Jobseeker's Benefit (Self-Employed) : Application Form For
Jobseeker's Benefit (Self-Employed) : Application Form For
Jobseeker's Benefit (Self-Employed) : Application Form For
Application form for Data Classification R
1. PPS Number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 X
First names: M A R Y D A V I D
Surname: N O R T O N N O R T O N
Birth surname: M C D E R M O T T N O R T O N
Date of birth: 1 0 0 5 1 9 7 0 2 3 1 1 1 9 7 5
Address: 1 N E W 1 5 G R E E N
If you and your S T R E E T A V E N U E
spouse, civil partner
or cohabitant are not O L D T O W N M A I N R O A D
living together give both
addresses. D O N E G A L C A R L O W
County D O N E G A L C A R L O W
Eircode T 4 2 H 6 8 C C 2 7 U 8 3 M
Nationality: I R I S H C A N A D I A N
Occupation: D E N T I S T
Telephone number: 0 8 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Email address: M M U R P H Y @
W E L F A R E . I E
Social Welfare Services
Application form for Data Classification R
1. PPS Number:
First names:
Birth surname:
Date of birth:
If you and your
spouse, civil partner
or cohabitant are not
living together give both
Telephone number:
Email address:
Some of the following questions may appear similar but they are necessary to complete your application
and to fit our employment support services to your individual needs.
3. Have you made an unemployment claim in the last five years? Yes No
5. Which of the following categories best describes the highest level of education you have completed?
In the last month, go to question 10. Over 5 years ago, go to question 10.
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Part 2 continued Your employment and training details
Less than 1 month. 1 - 2 years.
10. If you are no longer in employment, how long did
your last job last? 1 - 6 months. 2 years or more.
6 - 12 months.
14. Have you ever thought about moving location to take up a job? Yes No
15. Have you any difficulty with reading, writing or numbers? Yes No
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Part 3 Your self-employment details
19. Please state:
Business name:
Employer’s Registration
Business address:
County Eircode
Nature of Business:
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Part 3 continued Your self-employment details
23. What types of self-employment were you doing?
Ceased temporarily.
If no, please tick appropriately:
Ongoing but reduced. Seasonal.
Note: You must supply your most recent profit or loss statement if your business is still trading.
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Part 3 continued Your self-employment details
27. Were the premises: Owned Leased Rented
County Eircode
If you have rental property or land, please answer Questions 31 and 32 below.
If otherwise, move on to Question 33.
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Part 3 continued Your self-employment details
If you have any investments, please answer Question 33 below. If otherwise, move onto Part 4.
If no, has your income from your investments increased or decreased Increased
over the last 12 months? Decreased
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Part 4 Other employment details
Complete Part 4 if you have any other employments now or have had any in the last two years.
If you are currently employed or doing a CE, SOLAS or TÚS scheme, please provide the details asked
for below:
Name of employer:
Address of employer:
County Eircode
Please give details of your employment in the box below. For example, are you on part-time or casual
employment or Short-Time Work Support.
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Part 4 continued Other employment details
35. Have you had any other employment in Ireland in the last two years? Yes No
Name of employer:
Address of employer:
County Eircode
36. Have you had any other employments in another EU country or the
Yes No
UK in the last two years?
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Part 5 continued Details of availability or efforts to find work
38. Are you currently registered with a school, college, or university? Yes No
Name of institution:
Name of course:
39. Are you receiving or have you recently applied for any Social Protection
payments including Working Family Payment, from this department or Yes No
from any other EU member state or the UK?
Type of payment:
Weekly amount: € , .
Source of payment:
Country of payment:
40. Is anyone claiming for you as their qualified adult on their Social
Yes No
Protection payments?
Type of payment:
Claim number:
Weekly amount: € , .
Their PPS Number:
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Your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant’s
Part 6
income details
41. Do you wish to claim an increase for a spouse, civil partner or
Yes No
42. Does your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant have any accounts in
a bank, building society, post office, credit union or any other financial Yes No
institution in Ireland or any other country or any cash savings?
Please attach their latest payslips or Form UP1(f) if self-employed. This form is available from their local
Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Branch Office.
45. Does your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant receive any payment
Yes No
under a Maintenance Grant or a Deed of Covenant?
Source of income:
Weekly amount: € , .
Total amount from redundancy or compensation: € , .
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Your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant’s
Part 6 continued
income details
47. Does your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant have a social protection
Yes No
payment from Ireland or any other country?
Country of payment:
Weekly amount: € , .
Address of issuing office:
County Eircode
48. Does your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant have any houses,
properties or lands not occupied by them, in Ireland or any other Yes No
49. Do you or your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant receive rental income
Yes No
from the property you are living in?
If yes, does your spouse, civil parnter or cohabitant own the property? Yes No
From what date did the person start renting a room in your home?
How much rent do you or your spouse, civil partner or cohabitant
receive per week? € , .
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Part 7 Details of your children
50. Do you wish to apply for an increase for children who normally live with
Yes No
you and who are being supported by you?
Child 1
First names:
Relationship to you:
PPS Number:
Child 2
First names:
Relationship to you:
PPS Number:
Child 3
First names:
Relationship to you:
PPS Number:
Child 4
First names:
Relationship to you:
PPS Number:
Child 5
First names:
Relationship to you:
PPS Number:
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Part 7 continued Details of your children
Child 6
First names:
Relationship to you:
PPS Number:
Child 7
First names:
Relationship to you:
PPS Number:
Important information
If you wish to claim an increase for dependent children, while your spouse, civil partner or
cohabitant is in employment or self-employment, you must submit details of their income such as a copy
of their recent payslip or details of their self-employment.
You must attach written confirmation from the school or college for the children aged 18 to 22, if any.
A separate sheet of paper can be used for details of additional children, if any.
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Part 10 Payment method
You can get your payment direct to your current, deposit or savings account in a financial institution or at
a Post Office of your choice. An account must be in your name or jointly held by you. Please complete one
option below.
Post Office
County Eircode
Financial Institution
Name of financial institution:
Name 1:
Name 2, if any:
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Part 11 Declaration
I declare that:
a) My self-employment activity has ceased.
b) I am capable of, available for and genuinely seeking work.
c) I have not claimed nor am I getting any other benefit, pension or allowance from any source apart from
those shown in this form.
d) I will notify the department if I get work.
I declare that the information given by me on this form is truthful and complete. I understand that if
any of the information I provide is untrue or misleading or if I fail to disclose any relevant information,
I will be required to repay any payment I receive from the department and that I may be prosecuted. I
undertake to immediately advise the department of any change in my circumstances which may affect
my continued entitlement. For example, commencing employment, self-employment or a change in family
Date: 2 0
Your signature, not capital letters.
If you are not able to sign, your mark should be made and witnessed. The witness should sign below.
Date: 2 0
Signature of witness, not capital letters.
Name of witness:
Address of witness:
County Eircode
Warning: If you make a false statement or withhold information, you may be prosecuted leading to a fine,
a prison term or both.
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Part 12 Record of mutual agreements
Between: The Department of Social Protection and
PPS Number:
The department is committed to providing comprehensive employment support and income support
services to its customers. Our goal is to help our customers in two ways: firstly, by providing income
supports during periods of unemployment; and secondly by helping customers find work.
In return we would like you, our customer, to commit yourself to work with us as we work to help you. The
document on this page records our mutual obligations to each other.
• We will do all we can to process claims as • I will work to secure employment at the
quickly and as efficiently as possible. earliest possible opportunity.
• We will pay income support payments as • I will work with the department to agree my
provided for in legislation in an efficient and Personal Progression Plan.
timely manner. • I will attend meetings when invited by the
• We will work to identify suitable department.
employment, work experience or training, • I will follow up on all suggestions and take
educational and personal development up any work placement, work experience,
opportunities for you. training or personal development places
• We will work with you to help you prepare notified to me by the department.
your Personal Progression Plan to assist • I will inform the department immediately if I
you to take the right steps to employment. find work, or if I am no longer available for
• We will monitor and review progress work.
against this plan with you. • I will treat the staff of the department
• We will meet with you normally by with dignity and respect and honour the
appointment and give you fair notice of all confidentiality of my relationship with it.
such appointments. • I will provide the department with all
• We will treat you with dignity and information requested to assess any claim for
respect and honour the confidentiality of income support.
our relationship. • I will abide by the declaration in my
Jobseeker’s Allowance, Jobseeker’s Benefit
or Jobseeker’s Benefit Self-Employed
application form.
By signing below, I understand that failure to adhere to my promises may result in the reduction or
withdrawal of any income support payments which would otherwise be due to me and that I could be
prosecuted for making a false declaration or withholding information in relation to my claim.
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Part 13 Checklist
Have you:
• Submitted your most recent Notice of Assessment if you have one? See Question 22.
• If you are claiming for children between 18 and 22 years of age who are in full-time education,
included a letter from their school or college? See Part 7.
• Provided the details of where you would like to receive your payment? See Part 10.
Depending on your circumstances, some or all of your Jobseekers Benefit Self-Employed payment may
be liable to income tax. However, tax is not charged on increases paid for any dependent children, or on
the first €13 per week of your payment. PRSI and USC are also not charged on payments.
The department pays Jobseekers Benefit Self-Employed without deducting tax. However, the department
notifies the Office of the Revenue Commissioners of the taxable amount of the payment to be taken into
account for income tax purposes. This means you do not have to do anything for the correct tax to be
Information about the taxation of social protection payments is available from the Office of the Revenue
Commissioners and on the Jobs and Pensions page:
Please bring or post this completed application form, along with the relevant supporting documents as
listed on the form, to your local Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Branch Office. You can find the name and
address by visiting
Explanations and terms used in this form are intended as a guide only and are not a legal interpretation.
00K 01-23 Edition: January 2023
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