MTH 106
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Table of Content Page
Introduction ……………………………………………………….
What you will learn in this course …………………………………
Course Aims ………………………………………………………
Course Objectives …………………………………………………
Working through this Course ……………………………………..
Course Materials …………………………………………………..
Study Units ………………………………………………………..
References ………………………………………………………..
Assignment File ……………………………………………………
Presentation Schedule ……………………………………………...
Assessment ………………………………………………………..
Tutor Marked Assignments ………………………………………..
Final Examination and Grading ……………………………………
Course Marking Scheme …………………………………………..
How to get the most from this course ……………………………..
Tutor and Tutorials ………………………………………………..
Summary …………………………………………………………..
MTH 106 - Mahematics for Management Sciences II is designed to teach you
how mathematics could be used in solving problems in the contemporary
business world. Therefore, the course is structured to expose you to the skills
required in other to attain a level of proficiency in business management.
Course Aims
There are ten study units in the course and each unit has its objectives. You
should read the objectives of each unit and bear them in mind as you go
through the unit. In addition to the objectives of each unit, the overall aims of
this course include:
(i) To introduce you to the words and concepts in business mathematics
(ii) To familiarize you with the peculiar characteristics in business
(iii) To expose you to the need for and the demands of mathematics in the
business world.
(iv) To prepare you for the contemporary business world.
Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are:
To inculcate appropriate mathematical skills required in business
Educate learners on how to use mathematical Techniques in solving
Educate the learners on how to integrate mathematical models in
Course Materials
Major components of the course are:
1. Course Guide
2. Study Units
3. Textbooks
4. CDs
5. Assignments File
6. Presentation Schedule
Study Units
The breakdown of the two modules and ten study units are as follows:
Unit 1 Sets & Subsets
Unit 2 Basic Set Operations
Unit 3 Set of Numbers
Unit 4 Functions
Unit 1 Annuity
Unit 3: Probability
Presentation Schedule
The Presentation Schedule included in your course materials gives you the
important dates for the completion of tutor-marked assignments and attending
tutorials. Remember, you are required to submit all your assignments by the
due date. You should guard against falling behind in your work.
Your assessment will be based on tutor-marked assignments (TMAs) and a
final examination which you will write at the end of the course.
Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA)
Every unit contains at least one or two assignments. You are advised to work
through all the assignments and submit them for assessment. Your tutor will
assess the assignments and select four which will constitute the 30% of your
final grade. The tutor-marked assignments may be presented to you in a
separate file. Just know that for every unit there are some tutor-marked
assignments for you. It is important you do them and submit for assessment.
Final Examination and Grading
At the end of the course, you will write a final examination which will
constitute 70% of your final grade. In the examination which shall last for two
hours, you will be requested to answer three questions out of at least five
Assessment Marks
In distance learning, the study units replace the university lecture. This is one
of the great advantages of distance learning; you can read and work through
specially designed study materials at your own pace, and at a time and place
that suits you best. Think of it as reading the lecture instead of listening to the
lecturer. In the same way a lecturer might give you some reading to do, the
study units tell you when to read, and which are your text materials or set
books. You are provided exercises to do at appropriate points, just as a lecturer
might give you an in-class exercise. Each of the study units follows a common
format. The first item is an introduction to the subject matter of the unit, and
how a particular unit is integrated with the other units and the course as a
whole. Next to this is a set of learning objectives. These objectives let you
know what you should be able to do by the time you have completed the unit.
These learning objectives are meant to guide your study. The moment a unit is
finished, you must go back and check whether you have achieved the
objectives. If this is made a habit, then you will significantly improve your
chances of passing the course. The main body of the unit guides you through
the required reading from other sources. This will usually be either from your
set books or from a Reading section. The following is a practical strategy for
working through the course. If you run into any trouble, telephone your tutor.
Remember that your tutor‘s job is to help you. When you need assistance, do
not hesitate to call and ask your tutor to provide it.
In addition do the following:
1. Read this Course Guide thoroughly, it is your first assignment.
2. Organise a Study Schedule. Design a Course Overview ‟ to guide you
through the Course‖. Note the time you are expected to spend on each unit and
how the assignments relate to the units. Important information, e.g. details of
your tutorials, and the date of the first day of the Semester is available from the
study centre. You need to gather all the information into one place, such as
your diary or a wall calendar. Whatever method you choose to use, you should
decide on and write in your own dates and schedule of work for each unit.
3. Once you have created your own study schedule, do everything to stay
faithful to it. The major reason that students fail is that they get behind with
their course work. If you get into difficulties with your schedule, please, let
your tutor know before it is too late for help.
4. Turn to Unit 1, and read the introduction and the objectives for the unit.
5. Assemble the study materials. You will need your set books and the unit you
are studying at any point in time.
6. Work through the unit. As you work through the unit, you will know what
sources to consult for further information.
7. Keep in touch with your study centre. Up-to-date course information will be
continuously available there.
8. Well before the relevant due dates (about 4 weeks before due dates), keep in
mind that you will learn a lot by doing the assignment carefully. They have
been designed to help you meet the objectives of the course and, therefore, will
help you pass the examination. Submit all assignments not later than the due
9. Review the objectives for each study unit to confirm that you have achieved
them. If you feel unsure about any of the objectives, review the study materials
or consult your tutor.
10. When you are confident that you have achieved a unit‘s objectives, you can
start on the next unit. Proceed unit by unit through the course and try to pace
your study so that you keep yourself on schedule.
11. When you have submitted an assignment to your tutor for marking, do not
wait for its return before starting on the next unit. Keep to your schedule.
When the Assignment is returned, pay particular attention to your tutor‘s
comments, both on the tutor-marked assignment form and also the written
comments on the ordinary assignments.
12. After completing the last unit, review the course and prepare yourself for
the final examination. Check that you have achieved the unit objectives (listed
at the beginning of each unit) and the course objectives (listed in the Course
Tutors and Tutorials
The dates, times and locations of these tutorials will be made available to you,
together with the name, telephone number and the address of your tutor. Each
assignment will be marked by your tutor. Pay close attention to the comments
your tutor might make on your assignments as these will help in your progress.
Make sure that assignments reach your tutor on or before the due date.
Your tutorials are important therefore try not to skip any. It is an opportunity to
meet your tutor and your fellow students. It is also an opportunity to get the
help of your tutor and discuss any difficulties encountered on your reading.
This course would train you on the concept of multimedia, production and
utilization of it.
Wish you the best of luck as you read through this course
Course Code MTH 106
National Open University of Nigeria
Headquarters: 14/16 Ahmadu Bello Way, PMB 80067
Victoria Island, Lagos
First Printed
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Printed by
For National Open University of Nigeria
Unit 1 Sets & Subsets
Unit 2 Basic Set Operations
Unit 3 Set of Numbers
Unit 4 Functions
Unit 1 Annuity
Unit 1 Sets & Subsets
Unit 2 Basic Set Operations
Unit 3 Set of Numbers
Unit 4 Functions
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Body
3.1 Sets
3.1.1 Notation
3.1.2 Finite and Infinite sets
3.1.3 Equality of sets
3.1.4 Null Set
3.2 Subsets
3.2.1 Proper subsets
3.2.2 Comparability
3.2.3 Set of sets
3.2.4 Universal set
3.2.5 Power set
3.2.6 Disjoint sets
3.3 Venn-Euler diagrams
3.4 Axiomatic development of set theory
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor-Marked assignment
7.0 References and Further readings
This unit aims at introducing basic concepts that would be explained further in
subsequent units. There will be definition of terms and lots of examples and
exercises to help you as you go along.
3.1 SETS
The objects in sets, as we shall see from examples, can be anything: But for
clarity, we now list ten particular examples of sets:
1.6 The students who are absent from school Example 1.7
Note that the sets in the odd numbered examples are defined, that is, presented,
by actually listing its members; and the sets in the even numbered examples
are defined by stating properties that is, rules, which decide whether or not a
particular object is a member of the set.
3.1.1 Notation
A, B, X, Y,......
Lower case letters will usually represent the elements in our sets:
That is, the elements are separated by commas and enclosed in brackets { }.
Exercise 1.1
1. A = {x}│x ² = 4²}
2. B = {x}│x – 2 = 5}
3. C = {x}│x is positive, x is negative}
1. It reads ―A is the set of x such that x squared equals four‖. The only
numbers which when squared give four are 2 and -2. Hence A = {2, -2}
2. It reads ―B is the set of x such that x minus 2 equals 5‖. The only
solution is 7; hence B = {7}
4. It reads ―D is the set of x such that x is letter in the work ‗correct‘. The
indicated letters a re c,o,r,e and t; thus D = {c,o,r,e,t}
But if we define a particular set by stating properties which its elements must
satisfy, for example, let B be the set of all even numbers, then we use a letter,
usually x, to represent an arbitrary element and we write:
B = {x│x is even}
Which reads ―B is the set of numbers x such that x is even‖. We call this the
set builders form of a set. Notice that the vertical line ―│‖ is read ―such as‖.
In order to illustrate the use of the above notations, we rewrite the sets in
examples 1.1-1.10. We denote the sets by A 1, A 2, ..... A10 respectively.
Example 2.6: A6 = {x │ x is a student and x is absent from school}
Exercise 1.2
4. Let D = {3}
4. D = {x │x – 2 = 1} = {x│2x = 6}
It is a common custom in mathematics to put a vertical line ―‖ or ― \ ‖
through a symbol to indicate the opposite or negative meaning of the symbol.
Example 4:1: Let M be the set of the days of the week. The M is finite
4. {x | x is even}
5. {1, 2, 3,........}
The first three sets are finite. Although physically it might be impossible to
count the number of people on the earth, the set is still finite. The last two sets
are infinite. If we ever try to count the even numbers, we would never come to
the end.
3.1.3 Equality of Sets
Set A is equal to set B if they both have the same members, i.e if every
element which belongs to A also belongs to B and if every element which
belongs to B also belongs to A. We denote the equality of sets A and B by:
3,1,4 and 2 of B belongs to A. Note therefore that a set does not change if its
elements are rearranged.
Example 5.3 Let E={x | x²–3x = -2}, F={2,1} and G ={1,2,2, 1},
Then E= F= G
It is convenient to introduce the concept of the empty set, that is, a set which
contains no elements. This set is sometimes called the null set.
We say that such a set is void or empty, and we denote its symbol ∅
Example 6.1: Let A be the set of people in the world who are older than 200
years. According to known statistics A is the null set.
Example 7.2
The set E = {2,4,6} is a subset of F = {6,2,4}, since each number 2,4, and 6
belonging to E also belongs to F. Note, in particular, that E = F. In a similar
manner it can be shown that every set is a subset of itself.
Example 7.3
With the above definition of a subset, we are able to restate the definition of
the equality of two sets.
Two set A and B are equal, i.e. A = B, if an only if A⊂B and B⊂A. If A is a
subset of B, then we can also write:
if A is not a subset of B.
Conclusively, we state:
3.2.1 Proper Subsets
Since every set A is a subset of itself, we call B a proper subset of A if, first, is
a subset of A and secondly, if B is not equal to A. More briefly, B is a proper
subset of A if:
3.2.2 Comparability
A⊂B or B⊂A;
That is, if one of the sets is a subset of the other set. Moreover, two sets A and
B are said to be not comparable if:
Example 8.2: Let R – {a,b} and S = {b,c,d}. Then R and S are not
comparable, since a∈R and a∉S and c∉R
In mathematics, many statements can be proven to be true by the use of
previous assumptions and definitions. In fact, the essence of mathematics
consists of theorems and their proofs. We now proof our first
Proof: (Notice that we must show that any element in A is also an element in
C). Let x be an element of A, that is, let x∈A. Since A is a subset of B, x also
belongs to B, that is, x∈B. But by hypothesis, B⊂C; hence every element of B,
which includes x, is a number of C. We have shown that x∈A implies x∈C.
Accordingly, by definition, A⊂C.
It sometimes will happen that the object of a set are sets themselves; for
example, the set of all subsets of A. In order to avoid saying ―set of sets‖, it is
common practice to say ―family of sets‖ or ―class of sets‖. Under the
circumstances, and in order to avoid confusion, we sometimes will let script
letters A, B,..........
Denote families, or classes, of sets since capital letters already denote their
Example 9.2: The set {{2,3}, {2}, {5,6}} is a family of sets. Its members are
the sets {2,3}, {2} and {5,6}.
Theoretically, it is possible that a set has some members, which are sets
themselves and some members which are not sets, although in any application
of the theory of sets this case arises infrequently.
Example 9.3: Let A = {2, {1,3}, 4, {2,5}}. Then A is not a family of sets; here
some elements of A are sets and some are not.
In any application of the theory of sets, all the sets under investigation will
likely be subsets of a fixed set. We call this set the universal set or universe of
discourse. We denote this set by U.
Example 10.1: In plane geometry, the universal set consists of all the points in
the plane.
Example 10.2: In human population studies, the universal set consists of all
the people in the world.
The family of all the subsets of any set S is called the power set of S.
Example 11.2: Let T = {4,7,8} then 2T = {T, {4,7}, {4,8}, {7,8}, {4}, {7},
{8}, ∅}
If a set S is finite, say S has n elements, then the power set of S can be shown
to have 2n elements. This is one reason why the class of subsets of S is called
the power set of S and is denoted by 2S.
Example 12.1: Let A = {1,3,7,8} and B = {2,4,7,9}, Then A and B are not
disjoint since 7 is in both sets, i.e 7∈A and 7∈B
Example 12.2: Let A be the positive numbers and let B be the negative
numbers. Then A and B are disjoint since no number is both positive and
Example 12.3: Let E = {x, y, z} and F = {r, s, t}, Then E and F are disjoint.
Example 13.1: Suppose A⊂B and, say, A≠B, then A and B can be described
by either diagram
Example 13.2: Suppose A and B are not comparable. Then A and B can be
represented by the diagram on the right if they are disjoint, or the diagram on
the let if they are not disjoint.
Example 13.3: Let A = {a, b, c, d} and B= {c, d, e, f}. Then we illustrate these
sets a Venn diagram of the form:
a c e
b d f
1. Undefined terms
2. Undefined relations
3. Axioms relating the undefined terms and undefined relations. Then, one
develops theorems based upon the axioms and definitions Example 14:1:
Axiom 1: Two different points are on one and only one line
Axiom 2: Two different lines cannot contain more than one point in common
Axiom of Extension: Two sets A and B are equal if and only if every element
in A belongs to B and every element in B belongs to A.
Axiom of Specification: Let P(x) be any statement and let A be any set. Then
there exists a set:
Here, P(x) is a sentence in one variable for which P(a) is true or false for any
a∈A. for example P(x) could be the sentence ―x² = 4‖ or ―x is a member of the
United Nations‖
You have been introduced to basic concepts of sets, set notation e.t.c that will
be built upon in other units. If you have not mastered them by now you will
notice you have to come back to this unit from time to time.
Given a set A with elements 1,3,5,7 the tabular form of representing this
set is A = {1, 3, 5, 7}.
Two sets of A and B are said to be equal if they both have the same
elements, written A = B
The null set,∅ , contains no elements and is a subset of every set
The power set 2² of any set S is the family of all the subsets of S
Two sets A and B are said to be disjoint if they do not have any element
in common, i.e their intersection is a null set.
2. R is a superset of S
3. d is a member of E
4. F is not a subset of G
2. {1,2,3,......99, 100}
4. {x | x is even}
5. {1,2,3........)
The first three set are finite. Although physically it might be impossible to
count the number of people on the earth, the set is still finite. The last two set
are infinite. If we ever try to count the even numbers we would never come to
the end.
4. Which word is different from each other, and why: (1) empty, (2) void, (3)
zero, (4) null?
Seymour, L.S. (1964). Outline Series: Theory and Problems of Set Theory and
related topics, pp. 1 – 133.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.1.1 Union
3.1.2 Intersection
3.1.3 Difference
3.1.4 Complement
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
You will notice in subsequent units that you cannot talk of sets without
reference, sort of, to these operations.
Compare two sets and/or assign to them another set depending on their
In arithmetic, we learn to add, subtract and multiply, that is, we assign to each
pair of numbers x and y a number x + y called the sum of x and y, a number x
– y called the difference of x and y, and a number xy called the product of x
and y. These assignments are called the operations of addition, subtraction and
multiplication of numbers. In this unit, we define the operation Union,
Intersection and difference of sets, that is, we will assign new pairs of sets A
and B. In a later unit, we will see that these set operations behave in a manner
some what similar to the above operations on numbers.
3.1.1 Union
The union of sets A and B is the set of all elements which belong to A or to B
or to both. We denote the union of A and B by;
Example 1.1: In the Venn diagram in fig 2-1, we have shaded A∪B,
A∪B is shaded
Fig 2.1
Example 1.3: Let P be the set of positive real numbers and let Q be the set of
negative real numbers. The P∪Q, the union of P and Q, consist of all the real
numbers except zero. The union of A and B may also be defined concisely by:
Remark 2.1: It follows directly from the definition of the union of two sets
that A∪B and B∪A are the same set, i.e.,
A∪B = B∪A
Remark 2.2: Both A and B are always subsets of A and B that is,
In some books, the union of A and B is denoted by A + B and is called the set-
theoretic sum of A and B or, simply, A plus B
3.1.2 Intersection
The Intersection of sets A and B is the set of elements which are common to A
and B, that is, those elements which belong to A and which belong to B. We
denote the intersection of A and B by:
Example 2.1: In the Venn diagram in fig 2.2, we have shaded A∩B, the area
that is common to both A and B
A∩B is shaded
Fig 2.2
Example 2.2: Let S = {a, b, c, d} and T = {f, b, d, g}. Then S∩T = {b, d}
Remark 2.3: It follows directly from the definition of the intersection of two
sets that;
A∩B =B∩A
Remark 2.4:
Remark 2.5: If sets A and B have no elements in common, i.e. if A and B are
disjoint, then the intersection of A and B is the null set, i.e. A∩B =∅
In some books, especially on probability, the intersection of A and B is
denoted by AB and is called the set-theoretic product of A and B or, simply, A
times B.
The difference of sets A and B is the set of elements which belong to A but
which do not belong to B. We denote the difference of A and B by A – B
Example 3.1: In the Venn diagram in Fig 2.3, we have shaded A – B, the area
in A which is not part of B.
A – B is shaded
Fig 2.3
Example 3.2: Let R be the set of real numbers and let Q be the set of rational
numbers. Then R – Q consists of the irrational numbers.
A – B = {xx∈A, x∉B}
(A – B)⊂A
Remark 2.7: The sets (A – B), A∩B and (B – A) are mutually disjoint, that is,
the intersection of any two is the null set.
3.1.4 Complement
The complement of a set A is the set of elements that do not belong to A, that
is, the difference of the universal set U and A. We denote the complement of A
by A′
Example 4.1: In the Venn diagram in Fig 2.4, we shaded the complement of
A, i.e. the area outside A. Here we assume that the universal set U consists of
the area in the rectangle.
A‘ is shaded
Fig. 2.4
Example 4.2: Let the Universal set U be the English alphabet and let T = {a,
b, c}. Then;
T‘ = {d, e, f, ....., y, z}
Example 4.3:
Then E′ = {1, 3, 5, ...}, the odd numbers. Here we assume that the universal set
is the natural numbers, 1, 2, 3,.....
The complement of A may also be defined concisely by;
A′= {xx∉A}
We state some facts about sets, which follow directly from the definition of the
complement of a set.
Remark 2.8: The union of any set A and its complement A′ is the universal
set, i.e.,
A∪A‘ = U
A∩A‘ = ∅
Remark 2.9: The complement of the universal set U is the null set ∅, and vice
versa, that is,
U‘ = ∅ and ∅‘ = U
Remark 2.10: The complement of the complement of set A is the set A itself.
More briefly,
(A′)′ = A
Our next remark shows how the difference of two sets can be defined in terms
of the complement of a set and the intersection of two sets. More specifically,
we have the following basic relationship:
A – B = A∩B′
We illustrate Theorem 2.3 by the Venn diagrams in Fig 2-5 and 2-6. Notice
how the area of B‘ is included in the area of A‘.
B′ is shaded A′ is shaded
1. In the Venn diagram below, shade A Union B, that is, A∪B:
The union of A and B is the set of all elements that belong to A and to B or to
both. We therefore shade the area in A and B as follows:
To form the union of A and B we put all the elements from A together with the
elements of B Accordingly,
A∪B = {1,2,3,4,6,8}
A∪C = { 1,2,3,4,5,6}
B∪C = {2,4,6,8,3,5}
B∪B = {2,4,6,8}
Notice that B∪B is precisely B.
1. We first find (A∪B) = {1,2,3,4,6,8}. Then the union of {A∪B} and C is
(A∪B)∪C = {1,2,3,4,6,8,5}
You have seen how the basic operations of Union, Intersection, Difference and
Complement on sets work like the operations on numbers. These are also the
basic symbols associated with set theory.
The basic set operations are Union, Intersection, Difference and Complement
defined as:
The Union of sets A and B, denoted by A∪B, is the set of all elements,
which belong to A or to B or to both.
2. Prove: A∩∅=∅.
5. Prove: B – A is a subset of A‘
Seymour, L.S. (1964). Outline Series: Theory and Problems of Set Theory and
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.1.1 Integers, Z
3.3 Inequalities
3.5 Intervals
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
Although, the theory of sets is very general, important sets, which we meet in
elementary mathematics, are sets of numbers. Of particular importance,
especially in analysis, is the set of real numbers, which we denote by R
In fact, we assume in this unit, unless otherwise stated, that the set of real
numbers R is out universal set. We first review some elementary properties of
real numbers before applying our elementary principles of set theory to sets of
numbers. The set of real numbers and its properties is called the real number
After studying this unit, you should be able to do the following:
One of the most important properties of the real numbers is that points on a
straight line that can represent them. As in Fig 3.1, we choose a point, called
the origin, to represent 0 and another point, usually to the right, to represent 1.
Then there is a natural way to pair off the points on the line and the real
numbers, that is, each point will represent a unique real number and each real
number will be represented by a unique point. We refer to this line as the real
line. Accordingly, we can use the words point and number interchangeably.
Those numbers to the right of 0, i.e. on the same side as 1, are called the
positive numbers and those numbers to the left of 0 are called the negative
numbers. The number 0 itself is neither positive nor negative.
‐ ½ 2
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Fig 3.1
3.1.2 Integers, Z
Z = { …, -2, - 1, 0, 1, 2,…}
One important property of the integers is that they are ―closed‖ under the
operations of addition, multiplication and subtraction; that is, the sum, product
and difference of two integers is again in integer. Notice that the quotient of
two integers, e.g. 3 and 7, need not be an integer; hence the integers are not
closed under the operation of division.
The rational numbers are those real numbers, which can be expressed as the
ratio of two integers. We denote the set of rational numbers by Q. Accordingly,
Notice that each integer is also a rational number since, for example, 5 = 5/1;
hence Z is a subset of Q.
The rational numbers are closed not only under the operations of addition,
multiplication and subtraction but also under the operation of division (except
by 0). In other words, the sum, product, difference and quotient (except by 0)
of two rational numbers is again a rational number.
3.1.4 Natural Numbers, N
The natural numbers are the positive integers. We denote the set of natural
numbers by N; hence N = {1,2,3…..}
The natural numbers were the first number system developed and were used
primarily, at one time, for counting. Notice the following relationship between
the above numbers systems:
The natural numbers are closed only under the operation of addition and
multiplication. The difference and quotient of two natural numbers needed not
be a natural number.
The prime numbers are those natural numbers p, excluding 1, which are only
divisible 1 and p itself. We list the first few prime numbers:
The irrational numbers are those real numbers which are not rational, that is,
the set of irrational numbers is the complement of the set of rational numbers
Q in the real numbers R; hence Q‘ denote the irrational numbers. Examples of
irrational numbers are 3, , 2, etc.
Fig 3.2 below is a line diagram of the various sets of number, which we have
investigated. (For completeness, the diagram include the sets of complex
numbers, number of the form a + bi where a and b are real. Notice that the set
of complex numbers is superset of the set of real numbers.)
Complex Numbers
Real Numbers
Prime Numbers
Fig 3.2
3/8 = .375
Or 3/8 = .374999…
We now state the basic fact connecting decimals and real numbers. The
rational numbers correspond precisely to those decimals in which a block of
digits is continually repeated, and the irrational numbers correspond to the
other non-terminating decimals.
written a < b
If b – a is a positive number.
The following properties of the relation a < b can be proven. Let a, b and c be
real numbers; then:
Geometrically, if a < b then the point a on the real line lies to the left of the
point b.
a < b or b > a
Example 1.2: The notation x < 5 means that x is a real number which is less
The notation 2 < x < 7; means 2 < x and also x < 7; hence x will lie between 2
and 7 on the real line.
Remark 3.1: Notice that the concept of order, i.e. the relation a < b, is defined
in terms of the concept of positive numbers. The fundamental property of the
positive numbers which is used to prove properties of the relation a < b is that
the positive numbers are closed under the operations of addition and
multiplication. Moreover, this fact is intimately connected with the fact that the
natural numbers are also closed under the operations of addition and
Remark 3.2: The following statements are true when a, b, c are any real
1. a < a
x = x if x > 0
-x if x < 0
Example 2.2: The statement x < 5 can be interpreted to mean that the
distance between x and the origin is less than 5, i.e. x must lies between -5 and
5 on the real line. In other words,
Notice, that the four sets contain only the points that lie between 2 and 5 with
the possible exceptions of 2 and/or 5. We call these sets intervals, the numbers
2 and 5 being the endpoints of each interval. Moreover, A1 is an open interval
as it does not contain either end point: A2 is a closed interval as it contains
bother endpoints; A3 and A4 are open-closed and closed-open respectively.
We display, i.e. graph, these sets on the real line as follows.
- - - - - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
- - - - - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
- - - - - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
- - - - - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Notice that in each diagram we circle the endpoints 2 and 5 and thicken (or
shade) the line segment between the points. If an interval includes an endpoint,
then this is denoted by shading the circle about the endpoint.
A1 = (2, 5)
A2 = [2, 5]
A3 = (2, 5)
A4 = [2, 5)
3.5.1 Properties of Intervals
Let be the family of all intervals on the real line. We include in the null
set and single points a = [a, a]. Then the intervals have the following
A = {xx > 1}
B = {x x > 2
C = {x x < 3}
D = {x x < 4}
E = {x x }
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
A is Shaded
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
B is Shaded
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
C is Shaded
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
D is Shaded
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
E is Shaded
Definition 3.1: Set A is bounded if there exists a positive number M such that
x < M.
Example 4.3: Let A = {7, 350, -473, 2322, 42}. Then A is bounded
The set of real numbers is of utmost importance in analysis. All (except the set
of complex numbers) other sets of numbers are subsets of the set of real
numbers as can be seen from the line diagram of the number system.
In this unit, you have been introduced to the sets of numbers. The set of real
numbers, , contains the set of integers, Z, Rational numbers, Q, Natural
numbers, N, and Irrational numbers, Q‘.
2. Under what conditions will the union of two disjoint interval be an interval?
3. If two sets R and S are bounded, what can be said about the union and
Intersection of these sets?
Seymour, L.S. (1964). Outline Series: Theory and Problems of Set Theory and
related topics, pp. 1 – 133.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.1 Definition
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
In this unit, you will be introduced to the concept of functions, mappings and
transformations. You will also be given instructive and typical examples of
f: A B
which reads ―f is a function of A onto B‖. The set A is called the domain of
the function f, and B is called the co-domain of f. Further, if a A the element
in B which is assigned to a is called the image of a and is denoted by; f(a)
which reads ―f of a‖.
Example 1.1: Let f assign to each real number its square, that is, for every real
number x let f(x) = x2. The domain and co-domain of f are both the real
numbers, so we can write: f: >
The image of -3 is 9; hence we can also write f (-3) = 9
or f : 3 9
Example 1.2: Let f assign to each country in the world its capital city. Here,
the domain of f is the set of countries in the world; the co-domain of f is the list
of capital cities in the world. The image of France is Paris, that is, f(France) =
Example 1.4: Let A = {-1, 1}. Let f assign to each rational number in the
number 1, and to each irrational number in the number -1. Then f: A,
and f can be defined concisely by
f(x) = 1 if x is rational
-1 if a is irrational
Notice that the functions in examples 1.1 and 1.4 are defined by specific
formulas. But this need not always be the case, as is indicated by the other
examples. The rules of correspondence which define functions can be
diagrams as in example 1.5, can be geographical as in example 1.2, or, when
the domain is finite, the correspondence can be listed for each element in the
domain as in example 1.4.
If A and B are sets in general, not necessarily sets of numbers, then a function f
of A into B is frequently called a mapping of A into B; and the notation
f: A ---> B is then read ―f maps A into B‖. We can also denote a mapping, or
function, f of A into B by
A >B
Or by the diagram
f B
If the domain and co-domain of a function are both the same set, say
If f and g are functions defined on the same domain D and if f (a) = g (a) for
every a D, then the functions f and g are equal and we write f = g
Example 2.1: Let f (x) = x2 where x is a real number. Let g(x) = x2 where x is
a complex number. Then the function f is not equal to g since they have
different domains.
Example 2.3: Let f: and g:. Suppose f is defined by f(x) = x2 and
g by g(y) = y2. Then f and g are equal functions, that is, f = g. Notice that x and
y are merely dummy variable in the formulas defining the functions.
Let f be the mapping of A into B, that is, let f: A B. Each element in B need
not appear as the image of an element in A. We define the range of f to consist
precisely of those elements in B which appear and the image of at least one
element in A. We denote the range of f: A
By f(A)
Example 3.1: Let the function f: be defined by the formula f(x) = x2.
Then the range of f consists of the positive real numbers and zero.
Example 3.2: Let f: A B be the function in Example 1.3. Then f(A) = {b, c}
Example 4.1: Let the function f: be defined by the formula f(x) = x2.
Then f is not a one-one function since f(2) = f(-2) = 4, that is, since the image
of two different real numbers, 2 and -2, is the same number, 4.
Example 4.2: Let the function f: be defined by the formula f(x) = x3.
Then f is a one-one mapping since the cubes of the different real numbers are
themselves different.
Example 4.3: The function f which assigns to each country in the world, its
capital city is one-one since different countries have a different capital that is
no city is the capital of two different countries.
Let f be a function of A into B. Then the range f(A) of the function f is a subset
of B, that is, f(A) B. If f(A) = B, that is, if every member of B appears as the
image of at least one element of A, then we say ―f is a function of A onto B‖,
or ―f maps A onto B‖, of ―f is an onto or Subjective function”.
Example 5.1: Let the function f: be defined by the formula f(x) = x2.
Then f is not an onto function since the negative numbers do not appear in the
range of f, that is no negative number is the square of a real number.
Example 5.2: Let f: A B be the function in Example 1.3. Notice that f(A) =
{b, c}. Since B = {a, b, c} the range of f does not equal co-domain, i.e. is not
f(A) = {x, y, z} = B that is, the range of f is equal to the co-domain B. Thus f
maps A onto B, i.e. f is an onto mapping.
Let A be any set. Let the function f: A A be defined b y the formula f(x) = x,
that is, let f assign to each element in A the element itself. Then f is called the
identity function or the identity transformation on A. We denote this function
by 1 or by 1A.
(g o f) : A C defined by
(g o f)(a) = g (f(a))
(g 0 f)
a x r
b y s
c z t
Example 7.2: To each real number let f assign its square, i.e. let f(x) = x2. To
each real number let g assign the number plus 3, i.e. let g(x) = x + 3. Then
that is, the product of any function and identity is the function itself.
f g h
(g 0 f)
(ho (g o f)
Fig. 4.1
(h 0 g)
(ho (g o f)
Fig 4.2
o o o
Both h (g f) and (h g) o f are function of A into D. A basic theorem on
functions states that these functions are equal. Specifically,
(h o g) o f = h o (g o f)
Consist of those elements in A which are mapped onto b, that is, those element
in A which have m as their image. More briefly, if f: A B then
Then f -1 (x) = {b, c}, since both b and c have x as their image point.
-1 -1
Also, f (y) = {a}, as only a is mapped into y. The inverse of z, f (z), is the
null set , since no element of A is mapped into z.
Example 8.2: Let f: , the real numbers, be defined by the formula f(x)
= x2. Then f -1
(4) = {2, -2}, since 4 is the image of both 2 and -2 and there is
no other real number whose square is four. Notice that f -1
(-3) = , since there
is no element in whose square is -3.
Example 8.3: Let f be a function of the complex numbers into the complex
Notice that the function in Example 8.2 and 8.3 are different although they are
defined by the same formula.
We now extend the definition of the inverse of a function. Let f: A B and let
D be a subset of B, that is, D B. Then the inverse of D under the mapping f,
denoted by f (D), consists of those elements in A which are mapped onto
some element in D. More briefly,
x r
y s
z t
Then f -1 (D) = {x-3 < x < -2 or 2 < x < 3}
Example 9.3: Let f: A B be any function. Then f (B) = A, since every
element in A has its image in B. If f(A) denote the range of the function f, then
f -1 (f(A)) = A
Here f -1 has two meanings, as the inverse of an element of B and as the inverse
of a subset of B.
a f x
b y
c z
Notice that f is one-one and onto. Therefore f -1, the inverse function exists.
y b
z c
a 1
b 2
c 3
f g
Let a A; then its image f (x) is in B which is the domain of g. Accordingly,
we can find the image of f (a) under the mapping of g, that is, we can find g
(f(a)). Thus, we have a rule which assigns to each element a A a
corresponding element (f(a)) C. In other words, we have a function of A into
C. This new function is called the product function or composition function
of f and g and it is denoted by (g o f) or (gf)
Notice further, that if we send the arrows in the opposite direction in the first
diagram of f we essentially have the diagram of f -1.
Since f(a) = y and f(c) = y, the function f is not one-one. Therefore, the inverse
function f -1 does not exist. As f -1 (y) = {a, c}, we cannot assign both a and c to
the element y B.
a x
b y
c z
Example 10.3: Let f: , the real numbers, be defined by f(x) = x3. Notice
that f is one-one and onto.
Hence f -1: exists. In fact, we have a formula which defines the inverse
function, f -1 (x) = 3x.
f f
(f‐1 0 f)
That we can form the product (f -1 o f) which maps A into A, and we see by the diagram
f ‐1 f
(f‐1 0 f)
That we can form the product function (f o f -1) which maps B into B. We now
state the basic theorems on the inverse function:
Theorem 4.2: Let the function f: A B be one-one and onto; i.e. the inverse
function f -1: B A exists. Then the product function
(f -1 o f): A A
is the identity function on A, and the product function (f f -1): B B is the
identity function on B.
Both conditions are necessary in Theorem 4.3 as we shall see from the
example below;
X a a x
b b
y c c y
(a) (b)
I believe that by now you fully grasp the idea of functions, mappings and
transformations. This knowledge will be built upon in subsequent units.
Recall that in this unit we have studied concepts such as mappings and
functions. We have also examined the concepts of one-to-one and onto
functions. This concept has allowed us to explain equality between two sets.
We also established in the unit that the inverse of f: A – B usually denoted f-1,
exit, if f is a one-to-one and onto function.
It is instructive to note that Inverse function is not studied in isolation but more
importantly a useful and powerful tool in understanding calculus.
a. Express f in words
Find x and y.
3. Prove: A x (B C) = (A x B) (A x C)
Seymour L.S. (1964). Outline Series: Theory and Problems of Set Theory and
related topics, pp. 1 – 133.
Unit 1 Annuity
Unit 4 Functions
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.1 Annuity
3.2 Valuation
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
At some point in life, one may have had to make a series of fixed payments
over a period of time, such as rent or car payment or have received a series of
payments over a period of time, such as bond coupons. These are called
annuities. If you understand the time value of money, you are ready to learn
about annuities and how their present and future values are calculated.
Annuities are essentially a series or fixed payments required from you or paid
to you at a specified frequency over the course of a fixed time period. The
most common payment frequencies are yearly, semi-annually (twice a year),
quarterly and monthly. There are two types of annuities and annuities due.
Ordinary Annuity: Payments are required at the end of each period. For
example, straight bonds usually pay coupon payments at the end of every six
months until the bonds maturity date.
At some point in your life, you may have had to make a series of fixed
payments over a period of time - such as rent or car payments - or have
received a series of payments over a period of time, such as bond coupons.
These are called annuities. If you understand the time value of money, you're
ready to learn about annuities and how their present and future values are
If you know how much you can invest per period for a certain time period, the
future value of an ordinary annuity formula is useful for finding out how much
you would have in the future by investing at your given interest rate. If you are
making payments on a loan, the future value is useful in determining the total
cost of the loan.
Lets now run through Example 1. Consider the following annuity cash flow
o , 1 3
• s
SIOOO 51000 $l()OC) 51000 S'1OOO
To calculate the future value of the annuity, we have to calculate the future
value of each cash flow. Let's assume that you are receiving $1,000 every year
for the next five years, and you invested each payment at 5%. The following
diagram shows how much you would have at the end of the five-year period:
o 1 1 J .. 5
$1000 SlCXlO $1000 5U)OO ~tQOO
I ~ _$1000"(1.051°. s.,ooo~oa
I'-----------+ ...
' - $'000"(•.051'- $10$0.00
•• - SI000"'(1.0"Slf - $"02:.50
S\000"(1.0S)· ....$1' SP.'"
$1000"('.05,'. :$12.....
value Of an Otdlnaf')! Annuity. SS5:l.S.,.
Since we have to add the future value of each payment, you may have noticed
that if you have an ordinary annuity with many cash flows, it would take a long
time to calculate all the future values and then add them together. Fortunately,
mathematics provides a formula that serves as a shortcut for finding the
accumulated value of all cash flows received from an ordinary annuity:
C = Cash flow per period
i = interest rate
n = number of payments
Using the above formula for Example 1 above, this is the result:
= $1000*[5.53]
= $ 5525.63
Note that the 1 cent difference between $5,525.64 and $5,525.63 is due to a
rounding error in the first calculation. Each value of the first calculation must
be rounded to the nearest penny - the more you have to round numbers in a
calculation, the more likely rounding errors will occur. So, the above formula
not only provides a shortcut to finding FV of an ordinary annuity but also gives
a more accurate result.
If you would like to determine today's value of a future payment series, you
need to use the formula that calculates the present value of an ordinary annuity.
This is the formula you would use as part of a bond pricing calculation. The
PV of an ordinary annuity calculates the present value of the coupon payments
that you will receive in the future. More than 50% of retirement age
individuals to not have enough savings
For Example 2, we'll use the same annuity cash flow schedule as we did in
Example 1. To obtain the total discounted value, we need to take the present
value of each future payment and, as we did in Example 1, add the cash flows.
o I :z. ) .. ,
~r -s....,.
-f,~ -I'll."
~ - sm.lO _------_j
~t"-li.llltor an
o..Il_"-.t..I'I.ftU'i\y ~ , .. u .....
Again, calculating and adding all these values will take a considerable amount
of time, especially if we expect many future payments. As such, we can use a
mathematical shortcut for PV of an ordinary annuity.
i = interest rate
n = number of payments
The formula provides us with the PV in a few easy steps. Here is the
calculation of the annuity represented in the diagram for Example 2:
= $1000*[4.33]
= $4329.4
3.1.2 Annuity Due:
Annuity Due: Payments are required at the beginning of each period. Rent is
an example of annuity due. You are usually required to pay rent when you first
move in at the beginning of the month, and then on the first of each month
When you are receiving or paying cash flows for an annuity due, your cash
flow schedule would appear as follows:
0 I 2 3 ~ s
I ~,ooo
5 ....
I 1 1
\, .I
Payment p",(d or fccetvcd at
the bejinnil\g 01 •• ch porlod
Since each payment in the series is made one period sooner, we need to
discount the formula one period back. A slight modification to the FV-of-an-
ordinary-annuity formula accounts for payments occurring at the beginning of
each period. In Example 3, let's illustrate why this modification is needed when
each $1,000 payment is made at the beginning of the period rather than at the
end (interest rate is still 5%):
o 1 1 1 4 5
$1000 $1000 $1000 $1(00 $1()()(1
I I !::::::::::~:~:::
1 '_'~:' :
-->__ ~tcoo,r\.05)) - $,,$7.4)
I '----------+
'------------+ .
$'000'{1.0S),I .. !.'ltS.Sl
s,oocr(1.0S)' • SI21e. l$
Notice that when payments are made at the beginning of the period, each
amount is held longer at the end of the period. For example, if the $1,000 was
invested on January 1 rather than December 31 each year, the last payment
before we value our investment at the end of five years (on December 31)
would have been made a year prior (January 1) rather than the same day on
which it is valued. The future value of annuity formula would then read:
= $1000*5.53*1.05
= $5801.91
For the present value of an annuity due formula, we need to discount the
formula one period forward as the payments are held for a lesser amount of
time. When calculating the present value, we assume that the first payment was
made today.
We could use this formula for calculating the present value of your future rent
payments as specified in a lease you sign with your landlord. Let's say for
Example 4 that you make your first rent payment at the beginning of the month
and are evaluating the present value of your five-month lease on that same day.
Your present value calculation would work as follows:
o • , • •
~."-.~- T "j
11000 11000
- S'51."
-S~ .m1.(l
-w:r -
SIOU' +- -1
~ -san." <- J
('.O$r __
"tMnl YtilUll'or
an Annuh,y0... - S4S~S."
Of course, we can use a formula shortcut to calculate the present value of an
annuity due:
= $1000*4.33*1.05
= $4545.95
↓ ↓ ... ↓ payments
0 1 2 ... n periods
Where n is the number of terms and i is the per period interest rate. Present
value is linear in the amount of payments, therefore the present value for
payments, or rent R is:
PV(i,n,R) = R x anti
In practice, often loans are stated per annum while interest is compounded and
payments are made monthly. In this case, the interest I is stated as a nominal
interest rate, and i=I/12.
Where n is the number of terms and i is the per period interest rate. Future
value is linear in the amount of payments, therefore the future value for
payments, or rent R is:
FV(i, n, R) = R x Snli
Example 1: The present value of a 5 year annuity with nominal annual interest
rate 12% and monthly payments of $100 is:
The rent is understood as either the amount paid at the end of each period in
return for an amount PV borrowed at time zero, the principal of the loan, or the
amount paid out by an interest-bearing account at the end of each period when
the amount PV is invested at time zero, and the account becomes zero with the
n-th withdrawal.
Sn!i = ( 1 +~, x ani;
anii Sn!i
↓ ↓ ... ↓ payments
Because each annuity payment is allowed to compound for one extra period.
Thus, the present and future values of an annuity-due can be calculated
through the formula:
.. _ (1 1 - (1 + i)-n
and a-I'
- + ~') x a-I'
_ _;___=----
where n are the number of terms, i is the per term interest rate, and d is the
effective rate of discount given by d=i/(i+1).
Future and present values for annuities due are related as:
1 1
... ..
anli S:n:li
Note that in Excel, the PV and FV functions take on optional fifth argument
which selects from annuity-immediate or annuity-due.
An annuity-due with n payments is the sum of one annuity payment now and
an ordinary annuity with one payment less, and also equal, with a time shift, to
an ordinary annuity. Thus we have:
lim PV(i,n, R) = ~
n-+oo 'It
even a perpetuity has a finite present value when there is a non-zero discount
rate. The formula for a perpetuity are:
where i is the interest rate and d=i/(1+i) is the effective discount rate.
To calculate present value, the k-th payment must be discounted to the present
by dividing by the interest, compounded by k terms. Hence the contribution of
the k-th payment R would be R/(1+i)^k. Just considering R to be one, then:
Clnji = {; (1
+i)k =
1 +i - (1 +
{; (1
We notice that the second factor is an infinite geometric progression of the
form, therefore, I>£.k
= _1_
1- 1\,
(1 +1, ')n+l
( 1
1- 1/(1+1,')
) = (l-(l+i)-n).
. +1,
1, ..
= l-(l+i)-ll
Similarly, we can prove the formula for the future value. The payment made at
the end of the last year would accumulate no interest and the payment made at
the end of the first year would accumulate interest for a total of (n−1) years.
Amortization calculations
If an annuity is for repaying a debt P with interest, the amount owed after n
payments is:
(1 +~')"Il (R-:-- p)
because the scheme is equivalent with borrowin g the amount R/i to create a
perpetuity with coupon R, and putting R/i-P of that borrowed amount in the
bank to grow with interest i.
Also, this can be thought of as the present value of the remaining payments:
1 (i + l)n-Nj_
R [-i - i - R x a.~I·
.'v-n 1
The large number of annuity products on the market today can make
understanding them difficult. But in fact, there are only a handful of different
types of annuities, and we will help you find the best types to suit your needs.
First, let‘s discuss the three primary considerations when thinking about
Immediate Annuities
Deferred Annuities
Investment type — fixed or variable:
The next decision to make is the investment type best suited to your needs:
fixed or variable.
Fixed Annuities
Variable Annuities
A variable annuity is a contract between you and an issuer whereby you agree
to give the issuer principal and in return the issuer guarantees you variable
payments over time. While annuities are not insurance policies, they are issued
by insurance companies. Variable annuities are different than their fixed
annuity cousins, which are invested primarily in government securities and
high-grade corporate bonds, and offer exclusively a guaranteed rate, typically
over a period of one to ten years.
There are several distinctive features of variable annuities:
Living Benefits
Unlike mutual funds, variable annuity products come with optional living
benefits and death benefits. One special type of variable annuity benefit is the
GMIB (Guaranteed Minimum Income Benefit). The most competitive GMIBs
guarantee at least a 5% return over seven years, or the highest attained value
on each anniversary during the surrender period, whichever is greater. In
exchange for this living guarantee, the living benefit annuity has a surrender
charge / penalty for early withdrawal (typically 7 years), no up-front bonus,
and a slightly higher annual fee (.25% to .50% per year). Lifetime Income
Benefit annuities are also very popular. The concept behind a Lifetime Income
Benefit is simple. If you purchase a Lifetime Income Benefit Rider with your
variable annuity, the insurance company guarantees a regular monthly,
quarterly, or annual payment for your lifetime, even if your account balance
goes to zero -- income you can never outlive.
Death Benefits
Another important feature of some annuities is the death benefit provision. The
annuity issuer guarantees at a minimum that upon your death your total
premiums invested are paid to your beneficiaries. Many annuities ―step-up‖ on
the anniversary of the date the annuity was purchased, to the highest value at
any preceding anniversary; or guarantee a minimum 5% to 7% interest
compounded annually, whichever is greater. Some variable annuities now even
offer a combination of the aforementioned benefits, i.e. the greater of 5% or
7% compounded annually, the highest contract anniversary or the actual
account value on death to the heirs (see death benefits under compare annuities
for more detailed information). For example, assume you invest $10,000 in a
variable annuity with an annual step-up, and over the next several years your
contract grows to $40,000 on its anniversary. Now assume that the market goes
down and your value drops to $25,000, and just as you thought things couldn‘t
get any worse, you die. In this hypothetical scenario your heirs would receive
the highest contract anniversary of $40,000. The enhanced death benefit
options offered by insurance companies come at an additional expense,
typically ranging from 0.05% to 0.50% on top of the regular annual expenses.
Furthermore unlike a death benefit from a life insurance policy, the death
benefit associated with an annuity does not transfer to the beneficiaries income
tax free. That said, you don‘t have to qualify for the annuity death benefit
Liquidity options:
Finally, you will need to determine which liquidity option best suits your
needs: those with or without withdrawal penalties.
Why would you choose an annuity with a withdrawal penalty? Well, some
annuities with surrender charges reward the investor by offering a ―bonus‖: the
insurance company adds on average 3% to 5% to the amount of your principal.
For example, if you invest $10,000 in a bonus annuity the insurance company
will add $300 to $500 to your annuity immediately. The trade-off is that with a
bonus annuity the surrender period is usually longer (eight to nine years in
most cases versus the typical seven-year surrender). Be aware, some insurance
companies charge higher fees on their bonus annuities, as compared with their
standard products. Be certain to compare the annual fees of a bonus annuity to
the standard or traditional (no-bonus with 7 years of surrender) annuity.
Sometimes the life insurance company will raise their fees to pay for the
For investors who may need spur-the-moment access to their money, there are
annuities without surrender charges (no-surrender or level load annuities) —
these annuities have no penalty or charge for early withdrawal. (That said,
even with a no-surrender annuity investors under the age of 59 ? are subject to
a 10% federal excise tax as well as ordinary income taxes on any gains. You
can avoid any taxes or penalties, however, by making a 1035 Tax-Free
Exchange to another annuity, regardless of age.) No-surrender annuities do not
come with bonuses, and some insurance companies charge higher fees for their
no-surrender charge products, so be sure to compare all fees before you invest.
Most companies now offer no-surrender annuities. However, if you are asking
a local broker or agent for their recommendation they may not share with you
the no-surrender annuity, as these annuities pay the broker a much lower fee.
Some agents will even try to steer the investor to annuities with surrender
charges but without bonuses.
Now you can see how annuity affects how you calculate the present and future
value of any amount of money. Remember that the payment frequencies, or
number of payments, and the time at which these payments are made (whether
at the beginning or end of each payment period) are all variables you need to
account for in your calculations.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
Cash flow can be used, for example, for calculating parameters: it discloses
cash movements over the period.
• To determine a project's rate of return or value. The time of cash flows into
and out of projects are used as inputs in financial models such as internal rate
of return and net present value.
• To evaluate the risks within a financial product, e.g., matching cash
requirements, evaluating default risk, re-investment requirements, etc.
The (total) net cash flow of a company over a period (typically a quarter, half
year, or a full year) is equal to the change in cash balance over this period:
positive if the cash balance increases (more cash becomes available), negative
if the cash balance decreases. The total net cash flow is the sum of cash flows
that are classified in three areas:
maintain and grow its operations, or whether it may require external financing.
OCF is calculated by adjusting net income for items such as depreciation,
changes to accounts receivable and changes in inventory.
19,570 Sales
(9,460) COS
(1,620) Interest
(2,130) Depreciation
Cash Flow Indicator Ratios: Free Cash Flow/Operating Cash Flow Ratio
The free cash flow/operating cash flow ratio measures the relationship between
free cash flow and operating cash flow.
Free cash flow is most often defined as operating cash flow minus capital
expenditures, which, in analytical terms, are considered to be an essential
outflow of funds to maintain a company's competitiveness and efficiency.
The cash flow remaining after this deduction is considered "free" cash flow,
which becomes available to a company to use for expansion, acquisitions,
and/or financial stability to weather difficult market conditions. The higher the
percentage of free cash flow embedded in a company's operating cash flow, the
greater the financial strength of the company.
FCF/OCF Ratio _ Free Cash Flow (Ollerating Cash Flow. Cal)ital EXI)enditlll'e)
Ollerating Cash Flow
2. Investment cash flows
An item on the cash flow statement that reports the aggregate change in a
company's cash position resulting from any gains (or losses) from investments
in the financial markets and operating subsidiaries, and changes resulting from
amounts spent on investments in capital assets such as plant and equipment.
The cash flow statement is one of the most revealing documents of a firm‘s
financial statements, but it is often overlooked. It shows the sources and uses
of a firm‘s cash as it moves both in and out. When analyzing a company's cash
flow statement, it is important to consider each of the various sections that
contribute to the overall change in cash position. In many cases, a firm may
have negative overall cash flow for a given quarter, but if the company can
generate positive cash flow from its business operations, the negative overall
cash flow is not necessarily a bad thing. Below we will cover cash flow from
investing activities, one of three primary categories in the statement of cash
An item on the cash flow statement belongs in the investing activities section if
it results from any gains (or losses) from investments in financial markets and
operating subsidiaries. An investing activity refers to cash spent on
investments in capital assets such as plant and equipment, which is collectively
referred to as capital expenditure, or capex.
Here is a simple cash flow (of investing activities) for restaurant chain Texas
r TexasRoadhouse
I 2012 2011 2010
$ in thousands
cash flows from investing activities:
Capital expenditures-property
(84,879) (81,758) (45,051)
and equipment
Acquisition of franchise
restaurants, net of cashacquired
(4,297) - -
Proceedsfrom sale of property
and equipment, Including 1,128 188 235
Net cashused in investing activities (88,048) (81,570) (44,816)
Immediately, you can observe that the main investing activity for Texas
Roadhouse is capex. Texas Roadhouse is growing briskly and spends plenty on
capex to open new restaurant locations across the United States. In its 10-K
filing with the SEC, it details that it spends money to remodel existing stores
and build new ones, as well as acquire the land they are built on. Overall,
capex is an extremely important cash flow item that investors are not going to
find in reported company profits.
Texas Roadhouse also strategically buys out franchises and spent $4.3 million
during 2012 to do so. Sometimes it may sell restaurant equipment that is
outdated or unused, which then brings in cash instead of being an outflow like
other capex. This activity amounted to just over $1 million in 2012.
Below is a more comprehensive list of cash flows that can stem from a firm‘s
investing activities:
· Examples of Inflows:
Receipts from sale of equity instruments of other entities
Examples of Outflows:
Sales/maturities of investments
Includes purchasing and selling long- term assets and other investments.
Firms with excess capital or financial institutions such as banks and insurance
companies will have buying and selling activity from their investment
portfolios that flow through the investing activity portion of the cash flow
How do some balance sheet items relate to this cash flow section?
r $ in thousands
Current assets 64
Goodwill 2,741
Intangible asset 1,510
Current liabilities -142
Total assets 4,300
For a public company, it‘s going to be nearly impossible to use the original
balance sheet and cash flow statements to determine each item down to the
specific dollar amount. With the help of the notes in the financial statements
(the above is from Texas Roadhouse‘s notes on acquisitions), an interested
party can get a pretty clear understanding of the major items on the investing
portion of the cash flow statement and what it means for a firm‘s financial
3. Financing cash flows
In the previous section, we showed that cash flows through a business in four
generic stages. First, cash is raised from investors and/or borrowed from
lenders. Second, cash is used to buy assets and build inventory. Third, the
assets and inventory enable company operations to generate cash, which pays
for expenses and taxes before eventually arriving at the fourth stage. At this
final stage, cash is returned to the lenders and investors. Accounting rules
require companies to classify their natural cash flows into one of three buckets
(as required by SFAS 95); together these buckets constitute the statement of
cash flows. The diagram below shows how the natural cash flows fit into the
classifications of the statement of cash flows. Inflows are displayed in green
and outflows displayed in red:
State-lne-ut or Cash Flews
The sum of CFF, CFI and CFO is net cash flow. Although net cash flow is
almost impervious to manipulation by management, it is an inferior
performance measure because it includes financing cash flows (CFF), which,
depending on a company's financing activities, can affect net cash flow in a
way that is contradictory to actual operating performance. For example, a
profitable company may decide to use its extra cash to retire long-term debt. In
this case, a negative CFF for the cash outlay to retire debt could plunge net
cash flow to zero even though operating performance is strong. Conversely, a
money-losing company can artificially boost net cash flow by issuing a
corporate bond or by selling stock. In this case, a positive CFF could offset a
negative operating cash flow (CFO), even though the company's operations are
not performing well.
Now that we have a firm grasp of the structure of natural cash flows and how
they are represented/classified, this section will examine which cash flow
measures are best used for a particular analysis. We will also focus on how you
can make adjustments to figures so that your analysis isn't distorted by
reporting manipulations.
You have at least three valid cash flow measures to choose from. Which one is
suitable for you depends on your purpose and whether you are trying to value
the stock or the whole company.
The easiest choice is to pull cash flow from operations (CFO) directly from the
statement of cash flows. This is a popular measure, but it has weaknesses when
used in isolation: it excludes capital expenditures, which are typically required
to maintain the firm's productive capability. It can also be manipulated, as we
show below.
If we want cash flows to all capital investors, we should use free cash flow to
the firm (FCFF). FCFF is similar to the cash generating base used in economic
value added (EVA). In EVA, it's called net operating profit after taxes
(NOPAT) or sometimes net operating profit less adjusted taxes (NOPLAT),
but both are essentially FCFF where adjustments are made to the CFO
Prepare cash flow projections for next year, next quarter and, if you're on
shaky ground, next week. An accurate cash flow projection can alert you to
trouble well before it strikes.
Understand that cash flow plans are not glimpses into the future. They're
educated guesses that balance a number of factors, including your customers'
payment histories, your own thoroughness at identifying upcoming
expenditures, and your vendors' patience. Watch out for assuming without
justification that receivables will continue coming in at the same rate they have
recently, that payables can be extended as far as they have in the past, that you
have included expenses such as capital improvements, loan interest and
principal payments, and that you have accounted for seasonal sales
Start your cash flow projection by adding cash on hand at the beginning of the
period with other cash to be received from various sources. In the process, you
will wind up gathering information from salespeople, service representatives,
collections, credit workers and your finance department. In all cases, you'll be
asking the same question: How much cash in the form of customer payments,
interest earnings, service fees, partial collections of bad debts, and other
sources are we going to get in, and when?
"As difficult as it is for a business owner to prepare projections, it's one of the
most important things one can do," says accountant Steve Mayer. "Projections
rank next to business plans and mission statements among things a business
must do to plan for the future."
Improving Receivables
If you got paid for sales the instant you made them, you would never have a
cash flow problem. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen, but you can still
improve your cash flow by managing your receivables. The basic idea is to
improve the speed with which you turn materials and supplies into products,
inventory into receivables, and receivables into cash. Here are specific
techniques for doing this:
• Ask customers to make deposit payments at the time orders are taken.
• Get rid of old, outdated inventory for whatever you can get
• Issues invoices promptly and follow up immediately if payments are slow in
Managing Payables
Top-line sales growth can conceal a lot of problems-sometimes too well. When
you are managing a growing company, you have to watch expenses carefully.
Don't be lulled into complacency by simply expanding sales. Any time and any
place you see expenses growing faster than sales, examine costs carefully to
find places to cut or control them. Here are some more tips for using cash
• Use electronic funds transfer to make payments on the last day they are due.
You will remain current with suppliers while retaining use of your funds as
long as possible.
• Don't always focus on the lowest price when choosing suppliers. Sometimes
more flexible payment terms can improve your cash flow more than a bargain-
basement price.
Surviving Shortfalls
Sooner or later, you will foresee or find yourself in a situation where you lack
the cash to pay your bills. This doesn't mean you're a failure as a
businessperson-you're a normal entrepreneur who can't perfectly predict the
future. And there are normal, everyday business practices that can help you
manage the shortfall.
If you assume from the beginning that you will someday be short on cash, you
can arrange for a line of credit at your bank. This allows you to borrow money
up to a preset limit any time you need it. Since it's far easier to borrow when
you don't need it, arranging a credit line before you are short is vital.
If bankers won't help, turn next to your suppliers. These people are more
interested in keeping you going than a banker, and they probably know more
about your business. You can often get extended terms from suppliers that
amount to a hefty, low-cost loan just by asking. That's especially true if you've
been a good customer in the past and kept them informed about your financial
Consider using factors. These are financial service businesses that can pay you
today for receivables you may not otherwise be able to collect on for weeks or
months. You'll receive as much as 15 percent less than you would otherwise,
since factors demand a discount, but you'll eliminate the hassle of collecting
and be able to fund current operations without borrowing.
Ask your best customers to accelerate payments. Explain the situation and, if
necessary, offer a discount of a percentage point or two off the bill. You should
also go after your worst customers-those whose invoices are more than 90 days
past due. Offer them a steeper discount if they pay today.
You may be able to raise cash by selling and leasing back assets such as
machinery, equipment, computers, phone systems and even office furniture.
Leasing companies may be willing to perform the transactions. It's not cheap,
however, and you could lose your assets if you miss lease payments.
Choose the bills you'll pay carefully. Don't just pay the smallest ones and let
the rest slide. Make payroll first-unpaid employees will soon be ex-employees.
Pay crucial suppliers next. Ask the rest if you can skip a payment or make a
partial payment.
Under U.S. and ISA GAAP, the statement of cash flow can be presented by
means of two ways:
Here are the steps for calculating the cash flow from operations using the
indirect method:
Add back losses
5. Account for changes in all current assets and liabilities except notes payable
and dividends payable.
The following example illustrates a typical net cash flow from operating
XYZ Company
Indirect Method
Deferred taxes 50
Gain on sale of property (600)
Cash Flow from investing activities includes purchasing and selling long-term
assets and marketable securities (other than cash equivalents), as well as
making and collecting on loans.
Here's the calculation of the cash flows from investing using the indirect
XYZ Company
Indirect Method
Cash Flow from financing activities includes issuing and buying back capital
stock, as well as borrowing and repaying loans on a short- or long-term basis
(issuing bonds and notes). Dividends paid are also included in this category,
but the repayment of accounts payable or accrued liabilities is not.
Here's the calculation of the cash flows from financing using the indirect method:
XYZ Company
Indirect Method
Greene Co. shows the following information on its 2012 income statement:
Sales = #138,000
Costs = #71,500
Taxes = #17,760
Dividends = #5,400.
In addition, you‘re told that the firm issued #2,500 in new equity during 2012,
and redeemed #3,800 in outstanding long-term debt
d. If net fixed assets increased by #17,400 during the year, what was the
addition to NWC?
Income Statement
Sales #138,000
Costs 71,500
Depreciation 10,100
EB #52,300
Interest 7,900
Taxes 17,760
Dividends #5,400
Dividends paid plus addition to retained earnings must equal net income, so:
Addition to retained earnings = #21,240
OCF = #44,640
b. The cash flow to creditors is the interest paid, plus any new borrowing.
Since the company redeemed long debt, the new borrowing is negative. So, the
cash flow to creditors is:
c. The cash flow to stockholders is the dividends paid minus any new equity.
So, the cash flow to stockholders is:
d. In this case, to find the addition to NWC, we need to find the cash flow from
assets. We can then use the cash flow from assets equation to find the change
in NV/C. We know that cash flow from assets is equal to cash flow to creditors
plus cash flow to stockholders. So, cash flow from assets is:
Cash flow from assets = Cash flow to creditors + Cash flow to stockholders
Net capital spending is equal to depreciation plus the increase in fixed assets,
Now we can use the cash flow from assets equation to find the change in
NWC. Doing so, we
Cash flow from assets = OCF — Change in NV/C — Net capital spending
The theoretical case for a CFT is clear. It is simpler than an income tax, with
lower economic costs. It can be made progressive, thus satisfying equity
criteria for good tax design.
Cash flow from operations (CFO) should be examined for distortions in the
following ways:
Check for temporary CFO blips due to working capital actions. For
example, withholding payables, or "stuffing the channel", to temporarily
reduce inventory.
Check for cash outflows classified under CFI that should be reclassified
to CFO.
Aside from being vulnerable to distortions, the major weakness of CFO is that
it excludes capital investment dollars. We can generally overcome this
problem by using free cash flow to equity (FCFE), which includes (or, more
precisely, is reduced by) capital expenditures (CFI). Finally, the weakness of
FCFE is that it will change if the capital structure changes. That is, FCFE will
go up if the company replaces debt with equity (an action that reduces interest
paid and therefore increases CFO) and vice versa. This problem can be
overcome by using free cash flow to firm (FCFF), which is not distorted by the
ratio of debt to equity.
How cash flow calculated with operating, investing and financial flow.
Helfert, E.A. (2001). "The Nature of Financial Statements: The Cash Flow
Statement". Financial Analysis - Tools and Techniques - A Guide for
Managers. McGraw-Hill.
Bodie, Z., Alex, K., & Alan, M. (2004). Essentials of Investments, 5th ed.
McGraw-Hill Irwin.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
The sinking fund was first used in Great Britain in the 18th century to reduce
national debt. While used by Robert Walpole in 1716 and effectively in the
1720s and early 1730s, it originated in the commercial tax syndicates of the
Italian peninsula of the 14th century, where its function was to retire
redeemable public debt of those cities.
The fund received whatever surplus occurred in the national Budget each year.
However, the problem was that the fund was rarely given any priority in
Government strategy. The result of this was that the funds were often raided by
the Treasury when they needed funds quickly.
In 1772, the nonconformist minister Richard Price published a pamphlet on
methods of reducing the national debt. The pamphlet caught the interest of
William Pitt the Younger, who drafted a proposal to reform the Sinking Fund
in 1786. Lord North recommended "the Creation of a Fund, to be appropriated,
and invariably applied, under proper Direction, in the gradual Diminution of
the Debt." Pitt's way of securing "proper Direction" was to introduce
legislation that prevented ministers from raiding the fund in crises. He also
increased taxes to ensure that a £1 million surplus could be used to reduce the
national debt.
A fund into which a company sets aside money over time, in order to retire its
preferred stock, bonds or debentures. A fund into which a company sets aside
money over time, in order to retire its preferred stock, bonds or debentures. In
the case of bonds, incremental payments into the sinking fund can soften the
financial impact at maturity. Investors prefer bonds and debentures backed by
sinking funds because there is less risk of a default.
A sinking fund is a fund established by an economic entity by setting aside
revenue over a period of time to fund a future capital expense, or repayment of
a long-term debt.
In North America and elsewhere where it is common for public and private
corporations to raise funds through the issue of bonds, the term is only
normally used in this context. However in the United Kingdom and elsewhere
where the issue of bonds (other than government bonds) is unusual, and where
long-term leasehold tenancies are common, the term is only normally used in
the context of replacement or renewal of capital assets, particularly the
common parts of buildings.
The firm may repurchase a fraction of the outstanding bonds in the open
market each year.
The firm has the option to repurchase the bonds at either the market
price or the sinking fund price, whichever is lower. To allocate the
burden of the sinking fund call fairly among bondholders, the bonds
chosen for the call are selected at random based on serial number. The
firm can only repurchase a limited fraction of the bond issue at the
sinking fund price. At best some indentures allow firms to use a
doubling option, which allows repurchase of double the required number
of bonds at the sinking fund price.
retirement of the entire issue at maturity: instead of the debt amortizing
over the life, the debt remains outstanding and a matching asset accrues.
Thus the balance sheet consists of Asset = Sinking fund, Liability =
For the organization retiring debt, it has the benefit that the principal of the
debt or at least part of it, will be available when due. For the creditors, the fund
reduces the risk the organization will default when the principal is due: it
reduces credit risk.
However, if the bonds are callable, this comes at a cost to creditors, because
the organization has an option on the bonds:
The firm will choose to buy back discount bonds (selling below par) at
their market price,
while exercising its option to buy back premium bonds (selling above
par) at par.
Therefore, if interest rates fall and bond prices rise, a firm will benefit from the
sinking fund provision that enables it to repurchase its bonds at below-market
prices. In this case, the firm's gain is the bondholder's loss – thus callable
bonds will typically be issued at a higher coupon rate, reflecting the value of
the option.
A = R [(1+i)n-1]/i R = Ai/(1+i)n -1
R = Ai / (1+i)n -1
R: periodic payment.
A: periodic payment R is required to accumulate a sum of A dollars.
n: number of periods.
i: interest rate.
Interest is the fee charged for the privilege of borrowing money. If you get a
loan from a bank or other financial institution, you are charged interest for the
privilege of using the institution‘s money. If you invest money in a savings
account, the bank pays you interest for the privilege of using your money. If
you buy an item like a car or stereo ‖on time,‖ you must pay interest for the
privilege of postponing full payment until after you have taken possession of
the item.
Suppose you have to pay simple interest at a rate of %5 per year on a 2-year
loan of #300. The interest charged will be 300(0.05)(2)=#30 and the total
amount owed at the end of the 2-year period will be;
300+30 = #330
A=P (1+rn)
n: number of years
the interest earned at the end of the second year is computed on A1, so at the
end of the second year, the accumulated amount will be
Continuing, we see that at the end of n years, the accumulated amount will be
An= P(1+r)n
interval of time between successive interest calculations is called the
conversion period.
P: amount of principal
l: number of years
the more often interest is compounded, the faster your balance will grow.
Banks sometimes compete on the basis of how frequently they compound
The time taken for an investment to double in values is called the doubling
time for that investment. Similarly, the time taken for an investment to triple in
values is called the tripling time.
A paper or electronic obligation that enables the issuing party to raise funds by
promising to repay a lender in accordance with terms of a contract. Types of
debt instruments include notes, bonds, certificates, mortgages, leases or other
agreements between a lender and a borrower.
Debt instruments are a way for markets and participants to easily transfer the
ownership of debt obligations from one party to another. Debt obligation
transferability increases liquidity and gives creditors a means of trading debt
obligations on the market. Without debt instruments acting as a means to
facilitate trading, debt is an obligation from one party to another. When a debt
instrument is used as a medium to facilitate debt trading, debt obligations can
be moved from one party to another quickly and efficiently.
Coupon Rate
The rate of interest that a bond pays to the bondholder is called the coupon
rate. This term dates back to when bonds were issued as paper certificates
(known as bearer bonds) with coupons attached. Bearer bonds became the
property of whoever had physical possession of the bond. The bondholder
would clip a coupon from the certificate and redeem it with the bond‘s paying
agent (usually a commercial bank) to collect their interest payment. Now
virtually all bonds are held in computerized book-entry form (all treasuries), or
a physical certificate without coupons.
The coupon rate is the stated annualized interest rate that the bond issuer is
contractually obligated to pay to the bondholder. The coupon payment is
usually paid on a quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis and is based on the
maturity date. For example, if the maturity date is September 15, 2020, a bond
that pays quarterly interest will make a payment on March 15, June 15,
September 15, and December 15 each year until 2020.
The principal payment received at maturity and the basis for determining the
amount of the coupon payment is the stated par amount over the life of the
bond, regardless of the general level of interest rates. of the bond. A bond that
is paying a 7% coupon rate will pay #1,000 X 0.07, or #70 annually. If the
bond pays on a semi-annual basis, the bondholder will receive a #35 payment
twice a year on the coupon payment date. The coupon payment will not
change (assuming the bond is not a floating-rate bond)
Zero coupon bonds do not make coupon payments during the life of the bond.
Zero coupon bonds are issued at a discount to par value, and the return to the
investor comes in the difference that the bondholder pays for the bond
(discount to par value), and the amount of principal payment made at maturity
(par value).
A floating rate bond has a coupon rate that is pegged to a benchmark, such as
libor, and is adjusted periodically. Floating rate bonds have the advantage of
being less volatile in price, but the disadvantage of providing an unpredictable
stream of income. Floating-rate bonds are attractive to investors that are more
interested in preservation of principal than in having an assured amount of
Par Amount
The par amount of a bond is the amount of principal that the bondholder will
receive at maturity. Par amount is also referred to as face amount.
Bonds are typically issued and traded in units of #1,000, though some issues
have minimum amounts, such as #5,000. The par amount of a bond being
traded will determine how close to fair market price a particular bond will
trade for. The par amount that trades at the best market price is known as a
round lot, and smaller sizes are known as odd lots.
The maturity dates is the specific day, month, and year that the bond issuer is
obligated to pay back the principal to the bondholder. There are rare examples
of extendable bonds that give the issuer or bondholder the option to extend the
maturity date of the bond.
In the bond market, the maturity of a bond is expressed as the number of years
remaining until the bonds maturity date. For example, a 30-year bond that was
issued ten years ago would be referred to as a 20-year bond.
When bonds are issued, there is a direct correlation between the maturity date
and the coupon rate of the bond. The longer the length of time to maturity, the
higher the coupon rate will be. There are a number of reasons for this
correlation; one of them is the time value of money. The time value of money
stipulates that an individual would rather receive money now than at some time
in the future due to the potential earnings capacity of the money. Another
reason for this is that the longer the time period, the more uncertainty is
involved with holding the bond. There is always a chance that the price of a
bond can decline, or an adverse event can befall the issuer of the bond that will
jeopardize their ability to pay the interest and/or principal. Normally, this
correlation also holds true for bonds trading in the secondary market, but there
are rare occasion when it does not.
As marketable debt instruments, bonds can be traded and their price can
fluctuate over time. Bond prices are quoted as a percentage of par amount.
For example, a bond price of 99 indicates a price of 99% of par, which would
be #990 for a par amount of #1,000. A bond trading at 101 3/8 is 101.375% of
par or #1013.75 (every 1/8th of a point is worth #1.25 for every #1,000 in face
amount). Bonds priced above par (such as 102 ½) are referred to as trading at
a premium, while bonds below par are at a discount. Bonds trading at 100 are
always quoted as trading at par.
An entity that is offering bonds in the primary or new issue market, it sets the
coupon rate to reflect the coupon rate of issues that are similar in maturity,
credit quality, etc. During the initial underwriting or offering period, the bonds
should trade close to par, but when the offering period ends, the price can
freely fluctuate on the secondary market. We will examine what factors
influence bond prices in detail in future lessons but they include:
While we have stated that the coupon rate remains constant for fixed rate
bonds, the market yield will fluctuate with the price of the bond. If a bond has
a coupon rate of 7 ¾% and the market yield for equivalent bond is 7 ¾%, then
the price of the bond would be par. But, if some event caused the market yield
on equivalent bonds to rise to 8%, the coupon yield of the bond at 7 ¾% is not
as attractive to potential buyers who can get a bond with the higher yield. The
price of the less desirable, lower yielding bond would drop in price until its
market yield was also 8%. This is a very important concept: When market
yields increase, bond prices decrease; when market yields decrease, bond
prices increase. That is to say that there is an inverse relationship between
changes market yield and changes in bond prices.
When a bond is purchased at a price other than par, the interest payment is no
longer the single factor that determines the rate of return on the investment. If
a bond is purchased at 90, the investor pays #900 for the bond, but will receive
#1,000 at maturity. In addition to receiving the interest payments over the life
of the bond, the investor will also earn a #100 profit at maturity. Conversely,
bonds that are purchased at a premium will cause the investor to experience a
loss at maturity. The measure of a bond‘s return that takes this principal gain
or loss at maturity is the bond‘s yield to maturity. The market yield that we
have been referring to is the bond‘s yield to maturity. Yield to maturity is the
measurement of the present value of a bond‘s future cash flows (coupon
payments and any principal gain or loss at maturity) based on the current
market price.
Another yield measurement that bond investors use is a bond‘s current yield.
The current yield is determined by simply dividing the annual coupon payment
by the market value of the bond. A #1,000 par bond trading at 96 would have
a market value of #960. If the bond had a stated coupon rate of 7 ½% it would
pay #75 annually: 75/960= .078125, so the current yield would be 7.8125%.
The current yield of a bond trading at a discount will always be higher than the
coupon rate, while the current yield of a premium bond will always be less
than the coupon rate. This also holds true for yield to maturity. Because yield
to maturity takes into account the time value of money, and current yield does
not, it is a much better measure of a bond‘s true return.
The theoretical case for a sinking fund is clear. It is simpler than an income
tax, with lower economic costs. It can be made progressive, thus satisfying
equity criteria for good tax design.
If a bond with an annual coupon of 10% and a face value of #1,000 has
an infinite life, calculate the value if the bond yield is 12%.
Suppose you are considering two investments: one that pays 10% simple
interest per annum and one that pays 10% compound interest per annum,
which would you choose? Why?
Helfert, E.A. (2001). "The Nature of Financial Statements: The Cash Flow
Bodie, Z., Alex, K., & Alan, M. (2004). Essentials of Investments, 5th
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Requirements for Linear Programming Problems
3.2 Assumptions in Linear Programming
3.3 Application of Linear Programming
3.4 Areas of Application of Linear Programming
3.5 Formulation of Linear Programming Problems
3.6 Advantages Linear Programming Methods
3.7 Limitation of Linear programming Models
3.8 Graphical Methods of Linear Programming Solution
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
7.0 References
It was in 1947 that George Dantzig and his associates found out a technique for
solving military planning problems while they were working on a project for
U.S. Air Force. This technique consisted of representing the various activities
of an organization as a linear programming (L.P.) model and arriving at the
optimal programme by minimizing a linear objective function. Afterwards,
Dantzig suggested this approach for solving business and industrial problems.
He also developed the most powerful mathematical tool known as ―simplex
method‖ to solve linear programming problems.
All organizations, big or small, have at their disposal, men, machines, money
and materials, the supply of which may be limited. If the supply of these
resources were unlimited, the need for management tools like linear
programming would not arise at all. Supply of resources being limited, the
management must find the best allocation of its resources in order to maximize
the profit or minimize the loss or utilize the production capacity to the
maximum extent. However this involves a number of problems which can be
overcome by quantitative methods, particularly the linear programming.
5. As stated earlier, the resources must be in limited supply. For example, if a
firm starts producing greater number of a particular product, it must make
smaller number of other products as the total production capacity is limited.
non-negative values that satisfy the constraints. However, there are problems
wherein variables are restricted to have integral values only. Though such
problems, strictly speaking, are not linear programming problems, they are
frequently solved by linear programming techniques and the values are then
rounded off to nearest integers to satisfy the constraints. This approximation,
however, is valid only if the variables have large optimal values. Further, it
must be ascertained whether the solution represented by the rounded values is
a feasible solution and also whether the solution is the best integer solution.
Though, in the world we live, most of the events are non-linear, yet there are
many instances of linear events that occur in day-to-day life. Therefore, an
understanding of linear programming and its application in solving problems is
utmost essential for today‘s managers.
2. Powerful and efficient techniques for solving L.P. problems are available.
However, solution procedures are generally iterative and even medium size
problems require manipulation of large amount of data. But with the
development of digital computers, this disadvantage has been completely
overcome as these computers can handle even large L.P. problems in
comparatively very little time at a low cost.
(b) Blending problems: These problems are likely to arise when a product can
be made from a variety of available raw materials of various compositions and
prices. The manufacturing process involves blending (mixing) some of these
materials in varying quantities to make a product of the desired specifications.
For instance, different grades of gasoline are required for aviation purposes.
Prices and specifications such as octane ratings, tetra ethyl lead concentrations,
maximum vapour pressure etc. of input ingredients are given and the problem
is to decide the proportions of these ingredients to make the desired grades of
gasoline so that (i) maximum output is obtained and (ii) storage capacity
restrictions are satisfied. Many similar situations such as preparation of
different kinds of whisky, chemicals, fertilizers and alloys, etc. have been
handled by this technique of linear programming.
(d) Trim loss problems: They are applicable to paper, sheet metal and glass
manufacturing industries where items of standard sizes have to be cut to
smaller sizes as per customer requirements with the objective of minimizing
the waste produced.
(a) Media selection problems: They involve the selection of advertising mix
among different advertising media such as T.V., radio, magazines and
newspapers that will maximize public exposure to company‘s product. The
constraints may be on the total advertising budget, maximum expenditure in
each media, maximum number of insertions in each media and the like.
(c) Profit planning problems: They involve planning profits on fiscal year
basis to maximize profit margin from investment in plant facilities, machinery,
inventory and cash on hand.
(a) Diet problems: They form another important category to which linear
programming has been applied. Nutrient contents such as vitamins, proteins,
fats, carbohydrates, starch, etc. in each of a number of food stuffs is known.
Also the minimum daily requirement of each nutrient in the diet as well as the
cost of each type of food stuff is given and the problem is to determine the
minimum cost diet that satisfies the minimum daily requirement of nutrients.
(b) Agriculture problems: These problems are concerned with the allocation
of input resources such as acreage of land, water, labour, fertilisers and capital
to various crops so as to maximize net revenue.
(c) Flight scheduling problems: They are devoted to the determination of the
most economical patterns and timings of flights that result in the most efficient
use of aircrafts and crew.
(e) Facilities location: These problems are concerned with the determination
of best location of public parks, libraries and recreation areas, hospital
ambulance depots, telephone exchanges, nuclear power plants, etc.
Oil refineries have used linear programming with considerable success. Similar
trends are developing in chemical industries, iron and steel industries,
aluminium industry, food processing industry, wood products manufacture and
many others. Other areas where linear programming has been applied include
quality control inspection, determination of optimal bombing patterns,
searching of submarines, design of war weapons, vendor quotation analysis,
structural design, scheduling military tanker fleet, fabrication scheduling, steel
production scheduling, balancing of assembly lines and computations of
maximum flows in networks.
In fact linear programming may be used for any general situation where a
linear objective function has to be optimised subject to constraints expressed as
linear equations/inequalities.
First, the given problem must be presented in linear programming form. This
requires defining the variables of the problem, establishing inter-relationships
between them and formulating the objective function and constraints. A model,
which approximates as closely as possible to the given problem, is then to be
developed. If some constraints happen to be nonlinear, they are approximated
to appropriate linear functions to fit the linear programming format. In case it
is not possible, other techniques may be used to formulate and then solve the
M1 2 3 2 440
M2 4 - 3 470
M3 2 5 - 430
Step 1:
From the study of the situation find the key-decision to be made. It this
connection, looking for variables helps considerably. In the given situation key
decision is to decide the extent of products 1, 2 and 3, as the extents are
permitted to vary.
Step 2:
Assume symbols for variable quantities noticed in step 1. Let the extents.
(mounts) of products, 1, 2 and 3 manufactured daily be x1, x2 and x3 units
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Put into words the influencing factors or constraints. These occur generally
because of constraints on availability (resources) or requirements (demands).
Express these constraints also as linear equations/inequalities in terms of
EXAMPLE 9.2 (Diet Problem)
A person wants to decide the constituents of a diet which will fulfil his daily
requirements of proteins, fats and carbohydrates at the minimum cost. The
choice is to be made from four different types of foods. The yields per unit of
these foods are given in table 2.2.
1 3 2 6 45
2 4 2 4 40
3 8 7 7 85
4 6 5 4 65
Let x1, x2, x3 and x4 denote the number of units of food of type 1, 2, 3 and 4
Constraints are on the fulfilment of the daily requirements of the various
Raw materials A, B and C having the properties shown in the table can be used
to make the alloy.
Table 9.3
Specific gravity 0.92 0.97 1.04
Chromium 7% 13% 16%
Melting point 440OC 490OC 480OC
Costs of the various raw materials per ton are: #90 for A, #280 for B and #40
for C. Formulate the L.P model to find the proportions in which A, B and C be
used to obtain an alloy of desired properties while the cost of raw materials is
Let the percentage contents of raw materials A, B and C to be used for making
the alloy be x1, x2 and x3 respectively.
They are;
and x1 + x2 + x3 = 100,
Let x1, x2, x3 and x4 denote the number of advertising units to be bought on
television, radio, magazine I and magazine II respectively.
Constraints are;
or 30x1+20x2+15x3+10x4 ≤ 450,
or 15x1+40x2+7x3+5x4 ≥ 100
on expenses on magazine
x4 ≥ 2,
Wages of grade I inspector are #5 per hour while those of grade II inspector
are #4 per hour. Any error made by an inspector costs #3 to the company. If
there are, in all, 10 grade I inspectors and 15 grade II inspectors in the
company find the optimal assignment of inspectors that minimizes the daily
inspection cost.
Let x1 and x2 denote the number of grade I and grade II inspectors that may be
assigned the job of quality control inspection.
The objective is to minimize the daily cost of inspection. Now the company
has to incur two types of costs: wages paid to the inspectors and the cost of
their inspection errors. The cost of grade I inspector/hour is
where x1,x2 ≥ 0.
EXAMPLE 9.6 (Product Mix Problem)
Let the number of units of products X, Y and Z produced be x1, x2, xZ, where
= x3 + x4 (say).
Constraints are
Formulate the problem as a linear programming problem.
P 6 5 2 5,000
Q 4 7 3 6,000
Product B requires 1/2 and product C requires 1/3rd the time required for
product A.
Let t hours be the time to produce A. Then t/2 and t/3 are the times in hours to
produce B and C and since 1,600 units of A will need time 1,600t hours, we
get the constraint,
Market demand requires.
x1 ≥ 300,
x2 ≥ 250,
and x3 ≥ 200.
or x1/3 = x2/4,
4x1 - 3x2=0,
5x2- 4x3 = 0,
A paper mill produces rolls of paper used in making cash registers. Each roll of
paper is 100m in length and can be used in widths of 3, 4, 6 and 1 (km. The
company production process results in rolls that are 24 cm in width. Thus the
company must cut its 24cm roll to the desired widths. It has six basic cutting
alternatives as follows:
Cutting alternatives Width of rolls (cm) Waste (cm)
3 4 6 10
1 4 3 - - -
2 - 3 2 - -
3 1 1 1 1 1
4 - - 2 1 2
5 - 4 1 - 2
6 3 2 1 - 1
2 2,000
4 3,600
6 1,600
10 500
The paper mill wishes to minimize the waste resulting from trimming to size.
Formulate the L.P model.
Key decision is to determine how the paper rolls be cut to the required widths
so that trim losses (wastage) are minimum.
Constraints are on the market demand for each type of roll width:
Since the variables represent the number of times each alternative is to be used,
they cannot have negative values.
1 7 5 6 4
2 4 7 5 8
3 2 9 7 3
Formulate the L.P model to determine the number of production runs for each
method so as to maximize the total number of complete units of the final
Let x1, x2, x3 represent the number of production runs for method 1, 2 and 3
The objective is to maximize the total number of units of the final product.
Now, the total number of units of part A produced by different methods is 6x1
+ 5x2 + 7x3 and for part B is 4x1 + 8x2 + 3x1. Since each unit of the final
product requires 5 units of part A and 4 units of part B, it is evident that the
maximum number of units of the final product cannot exceed the smaller value
of 6x1 +5x2 +7x3 and 4x1 +8x2 +3x3
5 4
5 4
Constraints are on the availability of raw materials. They are, for
raw material 1, 7x1 + 4x2 + 2x3 ≤ 120,
and raw material 2, 5x1 + 7x2 + 9x3 ≤ 240.
The above formulation violates the linear programming properties since the
objective function is non-linear. (Linear relationship between two or more
variables is the one in which the variables are directly and precisely
proportional). However, the above model can be easily reduced to the
generally acceptable linear programming format.
5 4
5 4
An oil company produces two grades of gasoline P and Q which it sells at #30
and #40 per litre. The company can buy four different crude oils with the
following constituents and Costs:
Gasoline P must have at least 55 per cent of constituent A and not more than
40 per cent of C. Gasoline Q must not have more than 25 per cent of C.
Determine how the crudes should be used to maximize the profit.
Key decision to be made is how much of each crude oil be used in making
each of the two grades of gasoline. Let these quantities in litres be represented
by xIJ, where i = crude oil 1, 2, 3, 4 and j = gasoline of grades P and Q
respectively. Thus
… …………………………………………………………
… …………………………………………………………
i.e., maximize Z = # [30(xip + x2p + x3p, + x4p) + 40(xiq + x2q + x3q + x4q)
i.e., 0.75x1p + 0.20x2p + 0.70x3p + 0.40x4p ≥ 0.55 (x1p, + x2p + x3p + x4p),
and 0.10x1q + 0.50x2q + 0.20x3q + 0.50x4q≤ 0.25 (x1q + x2q + x3q + x4q),
A company manufacturing air coolers has, at present, firm orders for the next 6
months. The company can schedule its production over the next 6 months to
meet orders on either regular or overtime basis. The order size and production
costs over the next six months are as follows:
Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6
regular production: 40 42 41 45 39 40
overtime production: 52 50 53 50 45 43
With 100 air coolers in stock at present, the company wishes to have at least
150 air coolers in stock at the end of 6 months. The regular and overtime
production in each month is not to exceed 600 and 400 units respectively. The
inventory carrying cost for air coolers is #12 per unit per month. Formulate the
L.R model to minimize the total cost.
Let xij be the number of units produced in month j (j = 1, 2, ..., 6), on a regular
or overtime basis (i = 1, 2). Further let yj represent the number of units of
ending inventory in month j (j= 1, 2, ..., 6).
Objective is to minimize the total cost (of production and inventory carrying).
+12(y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5 + y6)
Constraints are
and for the sixth month, y5 + x16 + x26 – 650 = y6
Y6 ≥ 150
Further, since regular and overtime production each month is not to exceed
600 and 400 units respectively,
A dairy firm has two milk plants with daily milk production of 6 million litres
and 9 million litres respectively. Each day the firm must fulfil the needs of its
three distribution centres which have milk requirement of 7, 5 and 3 million
litres respectively. Cost of shipping one million litres of milk from each plant
to each distribution centre is given, in hundreds of naira below. Formulate the
L.P model to minimize the transportation cost.
Distribution Centres
1 2 3 Supply
2 3 11 6
1 9 6 9
Plants 7 5 3
Formulation of L.P Model
Let x1, x2 be the quantity of milk (in million litres) transported from plant I to
distribution centre no. 1 and 2 respectively. The resulting table representing
transportation of milk is shown below.
Distribution Centres
1 2 3
x1 x2 6-x1-x2
7 5 3
Constraints are
6 – x1 - x2 ≥ 0 or x1 + x2 ≤ 6,
7 - x1 ≥ 0 or x1 ≤ 7,
5 - x2 ≥ 0 or x2 ≤ 5,
Profits per piece of washers and dryers are #270 and #300 respectively.
Formulate the
L.P model.
x1 + x2 ≤ 1
1,600 7,000
where x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 0.
1 400 1,500
2 600 2,000
3 300 900
The organization is considering three crops for planting which differ primarily
in their expected profit per acre and in their consumption of water.
Furthermore, the total acreage that can be devoted to each of the crops is
limited by the amount of appropriate harvesting equipment available.
A 400 5 # 400
B 300 4 # 300
C 300 3 # 100
However, any combination of the crops may be grown at any of the farms. The
organization wishes to know how much of each crop should be planted at the
respective farms in order to maximize expected profit. Formulate this as a
linear programming problem.
For availability of acreage for each crop,
x1A + x1B + x1C X 100 = x2A + x2B + x2C X 100 = x3A + x3B + x3C X 100
400 600 300
where x1A, x1B, xIC, x2A, x2B, x2C, x3A, x3B, x3C, each ≥ 0.
2. It improves the quality of decisions. The individual who makes use of linear
programming methods becomes more objective than subjective. The individual
having a clear picture of the relationships within the basic equations,
inequalities or constraints can have a better idea about the problem and its
3. It also helps in providing better tools for adjustments to meet changing
conditions. It can go a long way in improving the knowledge and skill of future
This model, though having a wide field, has the following limitations:
For instance, in finding how many lathes and milling machines to be produced,
only integer values of the decision variables, say x1 and x2 are meaningful.
Except when the variables have large values, rounding the solution values to
the nearest integers will not yield an optimal solution. Such situations justify
the use of special techniques like integer programming.
3. It is applicable to only static situations since it does not take into account the
effect of time. The O.R. team must define the objective function and
constraints which can change due to internal as well as external factors.
6. Linear programming deals with problems that have a single objective. Real
life problems may involve multiple and even conflicting objectives. One has to
apply goal programming under such situations.
only two variables presents a simple case, for which the solution can be
derived using a graphical or geometrical method. Though, in actual practice
such small problems are rarely encountered, the graphical method provides a
pictorial representation of the solution process and a great deal of insight into
the basic concepts used in solving large L.P. problems. This method consists of
the following steps:
3. Plot each of the constraint on the graph. The constraints, whether equations
or inequalities are plotted as equations. For each constraint, assign any
arbitrary value to one variable and get the value of the other variable.
Similarly, assign another arbitrary value to the other variable and find the
value of the first variable. Plot these two points and connect them by a straight
line. Thus each constraint is plotted as line in the first quadrant.
4. 1dentify the feasible region (or solution space) that satisfies all the
constraints simultaneously. For type constraint, the area on or above the
constraint line i.e., away from the origin and for type constraint, the area on or
below the constraint line i.e., towards origin will be considered. The area
common to all the constraints is called feasible region and is shown shaded.
Any point on or within the shaded region represents a feasible solution to the
given problem. Though a number of infeasible points are eliminated, the
feasible region still contains a large number of feasible points
5. Use iso-profit (cost) function line approach. For this plot the objective
function by assuming Z = 0. This will be a line passing through the origin. As
the value of Z is increased from zero, the line starts moving to the right,
parallel to itself. Draw lines parallel to this line till the line is farthest distant
from the origin (for a maximization problem). For a minimization problem, the
line is nearest to the origin. The point of the feasible region through which this
line passes will be optimal point; It is possible that this line may coincide with
one of the edges of the feasible region. In that case, every point on that edge
will give the same maximum/minimum value of the objective function and will
be the optimal point.
Alternatively use extreme point enumeration approach. For this, find the co-
ordinates each extreme point (or corner point or vertex) of the feasible region.
Find the value of the objective function at each extreme point. The point at
which objective function is maximum/minimum optimal point and its co-
ordinates give the optimal solution.
Linear programming involves with the optimization (maximization or
minimization) of a function of variables known as objective function, subject
to a set of linear equations and/or inequalities known as constraints. The
objective function may be profit, cost, production capacity or any other
measure of effectiveness, which is to be obtained in the best possible or
optimal manner. The constraints may be imposed by different resources such
as market demand, production process and equipment, storage capacity, raw
material availability and so on.
All organizations, big or small, have at their disposal, men, machines, money
and materials, the supply of which may be limited. If the supply of these
resources were unlimited, the need for management tools like linear
programming would not arise at all. Supply of resources being limited, the
management must find the best allocation of its resources in order to maximize
the profit or minimize the loss or utilize the production capacity to the
maximum extent. However this involves a number of problems which can be
overcome by quantitative methods, particularly the linear programming.
Generally speaking, linear programming can be used for optimization
problems if the following conditions are satisfied- there must be a well-defined
objective function; there must be constraints on the amount or extent of
attainment of the objective and these constraints must be capable of being
expressed as linear equations or inequalities in terms of variables; there must
be alternative courses of action; decision variables should be interrelated and
nonnegative; and the resources must be in limited supply. Linear Programming
has the following assumptions- Proportionality, Additivity, Continuity,
Certainty, and Finite Choices. LP solution methods can be applied in solving
industrial problems, management related problems, and a host of other
problem areas.
given, in hundreds of naira below. Formulate the L.P model to minimize
the transportation cost.
Distribution Centres
1 2 3 Supply
3 4 12 9
2 10 7 11
Plants 9 6 4
Dixon – Ogbechi, B.N. (2001). Decision Theory in Business, Lagos: Philglad
Nig. Ltd.
Denardo, E.V. (2002). The Schience of Decision making: A Problem-Based
Approach Using Excel. New York: John Wiley.
Gupta, P.K., & Hira, D.S. (2012). Operations Research, New – Delhi: S.
Chand & Company.
Lucey, T. (1988). Quantitative Techniques: An Instructional Manual, London:
DP Publications.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
One of the early mathematicians that attempted to find the area under a curve
was a Greek named Archimedes. He used ingenious methods to compute the
area bounded by a parabola and a chord. See Fig (1.1).
In this unit, you will study how to develop necessary tools of calculus to
compute areas under curve as a mere routine exercise. The area under a curve
gave birth to the second branch of calculus known as integration. The tools that
will be developed here will naturally lead to the definition of integration in the
next unit – unit 2. Recall that the word to integrate connotes ―whole of‖ which
could be interpreted to mean ―find the whole area of‖. This concept is what
will be introduced in this unit and this will be fully developed in the next unit.
ii. Approximate the area under a curve by the sum of the areas of rectangles
circumscribed over the curve.
iv. Compute the exact value of the area under a curve by the limiting process.
You are quite familiar with the computation of the areas of plane figures such
as triangles, parallelogram trapezium, regular polygons etc. Interestingly, you
studied in elementary geometry that the area of a regular polygon can be
computed by cutting it into triangles and sum up the areas of the triangles.
You are also aware t hat the area of a circle is r2. This formula was derived by
the method of limit. You could recall that the limit of the areas of inscribed
regular polygons as the number of sides approaches infinity is equal to the area
of the circle. See Fig. 1.2 a-c
Let y = f(x) be a continuous function (see the first course on calculus i.e.
calculus I unit 4 for definition of continuous function) of x on a closed interval
[a, b]. In this case for better understanding, you assume that the f(x) is positive
in the closed interval i.e. f(x) > 0. For all XE [a,b]. Then the problem to be
considered is to calculate the area bounded by the graph y = f(x) and the
vertical lines y = f(a) and y = f(b) and below by the x – axis as shown in Fig.
0 a b X
Fig. 1.3
You can start by dividing the area into n thin strips of uniform width
x = b and many intermediate points which can be numbered as X1, X2, Xn-1
f(X1) ‐B C
f(X2) ‐
f(Xn‐1) ‐
0 a=X0 X1 X2 . . . Xn‐2 Xn‐1 Xn=b X
Fig. 1.4
The sum of the areas of these n rectangular strips gives an approximate value
for the area under the curve. To put the above more mathematically, you can
define the area of each strip in terms of f(x) and x. Given that Δx = x1 – a = x2-
x1 = .. = b-xn-1. For example the area of the rectangular strip ABCD in Fig. 1.4
above is given as:
2 ‐
1 ‐
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fig. 1.5
f(2) Δx = 1.1 =1
f(3) Δx = 6.1 =6
f(4) Δx = 13.1 = 13
f(5) Δx = 22.1 = 22
f(6) Δx = 33.1 = 33
f(7) Δx = 46.1 = 46
In fig. 1.4 above the area under the curve is larger than the sum of the areas of
the inscribed rectangular strips numbered 1 to 6 i.e. sum of areas of strips =
1+6+13+22+33+46 = 121 which is less than area under curve.
Using the same example Y = x2-3 use circumscribed rectangular strips instead
of inscribed ones to compute the area under the curve. See Fig. 1.6
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
f(x) . Δx = 6.1 = 6
f(x) . Δx = 13.1 = 13
f(x) . Δx = 22.1 = 22
f(x) . Δx = 33.1 = 33
f(x) . Δx = 46.1 = 46
f(x) . Δx = 61.1 = 61
As should be expected this area is greater than the area under the curve f(x) =
In the computation with the circumscribed rectangular strips the sides of the
rectangles are assumed in this case to be the points of the function in their
respective subintervals. In the case of the inscribed rectangles, the sides of the
rectangles are the minimum values of the function in their respective
Therefore the area under the curve lies between the sum of the areas of the
inscribed rectangles and the sum of the areas of the circumscribe rectangles.
This takes to the issue of limit. Therefore it will be right to say as n α Δx 0
this implies that the Lim (Max Area – Min Area) = 0 as Δx 0.
From the foregoing, you can now define the area under curve as the limit of the
sums of the areas of inscribed (circumscribed) rectangles as their common base
of length dx approaches zero and the number of rectangles increases without
bound. In symbols you can write the above limit as:
n-1 n
Repeat the above example using n = 10. Find the difference between the sum
of areas of the inscribed rectangle (i.e. the minimum area) and the sum of areas
of the circumscribed rectangles (i.e. the maximum area).
0 1/6 1/3 ½ 2/3 5/6 10
0 ¼ ½ ¾ 1
0 ½ 1
A partition of P = {x0, x1, .., xn} of [a, b] divides [a, b] into n closed sub
interval [x0, x1], [x1, x2], …, [xn-1, Xn]
Given a partition of P[a = x0, x2, …, xn = b] the length of the subinterval s are
the same and it is denoted by Δxr = xr- xr-1
This equal to the length of the interval [a, b] divided by the number of
subintervals n
i.e. Δxr = b – a
Example: Δx for p is 1 – 0 = 1/6
Δx for Q is 1 – 0 = ¼
Not in all case you will get subintervals of the same length. Example is PUQ
Such partitions in which the subintervals are not of the same length are called
irregular partition.
(i) [2, 5/2, 6/2, 7/2, 8/2, 9/2, 10/2, 11/2, 12/2, 13/2, 14/2, 15/2, 16/2]
(ii) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
In this section you will combine the results of section 3.1 and 3.2 to compute
the areas under curves using the limiting process.
A good starting point is to consider the area under the curve Y = X (see Fig.
a= X1X2 ½ , Xn=b
Fig 10.7
which the interval Xє [a, b] let there be n-regular partition of [a, b] i.e.
Δx = b – a
x1 = a + xx
x2 = a + 2Δx
x3 = a + 3Δx
xn-1 = a + (n-1) Δx
f(a) . Δx = a.Δx
f(x1) . Δx = (a+Δx).Δx
f(x2) . Δx = (a+2Δx). Δx
f(xn-1) Δx = (a+(n-1)Δx) . Δx
= [a+((1+2+3+…(n-1) dx
= na + (Σ, K) Δx ) Δx
S= [na + (n-1)n dx ] dx
but dx = b – a therefore
S = [na + (n-1)n b – c) ] b – c
2 n n
= [a + b – a n – 1] (b – a)
2 n
Lim S = lim (a + b – a . n – 1 (b – a)
n ∞ n ∞ (2 n )
= (a + b – a) (b – a) lims n – 1
2 n ∞ n
= (a + (b – a) (b – a) . 1
= a + b . (b – a)
In fig. 10.8, the area of trapezium AQPB is the same as the area under the
curve and as you know the area of trapezium is given as:
= ½ (b – a) x f(a) + f(b)
= ½ (b – c) (b + a)
Therefore; Δx = b
x1 = Δx
x2 = 2Δx
x3 = 3Δx
xn-1 = (n-1) Δx
A 1 2 n‐1 n D
O X1 X2 Xn‐1 X1 =6
Fig. 1.8
f(0).Δx = 1.Δx
+ … + (n-1) Δx +1) Δx
Taking limits as n ∞
= 0 + b (1 + b/2)
lim S = b + b 2
In this unit, you have studied how to find an approximate value of the area
under a curve by computing the sums of areas of rectangles inscribed under the
cure and circumscribed over if you have defined a partition of a closed
interval. You have studied that as the number of partitions of a closed interval
[a, b] is increased without bound the value of the sum of the areas of the
rectangles (inscribed or circumscribed) approaches the exact value of the area
under the curve in the given interval [a, b] that is the limit of the sum of areas
of the rectangles is equal to the exact area under the given curve as the number
n of partition tends to infinity or the length dx of the subinterval of the
partition tends to zero.
* Compute the minimum value of area under a curve i.e. sum of area of
rectangles inscribed under a curve within an interval
* Compute the maximum value of the area under a curve i.e. the sum of
areas of rectangles circumscribed over the curve.
* Compute the exact area under a curve in a given interval [a, b] by taking
the limit of the sum of the areas of the rectangles (inscribed or
circumscribed) as the number n of partition of [a, b] is increased without
bound i.e.
A = lim ∫n where dx = b – a
n ∞ n
3. Find the minimum and maximum values of the area under the curve f(x)
= 2x for xЄ[0, 1] and P(0, ¼, ½, 1)
2. Find the minimum value of the area under the curve f(x)= 1- x xe [0,2]
P(011/3, ¾ 1, 2).
Gupta, P.K., and Hira, D.S. (2012). Operations Research, New – Delhi: S.
Chand & Company.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
In unit 1, you studied how to compute the area under a curve and showed how
you could estimate it by computing sums of area of rectangles. Using the
above estimate you applied the concept of limit to get the exact value of the
area under a curve. These methods were applied to functions or graphs that
could easily be sketched i.e. not too complicated functions. In this unit, you
will be introduced to the famous path taken by Leibniz and Newton in showing
how exact areas can be computed easily by using integral calculus. It is
necessary you refer once more to unit 1 of this course before embarking on this
one. It will help you have a proper grasp of this unit if you do so.
In unit 1, you studied that the sum of the areas of inscribed rectangles gives a
lower (minimum) approximation of the area under the curve of the function
f(x). If you list all the values of the function f(x) in a given interval [a, b] and
take the least among these value you will have what is known as the infimum
of f(x) for all xЄ [a, b]
when dxr = xr-xr-1. then the area is Mr. dxr. The sum of such area is
If you take the maximum value of f(x) within [a, b] and find their areas i.e. Mr
= ∫up f(x) XЄ [xr-1 xr] then the Upper sum for the areas is given as
Au = Σ Mr(xr – xr-1)
No known concept has been introduced. You are rewriting sum of areas of a
rectangles inscribed under the curve f(x) as AL = Σ Mr (xr – xr-1) and the sum of
areas of rectangles circumscribed over f(x) as Au = ΣMr xr – xr-1)
Once you keep the fact you will not run into any difficulty understanding what
follow next. Definition: The unique number I which satisfies the inequality
AL(P)≤ I ≤ Au(P) for all partitions P of [a, b] is called the definite integral (or
more simply the integral of f on [a, b] and is written as: I = ∫abf(x)dx
In the above definition, it has been assumed that f(x) is continuous in the
closed [a, b]. This condition guarantee the existence of a number I such that
AL(p) ≤ I ≤ AL(p).
The prove of the above theorem could be found in the text suggested for
further reading given at the end of this course.
Solution: Let P = {u, xo, x1, x2, .., xn = b} be any partition of [a, b]
∫abf(x)dx = K(b-a)
= x1(x1-xo)+x2(x2-x1)+…+ xn(xn-xr-1)
and n
AL(P) = Σ mrΔxr = Σxr-1Δxr
r-1 r-1
≤ Au(P)
AL (P) ≤ ½ (b2-a2)
The following properties of definite integral are hereby stated without their
proofs are beyond the scope this course:
3. ∫aaf(x) dx = 0
∫37f(x)dx = 2
(i) ∫ 07f(x)dx
(iii) ∫ 11f(x)dx = 0
Exercise: Given that ∫22f(x)dx = 2, ∫03f(x)dx = 4 and ∫24f(x)dx = 7
(iv) ∫23f(x)dx
To find the value of the function F(x) = ∫abf(x)dt for some simple function it
could easily be evaluated. Either by the limiting process discussed in unit or by
direct evaluation as was done in the previous section. Such process might
prove very laborious for certain classes of functions. In this section you will
examine the direct connection between differential calculus and integral
calculus. This connection was made possible by looking at the summation
process of finding areas and volumes and the differentiation process of finding
the scope of a target to a curve. It is quite interesting that the process of
carrying out inverse differentiation yields an easy tool of solving the
summation problem.
So you will now discuss the proof of the fundamental theorem concept behind
the theorem is that before you can evaluate a definite integral Sabf(x)dx you
will first of all find a function Fl(x) whose derivative is f(x). i.e. F1(x) = f(x)
Є (A, B). You will now as first step study the proof of the following theorem:
Theorem 1: If f(x) is a continuous function on [a, b], the function F(x) defined
on [a, b] by setting F(x) = ∫axf(t) dt is a(i) continuous function on [a, b] and (ii)
satisfies F1(x) = f(x) for all x in (a, b).
Lim F(x+h) – F(x) = f(x)
h O- h
In figure 2.1 F(x +h) = area from a to x + h
0 a x h x+ h b
h h
If x < x + h ≤ b then
= ∫xx+h(f(t)dt
H 0- h 0-
h0 h
h 0+ h
H0 h
since F1(x) exists then F(x) must be continuous on (a, b). Before you prove the
fundamental theorem of calculus. Look at this definition.
F(x) = ∫xf(t)dt
The above now says to you that you can construct or find an anti-derivative for
f(x) by integration f(x). The next theorem you are going to study will tell you
that you can evaluate the definite integral ∫ahf(x)dx by finding an anti-
derivative for f(x).
Let f(x) be continuous for all xЄ (a, b) If P(x) is an anti-derivative of f(x) for
all xЄ (a, b) then ∫aaf(x)dx = P(b) – P(a)
F(x) – P(x) = C
You are now set to seek or construct anti-derivates F(x) which will evaluate
the definite integral given as ∫abf(x)dx
F(x)= 1 xn+1
=1 (bn+1 – aa+1)
4 2
then ∫12(6x5 – 2x3 – x)dx = [x6 – 1x4 – x2]14
2 2
= 3960.
(ii) ∫ 37 dx
(v) ∫ 13 2 - x dx
(viii) ∫12x2(x-1)dx
(ix) ∫ 14√x+1dx
= x2 – 2x + 1
(ii) ∫ 37 dx
d -1
dx x-2) = (x-2)2
therefore: ∫37dx = [- 1 ]7 = 8-
(x-2) [ x-2]3 10
∫a(a2x2-x4)dx = [ a2 x3 – x5 ]a
3 5]0
= a3 x 3 - a5
3 5
Let F(x) = 1 - 1
x x2
then ∫13 2 – x = [1 – 1 ]3 = 9
x3 [x x 2 ]1 2
(vi) ∫8(√E – 1/t2)dt
Let F(t) = 2t3/2 + 1
3 t
In this unit, you have studied how to define a definite integral. You have seen
the connection between the summation process of finding the area under a
curve and the differentiation of the function representing the area under the
curve. You have studied that the fundamental theorem of integral calculus is
the bridge between the summation process and the differentiation process i.e.
you can find the area under a curve by finding an anti-derivative for the curve.
You have applied the theorem in evaluation of definite integrals.
a b c c b a
(i) ∫a f = 0, (ii) ∫a f + ∫b = ∫a and (iii) ∫a f = -∫b f
(1) ∫ 01(4x – 3)dx
(4) f5√x
Gupta, P.K., and Hira, D.S. (2012). Operations Research, New – Delhi: S.
Chand & Company.
Lucey, T. (1988). Quantitative Techniques: An Instructional Manual, London:
DP Publications.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
common. In this unit and subsequent ones you will study some basic methods
of anti-differentiation.
dy = f(x)
and you were asked to find the function y = F(x). For example you are given
the differential equation.
dy = 2x.
From your experience with differentiation you can easily know that y = x2
since dy = 2x
Interestingly, it is not only y = x² that can be differentiated to give dy = 2x.
dy = 2x
In general any function of this form y = x + c, where C is any constant will
yield a differential equation of this type
dy = 2x
dx is differential equation
Definition 3: If F(x) is an integral of the function f(x) with respect to x so is
the function F(x) + C an integral of f(x) with respect to x, where c is an
arbitrary constant.
dx dx
From the above if y = f(x) is any solution of dy = f(x) then all other solutions
are contained in the formula y= f(x)+C dx where C is an arbitrary constant this
gives rise to the symbol. ∫f(x) dx = f(x) + C – (1) where the symbol S is called
an integral sign (see unit 2). Equation 1 is read the integral of f(x)dx is equal to
f(x) plus C since dy = 2x and a typical
dx dx
= y = x2 + C
and dy = d (x2 + C) = 2x
dx dx
Example: If y = x dy = 1
= ∫dydx = ∫1dx = x + C
In other words, when you integrate the differential of a function you get that
function plus an arbitrary constant.
then dy = 4x3dx integrate both side you get ∫dy = ∫4x3dx but d(x2)=4x3dx.
= dy = (2x + 1) dx
but d(x2 + x) = 2x + 1
(1) dy = x2 – 1 (2) dy = 1 + x
dx dx x2
(3) dy = x (4) dy = 2x + 3
dx y dx
dx dx
dt du
dt dx x2
Solution: dy = x2- 1
= dy (x2 – 1)dx
∫dy = S(x2-1)dx
3 3
(2) dy = 1 + x
dx x2
d(-1 + x2 ) = (1 + x) dx
x 2 x2
y = ∫d(x2 – 1) = x2 - 1 + c
2 x 2 x
(3) dy = x
dx y
∫ydy = ∫x dx
2 2
∫d(y2 ) = ∫d(x2)
2 2
= y 2 = x 2 + C1
2 2
y2 = x2 + 2C1
y2 = x2 + C
(4) dy = 2x + 3
∫dy = ∫ (2 + 3) dx
y = ∫d(x2 + 3x) = x2 + 3x + C
dy = (x2 + √x) dx
3 3 3 3
(6) dy = 3x2 – 2x – 5
dy = 3x2 – 2x – 5
(7) ds = 3t2 – 2t - 6
∫ = ∫d(t3-t2-6t) = t3- t2 – 6t + C
V = ∫d(u5- U3 – U) = U5 – U3 – U + C
(9) dx = 8√x dt
dx = 8√x dt
= ∫dx = ∫8 dt
∫d(2√x) = ∫d(8t)
2√x + Cx = 8t + Ct
2√x = 8t + Cx + Ct
2√x = 8t + C, where C = Cx + Ct
(10) dy = (4x2 – 1)
dx x2
3 x 3 x
So far, you would have been doing much of guess work to find an appropriate
anti-derivative that will fit the answers above you will now be given some
properties of indefinite integral. It would help reduce the amount of guesswork
when evaluating integrals.
∫du = u + c
(2) A constant may be moved across the integral sign Sadu1 = aSdu
(3) The integral of the sum of two differentials is the sum of their integrals
(4) The integral of difference of two differential is the difference of their integrals
(5) As a consequent of 2, 3 and 4 above, you have that ∫a(du+ dv) = a∫du+ a ∫dv
(7) If n is not equal to minus 1, the integral of Undu is obtained by adding one to the
exponent dwindling by the new exponent and adding an arbitrary constant
∫undu = Un+1 = C
= 5x11 – x 9 + x2 + C
11 9
3/2+1 5/2
= 2/5 x5/2
(3) ∫ 3x + 1dx
Let u = 3x+1
then du = 3 = du = 3dx
here dx = du
= 1 2u3/2 = 2U3/2
3 3 9
= 2(3x+1)
(4) ∫√- 1 dx
Let U = 4x – 1 du = 4 = dx = du
dx 4
then ∫√4x-1dx = ∫u ½ du
¼ ∫u ½ du = U ½+1 = 2(4x-1)3/2 + C
½ +1 12
then du = 4, dx = -du
dx 4
= - 1 [2u3/2] = - 1(1-4x)3/2 + C
4 [3 ] 6
(ii) ∫ 3 1 + x dx
then du = 1 du = dx
4 4
(iii) ∫ 5 2x 1 dx let U = 2x + 1
2 6
= 5 (2x + 1)6/5 + C
= 1/5 (4x-2)5/4
Exercise: Evaluate the integrals
(3) ∫ (1 – 4x)1/4 dx
(4) ∫ (4 – 10x)1/10 dx
(5) ∫ (x – 1)1/3dx
dy = f(x) dx
∫dy = Sf(x) dx
y = Sf(x) dx
then y = x2 + C
The graph of y = x2 for C = 0 is given in Fig. 3.1
Y=X2C 3
Y=X2C 4
Fig. 3.1
Yo = xo2+C
i.e. C = yo – xo2 so for any particular point (xo yo) C can be uniquely be determined.
and using some initial conditions based on the market forces to obtain the
constant of integration. Given that
dp/dt = 2 + 3/(2x-1)3
dp = ∫ (2 + 2)dx = ∫ 2+2 dx
(2x-1)3 (2x – 1)3
∫dp = ∫ (2 + 2 ) dx
P = 2x - -1 + C
Since Po = 1 Xo = 1
1 = 2.1 - 1 + C
C = -1/2
Therefore P(x) = 2x – 1 - ½
∫dy = ∫8x7 dx
y = x8 + C
-1 = 1+C
C = x8 – 2
(1) dy/dx = 4x2 – 2x – 5 x = -1, y = 0
(3) dy/dx = x 2 +1 dx x = 1, y = 1
You will study more on application of indefinite integration in the last unit in the course.
(v) y = 2/3x3/2
(3) To evaluate integrals using both the notation and properties of indefinite
(4) To integrate differential equation that are separable.
(5) ∫ x 4 – 1 dx (6) ∫ ( x + 1 ) dx
X6 1+ x
(14) dy/dx = 1 y = 2, x = 1
Gupta, P.K., & Hira, D.S. (2012). Operations Research, New – Delhi: S.
Chand & Company.
Lucey, T. (1988). Quantitative Techniques: An Instructional Manual, London:
DP Publications.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
In the previous unit, you studied the integration of polynomial function and
simple rational function. However, there are some functions whose derivatives
are not very common. Integration of such functions uncommon derivatives can
only be possible by using derivatives of known functions to do the evaluation.
In this unit integration of transcendental and rational function are discussed.
These integration will form part of the basic tools that will be needed in applying
techniques of integration that will be studied in the next unit.
(ii) Evaluate definite and indefinite integrals of sinx, cos x, ex and any
combination of them
In the above u is a differentiable function of x and u>0 for all values of x in the specified
du = x dx
∫ 8x dx = 8 ∫ du
x2-1 2
= 4∫du = 4/u/u∫+C
Example: Find ∫ x 2 - dx
let u = 1+3x3, du = 9x2dx
x2dx = du/9
∫ x 2 dx = ∫du = 1 ∫du
13x3 9 9 u
= 1ln/u/ + C = 1ln/1+3x3/+C
9 9
Example: Find
∫ 8x 3 – 2 dx
let u = x4 – x + 1, du = (4x3 – 1) dv
x4-x+1 x4-x+1 u
= 2ln/u/+C
= 2ln/x4 – x + 1/ + C
Example: Find ∫ (1 – 1 ) dx
(x+1 x+2)
let u = x + 1 and v = x + 2
du = dx du = dx
= ln/u/ - ln/v/ + C
= ln/x+1/ - ln/x+2/ + C
therefore: (x+1) du = dx ∫log(x+1)dx = ∫u. .(x+1)du
x+1 x+1
= ∫udu = ½ u2 + C
= ½ log (x+1)2 + C
3-4x x-5
x2-2 x
(5) ∫4x – 2 dx
x2 – x+1
(5) 2ln/x2 – x + 1/
and du = P (x)dx = g(x)dx
P(v) u
Ln/P(x) + C
3.0.2 THE INTEGRAL ∫ exdu
Recall that de u = de u . du = eu du
dx du dx dx
then de u = eu du
dx dx
= eu + C
dx -du
= -eu + C = e-x C.
dx = du
= ½ e2x + C
3 3
= 3ex/3 + C
Example: ∫4e2xdx Let U = e2x du = 2e2xdx.
= 2e2x + C
= U3 + C = (e x + x) 3 + C
3 3
Example: ∫xex2dx
Let u = x2 du = 2x dx
du = x dx
= ½ eu + C = ½ ex2 + C
(5) ex3 + C
Recall from UNIT 8 of the first course on calculus that for any differentiable function U of
X that
d (sinu) = cosudu
dx dx
d (cosu) = sin2U du
dx dx
d (tanu) = -cosec2udu
dx dx
d(cotu) = -cosec2udu
dx dx
dx dx
d (asecu) = -wsecucotudu
dx dx
Using the above you will integrate the following trigonometric function as
= - cosu C
∫sinu du = -Cosu +C
∫cosudu =sinu = Sinu+C
f(x) dx
cosu cosu
= -∫dv = lnv + C, where v = cosu
(sec u + tan u)
sec u + tan u
tan u + tan u v
sin u sin u
= ln/sinu/ + C
cosecU – cotU
cosec u – cot u
= tan u + C
Example: Find ∫ cos x sin x dx
= u 2 + C = sin 2 x + C
2 2
= ∫u2du = u3 + C
= sec3 x + C
= -∫u2du = -u3 + C
= -cosec3 x + C
= ½ a sin ax2 + C
therefore ∫ sec2 xdx = ∫du = ln/u/+C
1+tanx u
= ln/1+ tanx1 + C
(ii) -2 cos ½ ax + C
(iii) -2cos3x + C
dx √1-x2 dx
to evaluate ∫arc sin u du you have to know how to integrate by part which is
one of the techniques of integration that you will study next unit. For now
You can proceed to make use of the derivative of arc tan x to evaluate special integrals.
Du 1+u2
u2 = a2v2
= arc sin u + C
√(2)2- u2 2
therefore dx = ∫du
a2 + (x + 2)2 a2 + u2
= 1arc tan u + C
a a
= 1 arc tan (x + 2) + C
a a
√a2 + (x-1)2
Let u = x-1 du = dx
√a2+u2 a
= arc sin x – 1 + C
(i) ∫ dx (ii) ∫ dx
16 + 4x2 √9 – 64x2
(iii) ∫ dx (iv) ∫ dx
(v) ∫05dx
8 3
7 5
(v) Π/20
In this unit you have derived the formula for common rational functions and
how to find their integrals. You studied how to derive the integration formula
of trigonometric functions. Evaluation and trigonometric functions were
treated. You also find the integrals of special functions using the inverse
functions of sin x and tan x. The formulas derived in this unit will be used to
study methods and techniques of integration which will be studied in the next
unit of this course.
(v) ∫cot u du = ln/sin u/+C
(viii) ∫eu du = eu + C
√a2-u2 a
and ∫ du = 1 arc tan u + C
a2+u 2 a a
(10) ∫ x cot(x)2dx
2.0 Objectives
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
So far what you have studied in the last two units is to find the function whose
derivative gives you the integral of another function. This process is summed
up in the fundamental theorem of integral calculus. For a review, consider
evaluating the integral ∫f(x)dx what you have studied in unit 2 and 3 is to find a
function f(x) such that d/dx f(x) = f(x) – 1 then F(x)+C = ∫f(x)dx. The process
of finding f(x) that satisfies equation 1 above is the difficult aspect and that is
why differentiation is taught before integration. So far, all you have been doing
is making a good guess for the function F(x) which is dependent on how
familiar you are with differentials of functions. In this unit you will study how
to make the guesswork a lot easier. This will be done by introducing firstly the
use of differentiation formulas alongside their integration formulas, second, by
applying some techniques that will be developed here based on the knowledge
of function as well as their respective derivative. Since it is the anti-derivative
that gives the solution to the integral it is necessary once again you review
basic rules and formulas for derivatives of function in the course calculus I.
The emphasis in this unit would be on developing skills rather than finding
specific answer to any given problem. Therefore as was done in the previous
units a particular example might be solved several times with different
methods. Therefore the examples in this unit have been kept fairly simple so
that you would be able to develop the necessary skills expected of you.
Therefore, what will be done in this unit is to list formulas for differentiation
together with their integration counterparts.
1. du = du dx 1. ∫du = u C
2. d(au) = a du 2. ∫ a du = a ∫ du
5. d(ln u) = du 5. ∫ du = ln /u/ + C
6. a) d(eu) = eu du 6. a) ∫ eu du = eu + C
b) d(au) = au ln a du b) ∫ au du = a u + C
ln a
1 – u2 and ∫ 1 – u2 {-cos-1 u + C
1 – u2
= n n+1 + C
a(n + 1)
a(n + 1)
sin ax a
Interestingly this is the same result arrive at when you derive the formula for
sin ax
In a similar manner you can find ∫cosn ax sin ax dx
Un = cosn ax then
for n ≠ 1
(n + 1)a
cos ax a
= 1 ln/sec ax/ + C
Example: Try finding ∫ sin3 x dx you find out that the above method does not
work because there is cos x side of it to give d (sin x)/ therefore, another
method has to be tried.
= (1 – cos2x) sin x
= -cos x + cos3 x + C
The above give rise to a formula or technique for integrating odd powers of sin
x or cos x
i.e. cos2n+1 x = cos2n x cos x
= ∫ (1 – u2) du.
What follows next is to expand the expression (1-u2) du where u = cos x smf
= sin x – sin3 x + C
3 3
3 3
(ii) ∫ sin5 x dx
2n + 1 = 5 n 2, u = cos x
= ∫ (1 – 2u2 + u4) du
= u – 2u 3 + u 5 + C
3 5
therefore ∫ sin5 x dx = cos x – 2 cos3 + 1 cos5 x + C
3 5
5 15 15
-2 + 1
= cos -1 x + C
= -1 + C
= sec x + C
= ∫ tan2 x (sec2 x – 1) dx
therefore ∫ tan4 x dx = ∫ u2 du - ∫ du - ∫ dx
= u 3- u – x
= 1 tan3 x – tan x + x + C
Therefore, for n = even you can derive the formula using the technique above.
3 2
3 5
In the previous section you have studied how to integrate odd powers of sin x
and cos x. You will attempt to evaluate integrals of even powers of sines and
cosines by applying the same technique used above for odd powers i.e.
= ∫ (u ½ - u) du = 2 u 3/2 - u 2
3 2
3 2
If in the above you have sin4 x instead of sin3 x then you have to evaluate
∫ cos ½ x sin4 x dx
Then using the above method will fail because sin4 x =(1 – cos2 x)2 which give
missing above is –sin x dx = du that goes with the cos x. Therefore, there is a need to use
another trigonometric identity. The one that will be used is given as
Note: The above identities are derived by adding or subtracting the equations
= ∫ [ ½ (1 – cos 2x]2 dx
= ¼ [x – sin 2x + x – 1 sin4 x]
2 8
= 3 x – ¼ sin 2x = 1 sin 4x + C
8 32
Example: Find ∫ sin2 x cos2 x dx
∫ cos2 x dx - ∫ cos4 x dx
2 4
= 3x + . sin 2 x + 1 sin 4x
8 32
2 4 8 32
= 7 x ½ sin 2x + 1 sin 4x + C
8 32
16 64 48
(1) ∫ tanm x secn x dx and
Example: When n is even you write tanm x secn x = tanm x secn-2 x sec2 x and then express
secn-2 in terms of tan2 x using sec2 x + 1 = tan2 x.
= u4 + C = tan4 x + C
4 4
= u 5 – u 3+ C
5 3
= sec 3 x – sec 3 x + C
5 3
you can do the same for cotm x cosecn x in a similar manner. That is for ∫ cotm x cosecn x dx
when n is even you write out cotm x cosecn x = cotm x cosecn-2 cosec x and express cosecn-2
in terms of cot2 x using cosec2 x = cot2 x + 1
= -cot 8 x - -cot 6 x + C
8 6
In similar manner when m and n are both odd you have cotm x cosexn x = cotm-1 x cosecn-1 x
cosec x cot x and then express cotm-1 x in terms of cosec2 x using cot2 x = cosec2 x – 1
= -u 7 + 2 u 5 – u 3 + C
7 5 3
7 5 3
Exercises Find
1. ∫ cot3 x cosec3 x dx
2. ∫ cot3 x cosec2 x dx
3. ∫ tan5 x sec2 x dx
1. -cosec5 x + cosec3 x + C
5 3
2. -cot 4 x + C
3. tan6 x + C
In this unit, you have reviewed differential formulas and their corresponding
integrals. These basic formulas will be used throughout the remaining part of
the course. You have developed techniques of finding integrals of powers of
trigonometric functions by using the trigonometric identities;
You have also studied how to evaluate the products of even powers of sines
and cosines functions. These integrals will be used when developing other
techniques of integration in the next unit of this course.
(vi) Evaluate the integrals of products of even powers of sin x and cos x such
as ∫ cosn x dx, ∫ sinn x dx, ∫ cosn x dx sinm x dx where n or m is even or
both are even.
Gupta, P.K., and Hira, D.S. (2012). Operations Research, New – Delhi: S.
Chand & Company.
Lucey, T. (1988). Quantitative Techniques: An Instructional Manual, London:
DP Publications.
Unit 3: Probability
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Simultaneous Equations
3.2 Linear Functions
3.3 Linear Inequalities
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment
7.0 References/Further Reading
This unit is a continuation of our discussions on mathematical
tools. This focuses on the other aspects of equations and inequalities
that are useful in business and economic decisions.
At the end of this unit, you should be able
explain what simultaneous equation systems are all
describe how simultaneous equation systems are
formulated and solved
analyse business conditions using linear functions
and linear inequalities.
Rearranging equation (1) and (2), we get:
3X – 4Y = 13 (1)
2X + 3Y = 3 (2)
(2) by 3 (the coefficient of X in equation (1), we get:
6X – 8Y = 26 (3)
6X + 9Y = 9 (4)
1. Suppose a factory manager is setting up a production schedule for two models, A
and B, of a new product. Model A requires 4 units of labour input and 9 units of
capital input. Model B requires 5 units of labour input and 14 units of capital input.
The total available labour input for the production of the product is 335 man-
hours per day, and that of capital is 850 units per day. How many of each model
should the manager plan to make each day so that all the available labour hours
and capital inputs are used.
Tabulating the schedule, we get:
4X + 5Y = 335 (1)
9X + 14Y = 850 (2)
Solving for X and Y simultaneously, we
get: Multiplying eq. (1) by 9 and eq. (2)
36X + 45Y = 3015 (3)
36X + 56Y = 3400 (4)
Y = -385 = 35
Substituting for y in eq. (1):
4X + 5(35) = 335
4X + 175 = 335
4X = 335 – 175
4X = 160
X = 40
The solution values, Y = 35 and X = 40 indicate that, according to the specified
constraints, the manager should plan to make 40 units of model A and 35 units of
model B.
(1) Suppose f is a linear function with slope of 2 and f(4) = 8, find f(x).
The linear function is of the form:
f(x) = ax + b Here, a = 2 and
f(4) = 8 = 2(4) + b
Thus, f(x) = 2x + b
= 2x + 0
f(x) = 2x
(2) In testing an experimental diet for hens, it was determined that the average
live weight, w, (in kgs) of a hen was statistically a linear function of the number of
days, d, after the diet was begun,
a) The required function is of the form:
W = f(d) = md + b,
where m is the slope and b is the constant intercept.
By definition, m= - W = W2 - W1
-d d2 - d1
71 4 3
25 1 0 25
w – 4 = 3 (d – 0)
w – 4 = 0.12d
w = 0.12d + 4
Thus, the average weight of a hen for a 10 days period is 5.2 kg.
Solve the inequalities:
(1) 2(X - 3) < 4
(2) 3 – 2X 6
(1) 2(X - 3) < 4
2X - 6 < 4
2X < 4 + 6
2X < 10
2X < 10
2 2
(2) 3 – 2X < 6
-2X + 3 < 6
-2X < 6-3
-2X < 3
-2X < 3
-2 -2
X -3/2
Let X = the amount to be borrowed Then,
current assets = 350,000 +X Current liability =
80,000 + X
By definition,
Thus, according to the specification:
350,000+X 2.5
80,000 + X
Solving, we get:
350,000 + X 2.5 (80,000 + X)
350,000 + X 200,000 + 2.5X
X – 2.5 X 200,000 – 350,000
-1.5 X - 150,000
-1.5 X -150,000
-1.5 -1.5
X ≤ 100,000
Thus, the Managing Director can borrow not more than or as much as
N100, 000 and still maintain a current ratio of not less than 2.5.
Let x = number of copies to be sold.
By definition,
Profit (U ) = R-C
Where R = Revenue from dealers + Revenue from adverts.
Thus, the total number of copies to be sold must be greater than 70,000. That is, at
least 70,001 copies.
This unit has focused on simultaneous equations, linear functions and linear
inequalities as extension to the most basic mathematical tools of quantitative
analysis. The unit looked at these subjects with some emphasis on the practical
business applications.
1. A simultaneous equation system is a set of equations with two or more unknown.
The mostly used method of solving a simultaneous equation system is the so-called
―Addition- Subtraction‖ or ―Elimination‖ method.
The function: Y = f(x) ax+b is an equation of a straight line, with slope = a and Y –
intercept = b.
3. An inequality is simply a statement that two numbers are not
equal. A linear inequality in the variable, X, is an inequality that can
be written in the form:
aX + b<0 or aX + b 0; (a 0).
1.0 Introduction.
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Equality of Matrices
3.2 Matrix Addition
3.3 Scalar Multiplication
3.4 Matrix Multiplication
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment
7.0 References/Further Reading
An understanding of matrices and their operations is essential for input
output analysis in business and economic decisions. It is also essential for
solving complicated problems in simultaneous equation systems. In this unit,
you will just be introduced to the basic rudimentary of matrices, with
some simple applications.
Mat!'lx C _ [1 3 91 _, !'ow mat!'lx
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
State the basic principles of matrix algebra
analyse the important mathematical operations of
apply matrices in business decisions.
GI".~n A,-
Y + 1]
For A = B, X = 2; Y + 1 = 7; 2Z = 4; 5w = 2
If A and B are two matrices with the same dimension, then the sum,
A + B is the matrix obtained by adding the corresponding entries in A
and B.
Jf A_Ii a] and K - 10
tl -a
1'1 3 I [1':1 3Q ]
thm K'A. - sc I" -a _, 4"J -ao
3.4 Matrix Multiplication
Where: C11 = a11b11 + a12b21 + a13b31
C12 = a11b12 + a12b12 + a13b32
C13 = a11b13 + a12b23 + a13b33
C21 = a21b11 + a22b21 + a23b31
C22 = a21b12 + a22b22 + a23b32
C23 = a21b13 + a22b23 + a23b33
1.Suppose the prices in N per unit for products A,B, and C are represented by
the price matrix:
Price of
P =[2 3 4]
(9 X 1)
f 7]a unit's af A
unit'S of B
11 unit'S (lfe
a) What i s t h e t o t a l c o s t o f m a n u f a c t u r i n g a b u s i n e s s
calculator on the East Coast?
b) Calculate the manufacturer‘s total cost of producing the calculators in the two
plant locations.
Question (a) and (b) requires the product matrix:
a) The total cost of manufacturing a Business Calculator in the East
Coast is the entry in D11 = N1.40.
b) The cost matrix, D, indicates that the total cost of producing 1 unit of Business
Calculator is N1.40 in the East Coast, and N1.70
in the West Coast. The cost of producing 1 unit of Standard Calculator is N1.90 in the
East Coast, and N2.30 in the West Coast.
This unit had exposed you to the basic principles of matrices. Of most importance are
the operations in matrices, similar to mathematical operations, including:
You had learned the followings from the unit‘s discussions:
1.Two matrices, A and B, are said to be equal, A = B, if they have the same dimension
and their corresponding entries are equal.
2. If A and B are two matrices with the same dimension, then the
sum, A + B is the matrix obtained by adding the corresponding entries in A and B.
3. If A is an (m x n) matrix and K is a real number (or scalar), then
KA is a scalar multiplication.
4. If A is an (m x n) matrix and B is an (n x p) matrix, the product
AB = C is of dimension (m x p). For this product to exist, the number of
columns in A (that is, n) must equal the number of rows in B (that is, n).
Suppose a building contractor has accepted orders for five ranch style
houses, seven cape cod-style houses and twelve colonial-style houses.
These orders can be represented by the row matrix
Q = [5 7 12]
Furthermore, suppose the raw materials that go into each type of house are
steel, wood, glass, paint, and labour. The entries in the matrix R below
give the number of units of each raw material going into each type of
a) Compute the product, QR, the amount of each raw material needed for
the contract.
b) Suppose that steel costs N15/unit, wood costs N8/unit, glass, paint and
labour cost N5, N1, and N10 per unit respectively. These costs are
represented in the column matrix:
C = 5
Compute the product RC, that is, the cost of each type of house.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Definition of Terms
3.2 Definition of Probability
3.3 Frequentist or Relative Probability
3.4 Bayesian or Subjective Probability
3.5 Axiomatic Probability
3.6 Basic Laws of Probability
3.7 Conditional Probability
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment
7.0 References/Further Reading
So far, you have learnt about measures of location and variability. This prior
knowledge will enhance your understanding of probability. Simply put, all humans
are faced with uncertainty about life; thus, probability theory is a basic component
of decision-making, under uncertainty. From the sciences, arts to the humanities
we are confronted with decision making under uncertainty. The objective of this
unit then, is to present to you the basic concept of probability needed for an
understanding of statistical inference. We shall introduce the subject by
considering probabilities that are based on observed data.
At the end of the unit, you should be able to:
• highlight the role of probability in drawing inferences, in the face of uncertainty
• assign probabilities using classical, relative, Bayesian and axiomatic models
• describe permutation and combination.
e. The union of two sets A and B, is the event M that either A occurs or B occurs
or both occur- M = A U B. For example, if A is the event that the commuter stops
at the first light (see above) and B is the event that he stops at the third light (see
above), therefore: M = {SSS, SSC, SCC, SCS, CCS, CSS}.
f. Impossible events An impossible event is an event that will never happen. It is
represented by φ. For example, T = {x: 0 < 1 x < , x Σ N} is an impossible event,
where N is the set of natural numbers.
g. Sure events or certain event An event that must happen is called sure or certain
event. For example, in tossing a die- T = {x : 1 < x < 6} is a sure event.
h. Mutually exclusive events Two events- P and Q are called mutually exclusive
event or disjointed events if the occurrence of one of them precludes (prevents) the
occurrence of the other. That is, P n Q = φ. For example, in rolling a die, where P
and Q are numbers on the upturned face of the die. Let P = {x : P is even} Q = {x :
Q is odd) Then P n Q = φ, which- when interpreted, P and Q are mutually
i. Complementary events
The complement of an event- Ac, is the event that A does not occur, and thus
consist of all those elements in the sample space that are not in A. That is, if A U
Ac = or Ac = Ω – A. For example, the complement of the event that the commuter
stops at the first light is the event that he continues at the first light. :. Ac = {CCC,
j. Event space (₳)
The set of all possible subset of a sample space is called the event space, it is most
often called the power set in elementary mathematics. For
example, 4 Ω= { a, b ) 78 = {a}, {b}, {a,b}, {φ}} = {(a}, {b} (Ω){φ}}
k. Independent event Two events P and Q are said to be independent if the
occurrence (or non-occurrence) or P has no effect on the occurrence (or non-
occurrence) of Q. For example, toss a coin twice, and each time, observe the face
that shows up. The events- P = {heads in first toss} Q = {heads in second toss}
We, therefore, conclude that the definitions by the classical and relative frequency
schools of thought are based on objectivity.
Let S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
Let P = event that even number occurs
Q = event that odd number occurs
M = event that prime number occurs
L = event that even prime number occurs
F = event that odd prime number occurs
(i) n (S) = 6
P {2, 4, 6}
n (P) = 3
Pr (P) = n (P) = 3 = 1/2
n(S) 6
(ii) Q {1,3,5}
n (Q) = 3
Pr (Q) = n (Q) = 3 = 1/2
n(S) 6
(iii) M{2,3,5}
Example 2 If four fair coins are tossed, find the probability of getting:
i. at least, 3 heads
Solution Let the sample space be S and at least 3 heads, at most one head and
exactly four heads be M, N and O respectively.
Example 3
If A and B are independent events with Pr(A) = 0.05 and Pr(B) = 0.65 Find- Pr
By now, your understanding of the concept of probability should have been
enhanced. Decision- making is paramount in life, in business and research work.
By applying the principles of probability, quality decisions can be easily arrived at.
Your lives are full of choices and better alternative choices indicate a better chance
for improvement and optimum performance. Applying the mathematics of
probabilities you learned in this unit will make a difference. You are going to now
study probability distributions in the next unit.
You have learnt the following key facts in this unit. • Addition rule for mutually
exclusive events- if A and B are two mutually exclusive events, then the probability
of obtaining either A and B is equal to the probability of obtaining A plus the
probability of obtaining B. Pr (A or B) = Pr (A) + Pr (B) • Addition rule for non-
mutually exclusive events- if A and B are non- mutually exclusive events, then we
must subtract the probability of the joint occurrence of A and B from the sum of
their probabilities. Pr (A or B) = Pr (A) + Pr (B) - Pr (A ∩ B) • Bayes‘s rule for
conditional probabilities. A general method for revising prior probabilities in the
light of new information, to provide posterior probabilities. Two events: Pr (B /A)
= Pr (A and B) Pr (A)
Compute Pr (A n B)
iii. In a large sub-urban community, 30% of the large household use Brand A
toothpaste, 27% use Brand B, 25% use Brand C, and 18% use brand D. In the four
groups of households, the proportion of resident who learned about the brand they
use through television advertising are as follows= Brand A, 0.10, Brand B, 0.05,
Brand C, 0.02 and Brand D, 0.05; In a household selected at random from
community, it is found that i. what is the probability that the brand of toothpaste
used in the household is (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D? ii. Use diagram to show the prior
probability, conditional probabilities, and joint probability.