In the center of the room is a terminal
networked to the ship’s navigation computer. 99. By some miracle you have managed to defeat the Imperial
Authorities aboard the Guardian. You are undoubtedly now
93. This stateroom appears to have been unoccupied. wanted for, at best, resisting arrest, and at worse, killing
Imperial Police. The only thing left for you to do is to try and
94. The skipper’s spacious stateroom. A careful search will re-fuel at the gas giant and jump out of system before another
take 10 turns. If you do so, go to 16. SDB (or two or three) catch up to you.
The characters manage to get out of the system, but
95. If the Maneuver Drive was damaged during starship their ship has been identified. The ship can not be sold on the
combat with the Purcell, go to 83. Otherwise go to 96. open market, and any time it is encountered it will be
recognized as being operated by criminals. The character’s
96. The Maneuver Drive appears to be in working condition. options for future adventuring are therefore limited, and the
characters may, ironically, be forced into a life of crime as
97. On your way planet-side you are intercepted by the Pirates.
System Defense Boat Guardian. It demands that you heave-
to so that the Guardian can dock and board your ship. If you 100. The characters awake separated into tiny cells. Their
heave-to, go to 17. Otherwise, go to 98. Starship and possessions have been confiscated by the
planetary police. During their incarceration, and in preparation
98. The Guadian’s High Guard Statistics are: for their upcoming trial, they hear the real story behind Drake
Edwards and the attack on the Purcell:
SB-9807 Guardian SB-31069E2-900000-40003-0 Drake Edwards is not a Scout, nor has he ever been
Crew=10. TL=12. Fuel=36. EP=36 Agility=6 employed by the IISS. Instead, he is a Pirate, one of a band
that hatched a plot to capture an IISS X-boat Tender intact in
The Guardian will attempt to remain in short range order turn into a corsair. The Purcell was the object of their
and will always pursue the characters if they attempt to break attack.
off. They attacked the Purcell using a hijacked Type-S
If the Guardian’s laser turrets are destroyed, it will Scout. Much as Drake described, they attempted to con the
attempt to remain in long range. Purcell into taking them aboard. However, the Purcell’s
If both the Guardian’s laser turrets and missile skipper ran a check on the Scout and discovered that it had
turrets are destroyed, the Guardian will attempt to move to been reported stolen, so he refused to let the Pirates on board.
-33- -34-
The Pirates opened fire. damaged the Guardian.
The Purcell repulsed the attack and destroyed the Subtract a DM of -2 if the Guardian was destroyed.
Scout, but only after receiving damage to its Jump Drives and Add a DM of +2 if the characters turned themselves
its laser turret. Drake managed to escape from dying Scout. in, or surrendered to the crew of the Guardian or the Purcell.
While twisting through space he hatched a plot to avenge his Add a DM of +1 for each Law skill level of the
comrades and take the Purcell. He destroyed the lifeboat’s characters’ attorney.
computer with his laser carbine so that any rescuers would be The base cost of an attorney is 10,000 credits per day.
unable to determine the true story of what had happened. A good attorney costs substantially more. For each additional
Then he concocted a story that he hoped would convince his Law skill level above 1, the attorney costs an additional 10,000
rescuers to attack the Purcell and board it. Once the Purcell credits a day. The maximum Law skill level available is 4. The
was secure, Drake hoped to back-stab his rescuers, kill them, attorney does not have to be paid until after the trial.
and jump out of system to a pre-arranged rendezvous point If found innocent, the characters will have their
with some other Pirate friends. possessions, including their ship, returned to them. However,
The planetary police maintain that the characters were they will still be responsible for any payments required on the
accomplices of Drake from the beginning. Obviously, that is ship during their time in jail.
not true, but the characters’ ability to prove that in court is The Adventure is over.
directly related to the quality of their attorney and the number
of crimes which can be directly attributed to them. 101. If you haven’t already done so, activate the following
First roll to determine how long the trial takes. Roll a enemies on the squares indicated:
d6 and multiply the result by ten. That is the number of days 15A Don Hicks
the trial takes. Add a die modifier of 1 for each level of Law AA477A, 25 years old, 15 Action Points
skill possessed by their attorney, with the assumption that a Gunnery-1 SMG-1 Air/Raft-1 Auto-Pistol-0
good attorney will try and drag out the trial as long as possible 9B Cara Feldt
(if tried immediately the characters would be assumed guilty). 5897C3, 29 years old, 17 Action Points
Then roll to determine whether the characters are Pilot-2, Nav-1, Vacc-1, SMG-0 Auto-Pistol-0
found innocent or guilty. A basic roll of 8+ is required for their 11C Andy Carlyle
innocence. Adjust that roll based on the following die B36B8B, Age 30, 9 Action Points
modifiers: Nav-1 Comp-1 Engnrng-1 Laser Carbine-0 Auto-Pistol-0
Subtract a DM of -2 for every Scout or System 6A Elle Vander
Defense Boat crewman killed by the characters. 5A6A93, Age 19, 17 Action Points
Subtract a DM of -1 for every Scout or System Gunnery-1 Auto-Pistol-0 Laser Carbine-0
defense Boat crewman wounded by the characters. They are all armed with Auto-Pistols and wear IISS
Subtract a DM of -1 if the characters fired upon and uniforms.
damaged the Purcell. 9B and 11C will move on Neutral tactics to 8B and 8D,
Subtract a DM of -2 if the Purcell was destroyed. respectively, lean into square 8C, and use the edge of the door
Subtract a DM of -1 if the characters fired upon and as cover (-2).
-35- -36-
6A will open the iris valve to her turret and use it as Zone alert for this world due to recent Pirate activity. Three
cover (-2) as she faces square 6B. If there is no target, she will days ago the Imperial Scout Vessel Purcell was attacked by
cover square 2E. Pirates posing as detached-service Scouts in need of rescue.
15A will run on Neutral tactics along the shortest Fortunately, the Purcell ran a search of the detached-service
path first to square 14F, leaning into 14G and using the wall as S-Class Scout the Pirates were using and identified it as stolen.
cover (-2) while covering square 7G. If no one is in sight he As such, the refused to let the Scout on board and fired. The
will then run to square 8G, leaning into square 7G and using Pirates fired back, but were ultimately repelled. Since it is too
the wall as cover (-2) while covering square 7B. If no one is in early to tell whether this was an isolated incident or whether
sight he will run to square 7D, leaning into square 7C and this planet is the object of a larger, more organized Pirate
using the wall as cover (-2) while covering square 2C. attack, the Amber Zone classification will be in effect for at
least the remainder of the month. All ships arriving and
102. The Ship’s drives, including its Jump Drive, appear to be leaving this space port are advised to be on high alert, and to
fully operational. You can begin maneuvering the vessel at 1- treat distress calls with the utmost discretion.
G immediately. The adventure is over.
103. If you haven’t already done so, activate the following 106. By now it’s obvious that the characters have been had.
enemy in square 6A facing square 5A: Drake Edwards is unrepentant, however. Yes, that is not
Elle Vander really his name. Yes, he was a member of the original band of
5A6A93, Age 19, 17 Action Points Pirates that attacked the Purcell and was repulsed. And yes,
Gunnery-1 Auto-Pistol-0 Laser Carbine-0 he lied to the characters in order to entice them to help him
Elle is armed with a holstered Auto-Pistol and wears a steal this ship. But as far as he’s concerned, he did the
standard IISS uniform. She is on Neutral tactics. characters a big favor. Because Drake Edwards has one final
If there is gunfire, go to 101. Ace up his sleeve.
Drake knows the jump-coordinates to an uninhabited
104. The Jump Drives appear undamaged and completely star system one parsec from here. It’s uninhabited. That is,
operational. uninhabited apart from a station orbiting a gas giant. A
station run by Pirates. A station where a guy can get anything
105. When you arrive dirtside you contact Imperial for the right price...including an altered transponder. If the
authorities. Several marines show up and ask Drake to characters let him, Drake can take them to that system and
accompany them for interrogation. Drake resists vehemently have the Purcell’s identity completely altered. The ship will
and is ultimately beaten, handcuffed, and dragged kicking and have a new Imperial identification number, and will be listed as
screaming into an air/raft. That’s the last you hear from Drake a legal commercial vessel. Furthermore, its memory banks will
or from Imperial Authorities. Three days later, however, you be wiped clean, and no Imperial Authorities will ever be wiser
read an interesting piece in the local Traveller News Service: about this little mis-hap. And what’s in it for the characters?
Well, in the Purcell’s ship bay is a fully operational Type-S
The Traveller’s Aid Society is issuing an Amber Scout/Courier, the Duplicity. Although the Duplicity was
-37- -38-
damaged, it is easily reparable with the equipment on board characters let him, Drake can take them to that system and
the Purcell. Drake knows the characters have him over a have the Purcell’s identity completely altered. The ship will
barrel. So he’s willing to make a deal: have a new Imperial identification number, and will be listed as
If the characters let him have the Tender, Drake will a legal commercial vessel. Furthermore, its memory banks will
let them have the Duplicty. Both will have their memory banks be wiped clean, and no Imperial Authorities will ever be wiser
wiped clean, and both will have new transponder data that about this little mis-hap. And what’s in it for the characters?
makes them legal and pristine. The characters can use the Well, in the Purcell’s ship bay is a fully operational Type-S
Purcell’s fuel probe to re-fuel their own ship and follow him to Scout/Courier, the Duplicity. Although the Duplicity was
the hidden base. It may not sound like a fair trade, but damaged, it is easily reparable with the equipment on board
consider the options. The Purcell’s crew already sent for the Purcell. Drake knows the characters have him over a
help, and this very minute a System Defense Boat loaded with barrel. So he’s willing to make a deal:
marines its on its way. As soon as investigators find the If the characters let him have the Tender, Drake will
Purcell’s video tapes the characters are up to their necks in let them have the Scout/Courier. Both will have their memory
trouble. Furthermore, altering transponder data isn’t cheap. banks wiped clean, and both will have new transponder data
And Drake’s willing to take that on that expense himself, for that makes them legal and pristine. The characters can use the
both ships, but only in return for the Tender. Purcell’s fuel probe to re-fuel their own ship and follow him to
The characters don’t have long to make their the hidden base. It may not sound like a fair trade, but
decision. If they agree to Drake’s terms, go to 88. consider the options. This very minute a System Defense
If the characters kill Drake after he’s programmed the Boat loaded with marines its on its way. As soon as
navigation data into the computer, go to 12. investigators find the Purcell’s video tapes the characters are
If the characters decide to return planet-side, go to up to their necks in trouble. Furthermore, altering transponder
97. data isn’t cheap. And Drake’s willing to take that on that
expense himself, for both ships, but only in return for the
107. By now it’s obvious that the characters have been had. Tender.
Drake Edwards is unrepentant, however. Yes, that is not As you look into your Captain’s eyes, you know he’s
really his name. Yes, he was a member of the original band of not going to go for Drake’s deal. You make a side-long glance
Pirates that attacked the Purcell and was repulsed. And yes, to Drake, who nods toward you almost imperceptibly and then,
he lied to the characters in order to entice them to help him without moving his head, fixes his eyes on his laser carbine
steal this ship. But as far as he’s concerned, he did the sitting on the table between you. The implication of his look is
characters a big favor. Because Drake Edwards has one final clear...he’s gonna try and shoot his way out. You’re either
Ace up his sleeve. with him, or against him.
Drake knows the jump-coordinates to an uninhabited If you’re with him, everyone goes for their guns at
star system one parsec from here. It’s uninhabited. That is, Short Range. Start with the highest dexterity firing snapshots
uninhabited apart from a station orbiting a gas giant. A to the lowest dexterity firing snapshots, and then move to the
station run by Pirates. A station where a guy can get anything highest dexterity firing aimed shots to the lowest dexterity
for the right price...including an altered transponder. If the firing aimed shots. All NPC’s will fire snapshots.
-39- -40-
Assuming Drake and the characters survive, and you
agree to his terms, go to 88.
Assuming Drake and the characters survive, but you
decide to kill him after he’s programmed the navigation
coordinates into the computer, go to 12.
If the characters are rendered unconscious, go to 100.
If the characters are against Drake, the Captain sets a
course for the system’s planet. Go to 97.
-41- -42-
Appendix A: Lone Wolf In order to determine how many Aciton Points may
be used during a single Action Phase, simply divide the
Solitaire rules for Snapshot or Azhanti High Lightning1 character’s Action Points by 5 and round up. A character with
a 7 Dexterity and 7 Endurance, for example, would have 28
1: Assumptions Action Points, and would be able to use 6 Action Points per
The solitaire tactical situations have been turn.
programmed to be played with either Snapshot or Azhanti C. Snapshot Combat Armor: In order to better fit
High Lightning. To ensure that the programmed opponents Snapshot in with Azhanti High Lightning and Striker, treat
respond appropriately for both of these rules systems, ertain Combat Armor as Battle Dress with a Die Modifier of +2. That
assumptions have been made that slightly change each of is, it’s 2 easier to hit Combat Armor than it is to hit Battle
these rules systems. The Solitaire interpretations of these Dress.
rules should be as follows:
A. Azhanti High Lightning Decision Phase: 2: Programming Terms
Programmd characters ignore the Azhanti High Lightning A. Contact: Whenever a programmed character
decision phase, though player-characters and player- becomes active, its program will be defined by its TACTICS
controlled non-player characters do not. and its PATH. The first important concept to understand
Programmed characters act according to their when resolving character programming is CONTACT. Contact
programming during each Action Phase regardless of the is defined as the next move that will expose a character to an
Decision Phase. That is, a programmed character may cover enemy character’s covering fire. Contact-AB refers to exposure
during the first Action Phase, move during the second Action to an aimed, automatic burst (along the covering character’s
Phase, and aim during the third Action Phase. Although this line of sight with a weapon capable of auto-fire). Contact-A
gives programmed opponents an advantage, this advantage is refers to exposure to an aimed shot (along the covering
more than made up for their inability to react to unexpected character’s line of sight but armed with a semi-auto weapon).
situations. Contact-S refers to exposure to a snapshot (within the
B. Azhanti High Lightning Action Points: Instead of covering character’s fire arc but outside of its line of sight).
giving every character 30 Action Points, characters should B. Flanking: Another major concept is FLANKING.
calculate their Action Points similarly to Snapshot characters. FLANKING is defined as the next move that will bring a
A character’s Azhanti High Lightning Action Points are equal programmed character into the firing range of an enemy
to (Dexterity+Endurance) x 2. Most paragraph booklets will character that cannot fire. A Flanking move might bring a
describe Snapshot Action Points. In order to convert these to programmed character into an enemy’s side arc, where the
Azhanti High Lightning Action Points, simply multiply them enemy is not covering, or into an enemy’s front arc when the
by 2. enemy has spent all his action points.
C. Advantage: A third major concept is
ADVANTAGE. A programmed character has ADVANTAGE if
1 when it CONTACTS or FLANKS an enemy character it has a
Snapshot and Azhanti High Lightning are owned by better chance of wounding the enemy character than the
Far Future Enterprises,
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enemy character has of wounding it. For example, a Neutral and Aggressive.
programmed character equipped with a Gauss Rifle and A. Evasive Tactics:
Battledress may wish to enter a square that is being covered 1. Contact: It only move into Contact-AB if
by an enemy equipped with a Laser Rifle and a Vacc Suit. it has Domination. It will sneak into Contact-A if is
They are at Short Range to each other. The programmed has Advantage. It will move into Contact-S if it has
character has already used most of his action points and Advantage.
therefore can only snapfire on semi-auto. At short range vs. 2. Flank: It will move into Flank if it has
Cloth, the programmed character will cause a wound on a roll Advantage or Domination and sneak into Flank if it
of 8+ (factoring in the -2 Die Modifier for a snap attack). The doesn’t have Advantage or Domination.
covering character may make an aimed attack, however, and a 3. Movement: It will move normally unless
Laser Rifle vs. Battledress at Short Range results in a wound an enemy figure can reach it and fire on it before its
on a roll of 12+. The programmed character is therefore making next activation, in which case it will sneak.
CONTACT-A at Advantage. B. Neutral Tactics:
When determining whether a programmed character 1. Contact: It will only move into Contact-
has Advantage or Disadvantage, is Flanking or Contacting, AB if it has Domination or sneak into Contact-AB if it
use the most dangerous enemy character as a guide. For has Advantage. It will move into Contact-A if it has
example, if a programmed character could round a corner, and Domination or Advantage, and sneak into Contact-A
in doing so would find itself within 16 squares of an enemy if it doesn’t have Advantage but its enemy doesn’t
covering with a snapshot, and an enemy covering with aimed have Domination. It will move into Contact-S if its
fire, it would use the most dangerous figure, the enemy enemy doesn’t have Domination.
covering with aimed fire, as a guide. 2. Flank: It will move into Flank if has
D. Domination: The final major concept is Advantage or Domination, and sneak into Flank if it
DOMINATION. A programmed character has DOMINATION doesn’t have Advantage but its enemy doesn’t have
if when it CONTACTS or FLANKS an enemy character that Domination.
enemy character has no chance of wounding it. This is 3. Movement: It will move normally.
entirely possible for programmed characters wearing Battle C. Aggressive Tactics:
Dress. 1. Contact: It will move into Contact-AB if it
E. Azhanti High Lightning: These rules can be used has Advantage or sneak into Contact-AB if it doesn’t
with Azhanti High Lightning. But instead of determining have Advantage but its enemy doesn’t have
Advantage and Domination by the “to hit” rule, determine it Domination. It will always move into Contact-A or
by the wound roll. That is, if a weapon has no chance of Contact-S so long as its enemy doesn’t have
penetrating the programmed character’s armor, the Domination.
programmed character is considered to Dominate. 2. Flank: It will always move into Flank.
3. Movement: It will run/rush unless an
3. Programming Tactics: enemy figure can reach it and fire on it before its next
There are three basic programmed Tactics: Evasive, activation, in which case it will move normally.
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2. Neutral Characters will only attack TO’s if they
don’t have to leave their paths to do so (though they
4. Paths: will change their facings).
Enemy programmed characters will move along paths 3. Aggressive Characters will only attack TO’s if
are defined by upper- or lower- case letters (A-Z, a-z). Friendly they can do so during their current activation,
programmed characters will move along paths that are defined regardless of whether or not they must leave their
by roman or arabic numerals (I-X, 1-10). In programmed path to do so. They will return to their path by the
adventures, the path can be defined by adventure paragraphs. shortest possible route after killing the TO.
When a programmed character reaches a point in its
path where the designation changes from upper-case to For example, an Aggressive programmed animal
lower-case (A to a) or roman numerals to arabic numerals (X to armed with a Thrasher has 6 Action Points and faces a “T” in a
10), reduce that programmed character’s tactics by one level corridor. It can turn right, along its programmed path, and
(from neutral to evasive, for example). When a programmed move five squares (1 Action Point to turn, 5 to move) or, it
character reaches a point in its path where the designation could turn left, deviating from its programmed path, to attack
changes from lower-case to upper-case (a to A) or arabic an enemy character. Since the enemy character is 3 squares
numerals to roman numerals (10 to X), raise that programmed away, the animal could reach short range to it by expending 2
character’s tactics by one (neutral to aggressive, for example). Action Points (1 Action Point to turn, 1 Action Point to move
If a character is blocking an friendly character of a 1 Square, leaving 1 square between it and the target). It would
higher tactical rating (an evasive character blocking an then have 4 Action Points left to fire. The enemy character
aggressive character, for example), the blocking character’s therefore qualifies as a Target of Opportunity, since the animal
tactical rating will go up by one (the blocking character would could reach and attack it in the current activation. The enemy
first become neutral, and then, if still blocking the aggressive character is Covering-A, so checking the Aggressive tactics,
character after its activation, the blocking character will the animal will make contact with Covering-A so long as the
become aggressive). enemy doesn’t have Domination. In other words, so long as
A. Targets of Opportunity: Regardless of where a the animal can actually hurt the enemy character with a snap-
character is on its path, or what the character’s Tactics are, it attack, it will deviate from its path and attack the enemy
will always attempt to destroy Targets of Opportunity character. Even though the enemy character is wearing Battle
(abbreviated TO). Any time it can do so, it will attempt to Dress, the animal’s powerful Thrasher can still wound it on a
wound an enemy figure. If there are multiple targets of 9+ (7+ at Short range with a DM of -2 for the Snap Attack).
opportunity it will attack whichever TO against which it is The animal deviates from its path and rushes the enemy
most likely to score a woundl (the easiest target). Otherwise, it Target of Opportunity.
will attack the most dangerous TO (defined as the one most
likely to score a wound on it).
1. Evasive Characters will only attack TO’s if they
don’t have to change their facing or leave their paths
to do so.
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